Re: Problem with Pizza delivery

2014-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : scotf2012 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Problem with Pizza delivery

One thing you could try is updating the game. Jim released version 2 which fixes some bugs, so give that a shot.


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Re: A question about space mudss

2014-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : scotf2012 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A question about space mudss

Those are all that I can think of. Star Conquest sounds very interesting, though since I dont have much time at all for playing games I dont think Id ever get into it much.Why are you limiting yourself to space-based games? There are quite a number of other excellent MUDs out there.


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Re: what's a good mud client?

2014-09-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : scotf2012 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what's a good mud client?

Mush-Z is, in fact, MUSHclient with an enormous amount of scripts and other customizations. Its also worth noting that VIPMud does not officially support NVDA; indeed, I still cant get it working, so Im pretty much forced to use MUSHclient on Windows.


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Re: Judgement day question

2014-08-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : scotf2012 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Judgement day question

One way that compression works is by analyzing the file(s) in question to try and correlate some sort of pattern. As most people know, Judgment Days sounds are encrypted, which, by the inherent nature of encryption, would drastically change any patterns that may be present in the plaintext. As such, compression would do you little good. In fact, in some cases, compression could make a file bigger.Your only option, unfortunately, is to just wait it out. Sorry to be the barer of bad news!


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Re: Miriani: Once Again

2014-08-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : scotf2012 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Miriani: Once Again

Nocturnus, honestly, it seems to me that you are very resourceful and clever, and most people, sorry to insult, but...Most people are not. Perhaps this is why you are doing so well in the game.Myself, I havent had time, and indeed will continue to not have time, to play in any meaningful way. To put it into perspective, Ive been a new pilot since late 2012. It is now mid 2014. So...Ive not been connected long enough to experience anything like this, but from the discussion so far, it seems to me that – and someone correct me if Im wrong – automated bounty hunter ships patrol sectors and try to destroy ships with large bounties? My question, if this is correct, is this: why do they not go after the people who own the ships? As has already been stated, going after ships themselves can be pointless, but if, say, a certain ship contained Pirate X, would it not be prudent for a bounty hunter ship to destroy that particular ship? That would severely limit Pirate Xs ability to do anything, and, frankly, makes a lot more sense. I believe that there is some type of upgrade, some sensor enhancement or something, that actually will display the names of the people that occupy a particular ship, so in-character, this might make more sense than going after ships, not people. I hope I make sense!In any event, I would recommend that people look at the Defense Handbook. Again, Im still a new pilot, and likely will be for a long, long time, but the suggestions presented there seem reasonable, so follow them. The command in-game, I believe, is DEFENSE.


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Re: Getting steel in a dark room

2014-08-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : scotf2012 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Getting steel in a dark room

Its also worth noting, I suppose, that coal, on hard mode, is a pretty worthless resource. When I played hard mode, to get steel, I performed a combination of looting cities and buying from the merchant, so those are other options as well. I believe you can also find steel, very occasionally, in the back of caves.


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Re: Iphone games

2014-08-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : scotf2012 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Iphone games

Nebula Game is amazing. It is very well done and at times is very hard, which is really how a game should be. Its first chapter is free, and the rest can be unlocked for a reasonable price, I think its $2. You can grab it here from the App Store.


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Re: Alter aeon complaint

2014-08-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : scotf2012 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Alter aeon complaint

Rory, probably the best thing to do is to really, truly think what you say before you say it. As has been stated, telling the creator of a game fuck you is a pretty terrible idea and wont win you any friends at all. Spamming, i.e sending the same thing, or similar variations multiple times, is also a terrible idea. You were silenced for a reason, so if I were you, I would learn from this experience. There are only a certain number of second chances that one can have, after all, and from what Ive read here, youre in very hot water indeed. So, Rory, learn from this, and really try to change.


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Re: Cheat lists for Game Cheater

2014-08-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : scotf2012 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Cheat lists for Game Cheater

Jaybird, I wonder if ASLR has anything to do with this.


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Re: Miriani: Once Again

2014-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : scotf2012 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Miriani: Once Again

I dont have much significant to contribute, as, having been a character for almost 2 years, still with newbie status because I literally have such little time to play, I can say that silence is typically a good thing. I remember, a long time ago, someone asking on General Communication for a pilot to gun on a mission. I said yes, asked where to go, explained ICly that I had graduated from pilot school (in-character speak for a newbie) and was off. There are times of immaturity; a lot of the less than savory characters, for instance, had fun laughing their heads off at my surname, for instance, but overall, from my 14 or so hours (in total) connected, I can say that its really not terrible, so long as you basically keep to yourself.There also exists a self-defense handbook, which I read awhile back, which discusses...Self-defense. Obviously! But one of the things they mention is self-destructing, and how, in t
 he worst case scenario, it is advisable to destroy your own ship. Better to kill it yourself than to let some no-good thief steal (or destroy) your ship.So, Dark, maybe give it a shot. And stick to yourself mostly, that seems to be the best way to keep out of trouble. Thats kind of sad, really, since outspoken chatter and free speech would be fun to participate in, however, it apparently just makes you a target.


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Re: Free games for iOS

2014-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : scotf2012 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Free games for iOS

Theres quite a number, so instead of listing out a bunch, Ill direct you to the Games category on AppleVis, where you can find (at this time) 313 games, some free, others paid, and figure out what interests you.HTH.


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Re: miriani, any good now days?

2014-07-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : scotf2012 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: miriani, any good now days?

I really dont play very much at all, never have. This is mostly due to a total lack of time, but I just wanted to remind people that, although nothing has been done yet, this stuff does take time. They need to figure out the intricacies of the systems, code them, test them, etc. While all of that is going on, other things are also happening, such as a recent move from a residential connection to a connection designed to host things. This apparently makes the game more stable, though as I said I dont play much, so I cant comment on the validity of that.So, in short, be patient; theyre surely working on it.


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Re: How many people have access to Flash?

2014-06-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : scotf2012 via Audiogames-reflector

Re: How many people have access to Flash?

Its worth noting that, on OS X, Flash is, to my knowledge, totally inaccessible. VoiceOver seems to be totally dysfunctional where Flash is concerned.URL:

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Re: rollercoaster simulator?

2014-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : scotf2012 via Audiogames-reflector

Re: rollercoaster simulator?

Im not sure about the game, but if youre interested in some of the mathematics behind roller coaster development, a program called MathTrax might be worth a look. Its primarily an algebra-based, relatively basic graphing calculator with sound-based and text-based descriptions, but it has a physics section that contains a very basic roller coaster simulator.URL:

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Re: Question about Lambda MOO

2014-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : scotf2012 via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Question about Lambda MOO

Its worth noting that #1:look_self shouldnt really have anything at all to do with this. Put it on $room:look_self. Another way to do this, which in my opinion is better from a code readability/maintaining standpoint, is to create a verb whose only purpose is to obtain a list of exits and return a string. Look_self then calls that. The benefit of doing this:* Allows you to create a command that *just* tells the player the exits.* Would be really useful in dynamic rooms, assuming you have need of them or end up creating them, since all youd need to modify is the tell_exits verb (or whatever you call it), which is, obviously, much less of a headache than copying verbs around and making a general mess.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Question about Lambda MOO

2014-06-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : scotf2012 via Audiogames-reflector

Re: Question about Lambda MOO

Its worth noting that #1:look_self shouldnt really have anything at all to do with this. Put it on $room:look_self. Another way to do this, which in my opinion is better from a code readability/maintaining standpoint, is to create a verb whose only purpose is to obtain a list of exits and return a string. Look_self then calls that. The benefit of doing this:* Allows you to create a command that *just* tells the player the exits.* Would be really useful in dynamic rooms, assuming you have need of them or end up creating them, since all youd need to modify is the tell_exits verb (or whatever you call it), which is, obviously, much less of a headache than copying verbs around and making a general mess.Oh, and sswwaaiikkee, LambdaMOO is not a game. It is one of many cores on which more sophisticated MOOs can be developed. A MOO is an object-oriented MUD. From a user standpoint, it is essentially a MUD; from
  the point of view of the programmer, it is easy to maintain, build, and expand.URL:

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Re: question about bgt download

2014-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : scotf2012 via Audiogames-reflector

Re: question about bgt download

I do not see a problem. You should be able to download from here. As for coding examples, first you should read the BGT manual, as it has many examples suitable for beginners.URL:

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Re: I want to use a free mud client to play Mirani and have sounds, help

2014-06-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : scotf2012 via Audiogames-reflector

Re: I want to use a free mud client to play Mirani and have sounds, help

There is a soundpack for MUSHclient, but it is honestly not very good. It only works if you use JAWS; if not, you get a ton of errors. There is a version that removes all of the JAWS- specific interrupts, but that is pretty useless.Your best bet is to use VIPMuds 2-hour free demo. Restarting the client is not a huge deal. Its worth noting that, even in VIPMud, youll have the best results with JAWS. I think it absolutely despicable that an accessibleclient doesnt have support for all the major screen readers (it lacks NVDA support among other things). There are various hacks and workarounds to try and get NVDA to work, but really, theyre not good for interrupts, which is something used very commonly in Miriani for ship scans.So, in conclusion, my advice to you is to use VIPMud with JAWS. I havent had much time to play lately, as Ive been insanely busy, but for the brief tim
 e that Ive tried it, that seems to be the best option. If you dont use JAWS and you still want a free screen reader, you could try System Access To Go; it might work with VIPMud.URL:

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Re: gma game engine

2014-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : scotf2012 via Audiogames-reflector

Re: gma game engine

kamochek, if youre interested in writing your own games, as your bringing this up suggests, a free alternative is BGT, which is now free, and appears to be a good starting point for new developers. Also, I read somewhere that the GMA Engine was written in Visual Basic 6, which is becoming more obsolete by the day.URL:

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Re: gma game engine

2014-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : scotf2012 via Audiogames-reflector

Re: gma game engine

Kamochek, if youre interested in writing your own games, as your bringing this up suggests, a free alternative is BGT, which is now free, and appears to be a good starting point for new developers. Also, I read somewhere that the GMA Engine was written in Visual Basic 6, which is becoming more obsolete by the day.URL:

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Re: silver dollar crack

2014-05-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : scotf2012 via Audiogames-reflector

Re: silver dollar crack

How is pirated software a better product than legitimate software?URL:

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