Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-13 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Chuckles

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

There was indeed an Eamon master disk with textalker preloaded. However, the kicker is having to switch disks to run adventures other than beginners cave. As far as I remember, each new adventure disk would have to go in flopy1 thus necessitating the disk switching approach described in the readme file. The problem is, since the state assignment key is intercepted by the virtual machine, wed have to experiment and come up with a key that wont cause the master program to try and load beginners Cave or any other program on disk before the switch can be accomplished. If somebodhy has an image of the old talking master disk, we can always experiment.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-12 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Chuckles

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

Correction for last post. I wrote scroll lock+Insert, then f7, but its actually scroll lock+Insert, then Shift+f7. Anyway, I have another audio sample for you. This is an edited and condenced session of the PickADilly game I was telling you about. Although it does not talk, I offer it because its a fine example of pushing speaker clicking to its limits, and it was just ever so cute. A long time ago, I actually managed to take apart a hangman game by broot force to figure out how they did single tone music routines in Applesoft Basic. Never figured out how this game and probably others managed double tones like this. Anyway, enjoy. Link is below. … 20Game.mp3URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-11 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Chuckles

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

Hi. First of all, Id like to thank Jason and all others for the work that went into finally making an Apple 2 E emulator with Echo support. My brother and I used Apple 2 extensively up through high-school, and this is all bringing back fond memories. I imagine some of you have already done this, but Id like to share a recording of something I never expected to hear again. Earlier today, I coaxed a virtual Apple into running that old classic sec demo program found on the tt13.dsk immage. Here is the link to an mp3 file in my Dropbox. You might consider posting it someware in the community dropbox. Enjoy. … 20Demo.mp3URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-11 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Chuckles

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

Heres to many fond memories of using Bex to write my school assignments. There was another word processor I used frequently for many years before discovering Bex. Does anyone here remember Word Talk. Do you suppose anyone has a disk image of it, or that Douglas Geofrey now of GW Micro would be ok with releasing it for historical preservation?Also, there was a disk of Echo 2 program for younger children that contained a fantastic example of using Echos phoneme mode in the form of a basic program that made Echo sing a rather obnoxious Happy Birthday. Anyone have that lying around somewhere? Thanks, and keep up the good work with this emulator. Like I said, this is historical preservation.AndrewURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-11 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Chuckles

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

I found this Applesoft BASIC Reference. This page has links to more expanded references, but I havent checked if they are actually working. Hope this is useful to people. Link is below.

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

2013-09-11 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Chuckles

Re: MessApple, Or, The Return Of Apple2E For the VIP!

The sec demo program needs to be run with the tt13.dsk disk in flopy1. However, this disk indeed does not seem to boot properly. So, the solution is to start up a known bootable disk like dostalk with Textalker set to start automatically. Then, you do the disk switch as described in the Read Me file. Hit scroll lock+Insert, then f7, then 1, then escape. Next, get to a command prompt and change to the apple directory. Example, type cd \apple2. This is why its a good idea to put this whole emulator package in an apple or apple2 folder within the root directory. Otherwise, its a pain to use command lines to find it deep withing the windows structure.Next, restart your apple in its saved state with the tt13 disk in drive 1 by typing mess apple2ee -flop1 disks\tt13.dsk -state 1. Press return until it says ready. Then type catalog to make sure the disk is in right. Finally, type run sec demo. Press return and enjoy. Hope this helps. As for that natural sounding custom speech
  mode, Im pretty sure thats a prerecorded phrases setup, and to my knowledge, few if any programs took advantage of this. In any case, I dont think its a feature that can be accessed by anyone but high level programmers. Could be wrong though.AndrewURL:

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