Re: how do you keep track of parentheses, brackets, etc

2021-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : vcaparica via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how do you keep track of parentheses, brackets, etc

Whenever I write an opening, I write the closing right afterwards. So I first type if(), then go arrow left and write the condition, then arrow right to exit paren and type {}, then go back and write everything inside the block. This way I cannot forget to close them. After some time of practice it became really automatic for me.


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Re: Why do people still use bgt?

2020-05-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : vcaparica via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why do people still use bgt?

I've written this in another topic. BGT is still a hit because of all the reasons above, plus the great didactics of the help file. It goes through programming basics such as variables, ifs, loops and classes, then jumps in to practical examples of how to use all of that. Also, the reference is really easy to use, really quick to find the function or class you need and read its parameters, its syntax and a working piece of code.Any new language or package aiming at killing BGT would need a documentation and tutorials at least as efficient.


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Re: Would a modern BGT be plausible, either by AngelScript or something el

2020-04-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : vcaparica via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Would a modern BGT be plausible, either by AngelScript or something el

BGT's biggest selling point is its help file. Ok, there are some really pleasant shortcuts such as writing show_game_window("my game"); and solving your problem of drawing a game window, but as a programmer and as a teacher I strongly believe that the only thing that could make people leave BGT would be a help file as didactic as BGT's. It begins explaining basic programming concepts, then takes you through three progressively complex game building tutorials, then leaves you with a very clear reference to each function and class with good description and an example code to start working with. These resources exist for other languages, but not condensed in a single and easy-to-browse document targeted specifically for audiogame development.Surely anyone could learn this in any other language, there are tons of tutorials for python and whatnot, but my point here is: BGT's help file has great didactics, and great didactics is a much bigger selling point to the newcomer than language potential. Thanks to this well-written and structured help file, it is quick to see your first game code come to life, and this quick reward is a very, vry strong stimulum for those who are trying to learn.Now, could the beginner make a little extra effort, persist a bit more, and learn a mainstream language such as python with a good general course? Sure, in fact he or she should do it. When you learn python, a multiverse of pre-written code and people to help you unfolds, it really pays off.But my point here isn't if is it worth to learn python and leave BGT. My point here is why BGT is so popular around here for beginners who would like to make an audiogame but don't know what a variable is. The reason is the didactics of a well-written help file. Shall Lucia, for an example, present an equally good one, and I believe we'll see more beginners presenting their first crappy code python projects, instead of BGT ones. So, in my opinion, what we need isn't a new BGT, but a help file just as good as BGT's, written for a mainstream language.


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Re: whats your idea about me posting tutorials about data science here?

2020-02-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : vcaparica via Audiogames-reflector


Re: whats your idea about me posting tutorials about data science here?

In fact, I am stuck in my data science studies precisely because of most tutorials focusing on Jupyter and sight. It would be really useful to have this content and a place to discuss it with blind programmers.


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Re: An implementation of bgt running on the .net framework

2019-08-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : vcaparica via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An implementation of bgt running on the .net framework

I totally understand the point around not doing it: the advantages of python, the limitations of BGT, I really get and those are very fair points.Despite that, I go with Liam and 26. There are people who would really like to have this New BGT (NGT?), I certainly would love to try it, and if you feel like doing this job, then we are truly grateful and look eagerly forward to check out the first public release. Good luck.


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Help with BGT Runtime Error

2017-09-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : vcaparica via Audiogames-reflector


Help with BGT Runtime Error

I tried to ask this yesterday but nobody answered, probably because the links and the code were a mess. I coded everything again from zero, all in one bgt file, and included the text to be parsed in the RAR.What I need this to do: Ask for filename to parse (in this case, spoiler.txt, included in the RAR) then a filename to save (this can be anything). It then will parse the txt, build string arrays with the fields and store those arrays on a single string inside a dictionary. This dictionary will then be serialized and saved. The script will then open the saved file, deserialize and reconstruct that array of string arrays. Finally, it will create an audio_form and fill a list with one item for each entry, which should account for 350 list items.Now, I have absolutely no idea why this is returning Runtime Error, where did I mess the arrays?The File: … r.rar?dl=0Help me, dudes, you are my only hope to get this working!


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Re: Problem with Arrays in BGT

2017-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : vcaparica via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with Arrays in BGT

Ops, let's try again … r.rar?dl=0


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Problem with Arrays in BGT

2017-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : vcaparica via Audiogames-reflector


Problem with Arrays in BGT

Hi,Long story short: I'm trying to write a P2P cli in BGT to play Magic the Gathering. I parsed the card data file into arrays of strings that I can manipulate, each card is an array of string infos, and there's another array, the card list, that contains all the cards. I serialized this to a card.tcg file, now I'm trying to deserialize it and reconstruct the card_list array containing each card so I can start using it.Here's the folder with the files. It's returning runtime error, I surely messed up with some arrays, but I can't find the mistake. Can you dudes please help me? … r.rar?dl=0


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Elementary question about parsing text on BGT

2017-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : vcaparica via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Elementary question about parsing text on BGT

Thanks a lot, dude, that really helped.Best regards,


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Re: Elementary question about parsing text on BGT

2017-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : vcaparica via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Elementary question about parsing text on BGT

Ok, old problem solved. The issue was around use of \r, \n or \r\n for line breaking. Now I have another problem with the parser. … r.rar?dl=0As you can see, when you run main.bgt the script parses the file accordingly, storing each entry inside an object then each object inside a dictionary key. So far, so good, when I call the final number of elements in the dict it returns 350, just the right number.But when I try to write this string into a file object to save it, it saves an empty string, as if serialize is returning nothing from a dictionary with 350 entries.Can anyone find where's the mistake?Thanks


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Elementary question about parsing text on BGT

2017-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : vcaparica via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Elementary question about parsing text on BGT

I'm having serious bad times dealing with file parsing. Here's a link to this folder, inside it there's a fileparse.bgt which you will find to be a very very simple code, open a file in read mode, pass it's content to a string variable, then pass it to another file object then save it.So, as you'll notice when you run it, the resulting new_spoiler.txt file is totally messed up with line breaks and line order.Any insights welcome. I'll give the big picture so you can try to help me furthermore:I'm playing with the idea of making a very simple Magic: the Gathering P2P client using BGT. I wrote a Card class with all the data structure I need, and I declared a dictionary where I intend to store all cards with a single numeric key for each one. This dictionary can then be serialized to a file and used in the Deck Editor.First I went to Google and got this spoiler.txt file, which contains all cards from a specific edition. I
 'm starting with a few cards for testing, then I'll get the full card listing when the parser works. My idea was to declare a card object, then go inside a loop and parse properties to it, then send it to the dictionary and start over the loop. When it reaches end of file the deck dictionary should have one entry for each card and be ready to serialize.Right now I'm stuck with parsing this spoiler.txt file, whether by read_until or by string_split, because it's totally messing up with line breaks.Help!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Elementary question about parsing text on BGT

2017-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : vcaparica via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Elementary question about parsing text on BGT

Ah, the link … e.rar?dl=0


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Elementary question about parsing text on BGT

2017-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : vcaparica via Audiogames-reflector


Elementary question about parsing text on BGT

Hi, palsVery simple question: I'm  parsing a txt file into an object, each line's content should go to a property inside my class. I'm using file.read_until(string) to catch and deliver content. I want to read until a line break, \r\n, but when I try using file.read_until("\r\n", true) it doesn't find any matches and ends returning all the file.How can I define this line break on a string?Thanks


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Creating Accessible Magic the Gathering

2017-07-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : vcaparica via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Creating Accessible Magic the Gathering

If you account for lands which are by far the most numerous cards in any match, and also account the fact that except by Legends every player will have more than one copy of each card in his deck, then a single match would handle 50 to 80 different cards, eventually less. I also agree with file formats, open is better.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Creating Accessible Magic the Gathering

2017-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : vcaparica via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Creating Accessible Magic the Gathering

If you would like to chat about this project, I have many ideas waiting for a programmer. My skype username is cego.em.tiroteio


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Creating Accessible Magic the Gathering

2017-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : vcaparica via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Creating Accessible Magic the Gathering

Oh, boy, I thought the message was sent but it posted just the first paragraphs. I'll rewrite, perhaps this time I'll be shorter.TLDR: You don't need to code all this stuff. You don't NEED automation. All you really need is a P2P client that manages cards, moving cards from buffer to buffer, and a chat. The players can do the rest.Now, introducing Dragonstudios' Apprentice for those who don't know it.Back in the 90's, a bunch of guys named Dragonstudios released Apprentice, a P2P software to play MtG online. The software was very small, used very simple graphics, and had no automation at all. Despite that, it was a hit. Thousands of people played using it, there was the PlaneswalkerLeague centered on IRC channels that promoted tournaments almost everyday. Here in Brazil we had LigaMagic which was our national version of Planeswalker League, so I imagine that many other countries had their own.What did Apprentice consis
 t on? The window was divided into menubars, toolbars, sidebar, main tabletop and chat bar. On the left side, there was the sidebar which showed your hand on a list, every row containing the card name and casting cost. The chat bar was on the bottom of screen. The toolbar and menubar were atop everything and 70% of the screen was the tabletop, where you could drag and drop cards and right-click them to access quick actions such as tap or bury. The toolbar contained buttons such as "Draw Card", "+1 Life", "-1 Life", "Advance Phase", "Pass Turn", "+1 Counter", "+1/+1", and so on. Now, I'm probably getting redundant, but I'll explain why it worked for many, many years without any automation.You're gonna attack. You choose and declare attackers, tap them and it goes. Your opponent sees your tapped attackers and declares and assigns blockers. You and your opponent both know who died and who didn�
 39;t. You know how double strike works, just so you can play with real cards on a tabletop without any computers. The non-blocked creatures will deal say 6 damage to your opponent, and he knows that he needs to lower his life points by six. And if he doesn't, if anybody runs out of the rules, well, same things applies online and offline, specially if a third person, a judge for tournaments, can be watching. Besides all the talking, the chat would also register every action, so there would be no problem determining what happened.So, that's it. I don't think you need to code all of Magic's functionalities so it runs things for you, you just need a platform with a nice deck editor that allows you to run the game yourself. I tried a lot to reproduce Apprentice in an accessible application, but I seriously lack even the most basic programming skills. Hope this ideas can help you.PS: On card databases, try googling for magic the gathering full card spoile
 rs, it will take you to text listings of all cards, then you can parse and store it.


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Re: Creating Accessible Magic the Gathering

2017-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : vcaparica via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Creating Accessible Magic the Gathering

Hi,First of all, this idea is something I've wanted to do since a long time, but unfortunately I lack the programming skills needed, so your topic got me very happy Let me suggest a completely different approach to the problem


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Re: To all interested in audio game development - My Proposal, My Question

2017-05-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : vcaparica via Audiogames-reflector


Re: To all interested in audio game development - My Proposal, My Question

I hope Sonus and other initiatives reach success, I would probably buy them myself, but whenever people talk about a portable audiogames console I ask myself, wouldn't it be nicer if people instead learned how to publish audiogames on platforms such as Nintendo 3DS? Aramir pointed this, accessibility will come when we buy our games on the same stores and play them with our sighted friends, and the mainstream devs will notice our money when it starts buying on mainstream platforms.


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