Re: Blizzard working on accessibility of & looking for feedback

2020-08-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Audacity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blizzard working on accessibility of & looking for feedback

@68, I hope you're right.  I think you're wrong but I hope you're right.


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Re: Blizzard working on accessibility of & looking for feedback

2020-08-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Audacity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blizzard working on accessibility of & looking for feedback

Here's the thing. If Blizard really cared about accessibility, they'd be giving us a timeline or at least an outline for what they wanted to work on next. I don't see any of that. That's not negative or just complaining for the hell of it, it's pragmatic. What I see is maybe a tiny accessibility team in a massive corporation who were under pressure to do *something* but don't have enough company resources or clout to make it matter. Probably their few accessibility people care a lot and want to make everything work well for us. Probably nobody else does. Had this been accompanied with some sort of roadmap for future progress, I'd be all in. As it, it just seems like busywork. Hell, when netflix released audio described Daredevil they made a point of saying look, this is just a start, we'll do more in the future. All I see from this press release is "hey, we hope more people can use the launcher," even if they'd said "we want to improve accessibility however we realistically can and will use feedback to help determine what can be done", it wouldn't feel like an exercise in futility. But I've worked for big companies, I know how isolated all the teams usually are from each other and this really just feels like a few accessibility people trying not to be bored.


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Re: Blizzard working on accessibility of & looking for feedback

2020-08-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Audacity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blizzard working on accessibility of & looking for feedback

Here's the thing. If Blizard really cared about accessibility, they'd be giving us a timeline or at least an outline for what they wanted to work on next. I don't see any of that. That's not negative or just complaining for the hell of it, it's pragmatic. What I see is maybe a tiny accessibility team in a massive corporation who were under pressure to do *something* but don't have enough company resources or clout to make it matter. Probably their few accessibility people care a lot and want to make everything work well. Probably nobody else does. Had this been accompanied with some sort of roadmap for future progress, I'd be all in. As it, it just seems like busywork. Hell, when netflix released Daredevil they made a point of saying look, this is just a start, we'll do more in the future. All I see from this press release is "hey, we hope more people can use the launcher," even if they'd said "we want to improve accessibility however we realistically can and will use feedback to help determine what can be done", it wouldn't feel like an exercise in futility. But I've worked for big companies, I know how isolated all the teams usually are from each other and this really just feels like a few accessibility people trying not to be bored.


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Re: Undead assault help?

2020-03-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Audacity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Undead assault help?

Ok, then what in a game? How do I move/shoot/pick up weapons, etc?


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Undead assault help?

2020-03-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Audacity via Audiogames-reflector


Undead assault help?

Hi all,  I'm really struggling with undead assault. I've downloaded the thing and can connect to a server, then I'm lost. Help? Please? Is there some kind of manual/help file?


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Re: Best space strategy games?

2019-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Audacity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Best space strategy games?

@Walker,  Ah, you're using Jaws! Object review is similar to the jaws/invisible cursors. I used smugglers with Jaws, too, and ended up using the left and right bracket keys to click on stuff a lot...but, hell, if a trackpad works better I'll maybe have to try as I've got both on my system now.


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Re: Best space strategy games?

2019-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Audacity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Best space strategy games?

Hi WAlker and all, Yeah, I remember getting through both Cecession and Invasion on NVDA without a trackpad. You have to use I think object review mode and mouse tracking needs to be turned on (NVDA key plus M), and use the NVDA key plus enter to click on stuff. I had the same thing with missiles crashing my game, however, I'd end up saving it before every mission and that got super tedious.


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Re: can you suggest me a ios rpg game for me?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Audacity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: can you suggest me a ios rpg game for me?

Star Traders elite got pulled from the app store a while back. If you don't have it in your cloud, I'm sorry to say it's gone. Shame, too, that game had potential. I think it still exists on android, and was actually more accessible there if I remember right.


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Favorite strategy games?

2019-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Audacity via Audiogames-reflector


Favorite strategy games?

So apparently I have a niche and want to just milk the hell out of it. I just want to know peoples' favorite strategy war games. This can be any platform, any subgenre, modern or retro (remember Time of Conflict anyone?), I just want it to have strategy and some kind of combat. I know there's a little strategy in clicker/idle games like Trimps, especially with the challenges, but clicker games seem to be more about grinding than actually building up a military and doing battle. They're fun in their own right but not really what I'm after here. So, thoughts? I know what I like so far but don't wanna prime anyone yet. 


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Re: Best space strategy games?

2019-12-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Audacity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Best space strategy games?

@Milos,  Oh yeah I forgot about junction gate, which is weird because I played it for a bit last week. It's a great concept though I only ever got like halfway I think, like to the point where I made a company and started sending ships out. How much more is there after that?


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Re: Best space strategy games?

2019-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Audacity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Best space strategy games?

Do you know any good helper programs? I played on a BBS a few years ago, the one Trenton Goldshark posted about as I recall, and it got overwhelming after a while. The multiplayer would be fun though. Reminds me of staarship traders/the Last Resort. Did you ever check that out? It was my first introduction to online games, courtesy of a super thoughtful and resourceful sighted elementary school friend who wanted to be inclusive. It was super simple but had a lot of staying power for me as a teenager, apparently hardcore players connected through telnet and had all sorts of macros set up like they do for most MUDS these days.


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Re: Best space strategy games?

2019-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Audacity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Best space strategy games?

Hmm, Tao station looks interesting. I played for a few minutes and just got pulled away but didn't really give the game enough time for anything. It did seem a lot like Torn City, just grind until you get the right numbers then have some text adventures so you can grind the numbers and so on, but I'm not claiming to really know the game so I could be way off.


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Re: Best space strategy games?

2019-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Audacity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Best space strategy games?

Holy hell that one command is saving me loads of time. Thank you! Yeah the syntax is strange but so what? Definitely these games are on the deep end of what I enjoy, MOO's about to make my head explode and it does feel a lot like work. I keep getting my ass handed to me--if I'm doing well in the war, I suck at diplomacy, if I'm doing well with technology I have a hard time building everything I need to. It hurts something fierce and I can't stop.


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Re: Best space strategy games?

2019-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Audacity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Best space strategy games?

@Dark  Yeah, I pick up voyageur just for the civilization and planet descriptions now and then leave it in disgust, every time, after like a half hour...but I know I'll be back.  I want to check out core exiles, I've heard only good things. Is there any kind of PVP combat if I want it? I'm with you the way it's handled in most online games, there's little strategy and a lot of just grinding for resources...or, even worse, waiting for a day and coming back to either a nice windfall or a bunch of dead people.I'm liking Master of Orion more and more, which is saying a lot because it was excellent from the start. You need to have a separate window for notes and you need to update them, every turn if possible. There's also a lot of fine tuning exactly what each planet is producing, sometimes every few turns, (which is why I like it, the exploit X is maybe my favorite one if it's handled well), also yit's a great balance between randomness and predictability.@Zkline Thanks for the suggestion, I'll give it a look. Tactical space combat sounds fun, too, indeed, along with a way to move to my next or previous colony for efficiency it's probably what I miss most on MOO currently. That's obviously a tangent, and I'm sure you're more aware than I am. @RTTWow, you really want to play Smugglers! I can't say I blame you, that game has a lot of fun mechanics even though I got bored after...hell, a few months. I always have to remember how to make it work every time I pick it up, so give me a few days and I'll message you with contact info.


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Re: Best space strategy games?

2019-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Audacity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Best space strategy games?

@ZklineLooks like I've got 1920 x 1080. Is that good or bad? The combo box lets me change it apparently?And... I'm not scared. Overwhelmed, maybe, especially because I've mostly been using NVDA for years and my jaws cursor game needs work.  I'm intrigued to jump in and see if I can make sense of it though.


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Re: Best space strategy games?

2019-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Audacity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Best space strategy games?

@ZklineSorry for the double post but I just tried to play Aurora and holy hell I'm never going to complain about Master of Orion being too complicated again. I'm so so lost.


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Re: Best space strategy games?

2019-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Audacity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Best space strategy games?

ee@DarkHmm, that all makes a lot of sense. I love Trimps for similar reasons--it's a great balance between just letting it go while you're doing other stuff and then sometimes going back to micromanage and optimize things. I'd say the middle two xs, expanding and exploiting, are what really captivate me, although exploring can depending on how it's implemented. Did you ever play voyageur? It was basically just hopping between procedurally generated planets, with minimal story and civilization mechanics thrown in, and I still go back to it every now and then mostly for the random text it comes up with.@ZklineI...don't know my screen resolution honestly. How do I find that out? I have a larger laptop screen though so I may try just in case. If all my questions haven't irritated you yet, could you give me some extra detail as to how Araura is diferent from Master of Orion? Honestly if I didn't have to separately keep track of all my worlds Orion would be perfect, though a bit more flavor text about each planet, combat etc would be nice. This, incidentally, is why I love six ages and to a lesser extent KODP. Those games have almost the perfect balance between random games each time and consistency between games, though ideally I want it to be a little more random.


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Re: Best space strategy games?

2019-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Audacity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Best space strategy games?

@DarkHmm, that all makes a lot of sense. I love Trimps for similar reasons--it's a great balance between just letting it go while you're doing other stuff and then sometimes going back to micromanage and optimize things. I'd say the middle two xs, expanding and exploiting, are what really captivate me, although exploring can depending on how it's implemented. Did you ever play voyageur? It was basically just hopping between procedurally generated planets, with minimal story and civilization mechanics thrown in, and I still go back to it every now and then mostly for the random text it comes up with.@ZklineI...don't know my screen resolution honestly. HOw do I find that out? I have a larger laptop screen though so I may try just in case. If all my questions haven't irritated you yet, could you give me some extra detail as to how Araura is diferent from Master of Orion? Honestly if I didn't have to separately keep track of all my worlds Orion would be perfect, though a bit more flavor text about each planet, combat etc would be nice.


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Re: Best space strategy games?

2019-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Audacity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Best space strategy games?

@DarkI think our tastes are flipped in that regard. My problem with new horizons, and this is all subjective, was it seemed to be more about first person exploration and combat than actually building an empire, fleet, or even having much ship customization beyond the standard "here are a few upgrade options, choose!!" Fun, yeah, but not so much my thing. Maybe that's what you like and I respect it.Smugglers was similar in that way, you had a few options and were pretty much stuck to developing along those several lines they gave you. Profession felt like prison, which I guess is accurate to real life but I'm here for escape, dammit! Space company...thoroughly had my attention for about two and a half hours, then I got utterly bored. I may return to it on a day when I've had wayyy too much coffee and my ADHD medicine wants me to have 5 open games at once, or when I need a mostly mindless anchor to keep me productive (the appeal of most clicker games for me, especially TRIMPS and, of all things, Rebuild the freaking Univers) but that's probably the extent for me. In my mind resources are a means to an end, not the end in itself. Galactic colonies looks interesting but I also got pretty bore by Crafting Kingdom after just a few days, again it's objectively a fantastic game just not to my tastes, so yeah.


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Re: Best space strategy games?

2019-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Audacity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Best space strategy games?

@Zkline,I remember reading your article about that, vaguely, and it seemed my screen resolution was too high so I didn't try. Maybe there's a way to deal with that though? Also, since it seems our tastes are similar, what do you play most often and what games, irrespective of genre and platform, are your favorites?


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Re: Best space strategy games?

2019-12-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Audacity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Best space strategy games?

Yeah the smugglers games are quite playable with a bit of patience. What screen reader are you using? I'm happy to help as best I can. Yeah, New Horizons kept me engaged for a solid couple days but it seemed more a game of reflexes than strategy after a while. Don't get me wrong, there's definitely skill involved, just ended up not really being my thing because I like games where I have to plan things out over time. Hell of a fun concept, though.


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Re: Progression in "Renting" Muds

2019-12-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Audacity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Progression in "Renting" Muds

Yeah, I've abandoned several otherwise fantastic MuDS because of renting. IN particular MUME and the Two Towers, though it wasn't such a problem it T2T because eq hardly mattered and you always got it really easily even as a noobie. But yeah, if I can't up and leave a game with a couple minutes' notice, it's hard to want to play.


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Best space strategy games?

2019-12-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Audacity via Audiogames-reflector


Best space strategy games?

Hi all,  As maybe you can see from my name, I'm really into space strategy type games. I loved smugglers Five, both invasion and cecession, though I found the mechanics a bit too repetitive and mindless after a while. Star Traders on iOS and android was great too, but with similar issues. I'm really loving Zkline's Master of Orion text interface but, as it currently stands, there are just enough quirks to make it hard to follow everything I need to. I intend to check out the known space games once the annoying speech synthesis issue gets fixed; I respect the company following their original design choice but that's unfortunately a deal breaker for me. It's a shame, too, because it looks like there's real potential there. Echo quadrant had me thoroughly hooked for a couple hours, but I kept accidentally losing progress with the escape key (even when I knew not to, old habits and such), so I gave up. What are your favorite space strategy games and am I missing any great ones?


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Re: Roleplay in Muds.

2019-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Audacity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Roleplay in Muds.

What Ironcross and Jade said. Also I wouldn't start on any of the iron realms muds.


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