Music for Audio Wizzards

2019-06-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mherrane via Audiogames-reflector


Music for Audio Wizzards

Hello everybody!I'm Mikko, a blind music producer from Finland...I'm working for MyTrueSound, a company making mobile audiogames for the blind.We're currently finalizing a new game called Audio Wizards, it will be a fantasy action game where you fight against enemies with spells.We launched a competition for blind and visually impaired musicians to compose music for the game. The winners will get fame, paid and their music published in our game...So, we call all blind musicians around the world.. Make a good song to join our team, we will also need music in the future .I will finalize the winning songs with the winners. I work as a music producer here in Finland and have produced over 50 full length albums, some of them reaching the finnish top10 charts.Let's have fun, let's hear good new music!Here's a link to the competition rules: … -on-a-gameAll the best to everybody!-- Mikko


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Re: GoldGun, the adventure of a blind policeman

2018-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mherrane via Audiogames-reflector


Re: GoldGun, the adventure of a blind policeman

defender wrote:Neat, thanks for the good feedback guys.@mherraneDo you play many other audio games? If so, in your opinion, how challenging will this game be for the average audio gamer who's been playing for a long time.--A good question. I play Audio Games, used to play more when Somethin Else's stuff was still available for iOS. In general I stopped playing Audio games quite much because of the same reasons you talk about. One of the ground ideas when starting MyTrueSound was that we need quality games since it feels like the game designers (even those making Audio Games) seem to underestimate us as players.Well. GoldGun is more like an interactive radio drama than an ordinary "Gets harder along the way"-kinda game. GoldGun is more focused on the story and is not even meant to be as challenging as possible, still it's entertaining and fun to play. We also have other games coming in the future, also those who challenge even the more experienced players.--I worry that what ever blind people were consulted when designing the game may not have been very experienced... And we've seen in the past that overly easy games tend to lose interest quickly.A difficulty system of some kind, hopefully something a bit more complicated than just raising the hitpoints of enemies (just as an example) could easily help with this without making it too challenging for those who haven't played audio games before.---The problem here is that even though I'm experienced, our beta tests have shown that most of our future customers might not be. Even the walking mechanism was hard for many and that's partly why we ended up doing this kind of a game first.Hope this answers your question somehow. I'm here to talk more .-- MikkoMyTrueSound


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Re: GoldGun, the adventure of a blind policeman

2018-12-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mherrane via Audiogames-reflector


Re: GoldGun, the adventure of a blind policeman

zuckuss wrote:Sounds like an interesting concept. I'd love to play a demo.Wouldn't you take a 2,5e risk of trying the game even though you were not 100% sure already if you like it or not? How many demos in general do you find in this price range? 2,5 euros is after all less than a BigMac or even a big cup of coffee in some countries so is it really that big of a risk ? We will for sure make game demos if we some day end up making games that are expensive for the customers.All the best,-- MikkoMyTrueSound


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: GoldGun, the adventure of a blind policeman

2018-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mherrane via Audiogames-reflector


Re: GoldGun, the adventure of a blind policeman

Hi!I'm Mikko. I work for MyTrueSound. I'm also here to answer your questions and talk about our first game GoldGun. I'm blind from birth, a braille and VoiceOver user on iOS. I'll be following this thread daily so keep the questions and conversation coming ...The sounds in the game are still a bit under construction but I will ask if I can send a clip or two here. Let's see what happens.All the best to everybody-- Mikko


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Re: Any good ios games?

2018-11-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mherrane via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any good ios games?

I work as and audio expert for a company called MyTrueSound. We make audio games for iOS and Android. The first part of our first game GoldGun in going to be released in January. I will start a thread about it soon here. Stay tuned .-- MikkoMyTureSound


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Re: Audio Game Survey

2018-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mherrane via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Game Survey

Hi everybody.I'm sorry if some of you have found our survey confusing or insulting. I think the biggest reason for this is because our native tongue is not English...We know the basic words of course but might not be able to form the questions so that they would be emotionally satisfying, if you know what I mean. The reason for asking about the sight (being blind or not) is because the games we're about to make are targeted for us. In my experience there is no real market for audio games among sighted people so we try to find out if there is a real market among us blind  A market so big that it is interesting for investors. Our games are going to be big professional productions that involve months of hard work for many people. We will start final development only if we know that the money invested on us can come back in the end. Hope you understand the marketing perspective...This way we get better games in the end.Since the survey is open and can be answered by anyone, the only way for us to know about your sight is by asking. I'm sorry if this is insulting for some...I'm blind since birth myself for me my blindness and talking about it is not a problem. I'm sorry I didn't take account this possibility.Anyway, I kindly ask those of you who didn't answer to the survey to do so. This way you help our game development and isn't better games something we all want ? … w/viewformAll the best to everybody, keep on playing!-- MikkoMyTrueSound


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Audio Game Survey

2018-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mherrane via Audiogames-reflector


Audio Game Survey

Hi gamers!We started a new company called MyTrueSound. Our goal is to make audio games for mobile devices.I've been a gamer throughout my life but have never been involved in game design.Anyway. I can't tell you details yet but we're doing something that's completely in a different level than the games on the market now. Much closer to console games.Anyway, game development takes time and effort...Also investor funds to really be able to concentrate on the essentials and not compromising the quality by any means.That's why we need information. We need to know that there is a real need for better audio games.That's why I ask you to take a few minutes time to answer some questions.We will pick three lucky ones among all who have taken the survey...The three lucky ones will gain full access to all our games for three years as soon as we are in the stage of releasing games. … =0&w=1All the best to everybody and thanks for your interest...And keep up playing !-- Mikko


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Re: List of accessible PS4 games

2018-01-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mherrane via Audiogames-reflector


Re: List of accessible PS4 games

Haha, I dunno ...Aiming is very hard so I keep shooting a LOT to guarantee that some bullets hit the targets . Also the game is very linear so you just go straight on while shooting so you don't get lost easily.Of course these games take LOTS of time to complete...I heard Farpoint was meant to be completed in like 4-5 hours, for me it took maybe 45 .-- Mikko


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I played Resident Evil 7 through on PS4

2018-01-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mherrane via Audiogames-reflector


I played Resident Evil 7 through on PS4

Hi everybody!Let’s start by telling that I’m blind, not completely but almost…I’m a braille reader with no colors, I see something maybe 3 meters far, shapes, ”big lines”, car, house, door, even big signs of supermarkets and such when I’m standing near by…But mostly in the nighttime when the contrasts are strong, you know what I mean.I play games on PS4. It’s had dot find games that are accessible for my sight, that’swhy I’m so happy I was able to play RE7 completely through actually twice nowwithout any help from sighted people.For my sight Resident Evil 7 is as accessible as it gets. I use a PSVR virtual helmetand enjoy very much the virtual worlds it offers me .Anyway, with PSVR I can take a closer look with all the menus and such so I get themas big (zoomed) as I need to and in the inventory it tells with a text what the items you carry are so you don’t meed to recognize them from pictures and such. also (unlike every other game I have tried) the inventory text can be zoomed just by bowing your head and looking closer.Everything happens in the night time so no disturbing sunlight or brightlight and colors that would be hard for me to watch. Even though I’m very poor with maps there’s lots of time in the game to walk around and findthings.All the fights in the game are quite slow and all the enemies make noise when they come.I usually have difficulties aiming in games but here I was ableto shoot and use things like flame thrower and grenade launcher with success .Since the game is full of writings on the walls and documents with codes and such that are hard for me, I used a walkthrough to help me play the game through…Here is a link to the walkthrough: you enjoy horror films or games, this is something all low sighted players like me might want to try. Also the game doesn’t need a VR headsetto work and actually the reason I played the game through twice was because the first time (until the very end) I played using a normal TV. I have tried some other Resident Evils in the past but haven't found them that accessible at all.Hope this helps someone, I'm a happy camper .-- Mikko


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Audio Game Survey

2017-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : mherrane via Audiogames-reflector


Audio Game Survey

Hi fellow gamers! Great to be a part of this community. Great to realize that after all there's lots of people like me (blind players).We started a new company called MyTrueSound. Our aim is to make immersive and interestig audio games for the blind. Our games are gonna be played on mobile devices, most likely iOS based...Anyway. For a new company designing games from scratch takes lots of time and effort so before we start, we have to know that there's a need for the stuff we do. That's why I ask as many of you as possible to fill out the survey (link below). … =0&w=1Thanks very much for your interest. Hope our company can start the real work soon and deliver games we all are gonna be happy with.All the best to everybody.-- Mikko


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