[Asterisk-Users] Re: [Asterisk-Dev] Getting info about changes in CVS

2004-04-07 Thread Tony Wasson
Eric Wieling wrote:
There are several ways to know what changes in Asterisk's CVS.

This URL http://asterisk.gnuinter.net/files/changelogs/ contains fairly
up to date CVS changelog summary information.
You can also sign up for the Asterisk-CVS mailing list at
Archives of the Asterisk-CVS mailing list are at
Is there any reason that CVSView is not installed and publically viewable?

It might help the who don't know all the CVS CLI commands get a 
graphical (and colored) view of the lines added and changed over time?

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] Manager Interface "Action: Originate" changed

2004-03-31 Thread Tony Wasson
Tony Wasson wrote:
I have recently noticed that the "Action: Originate" options in asterisk 
   1.0 CVS has changed sometime between 2/23 and 3/18.
To post a follow up for posterity, 2 tips were suggested when using the 
Manager Interface:

1) Make sure to supply Context AND Priority when using an Exten.
NOTE: It used to work without a Priority, but not anymore.
2) While not a "hard and fast" rule, capitalization may help.

  Action: Originate
  Exten: 200
  Context: stations
  Channel: SIP/agent007
  Priority: 1

Here's a brief troubleshooting checklist if Manager Actions like 
Originate are failing:

1) Make sure Asterisk is starting with "debug mode" by starting it with 
a few -vvv's after it.

I'm using this in my /etc/inittab
  ax:2345:respawn:/usr/sbin/asterisk -vvvcf
You can also just stop asterisk (asterisk -rx "stop now"), and relaunch 
it like this:
  # asterisk -vvvcf

2) While making the call, monitor the console for any errors using
  # asterisk -r
3) Ensure any dependant devices are actually connected and registered...
   "sip show peers"
   "iax2 show peers"
While getting the rather unhelpful message of:

  Response: Error
  Message: Originate failed
I got this messages on my console thanks to debugs:

Mar 31 10:03:24 NOTICE[21526]: app_dial.c:536 dial_exec: Unable to 
create channel of type 'SIP'
  == Everyone is busy at this time

After some investigation of "sip show peers" I diagnosed my problem as 
an SIP device (Audiocodes MP-108) that needed to be rebooted.

Hope this helps you out!
Tony Wasson
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[Asterisk-Users] Manager Interface "Action: Originate" changed

2004-03-30 Thread Tony Wasson
I have recently noticed that the "Action: Originate" options in asterisk 
   1.0 CVS has changed sometime between 2/23 and 3/18.

I have a 2/23/04 CVS installation (cvs checkout -r v1-0_stable asterisk 
) that allows me to make calls like this using the Manager Interface on 
port 5038.

  action: login
  login: admin
  secret: mypass
  action: originate
  exten: 200
  context: stations
  channel: SIP/agent007
I have a 3/18/04 CVS installation that does NOT work the same way. 
Entering the same information in spits out

  Response: Error
  Message: Originate with 'Exten' requires 'Context' and 'Priority'
So I've tried adding a priority of 1, like this:

  action: originate
  exten: 200
  context: stations
  channel: SIP/agent007
  priority: 1
I simply get:

  Response: Error
  Message: Originate failed
Obviously, something in the Manager code has changed. With the newer 
code I am unable to originate calls. Can anyone shed additional light on 
how to originate calls under the new 1.0 style Manager Interface?

Tony Wasson
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Re: [Asterisk-Users] two-stage dialing

2004-03-29 Thread Tony Wasson
I am trying implement two-stage dialing.
Scenario is following:
1. * Dials SIP agent
2. SIP agent answer the phone and provide dial tone
3. * Sends DTMF string
4. "Bridge" channel with calling party
I thought that something like:
exten => _2XX,2,Dial_but_not_connect_(SIP/BYEXTENSION,10)
exten => _2XX,3,Wait,1
exten => _2XX,4,SendDTMF($DTMF_DIGITS)
You can do "2 stage dialing" with a call file. This may be a hack, but 
it currently works. I feel it is backwards from all the samples I saw 
since it rings the Agent's SIP phone first. From what I see, call files 
 connect the Channel first, then run the Context/Exten/Priority after 
it's picked up.

#Two stage dial call file
#Rings the Channel first the connects the "Extension".
#agent's SIP phone, like SIP/agent007
Channel: SIP/xws108
#Use a context that can dialout.
#Probably whatever the agent's phone is set as
Context: internal
#Phone number to ringYou may need a '9' prefix
#To Asterisk, Extensions don't have to be internal only...
Extension: 5551212
#use '1' unless you know what you're doing
Priority: 1
#If your telephone interface sends CallerID, be sure to set it.
Callerid: 888-555-1212

Make this file and then copy it into /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing. Don't 
try to make the files in that directory, because Asterisk may read it 
before your script is done writing the file. This may make Asterisk mad.

P.S. You can also do this with the Manager Interface, I lifted enough 
perl code to make this work for me using a "Click to Dial" script that 
sucks in the phone number from a web interface.


Tony Wasson

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Re: [Asterisk-Users] MySQL Dynamic Extensions

2004-03-15 Thread Tony Wasson
Darren Nay wrote:
Hello All,


I am just looking into Asterisk as a viable voicemail solution for our phone
service.  In order to use it though I will need to make extensions.conf
dynamic (ie. Via MySQL).  Is this possible?

Set up the database as you see documented. You can schedule this up to 
once a minutes using crontab.

Setting something like this in your /etc/crontab should do it nicely

*/5 * * * * root /usr/local/sbin/update-voicemail 2>&1 > /var/log/vm.log

NOTE: You can increase the frequency by using */3 or */1. */5 means 
every 5 minutes. */3 means every 3 minutes.

Then make /usr/local/sbin/update-voicemail look like:

  /usr/sbin/asterisk -rx "extensions reload"
Next, make the script executable
#chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/update-voicemail
This is not totally dynamic, but it ought to be close enough. You could 
make this completely dynamic using a trigger.

Tony Wasson

I've found the following information on this subject:



However, this is not a fully dynamic function.  It requires me to pull the
mysql database every so often (presumably via cron) and then restart
asterisk after updating extensions.conf.

Is it possible to setup asterisks so that extensions.conf is fully dynamic
via a MySQL database?

Thanks for the help!! 




Darren Nay



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[Asterisk-Users] "Click to Call" Perl CGI script - TACI

2004-03-15 Thread Tony Wasson
I've hacked up a little "click to call" web CGI in Perl using the 
Asterisk Manager Interface and Net::Telnet. I've called it TACI - 
Trivial Asterisk Call-generator Interface.


This is far from perfect or finished, but it should be a start for 
anyone looking to make "clickable" URLs that spawn phone calls. It has a 
rudementary HTML interface to make a call. You can also make calls in a 
URL (providing a real click to call). Finally, you can use it from the 
command line for debugging and other purposes.

You'll need to specify a context, SIP account, and extension to call. 
This seems to work well with the 100 or so calls I've tested.

This should be easy to extend for anyone using IAX also.(It is hardcoded 
for SIP on 1 line). The README should get anyone interested in doing 
this going.

Hope this of use to you!
Tony Wasson
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