
I have configured a SIP trunk with a dialing rule.
The trunk behaves normally for incoming calls but when in used for outgoing call a strange thing happens. When I place a call I cannot hear the tone confirming that the remote phone is ringing. I simply hear the voice as soon as the party picks up. When the remote phone start ringing Asterisk receives a SIP packet stating that the call is making progress and puts through the incoming RTP I suppose.
With an external anonymous ATA from the VOIP provider all works normally.
Here is the debug:

-- Accepted AUTHENTICATED TBD call from
-- Accepting DIAL from, formats = 0x4
-- Executing Macro("IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2";, "dialout-trunk|2|0639006374|") in new stack
-- Executing GotoIf("IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2";, "1?3:2)") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-dialout-trunk,s,3)
-- Executing Macro("IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2";, "record-enable|200|OUT") in new 
-- Executing GotoIf("IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2";, "0 > 0?2:4") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-record-enable,s,4)
-- Executing GotoIf("IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2";, "1?5:8") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-record-enable,s,5)
-- Executing DBget("IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2";, "RecEnable=RECORD-OUT/200") in new stack
-- DBget: varname=RecEnable, family=RECORD-OUT, key=200
-- DBget: Value not found in database.
-- Executing SetVar("IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2";, "CALLFILENAME=OUT200-20050616-180439-1118959479.2") in new stack
-- Executing Goto("IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2";, "s|14") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-record-enable,s,14)
-- Executing GotoIf("IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2";, "0?15:99") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-record-enable,s,99)
-- Executing NoOp("IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2";, "NO RECORDING NEEDED") in new 
-- Executing GotoIf("IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2";, "1?7") in new stack
-- Goto (macro-dialout-trunk,s,7)
-- Executing GotoIf("IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2";, "0?9") in new stack
-- Executing SetCallerID("IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2";, "0872596100") in new stack
-- Executing SetGroup("IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2";, "OUT_2") in new stack
-- Executing CheckGroup("IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2";, "") in new stack
-- Executing SetVar("IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2";, "DIAL_NUMBER=0639006374") in new stack
-- Executing SetVar("IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2";, "DIAL_TRUNK=2") in new stack
-- Executing AGI("IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2";, "fixlocalprefix") in new stack
-- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/fixlocalprefix
fixlocalprefix: Could not parse /etc/asterisk/localprefixes.conf
-- AGI Script fixlocalprefix completed, returning 0
-- Executing SetVar("IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2";, "OUTNUM=0639006374") in new 
-- Executing Cut("IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2";, "custom=OUT_2|:|1") in new stack
-- Executing GotoIf("IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2";, "0?19") in new stack
-- Executing Dial("IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2";, "SIP/micso/0639006374") in new 
-- Called micso/0639006374
-- SIP/micso-0626 is making progress passing it to IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2
== Spawn extension (macro-dialout-trunk, s, 17) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2' in macro 'dialout-trunk' == Spawn extension (from-internal, 90639006374, 1) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2'
-- Executing Macro("IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2";, "hangupcall") in new stack
-- Executing ResetCDR("IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2";, "w") in new stack
-- Executing NoCDR("IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2";, "") in new stack
-- Executing Wait("IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2";, "5") in new stack
== Spawn extension (macro-hangupcall, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2' in macro 'hangupcall' == Spawn extension (from-internal, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2'
-- Hungup 'IAX2/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2'

What can I do? Do you need somethign else?
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