Re: The future, and our plans. Gathering interest.

2019-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Origine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The future, and our plans. Gathering interest.

You can always have lines voiced later in the project. By can I really mean should, start by making a game and when it is in good way add the gravy. Also, I don't know if people will want to voice act lines for free since you plan to sell the game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The future, and our plans. Gathering interest.

2019-03-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Origine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The future, and our plans. Gathering interest.

Since when do we count our source code in characters? Is that with tabs or spaces  (I don't know if BGT has indentation)I don't even like counting code in lines either, because people space things out differently and there's always boiler plate code.@20, no, setting a release date is the best thing you can do. Because it sets a target. If you have no key dates like that, you don't feel any pressure and you start working on things that are cool but doesn't make the game progress.Now at both of you, take it or leave it, but here are some advice on project management based on my experience as a team lead. I'll keep it simple:1) Divide your project in milestones.This is easy. Just sit down both of you an afternoon and write down all the features you want the game to have. This can be for instance:- Character moves- Character doesn't pass through walls (collision)- Skill - Attack- Skill - Fireball- 1000 levels- Actions trigger sounds (this can be further divided)etc. An afternoon is usually enough, you should leave features as big chunks or you can further divide them. This is not set ini stone either, it will evolve with the project, you can add new things, remove things, detail things, group things, etc.Then you take features of that list and put them into milestones. For instance:Milestone 1: proof of concept- Character moves- Character collides with walls- Level 1 (partial)Milestone 2: it lives- Levels 1-10- Ennnemies in mapsYou must choose a cool name for every milestone, it's mandatory. The number of milestones is up to you and depends on your project. It's reasonable to have a milestone every month or every two months, you don't want them to be too big nor too small. This is flexible, you can have milestone 1 taking up a month and milestone 2 two months, usually you want the proof of concept as soon as possible.2) WorkOk, so you created your feature list, milestones in about an afternoon, now it's time to work and start with milestone 1. This is also easy. Break down the features in the milestones in tasks. Tasks should be a day worth of job, you don't wanna start and create tasks of 30 minutes worth of job.The key difference here is that tasks are sometimes not directly related to the game. Say you take feature level 1 for instance, then the tasks could be:a) Basic level editor: I can place walls, start of level and end of level.b) Design level 1 in the level editor (depends on basic level editor): make and test the level.You must scope the tasks, you don't get started and write the fully featured level editor right away, you just do what's needed for level 1. You do the minimum. You'll come back to it later for features that requires it. Otherwise you end up doing work that will not make the game progress.It's handy to write when tasks depends on other tasks, because that mean you usually cannot parallelize them, you have to do one then the other after. You can create the tasks for the whole milestone, or about a week of work at a time.Ok, so you've got your tasks, you can get started. Pick a task you wanna work on. one at a time, Now is the most important part, guesstimate how much time that task will take you. Make the basic level editor ffor instance, say you think it can be done in 8 hours, then put the guesstimate to 8 hours. Then do the task and measure roughly how much time it took. Say it took 12 hours. When the task is done, mark it as done and write how much time it really took (12 hours).Doing the estimate and writing the actual time it took is the most important thing, because it allows you to:- See if your milestones are reallistic or not- Give you better guesstimate skills for future tasks in the project as well as future project management 3) At the end of a milestoneTest out your milestone, very important. See if you met all the features. Try to find bugs and put them to fix in the next milestone.Then, reajust the planning. If you notice you are late compared to the schedule, you can reajust by:- Removing features in milestones and in the final project or- Work more hours to compensate or- Push back the release date or- Outsource work / hire new people (probably not applicable in your case)And there are other things you can do about it, but those are the main ones. Generally, you will want to take those decisions at the end of a milestone.Conclusion:Project management is often overlooked. But it can also be dangerous, don't fall in the trap of planning too much. Planning should take between 10-20% of your time. You shouldn't plan in details things too far away time-wise, go in details for the week or the milestone. Every project is different and everyone works differently, you can adjust this method, these are just tips and of course there is much much more in project management than that.Projects with no planning often will not ship or will take 5 years. Projects with too much planning are too heavy and you waste way too much 

Re: The future, and our plans. Gathering interest.

2019-03-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Origine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The future, and our plans. Gathering interest.

I wish you good luck, I'll at least buy 200 levels if this game comes out and if there is a demo for me to test first.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The future, and our plans. Gathering interest.

2019-03-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Origine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The future, and our plans. Gathering interest.

Will there be an upgrade plan, say I buy 50 levels and I like it and I want to buy 500 levels, can I buy at the cost of the difference? If not, can you make few first levels as a demo?Handcrafted with a story line, this is cool, what is the theme / setting about? I thought by reading post 1 that there was multiple pitches, the assassin / body guard thing is for another game right, not the maze? What's the state of the project, release date?release date?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The future, and our plans. Gathering interest.

2019-03-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Origine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The future, and our plans. Gathering interest.

The 1000 levels, were they procedurally generated? Will there be varying gameplay as the player progresses through them?When you say 3D navigation, do you mean 360 degrees on flat surface or with elevation. Is the camera turning in a circle or you can look everywhere like in real life?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible Sound Design Course - Set up Reaper Now, Before the Course

2019-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Origine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible Sound Design Course - Set up Reaper Now, Before the Course

Yeah bit depth and resolution thing was just gravy, I hated when my teachers simplified things for me to find out later that it wasn't exactly true, so I have difficulties when it comes down to simplification myself. If you didn't understand that part, it's because I deliberately went fast over it just so you know it exists and that you can search on it later if you're interested. I could've been writing for hours, signal processing is one of the things I'm really good at and understand well. Glad that helped.What I'm not good at though is sound design and I'm really excited for this course! I'm also not pro with reaper yet, though I'm currently making my first project to get the hang of it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible Sound Design Course - Set up Reaper Now, Before the Course

2019-03-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Origine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible Sound Design Course - Set up Reaper Now, Before the Course

@Defender and others, I'll clear up the db thing, but don't worry, I will not talk about the math formulas behind that, I'll give you an intuitive understanding as well as maybe clearing up some misconceptions.First, what does dB measure? Nothing. That's right, dB is not a unit, it measures nothing. If you tell me that something is 4 dB, I'll ask you compared to what. This is because dB is a ratio. It is used in a lot of fields when you need to have close numbers for things that can be magnitudes apart, like earthquakes, power, electricity, sound, etc.Ok, now that we know that dB are a ratio and are useless on their own, how could we make it so it's convenient to use? By setting a reference point of course. This way, we can have consistent ratios, because it will always be compared to the same reference. So there are multiple dB scales out there. What makes them different is the reference point which can be of a different value and unit. But there is one thing they all have in common, the scaling.A dB scale will always obey this rule: every +10 means times 10. Why +10 = times 10? Because they are decibels. If we were talking about bels, then it would be +1 = times 10. Actually it was like that before, but the numbers were too small, so we said hey, let's use decibels instead. It's just how we decide to use centimeters to measure smaller stuff.Ok, let's have some fun. Let's create a dB scale together. It's really easy, you will see, because all we need is a reference, remember, that's the only thing that changes between dB scales. So our scale will measure excitement in a game. We need to name that scale, so let's say it's the dB Origine scale, measured in dB O. Now let's set our reference of 0 dB O to the level of excitement while configuring the speech options in a game.That's it, we've created a dB scale, the dB Origine scale. Now, let's say someone comes and say "you should try that game, the first level is an overall 10 dB O garanteed". This means that playing the level 1 of that game will give me 10 times more excitement than configuring speech options.Now I might reply "10 dB O isn't much, you sure I should try this game?". If he says "trust me, the first level is only a tutorial, level 2 and onwards is a 20 dB O minimum!".Now what does it mean? Does it mean that level 2 is twice as exciting as level 1? No! It's 10 times! This means that playing level 2 will give me at least 100 times more excitement than configuring speech options. Just to make sure it's clear, here are some key points in the dB O scale:Minus 30 dB O: staring at a computer screen, doing nothing. This is 1000 times less exciting than configuring speech options.Minus 20 dB O: dieing for the 50th time at the exact same place in a level. This is 100 times less exciting than configuring speech options.0 dB O: Configuring speech options.60 dB O: Beating a game for the first time, unlocking a new character, ending up first on the online leaderboard and receiving an e-mail congratulations from the developer. This is a million times more exciting than configuring speech options.Now let's get back to sound. There are two main dB scales for sound. First one is dB SPL and the other one is dB FS which stands for full scale.dB SPL is perhaps the most known one. The reference point is 0 dB SPL = the quietest sound we can possibly hear. It is measured in sound pressure which have watts equivalents, but let's not care about that. Here are some key points on the dB SPL scale:0 dB SPL: the quietest we can hear30 dB SPL: your bedroom at night40 dB SPL: inside a library60 dB SPL: Conversation 1m distance120 dB SPL: treshold of discomfort130 dB SPL: treshold of pain140 dB SPL: a jet engine, 15m awayThe dB SPL scale measures acoustic power. This is different than loudness because of how our brain treats the sound. While + 10 = 10 times acoustic power, it is generally said that +10 = twice the perceived loudness. This means that a library will seem twice as loud as our bedroom at night.Say there is one person shouting 10m away from you. Let's say it's 70 dB. How many people does it take for you to hear them shouting twice as loud? While you might think it would take 2 people, it actually takes 10. This is because 10 people will produce 10 times more acoustic power which will be perceived as twice as loud: It would take 100 people to hear it four times as loud. It's quite fortunate it works like that if you think about it or else we would never go in a concert or go see a sports game.Ok, we're almost done here. The other scale for sound is dB FS or dB Full-Scale. The reference point is 0 dB = the maximum a sound can be without distortion.This is the scale you see in Reaper, in any DAW, in any recording instrument. Over 0 dBFS, there will be clipping, the sound will saturate. Now reaper can normalize the sound when rendering it to avoid clipping, it can make sure that 0 dBFS 

Re: Google Stadia discussion

2019-03-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Origine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Google Stadia discussion

On the upside, I'm really happy to see that MS will compete with Google on accessibility. Accessibility needed just that, competition.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible Sound Design Course - Set up Reaper Now, Before the Course

2019-03-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Origine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible Sound Design Course - Set up Reaper Now, Before the Course

@tmstuff000, I don't have an audio interface. I didn't buy one, because there is already a good one in the montage, but that was when I routed my audio differently, mainly for overdubbing songs on the montage. But I don't see how I would connect my montage to an audio interface, they usually have analog ins, not usb connection? I want to record midi, and then render the midi to sound.I can select the sound on the montage with the physical buttons. I don't know if you were asking because there is a touch screen, but pretty much anything can be done without using it, there are physical buttons to navigate in the UI, but there is no documentation to my knowledge on that made by bllind users. To select a preset, I press two buttons, then I choose the category with one of 16 category buttons, then I scroll in the sounds to find the one I'm looking for.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: CVAA Accessibility Rules Now In Effect

2019-03-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Origine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: CVAA Accessibility Rules Now In Effect

I think the big visibility MS has put on the accessible controller and the integration of Narrator in the Xbox helped, because I guess it is fairly easy to integrate it. Before narrator was on Xbox, a game that would want voiced menus would have to either voice dub them which only works for static menus or embed a speech synthesizer in their game which is hard to find, can be expensive, takes up a lot of precious memory, would impact the entire audience only to help a small fraction, etc etc.I also think that the regulation might have shown the companies how easy it is. When you don't know how to do something, it's always more risky. But then, if they did it for another game with chat, they know how easy it is. The other thing is if a studio reuses code for menus and they implemented accessibility in one game, it just followed along. This is plausible as menu core can be part of the engine which is reused between games.Finally, I don't know if it's just me, but in Canada and the US, there is kind of a hype around accessibility right now. I see a lot of it in the news lately. When I was at MS, there was huge advertising on the accessibility summit and the accessible controller.Anyone knows the state of accessibility made for Playstation games? I guess if they have a chat, it needs to be accessible too and they don't have narrator in there.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible Sound Design Course (Free)

2019-03-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Origine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible Sound Design Course (Free)

I was thinking about my montage next to my computer, sitting there. I ran upstairs and picked a usb cable to connect the 2 and got reaper. I read the reaper accessible wiki and played a lot with it, it's super fun! Now I don't even need talent with step sequencing. When John Melas tools will be accessible, I'll be in business to make pretty much any audio I want.In the meantime, I can record multiple tracks with different synth presets, but I'm glad there's a tutorial here, because I'm not a pro with reaper yet. Every time I want to do something, I have to look it up, but I'm getting the hang of it. It's sad though that I'll start working just when the tutorial series will begin, I'll still manage to do that off work, but my first few weeks will be crazy loaded, hope I won't miss out too much.While I'm at it, quick question. I'm recording midi, because I can then edit it. When I want to render the midi track, here's what I do, tell me if you have any tips or if there are other ways to do it:1. I create a new track2. I set input as stereo coming from the usb cable connected to my synth.3. I arm the track, turn off monitoring and solo the midi track I want to render.3b. If I had multiple recorded midi tracks, I have to put the right instrument on my montage, the one that fits with the midi track I want to render.4. I start recording which plays my soloed midi track and as it plays, it records wav audio in the new track.5. When themidi track is done, I stop the recording.Is there a way to auto stop recording when the midi track is finished? Also, is there a way for my midi track to recall the instrument via a midi message to my montage?Finally, I have two big HS8 monitors connected to the main L/R analog output of my synth, because these are the speakers I use when I play. The thing is, when I playback tracks in reaper, it plays in those monitors, I guess it sends the audio via the usb cable. How can I put the master mix playback in my headphones or my laptop speakers? It's ok that I hear the HS8 when it records, when I play or when it renders, but I'd like master playback (when you press space that is) to play in another audio device.In preferences, my device is the ASIO steinberg driver for the montage. Do I have to change in preferences every time? I guess I didn't come across the master track settings, because there is no master track in the track view. This would also answer another question I have which is how to increase master gain.Well, turned out not to be a quick question after all, I really cannot write short posts apparently.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cheatomatic alternatives

2019-03-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Origine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cheatomatic alternatives

It's totally fine to cheat as long as it's not an online game or with an online leaderboard. Plus, it gives you insight on how memory works. And CE allows more advanced things like code injection. Also note that you can modify memory on all processes, not just games. Beware though to stay in legal boundaries. It is legal to hack your own stuff. It's very useful to have that knowledge because you know what is possible when you make your own apps / games.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Cheatomatic alternatives

2019-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Origine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cheatomatic alternatives

Ah, cheat engine! nostalgic over here. I used to cheat on so many games that my game was actually trying to cheat. After you succeed, you loose all fun and interest in the game though, so I stopped cheating.@13, CE sees the whole virtual address space of a process. You are right, we have no idea on which address points to the health and that address will change (well it depends on compilation options, but will most likely). However, what you can do is you can search that virtual address space. Say you first keep only addresses with value 80 because you have 80 health. Of course, a lot of addresses will just so happen to have value 80. Then you loose health to 70. You make a subsequent search saying off all addresses which value was 80, now give me all addresses where value is now 70. If you are badlucky, other addresses will also happen to have value of 70 and were 80 before, but it's unlikely and will be more and more unlikely as you make next scans until you narrow down the list of addresses to one address which must be the address pointing to health.This is the basics, but there are more advanced techniques as games also have techniques not to be hacked. CE has a tutorial if I recall which gives you a starting point.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: a huge ass update to the RR level creator, finally has data support!

2019-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Origine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a huge ass update to the RR level creator, finally has data support!

It's great that you found a project like that to learn programming concepts. Usually it's what most people are lacking, ideas to practice. What is rhythm rage ? Like a guitar hero ?Keep up the good work. Also, if you want to start a project eventually in another language, don't be scared to jump in, you'll see it's very easy to switch languages when you understand the concepts. The second language takes a bit longer, but after you can learn a new language in less than a week.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ideas about new audio games?

2019-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Origine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ideas about new audio games?

I created a similar topic if you want some more inspiration, there are quite a few good ideas in there: … s-go-wild/


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ideas, concepts, mechanics, go wild!

2019-02-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Origine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ideas, concepts, mechanics, go wild!

@21, you made me think about this bridge builder game I used to play. Every levels, you had to build a bridge solid enough for a train to pass it with limited amount of materials to build the bridge.Which makes me think that I'd like a game where you have to do designs like in real life. In Canada, the mission of the engineering order is to protect the public. However, companies want to make profit, so an engineer has to do designs that are safe enough so that no one gets hurt, but he also cannot afford to make a completely overkill design, because it's too expensive. The idea of the game would be to play as a company that wants to make profit, but you loose if someone ever dies using what the company produce.Another game I'd like to see is where you play a communication company. You are hired to manipulate the medias in favor of your clients which all had a legal issue or scandal.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ideas, concepts, mechanics, go wild!

2019-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Origine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ideas, concepts, mechanics, go wild!

@Dark, I'd be curious to know what's the hidden 3rd point in your list .I'd like a game where you are a mad scientist and you mix chemicals to make weapons and potions with all kinds of effect. In the same idea, I'd like to mix different creatures DNA to create new creatures. I used to love "Impossible Creature" game when I was younger.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ideas, concepts, mechanics, go wild!

2019-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Origine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ideas, concepts, mechanics, go wild!

Also a tower defense game. I loved bloons tower defense when I could play it. I'd like tower defense where there are some base turrets that have multiple path of evolution you have to choose from, like an upgrade tree.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Ideas, concepts, mechanics, go wild!

2019-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Origine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ideas, concepts, mechanics, go wild!

I like the hunger games idea. MTG would also be really nice, but actually if we could have MTG Arena accessible rather than making a new one, because keeping scripts updated and bug free is a recipe for disaster in my opinion. But yeah, yippers for MTG, or just card games in general.So I see that a lot that is coming up is online and real time until now.I'd also like a game where you are kind of like a boss monster. You are super strong, but you have to fight swarms of weaker ennemies.Also a game with crafting mechanics that aren't fixed. A bit like gemcraft for those who know the game, but better. The idea is that you don't craft recipes, you craft different materials with different characteristics and as you craft them, they combine the characteristics and get better.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Ideas, concepts, mechanics, go wild!

2019-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Origine via Audiogames-reflector


Ideas, concepts, mechanics, go wild!

Some people are good at developing games, but sometimes they have no inspiration. This topic is to explore, brainstorm ideas. You can say what game you would like to see, what setting, what crazy game mechanics you thought about, etc. Go wild, think of your post as lego blocks that could be used in a bigger structure. Also, since it's brainstorm, the idea is that your idea could lead to another, so it doesn't matter if it's "very very original", no judging, just pure creativity. Finally, let's talk only about audio games.I'll start with some whacky game mechanics!1) A game that would involve typing on the keyboard, you would do better the faster you can type. For instance, you could fight ennemies with words. There could be a giant word graph that this word is strong against those words but weak against those and it would be real time combat, hence you have to type fast. Example: water is strong against fire, etc.1-b) Another similar idea would be a puzzle game where you would have to guess words to solve puzzles. The words would materialize with sound effects.2) On mobile, use the accelerometer. We don't need to see the screen, so during combats, we could hold our cellphone like a sword and fight having audio clues with our headphones, swinging our cellphone like a wii mote.3) Use the microphone. We could have a game where we need to record sounds that are similar to in-game generated sounds. It could be a multiplayer online game where you record a sound like a car passing by and then another player would have to replicate that sound. We could then use cross correlation between the target and matching sound to calculate a score and give points. To avoid issues with the recording sound part, it could be a game generated sound and two players would have to match it and the closest one wins. This could also be something to say when casting a spell or whatever, the power of the spell depends on how closely it matched. All of this is to avoid repetition during combat games.4) A game where you use a Midi device as a game controller. Requires a musical instrument or midi controller. Basically, you could play a game by playing piano, the game would react to chords, scales, arpejios, etc.Now game settings / ideas:5) A game where you are super rich and everyone tries to steal your money. You have to try to keep the most money while making more.6) A game where you are a doctor and try to save lives.7) A game where you are god and can control natural catastrophies like earthquakes, tornados, volcanos, thunder, etc. Don't know the goal of that game.8) A game where you must spread a disease on the entire world kinda like pandemic. Talking about the setting, not necessarily the gameplay.Have fun! Think outside the box.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: why bgt dont continus

2019-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Origine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why bgt dont continus

I read the entire thread and there are some things I'd like to address. Being concise has never been my trademark so be warned.First of all, remember that the game makers are not necessarily developers. One might have the required creativity and originality to make amazing games, but lack the know-how and skills to concretize it. The other way around, one might be a proficient developer in multiple languages, know how to optimize L1 and L2 cache, but have no inspiration nor game design knowledge. Now one could have both and thus be total rockstars. It's just like how an engineer will make a app that works wonderfully but no one will be able to use it because the user experience is terrible (it's an analogy of course, not an absolute and generalizable truth, you get the idea).So what do we have? Some brilliant people with exciting ideas not being able to develop games, and developers developing ok games. It's asymetric, because one produces average quality content while the other one could produce quality content. Now this is a gaming community, an audio gaming community and we all want the same thing: good games. One of the ways to have better games is to simplify the game creation itself which is just the application of an idea. The real fun is in the idea, not really the implementation to certain extent. Now I don't know BGT, but it seems to me it was an effort made years ago towards this direction.Ok, let's imagine some guy makes a game with BGT. The question is, should that person have used BGT ? It's hard to give one answer to this question as I wear multiple hats. So I'll answer for every hat:As a player, I don't care. What I care is if the game is fun or not. If the game is fun, then I'd say yes, because perhaps the game wouldn't have existed without BGT. If the game is not fun, then I'd think it's either the game is not my style or the guy who made the game didn't have a great idea. However, it would be extremely unlikely that I would blame the language in which he wrote the game. The virus flaging is annoying.As a developer, I'd say no. I would recommend C# as I love this language and it has accessible tool chain to develop, debug, compile, publish, profile, namely Visual Studio. I wouldn't recommend BGT because there is not a large community around it, because there hasn't been updates in a long time, because it has a limited feature set.As a former Ubisoft engine developer, it would be impossible to write a game like Assassin's Creed in BGT. In fact, I'd argue it would be impossible to write such a game in Python. It's all written in C++, except for shaders, tools and some assembly optimizations. This is because you have to use all the available resources of a system and to do that you need to be able to control how it's compiled on a specific target. You also cannot afford interpretation costs of scripting languages. I also wanna quickly address something I read about crrappy code written. In the gaming industry, it's done all the time. They do hacks, patches, work arounds, as long as it works and it's efficient. When it's getting closer and closer to a release, this gets even worse. Why is that ? Because all the game code is throwable. You heard me right, they will throw away all the game code, because they cannot reuse any of it for another game. All they can reuse is the game engine. So it doesn't matter if the game specific code is crappy or patched, the only thing that matters is how long did it take to write including the cost of testing and maintaining that code in the release cycle. It's all about money and the quicker you produce code that is good enough, the best return on investment you get.Finally, and this is the most important hat, as Origine, as a human, it's not of my frickin business. Who am I to tell someone that the game he wrote, must it be good or not whould or shouldn't have been written in BGT ? People do what they want and that's it. I say that because it's not only related to BGT. Whether it's NVDA versus JAWS, C# versus Python versus BGT versus C++, audio games versus mainstream games, Windows versus Linux versus MAC OS, if one uses something that satisfies all of its needs, then there's no point on trying to make that person change because this is better than that. I used to be like that when I was younger. I would try to convince iOS users that Android was the best and that they should switch. No matter the arguments, it doesn't matter if they like iOS the way it is. Trust me, when you start to realize this, everything starts to be cooler. I started to like Apple products, I don't own any of their products, but I have to admit they have solid designs, they are cool and feel somewhat premium. Apple are excellent at marketing (well, less recently, but they were truely amazing at that). You will start to see value in everything, ask yourself why they are using that and not something else ? Why is it so important that they change ?If 

Re: Is there a Magic the Gathering accessible game ?

2019-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Origine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Is there a Magic the Gathering accessible game ?

@2, Thanks for the yugi-oh, it looks fun. But is there a way to practice against an AI ? I looked at the tutorial, but it seems outdated, the duel command doesn't seem to exist anymore ? I see Tsp, but there is no way to duel him (I thought it was an AI) ? Also, all the commands I tried to use a public deck (heroes) didn't work.@3, isn't the dynamic deck building engine used to create CCG games ? I'm looking for existing games, perhaps I misunderstood when I first looked at it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Is there a Magic the Gathering accessible game ?

2019-01-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Origine via Audiogames-reflector


Is there a Magic the Gathering accessible game ?

Hey,I used to be a huge fan of Magic the Gathering (MTG) when I was able to read the cards. Is there a MTG game that is accessible ? Is there a similar game that is accessible ? I already know about Crazy Party, but the card game is more like pokemon video games (not even pokemon card game). I would be great if MTG Arena was accessible, but let's not dream too much.Thanks !


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Can you recommand some Audio Games?

2018-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Origine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Can you recommand some Audio Games?

I sure can ! But I don't have the links, just titles.- A hero's call if you like adventure fantasy RPG- Dragon village if you like managing a village and being wrecked by frickin dragons- Swamp if you like FPS- Sound RTS if you like, well, RTS- Crazy Party if you like minigames or deck building game (still in beta, but totally playable)- BK3 seems cool if you can survive the game setup required- Minecraft movie if you like NetflixOh and beep of course, it's the best.


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