I did not read the article, as I usually don't most of this kind of material that appear on desi-rags so routinely.

I saw Chitta's and Sandip's comments indicating their approval of and common cause with the writer. I thought Jugal's comments would put in perspective the quality of the arguments made in the article.


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Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2007 08:29:24 -0800 (PST)
Subject:  Re: [Assam Society] No future t
 o sovereignty demand — Ranen Kumar Goswami
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I am not sure of the point of this article.

Once a region/country/nation loses its sovereignty, it
can never regain it? Is that the point. India lost its
sovereignty to the British in a "legal" fashion where
papers were signed and sovereignty given over to the
British. So, India should have never regained
sovereignty in 1947?

Poland lost its sovereignty many times over its
history, to the Swedish, to the Germans, to the
Russians. Didn't it regain it?

So, the premise of this article doesn't make much
sense to me. What's lost can be regained. The papers
that were signed to accept the lost of sovereignty can
be overwritten by new papers that give sovereignty

It's sophistry to say sovereignty can never be

Histoy is a moving thing. Countries are born and die.
In the past decade or so, the Soviet Union and the
Yugoslov Union died and more than ten countries came
into existence, i.e., regained sovereignty. Montenegro
became a new nation just months ago, Kosovo will in a
few years. In Asia, East Timor became a country a few
years ago, Bangladesh became one a few decades ago.

So, it is intellectual hypocrisy to write about only
one side of the issue.

--- Pradip Kumar Datta <<mailto:pradip200%40yahoo.com>[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 No future to sovereignty demand
 — Ranen Kumar GoswamiWhen guns pass for rationale
 and a thirst for innocent blood its basis, the
 conclusion that comes out is sure to stand on its
 head. Asom-India conflict is a poison fruit such a
 conclusion has borne. Add to it another half-baked
 wisdom from the distorted pages of our history,
 ‘Asom was never a part of India’. The heady cocktail
 is the theory of a sovereign Asom.

 Asom was never a part of India and its forced
 inclusion in the country has created the Asom-India
 conflict. The United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA)
 tries to shove this lesson of history down the
 throat of Asomiya people. Did Asom not have any ties
 with India in the past? Renowned intellectual Dr
 Shiva Nath Barman has reminded us of our
 mythological links. Asom had links with the mainland
 India from time immemorial. Kamrup king Bhagadatta
 fought for the Kauravas in the battle of Mahabharata
 and laid down his life. Krishna married Rukmini and
 Sankardev has immortalised the tale in his Rukmini
 Haran Kabya. Bhim married Hidimba. Arjuna married
 Chitrangada who was a princess from Manipur.
 Madhabdev wrote, Dhanya Dhanya Bharat Borish (Hail!
 > O Bharat). Sankardev added a chapter to his Bhakti
 Ratnakar, the title and content of which was
 Bharatbarsha Prasansha (In praise of Bharatbarsha).
 From time immemorial, Asom has remained culturally
 and spiritually united with the mainland
 India. The country was never under one
 administrative umbrella till the British came. Most
 of the States were independent, Asom being one of
 them. The British brought all these States under one
 centralised administration. Today’s political unity
 of Indians is an outcome of the anti-British freedom
 struggle. The people of Asom joined this struggle
 and paid their share of the price for freedom with
 their life and blood. The political identity of
 being Indians that they carry in their Asomiya souls
 is the result of their participation in this
 struggle. This identity they have earned for
 themselves, no one has imposed it on them.

 Asom has lost her political independence much before
 the Treaty of Yandaboo signed on February 24, 1826.
 Because, about four years ago, the Burmese army
 captured upper Asom and Guwahati. According to Dr
 Surya Kumar Bhuyan, June 21, 1822, the day the
 Burmese occupied Asom was the last day of her
 independence. In fact, it was the last day of Asom’s
 independent political existence. At the time of
 Yandaboo, Asom had only five districts: undivided
 Kamrup, undivided Darrang, undivided Nagaon,
 undivided Sivasagar, undivided Lakhimpur and a part
 of Karbi Anglong. But does ULFA want to liberate the
 pre-Yandaboo Asom? No. It wants to liberate the
 present-day Asom; the Asom the British made bigger,
 the Asom the people of the State inherited from the
 British as a result of their anti-British struggle
 in which they had taken part shoulder-to-shoulder
 with the people of the rest of the country! The
 State has suffered dismemberment several times since
 1947. Yet it is much bigger than the
 pre-Yandaboo Asom ULFA keeps talking about. Its
 guns can not silence this truth.

 The States surrounding Asom do not want to secede
 from India though a section of people from Nagaland
 do. Even this section now appears to have given up
 their demand for sovereignty and settle for more
 federal powers within India. This section too is
 antagonising the people of three neighbouring States
 with its claim on their territories and thus is
 weakening its demand for Nagalim from within. Does
 ULFA want Asom to be an isolated island surrounded
 by States seeking to stay within India? But that too
 will not be possible as banners of revolt are
 already flying in Karbi Anglong, North Cachar Hills
 districts and Bodoland. Neither do they want to stay
 in Asom nor do they recognise ULFA as the sole
 representative of the State. The DHD, spearheading
 the movement for a Dimasa State, says it will remain
 firm in its demand for a Dimasa State within the
 Indian constitution irrespective of the success or
 failure of the ULFA-Government talks. Extremist
 Karbi organisation UPDS has
 alleged that ULFA represents the Asomiya people,
 not Asom; ULFA-nominated People’s Consultative Group
 (PCG) is conducting talks with Delhi for the Asomiya
 only, not Asom. Moreover, the organisation has
 pointed out that there is no tribal representative
 in the PCG. Bodo leadership’s tendency to leave Asom
 is too well-known to need any mention. The Bodo
 Peace Forum, playing a key role in bringing the NDFB
 into the peace process, has said its struggle for a
 separate Bodo State will continue at any cost.

 The people of the Barak Valley do not want freedom
 of the ULFA brand and it is as clear as daylight. Do
 people of the Brahmaputra Valley want it, or for
 that matter, the Asomiya people want it? Not to
 speak of the all-India political parties, even the
 regional political formations like the Asom Gana
 Parishad (AGP) or the AGP (P) are against the idea
 of a sovereign Asom. The AGP reiterated its stand
 against secessionism at its general body meeting in
 Guwahati on January 20, 2007. The party’s well-known
 > stand is that it wants a federal restructure of the
 Indian Union with maximum powers to the State. The
 All Assam Students Union (AASU), which has a strong
 command over the Asomiya opinion, has publicly
 stated its stance against a sovereign Asom. An
 angered ULFA has recently branded the AASU
 leadership as agents of the Indian State. AASU, on
 the other hand, criticises the Bangladesh-sheltered
 ULFA leadership for its silence over the influx of
 Bangla nationals in Asom. Another
 influential organisation, the Asam Jatiyatabadi
 Yuba-Chatra Parishad (AJYCP) also advocates more
 powers to the State, not sovereignty.

 The Asam Sahitya Sabha, which has been playing a
 pivotal role in shaping Asomiya national
 consciousness since its birth in the 19th century,
 is also against an Asom outside India. Sabha
 president Kanaksen Deka asserted at a Press meet in
 Guwahati on January 19, 2007 that Asom was, is and
 will remain an inseparable part of India. Except for
 a few die-hard pro-ULFA organisasions, no other mass
 organisation, student or youth organisation, trade
 union, peasant organisation or any other
 organisation worth the name has supported the
 sovereignty demand. Then who wants a separate
 sovereign existence outside India? It is only ULFA
 who does.

 It has every right to nurse a sovereign dream.
 Maybe, in its view, only a sovereign existence can
 ensure happiness and prosperity for the people of
 Asom. That is why it has jumped into a struggle for
 independence. But what is the nature of this
 struggle? Has it formed any mass organisation to go
 to the people to favourably influence their opinion
 and win their support? No, it hasn’t. There’s no
 alternative to mass organisations to win mass
 support and persuade the people to join the fight
 for freedom. It uses bullets and bombs even to turn
 mass support in its favour. And this is exactly why
 it is terrorist. It uses terrorist methods to impose
 its will on the people. The call for boycott of
 National Games was one such instance. Lesser the
 public support, more are its terrorist activities.
 Some milestones of its freedom struggle are the mass
 grave at Lakhipathar, massacre of children at
 Dhemaji and killings of Hindi speaking labourers. It
 feels no qualms before planting bombs
 in public places. Then, what has happened to its
 war of independence? Mass support is a must for such
 a war. The State is not scared of guns not backed by
 mass support. Even these guns, it uses more often
 than not, against the unarmed civilians and not
 against the armed forces. Needless to say, there
 will be no freedom without mass support, no freedom
 can be achieved by avoiding war with the Army and
 killing the unarmed innocents. So, no astrology is
 required to safely predict that there is no future
 at all to ULFA’s sovereignty demand. (Assam Tribune

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