
After a year since the last major release, we are pleased to announce ARTIQ 3.0.

There were ~1300 commits since 2.0, for many different features such as RTIO DMA that can dramatically improve the throughput of long pulse sequences, and asynchronous RPCs to speed up the reporting results from the core device, and dashboard applet control from experiments.

ARTIQ-3 contains demonstrations on the KC705 board for two new major features that will be fully developed in ARTIQ-4 on the Sinara hardware: distributed RTIO, that enables multi-FPGA many-channel RTIO systems, and the SAWG, a "DDS on steroids" using multi-GSPS DACs connected directly to the FPGA.

We made major improvements to the PDQ waveform generator, which requires ARTIQ-3 but now lives in its own repository:

The core device runtime saw a complete rewrite in Rust, and it now uses a new TCP/IP stack that we developed that should fix stability and performance issues encountered with lwIP.

The complete commit history is at

Functional changes that merit attention and may require user action are described in the release notes:

We recommend that users of ARTIQ 2.Y upgrade to 3.0. We plan to release ARTIQ 2.5 soon, after which we will cease maintainance on the 2.Y releases.

The pre-built packages are available under the "main" conda label.
Instructions on how to get started with ARTIQ are at

Due to conda problems, 32-bit Windows packages are no longer available, and may come back after Python 3.6 support lands (#652).

We do not plan to add features to the release-3 branch and subsequent
3.Y release that change behavior or APIs: the focus will be on bugs.
We will continue to track those at:

As always, please report issues and bugs through the usual channels.

Meanwhile work is continuing towards ARTIQ 4.0 and several new
features are already implemented. ARTIQ-4 will contain support for the new Sinara hardware (Sayma, Metlino, Kasli and their peripherals) plus a new, more scalable RTIO architecture (#778).

Please feel free to forward this message to other interested users.

The ARTIQ team.
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