Re: Undead Assault: Concept Demo release on February 22nd

2016-05-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Southpaw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Undead Assault: Concept Demo release on February 22nd

So I just installed this game and got an account set up. When I connect to the server though I can't do anything at all. Enter does nothing and the only way I can close the game is to go through the task manager.I can hear other people setting up games and what not but it won't let me do anything except run through the tutorial. Any tips?


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Re: Should HC get a reset in Swamp? Time to vote!

2015-08-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Southpaw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should HC get a reset in Swamp?  Time to vote!

Since were talking about things that need to change let me just say that the thrower is way overpowered. A player 400 levels below me can kill me in half a second with one and that is a little crazy. Normally I wouldnt mind but when a player level 1500+ has one and camps in a tiny corner of a fort its nearly impossible to get them out without gathering up all ones friends and going in together.There is no other weapon in the game that can even come close to doing as much damage as someone with a thrower. The balance is definitely off when it comes to this thing.Since the in game vote is mainly no theres clearly going to be no reset. This is why I think MusicMan has a good idea. Make all players equal when inside forts then it comes purely down to a players skill. At least this way we wont keep screwing everyone over with annual resets which by the way I think is just plain crazy. I have worked hard to get where I am and I wouldnt sta
 rt over every year just because others wont or cant level their characters.The reality here is that theres nothing we can do to make every person happy. Were all going to have to compromise to some extent. Many want to keep what they earned while others here want free handouts. Things will probably change, especially around fort battles, but people need to keep in mind we all pay money and use our time to play this so we have to try and make the best and most fair decision we can.Thanks for all the hard work Aprone.


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Re: Should HC get a reset in Swamp? Time to vote!

2015-08-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Southpaw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should HC get a reset in Swamp?  Time to vote!

I really really dont feel like typing a dictionary sized response to all of Rockys posts but all Ill mention is that any mission DC with players above 50% will create some pretty serious issues because of all the disconnects. Ive never pulled the plug on my HC character during a mission but if you check my stats I have over 20 disconnects.thanks to that damn connection interrupted thing. If any DC happened when a player is over 50% health then each one of those random game interruptions would end up with even more people writing to Aprone asking to have their inventories reset.Out of all those above posts I basically got that HC level caps are a good idea. I agree. As for the rest, Ill have to go read it 4 or 5 more times.


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Re: Should HC get a reset in Swamp? Time to vote!

2015-08-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Southpaw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should HC get a reset in Swamp?  Time to vote!

Oh I just remembered one more thing. The players who have a lot of time to devote to the game, and are good at it, will and should be ahead of those who only play once a week. If I can do 200 crate missions with death bringers I should get more of a reward than another player who can only do 10 crate missions. I think its a little insane to force skilled players to stay on the same level a unskilled or very casual players. hard work should be rewarded and to take away all the rewards for working hard will make the whole thing a little pointless.Maybe the idea that once a fort is entered everyone is put a 200 health with the same armor and points could be a solution but simply limiting what can be achieved by good players simply because others cant do it or dont want to try that hard too isnt a very good idea in my book.Again this is why I think level caps are the best idea. Skilled players can still reap the benefits of being good but it w
 ill also allow those that cant play as much or are just lazy to be able to catch up a little without just making it stupidly easy. If I can earn over 1000 levels through missions should another that can only get 100 levels really be able to compete? That just doesnt seem right to me. Some of us earned what we have while others sit in the safe zones and complain about things not being fair. I know this isnt the case for all of them but many just sit back and ask Aprone to hold back those of us that have gotten good and dedicated time to this game.So lets add a level cap at 400 or 500 and if someone cant reach that then learn how to take a hold a fort perhaps they should go back to normal mode where things arent quite so intense.Just thinking out loud.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Should HC get a reset in Swamp? Time to vote!

2015-08-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Southpaw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should HC get a reset in Swamp?  Time to vote!

Bla. I wrote a big response then went back and read Rockys posts again and realized I misunderstood one of the points he was making. Just forget this post was here. Move along.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Should HC get a reset in Swamp? Time to vote!

2015-08-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Southpaw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should HC get a reset in Swamp?  Time to vote!

We really need Aprone to forsake his entire life and devote it to us instead of his family. There are so many awesome things that could be done but simply require too much time. Of course Im only playing but if were going to talk change then I have a couple ideas even if theyre impossible to pull off.Players at level cap could start doing arena battles much like the missions are run now. Brackets could be set up, monthly or weekly leaderboards, rewards for coming in first, second, or third, and so on. These sorts of things would make nobody give a poop about having a level cap.Im basically thinking about games I used to play back when my eyes worked and there are a zillion ideas that could possibly replace the HC fort battles and make the entire experience better for everyone. I know this would take a lot of time and we probably take too much already but What about boss missions or instances? You could make a team of people say over level 300 an
 d you enter a certain map or something where you have to complete a series of tasks, kill a few boss type zombies, then go back home. Again, Im thinking along the lines of raids in World of Warcraft We could have some super creative things done and make it about teamwork instead of just grabbing a ton of crates solo.Im just throwing ideas out there now. Arenas and raids instead of forts? ? Or possibly just a death match mission in the short term. I dont really know whats possible.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Should HC get a reset in Swamp? Time to vote!

2015-08-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Southpaw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should HC get a reset in Swamp?  Time to vote!

I converted TheDevil to HC when many of the Nuts were over level 1000. I took myself on missions and got over 1000 levels just to be able to compete. If a full reset does happen I wont be doing it again. I have a beautiful inventory right now too that Ive spent months building. There has to be a better way to deal with this. I think that maybe HC needs to have a level cap. Sure its nice having almost 1400 points to spend but the reality is that some people can play more than others and will always, no matter what, be ahead. Sure regular resets will take care of that but personally I wouldnt put my time and energy into something I know is just going to be reset.Maybe what needs to happen is forts and fort battles go away. I really dont want to have to level up another character but its always the forts that are causing the issues. Maybe we should talk about getting rid of forts, making a slot in safe zones so each player can have one,
  and introducing a death match mission that rewards some sort honor other than experience. That way if youre the top killer everyone will know it.I think there are a lot of ways out of this without having to waste so much but I dont know. I get that there are some players over level l1000 that cant do anything more than n10 crate missions and I do agree that is frustrating but some of us earned our levels the hard way and I just dont like the thought of losing it all. Like I said though, maybe its time for a HC only level cap and instead of resetting everyone back to level 1 we get put to level 500 or something. This ensures that theres enough points for health, armor, and some extra perks but not so many points and things get crazy.Speaking of crazy, the thrower for PVP is out of control. Players hundreds of levels lower than me can kill me before i can even get a shot off.Anyway, with the level cap it gives people the cha
 nce to focus on something else other than strait earning missions so they can have points so they can hold forts. Just like any idea Im sure I havent thought of everything and Im sure some people will hate the shit out of this but that happens with any sort of change.Level cap is the way to go.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Should HC get a reset in Swamp? Time to vote!

2015-08-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : Southpaw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should HC get a reset in Swamp?  Time to vote!

We really need Aprone to forsake his entire life and devote it to us instead of his family. There are so many awesome things that could be done but simply require too much time.Players at level cap could start doing arena battles much like the missions are run now. Brackets could be set up, monthly or weekly leaderboards, rewards for coming in first, second, or third, and so on. These sorts of things would make nobody give a poop about a level cap.Im basically thinking about games I used to play back when my eyes worked and there are a zillion ideas but like I said at the start poor Aprone has a life and sometimes I feel like he spends too much of it on us anyway.Now that Ive said that. What about boss missions or instances? You could make a team of people say over level 300 and you enter a certain map or something where you have to complete a series of tasks, kill a few boss type zombies, then go back home. Again, Im thinking along the lines of
  raids in World of Warcraaft. We could have some super creative things done and make it about teamwork instead of just grabbing a ton of crates solo.Im just throwing ideas out there now. Arenas and raids instead of forts? What do you think about that good Music Man?


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