2006/10/26, Gopalan Sri:

Jan, you are correct in your assessment that I wish to parameterize my
request to go to the next page because my parameters are too complex to
represent in a query string.  Currently, we are representing our parameter
in XML.  The reasoning behind this is that we are trying to support an
enterprise search operation using a SOAP and REST interfaces.  Since we have
to encode the request in XML for the SOAP interface, we were hoping to reuse
that XML object within our REST based interfaces as well.

We are using Atom to capture the results of enterprise search.  The problem
I encounter arises when we start thinking about the paging of results.  For
RESTful access to our services, we are trying to use open source/commercial
Atom readers that support Open Search.  The  recommendations laid out by the
OpenSearch 1.1 specification
 suggest implementing paging with <atom:link/> elements using specific
values for @rel (e.g. self, first, previous, next, last).  Right now I am
trying to figure out how I can still follow their guidance while managing
the fact that  my parameter cannot easily be encoded as a regular query

Any thoughts would be appreciated.  Thanks for your time.

I think your "search service" should create "temporary resources" and
provide URIs for them to use in rel="next" links.
A simple implementation is to store an object corresponding to the
query parameters within a "Cache" or "Application" server-side object
along with a "UniqueID", and then use that id in the URI to identify
the query. The object would be removed from the cache/application
after some delay of "inactivity". That's pretty easy in ASP.NET
developments as the Cache object is provided out-of-the-box; there
should be equivalents in the Java world too.

Thomas Broyer

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