Le 2018-01-06 01:47, Paul Licameli a écrit :

Now I will give Olivier's work some attention.


Hi Paul and all.

Thanks for the attention to and the merge of my PR. Really appreciated.

I've check the new pot file and I have to say that I like very much the context comments you've been adding here and there. It does help *a lot* with the translators'job.

I've overlooked the changes in the new pot file. Just checking we are on the same page, I've understand from late 2017 discussions on this mailing list that *you* are the one merging the .pot file into the *.po files. I'm really fine with this since I think it separates smartly the job to be done : coders are coding (ie: merging pot -> po files), and translators are translating. I'd then wait for you to merge the pot into the fr.po file to do the translating job. Could you please confirm/infirm? Thanks by advance.

Happy new year and best wishes to you and yours.

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