Re: [Audiogames-reflector] is it even possible?

2014-04-12 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: is it even possible?

It uses the touch screen, similar to using a Mac Trackpad if youve ever manage to get your hands on one of those.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] is it even possible?

2014-04-11 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: is it even possible?

Yes, it has been done by more than one developer, even. You can get such Apps as: WiFi Mouse, Android Mouse and Keyboard, Remote Droid, the list goes on. That was pulled from a very quick Google search, just so you know.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Goodbye Windows XP, i still get nistalgic over you.

2014-04-09 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: Goodbye Windows XP, i still get nistalgic over you.

16 Gb of ram? Jesus! What the hell do you need 16 GB of ram for? Unless it makes that much of a difference in, say, converting video files to audio, audio files from one format to another or video files from one format to another. Otherwise, I see no reason to have anything more than 6 GB of ram.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Eloquence Coming to Android!

2014-03-29 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: Eloquence Coming to Android!

I too am an eloquence fan, have been since JFW 3.7 so if the price is reasonable and if it can be used with Talkback as well as Mobile Accessibility, which I do have, then I will definitely get it! Ive heard Eloquence rumors for quite sometime now off and on through the years, so I hope that this will actually happen this time, either way.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Need help with my smartphone.

2014-03-23 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: Need help with my smartphone.

Um, well, since I have no idea what the hell a message center number even is, then I of course cant help any further. Is this something to do with the fact that youre not in the US? I just Ignorent? LOL?Anyway, I grabbed the Jellybean keyboard 4.3 and like it so far except that I still cannot double-tap and hold delete to make it clear out an entire edit field. This seems to not be an issue with Samsung phones, maybe because Samsung uses its own keyboard? I dont know. Anyway, my Moto G likes everything else about the Jellybean keyboard just fine. I turned off the settings having to do with typing gestures, figuring that they would be quite problematic with Talkback. If I should reenable them for a better experience, could someone please let me know?The only other issue I have with Android so far is that there is no way to label buttons! Ive posted about that elsewhere on this forum, so Ill end this now.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Need help with my smartphone.

2014-03-23 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: Need help with my smartphone.

@SLJ:Im not sure if your post was directed at me or to A Little Gamer, either issue isnt limited to just the messages ap. It refuses to let me hold down delete to clear out an entire block of text in any edit field.Also, I cant believe I forgot about this! My Talkback speech volume is linked to the music volume. Every time I plug in headphones and want to turn up my speech, the warning about listening to music at high volumes appears and if I cant find and double-tap on the OK button fast enough, the message goes away and I have to make it come back up again. I have searched for ways to disable this and there are several fixes such as rooting your phone and getting some custom modification ap so you can disable the warning. There is also supposed to be a setting under the google music players settings called Smart Volume, but that is apparently on a Samsung Galaxy S4 running stock firmware because my Moto G doesnt have tha
 t option. On the Motorola forums, someone posted that you need to hold down the volume up key at the same time you tap the OK button. Unfortunately, the message disappears too fast for me to do this. Besides, even if I were able to do this successfully and it disabled the warning, it apparently comes back after a device reboot. This is particularly annoying to me because I am totally blind save for light perception and have a moderate hearing impairment. Oh well. I suppose after some more trial and error Ill learn exactly where the OK button is, then I wont even be bothered because Ill be able to get to it quickly and just tap the message away like any normal person would. Haha!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Need help with my smartphone.

2014-03-22 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: Need help with my smartphone.

Um, well, since I have no idea what the hell a message center number even is, then I of course cant help any further. Is this something to do with the fact that youre not in the US? I just Ignorent? LOL?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] planning to kill a progect wile borning another. Your oppinion guys.

2014-03-21 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: planning to kill a progect wile borning another. Your oppinion guys.

Until you can actually program something useful, be it a game or something else, please stop wasting yours and everyone elses time with these dumb ...uh, files. I wont even call them programs. Just because your first movie thing was packaged as a .EXE file doesnt automatically make it a program. Self-extracting zips, anyone?Also, please read your posts before pressing submit, because you look even more ridiculous...Together with your useless files, this makes me wonder if you are just incredibly desperate for some sort of attention.Done now, really!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Need help with my smartphone.

2014-03-21 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: Need help with my smartphone.

I like my Android, having recently switched after using an iPhone for three years. Editing typed text was so easy on the iPhone. On Android, I cant tell where the insertion point is, ever, and I can change navigation granularity but I can never remember how to do that. Talkbacks gestures are not intuitive at all and often times I have trouble with them.Anyway, that is why this Jellybean Keyboard attracted me so much! There are two entries for it in the play store. One just says Jellybean Keyboard, listed as free. The other one says Jellybean Keyboard 4.3, also listed as free, both by the same Im wondering, which one should I get? Maybe the one that says 4.3, but I guess Ill just try both since theyre apparently free. I see nothing that says, Pro however, implying that version isnt free, just play around with this.The issue of you being unable to send SMS messages definitely sounds like something your 
 cellular service provider will have to take care of.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Which iOS device, braille i/o, yada yada

2014-03-08 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: Which iOS device, braille i/o, yada yada

The 5S has Apples new A7 processor, which is apparently the first 64-bit processor to be on a mobile device. It is also supposed to be considerably snappier than the 5, although I myself wouldnt know. Personally, I had a 4S for almost two years and didnt see the need to upgrade. From the iPhone 4 to the 4S is a huge leap in terms of speed when using VoiceOver, but at least on my 4S, apart from VO freezing temporarily if you accidentally touch the Ad area in Pandora, for example, I had no issues with freezes or crashes. What Im trying to say is, if you want the most processor power at your fingertips possible, then go for the 5S. If you want something far cheaper and that will still work well, go for the 4S. You could go the mid-range rout and get a 5 or even a 5C, but if I had the choice of all the options, I would still go with the 4S. Siri doesnt have quite as much functionality on the 4S but I still found it an invaluable tool. What does Siri do on the 5
 C/5S that it doesnt do on the 4S/5, anyway?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Which iOS device, braille i/o, yada yada

2014-03-08 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: Which iOS device, braille i/o, yada yada

The 5S has Apples new A7 processor, which is apparently the first 64-bit processor to be on a mobile device. It is also supposed to be considerably snappier than the 5, although I myself wouldnt know. Personally, I had a 4S for almost two years and didnt see the need to upgrade. From the iPhone 4 to the 4S is a huge leap in terms of speed when using VoiceOver, but at least on my 4S, apart from VO freezing temporarily if you accidentally touch the Ad area in Pandora, for example, I had no issues with freezes or crashes. What Im trying to say is, if you want the most processor power at your fingertips possible, then go for the 5S. If you want something far cheaper and that will still work well, go for the 4S. You could go the mid-range rout and get a 5 or even a 5C, but if I had the choice of all the options, I would still go with the 4S. Siri doesnt have quite as much functionality on the 4S but I still found it an invaluable tool. What does Siri do on the 5
 C/5S that it doesnt do on the 4S/5, anyway?As far as Braille, I personally like the Refreshabraille from APH, but if you have large hands you might have some issues. Its an 18-cell display, very well built but the keys are quite small. Its also pricy, but that goes without saying. There are also some really dumb issues that VO has when it comes to Braille. There is a really good article somewhere on the web that discusses the specific issues that VO has when it comes to braille. All I really remember from the article, though, is something about if you pause too long when entering a letter, such as P, it will expand the letter P to the word People. You have to then delete the word and start over, making sure not to pause too long between key presses. Other than that, I dont know. I wish I could find the article but I really dont feel like going on a Google hunt right now.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Which iOS device, braille i/o, yada yada

2014-03-08 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: Which iOS device, braille i/o, yada yada

I ran iOS 7 on my 4S with no issues, but Im sure as newer versions of iOS come out, the 4S will fall further and further behind. With that in mind, I would go for at least the 5 if I were you. Either way, youll love it and wonder why you didnt get one sooner! I have an Android phone now which is running KitKat. While I like it, I find talkback far more cumbersum to use than VoiceOver, particularly when it comes to swiping through unfamiliar Apps. If I could get a 4S/5 for cheap that would work with Boost Mobile, I would so get it!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

2014-02-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: Hear movie sub titles with your screen reader

I wish I could use this, but Im obviously missing something. I have the movie file that is a .mkv and its associated .srt file. When I select the option to create an mp3 from a movie, I select the .mkv file and it says that it is converting to mp3 but when the program closes, presumably finished, I can find no resulting .mp3 file anywhere. I looked in the output folder located under the Wade Machine folder in program files, no dice. Should I try a .avi file instead? Should I select the SRT file instead of the .AVI/.MP4/.MKV file? Im so confused! Haha!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm considering Android, what do you guys think?

2014-02-21 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: I'm considering Android, what do you guys think?

I have a Moto G running KitKat. Ive had it for a few weeks and find the accessibility to be much less fluid than an iPhone. While doable, I am much slower than with an iPhone. Typing is especially problematic because if I accidentally touch even just a tiny bit above the keyboard and slide my finger even the slightest bit left or right, the keyboard freezes. I have to take my finger off the screen for a few seconds and sometimes I have to even press back to get the keyboard to hide so I can reshow it. This particularly seems to happen in the messaging app. Editing is impossible. I cant even figure out how to do it. I like the global and whatever that other context menu is called that they introduced in Jellybean but still cant seem to find any way to edit text messages, for example. I have the good fortune of being a Boost Mobile Subscriber so I get Mobile accessibility for free but I dont like it. It doesnt work as well as TalkBack for exploring the 
 screen and I dont like the way it forces me to use its home screen. I cant figure out how to get back to my regular home screen when its running. The access for apps is kind of strange. Lots of things are clickable even though TalkBack doesnt say so. This was also the case on iOS with some things but this is even more-so the case with Android. The most annoying thing is the inability to label buttons, as others have said Android seems to be quite fond of them. Some things like the App here for local city bus schedules work if you explore the screen but swiping through items would make you think nothing is there or a lot of things are missing. I wish I wasnt forced to switch to Android, but Ill keep plugging away at it. I didnt like web browsing with IOS mainly because of that nasty jumping bug but its even worse with Android. TalkBack detests web views. The make my TalkBack temporarily freeze, actually. Ideal Web reader likes to say 
 uot;Keyboard controls visible and Keyboard controls hidden randomly. I cant figure out how to get them to show up or disappear at will nor can I figure out how to move by heading, link etc. Swiping through elements in Ideal Web reader works but is not all that responsive. I do like the fact that using speech while on a call doesnt degrade the voice quality like in iOS.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm considering Android, what do you guys think?

2014-02-21 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: I'm considering Android, what do you guys think?

I have a Moto G running KitKat. Ive had it for a few weeks and find the accessibility to be much less fluid than an iPhone. While doable, I am much slower than with an iPhone. Typing is especially problematic because if I accidentally touch even just a tiny bit above the keyboard and slide my finger even the slightest bit left or right, TalkBack freezes. I have to take my finger off the screen for a few seconds and sometimes I have to even press back to get the keyboard to hide so I can reshow it. This particularly seems to happen in the messaging app. Editing is impossible. I cant even figure out how to do it. I like the global and whatever that other context menu is called that they introduced in Jellybean but still cant seem to find any way to edit text messages, for example. I have the good fortune of being a Boost Mobile Subscriber so I get Mobile accessibility for free but I dont like it. It doesnt work as well as TalkBack for exploring the scre
 en and I dont like the way it forces me to use its home screen. I cant figure out how to get back to my regular home screen when its running. The access for apps is kind of strange. Lots of things are clickable even though TalkBack doesnt say so. This was also the case on iOS with some things but this is even more-so the case with Android. The most annoying thing is the inability to label buttons, as others have said Android seems to be quite fond of them. Some things like the App here for local city bus schedules work if you explore the screen but swiping through items would make you think nothing is there or a lot of things are missing. I wish I wasnt forced to switch to Android, but Ill keep plugging away at it. I didnt like web browsing with iOS mainly because of that nasty jumping bug but its even worse with Android. TalkBack detests web views. They make my TalkBack temporarily freeze, actually. Ideal Web reader likes to say 
 ;Keyboard controls visible and Keyboard controls hidden randomly. I cant figure out how to get them to show up or disappear at will nor can I figure out how to move by heading, link etc. Swiping through elements in Ideal Web reader works but is not all that responsive. I do like the fact that using speech while on a call doesnt degrade the voice quality like in iOS.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Meanings of your usernames?

2014-02-17 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: Meanings of your usernames?

I love reading these posts! My user name is my Amature radio callsign. It has the nickname of Ham Radio, which has caused many people to ask me if I like ham or some other similar thing. I have been a licensed operator since February of 2002. Although I renewed my license in 2012, I havent been active in quite some time. It seems to me to be a dying hobby. It is used for emergency communications when other things such as phones go down in bad weather, but since I cant really be a storm spotter since all I can rely on is other sources like radio etc. giving updates about the weather in my location is a bit pointless since it would just be repeating information already given by others.Also, since Im only a technitian class operator, a lot of the international communication pathways are closed to me. There is of course the Internet Radio Linking Project, but that requires having a node close enough to you and while you can have your own node, purc
 hasing and setting up the necessary hardware is no easy feet.Anyway, there it is, unoriginal but it has made for a post Ritch with content! Um,...well, thats a matter of opinion! LOL!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Web Vism

2014-02-05 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: Web Vism

I sent him a Webvisum invitation in a PM also so he should be good.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Captchas solving

2014-02-04 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: Captchas solving

Haramir and Cae_jones, your Webvisum invitation codes have been sent to the requested E-mail addresses and I also sent them to both of you in a PM.Happy Captcha solving!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] vaporizers

2014-02-04 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: vaporizers

It is a Vaporizer used to allow you to smoke vapors instead of all the extra carcinogens that you would normally get from just lighting it with a match or lighter.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] vaporizers

2014-02-03 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: vaporizers

I know a blind person that has the herbal air 2 and he loves it, but having not used one myself, I dont know for sure. It is also, unfortunately, quite expensive. I bought one a while ago and the knob used to set temperature had no markings on it although you could have someone read them to you and make one yourself, but I dont recommend that one anyway because the glass tube is so small theres no way to see if youve put too much in it. This of course also makes it very difficult to unclog.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] special schools: your thoughts?

2014-02-03 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: special schools: your thoughts?

Well, they did have specialized ways of doing things, but particularly in the case of my Home Economics teacher would let us try to find other methods if they worked better for us. She was always telling us, particularly when it came to cooking to use what worked best for us because each person is different. So, Dark, you are correct in that the teaching staff was quite good. I suspect this is because many of the teachers had been there for years and had watched many a student with varying abilities come and go thus were able to draw upon those experiences.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] where is that fucking windows 8.1 update?

2014-02-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: where is that fucking windows 8.1 update?

You dont want 8.1! It forces you to use a Microsoft account and it breaks accessibility, at least it did for me when I updated from 8.0 to 8.1. Specifically, it made JAWS unusable. NVDA still worked, though.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] where is that fucking windows 8.1 update?

2014-02-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: where is that fucking windows 8.1 update?

You dont want 8.1! It forces you to use a Microsoft account and it breaks accessibility, at least it did for me when I updated from 8.0 to 8.1. Specifically, it made JAWS unusable. NVDA still worked, though.Edit: Those random freezes are due to 8.1. Trust me, there is a reason why Microsoft is trying to roll out...what are they calling it now? Windows 9, or something? Anyway, I will be sticking with Windows 7 as long as I can. When this machine gives up the ghost, its back to Refurbished MacBooks for me!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] an annoying issue with my computer, please help

2014-02-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: an annoying issue with my computer, please help

SharpKeys is a nice utility. I used it with my Virtual machine on my Mac and also when I used Bootcamp so I could make the Capslock key function as insert and also have an applications key. It will not work in this situation because all it does is take pre-existing keys and allow you to change them to other keys. It does have support for some media keys but a lot of these are keyboard specific so it wouldnt know how to change them to the regular FKeys. Ill check out FN lock and see if that does what I want.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Be happy.

2014-02-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: Be happy.

Um,...*SMH* WTF? Wise words, but they were just so random!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Vocalizer for Android...does it exist?

2014-02-01 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: Vocalizer for Android...does it exist?

I got a Moto G a couple days ago. I copied the .APK and vocalizer X folder to the root of my phone and got Astro file Manager as recommended in the readme. Astro file manager is not very accessible with Talkback and Im using Android 4.4.2. Indeed I cant find the folders and files on my phone, just different locations like local network, dropbox, google drive, SkyDrive etc. Can anyone suggest a truly accessible Android file manager?Also, I want to use another English US vocalizer voice. Since the language folder inside Vocalizer X folder is ENU, and its subfolder is Speech as is the voice I want to use, so does this mean I can only have one US English voice installed on the phone at a time? If I can have multiple US English voices, such as Aaron and Samantha, could someone let me know how to do this?Thanks.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] ISO files?

2014-01-30 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: ISO files?

I would suggest DemonTools lite. You can have up to four virtual drives at a time, I think. You just associate the iso file extention with DemonTools once it is installed and DT will magically mount the iso file into a virtual drive which you can find happily hanging out in your computer folder! Oh, and the best part is that you can right click it and run whatever program is on it if the ISO contains an autorun file, open and browse the contents just as if it were a physical data CD/DVD and you can even eject it through the context menu!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] an annoying issue with my computer, please help

2014-01-30 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: an annoying issue with my computer, please help

I too have this issue, although Im using a Del Inspiron N7010 running Windows 7, but I would love to find a utility that would allow you to use the standard FKey functions like OS X does natively.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Vocalizer for Android...does it exist?

2014-01-27 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: Vocalizer for Android...does it exist?

FamilyMario, the link never got posted. Please edit your post, if you dont mind.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Accessible DAWs

2014-01-22 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: Accessible DAWs

ProTools is quite expensive as well. Also, discussion of software cracks on this forum is really frowned upon, so Id be quiet about those if I were you, @Visualstudio.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] getting the new siri voices for voice over.

2014-01-21 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: getting the new siri voices for voice over.

So, the question is, can I purchase just one voice and get the driver? Or do I need to purchase the entire pack of voices in order to obtain the driver? I want the expressive driver, obviously, and if I can indeed just purchase just one voice and obtain the driver along with it, how much would that cost in US dollars?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] getting the new siri voices for voice over.

2014-01-20 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: getting the new siri voices for voice over.

I got the Alex UI sound theme to work on iOS 6. I have a post on AppleVis somewhere detailing the exact steps I took to do this. However, the theme relies on Winterboard which even in iOS 6 was kind of iffy. So, if you cant get other Winterboard themes to work on iOS 7, then this one will not work either.I would also like to know where I can obtain the Vocalizer expressive driver so I can use these voices with NVDA because my iPhone 4S got stolen on New Years eve when two people broke into our house and stole my phone, an HP Sleekbook, an HP tablet and our Clearwire modem along with all the cables and wires they possibly could find. The criminals are known around this area for selling electronics to other people for drugs, so the police have informed us that the likelyhood of us getting our devices back is well, not likely at all! So, I want to use these voices with something! LOL. Im thinking that the Vocalizer expressive driver will have to be purchased or ill
 egally downloaded, but I really hope Im wrong on that one.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] urgent skype help needed

2013-12-28 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: urgent skype help needed

Yep, and the day that the Skype API will no longer be able to be used by third-party applications will be a sad one, indeed. I managed to murge my Skype and Microsoft accounts using NVDA and the version of Skype that comes with Windows 8. I even figured out how to use it successfully with NVDA. Its a bit of a clunky interface, but it works.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] urgent skype help needed

2013-12-19 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: urgent skype help needed

I found the instructions for connecting your Microsoft account to your existing skype account. Its just a matter of selecting the correct option in the sign-in window. Could some one please post the link for the version of skype that is not the windows ap store version? I dont have a windows 7 computer to grab it with.Thanks.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] CDesk by AdaptiveVoice

2013-12-14 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

CDesk by AdaptiveVoice

Hi all:I just found out about this fully functioning screen reader distributed with twenty custom applications thanks to Access World. I have gotten the 15-day trial. Ive messed with the media player a little. The interface is simple but as an every-day screen reader, even though it costs $400 US, still has a very long way to go. The only keys that seem to intorrupt speech are the control and arrow keys. This means as you cycle through controls with tab, unless you want to hit control after hitting tab each time, you must wait for the speech to finish. I can find how to change the SAPI 5 voice, but not its rate or anything else. I know that this could be done through the control panel, but it should be able to be done through the screen reader itself. Interestingly enough, the setting to change the voice is found under advanced settings and it gives you this nice little warning that the advanced settings should only be accessed by technical support staff and you must 
 press continue to get to this page. I also do not like that there are only help videos, no text documentation that I can find. The audio quality of these videos is awful! Also, its voice recognition features can only be use if you have a certain type of USB headset. I cant remember exactly what the help video said. I will be speaking with the adaptiveVoice folks on Monday, as I am considering purchasing the software if I like it enough, but I want them to help me get it optimized for my use as I am what they would probably consider an advanced computer user.I was just mainly wondering if anyone else has used this screen reader recently and what, if any thoughts, comments, etc. anyone may have.Thanks for any hints, suggestions or comments in advance.JamesURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] game stream

2013-12-14 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: game stream

This site is very difficult to use because it has so much dynamic content on it and it makes NVDA so sluggish that I cant find a link to play the video/audio. I saw something about podcast but wasnt sure if that was it or not. Anyway, the page is a huge mess.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] CDesk by AdaptiveVoice

2013-12-14 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: CDesk by AdaptiveVoice

Oh, Dear. I didnt consider that my post would cause multiple people to get the idea that Im new to screen readers. This is not the case, which is exactly why I talked about all of its limitations. I have used JAWS since version 3.7 and Window-Eyes since 4.5 although not as regularly as JAWS. I am currently using NVDA on this Windows 8 laptop only because video intercept refuses to install or uninstall. The JAWS installation doesnt come up talking even after multiple complete uninstalls. When I try to repair video intercept, I get a message that VideoAccessibility.msi cannot be found. I have the 64-bit version of Video intercept as a .exe file, and when I try to run that, it installs the admin tool then closes. I tried running it again after a restart and it just installed the admin tool again. I tried to use NVDAs keyboard object navigation but eventually just gave up and used the physica mouse to uninstall those preloaded Norton Internet Security programs.
 I just happened upon CDesk and wanted to try it out. I would say that this company will not be around for long. It sounds like it might be more useful for those with low-vision since it has high-contrast etc.It does have a way to interface with Skype somehow. It says that Skype doesnt even need to be installed on the computer. Also, it lets you search NLS BARD titles but I cant figure out how to do that exactly and Im not sure if their included media player will actually let you play them. These are the only two uses I really see for this screen reader and it is definitely not worth that price tag! I think it is a little less than $300 but I know it over $300 LOL. I messed with it a little bit more this morning and couldnt find any way to make it less sluggish. It is sluggish to do everything. Start up, check for updates, respond to keystrokes. It also doesnt read anything outside of itself that I can tell. It starts up and says good
  whatever time of day it is then your name. So, cute, but definitely not my cup of tea. Ill take muy JAWS cursor any day. I dont like NVDAs keyboard review commands. I find the layered structure too annoying. I much prefer JAWSs approach. Actually, I like the Virtual Mouse toggle from system access the best, actually, but JAWS reads quite a bit more than System Access does. It is still a very nice screen reader especially with all the extras. Since Im probably going to become primarily a windows user since my Mac seems to be dead, I am once again considering purchasing SA along with SAMNet. I need to read Access Worlds review fully again. Still, its way too slow for me.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] CDesk by AdaptiveVoice

2013-12-14 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: CDesk by AdaptiveVoice

Oh, Dear. I didnt consider that my post would cause multiple people to get the idea that Im new to screen readers. This is not the case, which is exactly why I talked about all of its limitations. I have used JAWS since version 3.7 and Window-Eyes since 4.5 although not as regularly as JAWS. I am currently using NVDA on this Windows 8 laptop only because video intercept refuses to install or uninstall. The JAWS installation doesnt come up talking even after multiple complete uninstalls. When I try to repair video intercept, I get a message that VideoAccessibility.msi cannot be found. I have the 64-bit version of Video intercept as a .exe file, and when I try to run that, it installs the admin tool then closes. I tried running it again after a restart and it just installed the admin tool again. I tried to use NVDAs keyboard object navigation but eventually just gave up and used the physical mouse to uninstall those preloaded Norton Internet Security programs
 .I just happened upon CDesk and wanted to try it out. I would say that this company will not be around for long. It sounds like it might be more useful for those with low-vision since it has high-contrast etc. but they realy need to improve their software and I intend to speak to them about my issues with it if nothing else so they can improve it in future and maybe make it worth that amount of money. Its still cheaper than ZoomText and it seems low-vision is more the type of consumer they had in mind with the design. I dont really see a need for all these built-in applications when they could just use whats already there, but thats just me.It does have a way to interface with Skype somehow. It says that Skype doesnt even need to be installed on the computer. Also, it lets you search NLS BARD titles but I cant figure out how to do that exactly and Im not sure if their included media player will actually let you play them. These
  are the only two uses I really see for this screen reader and it is definitely not worth that price tag! I think it is a little less than $400 but I know its over $300 LOL. I messed with it a little bit more this morning and couldnt find any way to make it less sluggish. It is sluggish to do everything. Start up, check for updates, respond to keystrokes. It also doesnt read anything outside of itself that I can tell. It starts up and says good whatever time of day it is then your name. So, cute, but definitely not my cup of tea. Ill take muy JAWS cursor any day. I dont like NVDAs keyboard review commands. I find the layered structure too annoying. I much prefer JAWSs approach. Actually, I like the Virtual Mouse toggle from system access the best, but JAWS reads quite a bit more than System Access does. It is still a very nice screen reader especially with all the extras. Since Im probably going to become primarily a windows user since
  my Mac seems to be dead, I am once again considering purchasing SA along with SAMNet. I need to read Access Worlds review fully again. Still, its way too slow for me.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] urgent skype help needed

2013-12-12 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: urgent skype help needed

You might try CallGraph Recorder for Skype. The web address is: says it is only for Windows XP and higher, so it might be too old to work with Windows 8, but give it a try if you want. I would also like to get rid of the Skype app that comes with windows 8 because it is trying to force me to use my Microsoft account. I do have a Microsoft account, but I dont want to use it with Skype because I have a standard Skype account and dont want to have to add all my contacts to a new account. I dont appreciate not being able to use my regular Skype account just because Im on Windows 8. If anyone knows how to get around this, please let me know.ThanksURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] touch screen: NVDA or jaws?

2013-12-04 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: touch screen: NVDA or jaws?

I am writing this post from an HP Sleekbook with 10-point touch, whatever that means. It sounds as though you can only touch the screen at 10 different locations, but I really have no idea. I just got this thing the other day. I have both NVDA and JAWS on it. I am using JAWS 14, though, not 15. It should also be noted that, for what its worth, Windows 8s own Narrator has excellent touch screen support as far as performing the same gestures one would be used to on an iPhone or Android device. I dont find the ability just to touch a particular area and get spoken feedback very useful since this screen is much bigger than my iPhone screen and add to that the fact I have no useful vision. I also hate Windows 8 and would love to downgrade this powerhouse to 7, but that requires not only buying a copy of Windows 7 but also finding the exact drivers for this particular machine. Interestingly enough, the touch screen would still work after the downgrade. Apparently, 7 ha
 s generic touch screen drivers built in and there is also something called the Windows 7 Touch Pack that you can get. If you Google How to downgrade from windows 8 to 7 as I did, you will find all these things and more!URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Goodbye Windows XP, i still get nistalgic over you.

2013-12-04 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: Goodbye Windows XP, i still get nistalgic over you.

I find this amusing. Ever since the release of Windows Vista, there have been continuous roomers with each new OS released that XP support will be dropped on such and such date. I run XP in a virtual machine on my Mac and I can tell you that security updates for the OS are still actively being released. I usually see about two or three a month come through windows update. They might not be quite that frequent, its not like I keep update logs or anything, but its enough to show me that ...Ill believe XP support is dropped when I see something official instead of what weve been seeing since the release of Vista.It is very true that a lot of businesses are still running XP, so I find it really hard to believe that Microsoft would be dumb enough to quit releasing security updates for it unless, that is, they want to pay the costs for all businesses to upgrade. LOL!I do think that the dropping of XP support is getting closer and closer, though. I h
 ave a friend that works for the AAA emergency road service and they are being forced to move to 7, not by Microsoft, but by the AAA division in California. Although, for companies like AAA and the IRS that store mountains of highly protected data, this comes as no surprise.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Mavericks

2013-11-27 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: Mavericks

I have a lot of items in my Doc. Still running Mountain Lion. I didnt realize that used up Ram even though the apps arent running...Will have to research this to know for sure.Browsing in Safari just sucks worse. Thats ok. Safari and VoiceOver havent played nice for a few OS X versions now. Ive been a Mac user since Leopard. I hate the column view bug if it is indeed true that it exists. I much prefer column view over the other two views.The keystroke to add items to the doc is not undocumented. If you have VoiceOver set to speak access keys after menu items (I dont remember how I got mine to do it,) the add to doc menu item says command+shift+t after reading said option. Just wait, folks! Downgrade if you want to. Apple was pushed to go free with this version? Interesting. Lion and Mountain Lion were both only $30 to upgrade. Not too shabby, in my opinion, considering a copy of Windows 7 from Amazon is still $128/$89 f
 or Home Premium and $179/$99 for Professional. I included the sale price along with Amazons price to illistrate just how awesome Amazon is because you save money! Haha. I am a prime member and will continue to be for as long as Amazon sticks to its level of customer support and prime features stay the same. Ive returned a couple things to them and got my money back in a timely manner and I didnt have to hastle them for it! Sadly enough, thats a rarity these days and should, as such, be appreciated and held on to!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Just tried an Iphone, my thoughts

2013-10-19 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: Just tried an Iphone, my thoughts

So, I thought Id resurrect this thread to ask, does Dark actually own an iPhone yet?Its been just slightly over a year since Dark started this thread and in that post he said he hoped to own one by right about now.So...Heres hoping he now has one!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rate the Song Above You

2013-10-17 Thread ForumOff-topic room: KG4RDF

Re: Rate the Song Above You

Aw! The link posted by Darkabomination: me the following message:This video is no longer available because the uploader has closed their YouTube account. Sorry about that.How sad! I wish I could have heard the song!URL:

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