On Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 03:49:40PM -0700, Joseph wrote:

> What kind of IAX2 client will install/run on EEE PC 1000 (stock Linux 
> > I'll eventually replace this crippled Linux with something better but I don't time to play around with it as most divers and modules are still too new and > not fully available in all distros.
This doesn't answer your question at all, but might be helpful nevertheless...

I hosed the window manager on my Xandros eeepc 1000, and since I was frustrated 
by my disorientation caused by the Xandros, I but Ubuntu on it.  But then I had 
grief with the rt2860 wireless driver.  So I started again and put a simple 
Debian on it that supported the wireless from installation bootstrap on.  Built 
from there, eventually installing KDE, and then twinkle.  Still having problems 
with mic gain, but I'm not pushing hard.

The net install from USB key, in case you are interested, can be obtained at:


THe whole process took less than an hour from boot to desktop GUI and 
networking configuration with openvpn.

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