Re: Almost there

2015-07-15 Thread Anton Vodonosov
All my lisps finished, reports are updated.
The summary remains the same.

The lisp tested:


Best regards,
- Anton

13.07.2015, 17:52, Anton Vodonosov
 13.07.2015, 05:01, Robert P. Goldman
  I'm afraid I've forgotten: would you please send out the results URL(a)?

 Ah, sorry, you were not CC'ed.

 Faré contacted me for help when he wanted to run cl-test-grid
 tests himself, and we ended up testing that version (d70a8f8).

 The reports for the current version (c3f7c73) are below.

 The summary is that I see no errors caused by new ASDF.

 The only regression you may be interested in is COMMON-LISP:TYPE-ERROR : 
 value NIL is not of the expected type STRUCTURE.
 occurring on CCL 1.8.

 It happens because (I think) new ASDF restores special variable values
 after .asd file is loaded.

 CCL 1.8 initializes *PRINT-PPRINT-DISPATCH* to NIL, causing
 (SET-PPRINT-DISPATCH ...) to fail with this error, unless
 somebody initialized *PRINT-PPRINT-DISPATCH* e.g. by

 This is CCL bug #784 (and duplicated as #960).

 The file ~/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/nst-4.0.2/ext/defdoc/defdoc.asd
 uses this workaround. But with new ASDF, when one of it's fasl files is loaded
 (nst-4.0.3/ext/defdoc/lisp/core/output.lx32fsl), *PRINT-PPRINT-DISPATCH* is 
 I.e. the workaround has no effect.

 The reports:

 Full diff

 As you see, there are many improvements on old lisps just because
 many systems use new ASDF features not provided by the ASDF version
 shipped with those old lisp impls.

 For convenience, here is the diff report including only the tests
 which fail on new ASDF:

 I marked by yellow notes the failures I think not necessary to consider.

 Some tests are still running, I will report as they finish.

 Best regards,
 - Anton

   On Jul 12, 2015, at 20:34, Anton Vodonosov wrote:

   10.07.2015, 12:20, Anton Vodonosov
   10.07.2015, 06:06, Faré
    Dear lispers,

    we're ready to bless ASDF as release 3.1.5, and now is a good
    time to test it before it's too late. Anton, do you have time and/or
    resource for a run of cl-test-grid?

   Yes, I've started the tests.

   Some lisps are finished already:


   So far I see no difference from the git version d70a8f8
   we tested recently (off the mailing lists).

   Other (elder) lisps are still running. I will report as they finish.

   Best regards,
   - Anton

Re: Almost there

2015-07-15 Thread Attila Lendvai
 Well, if we change the API to add a boolean slot to SYSTEM, we could

this may be naive, but what i meant is a very simple change:
introduce an exported SYSTEM-MUTABLE-P, together with a SETF version,
that messes around with the current hashtable based implementation.

IOW, it's pretty much just a rename of REGISTER-IMMUTABLE-SYSTEM -
(SETF SYSTEM-MUTABLE-P), and a new SYSTEM-MUTABLE-P that queries the
internal hashtable. the (setf ... false) version may be a
not-yet-implemented error if there's too much state to mess around
with before this release.

moving to a slot based implementation is another story that can be
delayed, and may not even be preferable (e.g. what if someone
sometimes wants a set of systems to be immutable, and some other time
not? although, this also applies to every slot of SYSTEM, so...).

 remove REGISTER-IMMUTABLE-SYSTEM, and make it the responsibility of
 the user to create the system, whether through
 register-preloaded-system or not. Actually, if the slot has an initarg
 keyword, then you can use register-preloaded-system directly to create
 an immutable system if not already present, or you'll have to use setf
 to make an otherwise existing one immutable.

 I'd rather you just release what we have for now, but if you want, I
 can make those changes before 3.1.5 (or after).

another alternative is to just keep all these symbols private and
delay their exporting. optionally multiple variants could be added but
not exported, so that early adaptors can already use the
to-be-published API by using ASDF:: prefix. probably it's only the two
of us participating in this thread who are using this new feature.

an untested sketch is attached that merely renames what's already
there, and errors at (setf ... false).

but to reiterate: i don't have hard feelings about this. i'm just
trying to help avoiding the publishing of a confusing name that will
be much harder to change down the road.

• attila lendvai
• PGP: 963F 5D5F 45C7 DFCD 0A39
“All war is a symptom of man's failure as a thinking animal.”
― John Steinbeck (1902–1968)
diff --git a/find-system.lisp b/find-system.lisp
index 04b63f4..e40854e 100644
--- a/find-system.lisp
+++ b/find-system.lisp
@@ -129,20 +129,28 @@ downgrade, before you dump an image, use:
 but not loaded in memory
:format-arguments (list name))
-  (defun register-immutable-system (system-name key (version t))
-(let* ((system-name (coerce-name system-name))
-   (registered-system (cdr (system-registered-p system-name)))
-   (default-version? (eql version t))
-   (version (cond ((and default-version? registered-system)
-   (component-version registered-system))
-  (default-version? nil)
-  (t version
-  (unless registered-system
-(register-system (make-preloaded-system system-name (list :version version
-  (register-preloaded-system system-name :version version)
-  (unless *immutable-systems*
-(setf *immutable-systems* (list-to-hash-set nil)))
-  (setf (gethash (coerce-name system-name) *immutable-systems*) t)))
+  (defun system-mutable-p (system-name)
+(let ((system-name (coerce-name system-name)))
+  (or (sysdef-preloaded-system-search system-name)
+  (and *immutable-systems*
+   (gethash system-name *immutable-systems*)
+  (defun (setf system-mutable-p) (new-value system-name key (version t))
+(if new-value
+(let* ((system-name (coerce-name system-name))
+   (registered-system (cdr (system-registered-p system-name)))
+   (default-version? (eql version t))
+   (version (cond ((and default-version? registered-system)
+   (component-version registered-system))
+  (default-version? nil)
+  (t version
+  (unless registered-system
+(register-system (make-preloaded-system system-name (list :version version
+  (register-preloaded-system system-name :version version)
+  (unless *immutable-systems*
+(setf *immutable-systems* (list-to-hash-set nil)))
+  (setf (gethash (coerce-name system-name) *immutable-systems*) t))
+(error Not yet implemented: (SETF SYSTEM-MUTABLE-P) with false new-value.)))
   (defun clear-system (system)
 Clear the entry for a SYSTEM in the database of systems previously loaded,

Re: Almost there

2015-07-15 Thread Robert Goldman
On 7/15/15 Jul 15 -2:23 PM, Attila Lendvai wrote:
 Well, if we change the API to add a boolean slot to SYSTEM, we could
 this may be naive, but what i meant is a very simple change:
 introduce an exported SYSTEM-MUTABLE-P, together with a SETF version,
 that messes around with the current hashtable based implementation.

I looked at that, but it looks like the actual code fuses a bunch of
stuff about *looking up* a system (the system argument is a system name)
together with actually making the system immutable.

I think if we were to do what you want, instead of doing a half-way job
by just renaming what's there and adding a SETF method, it would make a
lot more sense to decouple the lookup from the setting, and have
SYSTEM-MUTABLE-P take a real *SYSTEM* as argument, instead of having an
odd API where only a system-NAME is acceptable.

Then there's the question of what to do with the :VERSION argument when
we pass a real system, and when SYSTEM-IMMUTABLE-P is used in a query mode.

I started banging on this, and the alarm bells for this is an
ill-thought-out hack that you will regret later began to go off.

So I'd prefer to do a good job of this, later, instead of digging myself
another hole I'll have to fill in later.

I think having a confusing name that we deprecate is better than taking
the good name, and implementing something bad on it.  This way we can
think about a better API and put the better API on the better name.


 IOW, it's pretty much just a rename of REGISTER-IMMUTABLE-SYSTEM -
 (SETF SYSTEM-MUTABLE-P), and a new SYSTEM-MUTABLE-P that queries the
 internal hashtable. the (setf ... false) version may be a
 not-yet-implemented error if there's too much state to mess around
 with before this release.
 moving to a slot based implementation is another story that can be
 delayed, and may not even be preferable (e.g. what if someone
 sometimes wants a set of systems to be immutable, and some other time
 not? although, this also applies to every slot of SYSTEM, so...).
 remove REGISTER-IMMUTABLE-SYSTEM, and make it the responsibility of
 the user to create the system, whether through
 register-preloaded-system or not. Actually, if the slot has an initarg
 keyword, then you can use register-preloaded-system directly to create
 an immutable system if not already present, or you'll have to use setf
 to make an otherwise existing one immutable.

 I'd rather you just release what we have for now, but if you want, I
 can make those changes before 3.1.5 (or after).
 another alternative is to just keep all these symbols private and
 delay their exporting. optionally multiple variants could be added but
 not exported, so that early adaptors can already use the
 to-be-published API by using ASDF:: prefix. probably it's only the two
 of us participating in this thread who are using this new feature.
 an untested sketch is attached that merely renames what's already
 there, and errors at (setf ... false).
 but to reiterate: i don't have hard feelings about this. i'm just
 trying to help avoiding the publishing of a confusing name that will
 be much harder to change down the road.

Re: Almost there

2015-07-15 Thread Attila Lendvai
 SYSTEM-MUTABLE-P take a real *SYSTEM* as argument, instead of having an
 odd API where only a system-NAME is acceptable.


CL-USER (asdf:coerce-name (asdf:find-system :hu.dwim.def))

 I think having a confusing name that we deprecate is better than taking
 the good name, and implementing something bad on it.  This way we can
 think about a better API and put the better API on the better name.

i thought (and stated previously, with a doubt) that RIS is something
new, but now that i double checked i realized it's already there since
2014 aug, exported:

it's a lost case then, it's already published, so there's no way other
than the deprecation way. in that case it's not an urgent issue, just
put it on the TODO.

sorry for the noise!

• attila lendvai
• PGP: 963F 5D5F 45C7 DFCD 0A39
“Many people believe that evil is the presence of something. I think
it’s the absence of something.”
— Lisa Unger (1970–), 'Sliver of Truth'

Re: Almost there

2015-07-15 Thread Faré
On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 10:32 PM, Attila Lendvai wrote:
 SYSTEM-MUTABLE-P take a real *SYSTEM* as argument, instead of having an
 odd API where only a system-NAME is acceptable.


 CL-USER (asdf:coerce-name (asdf:find-system :hu.dwim.def))

 I think having a confusing name that we deprecate is better than taking
 the good name, and implementing something bad on it.  This way we can
 think about a better API and put the better API on the better name.

 i thought (and stated previously, with a doubt) that RIS is something
 new, but now that i double checked i realized it's already there since
 2014 aug, exported:

 it's a lost case then, it's already published, so there's no way other
 than the deprecation way. in that case it's not an urgent issue, just
 put it on the TODO.

It's been written last august, but in a branch that was rebased into
master around, so not all is lost. The only user so far is
Dave Cooper, and he's watching the list, so we can safely change the
API. The deeper question is: what exactly is the API we want?

Now that I look at the code, I believe one reason that
register-immutable-system works the way it does is so as to still work
after all systems are cleared, e.g. by a non-backward-compatible asdf
upgrade. See the (register-hook-function '*post-upgrade-cleanup-hook*
'clear-defined-systems nil) form in asdf/find-system.

—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •ReflectionCybernethics•
Never abandon a theory that explains something until you have a theory that
explains more.  — John McCarthy

Re: Almost there

2015-07-14 Thread Robert Goldman
On 7/10/15 Jul 10 -8:34 AM, Faré wrote:
 We did add better immutable-system support thanks to Dave Cooper,

 is this meant to be the final public API (an exported global variable
 that holds a hashtable)?

 The final API is
 (register-immutable-system foo)
 and, I suppose,
 (sysdef-immutable-system-search foo)
 though I forgot to export said function... fixed.
 maybe a simple defun SYSTEM-MUTABLE-P and a setf variant would be better?

 Maybe. I'll let Robert decide if he wants a way to make a system
 mutable no more.
 Up until now, the usage scenario was that systems would transition one
 way only from mutable to immutable,
 as you prepare an image for delivery.

I'm reluctant to add more code unless there's a demonstrated need for
the functionality.  I'd remind everyone that ASDF has ballooned in size
and for all our efforts that inevitably means it has collapsed in

If you'd like an extension to provide either introspection or
mutabilification, please file an enhancement ticket.  But unless you
provide a use-case with it, it is likely to get short shrift.

Certainly I don't want to hold the 3.1.5 release any longer for such an


Re: Almost there

2015-07-14 Thread Faré
On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 3:40 PM, Attila Lendvai wrote:
 no, i'm fine with the functinality of REGISTER-IMMUTABLE-SYSTEM.

 what i wasn't fine with is an exported global holding a hashtable, and
 at that time i hadn't noticed RIS because i was expecting a different
 name. REGISTER-IMMUTABLE-SYSTEM doesn't register any systems, it
 rather marks a system, that is already known by asdf, immutable. it's
 a different story that the implementation registers it in a hashtable
 as opposed to e.g. setting a flag on the system object.

Sorry, I don't remember why I did it with a hash-table rather than by
adding a boolean slot to the class SYSTEM. I believe the rationale was
that like with register-preloaded-system, you might want to the system
compilation product as a monolithic .fasl and register without even
having to a define with defsystem in the current image.

In any case, the current API is REGISTER-IMMUTABLE-SYSTEM and

 so, before i knew about RIS, i proposed an API that i still think
 would be better, namely SYSTEM-MUTABLE-P.

 if it's still feasible i suggest to replace REGISTER-IMMUTABLE-SYSTEM
 with (SETF SYSTEM-MUTABLE-P) and stop exporting *IMMUTABLE-SYSTEMS*.

I think it's too late to make changes for 3.1.5.

Indeed, it's probably a bad idea to export *IMMUTABLE-SYSTEMS*. Maybe
to late to fix in 3.1.5, but hopefully will be fixed in 3.2.

—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •ReflectionCybernethics•
Ask not what the government can do for you. Ask what the government is doing
to you. — David Friedman, The Machinery of Freedom, p. 21

Re: Almost there

2015-07-14 Thread Attila Lendvai
 maybe a simple defun SYSTEM-MUTABLE-P and a setf variant would be better?

 Maybe. I'll let Robert decide if he wants a way to make a system
 mutable no more.
 Up until now, the usage scenario was that systems would transition one
 way only from mutable to immutable,
 as you prepare an image for delivery.

 I'm reluctant to add more code unless there's a demonstrated need for
 the functionality.  I'd remind everyone that ASDF has ballooned in size
 and for all our efforts that inevitably means it has collapsed in

 If you'd like an extension to provide either introspection or
 mutabilification, please file an enhancement ticket.  But unless you
 provide a use-case with it, it is likely to get short shrift.

no, i'm fine with the functinality of REGISTER-IMMUTABLE-SYSTEM.

what i wasn't fine with is an exported global holding a hashtable, and
at that time i hadn't noticed RIS because i was expecting a different
name. REGISTER-IMMUTABLE-SYSTEM doesn't register any systems, it
rather marks a system, that is already known by asdf, immutable. it's
a different story that the implementation registers it in a hashtable
as opposed to e.g. setting a flag on the system object.

so, before i knew about RIS, i proposed an API that i still think
would be better, namely SYSTEM-MUTABLE-P.

if it's still feasible i suggest to replace REGISTER-IMMUTABLE-SYSTEM
with (SETF SYSTEM-MUTABLE-P) and stop exporting *IMMUTABLE-SYSTEMS*.

• attila lendvai
• PGP: 963F 5D5F 45C7 DFCD 0A39
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life
and you will call it fate.”
— Carl Jung (1875–1961)

Re: Almost there

2015-07-14 Thread Robert Goldman
On 7/14/15 Jul 14 -3:58 PM, Dave Cooper wrote:
  if it's still feasible i suggest to replace REGISTER-IMMUTABLE-SYSTEM
  with (SETF SYSTEM-MUTABLE-P) and stop exporting *IMMUTABLE-SYSTEMS*.
 I think it's too late to make changes for 3.1.5.
 Indeed, it's probably a bad idea to export *IMMUTABLE-SYSTEMS*. Maybe
 to late to fix in 3.1.5, but hopefully will be fixed in 3.2.
 Ask not what the government can do for you. Ask what the government
 is doing
 to you. — David Friedman, The Machinery of Freedom, p. 21
 I think either way will work for us, but if register-immutable-system
 goes away, it will mean an application code change for us. We are not
 accessing *immutable-sytems* directly, so no worries there whether it's
 exported or not. 
 We do call register-immutable-systems, however. 
 For the record, here is how we are using it:
 We make pre-built Gendl or Genworks GDL distributions which do not
 include any ASDF or Quicklisp at all, but they are built with
 monolithic-compile-bundles generated using asdf in our build environment. 
 For downstream users of prebuilt distributions who then want to load
 ASDF and Quicklisp, we provide a function, load-quicklisp, which we
 ask users to call, rather than directly loading the quicklisp/setup.lisp
 This function takes a :path keyword argument which defaults to the
 location of the quicklisp/ directory which we ship with our system. So
 if the user wants to use a different quicklisp/ directory (unsupported
 by us if they pick a different quicklisp version than what we built with
 and shipped), they can do it with that :path argument. The more usual
 case is that they copy our shipped quicklisp/ directory into a location
 where they have write access, because they want to put stuff into its
 local-projects/ or do other things which require write-access to the
 quicklisp/ directory. 
 The :path binds the dynamic variable *quicklisp-home*, as used in the
 following code: 
 (load (merge-pathnames setup.lisp *quicklisp-home*))
 (defclass asdf::gdl (asdf::cl-source-file) ((type :initform gdl)))
 (defclass asdf::gendl (asdf::cl-source-file) ((type :initform gendl)))
 (defclass asdf::lisp (asdf::cl-source-file) ())
 (let ((preloaded gdl::*already-loaded-systems*))
   (dolist (system preloaded) 
 (asdf/find-system:register-immutable-system system)))
 So as you can see, we maintain a variable gdl::*already-loaded-systems*
 (which probably ought to be exported, now that I mention it), which is
 used to establish the immutable-systems upon loading of quicklisp and
 asdf into the prebuilt image. And we do a few other extra initialization
 things after loading the quicklisp/setup.lisp. 

I'm inclined to remove the export of *IMMUTABLE-SYSTEMS*.  It hasn't
been used in a released version of ASDF AFAIK, so it seems benign to
remove it.


Re: Almost there

2015-07-14 Thread Robert Goldman
On 7/14/15 Jul 14 -6:04 PM, Attila Lendvai wrote:
 I'm inclined to remove the export of *IMMUTABLE-SYSTEMS*.  It hasn't
 been used in a released version of ASDF AFAIK, so it seems benign to
 remove it.
 isn't that also the case for REGISTER-IMMUTABLE-SYSTEM?
 if that export sticks in the release then it'll be a headache down the
 road (assuming that it is indeed an unfortunate name and not just my
 lone opinion).

OK, I just had a look at rewriting REGISTER-IMMUTABLE-SYSTEM and it is
*not* amenable to a rewrite as a setf-able predicate.  There are all
kinds of side-effecting in that code that would have to be disentangled
to make the query form of that function work.

If anyone is interested in carrying this through, I'm attaching my
abortive version of find-system.lisp with the beginnings of a rewrite.

But it's way more than I want to do before 3.1.5 is released.

Attila, if you care enough, LMK when you think you could submit a patch.
 Otherwise we go with what we have (except I remove the export of


 Finding systems

(uiop/package:define-package :asdf/find-system
  (:recycle :asdf/find-system :asdf)
  (:use :uiop/common-lisp :uiop :asdf/upgrade
:asdf/cache :asdf/component :asdf/system)
   #:remove-entry-from-registry #:coerce-entry-to-directory
   #:coerce-name #:primary-system-name #:coerce-filename
   #:find-system #:locate-system #:load-asd
   #:system-registered-p #:register-system #:registered-systems #:clear-system 
   #:missing-component #:missing-requires #:missing-parent
   #:formatted-system-definition-error #:format-control #:format-arguments 
   #:load-system-definition-error #:error-name #:error-pathname 
   #:*system-definition-search-functions* #:search-for-system-definition
   #:*central-registry* #:probe-asd #:sysdef-central-registry-search
   #:contrib-sysdef-search #:sysdef-find-asdf ;; backward compatibility 
symbols, functions removed
   #:sysdef-preloaded-system-search #:register-preloaded-system 
   #:register-immutable-system ; DEPRECATED
   ;; #:*immutable-systems* REMOVED
   #:*defined-systems* #:clear-defined-systems
   ;; defined in source-registry, but specially mentioned here:
   #:initialize-source-registry #:sysdef-source-registry-search))
(in-package :asdf/find-system)

(with-upgradability ()
  (declaim (ftype (function (optional t) t) initialize-source-registry)) ; 
forward reference

  (define-condition missing-component (system-definition-error)
((requires :initform (unnamed) :reader missing-requires :initarg 
 (parent :initform nil :reader missing-parent :initarg :parent)))

  (define-condition formatted-system-definition-error (system-definition-error)
((format-control :initarg :format-control :reader format-control)
 (format-arguments :initarg :format-arguments :reader format-arguments))
(:report (lambda (c s)
   (apply 'format s (format-control c) (format-arguments c)

  (define-condition load-system-definition-error (system-definition-error)
((name :initarg :name :reader error-name)
 (pathname :initarg :pathname :reader error-pathname)
 (condition :initarg :condition :reader error-condition))
(:report (lambda (c s)
   (format s (compatfmt ~@Error while trying to load definition 
for system ~A from pathname ~A: ~3i~_~A~@:)
   (error-name c) (error-pathname c) (error-condition c)

  (defun sysdef-error (format rest arguments)
(error 'formatted-system-definition-error :format-control
   format :format-arguments arguments))

  (defun coerce-name (name)
(typecase name
  (component (component-name name))
  (symbol (string-downcase (symbol-name name)))
  (string name)
  (t (sysdef-error (compatfmt ~@Invalid component designator: 
~3i~_~A~@:) name

  (defun primary-system-name (name)
;; When a system name has slashes, the file with defsystem is named by
;; the first of the slash-separated components.
(first (split-string (coerce-name name) :separator /)))

  (defun coerce-filename (name)
(frob-substrings (coerce-name name) '(/ : \\) --))

  (defvar *defined-systems* (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
This is a hash table whose keys are strings, being the
names of the systems, and whose values are pairs, the first
element of which is a universal-time indicating when the
system definition was last updated, and the second element
of which is a system object.)

  (defun system-registered-p (name)
(gethash (coerce-name name) *defined-systems*))

  (defun registered-systems ()
(loop :for registered :being :the :hash-values :of *defined-systems*
  :collect (coerce-name (cdr registered

  (defun register-system 

Re: Almost there

2015-07-14 Thread Faré
 (load (merge-pathnames setup.lisp *quicklisp-home*))
Minor nit: this code isn't compliant ANSI CL.
(make-pathname :name setup :type lisp :defaults *quicklisp-home*)
is the compliant version.
Indeed, if *default-pathname-defaults* has non-null HOST and DEVICE
that differ from *quicklisp-home*, you lose;
and you can't explicitly specify :HOST NIL yourself, it's not portable.

And that's the reason for UIOP:MERGE-PATHNAMES* and UIOP:SUBPATHNAME;
but you can't use them when ASDF isn't loaded yet.

—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •ReflectionCybernethics•
The hacker: someone who figured things out and made something cool happen.
— Alan Schmitt

Re: Almost there

2015-07-14 Thread Attila Lendvai
 I'm inclined to remove the export of *IMMUTABLE-SYSTEMS*.  It hasn't
 been used in a released version of ASDF AFAIK, so it seems benign to
 remove it.

isn't that also the case for REGISTER-IMMUTABLE-SYSTEM?

if that export sticks in the release then it'll be a headache down the
road (assuming that it is indeed an unfortunate name and not just my
lone opinion).

• attila lendvai
• PGP: 963F 5D5F 45C7 DFCD 0A39
“There is no such thing as the government. There are only a group of
people who refer to themselves as the government and act in a
governmental manner.”
― Murray N. Rothbard (1926–1995)

Re: Almost there

2015-07-14 Thread Dave Cooper
 How would people feel about keeping REGISTER-IMMUTABLE-SYSTEM now (so as
 not to break existing Genworks code), with it becoming deprecated later?
  We would immediately put in IMMUTABLE-SYSTEM-P, as Attila suggests, as
 a the permanent name?

If we are the only ones using it then you can also just go ahead and get
rid of it right now. We don't have the code out in the wild, and can
future-proof what goes out from now on.

My Best,

Dave Cooper,
+1 248-330-2979

Re: Almost there

2015-07-14 Thread Faré
On Tue, Jul 14, 2015 at 8:34 PM, Robert Goldman wrote:
 On 7/14/15 Jul 14 -6:04 PM, Attila Lendvai wrote:
 I'm inclined to remove the export of *IMMUTABLE-SYSTEMS*.  It hasn't
 been used in a released version of ASDF AFAIK, so it seems benign to
 remove it.

 isn't that also the case for REGISTER-IMMUTABLE-SYSTEM?

Well, note that I exported *IMMUTABLE-SYSTEMS* from ASDF/FIND-SYSTEM
but *not* from ASDF/INTERFACE (aka ASDF). I believe that was appropriate;
but I don't strongly defend this export, either.

 if that export sticks in the release then it'll be a headache down the
 road (assuming that it is indeed an unfortunate name and not just my
 lone opinion).

 OK, I just had a look at rewriting REGISTER-IMMUTABLE-SYSTEM and it is
 *not* amenable to a rewrite as a setf-able predicate.  There are all
 kinds of side-effecting in that code that would have to be disentangled
 to make the query form of that function work.

Well, if we change the API to add a boolean slot to SYSTEM, we could
remove REGISTER-IMMUTABLE-SYSTEM, and make it the responsibility of
the user to create the system, whether through
register-preloaded-system or not. Actually, if the slot has an initarg
keyword, then you can use register-preloaded-system directly to create
an immutable system if not already present, or you'll have to use setf
to make an otherwise existing one immutable.

I'd rather you just release what we have for now, but if you want, I
can make those changes before 3.1.5 (or after).

—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •ReflectionCybernethics•
There are two kinds of problems with a tool: either it should do a thing and
doesn't, or it shouldn't do a thing yet does. The first kind seems just a
limitation, you can address or tolerate it. The other one feels like the tool
is your enemy. — Michael Raskin

Re: Almost there

2015-07-14 Thread Robert Goldman
On 7/14/15 Jul 14 -6:04 PM, Attila Lendvai wrote:
 I'm inclined to remove the export of *IMMUTABLE-SYSTEMS*.  It hasn't
 been used in a released version of ASDF AFAIK, so it seems benign to
 remove it.
 isn't that also the case for REGISTER-IMMUTABLE-SYSTEM?
 if that export sticks in the release then it'll be a headache down the
 road (assuming that it is indeed an unfortunate name and not just my
 lone opinion).

How would people feel about keeping REGISTER-IMMUTABLE-SYSTEM now (so as
not to break existing Genworks code), with it becoming deprecated later?
 We would immediately put in IMMUTABLE-SYSTEM-P, as Attila suggests, as
a the permanent name?


Re: Almost there

2015-07-13 Thread Anton Vodonosov
13.07.2015, 05:01, Robert P. Goldman
 I'm afraid I've forgotten: would you please send out the results URL(a)?

Ah, sorry, you were not CC'ed.

Faré contacted me for help when he wanted to run cl-test-grid
tests himself, and we ended up testing that version (d70a8f8).

The reports for the current version (c3f7c73) are below.

The summary is that I see no errors caused by new ASDF.

The only regression you may be interested in is COMMON-LISP:TYPE-ERROR : value 
NIL is not of the expected type STRUCTURE.
occurring on CCL 1.8.

It happens because (I think) new ASDF restores special variable values
after .asd file is loaded.

CCL 1.8 initializes *PRINT-PPRINT-DISPATCH* to NIL, causing
(SET-PPRINT-DISPATCH ...) to fail with this error, unless
somebody initialized *PRINT-PPRINT-DISPATCH* e.g. by  

This is CCL bug #784 (and duplicated as #960).

The file ~/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/nst-4.0.2/ext/defdoc/defdoc.asd
uses this workaround. But with new ASDF, when one of it's fasl files is loaded
(nst-4.0.3/ext/defdoc/lisp/core/output.lx32fsl), *PRINT-PPRINT-DISPATCH* is nil.
I.e. the workaround has no effect.

The reports:

Full diff

As you see, there are many improvements on old lisps just because
many systems use new ASDF features not provided by the ASDF version
shipped with those old lisp impls.

For convenience, here is the diff report including only the tests
which fail on new ASDF:

I marked by yellow notes the failures I think not necessary to consider.

Some tests are still running, I will report as they finish.

Best regards,
- Anton

  On Jul 12, 2015, at 20:34, Anton Vodonosov wrote:

  10.07.2015, 12:20, Anton Vodonosov
  10.07.2015, 06:06, Faré
   Dear lispers,

   we're ready to bless ASDF as release 3.1.5, and now is a good
   time to test it before it's too late. Anton, do you have time and/or
   resource for a run of cl-test-grid?

  Yes, I've started the tests.

  Some lisps are finished already:


  So far I see no difference from the git version d70a8f8
  we tested recently (off the mailing lists).

  Other (elder) lisps are still running. I will report as they finish.

  Best regards,
  - Anton

Re: Almost there

2015-07-12 Thread Robert Goldman
On 7/12/15 Jul 12 -1:17 PM, Faré wrote:
 On Sun, Jul 12, 2015 at 1:24 PM, Robert Goldman wrote:
 This sounds like a good point.  Should we do this in the cover letter,
 the changelog, manual, or some combination?

 My guess is that relatively few people actually upgrade their ASDFs in
 place -- most just get ASDF from their implementation.  But that's not
 an excuse for making them miserable.

 Faré, do you have a sentence about the change in location that I could use?

 What about this?
 If you are using Windows and taking advantage of the default search
 path for the configuration and/or source-registry, then mind that this
 path has just changed in incompatible ways. If you have configuration
 files, you may have to move or copy them from
 $LOCALAPPDATA/common-lisp/config/ to
 $LOCALAPPDATA/config/common-lisp/. Meanwhile your cache will be moved
 from $LOCALAPPDATA/common-lisp/cache/ to
 $LOCALAPPDATA/cache/common-lisp/. However, you should not have to move
 your source code, still in subdirectories of
 NB: I have not used Windows, and if any Windows user actually relies
 on ASDF configuration, double-checking would be great.

I don't use Windows, either, so if there's anyone on the list who would
be so kind as to pull the prerelease ASDF, and check it against their
running configuration, along the lines laid out above, I would be very

Re: Almost there

2015-07-12 Thread Robert P. Goldman
I'm afraid I've forgotten: would you please send out the results URL(a)?

Sent from my iPhone

 On Jul 12, 2015, at 20:34, Anton Vodonosov wrote:
 10.07.2015, 12:20, Anton Vodonosov
 10.07.2015, 06:06, Faré
  Dear lispers,
  we're ready to bless ASDF as release 3.1.5, and now is a good
  time to test it before it's too late. Anton, do you have time and/or
  resource for a run of cl-test-grid?
 Yes, I've started the tests.
 Some lisps are finished already:
 So far I see no difference from the git version d70a8f8
 we tested recently (off the mailing lists).
 Other (elder) lisps are still running. I will report as they finish.
 Best regards,
 - Anton

Re: Almost there

2015-07-12 Thread Robert Goldman
On 7/10/15 Jul 10 -3:24 AM, Mark Evenson wrote:
 On Jul 10, 2015, at 05:05, Faré wrote:
 Nothing should have changed in the semantics of ASDF itself since the
 last run of cl-test-grid, so I don't expect any discrepancy. We did
 add better immutable-system support thanks to Dave Cooper, but that
 isn't cover by cl-test-grid, only by our regression tests and his
 In a minor point on compatibility: I believe that [in the revision to the XDG
 machinery][1], under Windows the default location of the XDG config directory
 will change.  Unfortunately, I have not had the time to verify that this is 
 case on my production ABCL instances under Windows.
 While I acknowledge that this change is a “bug fix” in ASDF’s interpretation 
 the XDG spec and the “correct” thing to do, it might help to be a little more
 verbose in the release notes on the ramification of a Windows-deployed end
 user’s upgrading from asdf-3.1.4 to asdf-3.1.5.  Windows' lack of a symbolic
 links and NTFS semantics of not allowing a directory to be renamed when opened
 by a given process may make upgrading ASDF in-place for production instances a
 little tricky.

This sounds like a good point.  Should we do this in the cover letter,
the changelog, manual, or some combination?

My guess is that relatively few people actually upgrade their ASDFs in
place -- most just get ASDF from their implementation.  But that's not
an excuse for making them miserable.

Faré, do you have a sentence about the change in location that I could use?


 Otherwise, onwards!

Re: Almost there

2015-07-11 Thread 73budden .
 SBCL on Windows isn't quite as good (and is not able to call out to CMD.EXE)
I encountered the problem recently, reported a bug and I seem to have
a workaround. Feel free to experiment with it.

Re: Almost there

2015-07-10 Thread Anton Vodonosov

10.07.2015, 06:06, Faré
 Dear lispers,

 we're ready to bless ASDF as release 3.1.5, and now is a good
 time to test it before it's too late. Anton, do you have time and/or
 resource for a run of cl-test-grid?

Yes, I've started the tests.

Best regards,
- Anton

Almost there

2015-07-09 Thread Faré
Dear lispers,

we're ready to bless ASDF as release 3.1.5, and now is a good
time to test it before it's too late. Anton, do you have time and/or
resource for a run of cl-test-grid?

Nothing should have changed in the semantics of ASDF itself since the
last run of cl-test-grid, so I don't expect any discrepancy. We did
add better immutable-system support thanks to Dave Cooper, but that
isn't cover by cl-test-grid, only by our regression tests and his

What we did change was to make UIOP more robust and portable. Robert
Goldman and I, with the help of Dave Cooper, ran extensively tests. We
have notably debugged a lot of pathname and run-program issues on
Windows. These issues recently cropped up since we have added a lot of
tests since last release, and since neither of us is a Windows user,
they had previously only been run on Unix. We also made an important
compatibility fix for SBCL, added CLASP support, enhanced support for
new LispWorks 7, fixed chdir for ABCL and XCL.

As far as I'm concerned, this means that portable scripting in Common
Lisp is more a reality than ever. If you are careful, you can write
portable CL code that runs as is on Unix (including Linux and MacOS)
and Windows. As usual, the more portable you want to be, the more
careful you have to be; but at least UIOP covers all the bases with a
reasonable portable interface (please don't use anymore any of cl-fad,
trivial-shell, run-shell-command, trivial-backtrace; use uiop). I
recommend CCL for a portable scripting implementation, because SBCL on
Windows isn't quite as good (and is not able to call out to CMD.EXE)
and CLISP has too many quirks (and is looking for a new maintainer to
release it anew after 5 years). For examples of scripting in CL, see

—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •ReflectionCybernethics•
In a country where the sole employer is the State, opposition means death by
slow starvation. The old principle: who does not work does not eat, has been
replaced by a new one: who does not obey shall not eat. — Leon Trotsky