Re: [Audiogames-reflector] nvda addons dropbox folder

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: darkabomination

Re: nvda addons dropbox folder Can you put in those voices from your last thread?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Auteur: Laurence Fritsch Date de première mise en ligne: 2504201

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: eP4wU0uU0u

Auteur: Laurence Fritsch Date de première mise en ligne: 2504201

brAuteur: Laurence Fritsch Date de première mise en ligne: 25042012La jeune fille a su, par une tante domestique des Necker, que cette lettre était bien arrivée.Merci davance!Le plus simple est dy aller en tram.userid77471 Communiqué envoyé le 23.”6 By incorporating concern for the wellbeing of the WHRD as well as her family, and recognizing the genderspecific nature of violence integrated security offers a range of support, including childcare and healthcare not traditionally considered in security measures.«Ainsi, lutilisateur reste en prise avec le monde réel au lieu de garder le nez collé sur lécran de son smartphone», explique une démonstratrice venue des ÉtatsUnis. Yann, allonsnous en vite!/brbr« Battlefield 1942 » sur PC EA Games.Respire !Cest la logique qui tait dj dfendue par un homme que lAllemagne a bien connu partir de 1933.orgactive29461 Encuentros feministas énfasis y estrategias.LouiseTV.Son nouveau site, En voilà du service!Qui est vraiment Gus Fring : un psychopathe ou un gentleman contrarié?téoporose La boisson de soya présente de nombreux avantages sur le lait de vache pour prévenir lostéoporose.Paris, Septembre 2010.Je continue à déambuler au milieu de trottoirs où les gens se bousculent comme si des différents territoriaux les opposaient à chaque pas.J’ajoute pour conclure, que les viticulteurs que je rencontre personnellement depuis 20 ans chaque année ont un avis partagé sur PARKER : Il est reconnu par les uns, et d’autres ne l’apprécie pas forcément, mais le plus important chez ces viticulteurs pas forcément en accord avec PARKER, c’est le respect d’un avis contraire au leurs, c’est le maintien d’un échange, et le vin, c’est un échange./brbrEt tout ce petit monde évoluait en groupe, selon une sorte de chorégraphie, en hurlant.On trouve même unMais naturellement, le goût de chacun étant une chose claire, personne, absolument personne nest obligé à suivre nos résultats.A noter aussi: Webshare est compatible avec la majorit des configurations ApachePhp, mais selon certaines configurations hbergeurs gratuits ou brids par exemple, des fonctions peuvent ne pas tre disponibles. Oui, monsieurdame, ils voulaient regarder sous les jupes des femmes, raconte une marchande, peuton imaginer cela, quelle honte!Avant même de quitter ses habits d’apprenti Michael Corleone, Bryan Cranston a fait fructifier sa renommée galopante au cinéma./br BBURL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Community feud, by Aprone

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: jaybird

Re: Community feud, by Aprone

I have to agree with whoever, either here or in the Brainstorm file, said Qs a bit unfair. If the enemy throws him at you, its pretty much game over for you unless you can afford to defend yourself with your own Q pretty quickly. On the other hand, when you get enough resources to put a few Qs in good defensive positions, its pretty much game over for the enemy, no matter what they throw at you, seeing as how one Q can take out another Q with one shot.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Auteur: Laurence Fritsch Date de première mise en ligne: 2504201

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Auteur: Laurence Fritsch Date de première mise en ligne: 2504201

Interesting that this spambot got registred long time ago, but waits a while to post. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Community feud, by Aprone

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: KenWDowney

Re: Community feud, by Aprone

I had Q thrown at me on turn 2 and won. I let him get all the way to spot 3, not worrying about him. Then I just kept throwing out sprinklers to keep him from moving. So yeah, I suppose it could be said to be unfair, except that alls fair in love and war lol. I do think that the enemy should have to throw out lighter units at first though, since they would have to build up their resources too. I also think that player and enemy should attack simultaniously so that if youre defending the front lines with Q and another Q comes on the scene, they would blow each other up at the same time. As it stands now, the game is easily beaten, even in endless mode, once you get Q or even the hedge trimmer on all the roads.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A problem with Smuggler's 5

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: A problem with Smuggler's 5

I dont know enough about nvda to say. Is it possible to get nvda to refocus? or to close and restart nvda? when this error used to happen in previous versions itd make the game hang, but not actually vanish from focus or anything else. Reporting to Niels buaer might be an idea, but Id make absolutely certain what is happening first, whether the game is still running, whether you can click on screen elements etc.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A problem with Smuggler's 5

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: A problem with Smuggler's 5

I dont know enough about nvda to say. Is it possible to get nvda to refocus? or to close and restart nvda? when this error used to happen in previous versions itd make the game hang, but not actually vanish from focus or anything else. Reporting to Niels buaer might be an idea, but Id make absolutely certain what is happening first, whether the game is still running, whether you can click on screen elements etc.In the mean time, just do what I did back with the early version which had a similar error,  save a lot :d.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Goodbye Windows XP, i still get nistalgic over you.

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: Goodbye Windows XP, i still get nistalgic over you.

Interesting, though given how little microsoft pays their own workers in China I cant see them taking too much notice of the country. Its also not surprising the chinese engage in piracy,  heck since most of microsofts hardware components are built in China it seems they are at least part of the problem anyway.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Goodbye Windows XP, i still get nistalgic over you.

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: Goodbye Windows XP, i still get nistalgic over you.

Interesting, though given how little microsoft pays their own workers in China I cant see them taking too much notice of the country. Its also not surprising the chinese engage in piracy,  heck since most of microsofts hardware components are built in China it seems they are at least part of the problem anyway.I also wouldnt describe xp as prehistoric either since that implies obsolete, which from a practical functionality point of view xp isnt, despite microsoft attempting to force it to be that way by not supporting it on newer hardware in order to sell their useless later systems.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Using a wooden stick as a mobility tool?

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: Using a wooden stick as a mobility tool?

@Fastfinge, folding is another point, although if you want a cane to keep working storing it unfolded stood up in a corner is a better idea. I have seen steel hill walking sticks, and have used them on occasion when I was mountaineering, but they would be too short for a decent cane, or a jo come to that, though could make a nice short stabbing speear specially with their lovely jagged ends, . I suspect the reason we dont see more actually metal canes are A, expense B, weight, and C, rigidity, since if your cane is absolutely rigid and has no gain at all your liable to gut yourself with the end in your hand as soon as you actually poke the tip at something. The reason graffite is usually used, especially with the hollow tube idea is that they have just a little give so that if your in the middle of transferring your weight from foot to foot you can pull bac
 k slightly. This is actually one thing I did notice with the broom handle I mentioned.Btw, carbon fibre telescopic canes are useless as weapons, and not much good as canes, but theyre dam awsome for doing light saber impressions! Not only do they flick out in just the right way, but theyre a really fluressent day glow white as well, as opposed to just the normal white colour of standard canes. This means basically you shine light on them and they look as if theyre glowing like Light sabers . I used to have great fun outside a lecture theatre, since it was late at night, the lights were bright and end I even had the leather jacket and single black glove,  it also helps that people refer to me as Luke occasionally (although my hair is sort of the wrong colour). That was likely the best fun Ive had with a cane .URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] According to my research, blindness training statistically irrelevant

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: According to my research, blindness training statistically irrelevant

Well the Us health care thing I confess I just find a little mad,  indeed Id go so far as agreeing that it sounds pretty barbaric having grown up in the Uk with parents who both work for the Nhs. Website costs I was counting elements like site design, advertising and domain registration, not just the site hosting itself. Obviously if your working in something to do with It this will be less. In the Uk as far as Im aware its not the registration that is the problem so much as it is the tax you then are required to pay, since the wrates for businesses are different from private individuals,  one reason why there was such a scandle last year about starbux managing to wangle their way out of close to 20 million pounds worth of tax which even got to the point of government ministers recommending to people not to drink Starbux coffee and go to independents instead. Then again, Im not %100 sure of the exact
  figures hear as its not something Ive looked into in too much detail. Mostly in the Uk to count as a business you need to employ another person, and people who just provide single survices on their own are counted simply as professionals, or are registered with some sort of other agency such as a contracting firm or an agent if theyre actors, programers, musicians etc. @Bryan, yep it seems voc rehab are a much worse version of those organizations in the Uk. At least over here they technically dont have any actual power to penalise you if you tell them to get lost as my brother did. You could! depending upon your bennifit assessment be sent to see an employment adviser, but in practice that doesnt do much since assuming your adviser isnt an idiot, most employment advisers are quite aware hoo close to impossible it is for anyone! to get a job, disabled or not.Indeed on the one ocasion I saw one myself when she found out I was d
 oing a phd her comment was basically oh, your not just sitting at home and doing nothing,  well thats okay then which is usually about the extent of their involvement. @Fastfinge, you are the only person who complains about the spam filters, and frankly you dont see the spambots that register on the forum since we remove them. The filters arent there to annoy you or anything else, neither are they some sort of orwellian control method as you seem to imply. I will remove the word spam? from the filter, since you are quite correct that its necessary to discuss the rules of black jack, but really Im not sure why this is such a big deal.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] According to my research, blindness training statistically irrelevant

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: According to my research, blindness training statistically irrelevant

Well the Us health care thing I confess I just find a little mad,  indeed Id go so far as agreeing that it sounds pretty barbaric having grown up in the Uk with parents who both work for the Nhs. Website costs I was counting elements like site design, advertising and domain registration, not just the site hosting itself. Obviously if your working in something to do with It this will be less. In the Uk as far as Im aware its not the registration that is the problem so much as it is the tax you then are required to pay, since the wrates for businesses are different from private individuals,  one reason why there was such a scandle last year about starbux managing to wangle their way out of close to 20 million pounds worth of tax which even got to the point of government ministers recommending to people not to drink Starbux coffee and go to independents instead. Then again, Im not %100 sure of the exact
  figures hear as its not something Ive looked into in too much detail. Mostly in the Uk to count as a business you need to employ another person, and people who just provide single survices on their own are counted simply as professionals, or are registered with some sort of other agency such as a contracting firm or an agent if theyre actors, programers, musicians etc. @Bryan, yep it seems voc rehab are a much worse version of those organizations in the Uk. At least over here they technically dont have any actual power to penalise you if you tell them to get lost as my brother did. You could! depending upon your bennifit assessment be sent to see an employment adviser, but in practice that doesnt do much since assuming your adviser isnt an idiot, most employment advisers are quite aware hoo close to impossible it is for anyone! to get a job, disabled or not.Indeed on the one ocasion I saw one myself when she found out I was d
 oing a phd her comment was basically oh, your not just sitting at home and doing nothing,  well thats okay then which is usually about the extent of their involvement. @Fastfinge, you are the only person who complains about the spam filters, and frankly you dont see the spambots that register on the forum since we remove them. The filters arent there to annoy you or anything else, neither are they some sort of orwellian control method as you seem to imply. I will remove the word Insurance from the filter, since you are quite correct that its necessary to discuss the rules of black jack, but really Im not sure why this is such a big deal.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] According to my research, blindness training statistically irrelevant

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: According to my research, blindness training statistically irrelevant

Well the Us health care thing I confess I just find a little mad,  indeed Id go so far as agreeing that it sounds pretty barbaric having grown up in the Uk with parents who both work for the Nhs. Website costs I was counting elements like site design, advertising and domain registration, not just the site hosting itself. Obviously if your working in something to do with It this will be less. In the Uk as far as Im aware its not the registration that is the problem so much as it is the tax you then are required to pay, since the wrates for businesses are different from private individuals,  one reason why there was such a scandle last year about starbux managing to wangle their way out of close to 20 million pounds worth of tax which even got to the point of government ministers recommending to people not to drink Starbux coffee and go to independents instead. Then again, Im not %100 sure of the exact
  figures hear as its not something Ive looked into in too much detail. Mostly in the Uk to count as a business you need to employ another person, and people who just provide single survices on their own are counted simply as professionals, or are registered with some sort of other agency such as a contracting firm or an agent if theyre actors, programers, musicians etc. @Bryan, yep it seems voc rehab are a much worse version of those organizations in the Uk. At least over here they technically dont have any actual power to penalise you if you tell them to get lost as my brother did. You could! depending upon your bennifit assessment be sent to see an employment adviser, but in practice that doesnt do much since assuming your adviser isnt an idiot, most employment advisers are quite aware hoo close to impossible it is for anyone! to get a job, disabled or not.Indeed on the one ocasion I saw one myself when she found out I was d
 oing a phd her comment was basically oh, your not just sitting at home and doing nothing,  well thats okay then which is usually about the extent of their involvement. @Fastfinge, you are the only person who complains about the spam filters, and frankly you dont see the spambots that register on the forum since we remove them. The filters arent there to annoy you or anything else, neither are they some sort of Orwellian control method as you seem to imply, indeed most of the words on the filter list are the names of dodgy drugs.I will remove the word Insurance from the filter, since you are quite correct that its necessary to discuss the rules of black jack as well as other topics, but really Im not sure why you make such a big song and dance about this.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] According to my research, blindness training statistically irrelevant

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: According to my research, blindness training statistically irrelevant

Well the Us health care thing I confess I just find a little mad,  indeed Id go so far as agreeing that it sounds pretty barbaric having grown up in the Uk with parents who both work for the Nhs. Website costs I was counting elements like site design, advertising and domain registration, not just the site hosting itself. Obviously if your working in something to do with It this will be less. In the Uk as far as Im aware its not the registration that is the problem so much as it is the tax you then are required to pay, since the wrates for businesses are different from private individuals,  one reason why there was such a scandle last year about starbux managing to wangle their way out of close to 20 million pounds worth of tax which even got to the point of government ministers recommending to people not to drink Starbux coffee and go to independents instead. Then again, Im not %100 sure of the exact
  figures hear as its not something Ive looked into in too much detail. Mostly in the Uk to count as a business you need to employ another person, and people who just provide single survices on their own are counted simply as professionals, or are registered with some sort of other agency such as a contracting firm or an agent if theyre actors, programers, musicians etc. @Bryan, yep it seems voc rehab are a much worse version of those organizations in the Uk. At least over here they technically dont have any actual power to penalise you if you tell them to get lost as my brother did. You could! depending upon your bennifit assessment be sent to see an employment adviser, but in practice that doesnt do much since assuming your adviser isnt an idiot, most employment advisers are quite aware hoo close to impossible it is for anyone! to get a job, disabled or not.Indeed on the one ocasion I saw one myself when she found out I was d
 oing a phd her comment was basically oh, your not just sitting at home and doing nothing,  well thats okay then which is usually about the extent of their involvement. @Fastfinge, you are the only person who complains about the spam filters, and frankly you dont see the spambots that register on the forum since we remove them. The filters arent there to annoy you or anyone else, or to make anyone look like a spammer, neither are they some sort of Orwellian control method as you seem to imply, indeed most of the words on the filter list are the names of dodgy drugs. the point of the filters is that there are spambots who will post a spamm message, then check its verasity according to some preconceived text to make certain the message posts correctly, and if not, will go on to something else and assume the message posted in the wrong field. That! is the point of the filters having the names of commonly used spambot terms.I will how
 ever remove the word Insurance from the filter, since you are quite correct that its necessary to discuss the rules of black jack as well as other topics, but really Im not sure why you make such a big song and dance about this.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] According to my research, blindness training statistically irrelevant

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: According to my research, blindness training statistically irrelevant

Well the Us health care thing I confess I just find a little mad,  indeed Id go so far as agreeing that it sounds pretty barbaric having grown up in the Uk with parents who both work for the Nhs. Website costs I was counting elements like site design, advertising and domain registration, not just the site hosting itself. Obviously if your working in something to do with It this will be less. In the Uk as far as Im aware its not the registration that is the problem so much as it is the tax you then are required to pay, since the wrates for businesses are different from private individuals,  one reason why there was such a scandle last year about starbux managing to wangle their way out of close to 20 million pounds worth of tax which even got to the point of government ministers recommending to people not to drink Starbux coffee and go to independents instead. Then again, Im not %100 sure of the exact
  figures hear as its not something Ive looked into in too much detail. Mostly in the Uk to count as a business you need to employ another person, and people who just provide single survices on their own are counted simply as professionals, or are registered with some sort of other agency such as a contracting firm or an agent if theyre actors, programers, musicians etc. @Bryan, yep it seems voc rehab are a much worse version of those organizations in the Uk. At least over here they technically dont have any actual power to penalise you if you tell them to get lost as my brother did. You could! depending upon your bennifit assessment be sent to see an employment adviser, but in practice that doesnt do much since assuming your adviser isnt an idiot, most employment advisers are quite aware hoo close to impossible it is for anyone! to get a job, disabled or not.Indeed on the one ocasion I saw one myself when she found out I was d
 oing a phd her comment was basically oh, your not just sitting at home and doing nothing,  well thats okay then which is usually about the extent of their involvement. @Fastfinge, you are the only person who complains about the spam filters, and frankly you dont see many of the spambots that register on the forum since we remove them. The filters arent there to annoy you or anyone else, or to make anyone look like a spammer, neither are they some sort of Orwellian control method as you seem to imply, indeed most of the words on the filter list are the names of dodgy drugs. The point of the filters is that there are spambots who will post a spamm message, then check its verasity according to some preconceived text to make certain the message posts correctly, and if not, will go on to something else and assume the message posted in the wrong field. That! is the point of the filters having the names of commonly used spambot terms.I 
 will however remove the word Insurance from the filter, since you are quite correct that its necessary to discuss the rules of black jack as well as other topics, but really Im not sure why you make such a big song and dance about this.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Community feud, by Aprone

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: Aprone

Re: Community feud, by Aprone

Good idea Ken, Ill give that a try.Im not yet sure how best to limit what the AI throws at you to keep it fair. Giving the computer resources to spend would work I suppose, but Im not sold on that idea just yet. I think Im too tired tonight after work, so Ill probably do some coding in the morning.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Catchfish, a new game in development!

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: danny

Re: Catchfish, a new game in development!

Im fine with tts. I didnt use it though because I wasnt sure if you yourself were ok with using it, and what way. I cant do screen reader support currently, so thats why I was wundering because if its tts since you dont have any, it would need to be voiced via sapi.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] what is your favourite events and periods of your life

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: kamochek

Re: what is your favourite events and periods of your life

hi.whats going on with the topic?anyone can add here his favourite events and periods of his life. but as i can see, that topic still will not be replyed.i dont like that, when someone opens a topic, asking a question and this is only a question in the topic. i found some of them, where there was only one question of one user, but nobody replyed to him.kamochekURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: AlexN94

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Yeah... Well... But stil, I still wouldnt have sent just one guy with them. And it is actually Mata, named after Datu. … title=DatuURL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: Bogdan

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

Hi all. How can I defeat the 17.4 level? There are silver goards and I am not shure what to do.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Community feud, by Aprone

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: themadviolinist

Re: Community feud, by Aprone

Actually, giving the computer resources to spend would be a nice way to do difficulty levels for the endless games.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] game of the year 2013!

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: aaron

Re: game of the year 2013!

Hi,Weve got another contender, Ill have to start a topic about it unless one is already done. Its called a dark room, and no its not anything to do with the last, infamous, dark room sex game. This is a single player iOS text game that is 4 mb in size but man its possibly one of the most rewarding things Ive started to play. At first I couldnt see why this game was in the one pound price range as apposed to 0.69, but now I finally get it. Even the game description doesnt really say what it is, yet I cant really explain it accept for giving you a few keywords:fire, building, unlocking, expanding, events. Why is fire the first word? because thats the first thing you see. What are you building? a village, and it does change as you go. I dont really know if theres an overarching story or not, but stuff has been revealed to me in very small chunks.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] is down?

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: aaron

Re: is down?

Hi,Id just like the archive back to be honest, for nostalgias sake. Revengeo f Boris introduced me to it, and from there I never looked back, and laughed a lot.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] new iOS text based game, A Dark Room

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: aaron

new iOS text based game, A Dark Room

Hi,Ive found what is possibly one of the most infamously misleading, yet very rewarding, iOS titles to date. Its called A Dark Room and everything about it seems different. You have to build up a village, yet the description says nothing about that. In fact the description just says you are awake with your head blurry. Well Ive started to play and the more Im playing the more stuff Im finding and unlocking.Youve got a room with a fire, and from there youve got a quiet forest, but that will change the more stuff you add to it. The game has a sort of log that tells you whats happening, which updates in real time with the most recent thing as the first item. You have to keep that fire warm, although Ive got no idea what would happen if you just left it, and to be honest I dont want to find out!From there you can access your village, which literally starts out in a quiet forest. The fire room has a builder a
 nd a few other things which youll unlock, the same with the village.When new things become available, for instance a new building, the button for visiting the builder will change from visit builder to new building, from your village size to new workers, and a couple other things which I wont tell you about.The game has progresss bars which all start out at 100%. When you start doing something, like stoaking the fire, that progress bar will say progress 20% or whatevver, so you should flick back and fourth to see when something is done, then check the logs.Later on things get a bit trickier, and Im still trying to progress. Id love to go into more detail but if I said anything itd spoil it, yet one of the later things could cause some people to say this game is not accessible, but trust me, it is, theres a way round the thing in question that is very helpful, and also a text file with notes woul
 dnt go amiss either.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] new iOS text based game, A Dark Room

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: aaron

new iOS text based game, A Dark Room

Hi,Ive found what is possibly one of the most infamously misleading, yet very rewarding, iOS titles to date. Its called A Dark Room and everything about it seems different. You have to build up a village, yet the description says nothing about that. In fact the description just says you are awake with your head blurry. Well I paid for this app, and didnt realise why it was a little more expensive than I thought, its around £1 or so. Well Ive started to play and the more Im playing the more stuff Im finding and unlocking, and I now finally see why I paid that price, it all clicked into place and Im still not done yet.Youve got a room with a fire, and from there youve got a quiet forest, but that will change the more stuff you add to it. The game has a sort of log that tells you whats happening, which updates in real time with the most recent thing as the first item. You have to keep that fire warm, although Ive got no idea what would happen if you just left it, and to be honest I dont want to find out!From there you can access your village, which literally starts out in a quiet forest. The fire room has a builder and a few other things which youll unlock, the same with the village.When new things become available, for instance a new building, the button for visiting the builder will change from visit builder to new building, from your village size to new workers, and a couple other things which I wont tell you about.The game has progress bars which all start out at 100%. When you start doing something, like stoaking the fire, that progress bar will say progress 20% or whatevver, so you should flick back and fourth to see when something is done, then check the logs.Later on things get a bit trickier, and Im still trying to progress. Id love to go into more detail but if I said anything itd spoil it, yet one of the later things could cause some people to say this game is not accessible, but trust me, it is, theres a way round the thing in question that is very helpful, and also a text file with notes wouldnt go amiss either.URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] nvda addons dropbox folder

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: prince animeshh

Re: nvda addons dropbox folder


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Community feud, by Aprone

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: CAE_Jones

Re: Community feud, by Aprone

So, I got horribly unlucky and got hit with 5 economy invaders in rapid succession, and was pretty much slaughtered.Just to explain how one of the enemies got to my base. Even though Aprone mentioned earlier that win/lose didnt actually end the game, I was still surprised when I got a game over message and still had th opportunity to watch the invaders mow over my defenses until they got bored. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] forms of accessible martial arts?

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: CAE_Jones

Re: forms of accessible martial arts?

In my experience, detecting incoming attacks is the hardest part.It helps when your opponent focuses on swinging, slashing, etc, instead of stabbing. Most of the people who claim Im good in a swordfight are people who are either good enough that I can go at with enough power to put them on the defensive, or just never try unceremoniously stabbing me in the chest from the start.(Due to this effect, the people who kill me most often are actually the physically smallest, more timid newbies, because I dont like scaring people away. Oh, and actual injuries are bad, too. And the rare fight between me and the other VI player... they usually end quickly and anticlimactically, because we both completely fail to block and either double-kill or come very close to it. Meanwhile, sighted players can more consistently avoid my attacks, which actually gives me a chance at survival.)(The above was all informal stuff. My aikido katana training was incredibly basic st
 uff--footwork, movement, vertical cuts, one guard/dodge/counter sequence, and one sequence primarily meant to demonstrate how to use a jo effectively against a katana.)URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] forms of accessible martial arts?

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: CAE_Jones

Re: forms of accessible martial arts?

In my experience, detecting incoming attacks is the hardest part.It helps when your opponent focuses on swinging, slashing, etc, instead of stabbing. Most of the people who claim Im good in a swordfight are people who are either good enough that I can go at with enough power to put them on the defensive, or just never try unceremoniously stabbing me in the chest from the start.(Due to this effect, the people who kill me most often are actually the physically smallest, more timid newbies, because I dont like scaring people away. Oh, and actual injuries are bad, too. And the rare fight between me and the other VI player... they usually end quickly and anticlimactically, because we both completely fail to block and either double-kill or come very close to it. Meanwhile, sighted players can more consistently avoid my attacks, which actually gives me a chance at survival.)(The above was all informal stuff. My aikido katana training was incredibly basic st
 uff--footwork, movement, vertical cuts, one guard/dodge/counter sequence, and one sequence primarily meant to demonstrate how to use a jo effectively against a katana. My dad did teach me a bit when I was much younger... then made the mistake of making wooden swords for us. He ended up coming to one of my first grade events in a sling.)URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] forms of accessible martial arts?

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: CAE_Jones

Re: forms of accessible martial arts?

In my experience, detecting incoming attacks is the hardest part.It helps when your opponent focuses on swinging, slashing, etc, instead of stabbing. Most of the people who claim Im good in a swordfight are people who are either good enough that I can go at with enough power to put them on the defensive, or just never try unceremoniously stabbing me in the chest from the start.(Due to this effect, the people who kill me most often are actually the physically smallest, more timid newbies, because I dont like scaring people away. Oh, and actual injuries are bad, too. And the rare fight between me and the other VI player... they usually end quickly and anticlimactically, because we both completely fail to block and either double-kill or come very close to it. Meanwhile, sighted players can more consistently avoid my attacks, which actually gives me a chance at survival.)(The above was all informal stuff. My aikido katana training was incredibly basic st
 uff--footwork, movement, vertical cuts, one guard/dodge/counter sequence, and one sequence primarily meant to demonstrate how to use a jo effectively against a katana. My dad did teach me a bit when I was much younger... then made the mistake of making wooden swords for us. He ended up coming to one of my first grade events in a sling. Curiously, he didnt teach me any new techniques for like 5 years after that.)URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Using a wooden stick as a mobility tool?

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: tward

Re: Using a wooden stick as a mobility tool?

Mord-Sith, just about everyone answered this question already, but here is my take on this topic anyway.While I think it would be interesting using a Jo for a cane as everyone pointed out it would not be practical. It would be heavier than the typical cane, have no give or flexibility when running into cracks in the sidewalk, etc. The reason your standard graphite canes are ideal for cane travel is that they are light, they are flexible enough to bend some, and that they have a soft comfortable rubber handle for gripping the cane. Plus many are folding canes which makes them easy to fold up and store in your backpack or coat when riding in a taxi, plane, or anywhere else where a long wooden cane just would be an obstacle in everyone elses way. That is to say nothing of the fact a standard graphite cane comes wrapped in red and white reflective tape to help sighted people see you in the dark where a simple wooden cane made of a Jo would not have that extra level 
 of safety. All and all its a bad idea.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] help neded from linux deebien users

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: tward

Re: help neded from linux deebien users

Prince Animeshh, in short, yes you can. Im not as familiar with Debian as other Linux distributions but you can resize, delete, and format whatever partition and drive you want to while leaving others alone.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Catchfish, a new game in development!

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: mike-tan

Re: Catchfish, a new game in development!

I dont say I dont like real voices being recorded. if you guys dont found any voice acters, just record tts voices. and one more thing. this is an off topic permission. can I get the link for new version of scrolling battle?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: assault_freak

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

Just run through using a speed potion, and break the window at the end of the stage with your super hammer or another heavy weapon.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] I'm really missing a notetaker right now (and so are you*)

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: CAE_Jones

I'm really missing a notetaker right now (and so are you*)

* Because obviously the things I would make if I had one would be worth your time. Obviously. *Nods sagely.* ** The above may or may not be true.Aside from Sengoku Jidai and some of my pre 2008 stuff, having a USB-compatible note taker has played a pretty big role in pretty much all of my games. (The impact on writing has been even bigger; after all, the PACMate doesnt have a compiler.)my PACMate stopped holding a charge summer 2012, but even stuck to a wall like that, it wasnt completely useless for JLA or Fyquest (or that EC2.5D demo, which I expect would have turned out a little better, sound quality aside, had I had more PACMate power at the time).A side-effect of getting someone to actually look at it, though, is that its become clear how messed up it is, and putting it back together is pretty much not an option. So now even that stuck-to-the-wall advantage is gone.What Im really wanting is the equivalent of a notebook,
  only digital. I could get way more milage out of that than anything with internet access and gaming capabilities. I dunno, maybe I have ADD or something, or maybe its just that laptops overheat easily, are bulkier, and hold a charge about half as long as most notetakers when theyre new (give it a year or two, and that comes down to a third, if not a quarter). Or maybe its the attached braille display (hooking one of those to a laptop is better than nothing, but its so inconvenient I rarely bother).But theyre so expensive~! If I had $3000, I could probably get more milage out of it buying half a dozen tablets during a holiday sale, then selling them somewhere between discount and retail online a month later. (Though most people figured out this form of arbitrage centuries ago, so Im not sure if it would be effective enough to actually warrant that much trouble.)Basically, I need a device meeting these specifications:High portability.Focused around word processing. This means that the input method needs to be better for typing than playing with modern touch-apps.Accessible, duh. Preferring attached braille as well as audio. I dont like earbuds, and messing with headphones while walking or at a restaurant is just inconvenient.Should be able to transfer files to and from modern computers with minimal difficulty. (Prefer USB, but I guess I could learn to use Bluetooth if I had to.)Absolutely no convenient internet access. This ones a deal-breaker. I dont mind having a web browser that can open HTML files, or even run _javascript_, but the level of motivation it takes to avoid hitting Facebook and forums every five minutes is a rare luxury, and not one I can will into existence.Preferring it be difficult to impossible to dump games onto it. Particularly the accessible sort.Optional add
 itional features: calculator, alarm, stopwatch, calendar, the ability to play audio files (including off a USB drive). Some sort of compiler might be nice, so long as it only checks code for errors, and doesnt actually run it. Not good for bug-checking, but could possibly be an efficiency boost. (Did someone say Notepad++ basically does this?)Preferably, long battery life and low waste heat.So I basically described every note taker Ive had. Except that the Braille n Speaks didnt have braille output, and only the PACMate did USB and music. But you get the idea.Is this solvable, sans the sort of wealth that only comes with being over 30 and able-bodied (sometimes)?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] help neded from linux deebien users

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: prince animeshh

Re: help neded from linux deebien users

can u tell me how to do that? and how to launch talking installer in deebien?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] forms of accessible martial arts?

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: assault_freak

Re: forms of accessible martial arts?

Cae... thats an awesome story about your Dad. I probably would do the same in his shoes.As for dodging attacks... sparring at least in hand-to-hand tends to be a matter of starting in a position that can allow from movement to block any general attack. I sparred for the first time this summer, just using basic training and what Ive read and visualized over the years. The key I found then was that generally before people attack theres just enough noise to give a clue that theyre attacking. Not how, but when... and as a cliche saying goes, the best defense for an attack is simply not to be there. It would be harder in a street situation, but it does work at least in sparring and probably would in competition as well. I havent done any katana sparring though it would be interesting to try, and the most important thing again would be to take the initiative. Ive spent a while discussing this with people... and the idea is to force them into co
 untering or attacking you the way you want them to and can anticipate and therefore block. Kendo was always something I was interested in... especially since during competition of sparring practice the shinai (bamboo swords) are supposed to be crossed at the tip and touching. How much help that would be I dont know... Ive never been given the opportunity to try.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Goodbye Windows XP, i still get nistalgic over you.

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: tward

Re: Goodbye Windows XP, i still get nistalgic over you.

Dark, well, you are not alone. I figure a lot of people are going to have to get use to running XP inside a virtual machine along side their current operating system because like it or not after April of next year it will be discontinued. We can argue from now until the end of time about weather that is a good decision or a bad decision, but I believe sooner or later people will just have to deal with it.The problem isnt that Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1, can not run older Dos programs but the methods most people use such as Dosbox is not accessible. As I have explained to you before it begins at the processor level. None of the new 64-bit processors from Intel or AMD can execute 16-bit applications and as a result all 64-bit operating systems be it Windows, Mac, and Linux are dropping support for 16-bit applications. While Microsoft and others could resolve the problem by writing an emulator there is no money in it for them, and of course that is
  the real problem. Why spend thousands or more on a feature that would only effect a very small minority of their customers? Especially, when other solutions like virtual machines and emulators like Dosbox exist that resolves the issue for the majority of those who absolutely require 16-bit compatibility. Of course, for us Dosbox and other solutions are not accessible, and we need to be more vocal in getting the developers of those emulators to make them accessible.As far as upgrading goes that is arguable. Programmers are in deed adding new features, upgrades, but it does not necessarily mean that the upgrades or new features are something that will improve your operation of the software. Take Office for an example. There are a lot of new things in Office 2007, 2010, and 2013 over say 2003, but I am pretty sure most of the things that were added are of no use or interest to an average user such as a college student. If anything the introduction of the new ribbon over t
 he standard pull down menus has made things worse for the average blind user, and while the ribbons have their advantages it is yet one more new interface to get use to using when there was nothing wrong with the old one. So there is some truth to what you say that upgrading is less convenient with little to no real benefit in a case like that.In the end you will just have to go with whatever works for you. Thats all I can say. I think we will disagree on the benefits of say Windows 8.1 over XP simply because we dont see our computer software the same way. As a tech, someone who programs software, and enjoys playing with new things I dont have any real complaints with Windows 8.1. Since your entire motive is just to have it work the way you want it to you will never be fulfilled with anything else but XP. Newer operating systems like Windows 8.1 was developed with phones, tablets, etc in mind rather than the typical PC which is why the new change in user int
 erface and so on. If you are not thinking about migrating to a Windows phone or Windows tablet then obviously the new user interface would seem rather senseless and of no value to you personally.Chris, yes, there are other speech synthesizers for Linux besides ESpeak and Eloquence. There is a free one called Pico that actually sounds pretty good. There is also FreeTTS and Festival which arent quite as good, but are an option. If you dont mind paying for voices Cepstral has a number of their Swift voices such as Callie, David, Dianne, Walter, and so on available for Linux too. There use to be a commercial version of Dectalk Access available for Linux, but it has not been updated in years so may not work with newer distributions of Linux.As for ESpeak and Vinux the reason it sounds different is that version of ESpeak does not come with any of the variants that NVDA does. There is however some instructions how to download and install the variants i
 nto Vinux or Sonar to get the same ESpeak voices as NVDA such as Max, John, Iven, Tweaky, etc. So the reason why Espeak sounded horrible is you didnt install and configure it using the same voice variants that NVDA uses. However, if you did I think your opinion of ESpeak on Linux would change.SLJ, the primary difference between Sonar and Vinux is they are two different distributions of Linux based on Ubuntu. Vinux is based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS where Sonar tends to use the current builds of Ubuntu but was custom built for maximum accessibility in mind. In short, if you want up to date packages and software go with Sonar, but if you want stable and reliable go with Vinux.As for the installer of Sonar it should have come up talking. Try bringing up Orca using super+alt+s or doing alt+f2 and typing orca. If neither of those work then chances are Sonar didnt properly find and configure your sound.URL:


Re: [Audiogames-reflector] facebook games

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: simba

Re: facebook games

Hi, i cant seam to find the ultimate street racer. Can you give me a link?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Community feud, by Aprone

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: nin

Re: Community feud, by Aprone

hi aprone. can you invite me to the dropbox folder? my e-mail isvalentinvelec...@hotmail.comthanks.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: fatih

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

there is no way to beat stage 21-2URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: Nikos

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I am up for an extention!!! What is the event, is it something like we had last year with the rapping paper?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Catchfish, a new game in development!

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: Haramir

Re: Catchfish, a new game in development!

Hey folks! Thanks for the warning SLJ, so, one more reason for not to use it. Crashmaster, the sounds are great, thanks once more. Im updating the dialogs and shops and will post here for you to take a look. Can someone lend us some background music please? I have a few, but only about 4 or so. Perhaps we can use a little more.Best regards, Haramir.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: Nikos

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I am up for an extention!!! What is the event, is it something like we had last year with the rapping paper?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] new iOS text based game, A Dark Room

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: harrylst

Re: new iOS text based game, A Dark Room

Ill have to find that game. A dark room. So is it completely accessible?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Catchfish, a new game in development!

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: seal

Re: Catchfish, a new game in development!

If the game will be good, i can use my voiceact if you are interested, first, i want see it in action or better, play that one.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A problem with Smuggler's 5

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Mord-Sith

Re: A problem with Smuggler's 5

This weekend Ill see if my girlfriend can help me look at it to see if it vanishes completely. NVDA cant refocus on it and restarting doesnt do anything, least, the times Ive tried it hasnt.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Community feud, by Aprone

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: Ruhan

Re: Community feud, by Aprone

Someone can help me?When i open the. Exe, a message appears saying the file comdlg32.ocx is not currently registered.In the previous version, I had downloaded and appeared an error message regarding the bartender and short lady characters. So I downloaded the game again and now this message about the comdlg32.ocx appear. Sorry for my english. Not is my language!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] nvda addons dropbox folder

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: gaita 2040 ever asturian

Re: nvda addons dropbox folder


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: the blasting gd

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Ive been playing for March. So which event was last year? What was it about? Was it fun? I wouldnt have anything against an extention too.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: flyby chow

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

woof! my vote is a fluffy yes!. let the fun begin!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bryant

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

heres something else I thought of. When victor and saul went back to the tower after it fell, victor discovered a wraper that had the words 3 grand on it or something. Do you think that this has any relevence or meaning to it?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bryant

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

heres something else I thought of. When victor and saul went back to the tower after it fell, victor discovered a rapper that had the words 3 grand on it or something. Do you think that this has any relevence or meaning to it?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] new iOS text based game, A Dark Room

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: aaron

Re: new iOS text based game, A Dark Room

Hi,I cant comment on whether its completely accessible as I havent beaten it yet, but Ive contacted the dev for a couple of parts and he said that hell look into it.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Community feud, by Aprone

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: CAE_Jones

Re: Community feud, by Aprone

Youll need to register it, like with the dependencies for Swamp or Castaways. Cpy to c:\windows\syswow64, of if you dont have that, c:\windows\system32. Run command prompt as administrator (its usually cmd.exe or in the same folder), and typecd /d c:\windows\syswow64regsvr32 comdlg32.ocxI think thats right, anyway.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] help neded from linux deebien users

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: king gamer222

Re: help neded from linux deebien users

To launch the talking installer, press S once your at the disks boot prompt. As for resizing the partitions, use the installers partitioning utility for that.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] help neded from linux deebien users

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: fastfinge

Re: help neded from linux deebien users

@prince animeshh: as someone who has tried doing this, I cant recommend against it strongly enough. Debian is the best thing on earth for servers. But for desktops, its a total disaster. Sound support is broken, fragile, and nonstandard in lots and lots of scary ways. Orca just is not there yet, at least as of 6 months ago. Firefox support is so absolutely awful as to be nearly completely unusable if youre dealing with complex apps like Google Docs, gMail, or even Wave Accounting; rendering dynamic pages is going to take forever when the page contents is changed via AJAX, and Orca and Firefox will crash frequently. Accessibility support for things like the new Unity interface is just not complete, and package updates will switch you over without warning. If youre on a laptop, power management is absolutely abysmal, and you should expect at least a 50% decrease in battery life. And Im on a Lenovo, somethi
 ng that both the distro and manufacturer advertise as fully supported. I can say that they have at least sorted out Wireless support; two years ago, that never, ever worked. But it isnt nearly enough. Blind users on Linux are 3rd class citizens; to get things working, we have to use our own custom, out of date distributions, and/or stick with out of date software and interfaces. This is unacceptable. Right now, the experience for a blind user on Debian or Ubuntu is about what it was in the Windows 3.1 days. If you want something Unix like, get a mac. If you cant afford a mac, install Cygwin. Linux Fanpeople: please dont bother responding. I administer 6 Linux boxes, and am perfectly comfortable compiling kernels and reading man pages to get things working. Never-the-less, the desktop experience is not anywhere near acceptable, and I have no time for your condescension on this matter. So why get your blood pressure up

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: CAE_Jones

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

SANTAPRONE!... Huh.Warning! The following errors must be corrected before your message can be posted:‧Posts cannot contain only capital letters.XD XD XDBy which I mean, sure, I wouldnt mind starting early.URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] help neded from linux deebien users

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: fastfinge

Re: help neded from linux deebien users

@prince animeshh: as someone who has tried doing this, I cant recommend against it strongly enough. Debian is the best thing on earth for servers. But for desktops, its a total disaster. Sound support is broken, fragile, and nonstandard in lots and lots of scary ways. Orca just is not there yet, at least as of 6 months ago. Firefox support is so absolutely awful as to be nearly completely unusable if youre dealing with complex apps like Google Docs, gMail, or even Wave Accounting; rendering dynamic pages is going to take forever when the page contents is changed via AJAX, and Orca and Firefox will crash frequently. Accessibility support for things like the new Unity interface on Ubuntu is just not complete, and package updates will switch you over without warning. The same goes for Gnome3 on Debian, where things are only slightly better. If youre on a laptop, power management is absolutely abysmal, and you sho
 uld expect at least a 50% decrease in battery life. And Im on a Lenovo, something that both the distro and manufacturer advertise as fully supported. I can say that they have at least sorted out Wireless support; two years ago, that never, ever worked. But it isnt nearly enough. Blind users on Linux are 3rd class citizens; to get things working, we have to use our own custom, out of date distributions, and/or stick with out of date software and interfaces. This is unacceptable. Right now, the experience for a blind user on Debian or Ubuntu is about what it was in the Windows 3.1 days. If you want something Unix like, get a mac. If you cant afford a mac, install Cygwin. Linux Fanpeople: please dont bother responding. I administer 6 Linux boxes, and am perfectly comfortable compiling kernels and reading man pages to get things working. Never-the-less, the desktop experience is not anywhere near acceptable, 
 and I have no time for your condescension on this matter. So why get your blood pressure up?Edit: Clarified that Unity is Ubuntus fault.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Catchfish, a new game in development!

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: crashmaster

Re: Catchfish, a new game in development!

Hi haramia.Hmmm well thats good that my shot in the dark was a success then.I usually dont like doing it that way.Now as for music.What are you aiming for.What is this game going to be.bosses etc or what.I have everything from arcade chip, most of this is free music.I have andrelouis music which most of that is free music.I have several amiga remixes, all sorts.I have several other banks.I have just got some linux music and some electronic music.I have also loads on loads of nes and other chip music in native format.I have also random copywrited music I did pull from various sources, but it all depends on what you short what is the theme of the game that you want and any changes to that.I have also midi though my native chip and midi libraries will probably be useless to you.URL: http://forum.aud

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alter Aeon Updates

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dentin

Re: Alter Aeon Updates

Just a reminder, the December advent calendar runs until the end of the year, and you can get a gift from the server once a day until then. The gifts range from gold to credits and unique items that you cant get any other way.The new druid class has now been available for about a week, and things are looking really good! People are having a lot of fun playing new characters based on druids, with some of them even up to level 20.Lastly, dont forget that theres still the yearly anniversary event in january, after december is done. This will be our 19th anniversary, so it should be a big one.See you there!Alter Aeon MUDhttp://www.alteraeon.comURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Using a wooden stick as a mobility tool?

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: fastfinge

Re: Using a wooden stick as a mobility tool?

@dark: I suspect another thing going against metal canes, at least in the Canadian climate, is that they would be bloody cold to the touch! The rubber handle and gloves would help somewhat, but when you went inside, they would remain a lot colder for a lot longer than other materials.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Goodbye Windows XP, i still get nistalgic over you.

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: Goodbye Windows XP, i still get nistalgic over you.

Its not just dos 16 bit applications, for all I do disagree with you that microsoft should spend the money, to import them into this so called superior new hardware (though if it is so superior why doesnt it do anything better).Ever since windows vista weve had comments on this forum whow do I run this game?, what is happening to vb support? so and so runs slowly, I cant install such and such etc etc.The newer versions of windows just seem to cause trouble with the existing corpus of games, particularly with vb6. Now Im sure people will say vb isnt being supported by microsoft and so on, but that doesnt help, since the plane fact is there are more things that dont run correctly on windows 7 plus than dont run on Xp. While of course you can run Xp in a virtual machine, well why would I want to run another operating system which will take time to learn if 
 Ive got to run xp in a virtual machine anyway?When a newer operating system actually is worth the trouble and will let me do something better I cant do on Xp, Ill certainly upgrade and take the virtual machine option, but I just struggle to see the real bennifit. Myself I think this wont happen until touch screen support, since that is a positive, absolutely different change which provides a great deal of bennifit to everyday interface use, as well as games etc which you certainly couldnt get on an older os.About the tablet thing, well again, this seems part of a modern tendency with interfaces Ive seen on everything from Iphone to facebook and in Itunes. Instead of letting you customize what information is shown through lists, menus, windows etc, the tendency is to chuck everything at a person at once and have it all sprawling out in one huge clump. For a sighted person this probably is a good thing since its like 
 having everything layed out on a table and a person can visually track the position of all objects. using a conventional screen reader however its a pain in the arse since it means tracking things like trees, moving ribbons, morphing contextual information etc which doesnt stay logically similar or have an easily memorable position, as well as often getting you lost in a lot of controls and information you dont! want. Of course, they arent impossible, but as compared to say a basic list form in windows xp they are far less instantly intuative.This is where touch screens can be a major bennifit since they allow spacial relationships and quick navigation which isnt possible in such a huge mass of stuff using a conventional screen reader with even a comprehensive ability to move around the screen. of course, this wouldnt matter if interfaces were customizable, but again, customization in interface doesnt seem to be a priority thes
 e days anymore than backwards compatibility is, which is again something I blaime microsoft for. Regarding emulation etc, well frankly yes, I do! expect microsoft to spend thousands on development when it comes to supporting those tools and previous systems such as vb, ms dos etc which have been staples of their own library. Saying oh use a virtual machine or leave it to open source is frankly lazy, and its not as if microsoft is a stuggling indi developer with limited time and resources, theyre the richest company in the world and thus should theoretically be creating the best product, this is why they can be more readily blamed for not living up to expectations, and especially for trying to force people to buy their cruddy new systems by dropping support for newer hardware, neglecting security etc. I will say this is one area where Apple score over Microsoft since when they update an os they dont drop everything that ran with
  the previous ones,  about Linux I dont know, though i suspect with so many alternatives backwards compatibility isnt a problem there either. Now of course, if your a tecky and enjoy playing with computers just for the sake of seeing how they work, its a different question, and I can appreciate that difference in priorities, though Im afraid as someone who sees a computer just as a tool for doing various things im a little amazed that if all this 64 bit hardware and faster processors and all the rest of it is so much better, why wont it do! anything better. The differences between vhs and dvd are obvious to anyone,  indeed even I! can see the improved picture quality with my severe limitations on eyeballs. I dont know about the current generation, but the differences in production and processor quality between 8, 16, 32 and next gen consoles were also pretty obvious,  albeit complexity in graphics meant 
 I was myself unable to take advantage of most of these changes, and that from what Ive heard from people who follow gaming developments the technological and software progression has somewhat ground to a halt of late.Given these changes in areas of technology, I find it actually quite surprising that I cant! see any 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] According to my research, blindness training statistically irrelevant

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: fastfinge

Re: According to my research, blindness training statistically irrelevant

@BryanP: Have you looked at something like voicebunny? You could work from home, assuming you have a decent recording set-up and some work samples to upload. Once you get some uptake through places like voicebunny, try and convert it into direct relationships with your clients, so you can stop giving Voicebunny there cut, and perhaps negotiate better rates. I find that WaveApps is a good, reasonably priced, invoicing and accounting system once you start dealing directly with clients. @Dark: Keyword filters dont prevent the spammers from posting, because they are happy to misspell words and look like complete morons. The only thing they do is victimize legitimate users, utterly bastardizing our words at random, with absolutely no advance warning what so ever, and no reasonable appeal process. Its the closest you can get to systematized ideological rape on an online forum system. Its totally abusive and inappropriate
  towards regular users, without actually making it any easier to clean up the forum, as the filtered spam just gets posted anyway. The only acceptable solutions would be to remove the system entirely, or prevent any message with a banned word from getting posted. Changing the intent and meaning of peoples words is never OK, and I have no intention of shutting up and taking my metaphorical beatings like a good little member.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

@Bryant, interesting point, well see. It might just be rubbish of course, but then again it might not.@Alex, fair enough, those american differences between o and aa can be rather odd. Interestingly enough, my singing teacher actually mentioned this to me when singing in an American accent since lip position is pretty major.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Using a wooden stick as a mobility tool?

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: fastfinge

Re: Using a wooden stick as a mobility tool?

The idea of a steel cane just makes me shudder. I can all too clearly imagine coming in from outside when its -30C, folding it up, sticking it in my pocket, and having that cold cold metal press against the side of my stomach! Ouch! Brrr! Also, the joints would be totally frozen and/or swollen together. I guess if it wasnt folding, those problems would be alleviated...but people would sure yell if you accidentally touched their feet with your ice cold tip!URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bk2 Dropbox Folder Is Here!

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: James

Re: bk2 Dropbox Folder Is Here!

Hi. Can you please add:jmc...@yahoo.comThanksURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who wants to join Lucas's recordings dropbox folder?

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: James

Re: Who wants to join Lucas's recordings dropbox folder?

Please send an invite to Thanks.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sharing your gamecenter name

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: king gamer222

Re: Sharing your gamecenter name

I am nar garzvog.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] According to my research, blindness training statistically irrelevant

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: jjgeek

Re: According to my research, blindness training statistically irrelevant

Another very interesting topic indeed, and one which has aroused a great deal of curiosity in me over the years. Regarding this whole training thing, I honestly dont know what to think anymore. It does seem to vary widely in terms of both quantity and quality depending on where one lives. At least I have found this to be the case here in Illinois. While were on the subject, Id like to point out that Illinois is and has been ranked at or near the very bottom in serving people with disabilities. Im not just talking blindness and visual impairment here, but all types of disabilities. The even sadder thing is that virtually nothing has been done about this statistic. At least 3 past governors were thrown out of office for things which they fowled up on, and yet the state legislature cant seem to come to grips with this service delivery thing. The legislature voted unanimously to have former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich thrown out of office. Im 
 talking all 59 members, some Democratic and some Republican. I even remember the days on which this all took place. I even blogged about it on my previous blog. But enough about that for now. I actually had some training provided through the state, but now that I have had time to think things over Ive come to the realization that a lot of said training wasnt that great. Im referring mainly to the orientationmobility training which I most recently received. Please see the previous posts of mine for more on this. Regarding healthcare, I am currently under my parents healthcare plan, and I think I will be at least for the foreseeable future. This doesnt seem to be sitting too well with at least one person. Im not naming names here. I think she knows who she is. Nobody on this site though. Ill just say that I have had nothing but positive interactions with all medical professionals with whom Ive come into contact, and my hospita
 l stays were all handled extremely well. I think a big part of this has to do with my father having worked in the medical profession for several years. In addition, a sister of mine is now a nurse practitioner. So if people have a problem with that, then I guess thats their own fault.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: keba

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

hi aprone, been reading through the posts on here. been a while since ive read them. your new game in production sounds cool. if its even half of what minecraft is, it could be very! cool! question for you guys though. i listened to zombies recording, and was surprised to hear different weapon sounds. is this a mod, and if so, where is it obtainable from? it sounded kinda cool.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Community feud, by Aprone

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: Ruhan

Re: Community feud, by Aprone

It worked here.Thanks, CAE_Jones.Sorry for my english. Not is my language!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: AlexN94

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Just reload your gun, continue to fightSwamp Net does know if youre naughty or niceSantaprone is coming to town!Santaprone is coming to town!Saaantaprone is coooming tooo town!...That was a yes, BTW. URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: AlexN94

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

I read somewhere on WAs forum that that address on the wrapper was for CJs garden. I dont remember that, though, so not exactly sure...URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm really missing a notetaker right now (and so are you*)

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: scotf2012

Re: I'm really missing a notetaker right now (and so are you*)

Have you looked into the Braille Plus? Note that Im talking about the Braille Plus (different from the Braille Plus 18!)Downsides: no braille display hilt-in. If you want one, I suggest Refreshabraille.Also, its a legacy product. I dont think APH or LevelStar sells them anymore.Its got one game built-in, but its some boring rendition of tic tac toe, so youll be bored with it after awhile.And it runs Linux. Theres Emacs for it, which can probably do your code checking, (maybe?)Thats all I can think of. Has a calculator (complete with a Python console interpreter thingy) and a bunch of other crap. Look into it, at least.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm really missing a notetaker right now (and so are you*)

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Mord-Sith

Re: I'm really missing a notetaker right now (and so are you*)

Does the apex have anything for coding on it? I may be getting one of these soon.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm really missing a notetaker right now (and so are you*)

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Trenton Goldshark

Re: I'm really missing a notetaker right now (and so are you*)

text chatting, yes. Calling, no. And its via XMPP, which google has dropped it for some time.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] help neded from linux deebien users

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: king gamer222

Re: help neded from linux deebien users

And, once you do get Debian, good luck getting aptitude to work.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: User100

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hi all!Whats the event? I hadnt seen what was in the last year! Probably, it will the new map or a special bonus for all the Swamp players! URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: assault_freak

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

lol Yeah, there is. Just try and figure it out.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: mehgcap

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Usually, events like this consist of special items scattered across the different maps. Each item me either be A special weapon or piece of armor, or a gift you can present to someone else. Generally, the items are completely random, so might be as basic as a bit of ammo all the way up to a longbow or other difficult-To-find piece of gear. Of course, I dont know what this years event will be like, but that is what they have been like in the past.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: serkanal1992

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hello, so did I, the problem  there , connection , interrupted , .URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] Problem with topspeed online

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: burak

Problem with topspeed online

Hi,When I join a race , it instantly says topspeed stopped responding and quits. Can you recommend me a solution?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm really missing a notetaker right now (and so are you*)

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Chris

Re: I'm really missing a notetaker right now (and so are you*)

Hi.I would not get the Apex. The Apex is crap and so limiting.I would go for the braillesense u2 or the braille plus or the braille plus 18.As for the pacmate, well its crap because it doesnt even have wireless radios.Ive asked this before, and I really want to know this.Does jaws crash on the pacmate when you type in the Wednesday like word?If so what happens to the pac mate?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: Aprone

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

The event has started. Find the missing pieces to the SwampMas song, and you get to sing along. Hardcore characters get bonus food for finding them, since they got screwed on Blackout day by not being able to participate. Good luck, and have fun with the song.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm really missing a notetaker right now (and so are you*)

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: darkabomination

Re: I'm really missing a notetaker right now (and so are you*)

That seems to be an urban myth. It does crash often, regardless though.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm really missing a notetaker right now (and so are you*)

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Guitarman

Re: I'm really missing a notetaker right now (and so are you*)

Hi.@Cae I recommend the braille plus 18. It has pretty much everything you mentioned except for maybe a compiler.@Mord-Sith avoid the BrailleNote apex whenever you can. If itts possible try getting the braille plus 18. The apex is still nice but it is very outdated.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm really missing a notetaker right now (and so are you*)

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: defender

Re: I'm really missing a notetaker right now (and so are you*)

Hi Cae and allSo, first of all, I find it necissary to pointlessly point out the point that you are indeed limiting your self horribly by even using a note taker in the first place, and that there are about a million simple work arounds that actually wont ruin your life and could in fact even net you a computer that has the capability to hold any app you would need from simple to complex with the ability to add more easily, properly run 3 or more operating systems, well and with very good responce time and battery power, while staying in a 10.5 inch form factor and having the ability to connect through bluetooth or USB to any number of braille displays while also fully supporting a wide array of useful twenty first century technology: (GASP!).Thats a macbook air with all the fixins, and with a shiny new braille display your stillg gonna be 2000 dollars or more under one of those abominations they call notetakers, also you do know that you can turn o
 ff the wireless card, right? or you can just wear a shock collar, since just getting a crappy brick that does nothing isnt going to stop you from doing nothing, in fact itll just help you do nothing in a different way, instead of facebook and forums youll spend 5 hours trying to get it to turn on, then 3 trying to get it to stop crashing when you make the same mistake over and over again, because who knew you couldnt go to the bottom of a large document, open a folder with in a folder, or god forbid, load google while sitting 6 inches from your router on a machine that doesnt use punchcards and isnt the size of a small library!But now that the disclaimer is over, on to the good stuff! yaye!I suggest a braille sense, the newest one, for one whos used the braille and speak, classic braillenote, braillenote pk, shutter apon shutter! braillenote empower, braillenote apex, packmate, and braille sense, I can safely tell you that that
  particular machine has successfully fought its way to the top of the steaming pile of shit we call accessible notetakers through sheer unwillingness to die less than 5 times a day aposed to 10 times a day, as well as the fact that it doesnt usually reset when you place it gently on a feather pillow or breathe too forceably in its immediate visinity.It also generally has a better sound card in my opinion, as well as a better form factor, surtainly far better than the crapmate, works somewhat better with newer technology, has a more comprihensive help system, has a bit of an easier time with connectivity over wireless and bluetooth and has more customizable options, it doenst have text games but it does have a decent media player with better controls as well as a good radio thats better than the braillenotes to me at least.I also like the word processor more and I believe it also is able to use twitter, which, could be a problem, but again, 
 invest in a shock collar, or take self control classes, or just except it and move on.Thats my 100 cents, and sorry about being so harsh on notetakers...O wait, ha! no Im not! haha! who am I kidding! they suck, they all suck!S! bad!Also the wednesday like word isnt an myth though supposedly its fixed in jaws 15, and dont even get me started on jaws, though I dont hate it as much, it has at least a little bit of usefulness left in it, but anyway notetakers crash and restart or need to be restarted or reset when that happens, because their stupid, really, really, reaeaeaeaeaeaeally stupid, and its an eloquence problem not a screen reader problem, so it has no way to deal with it since its built in and has no way to be turned off accept with the machine.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm really missing a notetaker right now (and so are you*)

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Mord-Sith

Re: I'm really missing a notetaker right now (and so are you*)

In the time that I used the apex, I really enjoyed it. it didnt seem to crash that often compared to the pacmate. I could listen to music on it, read books, write and even play interactive fiction. it also had a braille display which was nice for hooking up to the computer.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bokurano daiboukenn 3

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: venom

Re: bokurano daiboukenn 3

i downloaded the game a few weeks ago and im loving it. 2 questions is there an english patch and how i defeat stage 1 2URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] Seeking Sound Designer

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Joseph Westhouse

Seeking Sound Designer

Greetings, all!About five months ago, Ian Reed and I started work on a project to showcase a new game engine he was developing. The game is a story-driven fantasy RPG with first-person exploration, turn-based combat, and extensive dialogue and character interaction. As our passion and excitement for this game has grown, its evolved into something much larger and more well-developed than wed anticipated. Some time ago, we came to the realization that we would need a dedicated sound designer. Ive handled a decent portion of the early sound design, but the needs of the game are far greater than my technical skills, or time on hand, will allow, especially considering the other facets of the game that require my attention.So were sending out the call for a sound designer. Were looking for someone whos willing to commit to the project and engage with us creatively, working as part of the team and dedicating the time and effort necessary 
 to see the project through to completion. There is the possibility for this position to be paid (contact me for specific details), and if working on this game is as much of a dream come true for you as it has been for me, were very interested in building working relationships that could extend to the development of future games. If all goes well, this project will not be the last.So, is this project right for you? That depends on how you answer the following questions:- Do you have an extensive library of sounds to which you own the rights, and/or are you willing to spearhead efforts to obtain any sounds we may need?- Do you have the skills and equipment necessary to create and/or edit sound effects and ambiences for this project?- Do you enjoy sound design so much that youd do it all the time, if you had the chance?- Do you have the tenacity to stick with a major project, recognizing that it will not be finished overnight?- Do y
 ou have a burning desire to create accessible games that bring to blind gamers the richness and depth enjoyed by sighted audiences?If your answers were a unanimous Yes! then I would very much like to hear from you. Even if youre not sure if this project is for you, Id be happy to answer any questions and provide you with more information about the project. In case my email doesnt work properly through the forum, you can contact me at If youre seriously interested in partnering with us in this project, any sort of portfolio you can provide would be very useful. Of particular help would be information about any games or other projects for which youve done the soundscape or effects; being able to listen to your work will help us get a feel for who you are as an artist, and thats very valuable. It would also be great to hear any sound effects that you may have created, either from scratch/foley or by edit
 ing existing sounds.I look forward to hearing from you. If youre not a sound designer and actually read this far, stay tuned! We still have a ways to go yet, but it wont be that long before we need beta testers, and after that, its only a matter of time before the public release. Like I said, any questions or input are welcome. Thanks!~ JosephURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] We're alive - SPOILERS!

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Guitarman

Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!

Hi.Well I hope in the next chapter they go on to Riley and Burt. The storys just not the same without those two. That is interesting about the earthquake it seemed to happen at just the right time. Hopefully there wil be something about the hot spots soon.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Lords Knights: Medieval Strategy MMO for iPhone and Androyd

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: olivia5678

Re: Lords & Knights: Medieval Strategy MMO for iPhone and Androyd

Hi all, I dont know if there is any interest for this game here still, but Ive been playing for a while now and am about to capture my second Castle. If anyone is interested in a strategy guide that actually makes play a little more interesting,  I can either write one or send you the link to the guide I read. Let me know if theres any interest.OliviaURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] game of the year 2013!

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Guitarman

Re: game of the year 2013!

A dark room? Hmmm Ill have to check it out.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] According to my research, blindness training statistically irrelevant

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: According to my research, blindness training statistically irrelevant

@jjgeek, when I at least was talking about health care in the states being barbaric, I didnt actually mean the standard of work or compitance of the doctors, nurses or other staff. What I meant is that I find it a little ridiculous that the government doesnt do anything to maintain the health of its citizens and the choice is pay for expensive insurance, get some charitable agency to subsidise you or do without. Ive heard stories of people in the states actually not! going to hospitals when they get injuries like broken arms for fear itd be putting their premiums up, and of people who dont use the correct medication. Heck, since Im on a coctale of drugs to maintain my eye pressure and remaining vision goodness knows what I would do in the states.In the Uk its your taxes that pay for medical care. You can go private if you want soemthing like plastic surgury or need a none major operation such as
  therapy and dont want to wait, but for most things you no more need to pay for medical care if your sick or injured than you need to higher your own private police force or pay to have your rubbish taken away. Im pretty sure the states is no worse for actual medical care or practice than most anywhere in the world and better than many places, but its how its administered and financed that seems weerd to people like myself whove grown up in countries which have a national health system. @Fastfinge, I have no idea how you can believe that not being able to say v i a g o r a is like being raped, that is highly and deeply offensive to victims of such crimes, belittling everything they go through by such a comparison. Claiming that is frankly disgusting!URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Lords Knights: Medieval Strategy MMO for iPhone and Androyd

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — New releases room: dd

Re: Lords & Knights: Medieval Strategy MMO for iPhone and Androyd

oh, nice! just started about 2 weeks ago, almost fully upgraded over here and with quite a few units, about a hundred of spearmen, swordsmen and archersURL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] list of trophies and there requirements for l-works's judgement day

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: ghost rider

list of trophies and there requirements for l-works's judgement day

hey all, I am working on getting the stuff for judgement day, I have like 15 trophies, but Im stuck from there, can someone give me a complete list of trophies and there requirements for unlocking? thanks,the ghost riderURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] list of trophies and there requirements for l-works's judgement day

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Socheat

Re: list of trophies and there requirements for l-works's judgement day

Hi,pleaseGo here.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] NVDA, the Elequence driver and the NVDA Nursery

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Socheat

Re: NVDA, the Elequence driver and the NVDA Nursery

Hi,Please add me as well:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The new Winrar: Be very carefull!

2013-12-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Socheat

Re: The new Winrar: Be very carefull!

Hi,I have WinRar installed. and there is no Krab stuff like that.URL:

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