Re: fully accessible small rpg on Itch, Dungeon of Reminiscence

2020-09-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : PT6 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: fully accessible small rpg on Itch, Dungeon of Reminiscence

@Dark thanks so much for the feedback! Yeah this was really only meant to be an intro game; something I can dip my toes in the water as far as programming goes, so I knew a few things were probably not going to "feel good" so to speak. That being said, with the reception of this one (and knowing there are people that do like these styles of games) I would definitely like to make another that is more balanced, more in depth, and has more of a threat of defeat than this one does. Behind the scenes, a lot of the mechanics are simple and not really fleshed out, but I honestly didn't expect it to be played by anyone but me lol.The idea was to make the classes be a kind of difficulty system with the warrior being the easiest to beat it with, and the mage being the hardest, but it ended up being that the warrior and ranger both do well, and the mage has a hard time in the beginning to middle, but it eases up in the end.I think the thing I put the most time into was the writing, so if that came off okay, I think I was okay with the end result no matter how the rest of the game felt. The reason I left the sibling unnamed and undescribed was to allow the player to kind of fill in the blanks. I didn't want the sibling to be MY iteration of the sibling, but whatever the player wanted them to be (male or female, any race, color, etc.). That being said, I definitely could have fleshed it out more.Thanks so much for playing, and for all the feedback. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: fully accessible small rpg on Itch, Dungeon of Reminiscence

2020-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : PT6 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: fully accessible small rpg on Itch, Dungeon of Reminiscence

@crashmaster Ahaha, thank you so much! I wish I did make it, but unfortunately, that was not the case. I buy most of my assets right from artists on main track, "Sanctuary" came from this album: … red-heartsThe other four tracks came from this album: … bundle-790


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: fully accessible small rpg on Itch, Dungeon of Reminiscence

2020-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : PT6 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: fully accessible small rpg on Itch, Dungeon of Reminiscence

@KenshiraTheTrinity Oh no.  I'm sorry. Yes unfortunately I don't know a whole lot about how older system compatibility works when it comes to game development yet so I think your OS has to be fairly new in order for it to run. I could be wrong, but it's well out of my element at the moment.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: fully accessible small rpg on Itch, Dungeon of Reminiscence

2020-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : PT6 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: fully accessible small rpg on Itch, Dungeon of Reminiscence

Hey @stirlock, if you're having troubles, you may need the .NET Core SDK Runtime in order to play properly. For the most part, it should be self contained, but if you don't play many (or any) games that use .NET, you might be missing some key .DLLs. I have the link on the store page that should help fix the issue for you. Let me know if it doesn't.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: fully accessible small rpg on Itch, Dungeon of Reminiscence

2020-09-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : PT6 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: fully accessible small rpg on Itch, Dungeon of Reminiscence

Thanks for unrestricting me, Aaron, and hello everyone. I am, in fact, the developer of Dungeon of Reminiscence, and I'm both grateful and humbled that you guys are even playing this game, let alone providing feedback. As I was telling Aaron, I only posted it on as a way to track my progress as a developer, to see the journey of where I started to wherever I end up. I had no idea there were people who were going to play it, let alone a group of folks who really enjoy these style of games. I had no real intention on going back to it (or making another) but after some discussions, I think I might end up there again in the future once I've gotten some more mastery of the language I'm learning.First of all, allow me to apologize for the weird quirks of the game. I know it's unrefined and doesn't have a whole lot of polish on it, but due to what I mentioned above, that's why it was released in the state that it was in. This was my first attempt at a game to help learn and solidify some early concepts. I hadn't considered things like the accessibility of it to the blind community, simply because I honestly did not expect anyone to play it. But something I want to note: while I'm very new, and don't know all of the intricacies of playing a game blind, that does not mean I won't be keeping that at the forefront of my mind going forward. The reason I released the "blind accessible" version as quickly as I did was because I wanted to make sure you COULD play it with relative ease. Adding in a menu to turn it on and off is more complex than you might think, moreso for me as a new developer, so it was just easier to edit my code entirely to produce something that would work better in your screen readers.Going forward, my hope is to make sure my games are as accessible as possible without sacrificing too much from the core game experience itself. Whether you are blind, colorblind, deaf, hard of hearing, or any number of challenges you may face, gaming, to me, has always been about finding the most enjoyment possible from a medium that we all love and share together. That's been my mission since I started, and I will continue to try and provide that going forward. Please note that none of your feedback goes without being heard and absorbed, and I am doing my best with the little time that I have to practice and learn. I used games as a kid growing up to escape from the harsh realities of life, and I hope that those who play my games will be able to use mine for the same.If and when I get to the next one, I'm definitely open to playing any games you feel have "done it right" so that I can learn and grow from those games. As I said, I don't know much about how the blind community plays games like these, so when you tell me things like Aaron did (which screen reader they use, removing the hashtags to separate menu items, etc.), that all helps me be a better game developer. It's a slow process for me, as I don't get a whole lot of time to practice each day, but I am adamant and determined to learn and hopefully be a name that people recognize as someone who is passionate about games, and it shows in the products I release.Thank you all again for playing and for all of the feedback. I honestly cannot express my appreciation enough.


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