Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2004 18:24:51 -0400
Subject: [Asterisk-Users] setting up ---- newbie

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|questions :

|how can i do this ? what are the commands for this simple setup ?

|how can i place calls using a webbrowser (explorer, etc ?)

|can i use messenger to call to call my pstn port ?

|can i translate h323 to sip and viceversa ?

As a newbie I will introduce you to go to web site to read some of the newbie articles and also the documentation on There is a lot info which will definitely answer your above questions.

When you are stuck with your work please do not hesitate to answer specific questions. No doubt everyone here on the list will lend a helping hand.

David Kwok

Iaxtel/FWD # 17001813482 ext 1002

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