Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2014-03-18 Thread ForumNew releases room: crashmaster

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hi all.Must say that after the initial plunge I never hit it off with swamp as much as I used to after a few updates and me getting tired of mucking round the place never really making inroads to the game I decided to drop back in here.I havent been following everything thats out there but as I understand it swamp will be a 25 buck subscription for online mode because of the hackers and the like.I wouldnt buy online access for swamp in its current state, maybe mucking round advanced things may be hardcore would need to be brought but I dont really see swamp as being worth 30 bucks a year.For what it is 30 bucks all up maybe but still.I dont have the cash anyhow.Well thanks hackers now you have to pay for online access that will teach you or not as the case may be.For me it probably does spell the end of me ever going online with swamp.even if I could afford it I dont go online enough to concidder it a sm
 art decision to buy a account on swamp.On which note, what happens if you have an account already on swamp will it remain open unless you stop playing or will you have to buy one.AAhch it doesnt matter.I doubt I will be back necessarily on the online game again anyway.It was good in the day but I am so out of touch and after getting stuck in map2, I really have not the time to really put work into trying to bash, hack and slash my way back I always got lost in buildings and other things.I do think for those of us that can not afford online that there needs to be some sort of campaigne.I The main reason I came on swamp was to chat with other survivers especially late at night especially when a big kai day was active.I did try a few times to muck in but mostly I hung close to the action and either shot what was in range.If swamp is destined to be payed, then Im out, I am not a hard core bastard and never will be.I don

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Smugglers 5 invasion released

2014-03-14 Thread ForumNew releases room: crashmaster

Re: Smugglers 5 invasion released

Hi.Well after looking at this it will be something I put in the pipelines for later this year.What interests me is not the pack itself but the 2 packs of dlc that you can also buy, these have extra quests and vehicles, as well as experimental features.the packs cost 5 bucks to 7 bucks but right now you save a couple bucks if you buy the expantion with the extra always you can buy the previous smuglers 5 main distribution and the 1-4 bundle pack.If you have the packs like I do, I plan to get the expantions later this year maybe christmas including the extra dlc just because I am like that.This is a series to keep on top of if we can.the prices are cheap enough.It has an initial cost of 40-60 bucks when you buy the initial pack and all the extras it entails but once you have stuff and as long as you keep up with it you should be ok.the 1-4 pack with all extras and the v5 game are good now the other stuf
 f should be interesting.I must confess I have never really completed smuglers as such.To be honest I have been thinking of getting enough cash to explore everywhere.when I do, often as not I tend to spend half of it on upgrades i find along the way.saturn and new kiro are good places to get upgrades though some of those cost loads.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I've got a Christmas present for you, it's mod time!

2014-03-10 Thread ForumNew releases room: crashmaster

Re: I've got a Christmas present for you, it's mod time!

Hi aren.[[wow]] this game rocks.I just happen to still have this mostly functional xp laptop that I use for most of my home tasks and sound design.I have not tried it on my win7 grunty box I use for most other things but it would be a waste.I never personally powered up an arcade cabinet.I have a few suggestions.The first is since this is an arcade cabinet, you could insert coins to the machine on power up.each coin could be a life, so you could have to make it easier an unlimited supply of coins no need to only have a few, say something like 100-200 coins eventually you would run out.Id also like something where if you managed to survive the story then about 5-10 minutes of the end stage, that you could overheat and blow your terminal at which point the program should crash sort of and then there should be a big explosion of some sort and you get told you have wasted the terminal or something.On the music side, oh 
 my gosh.This brings me back to 1995 when I got our first p75 box.Bar it and my laptop this was the only box we had for ages.It did not work much till we hot rodded it but still.One of the games that came with it was dynaman bomb blaster which is what the last level music is based off of.Dynaman bomb blaster for those non retro types was a game where you guided dynaman through a lot of falling bombs mines and other things.You had to blow them before you were hit.If you were hit you lost a life.It came on a 1.44mb 3.5 inch floppy, and ran on dos 6.22 and over.I am not sure if it ran on a 386 but I think a 486 dx was the minimal cpu speed for that.It had good music and sounds using mostly the fm chip on the creative soundblaster sb16 in adlib 2 channel mode.Though simple adlib fm midi and fx the music really was cool.I remember walking round with the disk wandering at how so much noise could fit on a single c
 artredge.I had only just hit win95 or windows in general.up to then there was dos and pc speakers and the like.I had not many games and spent most of the time doodling with the os.I cant believe how much I have progressed since then.And how quickly though slowly I have been assimilated by the net collective.It was not to long ago about 12 years ago that I was still in dos with my trusty now broke toshiba t1850 hacked to death ofcause.I tried every trick to get that sucker to give me more power.advanced memmory managers, diagnostics to buggery even using the video cards memmory as extra ram.I even went so far as to fiddle with my config afterwards inflate all the values till the system crashed hard then run the optimiser program of my advanced memmory manager to give me more power.AAh those were the days.Then along came windows.Windows is not dos.You can customise things a bit but not as much.And it really doesnt feel like you are doing much.There is only so much in the interface you can do.ANd you cant hype the values anymore because it doesnt matter that much.And if you screw it up its not the case of just kill the file and restart, its reformat and reinstall.That alone puts a bit of a crimp on modding the os.Not to mention what the os can do behind your back.That game reminds me of what life used to be before the borg came.Before broadband while I had dialup, before cdrs, external hard drives and flash drives.from 1995-2003 I still used dialup and then glorified dialup at 250kbps.30 k a sec instead of the 5.3 to 7.3 kbps I was used to.And even then the 2gb with speed throttling limit was just really bad.I now have a 12 mb up by 1 mb down well its the other way.I get 300kb-1200mbps down around 12-13mbps.This is still not fast, my next update is vdsl 15-70mbps varable and
  thats probably all I need.If I want 30mbps by 50 or 100mbps by 1000 constant then I have to pay a large amount of cash for it.its not fully fiber but 15 mb -70mb down is fine for what I do.and 5-10mbps up is definately enough.True the same price can get me a 30 by 10mb package but I may as well get variable rates.Yet it was not so long ago we were fiddling with the 300 bit modem.Oddly enough I did see a 20mbps modem once and a 14.4 mbps once.My first connection oddly enough was via paralel and serial connections using interlink and its server to backup files.9600 n 8 1.that for those your moderners is 9600 board rate, no parity it could be odd or even and 1 stop bits in which there could be 2 of those.Board rates could come from 110 through 1400 at that time 1994 it was.Now board rates can go from all that through 5600 after which they change.adsl, lan, t1, etc have their own classes.But for the old
  timers that can remember.If you had a 386 or 486 dx or sx, with 4-8 mb ram and 60-120mb hard drive with a floppy, maybe a cd and either an adlib or soundblaster you were set.Ofcause you would hack it to buggery to make everything go to the max or till your cpu melted which was quite hard to be honest.Now windows takes the fun out of things by melting before you 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] snow race beta released!

2014-03-05 Thread ForumNew releases room: crashmaster

Re: snow race beta released!

I have been wandering if it wouldnt be a good idea to get some sort of user id and password system on the server, then again it wont matter once we have the username against the reg code maybe a password would be good though.Ofcause it wont stop the bad guys but still.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Audio Flappy Bird!

2014-02-25 Thread ForumNew releases room: crashmaster

Re: Audio Flappy Bird! the truth comes out at last.On the news the rumor simply was that after making real cash, and getting approached by some big companies to market things, get him millions he decided he didnt want it and buggered off taking his game with him.Its interesting what the offline and online media actually say vastly different to eachother.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Iminent death!

2013-12-17 Thread ForumNew releases room: crashmaster

Re: Iminent death!

Hi sam.I would like to test.I am working on some sounds and testing for the deathmatch series, so if you need some help with your game, I would be happy to do so.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rail Racer 2 cometh

2013-12-12 Thread ForumNew releases room: crashmaster

Re: Rail Racer 2 cometh

I dont meen to be rood but what about all of us that have had issues with railracer 1.0?Have either got a coppy from initial testing or have brought a coppy and now for licencing etc havnt been able to play for some time?I will probably buy the game again later since i have all my xmas presents from online, and also since I never got it in the first place yet I do still have a coppy which I have not been able to register for ages.On that note will it cost for extra computers, so if we have a coppy of the game for 1 system will we have to buy for a second system or do we get some replacements free or what.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Catchfish, a new game in development!

2013-12-06 Thread ForumNew releases room: crashmaster

Re: Catchfish, a new game in development!

Hi haramia.Hmmm well thats good that my shot in the dark was a success then.I usually dont like doing it that way.Now as for music.What are you aiming for.What is this game going to be.bosses etc or what.I have everything from arcade chip, most of this is free music.I have andrelouis music which most of that is free music.I have several amiga remixes, all sorts.I have several other banks.I have just got some linux music and some electronic music.I have also loads on loads of nes and other chip music in native format.I have also random copywrited music I did pull from various sources, but it all depends on what you short what is the theme of the game that you want and any changes to that.I have also midi though my native chip and midi libraries will probably be useless to you.URL: http://forum.aud

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Catchfish, a new game in development!

2013-12-05 Thread ForumNew releases room: crashmaster

Re: Catchfish, a new game in development!

Hihere are some generic crashes and boat noises.some fishing line noises and some generic sfx.I need more info and such before I can really help file will take an hour to uploadURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-11-18 Thread ForumNew releases room: crashmaster

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hi aprone.I have not played swamp for ages.I really liked and still do like the campaign mode.Swamp.Well it was fun but I honestly have not had the time to dedicate myself to playing it.Between keeping the systems upgraded and secure and real life things.I have been doing a lot of extensive work testing and sound design for unreality gaming.And thanks to the summer, its doubtfull that I will be spending time playing much since it gets hot and stays hot from morning till night.Maybe at night I may get some serious work done but I have had to stay up with all windows open and fans on full till 2 am in the morning at times just to get it to cool down enough to sleep.Ofcause in between those times I have other things to do and swamp has not actually been at the top of my list.Saying that I have never been a serious player.I may chat for an hour or 2 in the safe zone or move round the outsides of buildings etc.The 
 last time I tried the sewers to map2 I got trapped never getting enough power to get back I think the first time I got close to the end but got lost in the sewers.And in fact if you had not reset my level Id still be unable to return to map1.Sadly with the latest upgrade of swamp the bug on at least 1 of my gaming xp boxes has returned.and although I could pull out my other box to play I have never seemed to have the time.Now christmas is coming up, and next year between various trips and appointments there is a lot on my plate.Most of it good but still a lot not to mention research work and other stuff that overrides gaming in a big way.Every so often I do try to get back in but yeah time has run out on me always seems that.To be honest though I think swamp has had its run.I have a campaigne folder and to be honest I have not seen that be updated in several months.No new stuff has been added.Swamp had its 2 yea
 rs in the sun.So if you did release the server, and shut down the primary thats fine by me.There will be always bad people.Heck I am not a saint myself I do get overheated at times and this has got me into hot water on lists I freely admit that.The only thing I do feel sorry for is that I have not had the time to go online lately and still dont.Swamp is still cool though.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Recent Materia Magica Changes

2013-11-11 Thread ForumNew releases room: crashmaster

Re: Recent Materia Magica Changes

Hi all.I downloaded the mushclient bundle you put, but there is no accessability for the blind in it.I couldnt read things.For those that are blind.The easiest way to handle some access is to download and install mush-z from and use their plugins for will need the following from mush-z to actually play thingsFirstly go to and get the latest update fileextract mushclient 491.exe to your mush-z folder to update the will need to update mush-z.right now a few of the plugins you will need are not avalible at least to download as the dev sean randel seems not to have these up anymoreWinamp.xmlthis is for the winamp control you dont need this if you dont want to play winamp musicTrace_To_Notepad.xmlthis plugin brings up a seperate window for those that need to view their commands and such in another windowsapi_lib.xmlthis is an experimental sapi library not sure what it doesOmit_Blank_Lines.xmlthis gets rid of blank spacesNoAnsi.xmlyou dont need this but it gets rid of some colourswarning! vary importantMushReader.xmlthis is needed to read the screen I forget the website for this.its still activeyou will need for this to work righttts_NVDA.dllSAAPI32.dllsa.dllnvdaControllerClient32.dllnvda.dllmushReader.dllwith out these files the mud client will not work.I may put up a 7z file of all the stuff you do need so devs dont need to have to install mush-z to get the filesthis is needed for mspmsp.xmlthis is needed for soundLuaAudio.xmlagain importantCaptureMudOutput.xmlthis is what gets the window to be capchered to the screen for it to be readAFK_timer.xmlthis can be used to put someone afkIll put the various packages to dropbox.the dlls need to be in the mushclient rootthe xml files need to be in the worlds folder.there are some python files that also have to go in the mushclient rootI am posting all the access plugins I have so people have them I just downloaded a load of junk because I was not sure what is actually needed.for esca and anyone else that is working on the materiamagica pack you will need at leastmsp, capture mud output and mushreader for access.I am not sure about the rest of it.We cant use the mini windows or other junk.I am a semi advanced person so I can make the mush-z program run materiamagica but there are no sounds or anything I can is the link … access.zipIts extremely temperary for now.For those that are blind and have mush-z, if you do decide to go with materia magica I got it to work with the plugins for alterian but I have not got any sounds as such.Though saying that if anyone is trying to make a accessable mud pack the devs of alter maybe where you should go to first since they have made quite an enjoyable audio representation of a mud that actually does work.URL:
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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Vendetta: Rise of a Gangster (This is not a browser Mafia clone)

2013-10-21 Thread ForumNew releases room: crashmaster

Re: Vendetta: Rise of a Gangster (This is not a browser Mafia clone)

Hi.well the current url for this game is … index.htmlSadly as of march this year no one and I mean no one has seen the author since sometime last year in june.and then again he came back and has gone for at least a month or so.he has been conciddered mia or awol, and the thread was closed 18 march by the site the game is done for now, no idea where the dev isURL:
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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-09-19 Thread ForumNew releases room: crashmaster

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hi aprone and all.sigh yeah there those minority that like to spoil it for everyohne.look at the piracy situation.Sadly its not the people like the home or general users that cause all the heck with that but those that make cash off others gains.Ofcause its human nature I guess all this greed and stuff.But yeah.I have been places where people will hack for fun or damage for fun.I am in a folder where someone likes from time to time to delete or damage the folder to the point where people have to rebuild it again and again.Although I myself am a wrebel and would fight those that want to get rid of our rights I wouldnt stoop so low but to louse it up.Unlike the james north situation that happened back when, aprone has only been honest and open.I myself am planning on buying a seamonkey later this year as another adition to my gaming setup.I have not played swamp lately, and while I was able to play the t
 esting server on 7 it appears that for whatever reason now the new swamp tide reciever for the new sound etc is in my mouse when clicked will drop out of the did it to another mouse gaming program to so am not sure why that is.I do hope aprone you dont stop though.I really hope you go and continue.if you quit then the bastards that have done this to you are the winners.And if they do then they will be more trouble to the rest of us.Maybe a feature you could have is if you identify someone or a bunch of people that are being bad, instead of banning them, you can turn them into zombies.and anyone that kills em gets something for it.Id sertainly be happy with that.or maybe get rid of all their stuff and transport them to a place full of zombies, kill them utterly then bann them.You dont need this really.URL: http://forum.aud

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Audio-Only Game test participants

2013-09-08 Thread ForumNew releases room: crashmaster

Re: Audio-Only Game test participants

hi jo.still address sm.ever...@gmail.comI should be round for the next month or so to testURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Dragon Demons, a new glulx RPG

2013-08-28 Thread ForumNew releases room: crashmaster

Re: Dragon Demons, a new glulx RPG

Hi all.just finnished the dragon demons game.the game is rather good but there are bugs.once on the airship it appears that descriptions for sertain locations are scrambled.for example you get a description scene for the dragon coming at you and the creature coming from earth even though the scene for that event has not ocured.if you enchant your sword before that event, it still triggers even though you wouldnt know how to do so if you play through scenes in the ship and go up to the top cabin you get sertain scenes replaying even if they are completed.finally if you set a course in the ship then exit you are at the location you set it.Thats ok, however if you wait to long, you trigger a small boss fight.thats fine the first time as its supposed to happen but the second time it happens you are left in a battle location where you never are supposed to be in in the first place as its just a battle loc
 ation with no exits.sertain things in the game with some direction need you to move more than the hints file says you should and also includes a lot of directions that are not even needed.the game needs winglulx to play from the ifarchive.I really like that game.for a first release its really good.My only gripe bar the bugs are the repetitive puzzels, and the sometimes long drawn out battles.Sure you can make yourself have huge hitpoints but you dont always hit with that much power, the monsters on the other hand can hit with quite a lot of power but never as much as you.the random generated dice roles do rock though.if it were not for the bugs, and sertain descriptions repeating a lot especially of the first room Id actually replay the game.there are ways round the bugs.spoilerspaceThese spoilers are to get past the the first 
 temple room use superbrief.actually castles and a few other places will repeat descriptions so you may want to use superbrief when in any of the following locations.castletemple.not all hints/solutions will work as expected in the cave system for example expect to go ne more times than is suggested by the guide.on the airship be aware that if you go to the upper cabin the earth scene or at least one of them will replay every time and its false.when the dragon attacks over the monistry the creature from earth attacks to, this second part does happen but not at the same time.the dragon needs to be fought with a sword and is different from all other dragons that need lightning cast on them.once you kill the creature and land on earth you will have a small battle with the wizzard, but the hints dont tell you this or what you need to do on earth its quite easy but still.once back at the castle after getting it all completed, ass
 uming you fought the leader which will happen when leaving earth before the castle as soon as you have told the ship to go to the desert, you must wait one turn and then get out because the leader pre battle scene will trigger leaving you stranded in a already completed location with no exits.when you ask fran about the caves, you will see a man you saw before.this is obviously bogus, there probably was a scene where you did see someone but its not in the game.I have not tried other events but one assumes you could exit the ship when it was on rout and avoid boss battles, maybe even be able to avoid bits of the game alltogether.ofcause in the real rpg if you were on the way you couldnt exit else you would die or end up somewhere completely different but there are no checks for any of this.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp Tide, PvP mini game set in the Swamp universe

2013-08-28 Thread ForumNew releases room: crashmaster

Re: Swamp Tide, PvP mini game set in the Swamp universe

aprone, I have that issue that came up on swamp 2.9 before you made it go away somehow with my xp system.tried the game on another system xp and a win7 system I have.basically the mouse is moving the char round all directions work, left and right mouse buttons jump me to the desktop sertainly out of the game.due to the alpha nature of this I have not really run it on other things to much, however something is broke again somewhere.not sure how my issue went away in 2.9d of swamp but it was working fine in 0.6 this latest update though has made the mouse not work well just the clicks.its like the mouse buttons are not being recognised by the game though the game definately sees the mouse as unlike the bug I did have in swamp I am able to spin round in any direction I wish.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Death Match

2013-08-21 Thread ForumNew releases room: crashmaster

Re: Death Match

Hi danny.I dont mind alt and arrows for stomp.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

2013-08-15 Thread ForumNew releases room: crashmaster

Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hi all.Yes I was an idol player but only because I never lasted long.I managed to trade my guns I earned them being useless because of no amo for them or anything to buy amo for my glock.I kept dieing, and ended up sitting just beyond range of the battle and chatting with people on the general channel and having a good time of it, no one minded and for the first day or so there were a lot of people chatting constantly from everything about life and such to people asking for help on some of the projects I was doing to other such things.So I stood round mainly because I couldnt get in without getting clobbered badly.I was on the edge of it and did shoot a few zombies though.URL:

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