Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Diget eyes.

2014-05-07 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Cinnamon

Re: Diget eyes.

I do give myself culture points for knowing what chicken kiev is. Ive never had it though. I also know chips vs fries. there is a hamburger chain called Five guys, and I routinely gross people out by swiping the malt vinegar to put on my fries. Mushy peas sounds good to me, but I like mint jelly with curry and things, and lots of americans have issues with mint flavored food that isnt chocolate. IN the US, we need to start grilling things and quit with the frying. URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Diget eyes.

2014-05-06 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Cinnamon

Re: Diget eyes.

I forgot that someone mentioned Camfind on Facebook. they said this app uses the barcode scanner and gives you cooking directions? I dont know if its an international app, if it costs money, or anything about it.Im not sure Brad, yes, it probably has US brands and US measurements in ounces. Still though, a buffalo chicken strip in the US is probably generally the same as a buffalo chicken strip in the UK. Thats for general things like frozen French fries. Fries are fries, and bacon is bacon. I have googled things like Bertolli chicken alfredo cooking directions and had a little luck finding directions that way.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Hoping to move out.

2014-05-06 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Cinnamon

Re: Hoping to move out.

I think this is what you mean.Steak should be 1/2 - 1 thick. Grill for 4 - 7 minutes for medium rare, 6 - 9 minutes for medium.It means that the cooking time is based on a steak that is haf an inch, to one inch thick. There is a quotation mark after the 1, and that denotes inches.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Diget eyes.

2014-05-06 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Cinnamon

Re: Diget eyes.

I guess I didnt think food was that different. Normal chicken strips are long pieces of breaded boneless white meat chicken. Buffalo chicken strips are just coated in a mild hot sauce.Tater tots are small cylindrical things, maybe as long as from your fingertip to the first knuckle. Its shredded up potatoes squished together into this shape and breaded then deep fried. theyre one of those things that arent exactly great for you, like onion rings.No chicken strips and no tater tots? I dont think I could handle the UK. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Diget eyes.

2014-05-05 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Cinnamon

Re: Diget eyes.

Im crap at those barcode scanning apps. I can never find the code, or if I do, the phone is too close or too far away or theres a glare. Digit eyes does give you a beep if youre getting a partial scan, so you know youre cloes. Ive downloaded talking goggles from the app store. I think its two words. It constantly scans and will read out text. So if I dont know if its a bottle of pear hard cider or a Redds apple ale, I can hold the bottle up to the camera, and even if it only catches something like Appl and reads that partial word out, I at least know what it is. This is helpful for cans too. Ive identified lots of stuff that way, and even got it to read out snippets of my computer screen to know what was going on when Jaws died. it reads out the text in a British-sounding female synth voice. its also free... I is a useful s
 ite for cooking instructions. Your best bet is to be a little general. Say I have some frozen buffalo chicken strips. I dont really know the brand or how many ounces it is. Ill type in buffalo chicken into the site, and look at all the diferent entries for the brands. If Im unsure, Ill look at a couple different entries to get an average result for oven cooking time.TapTapSee is a beautiful thing, and if I needed it more, I would pay for it, but Talking goggles gets done what I need!URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Hoping to move out.

2014-05-05 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Cinnamon

Re: Hoping to move out.

slow cookers, crock pots, whatever you lot call them are useful for just starting out. Its really hard to mess up a slow cooker recipe.Ive tried double spatulas, but I find them harder to use than a normal pair of kitchen tongs. I can grip and hang on better with the tongs.A talking meat thermometer is a good idea. Brad, Im with you in the fact that I dont need blind cooking equipment. Just put dots that I can feel on my oven dial so I can set it,and thats all I need. I grew up never having those tools, so now I sort of shun them a little. Despite this, better safe than food poisoned. look into getting one.before I had a talking meat thermometer, I would Google stuff like How to brown hamburger meat. reading through the Yahoo Answers and other results, I learned that you do it on medium for just under ten minutes. I learned that chicken breast needs to cook at 350 for about 40 minutes if its a whole boneless breast. these times vary so much though, and Im sure glad I can tell for sure now that meat is done!All our bills are done online. there are options to pay over the phone too. I wouldnt allow a company to automatically take their bill out of my account, but Im paranoid like that.I dont know what you would call frozen skillets. They come in a bag and its stuff like chicken parm, beef with broccoli. complete frozen meals. You just open the bag, pour it in the pot on the stove, and cook it for however long it says. These are a little more expensive than foods you have to prepare, but it might be an easy option starting out for you, if you can get cooking instructions.Also with the George forman grill, I found a chart of meat grilling times. this website has a table that gives examples. … lchart.htmURL:
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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Is

2014-05-03 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Cinnamon

Re: Is

My boyfriend got me to actually click on this topic and take a look. I thought it would be something completely different. Hes a computer science student, we have a female friend who works for a major computer company, and I myself am a female gamer/nerd. Our spiffy friend is big into women in computing.To me, with no statistical data whatsoever to back this up, it seems that the accessible gaming market is slightly more evenly matched than among the mainstream games, and yes, I think that all the accessible arcade/card/puzzle options contribute to that slightly more balanced ratio. Its more acceptable to play a card game? It takes less brain work to play a card game? Card games are easy and sociable?Maybe already being blind sheds a little of societys normality, allowing female gamers to feel more comfortable in this arena. It seems that the point is true as well that female gamers are either RS people, or serious hard core gamers. How many females
  do we see playing Super Liam or Dark Destroyer or Tank Commander? OK, we have a decent enough population in Swamp it seems, but that feels more like a community unto itself than a strictly gaming environment. Maybe most women dont have the urge to go nuts at the keyboard and be a top notch button masher to kill that Q9 boss. What do I know? Im far from normal.I have zero knowledge about gender study and gender makeup. I know that often times, women are more goal/task oriented than men. Keep the schedule going, clean the house, make the weeks grocery list, clean the kitchen, get this and that little thing done and planned out on time. that doesnt really leave much time or energy left over for gaming. I know I have fifty trillion details going through my head in any given day, and though I like to RP on the mud I play, I dont have the energy or attention for it if Ive had anything like a stressful busy day. Maybe its a brain/personalit
 y thing across the genders?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Garage Band for iPhone or Similar App?

2014-03-31 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Cinnamon

Re: Garage Band for iPhone or Similar App?

@Deng You are wonderful. That does help. I would make you a bowl of microwave noodles if I could. The app is kind of a pain to use... it keeps jumping back to the play section as Im trying to work the menues. Changing keys would be a lot faster if not for that.@guitarman I know enough about music to create melodies in my midi editor, and on a good day, I can throw in some decent harmonies with it. I just really never learned enough music theory beyond that to know how to compose chords, so I do a lot by ear. So while I can write my own lyrics and melody, I would have to find another person to actually put chords to it to make it real. Life would probably be made easier if I still had a keyboard.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sony Vaio-Your experience?

2014-03-30 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Cinnamon

Re: Sony Vaio-Your experience?

@SLJ, it could very well just be that this computer is slow and crappy. For example, even if Im clicking the bottom left corner, it might try to move me. Even more frequent, when I try to use the right corner to move, it just fires my weapon. Its very slow and unresponsive. I tried to set keyboard commands for walking and firing, but they lagged and wouldnt work half the time. My only problem with my Dell laptop sitting up in the hall closet is that you have to be forceful with the shift key to capitalize letters. It still runs very well for being bought in 09. Now that Im not doing the volunteer writing work I was before... maybe Ill try switching back to it, just so I can play Swamp on my trackpad.  Thats how much I hate this machine.URL: http://forum.audiogames.

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[Audiogames-reflector] Garage Band for iPhone or Similar App?

2014-03-30 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Cinnamon

Garage Band for iPhone or Similar App?

Basically, Im looking for something to easily play chords for me. In the Garage Band app for iPhone, I can go to the smart guitar and strum a few chords, but if there is any way to pan to more chords (like you can pan octaves with gestures for the piano), I dont know about it. the app only has seven or so chords listed by default on there a way to make the app display more chords, or are those all we get? Is there a program that plays chords as easily as GB? Ive found some text charts of chords online, but the midi editor I have is very basic and hard to use. My aim is to learn what the different chords sound like; not necessarily what notes comprise them.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] vegetarianism- your views?

2014-03-28 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Cinnamon

Re: vegetarianism- your views?

I guess thats my biggest concern with a pregnant woman on a vegan diet, is that so many people just dont take the time to care. However, all of the 3 vegetarians or vegans I know do take extra care and pride in what they eat. I guess that goes along with the lifestyle.I think that because you do have to watch what you eat, vegetarians *generally* are more healthy than most of the American population especially. I mean, its rare to see a vegetarian at McDonalds snacking on fries or a milkshake. theyre very into things like healthy lettuce wraps and the Mediterranean diet, both very healthy and wonderful things.Speaking to the meat aspect, I never much cared about what kind of meat I ate until I started dating a four-time cancer surviver. Frozen fried chicken in a box? Sounds like dinner to me. Living with him, we buy organic milk and eggs and meat when we can. Its pretty disconcerting how chemical-laced most foods are. If I could af
 ford it, Id buy all organic anything I could find. Sadly, I work a part-time job, and hes still in school. In the US, it seems to me that everyone wants everything cheaper. The food industry has over 300 million people to feed, and they all want the cheapest meat possible. to keep up with that demand, farmers resort to all kinds of bad practices to keep prices low and keep the product coming. the media would be all in a fit if a Burger King burger was found to contain horse meat, but nobody cares what quality the meat itself is... as long as we can pretend its cow.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Sony Vaio-Your experience?

2014-03-27 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Cinnamon

Re: Sony Vaio-Your experience?

I had the misfortune to be given a Sony Vaio laptop. dont do it; its a trap. if this is helpful at all, the system model is SVE1512MPXSthe bottom half is all cheap plastic crap, and Im already having pieces of the casing break off. I also have an issue with the zero key on the numpad popping up out of place. It came with windows 8, got downgraded to 7, then back up to 8. Despite, or maybe because of this, performance is terrible. Its a stupid slow laptop that every sighted person Ive met hates to use.The track pad is one of these new things where the whole square depresses when you click. This means I cant play Swamp with it. Sighted people have a hard time figuring the trackpad out, it seems. Also, I cant figure out how to disable the stupid thing, despite my best googling efforts. Many times, my wrist will brush the trackpad and throw me onto the Desktop. super annoying.My best hope is that some kind soul will chip i
 n to help me get a new laptop for my birthday/Christmas. Ive always heard that Sony made crap, and now I believe it 100 percent.On the other hand, I have a Dell vostro 1520 that still works after 6 years. Ive dropped it twice from high places, and had coffee spilled in the keyboard. Most reliable little hard-working laptop ever.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] vegetarianism- your views?

2014-03-27 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Cinnamon

Re: vegetarianism- your views?

heres an ethical question.From my reading, and having a vegan couple as neighbors, I know how restrictive the diet can be. I know just how difficult it is to get the nutrients you need from a vegan diet-- hard, not impossible. Many protein sources from veggies are incomplete, with soy being the only exception. this means that you have to fit your diet together like a puzzle to make sure you get the proteins your body needs. you have to be very aware and willing to focus on your nutrition to make sure youre living well. Its easy, on a vegan diet, to miss out on very vital nutrients. Us meat-eaters usually dont know or care what nutrients in our food, and mostly, we dont have to worry so long as we eat some salad every now and then. Vegans have to stay on top of all, the question, and keep in mind that I dont know a whole lot. Is it irresponsible for a pregnant mother to be on a vegan diet?So many vital nutrients come 
 from milk, eggs, yogurt, and other dairy stuff. I know my neighbors talk about their numbers and how they fluctuate from good to bad. I assume these are numbers relating to their nutrition. Unborn babies can easily be malformed or have birth defects if not given the right amount of nutrition in the womb. If I were vegan, I would be terrified of not giving my child enough of one thing or another, especially when it comes to complete and essential proteins. A vegan diet has to be constantly and carefully monitored it seems like, and even more so if you got a baby to feed.Thoughts?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] finding academic sources

2014-03-13 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Cinnamon

Re: finding academic sources

I dont know how it is outside the US, but at my university, our library had paid for databases. Using our student information, we could log in and search for scholarly journals and such. You could ask your universitys library about databases for these types of articles?google Scholar is a wonderful thing.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Blind square?

2014-03-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Cinnamon

Re: Blind square?

Here is my question simply put. What does BlindSquare do for me that Ariadne or Apple Maps in ios 7 cant? I dont mean that to sound as snotty as it comes across in text. Id be willing to buy the app if it revolutionized my mobility. Ariadne GPS was the best $4.99 Ive ever spent. I whipped out the compass last week to make sure my dog and I were on the right branch of the sidewalk. Ive never used walking maps in ios before, only driving.Is BlindSquares main draw its massive list of preset favorites? If Im at the bus stop where I work, I can set that as a favorite place in Ariadne, with it pre-filling the address in for me. The app updates the favorites, so itll tell me what the closest one is and what degrees position it is from me. Of course, the favorite is only marked as what I myself call it.It sounds to me like BSs most usability comes if youre strolling down a sidewalk youre unfamiliar with.
  Hopefully someone has uploaded a good map, so itll tell you what businesses youre passing. I hear lots of good things about this app, and like Dark, I want to know more about what it actually does.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Training Centers

2014-02-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Cinnamon

Re: Training Centers

This post is probably going to be zero help since youre looking for advice on training centers, and Ive never been near one. But here are some tips and things I did when I was leaving home and learning. Many skills only come from practice and experience.Spacial perception is important. Touch the cold burners of the stove. memorize where they are. Learn your clocks; 3:00 is medium high, 6:00 is medium on the stove dial (generally). Practice pouring a full pot of cold water into a strainer sitting in the sink basin so you can get the feel of the space. Kick everyone out of the kitchen and explore it. Feel up all the appliances. Reach into the cold oven and learn where everything is. Touch the heating elements. Pull the racks in and out. Feel the rack grooves along the sides. Feel the space in between the top and middle rack.I started out cooking from cold to hot. Id pour in a little oil (my grandma told me a cap full). Id cut up the hotdogs, put
  them in the pan, and only then turn on the stove to medium, or whatever. I knew they were done when I felt them being crispy against my stirring tool. I did a lot of taste testing at first. I probably ate some raw hotdogs. Ive tasted undercooked pasta. It taught me what times to use in future.When using the oven, wear long sleeves. Get an elbow-length oven mit. Pull out the rack, do your thing, and then push it back in and close the door. I blistered my arm once really well before I learned about pulling the rack out.Let your water cool before straining if youre nervous. Even today, when pouring tea into a pitcher, Ill let the pot cool so I can brace it against my arm and hold the pitcher steady with my other hand so I know where it is.I was terrified of being burned at first. With practice, I learned how to carefully explore. When looking for the edge of a hot pot, Ill hold out two fingers and aim to hit the edge lower down on my finger
 , not the tip. Practice with cold pots first. Eventually, fill all four burners with cold full pots until you can find them with relative ease.You need to become comfortable with the space youre working in. Practice as much as you can safely with cold nine by thirteen baking dishes in and out of the oven. Because you have to use both hands, those can be tricky. Realize that bad things will happen, and its ok. I get popped on my bare arms by hot grease pretty regularly. Now that its happened, Im not nervous about it. Ive singed my fingers on pots before, so now its no big deal. I probably overcook my ground beef, (for ten minutes), but I want to be very sure the texture is good and crumbled so I know its done. You will rely on exact timing at first. Something may say to bake for twenty minutes. Youll eat it, it wont be done, and youll know in future to cook it longer.In summation of the ramble, I love cooking. 
 I love the kitchen. I taught myself to cook by first becoming very familiar with my flat-topped stove and my oven. I worked with cold things first. I think thats an important first step to overcome the fear of being burned. You have to be comfortable and familiar. Learn your kitchen like you know your house. You dont have to flail around to find the fridge. When things are hot on the stove, reach with care, and try not to use your fingertips.I hope that helped slightly anyway.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Training Centers

2014-02-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Cinnamon

Re: Training Centers

This post is probably going to be zero help since youre looking for advice on training centers, and Ive never been near one. But here are some tips and things I did when I was leaving home and learning. Many skills only come from practice and experience.Spacial perception is important. Touch the cold burners of the stove. memorize where they are. Learn your clocks; 3:00 is medium high, 6:00 is medium on the stove dial (generally). Practice pouring a full pot of cold water into a strainer sitting in the sink basin so you can get the feel of the space. Kick everyone out of the kitchen and explore it. Feel up all the appliances. Reach into the cold oven and learn where everything is. Touch the heating elements. Pull the racks in and out. Feel the rack grooves along the sides. Feel the space in between the top and middle rack.I started out cooking from cold to hot. Id pour in a little oil (my grandma told me a cap full). Id cut up the hotdogs, put
  them in the pan, and only then turn on the stove to medium, or whatever. I knew they were done when I felt them being crispy against my stirring tool. I did a lot of taste testing at first. I probably ate some raw hotdogs. Ive tasted undercooked pasta. It taught me what times to use in future.When using the oven, wear long sleeves. Get an elbow-length oven mit. Pull out the rack, do your thing, and then push it back in and close the door. I blistered my arm once really well before I learned about pulling the rack out.Let your water cool before straining if youre nervous. Even today, when pouring tea into a pitcher, Ill let the pot cool so I can brace it against my arm and hold the pitcher steady with my other hand so I know where it is.I was terrified of being burned at first. With practice, I learned how to carefully explore. When looking for the edge of a hot pot, Ill hold out two fingers and aim to hit the edge lower down on my finger
 , not the tip. Practice with cold pots first. Eventually, fill all four burners with cold full pots until you can find them with relative ease.You need to become comfortable with the space youre working in. Practice as much as you can safely with cold nine by thirteen baking dishes in and out of the oven. Because you have to use both hands, those can be tricky. Realize that bad things will happen, and its ok. I get popped on my bare arms by hot grease pretty regularly. Now that its happened, Im not nervous about it. Ive singed my fingers on pots before, so now its no big deal. I probably overcook my ground beef, (for ten minutes), but I want to be very sure the texture is good and crumbled so I know its done. You will rely on exact timing at first. Something may say to bake for twenty minutes. Youll eat it, it wont be done, and youll know in future to cook it longer.In summation of the ramble, I love cooking. 
 I love the kitchen. I taught myself to cook by first becoming very familiar with my flat-topped stove and my oven. I worked with cold things first. I think thats an important first step to overcome the fear of being burned. You have to be comfortable and familiar. Learn your kitchen like you know your house. You dont have to flail around to find the fridge. When things are hot on the stove, reach with care, and try not to use your fingertips.I hope that helped slightly anyway.PS. I read in a book somewhere about exploring with vertical movements, not horizontal. When working on the stove, try not to reach horizontally with your fingertips. Think more about multiple gentle touches downward with more of your hand.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] NVDA Screenreader

2014-02-21 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Cinnamon

Re: NVDA Screenreader

I figured this was as good a place as any to ask.Im trying to use the NVDA OCR function. Ive opened a scanned image of a PDF, pressed NVDA + R, and it says Running OCR. Then it just sits there silently. Whats supposed to be happening here? Should I leave it alone and let it do its thing? I press 4 and 6 on the number pad to try to read, and it just makes a system beep at me.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] An interesting scenario, thoughts?

2014-02-21 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Cinnamon

Re: An interesting scenario, thoughts?

Ive had this happen twice in my life living in North Carolina which is in a pretty religious region of the US.1. I was pretty young, somewhere between 10 and 12. I dont remember if I still had partial sight. I was with my granny in a Chinese restaurant, and we were sitting at the table eating. A man came up to us, and I supposed he asked my granny if he could pray for me. My fuzzy memory says she said sure in a sort of confused kind of way. The man put his hand over my eyes and did his thing. I sat there slightly panicked and confused. I was too young to really know what to do, other than to sit there until he went away. I went on eating, thinking how weird and uncomfortable it was for me.2. I was 21 or so. My best girl friend and I were sitting in the bus depot waiting to catch a bus. I couldnt understand the man, because it was loud and he was mumbling. He came up to us as we were sitting on a bench finishing our Quizznos sandwic
 hes and was asking if he could pray for me. Partially, I couldnt hear what was going on. Partially, I was very confused and super uncomfortable. My friend stammered a bit, we stood up, and she told him, Uh... uh... thanks. We have to catch a bus. We scurried away.Both times, the people have been weird mumbly types. I supposed if that happened to me now that Im older, I would try to calmly say something like, I appreciate your beliefs, but my blindness isnt something bad for me. It just is what it is. I know you want to pray for me, and I thank you for your kindness, but Im sort of uncomfortable with it.I think its very rude to interrupt people sitting at their table to do this. A more polite option would be to approach someone when theyre not trying to enjoy a meal. I take a little offence to someone trying to include me in a religion I dont agree with, but thats just me. I respect your need to pra
 y... but leave me out of it!URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Favorite Foods.

2014-02-14 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Cinnamon

Re: Favorite Foods.

I swoon for Indian-type dishes. Pakora, gulab jomun, all that good stuff. Delivery of Indian food is so expensive here, its hard to get it, and my boyfriend doesnt like the food, so its not like well be going on a date to the Indian buffet anytime soon. I like a variety of Chinese and Japanese cuisine, though Ive only had the typical Americanized fair. Fried chicken and cheese ravioli in lemon cream garlic sauce are a few of my other is more of an addiction than an actual favorite food for me. I cant function without it.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Meanings of your usernames?

2014-02-14 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Cinnamon

Re: Meanings of your usernames?

Cinnamon is sort of a fun varied spice. Combine it with sugar, and its very sweet. Put it in chewing gum or alcohol, and its very spicy. The idea is that its a complex fiery and sweet flavor. it was sort of a flirty joke between my boyfriend and I when we first started dating. I liked the concept, so it just popped into my head when I was signing up to the forums.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] lets talk about problems with sleeping

2014-01-28 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Cinnamon

Re: lets talk about problems with sleeping

I have light perception in one eye which thankfully, leaves me out of this crowd. My boyfriend struggles with it though, and has tried the melatonin and valerian routes. Tried sleeping pills.As for staying awake during the day, im always a fan of natural sunlight if youve got it. I dont know how good it does those who cant detect it, but if its a sunny day, I always open the blinds, because I notice a marked difference on cloudy days.Itd be nice if some cure could be discovered for non 24, because I know so many people who struggle with it.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] What the?

2013-08-23 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Cinnamon

Re: What the?

Not that I know any of the Miriani hosts personally... but based on what Ive seen of you on the thread, I dont think youd be the type of candidate theyre looking for.. just gonna throw that out there.I do know that in the past, certain less-intelligent members of the gaming community have attempted to impersonate staff of other games for whatever purpose, so that could be whats happening here. Just a suggestion!URL:

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