Re: CAP over Atom (PubSub "Common Alerting Protocol" Earthquake Feeds...)

2005-02-03 Thread Eric Scheid

>> Because CAP is an XML format, we're using atom:content elements with
>> type="text/xml". In order to ensure that there is something for aggregators
>> to display if they don't understand CAP, we're generating atom:summary
>> elements that contain a textual summary of the CAP message which is in the
>> atom:content. My hope is that aggregator developers will commonly implement
>> a pattern of displaying the atom:summary rather then the atom:content in
>> cases where they don't understand the XML type of the content element.


Re: CAP over Atom (PubSub "Common Alerting Protocol" Earthquake Feeds...)

2005-02-03 Thread James Snell

This is excellent to see.  I'm glad to see that you were not afraid to
break the syntax rules to get things started. :-)  The format looks

On Thu, 3 Feb 2005 21:50:51 -0500, Bob Wyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At, we've started generating "CAP over Atom" files. By this I
> mean we're publishing using Atom files to encapsulate a stream of message
> which are encoded using the CAP (Common Alerting Protocol) format. See:
> . 
> Because CAP is an XML format, we're using atom:content elements with
> type="text/xml". In order to ensure that there is something for aggregators
> to display if they don't understand CAP, we're generating atom:summary
> elements that contain a textual summary of the CAP message which is in the
> atom:content. My hope is that aggregator developers will commonly implement
> a pattern of displaying the atom:summary rather then the atom:content in
> cases where they don't understand the XML type of the content element. 
> I would appreciate any review comments that you might be able to make on our
> use of Atom in this application. 
> For a sample Atom feed containing CAP messages which describe recent
> earthquakes, please see: 
> A sample atom:entry extracted from this Atom Feed is below: 
> /pubsub/topics/301 
> 2005-02-03T21:04:42-05:00 
> 2005-02-03T21:04:42-05:00 
>  href=''/> 
> An earthquake occurred at 2005-02-04T02:00:43.100Z. The magnitude
> 1.6 event has been located in NORTHERN CALIFORNIA. (This is a
> computer-generated message and should not be considered authoritative.)
>   nc51156375 
>   2005-02-03T21:04:42-05:00 
>   Test 
>   Alert 
>   Public 
>   nc51156375 
> Geo 
> Earthquake 
> Unknown 
> Unknown 
> Unknown 
> Pubsub Earthquake Service 
> Earthquake: M 1.6 (D) NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
> 2005-02-04T02:00:43.100Z 
> An earthquake occurred at 2005-02-04T02:00:43.100Z. The
> magnitude 1.6 event has been located in NORTHERN CALIFORNIA. (This is a
> computer-generated message and should not be considered authoritative.)
> EventID=nc51156375 
> Version=1 
> Magnitude=1.6 MD 
> Depth=2 km 
> Verified=N 
>   2 km depth at latitude 38.8168, longitude -122.7915 at
>   38.8168,-122.7915 0 
> Note: I am aware of a few issues with our current use of Atom: 
> 1.   We often issue files that contain more than one entry with the same
> atom:id. For instance, you might have a message which is followed in the
> file by an update concerning the same "incident" or a "Cancel" message for
> the event. I know this is a violation of the specification. We will
> eventually stop doing thisâ Please bear with us. 
> 2.   We currently don't provide an atom:link element with
> rel="alternate" when we insert a CAP "Cancel" message into the feed. This
> is, of course, because we have no page to point to for a deleted or
> cancelled event. In the future, we'll consider having all such Cancel
> messages point to a common static help page which explains a variety of
> reasons why a message may have been deleted. 
> 3.   If you view the Atom feed in a web browser, the result may not be
> terribly pleasingâ We're still working on the style sheet. â Please pay
> attention only to the source of the feedâ (i.e. do "View Source"). 
> This service compliments the Earthquake service that I recently mentioned on
> this list. We will be publishing both raw Earthquake messages/feeds as well
> as CAP messages/feed in the future. These two formats are targeted at
> different audiences. 
> Your comments and/or suggestions would be appreciated. 
> bob wyman 

- James Snell

CAP over Atom (PubSub "Common Alerting Protocol" Earthquake Feeds...)

2005-02-03 Thread Bob Wyman

At, we’ve started
generating “CAP over Atom” files. By this I mean we’re
publishing using Atom files to encapsulate a stream of message which are
encoded using the CAP (Common Alerting Protocol) format. See:

Because CAP is an XML format, we’re
using atom:content elements with type=”text/xml”. In order to
ensure that there is something for aggregators to display if they don’t
understand CAP, we’re generating atom:summary elements that contain a
textual summary of the CAP message which is in the atom:content. My hope is
that aggregator developers will commonly implement a pattern of displaying the atom:summary
rather then the atom:content in cases where they don’t understand the XML
type of the content element.

I would appreciate any review
comments that you might be able to make on our use of Atom in this application.

For a sample Atom feed containing CAP messages which
describe recent earthquakes, please see:

sample atom:entry extracted from this Atom Feed is below:





An earthquake occurred at
2005-02-04T02:00:43.100Z. The magnitude 1.6 event has been located in NORTHERN CALIFORNIA. (This is a computer-generated
message and should not be considered authoritative.) 














Pubsub Earthquake Service

M 1.6 (D) NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 2005-02-04T02:00:43.100Z

An earthquake occurred at 2005-02-04T02:00:43.100Z. The
magnitude 1.6 event has been located in NORTHERN
 CALIFORNIA. (This is a computer-generated message and should not
be considered authoritative.)



Magnitude=1.6 MD

Depth=2 km



2 km depth at latitude 38.8168, longitude -122.7915 at

38.8168,-122.7915 0





Note: I am aware of a few issues with our current use of

1.   We often issue
files that contain more than one entry with the same atom:id. For instance, you
might have a message which is followed in the file by an update concerning the
same “incident” or a “Cancel” message for the event. I
know this is a violation of the specification. We will eventually stop doing
this… Please bear with us.

2.   We currently
don’t provide an atom:link element with rel=”alternate” when
we insert a CAP “Cancel” message into the feed. This is, of course,
because we have no page to point to for a deleted or cancelled event. In the
future, we’ll consider having all such Cancel messages point to a common
static help page which explains a variety of reasons why a message may have
been deleted.

3.   If you view
the Atom feed in a web browser, the result may not be terribly pleasing…
We’re still working on the style sheet. – Please pay attention only
to the source of the feed… (i.e. do “View Source”).


This service compliments the Earthquake service that I recently
mentioned on this list. We will be publishing both raw Earthquake messages/feeds
as well as CAP messages/feed in the future. These two formats are targeted at
different audiences.


Your comments and/or suggestions would be appreciated.

