Question about Crazy Party

2019-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : shellman via Audiogames-reflector


Question about Crazy Party

Question about Crazy Party: In the mini game The hedgehogs path in the Forest world, how do you unlock the entrance to the underground where you can collect gems?I found it today when I died in a hedgehog around the zero point and came back to the same place, but I am not sure what do you need to do to unlock the entrance exactly.Thanks for any help!


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Re: lack of the development in Survive the Wild and other issues

2017-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : shellman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: lack of the development in Survive the Wild and other issues

I already said, STOP! Stop fighting here!The discussion is going off topic to fighting and insulting people.I make it clear:I never wanted to blame, insult or offend any people. I'm sorry if I've hurt somebody.People have their own opinions and thoughts about STW, and as far as you are writing about the game itself and not insulting people, you must be free to discuss about the game.When you start playing the game first time, it is really great and there are lots of things to do.And there are lots of nice challenges, like climbing up the mountain or finding your way through the maze.But after you have collected all the stuff and explored all the maps, there is not so much to do.When you have all the stuff, it is too easy to survive.I have nothing against the natural disasters as far as you have a chance to survive from them - I mean that they are not so strong that they kill everybody on the map where they hit.<
 p>And there are people who don't like to start to pk against other people.Violence is not what I wish in this game.There is a huge selection of different weapons and for me that looks very unrealistic when you think about the name of the game.For me that looks more like a fighting game.Sam, of course it is your game and you can do whatever you want.But for me survive the wild would mean rather surviving from the attacks of lions, hyenas or rhinos, or finding right plants to cure diseases,  than seeing people collecting and asking different weapons and killing others or destroying shelters.Coding animals, well, I saw admins can create new items in the game.There was a bird inside a special shelter some months ago.If you combine it with some bird sound, you already have an animal which can sing and which you can track.I suppose it is possible to make new animals by using part of the code which you wrote for the existing a
 nimals, and then change the properties, parameters, sounds and movement if needed.To make it short: I hope there will be more things related to the nature, plants and animals in the future, than those things which you can use to kill other people.And that there will be more activities, challenges or work to do.There would be already a much more fun if you could make your own shelter map. I really enjoyed that small maze in a special shelter which one of the admins made a few months ago The competitions which pheerblue kept a few months ago were very great!They were challenging and they had nothing to do with pk.I hope there will be something new in STW which is not related to pk or fighting. And that you will have more chances to make something creative.


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Re: lack of the development in Survive the Wild and other issues

2017-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : shellman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: lack of the development in Survive the Wild and other issues

First, please STOP fighting here, cool down.This is just a game.Here are some answers and thoughts:Absence is probably the core thing in my message which I wanted to bring up...I mean absence of updates, information about what is going on  and communication.I noticed a big change in that issue about one year ago.In 2015 and at the begining of 2016, there were lots of great updates and lots of new things were added in STW.Then after the previous big update in June 2017, there hasn't been a lot of information about what is going on.Yes, yes, people have their own life, some have studies, some have their work, but sending atleast some messages what is happening and what will be coming, would already be better.And for example:let's say, adding a few animals in STW would not take a lot of programming, and it would already bring a lot of refreshment to the game.Now, there are much more things related to fighting and killing than animals and plants.That is quite unrealistic if you think about surviving in the wild in the reality.Nature is usually full of different plants and animals, and some of them are dangerous and poisonous.Yes, I know, there are bears, rabbits and wolves, but that does not make the game very variable yet.There are people who like pk, but please remember that there are also people who do not like about it.And I am not speaking about whether your turn on or off your pk.There are just so much stuff for fighting, and not so many things in the nature, it looks strange.I think many people would prefer small updates from time to time rather than a one big update once in a year.And whatever is the reason for all those things which have been removed from the game, it has limited the chances of creativity - what you can make after you have all the stuff in the game and if you don't like pk.I have nothing against the natural disasters, they are part of the nature.Now it is just so easy to "survive" in that game after you have all the stuff. You don't need to do almost anything, just refill your water and food stocks sometimes.So those natural disasters bring atleast some challenges to the game.Here are some things which would be great to have in STW in the future:1. motor boats. Do not say they don't belong in stw. Then neither shot guns, grenades and teleporters should not belong there.There could be either an option to buy them from STW store or to build them from different parts in STW.You can just make it hard to obtain all the parts for the motor... Andthere could be a gasolin pump in the gas station or in some harbour... Working with coins. 2. an option for all players for designing their shelter maps (not only for the admins)3. more animals and plants-sealife in the ocean (fish, corals, crabs, shells etc)-lions, elephants, giraffes etc in the rainforest4. occupations (work)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: lack of the development in Survive the Wild and other issues

2017-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : shellman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: lack of the development in Survive the Wild and other issues

sorry I meant occupations (work)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: lack of the development in Survive the Wild and other issues

2017-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : shellman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: lack of the development in Survive the Wild and other issues

First, please STOP fighting here, cool down.This is just a game.Here are some answers and thoughts:Absence is probably the core thing in my message which I wanted to bring up...I mean absence of updates, information about what is going on  and communication.I noticed a big change in that issue about one year ago.In 2015 and at the begining of 2016, there were lots of great updates and lots of new things were added in STW.Then after the previous big update in June 2017, there hasn't been a lot of information about what is going on.Yes, yes, people have their own life, some have studies, some have their work, but sending atleast some messages what is happening and what will be coming, would already be better.And for example:let's say, adding a few animals in STW would not take a lot of programming, and it would already bring a lot of refreshment to the game.Now, there are much more things related to fighting and killing than animals and plants.That is quite unrealistic if you think about surviving in the wild in the reality.Nature is usually full of different plants and animals, and some of them are dangerous and poisonous.Yes, I know, there are bears, rabbits and wolves, but that does not make the game very variable yet.There are people who like pk, but please remember that there are also people who do not like about it.And I am not speaking about whether your turn on or off your pk.There are just so much stuff for fighting, and not so many things in the nature, it looks strange.I think many people would prefer small updates from time to time rather than a one big update once in a year.And whatever is the reason for all those things which have been removed from the game, it has limited the chances of creativity - what you can make after you have all the stuff in the game and if you don't like pk.I have nothing against the natural disasters, they are part of the nature.Now it is just so easy to "survive" in that game after you have all the stuff. You don't need to do almost anything, just refill your water and food stocks sometimes.So those natural disasters bring atleast some challenges to the game.Here are some things which would be great to have in STW in the future:1. motor boats. Do not say they don't belong in stw. Then neither shot guns, grenades and teleporters should not belong there.There could be either an option to buy them from STW store or to build them from different parts in STW.You can just make it hard to obtain all the parts for the motor... Andthere could be a gasolin pump in the gas station or in some harbour... Working with coins. 2. an option for all players for designing their shelter maps (not only for the admins)3. more animals and plants-sealife in the ocean (fish, corals, crabs, shells etc)-lions, elephants, giraffes etc in the rainforest4. occupancies


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

lack of the development in Survive the Wild and other issues

2017-04-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : shellman via Audiogames-reflector


lack of the development in Survive the Wild and other issues

Hello all,Well, I can't resist any longer and watch all that crap what is going on in STW now quietly.I've been playing Survive the Wild for about 1,5 years now.First I thought this game is really cool with lots of things to explore and do.But after completing all the quests and collecting all the items, I've been waiting for something new.The previous update with something new was in June 2016 (including new maps and quests).After that nothing has happened in STW.That is already almost one year ago. I've sent many suggestions to Samtupy but it is very hard to get any reply from him.And the most annoying and disgusting thing started already a long time ago.In every update there have been more and more restrictions for the players.NO! I am not talking about cheating!First, building tree houses was banned. If you think it was cheating, ok, but that is not my opinion.There was nothing bad in 
 that you could build a small houses from planks at top of the trees.Then, making walls using blocks and weeds was blocked.And now, you can't even put a grass tile in the ocean to put your shelter there.All the creativity is blocked from players, and that is really annoying.Disgusting!One question: Why? Why? Why? Why?Why in Earth do you want to ban and block and prevent all the creativity from players and allow it only for the admins?They can make special shelters  and that has been the only interesting thing in STW in last months.But even there there are some stupid rules, that you are not allowed to put even a single item inside the shelter.Each time when I ask, I get different answers and reasons why these changes were made, if I even get any answers at all...All the changes have made this game more like Survive the pk than Survive the wild.Now, if you turn on your pk, you need to wait for a ridiculous tim
 e to turn off your pk.So, shortly, STW is not STW any longer, it is rather like Survive The pk, Survive the restrictions, survive the rules, survive the ban, survive the lack of updates.And I feel there is no chance to get any of those restricted things mentioned above back.Wake up! Many people have already left this game, including many of the old well known admins, because they don't like what you are making in this game.


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