Re: Why does the Audiogames Exclusive Games page exist?

2020-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Why does the Audiogames Exclusive Games page exist?

20:Don't attempt to weasel out of this one with linguistic/cultural differences. The British aren't the only ones that will use don't be silly/daft/stupid or other expressions of that nature. Given the context of your usage of the word stupid, you're absolutely using the full weight of the word to disrespect the webmasters and the students that made the experimental games. You're clearly aware of this given that you were shilling reddit in another topic while calling the forum broken, but are attempting to play the part of the bumbling brit so you can have your cake and eat it too.


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Re: Community failure clause

2020-12-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Community failure clause

Yeah... This is terrible and will just end up being used by the larger cliques of the forum to run off individual members who hurt their feelings.The forum is already in a precarious position, it's moderator group is unable to be held accountable for the inconsistent actions it takes, any attempt to do so gets you the mantra of BAD FAITH BAD FAITH BAD FAITH chanted at you like it's some kind of shielding magic and developers have left over it.Let's not tumble what's left into the abyss ae?


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Re: Community failure clause

2020-12-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Community failure clause

Yeah... This is terrible and will just end up being used by the larger cleeks of the forum to run off individual members who hurt their feelings.The forum is already in a precarious position, it's moderator group is unable to be held accountable for the inconsistent actions it takes, any attempt to do so gets you the mantra of BAD FAITH BAD FAITH BAD FAITH chanted at you like it's some kind of shielding magic and developers have left over it.Let's not tumble what's left into the abyss ae?


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Re: So if soundpacks are being cracked down on...

2020-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: So if soundpacks are being cracked down on...

Honestly, the mods should either clean house and enforce the rules consistently or stop enforcing the rules regarding stolen audio assets. We're pretty far out from the new rules now and crazy party and every mud soundpack ever is still violating them (blatantly in the case of crazy party). This doesn't cover all the blindie games that are reusing the same handful of UI sounds such as those ascending and descending tri tones for people logging and out. Can a game even be sighted as stealing those sounds? Who even owns those sounds! Are they in the public domain? No-one knows.Either way something needs to be done and making grandiose posts about how you strongly disavow while doing bugger all doesn't count. Yelling at one person for making star trek noises while ignoring another person who is currently kicking you in the genitals while singing Pokémon battle music also does not count.


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Re: Adding Radegast

2020-08-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Adding Radegast

Press X to doubt.I have plenty of SL experience here and can confirm that OP isn't telling the full story. Clothing is mostly  straight forward and  comes with their own default attachment points insuring that you won't end up wearing your pants on your head, but resizing, changing color or otherwise modifying said clothing will be inaccessible  outside of scripts that use the llDialogue boxes (blue boxes that appear at the top/bottom  right of the screen that can be tabbed through).Simple games that also use llDialogue will also be open to you in radegast, but the richer the experience the more likely it will be to use a hud that radegast will not render, or a system that radegast does not even have support for. Find and attempt to play an arcade machine in world for an example of of this.It should also be noted here that Radegast is extremely broken  and should probably just be left as a text chat client.While it's obvious that OP enjoys sl and more power to him for that, he's leaving a metric ton of information out and that's creating a false expectation. People will also figure out pretty quickly  that you're not on a normal viewer also as your tendency to stand dead still, blink about all over the place and suddenly snap to face objects and other avatars are a dead giveaway that you're on some kind of niche viewer. Those who know about radegast will figure it out pretty much instantly and those who don't know about radegast will draw their own conclusions. These conclusions can range from you're on your phone to you're someone's submissive slave being remotely controlled  by your owner.


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Re: This title needs to go

2020-06-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: This title needs to go



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Re: This title needs to go

2020-06-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: This title needs to go

If we're going to start changing titles all over the place, then the community should be allowed to vote on if this even happens in the first place, instead of everything being messed with for the sake of one toxic forum member.If we're doing customized titles for one person because reasons, then we all should be allowed the same.I'm a fan of this, because then everyone gets to be unique snowflakes and bee what they want to be. I'm not a fan of the work it puts onto the moderators, however.Titles could also just be switched off, because every single title has the potential to offend someone. Human Antivirus by jayde logic, commits a microaggression against anyone who identifies as something nonhuman by sticking the filthy H word in their title, thus implying that they are something they feel they aren't.God of speed hoists religion onto those who may steadfastly  avoid such things. Palace Palace punisher could imply that the most dedicated pacifists among us like to punish large, fancy buildings. It would also be considered offensive to those who choose to identify as a palace.We could also just go on as before and accept that we just don't get what we want sometimes, I know I'd prefer to not be the human antivirus but that's just how the forum be.


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Re: This title needs to go

2020-06-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: This title needs to go

This is why we can't have nice things...


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Re: how far have we really taken these rules on the forum!

2020-05-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: how far have we really taken these rules on the forum!

Mac VM: Is taken down because of breaching apple's licence agreements, is considered piracy.Various blindie games:Breech the copyright of hundreds of content holders, get to stay up and are not considered piracy. The paper thin excuse of they don't make money is used.Was the mac VM guy asking for money? I didn't see that anywhere, so his VM get's to stay up right? It's not doing anything that blindie games haven't already done, but the hammer was dropped on it because we want to have our cake and eat it too.If this is the reason for taking stuff down now, all the blindie games that rip content have to go also.The forum can't go all out with it's we're against copyright violations virtue signaling while it turns a blind eye to the stuff going on in it's back yard. If it continues to do so, this issue is just going to keep cropping up over and over again.Tighten the rules, loosen the rules... I'll invite you to go through that gate over there to visit the completely barren field of fucks I have to give about whether we have a 0 tolerance policy or open season one. This weird flip-flopping stuff though? It has to go. It currently just serves to confuse and frustrate people as well as making the forum's stance on copyrighted material look laughable.


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Re: preparation regarding copyright

2019-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preparation regarding copyright

Forum Staff:We're going to start enforcing the copyright rules that we have.You know... the ones you all agreed to?Forum users:RE!Forum Staff:We know we know. We don't particularly like it, but you all have to realize that we're a community and as a community we really have to put our best foot forward, especially when it comes to dealing with newly arrived mainstream developers. Do you want them to stumble on Bitch Fest Thread 3147372, ROM Download thread 5321 or Asset Stealing game thread 9127?Forum Users:RE!Forum Staff:This could  really help our relationship with mainstreaming gaming developers!Forum Users:Something something security through obscurity, something something big companies, something something don't care, blind people... RE!I know this is why I stopped bothering to post here myself, It is always the same tired arguments that are trotted out, over and over again.No one is reaching out to pluck crazy party from your hard drive, the audio vault won't be going anywhere any time soon hopefully and outside of this forum no one will be stopping you downloading what you like, cracking what you like and sharing what you like. I don't like as much as the next person, but I totally get why this has to happen.  It has to happen so we don't end up looking like a group of gargantuan hypocritical assholes that protect their own while simultaneously not caring about swathes of copyrighted material because special blindies are special.


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Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

2019-06-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any reason why my topic got deleted?

Nothing else seems unchanged, topics like the ppsspp topic in general game discussion still seem to be there and active topics from around that time still have all their posts.For the most part, server balls-ups are generally not that precise, but it could still have happen I guess.Can't really rule anything out at this point.


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Re: preparation regarding copyright

2019-06-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preparation regarding copyright

"Hardliners like you would take it away and have us pay for a netflix subscription when we're not enjoying anything like the same level of service the sighted get for the same price."Could you be so kind and point out where I indicated I wish to take the audio vault away from everyone, please? Thank you.My link does indeed prove that  these companies do not care one bit who they go after, I was originally attempting to track down the article about the lady who was sued for singing a copyrighted song while working in a shop but I couldn't remember her name. They were attempting to say that her singing of said sing constituted an unlicensed public performance and were looking for damages. If I am able to find it, I'll put it up here for sure.Now, The filthy downloaders  of files that cost rights holders billions a year? We, the users of the audio vault are part of this too. Just because we're blind it does not mean we exist in a vacume. If the audio vault did end up on the radar, every file on their would be counted as a lost sail, every single download of a file would also be counted as yet another lost sail.We may be a smaller group of people, but I'm willing to bet we're a bunch of prolific downloaders too. By the time these guys were done combing through download logs, I'd be willing to bet that that tiny amount of cash we apparently cost them would be not so tiny at all.We all know that a download does not equal a lost sail, however.  But I'll play along.


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Re: preparation regarding copyright

2019-06-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preparation regarding copyright

The way I see it personally is like this:3. The sharing or encouragement of illegal material or activities (game cracks, copyrighted torrents that are not in the public domain, etc.) is not allowed.This is pretty clear and is fair enough. If you want to share roms, audio described movies/tv shows or cracked apps go do some place else that isn't here.This forum is going to be the place that many mainstream developers come to  if they have questions or want to get our perspective on things and therefor should be squeaky clean as a result.Currently, the forum is rife with links to copyrighted roms, instructions to get even more  where those came from and audio described content that like it or not is firmly not in the public domain.It's a terrible look and to any newcomers it will look like we're incapable of enforcing our own rules, or that we flat out don't give a shit about them.But muh free stuff! We should allow audio describe stuff and burn everything else!Again, this will just end up making the forum look hypocritical, we don't get to exclude things from our own rules because special blindies are special.But  aren't going to care about a few hundred blind people sharing links among themselves, SAVE THE FREE STUFF!Trust me... they do. 


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Re: preparation regarding copyright

2019-06-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: preparation regarding copyright

As far as pokemon crystal access goes, the emulator and scripts are completely fine and legal to distribute.The problem arises when rom images of a copyrighted game are distributed along side everything else.Pokemon crystal access could just drop the rom and be fine, it would then be up to the indevidual users to source their own copy of the rom.


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Re: This forum's copyright and cracks discussion problem

2019-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: This forum's copyright and cracks discussion problem

Yeah... In no way am I advocating for the removal of the rule, I just think it needs to be put down clearly what's acceptable and what isn't.  If it's a zero tolerance rule, that's fine.If that's going to be the case then I think a lot of links will have to be purged from the forum.  Crazy party is loaded with copyrighted assets from other games (crock, pokemon, mario games).The Pokemon crystal access archive contains a rom dump of Pokemon crystal.There are hundreds of links to copyrighted described audio films and shows, these have usually been harvested from DVDs.If all this stuff stays around, we're basically muddying the waters for any new users that sign up.  They'll sign up, read the rules, be told how uncool piracy is and then come across a plethora of links to pirated content.  It really is not a good look.


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This forum's copyright and cracks discussion problem

2019-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


This forum's copyright and cracks discussion problem

Apparently, we were having this discussion before and then the forum shat the bed in spectacular fashion, disappearing over half the discussion and killing the entire thing.  This forum's stance when it comes to cracks and copyrighted material is all over the place, at times being overly draconian for no reason and at other times being way... way too lenient.  I'll further unpack this statement with links to forum threads to further underline these problems:In post 52 of this thread, mahdi-abedi makes the observation that a lot of people in Iran choose to crack jaws.  They do not provide instructions on how to crack jaws and they do not give any encouragement to others to crack jaws. Making this observation got them a warning.  Meanwhile over here on this thread devinprater links to instructions in post 12 that will allow you to download  from emuparadise, who voluntarily disabled public access to their roms due to fear of action from Nintendo.  DaddySpice links directly to the script in post 15... and to this day no moderator action has been taken.  I want to be perfectly clear here, this post isn't made to start something with any of the forum users I mentioned above, I just want to get the ball rolling again on the cracks/copyrighted material issue as it does not seem to be going anywhere and now users are being punished for stuff that is a borderline caution at best.  So what's to be done about it?I myself would suggest a bit of an edit to forum rule 3 that allows for the limited discussion of piracy and cracking, while keeping the parts about distributing and encouraging piracy intact.  A couple of examples of what would be good under this edit rule are below:1.Fellow audio engineers, I found myself in back street studio 3 the other day and couldn't help noticing the plethora of cracked software they were running. They had ProTools running on OSX also, but the hardware was clearly a hp Z840. Anyway, That got me looking more at the other places I do work in and they're all at it! Is the piracy issue as rampant where you are?2.Everyone in my country cracks jaws, it has got to the point where it is almost a normal part of life.  Get computer, get pen drive from friend, install cracked jaws.  I think that fs should look into some alternative pricing structure for the users here, but they don't seem to care, thank god for NVDA!Then to balance things out, The stuff that would not be allowed:1.I busted the DRM on AHC wide open last night and just had to share it here.  Download it hereDon't forget to read the readme and give a thumbs up. Yar!2.Yeah, that guy is an ass hole and I recommend  not paying for any of his overpriced stuff.  If you must have his games, I've made an audio guide that will get you on the right path.Listen to the guide here and save money.This is the best time to be discussing this type of thing, as we're still in the process of hashing out the rules. Forum rule 3 as it currently stands seems to just be punishing people for all the wrong reasons, while links to copyrighted contentare splashedall over the forum.Still with me here? Thank you for reading this far. I'd love to hear all your opinions on this, let's put this issue to bed.


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Re: A Message to all Admins and Moderators

2018-11-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A Message to all Admins and Moderators

I personally welcome our new Sandwich Sloppy Joe 2018


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Re: Should Jade be a moderator?

2018-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should Jade be a moderator?

I mean jayde has basically acted like the squad of riot police that shows up to kick the ever loving shit out of a group of pieceful protesters, What kind of reaction were you guys expecting?


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Re: Should Jade be a moderator?

2018-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should Jade be a moderator?

Option 5Most likely...


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Re: Should Jade be a moderator?

2018-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should Jade be a moderator?

Your warning to me is as sound as a chocolate kettle. I broke no rules by telling someone where they should put their post, and the forum rules state that I'm allowed to disagree with you anyway as long as it's done in a civil matter. I think you'll find that the post you're pulling from for the warning contains not a single word of uncivil text.


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Re: A question about official and unofficial messages

2018-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A question about official and unofficial messages

1:You never asked me to do anything.2: I was literally answering his question. We can't see your inbox, so that would be literally the worsed place for him to put a thing he wants P E O P L E to see. 3: I see no new changes to the forum rules of late, and you really can't count random ones that you keep pulling out  of thin air.4: The very same rules state that I am fact, allowed to disagree with you. That particular passage can be found...Here  under point 8.


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Re: A question about official and unofficial messages

2018-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A question about official and unofficial messages

"where do I put this so that people see it?" Not in jayde's inbox ."its a constructive suggestion, not a pm suggestion". I'd say site and forum feedback, it's where the majority of stuff BSG related is currently. That way everyone who wants to see it can see it, and it isn't under some rug rotting away and collecting magnets.


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Re: A BSG Blog Post About The Forums

2018-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A BSG Blog Post About The Forums

Given that aprone pointed out red flags to dark that would have been visible from pluto, and the guy's only response was to keep right on white knighting... I'd be willing to hazard that he'd have screwed Walter over letter or no letter.


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Re: A BSG Blog Post About The Forums

2018-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A BSG Blog Post About The Forums

I was totally going to give dark the benefit of the doubt, I figured that he'd end up in here at some point to address the issues brought up. Instead what we got was some UK parliament stile spin (yes, that bad). I'm fully aware that this will probably get me branded as one of the quote unquote folks who would howl for blood and I could honestly give 0 fucks. It's clear that he just wants everything to be swept under the rug now,  the fact he will not venture out of the omg dark noo echo chamber proves this. The community as a whole deserved better than that politician's apology that we got, but I personally won't be expecting anything else.Also, The person who heaped shame on the people in this topic for rightly pushing to stop this entire thing from being swept under the rug has since become a moderator... so I really don't know how to feel about this place any more.


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Re: very serious security issue with the site

2017-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: very serious security issue with the site

I really hate to be the bringer of bad news and all... but this is still going on. Me and blindanddangerous got switched around. You can check the thread in the off topic room about kodi for timestamps if it'll help


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Re: very serious security issue with the site

2017-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: very serious security issue with the site

and so the story continues... I was logged in as me, switched to the off topic room, checked a thread in there, switched back to general game discussion and... bam I was Karlitos. I don't know if this informations much help, but you can trigger this bug through switching rooms.


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Re: very serious security issue with the site

2017-02-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Exodus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: very serious security issue with the site

This is still a thing. I attempted to log on earlyer and ended up on as blindanddangerous.


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