Re: A quick word.

2015-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : neo_anderson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A quick word.

Hey we all go through rough patches. Some times its taken differently than most. And I guess we all have our social fops`.I will sadly admit to being banned before on a few muds.A few are even still in effect.Now all though I will admit that while I was usually standing up for the under dogs in what were obviously unfair or open ended systems, or in some instances, rare exploits that they had no right using...That still didnt give me permission to go about things the way I did.Yes, a few were more mis understandings than anything else. And I personally feel that if I were given a chance to explain myself, I could have probably evaded a few particular banns all together instead of them banning me out right.a few banns on a few games were sadly deserved, I personally dont think they were, but, looking from a lawyer like perspective on the matter, yes, I technically went against their rules. And although I think it a bit heavy handed, its their right to ban me at will, for what ever reason they wish to come up with, either real or imaginary.We all have our bad days. We all get angry. We all say some things in the spur of the moment that we sometimes wish we could take back. Ive been on both ends of that spectrum, and looking back on it, I shouldnt have liked one end, and dis liked the other.Sometimes its because someones had a crabby day, and yes, sometimes, it is, because you broke a rule or policy of theirs. Some times they would rather keep you out, than let you spread whatever chaos or malicious intent that they think you wish to spread, and sometimes, they are doing it just to be careful, just to keep them safe. Maby theyre scared, maby they dont like your point of view, or maby its for whatever reason they see fit at that given time.Interestingly enough this doesnt always apply to games either, however I will bring up one experience, yes, it involves a game.I bring this up to prove a point.There was an administrator on an old star wars mud I played once.He was obviously having a few personal real life issues.Granted, it doesnt change the fact that a few of their systems were bugged. Unfortunately I received a permanent death on that game because of such a bug. When I logged back on and proceeded to not so politely tell them off, that they should have warned people about that particular bug, I got punished.To make a long story short, and yes, I realize its a bit late for that remark...I was told never to come back. Not banned, just politely told to leave and not to log on again, or else I would be banned.Me and that particular administrator e-mailed each other back and forth, and came to an understanding on the matter.And you know what? I willingly never logged on to that game again. To this day I dont even know if the server is up and running. Sure I hear roomers about the game every now and again, but I dont pay them any attention, nor do I really care about it, I just let it flow off my back like water off of a duck.It was that instance of gaming that I really changed. To this day I am not sure why. In the past the choice was taken away from me, sometimes repeatedly, but it was always taken away from me all the same. Never did I receive a letter, some times I wasnt even sure what I did to deserve such a punishment. And yes, although I dont think its correct for anyone to ban me out right without a single notice, warning, or a hey, we just dont like you. It is, after all, their prerogative to do so. Just because they have a heart of steel doesnt mean I like it, but sadly sometimes Ive learn t you do half to respect it. Like that old saying goes. “i may not like your opinion, I will, however, die to defend your right to express it.”None the less, I respected their wishes, simply because they gave me a choice.Ever since then, I still stand up for the underdogs, and yes, sometimes me and a few administrators have a few choice words about it. Yes they still can disagree with me, and sometimes I have gotten banned for it.But at the end of the day, its just a game.You get killed, or you die, or you unfairly get cheated.Or, if youre lucky, you quit wining about how much a jack ass can be and do something about it in game.You always have the option to just sit back and weight. Eventually, given enough time, they will get bored with it and move on to something else.Regardless if you weight a while, rise up the ranks, and fight back, or eventually show them that they cant get to you, one of three things will happen.Keep in mind, that one of these three if not all of them can and usually will happen with, or with out your intervention.I say it this way to prove my point that patience is usually the key. Also Ive learn t that ninety percent of my banns I have received through my years of gaming could probably have been avoided if I would have learn t from my mistakes a bit earlier.1 they will usually quit, or, unless theres a conspiracy going on, the administrators will eventually step 

Re: What is your dream game?

2015-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : neo_anderson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What is your dream game?

My dream game,a novel etby...Neo, Thomas Anderson.Oh remember now, they opened the can of worms, now I got to let it out again.Sigh, Im beginning to think Im sounding to needy with these walls of texts that I write.As usual, forgive the long rantings of a most likely social outcast, along with my usual spelling mistakes. Text was technically my third language, right after English, braille, then typing. Dont ask its a long story. You young ones dont know how easy you got it these days.Im always interested in the multi player user experience.Regardless if its a shadow run style science fiction game, a zombie apocalypse type of thing, or if its something like world of war craft, or whats that dragon lance game, sighted thing everyone still raves and rants about.Yes, you can get the same experience with muds, but then you half to develop a sound pack for it, make gags, filter ASCII characters, make macros or edit key bindings. It can be a mess to do.Just about every project Ive seen that has attempted to do something with an inventory, potion, alchemy, crafting, multi user experience has started off strong, only not to get enough funding and be shut down before you can even receive a beta to play around with.Ive been on both sides of this thing, and let me tell you, its not easy from a user side, or a developers side.Its why Im nearly gnashing my teeth in anticipation, in weighting, finally to see that time I see a game I like get an update, or a game whos servers can stay up for longer than a year of development.I want to cycle through my items in my inventory with arrow keys instead of having to weight till I hear my screen reader read the item, then type ware item or combined this with that with this. Oh hold something in left hand, type all this gobble gook. I want to be able to hear my opponent coming from the left or right, run around in a virtual environment of any type and attack at will, with skills, spells, devices of any type. I want to hear the hits as a strike, be able to block or dodge as needed. I want to be able to find items at will and pick them up.I would like to swim oceans, enter radio active waist lands in search for precious drops of water. I want to assist clans in killing hordes of the UN-dead, of goblin or troll spawn as they over run a citys walls.Quests of multiple types would be a fond dream of mine also. Find this, give to that. Assist with crafting this, or that to assist a community. Harvest these crops to allow this town not to go hungry. Mine a bunch of this or that to assist our supplies. Kill this monster or person to help us out. Protect this town from traders. Cargo hauling? Boat crafting?The environment should be huge, spawning continents, worlds, soler systems, a hole galaxy if required.Interestingly enough, were getting close enough with survive the wild, death match, and what was that game, world of power?Swamp, Ive always wanted to play swamp, just for the user experience of doing so.I dis like plugging other games on other threads or topic posts when someone is asking for opinions, however, I am just using it to show examples of what hopefully will some day be a reality.We are so close to a mind craft, or a worcraft, or a space simulation that Im nearly bouncing in my chair with anticipation.Were coming so close, but were not quite there yet, not on a grand scale.To be able to craft my own potions would be nice, weapons, swords, mining.CyberneticsHouses?Social interaction is a must.I would love to make friends on a game and fight along side of them, for any cause. Even if its to steal “the sacred chalice of the third house of Beta Zed”.It was deliberately mis quoted to be funny.I wouldnt like to make or have real life enemies, although if a game like this ever is put out there, its probably unavoidable. Sadly, its a fact of life.To be able to talk to others in the game both in character and on out of character channels.To say or yell things and have people be able to find you based on the direction that their voice is coming from. From far away? With in simulated Ear shot of course.At this point I dont care what the voice sounds like.Lets go for the gold. Mini games? The virtual racing, why not, could the controls even be modified to switch over while youre in a car, verses, on foot? Boats, same question? I cant see why not? Yeah, it would be a pain in the ass to code. Almost all of my suggestions would be, but if Im going to dream, Im dreaming big.As stingy as I am, I would even consider paying for the experience on a subscription basis. I wouldnt see it being properly developed any other way. Unless anyone knows the location and code to Scrooge McDucks money bin?Sigh, as long as they would take a check. I am fermillor with digital technology, and yet, I still dont trust it quite yet. Im paranoid, I know. And yes for those of you that care to know, I have my reasons.But like I probably will say in the future, another topic. Im 

Re: Help with Alter Aeon quests.

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : neo_anderson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help with Alter Aeon quests.

A surprisingly short message from me. I can practically hear your gasps of relief.I usually play on their in spurts. So I would be more than happy to assist any of you with just about any quests you might find on there.If I know of them of coarse Even then, I wouldnt mind exploring until I solve the puzzle, so to speak.Ask on the new player channel thing, or, on the chat channel, and Ill usual;Ly respond. Even though Im a loner, I still like assisting players whenever I can on their.Later,Neo


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Alter Aeon - Overall Game Direction

2015-05-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : neo_anderson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter Aeon - Overall Game Direction

another long post, heres hoping it all fits here.I personally enjoy solo myself.While I dont mind being a punching bag for 1, or two more players, I do enjoy exploring large areas, searching for quests, and generally attempt to be more of a surviver type or a ranger than anything else.I will admit to being spoiled buy several muds Ive played before. Ones where you can make camp fires in the wild and cook animals that you hunt, skin them, butcher them, and cook the meat to get rid of hunger. Or fishing and cook the fish. Use the skins for clothing. Gather wood to build a rickety shelter or tent using various parts. Things like that.Im personally a bit stuck on there at the moment, and its probably a bit of my own fault. It is, however, because of the problems they mentioned. Im just high enough to take on middle to high level mobs, however sometimes I barely survive, or I take them down and they hardly give me any decent e
 xperience.The bulk of my leveling was getting my skills up. I would practice it once, maby twice, and spend the rest of the time getting a skill up just for the experience it gives me. It was actually more easy to do it that way than to go hack and slash my way through levels.That gets boring for me after a while. After I hack and slash a bit, then I want to go do something different.Part of it is my personality I guess, like dark, I prefer to solo if I can. On the other hand, I dont mind grouping, usually with people a bit lower than me with various different and complimenting character archetypes.That way we all benefit from the grouping experience. If Im the tank, for instance, and I group with a cleric and a magi, we all play a part in the leveling experience. The punching bag takes the hits, the cleric heals them up or puts up protection spells, and the magi blows them out of the water. on the other hand... sometimes theres not a good e
 nough incentive for me to group to begin with. some times i can provide no benefit to the group what so ever, other then being extra cannon fodder. Why not make a bard, gesture, blacksmith, or actor class, for those that enjoy heavy grouping. I would half to think up a bunch of skills that arent already there for it to work properly though. You get where Im going with this.I do usually enjoy my experiences with the mud, although I will admit that if they added a bit of a survival aspect to the game I would play in longer spurts then I usually do.I can only go around getting skills up for so long, and hack and slash so much before it gets boring to me. Then I go on to another game where I can role play a bit, and maby survive a bit in the wild, then come back to the other mud to do whatever.Maby they could use a bit of the code thats already there to do something else? The camp fire skill, start fire, whatever its called, skinning, and butche
 ring skills, dont really have much use, for instance. I should remember that this game is not mush or moo or roast based though, so a few of the usual skills that I see on a few other games might not work or might half to be jerry rigged to work, but it might be able to happen.Why go all that way to get butchering up to eat meat to heal, when its more easy to get cleric up to cast a more powerful spell to heal yourself? Why get gather skills to gather wood or herbs unless you plan to brew with them, or unless you intend to gather up wood to start a fire? Its not worth the effort. Unless you enjoy playing that way. And sometimes I do.I say take the butchering skinning, and camp fire skills and do some work with them code wise to give us another experience if you could.Ironically enough, the same complaints I have about the mud are the same things I enjoy about it.Yes I spent enough time bashing, its time for the good aspects I enjoy abo
 ut the game.All those survival games I play? I half to spend time worrying about where my next meal is going to come from? I might starve to death. On this game, you dont get hungry. Sometimes I do enjoy that.You can literally save up enough experience points to do whatever you want in this game.Thats the problem with coming up with a group heavy class for my above idea. You can spend enough experience to get the spells you need to assist in groups. If given enough time to get them properly. That wasnt a complaint, it was actually a good thing.You can literally level your character however you want on there. I like that. A lot. Its one of the reasons why I keep coming back there.Tired of butchering meat to heal up? Save up experience and get a few cleric levels under your belt. Tired of being the punching bag?Get a few thief skills under your belt and go pick locks or bribe guards to get into spots. Better yet, get a few ne
 cromancer levels and summon a few minions to take the hits while you get your tanking skill up, or your spells up instead.Its really all up to you.Either way, I look forward to the new changes you are making.