Dear 董杉彬,

Which exact ARTS version are you using?

I assume the linker error about gzread, gzopen, gzclose and gzwrite says 
something like "Unresolved symbol? Sorry, my Chinese is a bit rusty. ;-)

As the error appears with a test_* target, which is only needed for internal 
testing, please try to only compile the arts executable and see if the same 
error occurs (which I expect, but let's give it a try anyway):

make arts

or even:

LC_ALL=C make arts

The second command should give error messages in English. :-)

The error in your attached CMakeError.log file about no-return-type-c-linkage 
can be ignored. This is only a test to see if the compiler supports it. It's 
only needed for older compiler versions.

I don't really have a clue yet why you get the linker errors you're seeing. To 
further diagnose the issue please send me the following:

1) The full cmake commandline including all the options you passed to it.

2) Your PATH variable, to see if anything potentially causing issues:

echo $PATH

3) The output of the following command to double check that the dependency 
libraries are correctly installed:

dpkg -l zlib1g-dev libnetcdf-dev liblapack-dev libblas-dev

Hopefully these will help us to the bottom of the issue.


> On 17 Oct 2018, at 16:20, 董杉彬 <> wrote:
> Dear Mr/Mrs:
>       I am a student who study in Wuhan,China,When I install the ARTS 
> software,there are some bugs appearing.Here are the log files in the appendix.
> My computer operating system is ubuntu 18.04,I have already install the ZLIB 
> and NETCDF completely.The fortran compiler and gcc compiler is version 7.
>       I am looking forward to your early reply!
> <92393...@d57d0b65.3345c75b.png.jpg>
> <92393...@d57d0b65.3345c75b.png.jpg><error.png><CMakeError.log><CMakeOutput.log>_______________________________________________
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