Re: [Audiogames-reflector] L-works

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Sebby

Re: L-works

Yeah, his domain expired two days ago. Silly person. Ill try and buzz him about it.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Raspberry Pi and accessibility

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Sebby

Re: The Raspberry Pi and accessibility

Not direct assistance, sorry, but CAVI has a course on Raspberry Pi accessibility. Sadly it looks like you just missed the beginning of a semester, but it cant hurt to ask. Theres a fee, IIUC.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Wanting to put windows eight on my mac.

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Sebby

Re: Wanting to put windows eight on my mac.

Is there no label with the number on it stuck to the original computer? Thats the one were after.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Bokurano daiboukenn topic

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: yukionozawa

Re: Bokurano daiboukenn topic

 Gold in japanese? (Kogane)No, it isnt.I think you are talking about the abbicus.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Send me to Heaven game

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: stacisvecw

Re: Send me to Heaven game

Phil wrote:Game measures the height of phone tosses .By Salvador RodriguezAugust 7, 2013, 7:30 a.m.Apple has rejected a game app that scores players on how high they can toss their smartphone in the air.The game, Send Me To Heaven, launched this week and is available free for Android smartphones. IPhone users, however, will not be able to download the app.Apple thought it was violating one of the rules for submission as it was encouraging behavior which could lead to a damage of iOS device, Petr Svarovsky, the games developer, said in an email to The Times.Thanks for your share, its very goodURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Bokurano daiboukenn topic

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: glamorama28

Re: Bokurano daiboukenn topic

Hello guys!I know there are normal yo-yo, super yo-yo hiper yo-yo, and ultra yo-yo.I Have only normal yo yo now.I looked for all pages of this thread but I cant understand how I can get super yo yo.Can anybody give me two cents about this question.Thanks in advance!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Shape Editor alpha

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: gamedude

Re: Shape Editor alpha

Hello Cae. I am sorry to return this old topic, but I remembered having this program and was wondering if you still had it around? Drop box, of course, still has your account disabled, so I was wondering if you could upload iit to send space (if you even still have it).URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Domain of heroes

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: stefan_ilioaica

Re: Domain of heroes

Could someone help me with the toon creator? Im really confused. All I can see is just a combobox with some elements like race, age, classes and stuff like that.But Where I can see the race types, classes etc? I focus the cursor on race in the combobox for example, but I cant find these races anywhere.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Katy Commercial Roofing

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Eva001

Katy Commercial Roofing

Katy Commercial Roofing serves Katy Texas and the surrounding area by installing quality residential and commercial roofing. Give us a call at 832-788-8967.Katy Commercial RoofingURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Clean, Beautiful Forum Posts in Email

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Site and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Clean, Beautiful Forum Posts in Email

Fair enough if it works, but to be honest a forum isnt a mailing list and theres not a lot of point making it one,  heck if this forum were! just a mailing list wed be indistinguishable from audeasy and many people who prefer the convenience of forums wouldnt appreciate that.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: blindboyblake

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Ok guys, so the random death bug is back and has struck once more. I was on map 3, and I have like 95 points in to the one man army skill. Long story short I took about 5 hits and boom! 60! cans! of! fuel! lost! to! the! zombies! No! Normally I can take about 20-30 hits before my health drops below 95 percent. So there ya go. Death bug struck again. I dont care about the weapons, but Aprone is there any way I can get the fuel back? I want to actually use it lolURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] DECtalk for NVDA without GWDEC32.exe is here!

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Socheat

DECtalk for NVDA without GWDEC32.exe is here!

Hello everyone,today, I have something to share.I just got dectalk for NVDA without using the file called GWDEC32.exe this time!You can download here:Access32.nvda-addonsURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Bokurano daiboukenn topic

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: fatih

Re: Bokurano daiboukenn topic

hi,I dont remember exactly but it must be at 3-4 when you activate the mysterious switch.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] The status of the temple of life and the other game

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: fatih

The status of the temple of life and the other game

Hi,I was wondering the USA games games which was instead of the mysteries of the ancients game. Can you tell it here? Or I can give my email address here. Anyway, thanks.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Domain of heroes

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark

Re: Domain of heroes

when you select a race, its details will be at the bottom of the screen, ditto with factions and such, you actually need to read the elements on screen outside the boxes.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Domain of heroes

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: grryfindore

Re: Domain of heroes

Hi,stefan, there is a help section which tells you all about the races,classes and their skills. However, when createing a character or whatever youd like to call it, at the bottum of the page itll tell you a bit about the race,class,and the faction you have chosen.I still cant figure out where the accept quest button,link or a clickable element can be found,though...As for this game, its similar to godwil which also has a iphone app,just in case anyone is interested. you arent actually supposed to spend loads of time in this game, the way it gos is you equip the character and let it do its thing.Although, this game has a bit more to do when it comes to characters and such,while in godwil you just create a character,and watch it go on quests ,adventures etcGrryfindore.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Domain of heroes

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: bladestorm360

Re: Domain of heroes

The game itself is rather simple? Lol dark, apparently you havent seen all the stats that come with equipment then. Like I said in the other thread, its got damn near as many numbers as project bob. Not only that but you almost always end up with a ton of loot to sort through to try to find good equipment. Thats why I got fed up with it, basically all thats carrying my toon through the game right now is this insanely powerful sword that I dont know where I got, but all of his other equipment sucks and I just dont have the patience to sort through 10 pages of inventory trying to find better stuff for all his slots. Your character doesnt actually use abilities and such though unless you actively use them, there is no inteligence. It just attacks the first thing it targets with the attack ability. There might be a way you can set it up to use an ability by default, like with a plug-in or something, but the character definitely isnt AI d
 riven. Youre right though that, at least at lower levels, abilities dont really seem to change the outcome of battle.As for this being like Godville, the only thing really similar there is the automatic combat, and even then, in this game, you have more control. I suppose you could just let combat run in the background to pump up your character, but eventually you have to stop, go and sell off all your loot, which is another thing I hate doing since I dont remember there being an easy way to select what you want to sell and keep other things you want, find quests to do, etc. And yeah, I do remember the quest accept and decline buttons being hard to find, I dont remember where they are, but quest accept is the top button, which is why I never bothered the admin about it.My two major problems with this game are the amount of sorting you have to do to find good equipment and sell loot, and the way the map works. Theres no real way to tell whe
 re youre going in the later quests. You could be told to go to, I dunno, say, the enchanted forest. But you arent given a region to look, or any section of the map to go off of usually. So you just have to click around all the sections until you finally find the place you need to go, which can take forever because even though it gives you level ranges, it doesnt always stick to them. I seem to remember this being less of a problem in the earlier quests, but once you start doing your 10th storyline quest or so, they become more and more vague until youre basically just clicking around trying to figure out where to go. At least in Core Exiles, they had the tracker thing where you could plot a course between two destinations, that isnt the case here.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Grendal's Cave

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: bladestorm360

Re: Grendal's Cave

Ah, that could be the problem then. Ive only tried the game with IE and Jaws, havent tried Chrome or Firefox, or NVDA. Either way the game is kinda neat if you can play it, though Im already getting a little bored because despite the semi-realistic combat and unique sensory text, your value goes up so slowly from killing things, and its so hard to find things to kill, that it gets a bit old after a while. You also have problems like monsters being able to strike fatal blows to unarmored locations. Imagine that, a game with permanent death where you have HP, but it doesnt really matter because if a monster gets a lucky hit in, sometimes even on an armored location, you can just instantly die. Yay. Ill probably stick with it for a while longer just to see if I can at least find the first quest, but so far its not really looking promising.Perma death applies less for me in games where you havent spent time building up your charac
 ter than it does for RPGs, I really should have specified that. Like for the oldstyle NES games, it was just part of the challenge, but you didnt really have to work on your character much anyway most of the time, you just had to keep him alive through levels. But take a game like dragon Warrior. Imagine if you had gotten to level 30, got to the dragon lord, got him to transform, and then bam, he gets in a lucky critical hit at the wrong time, you die and have to start all over. No saves, no passwords, no nothing. Of course this isnt the case for two reasons, 1 is that by level 30 you will utterly ruin the dragon lords day even if he gets 10 critical hits in on you, and 2 is that theres a fully functional saving system. But that seems to be the way that perma death games are going these days. What? You just put in 25 hours of effort into this character? Oh man, I guess you shouldnt have died then, cause now you have to start all over.Thats actual
 ly why I gave up on KODP, I put 5 hours at least into a game, got up to the tribe section, and then failed to make a tribe twice even though I was doing everything I could to get it done, so then I was basically just waiting for the game to end because I couldnt beat it. So boring. And after 5 hours of progress wasted, well, I just have better things to do with my time.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Grendal's Cave

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark

Re: Grendal's Cave

Well Angband has hp, but its got some pretty extreme situations that will! kill you fiarly quickly, for instance running into a paralysis jelly and not having anti paralysis gear, or running into something that smacks you with n element or a curse your not resistant to (since in angband elements can do as much as four times normal damage), indeed this is usually how most people die on Angband, theyre fine for a few floors then bang! In fairness with angband you can either A, use the cheat option, B, keep a backup of your save files or even C, hack the characters.txt file to build a super awsome character of doom! , so not too bad. A good example in this that everyone has played is Kerkerkruip, which actually does use much of the rules of a roguelike, though of course kerkerkruip isnt really long enough for you to lose more than about an hour on 
 a game,  possibly if it becomes longer there might have to be an easy option.I cant judge grendles cave though, not unless I manage to get that peace of rubbish known as firefox to behave, which it refuses to do (why so many people like the thing I dont know, frankly its miles more unstable than ie, not to mention a real memory hog from what Ive seen). Regarding Kodp, to be honest I dont agree about that being perminant death in the same way, since from what Ive gathered, --- and Im no expert, forming a tribe is heavily based on what you did in the game earlier and how well your regarded. Kodp is quite literally an interactive story, and follows those rules more than the rules of an rpg. Oh yes, you can get yourself beaten up, lose people or bugger up your crop schedule, but you wont win the game by having the best stats in all of those things, those are only maintainence.. Unless youve been 
 generous, made peace, took note of the story and the relations of the other clans to you, your not going to get far and thats that, indeed I rather love the way the tribe simulates real political discussion and compromise with each clan having their demands and you get to choose how many you exceed to.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Domain of heroes

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark

Re: Domain of heroes

@bladestorm, you actually preempted me very much here, since those are exactly my problems with the game thus far. When I said simple I meant mostly the fact that there is no real need to say navigate on a grid or choose actions, and that combat is automatic. To be honest Ill have a mess with the game, but I dont see myself playing it long term since I really miss games with actual real combat where you really have to attack things, indeed thiss modern trend of having games that function more and more automatically is really not one I like. At least however if access for silver sword is fixed thats one game which is totally different, since there you have a full set of characters to choose actions, attacks and ranks for.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Domain of heroes

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: Giovani

Re: Domain of heroes

OK, I just try It and Its a very well! Head down, but this countains things, which are not accessible, much graphics. This game is also this thing very playable.Thanks, Dark.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Domain of heroes

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark

Re: Domain of heroes

No, the game isnt %100 accessible thanks to the unlabled graphics, though I have notified the developers, albeit it is playable for what it is. Btw, I cant take credit entirely for this one, since I believe bladestorm or possibly someone else informed me of it quite a long timer ago, I just never really checked the thing out seriously back then.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Shape Editor alpha

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: CAE_Jones

Re: Shape Editor alpha

Gah! Its been disabled for a whole week. Is there something Im missing involved? I looked on the dropbox website, but I didnt find anything more interesting than the first emails they sent. Anyway, this should do it:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Raspberry Pi and accessibility

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: fastfinge

Re: The Raspberry Pi and accessibility

It needs to be compiled for the ARM processor. AFAIK, no distributions that support gnome accessibility have been. However, the raspbian distribution comes with SSH out of the box, and is thus perfectly accessible.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] DECtalk for NVDA without GWDEC32.exe is here!

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: simba

Re: DECtalk for NVDA without GWDEC32.exe is here!

Hi, how can i set up dec talk for nvda?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] EmpireMud accessibility?

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: fastfinge

EmpireMud accessibility?

Hi:Has anyone contacted the developer of Empire Mud ( about accessibility? It looks like quite a neat game, though its entirely composed of ASCII maps.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] DECtalk for NVDA without GWDEC32.exe is here!

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: prince animeshh

Re: DECtalk for NVDA without GWDEC32.exe is here!

nice work liked itURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Keysounds

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: burak


Hey, if you have the keysounds program from dragonapps, can you please send it to me? thanks.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] dragonapps request

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: burak

Re: dragonapps request

somebody please please please give me keysounds... I need its sounds, but if you want you can give the program to.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] DECtalk for NVDA without GWDEC32.exe is here!

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: fatih

Re: DECtalk for NVDA without GWDEC32.exe is here!

Just click the nvda-addon file and itll ask if you want to install it or not. Simply click yes and after a while it will ask you do you want to restart NVDA. Simply click yes again and NVDA will restart. Press ctrl+NVDA+s and choose dectalk and press enter on it. Dectalk should start talking.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: mike-tan

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

aprone. I already sended a voice message through Skype. and do report through the surver. but, strange. when I back from mission a few after that, spamers come in. now, Ill give you the hole chatlog. so, read and band that guy. even though we had muted him. so, read this. take immidiet action. thanks. the chatlog activity is like this.Game started at 21:25:51 on 08-10-2013super girl says. anyone is here? 21:28:08Drew_clark says. me 21:28:11You say, me 21:28:50Drew_clark says. mike what screen reader youre using? 21:29:07You say, jaaws f=suck 21:29:26Drew_clark says. why not nvda? 21:30:17You say, hmm 21:30:24Drew_clark says. hmm what? 21:30:58You whisper drew_clark kau ada lisance baru untuk vocalizer? 21:31:29You say, sedih gila cita ni woi! 21:32:30Whispering Drew_clark says. nope not at this time 21:32:31You say, lol? 21:32:37You say, really no? 21:32:41Drew_clark says. what? cannot understand? 21:32:42Drew_clark says. mike96 says. ;woi sad this crazy dream! 21:33:09Drew_clark says. ha ah ha 21:33:14Drew_clark says. ha h haahhh 21:33:18You say, ha? 21:33:23Drew_clark says. mike96 says. ;woi sad this crazy dream! 21:33:30You say, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha? 21:33:35ÅÁà´ÕÂÇ´Ò is leading a warehouse mission. 21:33:54Drew_clark says. ÅÁà´ÕÂÇ´Ò is leading a warehouse mission. 21:33:57super girl says. will u join? ill 21:34:20super girl says. join 21:34:25×·»ê is leading a warehouse mission. 21:34:58You whisper drew_clark bukak tapin radio. bukak nasional fm 21:36:37You whisper drew_clark sedih doh cerita 21:36:48cardozão! is leading a warehouse mission. 21:38:22Thunderstar says. sup peeps 21:38:26jason born says. oh! hai all 21:38:34Thunderstar says. hup jason 21:40:32Thunderstar says. sup 21:40:37Thunderstar says. darn 21:40:39burak84 is leading a warehouse mission. says. sup sup sharky! 21:44:50ÅÁà´ÕÂÇ´Ò is leading a warehouse mission. 21:45:36gans is leading a warehouse mission. 21:45:39general says. 35á ïù àãñë íùãêûóäà 21:46:02general says. 35, go fuck yourself 21:46:14You say, Led by ÅÁà´ÕÂÇ´ÒÂ. Secure the warehouse and bring 35 crates of camping supplies back to the truck. Requires 8000 reputation to join, has 6 experience points and 30 reputation which will be divided among the survivors. 21:46:25Thunderstar says. sup agagag 21:47:04You say, go join 21:47:09You say, go join 21:47:09¹Ò©Õè©Ø¹ found a crate at Sorting floor A. 21:47:23¹Ò©Õè©Ø¹ found a crate at Stacks of crates. 21:47:32à·¾ÁÒà found a crate at Sorting floor A. 21:47:37ÊØÍÔ¹·ÃÕà¾Ãͧ found a crate at Storage room. 21:47:55ÊØÍÔ¹·ÃÕà¾Ãͧ found a crate at Storage room. 21:47:59¹Ò©Õè©Ø¹ found a crate at Package rollers. 21:48:14ÅÁà´ÕÂÇ´Ò found a crate at Loading docks. 21:48:33rittee found a crate at Sorting floor A. 21:48:36ÅÁà´ÕÂÇ´Ò found a crate at Sorting floor B. 21:48:40ÅÁà´ÕÂÇ´Ò found a crate at Huge steel shelves. 21:49:00rittee found a crate at Storage room. 21:49:19¹Ò©Õè©Ø¹ dropped off 3 crates. You must find 32 more. 21:49:37ÅÁà´ÕÂÇ´Ò found a crate at Pallets of boxes. 21:49:39rittee found a crate at Sorting floor A. 21:50:01rittee found a crate at Storage room. 21:50:06rittee found a crate at Sorting floor A. 21:50:12àÇÂì found a crate at Outgoing storage. 21:50:13rittee found a crate at Package rollers. 21:50:21àÇÂì dropped off 1 crate. You must find 31 more. 21:50:40rittee found a crate at Sorting floor A. 21:50:43Drew_clark is at Main lobby, in Safe zone, on map 2. 21:50:43àÇÂì found a crate at Stacks of crates. 21:50:47ÊØÍÔ¹·ÃÕà¾Ãͧ found a crate at Outgoing storage. 21:50:53àÇÂì dropped off 1 crate. You must find 30 more. 21:50:56àÇÂì found a crate at Sorting floor A. 21:51:04¹Ò©Õè©Ø¹ found a crate at Storage room. 21:51:18àÇÂì dropped off 1 crate. You must find 29 more. 21:51:23àÇÂì found a crate at Loading docks. 21:51:37¹Ò©Õè©Ø¹ dropped off 2 crates. You must find 27 more. 21:51:49rittee found a crate at Sorting floor B. 21:52:02ÅÁà´ÕÂÇ´Ò dropped off 4 crates. You must find 23 more. 21:52:20rittee found a crate at Storage room. 21:52:26rittee found a crate at Loading docks. 21:52:42àÇÂì dropped off 1 crate. You must find 22 more. 21:52:49¹Ò©Õè©Ø¹ found a crate at Pallets of boxes. 21:53:08ÅÁà´ÕÂÇ´Ò found a crate at Sorting floor B. 21:53:14rittee found a crate at Sorting floor A. 21:53:21rittee found a crate at Loading docks. 21:53:28rittee dropped off 12 crates. You must find 10 more. 21:53:59ÅÁà´ÕÂÇ´Ò dropped off 1 crate. You must find 9 more. 21:54:04à·¾ÁÒà dropped off 1 crate. You must find 8 more. 21:54:11ÅÁà´ÕÂÇ´Ò found a crate at Outgoing storage. 21:54:29àÇÂì found a crate at Parts inspection. 21:54:44¹Ò©Õè©Ø¹ dropped off 1 crate. You must find 7 more. 21:54:44mike96 dropped off 2 crates. You must find 5 more. 21:54:51ÊØÍÔ¹·ÃÕà¾Ãͧ dropped off 3 crates. You must find 2 more. 21:55:01rittee found a crate at Parts inspection. 21:55:17ÅÁà´ÕÂÇ´Ò dropped off 1 crate. You must find 1 more. 21:55:33Well done! These camping supplies will 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] DECtalk for NVDA without GWDEC32.exe is here!

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: simba

Re: DECtalk for NVDA without GWDEC32.exe is here!

Hi, there is no nvda-addon file in my nvda Folder.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] DECtalk for NVDA without GWDEC32.exe is here!

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: fatih

Re: DECtalk for NVDA without GWDEC32.exe is here!

Hi,download this file: … nvda-addonThen click on the file, then say yes to all questions, then chose dectalk Access 32 from the list.URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Battle zone creator, please read!

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: gamefighter

Re: Battle zone creator, please read!

Hi,Yea, I experienced this error at level14 as well, as well as some random crashes where I had to restart the game. Luckely I had saved it before the crashes hapened...URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] GW SocialEyes: A Failure in Marketing, and a Resounding Disappointment

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: camlorn

Re: GW SocialEyes: A Failure in Marketing, and a Resounding Disappointment

Well, it isnt just power users. Windows has its problems too, but I can be faster here. Its not a question of needing to learn, its quite simply that the windows model is faster. In any moderately complex application, the idea of having to interact with everything becomes cumbersome, and after about 2 or 3 levels it becomes incredibly slow. Voiceover is good enough that no one would buy a commercial screen reader. Thus there is no real commercial opportunity given the startup time. It is not a disservice to the community in general-its good enough that people can get things done. I still believe it can be done better. We dont really have an example of a disservice at this point, because few companies have included their screen reader with the OS. That said, after learning OSX (and I really did invest the time to learn OSX), it turns out that Voiceover is broken enough to make programming a slow, cu
 mbersome, and generally unpleasant affair-the terminal bug has been known about for years without a fix, and XCode is a great example of where the Voiceover navigation model breaks down quickly-stop interacting three or so times, go somewhere else, interact three or so times, press a button, and repeat for the next one (minimum 5 keystrokes, and exploring is painful because you have to make sure to interact with everything before finding out whats inside). Id say its not just power users being affected, but that it does work well enough that 75% of the community would be satisfied with it. However, there are some warning signs that the desktop version of Voiceover may not be a top priority anymore-in 5 years, it might still be going strong. In five years, it might be the first example of my possible scenario in which this is a disservice. Only time will tell, but at the moment it is still, indeed, a service.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] DECtalk for NVDA without GWDEC32.exe is here!

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: brad

Re: DECtalk for NVDA without GWDEC32.exe is here!

hi.Thanks so much for this.Ive always wanted to use dectalk and now I can! And as Im using it, i notice, theres no beeping like in other dectalk soft where Ive used!Thanks so much!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] DECtalk for NVDA without GWDEC32.exe is here!

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: fatih

Re: DECtalk for NVDA without GWDEC32.exe is here!

youre welcome.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: lvj

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

hI, Aprone! Recently there are several players have been banned from Swamp. there are two Chinese players in them, 黄丹丹 and 小康007. I dont know why they were banned by the swamp. they told me they dont violate the user agreement. please help them to check their account, thanks!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Lunimals. A new eco-system simulation game.

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: fan

Re: Lunimals.  A new eco-system simulation game.

Hi,Can anyone give me tips for mission 8, quest 3, I baught 2 goafers but they both died off almost at once.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: flyby chow

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

aprone, it appears i have been banned from swamp again? its now six fifty pm and i tried to sign in with the lovely message greeting me. can u check for me what is going on?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Blind Games - The Next Battleground in Accessibility!

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — AG-News room: Jayde

Re: Blind Games - The Next Battleground in Accessibility!

I liked the article, but it has one rather significant factual error that I noticed. It claims that Pokémon has yet to stray even close to accessibility. This is absolutely not the case.If by accessible we mean that a blind or low-vision player can make good on the majority of the game and enjoy success, at least to some extent, then its actually pretty bloody high on the list. Put it this way: I have beaten at least one game in each generation of the series on handheld systems since its creation (blue and yellow from generation 1, silver and crystal from generation 2, sapphire, emerald and leaf green from generation 3, platinum from generation 4 and now Im very near finishing Black 2 from generation 5). The earlier generations did require knowing a lot, or looking things up, and occasionally getting help, but what do you think blind people do when they dont have talking menus and things? You cant say a game is utterly inaccessible just because someone might want a little info on exactly how a menu is laid out. Furthermore, the Nintendo 64 Stadium games are both completely accessible. Hell, those games even come with an announcer who will say whats happening in the fight; Stadium 2 is much better, but yeah. I mean, maybe the mini-games arent accessible, but they are absolutely not required for the main game experience and arent going to hurt you if you cant do them. Admittedly, the Gamecube pokemon games are, to my knowledge, not accessible except perhaps once battle starts, but those are but a few in a long list of Pokémon games that are, by and large, quite accessible. If you really think youre missing a lot because you cant read every dialogue box, either go read a walkthrough or accept that a game designed for eleven-year-olds probably isnt going to have the most incredible storyline. For that matter, you cant see a lot of the on-screen text in other supposedly accessible mainstream games either, yet theyre still listed. It just bugs me when a point is attempted with nonfactual information.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Bokurano daiboukenn topic

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: assault_freak

Re: Bokurano daiboukenn topic

You dont have to get the super to get the hyper version of each weapon, at least in some cases. The yo-yo can be gotten, and you can get the hyper yo-yo by staying in stage 19-1 for around 15 minutes, if I remember right.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Lunimals. A new eco-system simulation game.

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: fan

Re: Lunimals.  A new eco-system simulation game.

Hi,Can anyone give me tips for mission 8, quest 3, I baught 2 goafers but they both died off almost at once.Edit. Never mind, I just baught all the goafers and dingos I needed, after a whole lot of celling cats. But now I need help on mission 9. Like, how should I complete the get 30 birds and 15 hawks quest, or is it the other way around? anyway its the second quest.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Death Match

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: flame_elchemist

Re: Death Match

does the rocket loncher have a sound yet?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] DECtalk for NVDA without GWDEC32.exe is here!

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: jack

Re: DECtalk for NVDA without GWDEC32.exe is here!

Good work, I used to be prohibited from starting nvda automatically when my computer started cause of that stupid gwdec32.exe problem there is no way to get gwdec32 to autostart when the pc starts, but thanks to you now I can start nvda automatically when the computer starts!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Raspberry Pi and accessibility

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: arqmeister

Re: The Raspberry Pi and accessibility

If it comes with ssh, how does one enable speech in that case. After doing some research on these, looks like it might be fun to mess with however, just want to varify that someone can get it working.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Domain of heroes

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: bladestorm360

Re: Domain of heroes

Dark, I wouldnt say automatic combat is a modern gaming trend. Text gaming or simple iOS gaming, sure. But there are hundreds of thousands of iOS games out there that we cant play with VoiceOver that dont have automatic combat. Text games have kind of been this way from the beginning. I think the assumption is that if youre a sighted player, you dont really care about the text and just want to run up numbers, thus, simple and very quick combat systems and very little quest text most of the time. Take the Storm8 games example. Theyre made for sighted players who want to take 2 minutes away from their other games, or work, to just log in, push a couple of buttons, watch some numbers go up and put their phone back in their pocket. They seem slightly more involved to us because it takes us longer to navigate the screen with VoiceOver, but theyre basically meant for speed play. Honestly, we are able to play just a tiny, insignificant little cor
 ner of the mainstream gaming market, and mostly simple games at that. Which is why I put a lot of effort into learning and actually playing the advanced ones I do find, like Haypi Monster, Monster Kingdom and Solara. Though in the case of Solara now, its been made so utterly accessible that there isnt really much feeling around to do, haha.Anyway yeah, I seem to remember Orin initially finding this one, though I may have been the first one to post about it on here, I cant remember. Either way, a navigation tool would be handy and would actually get me back into playing the storyline more. I cant remember what level my toon is.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Grendal's Cave

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: bladestorm360

Re: Grendal's Cave

I think Firefox just has screen reader problems, plain and simple. It works fine for me with NVDA most of the time, but with Jaws it crashes on just about everything.Also, I find this highly amusing. The second I start complaining about Grendels Cave value not going up fast enough, mine starts skyrocketing. Im half way to 1000 already. I love how that always works.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Raspberry Pi and accessibility

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: ianr

Re: The Raspberry Pi and accessibility

Arqmeister, if you connect to it via SSH then your SSH client is running on your computer so your computers screen reader will provide speech.Much the same that a MUD client is accessible even though the MUD servers dont have screen readers or text to speech running on them.Putty is the program Ive used for SSH in the past.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Death Match

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: danny

Re: Death Match

What you need to remember is that that version of dm is deporcated. That version that your playing, the side scroller was deporcated because I found I could no longer maintain it with my improving programming skills. So know, the rocket launcher doesnt have a sound, nore will it get one. And their is no possible way to delete save files unless you want the game to get screwed up.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The status of the temple of life and the other game

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: tward

Re: The status of the temple of life and the other game

Fatih, all of our game development projects have stalled. There are a variety of reasons for this, but work hasnt been done on any of the Tomb Hunter games for a few months now. I opologise for the delays, but as I have not been very well the last few months it was necessary to take time off from game development.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Death Match

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: flame_elchemist

Re: Death Match

ok. are you making a new DM?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A wonderful issue with Windows

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: leibylucwgamer

Re: A wonderful issue with Windows

Hmmm, Im not sure how he booted it on, but it wasnt from disc since the drive for the computer wont even budge (doesnt open).Best Reagrds,LukeURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] we're searching for programers for alien invaders

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: crashmaster

Re: we're searching for programers for alien invaders

hi mike.ok I am able to previde sfx, I have some comercial libs but also some free libs.I dont have all the gear needed for some bits and bobs but I can make straight char voices at least I think so.I am fortunate enough to be in a house where most of the day I am by myself so I can shout swear and make weird noises without if you need sounds and beta testing I should be able to handle this.Usually I am able to work all monday from 10 am to 5 pmand then the rest of the week from 9 am to about 12 pm but it all depends.if you want testing or me to fiddle fx in I can work all day designing actual fx takes some time to handle and I only have the basic stuff, though I do have audacity and some other things, a couple mics and a couple recorders to look at.I have plenty of sfx and stuff some from muds and others from various places.Best way to contact me though is via my profile email link or th
 e pm system.dont always check pms but is my email and that may be the best way to handle that.I have msn and skype but I am not always active.shaun_everiss is skype and will get me for msn and aol.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Grendal's Cave

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark

Re: Grendal's Cave

Lol, maybe grendel heard you and is doing it to be contrary, . The odd thing with firefox is since I thought it could be supernova (albeit it would be a first, as supernova does not alter or interfere with any running programs, just recieves info directly), however even when I ran the thing with narrator just as a test it crashed! To be honest I really dont get peoples obsession with firefox, it just seems useless to me, since either it crashes, or soaks up memory like a sponge.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Spam

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Site and forum feedback: Sebby


Can we improve the signup process to include a simple QA test, or an email confirmation loop? It seems pretty clear that our spammy friends are only spamming because they can automate most of it. We should chuck in a speed bump. And yes, were doing all right now, and no, no solution is perfect, but these fly-by-night spammers are really, really annoying because they cant be dealt with directly until one of the mods notices, by which time theyve already dropped a load of turds.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Spam

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Site and forum feedback: Sebby

Re: Spam

Fair enough. I suppose, as long as most of us visit all threads combined, eventually they will be found, and bans are retroactive. On the other hand it can often totally mess up the thread ordering even if theyre cleaned up, especially if you dont refresh until youve finished checking out the new posts. Then you go to a thread only to find that the tail is just spam, for a few consecutive threads.But, if its not too difficult to deal with manually, thats cool. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Adventure At C:

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: Omar Alvarado

Re: Adventure At C:

hi all!Ive made a new stage. … sStage.stgCan you survive it?Let me know how it goes!URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] major android problem, any help?

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bradp

Re: major android problem, any help?

figured it out, turns out i didnt have who the message was to, thought i did thoughURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Domain of heroes

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: Orin

Re: Domain of heroes

Hi all,So I was talking in chat, and remembered a few things. The all-to important /goto command. Type /goto Place in chat to just instantly go there. Also, go to options near the top and enable the QuestPlaceLinks plugin there by checking its checkbox, then refresh the page. Then in the quest descriptions you can click on links to places to go to them.Im doing boring delivery postmaster quests now since I guess Im too low level at the moment to continue the story right now. BTW I havent played so long and forgot what level I was but I was 16, now 17.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] EmpireMud accessibility?

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: fastfinge

Re: EmpireMud accessibility?

Nice! Do let us know if you ever hear anything more on the subject.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Death Match

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: danny

Re: Death Match

To answer your question, yes, the old version of dm 1 was deporcated in faver of a new 2d approach which has a consepte demo on this forum. I deporcated the older version because the version didnt quite reach what I was intending the game to be. Originaly I did start out it in 2d before side scroller, however my coding was so limited I could only allow for the player to walk between rooms, and even that was so limited that I had to code each level by hand. So, I asked my testers at that time for assistance and they all voated for a side scroller like approach, as side scrollers are very easy to get started with. I continued up from their to the side scroller, and with mason contributing loads of neet things like the scripts that allowed for screen reader support and a cool menu interface, we developed the side scroller you know today, dm 1 classic. However, as time whent by I found the side scroller was harder and harder to maintain, with my skills constantly improving. The 
 thing is, dm 1 classic used a system of variables for combat and even the engines. The components wernt even classes nore items, they were simpply variables hand coded into the level they were ment to be in. I have actuley had going back to 2d building in my mined before the announcement, since when I released the version that premeerd level 9, but I decided to wait and finish the game, then see if it was worth it to do a 2d version. I didnt want to scrap it, rewrite it in 2d and have people start slamming it because things wernt complete. Pluss, I didnt no as much about bgt coding as I do now. Hope this clears things up.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] DECtalk for NVDA without GWDEC32.exe is here!

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Socheat

Re: DECtalk for NVDA without GWDEC32.exe is here!

Im glad that all of you enjoy this.thanks!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] we're searching for programers for alien invaders

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: tward

Re: we're searching for programers for alien invaders

Mike, while I may or may not be interested in such a project you havent said what language this game will be written in, what tools will be required, or what platforms you intend to support. Also a basic outline of the game project would be nice too.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A wonderful issue with Windows

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Chandu

Re: A wonderful issue with Windows

A wonderful issue ? yes, its worthwile to try booting from a usb stickURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] How do you get past a level in Shadow rine?

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: brad

How do you get past a level in Shadow rine?

hi.Ive been playing shadow rine, which is an amazing game.I use the instant translate nvda ad don, which by the way is amazing if you can set it up rite.but I have one question. How do you get past the bat in the game?its hard to hear the pits to jump over to get the kerreshea life force energy so do I really knead it?any help would be great.P.S. if you can set up your machine to display the Japanese language and then download the nvda instant translate ad don Id highly recommend it.Japanese audio games are simply put, amazing,.Is there a place or some drop box links to any other Japanese audio games?I have: bk one and two. Shadow rine. All stars batnet and brave of cloudea . Which I still cant really get the hang of smile.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Death Match

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: flame_elchemist

Re: Death Match

It does and can you make the infeckted more tuffer to battle?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: Truth

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Aprones This in turn how it happens, I definitely did not do anything. I blocked again. This is the third time I have blocked it for no reason, as if this blockade is a time limit. To a certain time it is necessary to unclear players blockade. I hope you can check to see. I definitely did not do anything breach of the agreement. We only ask that secure in this way did you get to play the game do not get to go. Really really too hard. OhURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Death Match

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: danny

Re: Death Match

They should be tuff in the dm 1 2d consepte demo. Have you tryed that.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] if your an audiogames fan, read this

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: articuno

Re: if your an audiogames fan, read this

Hey Luke, would you mind trying to come up with a piece of music for the intro. Kind of slow at first, but then it speeds up. Suspensefull and tense if you dont mind. No flute this time. Anyway, been trying to get more voice actors. People, I need them! If you know anybody that would like to be part of this project, let me know!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: CAE_Jones

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Three in a row? And one is Flyby Chow? Is our pet e-thug back?Did the attacker go after the Chinese players last time, or was it limited to the high-profile English-speaking players?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Clean, Beautiful Forum Posts in Email

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Site and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Clean, Beautiful Forum Posts in Email

Well Sabahattin, I cant speak for other vi mailing lists since Ive never bothered with any, but I wouldnt be so quick to dismiss audeasy on content, indeed methinks tom ward who moderates that list might have something to say about that . Certainly over the past few years Ive been on audeasy ive read some quite astounding posts and articals by several people, though you are correct that its not too easy to find those articals afterwards.Also it only takes a cursery glance at this forum to see lots of inconsequencial topics, or at least topics that serve no public purposes beyond those of the poster, eg, I need help with X, which is just as much a purpose of this forum as long and informed opinions or scholarly discussions regarding games. To be honest it actually sounds like your confusing a forum and a blog. A blog
  would! be someones articals or opinions on a given topic, like a column in a newspaper or magazine, and thus would naturally be of a more formal nature, however again, that is not the purpose of this forum at all, heck, even if we had! an blog, wed likely restrict those who could post entries to it precisely because! not all members of this forum are really of a bent to write serious articals,  though equally neither should they be. Also bare in mind there are plenty of highly compitant and informed people who simply prefer one format over another, indeed I remember a debate a few months ago where someone discussed turning audeasy into a forum and the concensus was why do we need one when those who prefer forums can go to and there were plenty of people who wanted to stick as a mailing list. I know myself if this forum were! a mailing list Id not be subscribed, simply because there is only so much E-mail 
 I can check through each day. This is why I myself am in favor of having both as separate entities and trying to turn a mailing list into a forum or visa versa is a bad idea precisely because it removes elements of choice from people who prefer one or the other.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Spam

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Site and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Spam

Well Sebby it is very much a question of quantity. Each individual spam post is as easy to delete as clicking one link, then clicking a button, (try deleting one of your own posts and youll see), which can be done in seconds, however the more there is to deal with, the longer it takes.As it stands I dont think were too badly off, ie, myself and the other mods arent under constant hassle having to spend hours removing spam, indeed Ive seen the boards far worse off in the past for this since while at the moment we get perhaps four spambots in three days, I do remember a time when it was more like three or four every few hours! Btwalso bare in mind we did try the confirmation thing, we had a question pannel pop up asking what the name of the planet we live on was, however for some reason it kept appearing to members and harassing them even once it was answered, and the concensus was we were better without it. Btw, also the fact
  that this, as a properly moderated board can! stay ontop of the spam puts the lye to all those bloody stupid captures that we all hate.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sound fonts?

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: prince animeshh

Re: Sound fonts?

thanks but i would such instruments with my laptop keyboard can i do this?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list