Mitch Thompson wrote:
I'm looking for some help from any Asterisk "heavy" who might be doing something similar to what I'm trying to do...


I work for a research lab, testing telephony products and tools. Historically, we used Ameritec Crescendos and Fortissimos to act as load generators and call "sinks" when testing equipment. However, the equipment we are testing gets more and more complex, and the scripted scenarios the Ameritecs give have become a limiting factor for testing. Therefore, Asterisk was chosen as a possible solution (we're a cheap lab).

I've been learning Asterisk as I go, but I've learned a lot. Here's the basic scenario:

We are using an Asterisk (AAH 2.8, specifically) to sink calls. I do this by taking the ${EXTEN} and breaking it down by sections until I get to the last 4 digits (i.e., 2105551212). Once I get to the 4-digit extension, I am trying to set a flag, or semaphore, to do Busy/Idle testing. Here is my extensions_custom.conf fragment:


exten => 1212,1,System(cat /tmp/{orig_num}) ; ${orig_num} is set at the beginning of [from-trunk-custom] to the full dialed digits in ${EXTEN}, before I break it down. exten => 1212,n,Busy(); if the file exists, someone else has already called this number, return busy

exten => 1212,102,System(echo ${UNIQUEID} > /tmp/${orig_num}) ; basically, create a file in /tmp whose name is the full number from the beginning. In this case, the full ; filename would be /tmp/2105551212. I don't really care about the contents, though. exten => 1212,103, Goto(Idle,1) ; from here, we jump to a new extension called Idle, where we do a Random to decide whether to simulate no one home (ring no answer) or ; we send ring for about 10 seconds, then Answer() and play some .wav files, then hangup. The last thing we do in either case is to delete ; the /tmp/${orig_num} file.

The above code works very well at low call volumes. However, I'm running into race conditions at high call volumes where several calls are getting through the test in priority 1 before the file is created in priority 102 (n+101).

I've tried to implement semaphores by using both local and global variables, but it doesn't seem to work.

My ultimate question: Is anyone doing something similar, and what did you do to implement the busy/idle.

I appreciate any help anyone can offer.

Mitch Thompson
I wanted to follow-up with the solution I came up with, thanks to excellent feedback from this group, and Trevor Peirce in particular.

Our fix action was a blending of my solution (above) and Trevor's suggestion to stop using System() calls and use the DB directive. We ended up with something like this:

exten => 1212,1,GotoIf(${DB_EXISTS(busy/${orig_num})}?busy:idle)
exten => 1212,n(busy),Busy()
exten => 1212,n(idle),Set(DB(busy/${orig_num})=${CALLERID(num)})
exten => 1212,n,Macro(disposition,$(orig_num}) ; Call a macro, pass along the original CdPN, and do something.

In the disposition macro, we have this:

exten => s,1,Set(orig_num=${arg1})
exten => s,n,Random(25:s-rna,1)
exten => s,n,Ringing()
exten => s,n,Wait(6)
exten => s,n,Answer()
exten => s,n,Wait(1)
exten => s,n,Playback(lots-o-monkeys)
exten => s,n,Hangup()

exten => s-rna,1,Ringing()
exten => s-rna,n,Wait()
exten => s-rna,n,Hangup

exten => h,1,DBDel(busy/${orig_num})

The above gives us a very simplistic "coin-toss" as to whether to answer the phone or not.

With the above dialplan, we have successfully dialed one number with eight (8) T-1 PRIs worth of calls simultaneously and only have 1 answer (the remaining 183 calls were shown as Busy on the Fortissimo). This was repeatable over a 2 hour period. I'm sure we will have calls slip through, but for now we are satisfied.

Trevor, thanks again.  I learned about the DB application that day.

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