
A while ago I had presented atomixlib and amplee, two Python packages to
handle teh Atom format and the Atom Pub. protocol.

For over a week now I've worked really hard to upgrade both those
packages to make them much more useful.

atomixlib helps the generation, serialization and deserialization of
feed, entry, service documents. Its underlying XMl engines are either
Amara or ElementTree (although in its current state the Amara engine is
the only one fully implementing the atomixlib API).

amplee is a Python library implementing APP so that Python application
servers can call it to create, update, delete stores, services,
workspaces, members. amplee is based on atomixlib.

amplee comes with a set of built-in members to generate entries from
audio files such as MP3, Ogg, flac, etc. by extracting their meta-ata
(ID3 tags) and filling an Atom entry with those. There is also a
built-in member for ODT documents.

amplee offers also a couple of built-in backends such as Subversion.
More backends will be added soon.

Both packages are stable but they lack documentation and aren't fully
tested. I therefore don't advise you to try them right now as you may
have some issues. I will released stable versions soon but yo ucan have
a look in the mean time.

Hope you will enjoy :)

- Sylvain

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