Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2021-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

It's probably because I'm not a company, just a single person. I'm not trying to insult other developers who's games are in the archive, I'm just guessing that's why. Or maybe it's because Objectives is one of them and Objectives is a clone. Well, at least it's a clone in my opinion.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2021-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

I picked out the adds that are already in the game because I wanted to use them. And no, I did the conversions of the 8 bit songs myself. You don't need to spend your time doing things for me unless I ask you. I know you're being nice and everything, but if I pick out sounds, it's because I want them to be there.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2021-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

I'll write the guide as just, a document. Templates aren't necisary for manuals.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2021-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

If you played Objectives, than you played The Blank Game 1. What I would do for the guide is make one, then upload a blank source code, meaning you could just follow the guide and fill in the commands in d_etc, then write the actual game in d_ms (enemies) d_item (items) d_start (character settings) and d_scenario (the story).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2021-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

Going back to previous places would be easy to insert, I will try and mess with that and see. I think the only time I won't be able to put that in is Mysteries of the Ancients, since I didn't put points to tell the game not to repeat boosses. This, is yet another reason why the third game will be better. I already put in that ability. Edit: I can actually add in the ability to go back to previous towns whenever, but some of the boosses would just respawn since I was being lazy and didn't add what Text Game Maker likes to call switches. Speaking of Text Game Maker, I'm thinking of writing an English guide on how to use version 0.9781, the version with all the features, for people who don't know Japanese or just want to learn how to use it. Should I do this?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2021-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

Going back to previous places would be easy to insert, I will try and mess with that and see. I think the only time I won't be able to put that in is Mysteries of the Ancients, since I didn't put points to tell the game not to repeat boosses. This, is yet another reason why the third game will be better. I already put in that ability.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2021-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

Haven't, I, said, why, they, take, so, long? I am one person, not a full company. I also have a job, and I sometimes work weekends. I am also a college student, and am in my second year so am getting lots of homework, exams, tests, quiz's and other things. I have to plan what I want the stories to look like, how large I want the areas to be, when boosses should happen and creation of enemies and items. Text Game Maker needs the scenario data to be exactly in the right order. Say that I wrote something like this. s1m=This is the first line of the story.s1m=And this is the second line.s2m-the third line is here.As you saw, their were two s1's. I've made that mistake before, and it really, really messes up the game. You have to put lines in order. If I was writing the story and realized that I had two of the same numbers near the beginning, I could either combine the messages into one line, or re-write the entire story starting from that line. Programming a game in Text Game Maker is similar to writing a term paper. I'm doing what I can with the games, along with college and my job. If I said to my professor: "I can't do homework, I have to develop a game", he would say "make the game after you do your homework". I understand this might sound offensive, so I'm only saying it once. Can you please stop posting the same question when I say that I will release an update (when will the next update be here)? I know that 99.9 percent of my times I say an update will come are wrong, but I also don't know when I have something to do for work. To the person who sent those files: I'll look now, you can remove them if you want. I already changed the Pallet Town song to something better, and it's in stereo.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2021-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

The link was to a .zip that contained mono versions of songs used in The Blank Game 3. Now that I fixed all the songs in that game, I should probably delete the link since it leads noware.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2021-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

I listened to the songs you sent me, and have to say that some of the remixes actually sound good. Though I'll fix the songs and convert them to stereo, I probably won't be using a lot of the remixed versions. I'll deal with Pallet Town myself, thank you. All I need to do is find a Pallet Town song on Youtube and lower the volume.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2021-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

I just downloaded the file. The reason the volume is so quiet is so people can hear their screen readers. Text Game Maker plays .mp3 files very loud, so I needed the songs to be recorded with low volume.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2021-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

The game actually won't be using Pokemon cries, and I have all the attack sounds. You can name the files anything you want, since when naming sounds in Text Game Maker you have to number them. I'll definitely be adding you to the credits section of the documentation! As I said before, how can I reward these people? With all the work they've done, the game could be out in less than one week if I didn't have lots of math homework. All the translation is done, and that was the hardest part. The game is also planned, so I just have to turn it into code and hope that the enemies don't do too much damage. I already got through two of the five playable bonus stages on The Blank Game 2, I'm guessing it will be finished by the end of this weekend.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2021-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

If you want to upload the songs, you can. I probably won't use them only because I sometimes prefer lower quality sounds or music, or maybe I'll provide one version with your songs and one with the lower quality songs so players can choose which type of music they want. About N, I just wanted to know what they were for in the actual Pokemon games since I've never played Black or White and don't have the time. I think I'll use the normal version of the N battle song, maybe the more intense version for another fight I'm not spoiling.Edit: the midi files can't be changed, and I could only find the songs that are currently in midi format the way they are.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2021-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

If you want to upload the songs, you can. I probably won't use them only because I sometimes prefer lower quality sounds or music, or maybe I'll provide one version with your songs and one with the lower quality songs so players can choose which type of music they want. About N, I just wanted to know what they were for in the actual Pokemon games since I've never played Black or White and don't have the time. I think I'll use the normal version of the N battle song, maybe the more intense version for another fight I'm not spoiling.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2021-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

Warning! This is a long post. News: their will be a massive update to this game that requires the player to restart, so if anyone was thinking of playing from the beginning, wait until the next update.The reason why some updates require restarting is because of how forming party members works in Text Game Maker. Say, for example, that you had made a game with two people. You created the two people (user1 and user2) in d_start, then finished writing the main game. Throughout the game, you had wanted to make one of them be on their own. In the scenario data, you would write something likes51pts=0,1s51pts順=0,1That tells the game to make the second person be the only one in your party. Now as you were writing the game, you thought of adding a third character. You would do that by creating user3 in d_start. Now, comes the problem. As you saw in the two lines, they saids51pts=0,1s51pts順=0,1Their were only two numbers, not 3. Each number represents a character. All you need to do is add a third number. Two make a full party with all 3 people,s100pts=1,1,1s100pts順=1,2,3If you were in the middle of the game and you had just added that third party member, the game would crash when it got to the part ware the new character was to be used unless you restarted from the beginning. This update will add a fifth party member to The Blank Game 2. I don't know when it will be out, but the update will give the game some replay value. Before you ask about the third game, yes it's still being worked on. I want to finish this first, then I'll go back to working on The Blank Game 3. I think instead of releasing another beta, I'll just go and put up 1.0 when it's done. And actually, I have one more thing to ask about the game. If someone who has played Pokemon Black or White or just knows these songs could answer this, that would be great. I did a lot of searching on the internet first, nothing. Their is a character in Pokemon Black/White 1 or 2 known as N, I think. I am using one of his battle songs in this game for... Reasons. When searching for Pokemon Black/White VS. N battle themes, I found two of them. One was the final battle, and one just said VS. N. I think I found the correct one to use for normal battles, but only Pokemon Champions (definitely not me) can answer that! I will upload a .zip with the songs, and I need opinions on them in terms of volume, or if I should pick out better versions? If I can find out how, I should reward (meaning pay them or buy them a game they'd want) all the people who have helped me develop this game by answering all these questions. Yes I'm writing all the code, but they gave me the information about starter Pokemon which might have taken a lot of work. And now, hopefully I'll get an opinion on the BGM. … the songs that you probably won't recognize, Happy Life and Plants and Flowers are places in the game. I just want to make this have some Pokemon elements while not making, a clone. Pokemon belongs to Junichi Masuda and the rest of the company, not me. And yes, I obviously said in the documentation that Junichi Masuda wrote all the music from Pokemon. Not the documentation that you will see if you download the beta, the documentation that I redid for 1.0. Also, as it says in the beginning of the game, it's one of my games that makes no sense with some Pokemon elements put in just to mix up the game even more.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2021-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

Warning! This is a long post. News: their will be a massive update to this game that requires the player to restart, so if anyone was thinking of playing from the beginning, wait until the next update.The reason why some updates require restarting is because of how forming party members works in Text Game Maker. Say, for example, that you had made a game with two people. You created the two people (user1 and user2) in d_start, then finished writing the main game. Throughout the game, you had wanted to make one of them be on their own. In the scenario data, you would write something likes51pts=0,1s51pts順=0,1That tells the game to make the second person be the only one in your party. Now as you were writing the game, you thought of adding a third character. You would do that by creating user3 in d_start. Now, comes the problem. As you saw in the two lines, they saids51pts=0,1s51pts順=0,1Their were only two numbers, not 3. Each number represents a character. All you need to do is add a third number. Two make a full party with all 3 people,s100pts=1,1,1s100pts順=1,2,3If you were in the middle of the game and you had just added that third party member, the game would crash when it got to the part ware the new character was to be used unless you restarted from the beginning. This update will add a fifth party member to The Blank Game 2. I don't know when it will be out, but the update will give the game some replay value. Before you ask about the third game, yes it's still being worked on. I want to finish this first, then I'll go back to working on The Blank Game 3. I think instead of releasing another beta, I'll just go and put up 1.0 when it's done. And actually, I have one more thing to ask about the game. If someone who has played Pokemon Black or White or just knows these songs could answer this, that would be great. I did a lot of searching on the internet first, nothing. Their is a character in Pokemon Black/White 1 or 2 known as N, I think. I am using one of his battle songs in this game for... Reasons. When searching for Pokemon Black/White VS. N battle themes, I found two of them. One was the final battle, and one just said VS. N. I think I found the correct one to use for normal battles, but only Pokemon Champions (definitely not me) can answer that! Just like with the starter Pokemon, I will upload a .zip with the songs. Opinions on them in terms of volume, or if I should pick out better versions? If I can find out how, I should reward (meaning pay them or buy them a game they'd want) all the people who have helped me develop this game by answering all these questions. Yes I'm writing all the code, but they gave me the information about starter Pokemon which might have taken a lot of work. And now, hopefully I'll get an opinion on the BGM. … the songs that you probably won't recognize, Happy Life and Plants and Flowers are places in the game. I just want to make this have some Pokemon elements while not making, a clone. Pokemon belongs to Junichi Masuda and the rest of the company, not me. And yes, I obviously said in the documentation that Junichi Masuda wrote all the music from Pokemon. Not the documentation that you will see if you download the beta, the documentation that I redid for 1.0. Also, as it says in the beginning of the game, it's one of my games that makes no sense with some Pokemon elements put in just to mix up the game even more.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2021-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

Warning! This is a long post. News: their will be a massive update to this game that requires the player to restart, so if anyone was thinking of playing from the beginning, wait until the next update.The reason why some updates require restarting is because of how forming party members works in Text Game Maker. Say, for example, that you had made a game with two people. You created the two people (user1 and user2) in d_start, then finished writing the main game. Throughout the game, you had wanted to make one of them be on their own. In the scenario data, you would write something likes51pts=0,1s51pts順=0,1That tells the game to make the second person be the only one in your party. Now as you were writing the game, you thought of adding a third character. You would do that by creating user3 in d_start. Now, comes the problem. As you saw in the two lines, they saids51pts=0,1s51pts順=0,1Their were only two numbers, not 3. Each number represents a character. All you need to do is add a third number. Two make a full party with all 3 people,s100pts=1,1,1s100pts順=1,2,3If you were in the middle of the game and you had just added that third party member, the game would crash when it got to the part ware the new character was to be used unless you restarted from the beginning. This update will add a fifth party member to The Blank Game 2. I don't know when it will be out, but the update will give the game some replay value. Before you ask about the third game, yes it's still being worked on. I want to finish this first, then I'll go back to working on The Blank Game 3. I think instead of releasing another beta, I'll just go and put up 1.0 when it's done. And actually, I have one more thing to ask about the game. If someone who has played Pokemon Black or White or just knows these songs could answer this, that would be great. I did a lot of searching on the internet first, nothing. Their is a character in Pokemon Black/White 1 or 2 known as N, I think. I am using one of his battle songs in this game for... Reasons. When searching for Pokemon Black/White VS. N battle themes, I found two of them. One was the final battle, and one just said VS. N. I think I found the correct one to use for normal battles, but only Pokemon Champions (definitely not me) can answer that! Just like with the starter Pokemon, I will upload a .zip with the songs. Opinions on them in terms of volume, or if I should pick out better versions? If I can find out how, I should reward (meaning pay them or buy them a game they'd want) all the people who have helped me develop this game by answering all these questions. Yes I'm writing all the code, but they gave me the information about starter Pokemon which might have taken a lot of work. And now, hopefully I'll get an opinion on the BGM. … the songs that you probably won't recognize, Happy Life and Plants and Flowers are places in the game. I just want to make this have some Pokemon elements while not making, a clone. Pokemon belongs to Junichi Masuta and the rest of the company, not me. And yes, I obviously said in the documentation that Junichi Masuta wrote all the music from Pokemon. Not the documentation that you will see if you download the beta, the documentation that I redid for 1.0. Also, as it says in the beginning of the game, it's one of my games that makes no sense with some Pokemon elements put in just to mix up the game even more.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2021-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

Warning! This is a long post. News: their will be a massive update to this game that requires the player to restart, so if anyone was thinking of playing from the beginning, wait until the next update.The reason why some updates require restarting is because of how forming party members work in Text Game Maker. Say, for example, that you had made a game with two people. You created the two people (user1 and user2) in d_start, then finished writing the main game. Throughout the game, you had wanted to make one of them be on their own. In the scenario data, you would write something likes51pts=0,1s51pts順=0,1That tells the game to make the second person be the only one in your party. Now as you were writing the game, you thought of adding a third character. You would do that by creating user3 in d_start. Now, comes the problem. As you saw in the two lines, they saids51pts=0,1s51pts順=0,1Their were only two numbers, not 3. Each number represents a character. All you need to do is add a third number. Two make a full party with all 3 people,s100pts=1,1,1s100pts順=1,2,3If you were in the middle of the game and you had just added that third party member, the game would crash when it got to the part ware the new character was to be used unless you restarted from the beginning. This update will add a fifth party member to The Blank Game 2. I don't know when it will be out, but the update will give the game some replay value. Before you ask about the third game, yes it's still being worked on. I want to finish this first, then I'll go back to working on The Blank Game 3. I think instead of releasing another beta, I'll just go and put up 1.0 when it's done. And actually, I have one more thing to ask about the game. If someone who has played Pokemon Black or White or just knows these songs could answer this, that would be great. I did a lot of searching on the internet first, nothing. Their is a character in Pokemon Black/White 1 or 2 known as N, I think. I am using one of his battle songs in this game for... Reasons. When searching for Pokemon Black/White VS. N battle themes, I found two of them. One was the final battle, and one just said VS. N. I think I found the correct one to use for normal battles, but only Pokemon Champions (definitely not me) can answer that! Just like with the starter Pokemon, I will upload a .zip with the songs. Opinions on them in terms of volume, or if I should pick out better versions? If I can find out how, I should reward all the people who have helped me develop this game by answering all these questions. Yes I'm writing all the code, but they gave me the information about starter Pokemon which might have taken a lot of work. And now, hopefully I'll get an opinion on the BGM. … the songs that probably won't recognize, Happy Life and Plants and Flowers are places in the game. I just want to make this have some Pokemon elements while not making, a clone. Pokemon belongs to Junichi Masuta and the rest of the company, not me. And yes, I obviously said in the documentation that Junichi Masuta wrote all the music from Pokemon. Not the documentation that you will see if you download the beta, the documentation that I redid for 1.0. Also, as it says in the beginning of the game, it's one of my games that makes no sense with some Pokemon elements put in just to mix up the game even more.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

I couldn't translate the second post, but in short the first post basicly just said a bunch of, uh, really bad things about Aaron. I don't know if I should say them here because of how bad they were, I'll have to check the forum rules. Just use the left and right arrows to go letter by letter on that post and you'll see. Wonder what you'll say next, probably something like:Boyiscompletelyfuckedupfortranslatingmypostsgofuckyourselfandbebannedfromthisforum.Off topic, but this reminds me of the stage 3 intro in BK3 wear the subordinant came to the player's house and showed how he could only say one word in English. Same with the stage 4 intro. Die! Die die die! I kill you! Kill kill kill! Totally kill! I know that may sound mean to people who don't know English, but the two previous posts right before this one shows that this person knows how to speak English, he's just acting exactly like the subordinant did in those sceens.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

I couldn't translate the second post, but in short the first post basicly just said a bunch of, uh, really bad things about Aaron. I don't know if I should say them here because of how bad they were, I'll have to check the forum rules. Just use the left and right arrows to go letter by letter on that post and you'll see. Wonder what you'll say next, probably something like:Boyiscompletelyfuckedupfortranslatingmypostsgofuckyourselfandbebannedfromthisforum.Off topic, but this reminds me of the stage 3 intro in BK3 wear the subordinant came to the player's house and showed how he could only say one word in English. Same with the stage 4 intro. Die! Die die die! I kill you! Kill kill kill! Totally kill! Labron-games, go back to the Piece sosiaty ware you belong and restock bioenergy to make more posts.I know that may sound mean to people who don't know English, but the two previous posts right before this one shows that this person knows how to speak English, he's just acting exactly like the subordinant did in those sceens.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2021-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

I couldn't translate the second post, but in short the first post basicly just said a bunch of, uh, really bad things about Aaron. I don't know if I should say them here because of how bad they were, I'll have to check the forum rules. Just use the left and right arrows to go letter by letter on that post and you'll see. Wonder what you'll say next, probably something like:Boyiscompletelyfuckedupfortranslatingmypostsgofuckyourselfandbebannedfromthisforum.Off topic, but this reminds me of the stage 3 intro in BK3 wear the subordinant came to the player's house and showed how he could only say one word in English. Same with the stage 4 intro. Die! Die die die! I kill you! Kill kill kill! Totally kill! I know that may sound mean to people who don't know English, but the two previous posts right before this one shows that this person knows how to speak English, he's just acting exactly like the subordinant did in those sceens.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2021-01-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

You just walk up to water, a tree or a boulder and press Z to use the HM move on that object.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: LYQ, the first text game my tried to practice making

2021-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: LYQ, the first text game my tried to practice making

Unless you can understand Google Translate, yes you need to know Japanese because the manual is in Japanese.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

To the person who needed help in Silph Co, check out this walkthrough of the game. … oParimangoI also posted this on the Braillemon topic, it's the same. He explains what's happening most of the time, accept the Pokemon he uses have nicknames so unless you know what they sound like when they enter battle, you don't know the team he uses.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

I don't know much about IVs or DVs, but I do know that hidden power can be changed to anything based on stats. Their was a Pokemon Crystal walkthrough I was wattching, and someone wanted a Pinecoe with a bug move and a steel move. He said that the only way to get a bug move was to put it in the daycare man's house with a Beedrill that knew Pin Missile, which he did. Then to get a steel move, he needed to hatch a Pinecoe out of the egg with 13 defense so it could learn Hidden Power as a steel type. I have no idea how that works, but again that's probably because I need to learn about Pokemon. I am starting to understand more, though, so that's good. I think Hidden Power is actually a Psychhic type move, maybe it changes depending on how your stats are. For example, 13 defense turns it into a steel type and maybe a certain number of physical attack changes Hidden Power to be physical instead of special.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

I don't know much about IVs or DVs, but I do know that hidden power can be changed to anything based on stats. Their was a Pokemon Crystal walkthrough I was wattching, and someone wanted a Pinecoe with a bug move and a steel move. He said that the only way to get a bug move was to put it in the daycare man's house with a Beedrill that knew Pin Missile, which he did. Then to get a steel move, he needed to hatch a Pinecoe out of the egg with 13 defense so it could learn Hidden Power as a steel type. I have no idea how that works, but again that's probably because I need to learn about Pokemon. I am starting to understand more, though, so that's good. I think Hidden Power is actually a Psychhic type move, maybe it changes depending on how your stats are. For example, 13 defense turns it into a steel type and maybe a certain number of physical attack changes Hidden Power to be physicalinstead of special.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

About Sabrina's gym, taken right from one of the guidesSabrina's Gym is a grid of trainer's rooms. In each room, there are four teleport pads. At first, it seems daunting, but the sequence is quite simple. If you want to go through all the rooms, beating all the trainers, simply use the teleport pad above you, or below, and you'll cycle through all the rooms and eventually end up in Sabrina's room. Alternatively, if you want to go straight to Sabrina, the sequence is (after you've used the starting pad): Left, Left, Left, Down.Even though its a Psychic Gym, the trainers use a mix of Psychics and Ghosts. Psychic has two weaknesses, Bug and Ghost, but a glitch in the game causes Psychic Pokemon to be immune to Lick, the only damaging Ghost Attack (Night Shade bypasses this, however). And the only Bug Pokemon that learn Bug attacks are half Poison, making them very weak to Psychic attacks.Saffron City Gym: SabrinaSabrinaSpeciality: PsychicPokemonInformationKadabraLevel: 38Type: PsychicMr. MimeLevel: 37Type: PsychicVenomothLevel: 38Type: Bug/PoisonAlakazamLevel: 43Type: PsychicPsychic Pokemon are usually weak in the Defense department, so use a strong attacker to take them out. They have very high Special, so elemental attacks won't do much damage against them. Don't forget Kadabra and Alakazam know Recover. As for Venomoth, any Fire, Rock or Flying Pokemon will take care of it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

Another hack, Pokemon TPP Red Aniversery. Remember how I said how it was playable on another topic? Well, time for a real challenge...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

The pathfinder works for me, now I can finally play Perfect Blue! Their are no footsteps, but that doesn't matter since I can just count the amount of times I press buttons.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-12-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

Is Perfect Blue currently unplayable? Here is what I did with hacks.lua. Note: I tried to compile it independently, and I've never written a lua script before. According to VBA, the checksum was (1481) 1481. {  ["crystal"] = {    [0x8447] = {      game = "crystal-clear",      language = "en"    },  },}{  ["red_blue"] = {    (1481) = {      game = "perfect-blue",      language = "en"    },  },


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-12-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

Pokemon Brown, nope. Game not supported. Restart.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-11-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

When I try to run Pokemon Red on the latest version, it says:language not supported. Restart. Does it not work with English yet?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

2020-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

Sorry, the file just said Ice Path so I put it here thinking it was for Crystal.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

2020-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

This is from the blind Pokemon folder. Note: when one direction is given with no additional information, that means to just go in that direction until you hit a wall, as signalled by the bumpingsound the game producesICE PATH 1F PART 1From as soon as you enter the cave and the music changes...uprightuprightuprighttwo steps leftuprightupleftdownfour steps rightdownleftupleftHERE BEGINS THE ICE SLIDING PUZZLEFrom the previous collision, continue...upleftupleftdownleftuprightHERE ENDS THE ICE SLIDING PUZZLEcontinue right until you hit a rock, then go...down one steprightupleftdownleftupright until collidepress a to get waterfallleftdownleft four stepsupright (if you get stopped by someone here, just keep going right until you hitwall and hear the bumping sound)downone step leftdownrightup {to descend floor}ICE PATH B1Fleftupleftuprightuprightdownright one stepdownright one stepdownright one stepdownrightpress a to activate strengthpush boulder one step rightmake yourself go rightuprightpush boulder down three spacesmake yourself go one step downleftdownthree steps rightuppush boulder five spaces leftmake yourself go one step righttwo steps downleftone step upleftuprightgo down to push boulder one space downmake yourself go leftdownpush right to drop boulder into holeone step rightone step uprightdownrightupone step leftuprighttwo steps uprighttwo steps uppush boulder one space leftmake yourself go two downleftuprightpush boulder down five spaces (it won't go any further)make yourself go up two spacesrightthree downleft to push boulder, then make yourself go left until collisionup one stepleft one steppush boulder down three timesmake yourself go one step downrighttwo steps downleftpush boulder one space upmake yourself go rightuppush boulder left until it falls down holethen go one step leftupleftupone step downleftpush boulder two spaces up1 step upone step leftone step uppush boulder two spaces rightgo two spaces downrightup and push boulder up three timesfrom there go one step uprightone step uppush boulder left until it goes down holethen go straight downleft one spacefive steps downrightdownrightdownleftupone step leftupleftdownleftgo up and push boulder four timesthen downrightdownrightdownrightupleft four spacesupleftupleftupleftupleftdownone step rightdownpush boulder one step rightmake yourself go two steps uprightdown until last boulder falls down holego straight down and fall down holeICE PATH B2Fleft and press a to get some medicinal itemrightdownrightupone step righttwo steps upleftdownleftuprightpress a to collect some medicinal itemtwo steps rightdown to descend ladderICE PATH B3Fright and press a to smash rock (you can walk around the rock if you wish)three steps rightface down and press a for a nevermelticeuprightdownthree steps rightup ladderICE PATH B2F PART 2leftdownleftdowndown morerightupup moreone step rightdown until colliderightpress a to get TM72, Avalancheslide upgo up more until collideleft until collidedownright one stepdownleft until collidedowndown two more stepsright one stepup to climb ladderICE PATH B1F PART 2leftdownleftdown two stepsleftupleftdownrightFace downpress a to activate strengthpush boulder down oncemake yourself go uprightdownone step rightdownleftupleftdown and press a to get a medicinal itemleftup and push boulder up three timesgo one step upleft six stepsup to go up ladderICE PATH 1F PART 2two steps leftstraight up and press a to collect another medicinal itemdownleftdownrightface down and press a to talk to a kimono girlupleftdownleftuprightdownrightdown and press a to get yet another medicinal itemuprightupleftdownrightdowndown more until you exit ice pathEND OF DUNGEON


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

It was Pokemon Yellow Advanced 2019. I just beat Brock, now on to MT. Moon.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

Good, I'll try that when I finish work. I should also catch a Pokemon called, the search feature because this information has probably already been posted. If I searched "Mankey" or "Brock", or "help beating Brock", it would probably have been posted in another topic. From now on, I'll try to stop asking questions about obvious things like how fighting is good againts rock. If I was able to beat Brock in Braillemon, than I can probably beat him the same way in Pokemon Yellow. That was what I thought until I learned that you could only use Pikachu. About the sound issue, I don't know what to say to that. I haven't had any problems like that, I mean on normal Windows 10 with no additions.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

You need to teach one of your Pokemon Cut. Go to the inventory menu by selecting "bag" or "pack" (then choose HM01 Cut). It will ask you which Pokemon should learn it. Select one, then use the path finder to move to the gym. If it says "no path", press shift P and it should let you move to it using Cut. To activate Cut, walk up to the tree and press Z to use it. Or at least that's what I'm guessing happens. I haven't gotten there, I'm still not understanding how to beat Brock with just Pikachu. Brock was easy in Red and Blue, just Vine Whip or Bubble until he's down. Electric doesn't effect ground, and Quick Attack does almost nothing. One of the guides says to use Nidoran, but Nidoran can only be found on Route 3 outside of Mt. Moon.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

You need to teach one of your Pokemon Cut. Go to the inventory menu by selecting "bag" or "pack" (then choose HM01 Cut). It will ask you which Pokemon should learn it. Select one, then use the path finder to move to the gym. If it says "no path", press shift P and it should let you move to it using Cut. To activate Cut, walk up to the tree and press Z to use it. Or at least that's what I'm guessing happens. I haven't gotten there, I'm still not understanding how to beat Brock with just Pikachu. Brock was easy in Red and Blue, just Vine Whip or Bubble until he's down. Electric doesn't effect ground, and Quick Attack does almost nothing.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

2020-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

To get to route 46, you need to find the Route 29 46 Gate.I've been wondering this ever since I started with Crystal Clear. Is their a goal meaning can it be completed, or do you just get all 8 badges and that's the end?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

It should be a .gbc file.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-11-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

Press shift F10, then move to open with. Press right arrow or enter, and find 7Zip.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-11-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

If you're talking about the Pokemon Yellow hack I mentioned ware Blue has a Dratini, it's meant for people who have beaten the game and want something more challenging. For move changes, all I know is that Pokemon come with some new coverage moves that they would get at level 1, maybe by breeding in generation 2. Blue's Dratini has Wrap and Leer, no Toxic or Psybeam. It's beatable with Pikachu, just use Double Slap or Double Kick if you want something with better accuracy. Pikachu can evolve in that version, so you don't have to be annoyed by bad stats.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-11-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

If you're talking about the Pokemon Yellow hack I mentioned ware Blue has a Dratini, it's meant for people who have beaten the game and want something more challenging. For move changes, all I know is that Pokemon come with some new coverage moves that they would get at level 1, maybe by breeding in generation 2. Blue's Dratini has Wrap and Leer, no Toxic or Psybeam. It's beatable with Pikachu, just use Double Slap or Double Kick if you want something with better accuracy.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-11-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

If you're going to play Crystal, I'd recommend downloading the enhanced Crystal rom. It's not a hack, it just stops trade evolutions, adds all the Pokemon so you can litterally "catch'em all" and changes their moves. Well, it adds all of them but Unknown. However, you can use a cheat to find that one. I also have a step by step guide for the ice path, and the part in the forest wear you have to find the bird (sorry I can't be more spasific, I've never gotten there).This is about Yellow. When you press A on Pikachu, it uses different voices to say Pikachu. Does this mean anything? For example, after I was training it, it started seying Pee Kah Chu in a normal way, then it changed to: Pee Kah Chu! Meaning, it sounded happier.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-11-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

7Zip and Win RAR work for me, haven't tried it with whatever Windows has as it's default. Tackle and Body Slam are the same sound, those actually sound better in generation 2. And their's another difference, Takedown and Body Slam are the same in generation 2, I think Takedown sounds better in 1. However, that's an opinion. Just because I like one over the other doesn't mean we all have to like it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-11-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

I think most of the music in generations 1 and 2 is good, and the attack sounds in all the Pokemon games accept generation 2 is good as well. That's the reason I stopped playing Crystal, simpley because about 95 percent of the attack sounds are bad. Razor Leaf sounds like Vine Whip repeated 51 times. Ember is almost the same as Earthquake, and their is another fire attack that's basicly Ember multiple times. Thunderbolt is the exact same as Thundershock, and Thunder is just the shot sound at the beginning. Ware's the actual thunder sound from generation 2? Not there. Confusion is the same as Psychic. I could go on and on for ever, but I'll stop now. I think the developers had too much fun with making attacks repeat and forgot to think about how good they sounded. Other than that, all the games that I've played are fun and have no problems. I've only played Braillemon, Yellow, Crystal and Heart Gold, nothing else. I gave Ultra Violet a try, but stopped playing it just because I didn't understand it. Maybe when I get more information from playing the actual generation 3 games, I'll come back to Ultra Violet. I liked that a lot, my favorite features being that you can "catch'em all", and even have the ability to start with a Machop! Going back to what I said about generation 2 and the attack sounds, not all of them are bad, they're just not as good as generation 1. I could probably avoid hearing the bad ones (wasting time) by not using Razor Leaf, and holding down the speed mode button when using Surf. Yes, that's how long the sound for Surf is, or maybe that's Hydropump. Don't believe me? Go on Youtube and look up all generation 2 attack sounds.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-11-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

I think most of the music in generations 1 and 2 is good, and the attack sounds in all the Pokemon games accept generation 2 is good as well. That's the reason I stopped playing Crystal, simpley because about 95 percent of the attack sounds are bad. Razor Leaf sounds like Vine Whip repeated 51 times. Ember is almost the same as Earthquake, and their is another fire attack that's basicly Ember multiple times. I think the developers had too much fun with making attacks repeat and forgot to think about how good they sounded. Other than that, all the games that I've played are fun and have no problems. I've only played Braillemon, Yellow, Crystal and Heart Gold, nothing else. I gave Ultra Violet a try, but stopped playing it just because I didn't understand it. Maybe when I get more information from playing the actual generation 3 games, I'll come back to Ultra Violet. I liked that a lot, my favorite features being that you can "catch'em all", and even have the ability to start with a Machop! Going back to what I said about generation 2 and the attack sounds, not all of them are bad, they're just not as good as generation 1. I could probably avoid hearing the bad ones (wasting time) by not using Razor Leaf, and holding down the speed mode button when using Surf. Yes, that's how long the sound for Surf is, or maybe that's Hydropump. Don't believe me? Go on Youtube and look up all generation 2 attack sounds.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-11-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

I figured it out, uncheck the checkbox for include unicode consordium data.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

This is knd of off topic, but now when I open the game, it says "play button" along with the menu items. This also happens with the Crystal Access scripts. Anyone know why this happens?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

Opty Y hack, what is that? About the download, you're doing the right thing. It will ask you for your information. Ignore that, just wait and the download will start.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

How I did it was use control+right arrow to move to the word download then press enter.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

Don't release Pikachu, put it away until you can evolve it or you won't be able to complete your Pokedex if you don't want to use it. It's not a bad Pokemon, I just don't understand how a Pokemon that says Peeka Peeka or Peeka Chu when you press A on it is so popular.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

To switch, press right if you're on the fight option. Press Z on Pokemon or PKMN, then select the Pokemon you want to use.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

What are you doing when you click on the link? To download it, press down until you find the word download, no link or button. It just says download. Press enter, you will get the open or save dialogue depending on the browser you use. Navigate to the save button, and it will download. Just don't use Internet Explorer, it's unsecure. For move descriptions, go to the Pokemon menu then choose moves. Navigate to the one you want to know about, then press T.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

I just downloaded the randomizer, and it works! No idea why it didn't before. Now to go play with the original Pokemon Yellow!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

Sorry about double posting, but since this is meant to work with the original Pokemon Yellow only, I know you can't catch every Pokemon (because of trade evolutions). Well, unless you use a Pokemon randomizer. Is their a Pokemon Randomizer that's accessible with NVDA? The program called Universal Pokemon Randomizer isn't, it doesn't read any of the check boxes or menus.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

Thank you for the help, but I can't exactly catch anything yet. However, I did figure out how to do it. Pikachu also has Double Slap and Double Kick. Use Double Slap and hope that it hits five times, that will take out Blue's Dratini before it even gets a turn.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon access

2020-11-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon access

I'm playing Pokemon Yellow Advanced, and the scripts are working fine! However, how do you get passed the fight againts Blue ware you have Pikachu and he has a Dratini? Thundershock is not very affective, then he uses Wrap which prevents me from attacking him.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

2020-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

If you download it, the manual is in the folder that you find after installing the program.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

2020-10-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

Their is nothing you need to open until you've created all the documents in Notepad. About languages, you have to write everything in Japanese first, but all the commands and status messages can be translated to whatever you want.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

2020-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

I'm only saying one thing, development hasn't stopped. It took me over a year to develop The Blank Game 2, meaning the full version.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

2020-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pokémon Crystal Access

Actually, their is a building you can go through on route 29. It's called route 29 46 gate. If you enter that building, just keep going north and you can find route 46. You can't do that much now, but you can find Spearow, Mankey and Geodude. Spearow is an alternative option if you don't want Pidgey, (a lot of people say it's the best flying type) Mankey is a fighting type and Geodude is a rock/ground type. Geodude is very useful against the first gym, since it resists all of Pidgey and Pidgeotto's attacks. Mankey is decent, but their are better fighting types. Note: in the enhanced version of Crystal, Falcner has a Pidgeotto and a Fearow, not a Pidgey and a Pidgeotto. I hope you have either a Geodude or something with high defense... If you don't Falcner will be hard.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the blank game 2? how to defeat Tenshaino?

2020-10-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the blank game 2? how to defeat Tenshaino?

Which Tenshaino fight are you on? Their are a lot of them in the game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

2020-10-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

Their will be a new version. As I said, I'm working on a five page paper. I am a college student, and I have a job. That job is not game development, and both college and the job, in addition to the usual house work and regular things have to get done before game development. I'm also spending time coming up with the story, translating, finding sounds, recording music and doing what a full company would do. I am only one person, not a full company. I understand that it has been a long wait, but their is a reason for that. If I was to release what I had now, it would be slapped together with unbalanced fights, a lot of Japanese and bad quality sounds and music. Think about how long it took for the second game to completely get finished, and look at what it is now. No, it's not like BK3 or Planet Saga, but I don't have the skills to make long games like that.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

2020-10-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

You didn't beat the game, you beat the very beginning. Also other players, don't level up anymore. Delete your saves, since restarting is required for the next version. This is because all Pokemon will now levelup differently, and the weapons and basic attacks (Bite, Slash, Tackle) were fixed so they could actually do damage.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

2020-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

It is the latest, but the latest is beta 1. I'd say wait until beta 2 comes out.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

2020-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

The version in the first post does work, but it's very short and has a lot of bugs. By very short, I mean it could take you under 15 minutes to beat. I'm currently translating all the skills and balancing parts of the game, but I'm also working on a 15 page paper. I'd say that the paper should be finished first.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2020-10-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

I meant for it to start with the call being made. The reason it sounds like that is because Audacity has some problems wear it skips the beginning of what it records, that' also why some of the songs don't sound exactly like they would if I hadn't recorded them. I'll keep the version that I have, thank you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2020-10-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

What was wrong with 2024.mp3? Also when The Blank Game 3 is finished, I'll go back into 2 and see which sounds need to be fixed.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

2020-10-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

That bug with the story starting over, I fixed that and it won't happen once the next version comes out. Thank you for providing music, but I'm going to use music from the actual games just so I can make it feel like normal Pokemon games. If you want to, you can replace any of the files in the sound folder with your own once the game is finished, I don't care if you do that.About the sound font, midi files just aren't going to sound as good as mp3 files. The reason I'm using midi files is because 1: that's what Text Game Maker is made for and2: they're not as loud as mp3's so people can hear their screen readers.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

2020-10-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

That bug with the story starting over, I fixed that and it won't happen once the next version comes out. Thank you for providing music, but I'm going to use music from the actual games just so I can make it feel like normal Pokemon games. If you want to, you can replace any of the files in the sound folder with your own once the game is finished, I don't care if you do that.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

2020-10-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

Yes, the games have sounds and music. If you've played Alternative Magic, you should probably skip the first game unless you want to play it. The second game, however, is not similar to the first game accept it's menu based. Don't play this one until I either finish it or at least release beta 2. I can say one thing, none of these are short like Blind Quest. Battles are done through choosing options, and you can get different skills, it's not like mash the up arrow until it breaks off your computer. You just spent 50$ on breaking your keyboard. About the sleep places, again, impossible do to Text Game Maker. It's limited compaired to programming languages like BGT and Visual Basic, but it's better than things like Interactive Fiction, in my opinion. Now that the weekend has started, I have a lot more time for development. I've been spending most of my time translating so the next version has no more Japanese, since now that I have the most recent version of NVDA, I understand about not having Pro Talker and how bad it is. I managed to find a sapi 5 Japanese Vocalizer voice that I can use with ESpeak and the Duel Voice add-on. Though it's bad compaired to Pro Talker, at least it's better than those Microsoft Japanese voices and it can switch between the two languages.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

2020-10-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

Yes, the games have sounds and music. If you've played Alternative Magic, you should probably skip the first game unless you want to play it. The second game, however, is not similar to the first game accept it's menu based. About the sleep places, again, impossible do to Text Game Maker. It's limited compaired to programming languages like BGT and Visual Basic, but it's better than things like Interactive Fiction, in my opinion. Now that the weekend has started, I have a lot more time for development. I've been spending most of my time translating so the next version has no more Japanese, since now that I have the most recent version of NVDA, I understand about not having Pro Talker and how bad it is. I managed to find a sapi 5 Japanese Vocalizer voice that I can use with ESpeak and the Duel Voice add-on. Though it's bad compaired to Pro Talker, at least it's better than those Microsoft Japanese voices and it can switch between the two languages.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

The source is made up of Japanese notepad documents, accept you can name the commands of the game different things, in any language you want. That's how I translated it to English. And if you're wondering if it's still being worked on, it is. I'm trying to make this game more balanced, so I have to do a lot of testing to make sure the numbers are adding up to make skills do the right amount of damage.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

The first game is Objectives: … the second is at: … should play them in order, at least the second before the third.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

The first game is Objectives: …


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

2020-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

I actually don't like games ware all you do is kill, kill, kill. The only reason the story probably seems like nonsense is because I have everything planned out mentally, and only I can see inside my imagination. That's also why I wasn't sure I wanted to release these games to the public. However, when I put Objectives up because of the translations and saw people playing it, I thought why not turn "Pine Attack" into something that makes more sense? So, that was the new Blank Game 2. And now, comes The Blank Game 3, and you're probably wondering why it's called "Blank Game?" Whoever said "I'm lost in the plot because it's blank" is right. You never know what's coming next because like the Bookbook books, the story doesn't make sense. It's meant to make the players think before they press shift+enter, hmm. What will I get now, a booss? An interaction with the author? Donald Trump?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

If you can, please post that in the topic about that game so I know which game you're talking about. Either way, it's the same thing since it was also programmed in Text Game Maker. Go down twice from buy, you'll find move. Select "leave shop" or anything that sounds similar.


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Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

Are you talking about the shop in the Palmer family house? After doing what you need to do, choose move then leave shop. It's the only option in the move menu.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

I'm not trying to subtract evrything you offer, but Text Game Maker isn't meant for creating Pokemon games. It's meant for setting up a party at the start of the game, then having those characters automatically join you. Once the new version comes out, it will be much more than it is now.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

That could be possible if I had the ability to tell the game to display a menu based on the Pokemon you picked, but I don't know how to do that or even if it's possible. It seems to be, but I just haven't learned that yet.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

I've posted a lot of links to the books, but here they are again: …'m still working on finishing XP and Vista, now on the part wear Anastacia is fighting Mean Mimi in a Manamon 2 stadium. That means that XP is not complete. It's just stuck their, ending when Mean Mimi's Banyardan destroys Anastacia's Sirennet with Berserk Branch.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

I'll be fixing that in the next update, but it won't be out until after 6:00 PM do to work and step. However, their is another bug allowing you to fight the first gym leader without beating the first dungeon. So, if you wanna teach your Pokemon an elemental attack you can do that first. Do note, however, that the Funcraft doll has a lot! Of defense, and Squirtle has decent attack and can buff up it's defense. I finished Zubat cave, Rockplace (ware Brock is) and more of the game this morning. Good luck with Brock, I hope you have either a plant or water attack!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

Thank you, but the whole story is already created. You can still share your ideas if you want, maybe I'll use them. You've done enough for me by helping me with gameplay (skills, stats, spelling, Pokemon requests and all the other things).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

2020-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 3 is now here!

TM's are impossible, just because of how Text Game Maker works. However, I will add all the other things you said. If I have the time after work, I'll be updating the game with lots of bug fixes and adding the second and maybe third dungeons and gyms.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2020-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

The first beta is out, get it from the topic located at:


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

The Blank Game 3 is now here!

2020-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


The Blank Game 3 is now here!

Note: this is only a very early beta, with just the first dungeon and gym available.For those who haven't sceen the topic about the second game, the third is different. It's still menu based, but it's sorta like Pokemon. Now, don't go and say right away, clone! It's not. You play as Person, the character from Objectives. Since you thought everything was good now that Piere was done, you started attending high school and taking classes. One day after class, a student asked you to have a Pokemon battle with him. You said that you didn't know anything about Pokemon.As you rode home on the bus, however, you began thinking that maybe you'd wanna try playing Pokemon? So when you arrived home, you found an accessible version of Pokemon and started playing.As you played, you got more and more addicted until you just couldn't stop. The night you beat the game, you had a dream about meeting a professor, and him arguing with your father about Pokemon being real. Or was it a dream? Play and continue!Download the beta here: …


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2020-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

You want the ability to fight boosses you got to beat in 2, in this game? I can put that in, but that's a long way off. For now, I have to concentrate on finishing the first dungeon and the 2 "Team Pokeblack" members. You'll see why they're called Pokeblack after I post the beta.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2020-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

Warp is now called Teleport. Are you saying you don't want me to call the first area Pallet Town?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2020-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

OK, before I post the beta, here is how going back to previous towns will work. Should I change this?You start in Pallit Town (or that's what your character calls it because he loves Pokemon).When you leave, you'll have the option every time you move to go back to Pallit Town.Once you arrive at the next place, (after you beat the first dungeon and unlock the gym) you'll get Warp. Each time you arrive at a new town, that place will be added so you can use Warp to go back to any place you want. Your human character can't use Warp, only your Pokemon can. Sorry about the wait, I had some personal issues and I'm also trying to do all the items, enemies and skills first so things won't be unbalanced. You'll see a lot of items from Objectives, but just remember this. It's not! An Alternative Magic or Pokemon clone.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2020-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

Yes, boosses are bosses. It's just my imagination. That's why I warned you to not play if you are expecting something more normal.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2020-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

Yes, boosses are bosses. It's just my imagination. That's why I warmed you to not play if you are expecting something more normal.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2020-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

Do you mean The Blank Game 2? I didn't delete the file, maybe it was dropbox. Try this link: …


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2020-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

To avoid potential cloning, boosses (or bosses) are like they were in The Blank Game 1 and 2. You have one regular Pokemon, and a booss. Also, it's not only Pokemon that you have to fight. Sometimes it's normal enemies, sometimes it's Pokemon or Manamon, maybe even humans. For example, the first gym. The first gym is run by a five-year-old kid from a childrens book, who owns a water type Pokemon. The gym battle (instead of a booss) is both that Pokemon and one of the live Funcraft dolls. So for people who were getting their hopes up for something that's closer to a typical Pokemon game, it's not. You still work with the Pokemon you picked, you still have to deal with types, resistances and weaknesses, still have gyms, trainers and becoming the Pokemon champion (if you want), but that's wear the similarities end.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2020-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

Well, since Pokemon can't evolve in this game, I'll probably have some megga evolutions as boosses. Their are also trainers, but you will only see them in dungeons. The reason the beta is taking so long is because I'm getting all the items and skills done first, which is the right thing to do if you're making a game in Text Game Maker. Once that's done, all I have to do is write the scenario data, and since I have that already planned I'll just copy it into d_scenario and put s's and numbers in front of the messages.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2020-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

Venusaur, Grass and poison.Charizard, Fire and Flying (you can teach it all the attacks you said Magmorter could learn).Gyarados, water and dragon.Golem, rock and ground.Machamp, fighting.Electivire, electric.Also, I have now reached the first boss (booss). Does Pokemon have anything like Manamon's hyper forms? The optional gym leaders have Pokemon that are imune to all status affects or at least resist them, but their stats can still be dropped. Do to this being a game, you can't remove your Pokemon's weapons but you can equip some of them with armor.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2020-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

This is why I will be keeping Charizard. … ow%20speedIf you don't like the Pokemon, then don't play this game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2020-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

Remember, I'm not sticking to the original skill list. If you want, you can teach your Charizard litterally anything. Even Surf! Yes, a Surfing Charizard. The beta will have the first dungeon or the first two, plus the first two gyms (optional).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2020-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

I just added Electavire to the list. Should I exchange Charizard for Magmortar? That's going to be a hard decision, since the internet says that Charizard is a very popular Pokemon.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2020-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

Here are the starting Pokemon. I won't be able to change these once I start writing the game, so if anyone doesn't like these, just say so and I'll change it.Venusaur, grass/poison.Charizard, fire/flying.Gyarados, water/dragon (I know it's originally a flying type).Golem, rock/ground.Machamp, fighting.The reason I made Gyarados into a water/dragon type is because I won't be sticking to the type affectiveness from Pokemon. I know it's limited, but each Pokemon is a separate user and Text Game Maker only allows for 6 characters in one game. Remember, however, that you can ask people in the game to teach your Pokemon pretty much anything you want. I did end up adding gym battles, but all they're for is skills, no badges. They're also optional. The gyms will give you attacks like Psychic, Earthquake, Thunder, Rock Slide, Solar Beam and other very strong skills. How they work is that you have a fight against the gym leader's Pokemon, and a strong normal enemy.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game 2 version 1.0 is finally here!

207: I can put most of those in, since I've heard of them and know what they're like. @208: I haven't heard of any of them before. They must be from later generations...Anyway, thanks for giving me the options. I think I'm good to start developing, so expect a beta out sometime this weekend.


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