Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Locked Out of My House

2014-02-21 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: Locked Out of My House

the major difference I think people will point out is the ability to choose to boot directly into the windows desktop.  other than that, nothing I can think of.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Locked Out of My House

2014-02-20 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: Locked Out of My House

The point that a lot of high end windows users seem to miss is that the metro interface was never meant to be their playground.  That is more MS's fault than the user, since consumers were left with little choice but to except metro, given that the operating system originally booted into metro without any question.  No, metro was not meant for you, XP/7 user who is used to zipping around your desktop at a dozen files per second, or firing off search results from windows explorer, or tampering with the innermost aspects of your operating system.  Metro was meant for your less tech minded cousins and brothers and sisters and parents and grandparents who still can't quite wrap their heads around the concept of computing.To them, exploring is not much of an option.  Considering exploration of their operating system is not an option, because they feel awkward around computers, maybe even terrified of them altogether.  when MS noticed however th
 at they would willingly embrace a smartphone, they knew they had to do something about it.  They expected everyone else who had grown used to exploring would simply stick to what they had always done and proceed with the desktop as it was, since that's where most interaction took place.  They never counted on the users of windows to throw a massive tantrum on the aspect of not being able to land on their magical desktops by default, simply hoping I suppose, that users would navigate without much of an issue, since pressing the windows logo key is not exactly a hard thing to do, or to navigate to that little tile in the metro interface that gives you back your all familiar desktop you've grown to work with over the years, with the exception being the start button.Those who are still on XP for the most part and have failed to switch over to 7 are probably the ones who suffer the most, because with my use of windows 7 I developed a few interesting habits that
  proved useful when transitioning to windows 8 which made practically every aspect of the operating system seem like something that was truly familiar to me.  Without skipping a beat, I had already customized every aspect of my PC to fit every single one of my needs, with permissions or lack there of really being my only annoyance.  Win 7 gave me an edit box to search for and launch things quickly and efficiently, gave me new shortcut keys I found useful such as control shift N to create new folders on the fly, made me understand that dealing with the start menu was the least important aspect of windows that ever existed, and this with toher things I won't mention for the sake of keeping this post short made the move easy enough for me personally.I still use win 7, because the machine that it came on was given to me for my birthday, and I've tweeked it to hell and back; it would almost be an insult to all of the months I put into it.  Many of my progr
 ams are still on my windows 7 machine, and I'm lazy, so there!  URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Locked Out of My House

2014-02-17 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: Locked Out of My House

MS seems to have an almost predictable pattern where by they release a craptastic system, then a system that its users are ok with, followed by another system universally accepted as garbage, and so it goes.  My hope lies in win9, whatever it is.  The concept of Cortana had me hyped, but I'm not necessarily gonna declare my complete allegiance at this point to any of the major companies or their operating systems.  Maybe Steven Sinofsky really had something going with the idea of windows 8 originally, but it's kind of hard to rework a company with many ideas into a unified concept and a single vision.  Perhaps the real problem with MS is that in all reality, they are trying too hard to win back tablet and smartphone users instead of focusing on the fact that computing as we know it has changed.  Business end users will probably always want an exceptionally powerful PC and as quick an responsive operating system.  The average user, on 
 the other hand, is willing to sacrifice the higher end aspects of computing for portability's sake, opting to stay connected wherever, whenever.  Apple seems to know this, which might explain why it feels like they're scaling back on OSX and focusing mostly an iOS.  They failed against MS when it came to capturing a market of computer users that wanted computers made easy, made simple, and most of all, made with tons of alternatives.  The appstore has somewhat provided that kind of a system, and while locked down to some degree, people have found ways to hack it and hack it wel to tweek to their heart's content.  Tons of apps that copy the same thing with different interfaces and different aims have set the app store up with something MS can't compete with, a centralized hub for users to pick and assemble their salad and eat it as they wish, while managing to keep the concept packed into a small device that can get taken anywhere and everywher
 e.Android is quickly catching up and giving still more choice to consumers, less lockdown, more customizability right out of the box, cheaper devices, perhaps slightly less reliable batteries and larger screenes, but for some users, that's perfectly acceptable.  Google's search capabilities have also made it into these devices and into the consumer's hand, giving them yet something else to be hooked on.  Those who have chosen to drop iOS for Android have also found that many apps they grew used to have come to their new home, that quite a few developers who once worked for apple have dropped the platform completely and started developing on Android exclusively owing to personal preference, and while the collection of software might not be as massive, it is seeing growth.The end result is lack of desire for personal computers, and those who do opt to have personal computers don't care if they can do the same thing on their smartphone in exa
 ctly the same way.  the tablet is on its way out, left untouched for the most part on many countertops and coffee tables because it tried to create a balance between the smartphone and the PC and failed.  Smartphone sales are rising; computer users are opting to stick with mature operating systems that don't attempt to bridge the gap between themselves and the mobile world, and windows is doing exactly the opposite, because it wants you back.  IN the end though, I think it'll have to make a choice between the business and tech savvy users and those who deal with the fine arts and production, or the average consumer, with whom they have much catching up to do and would probably be better off leaving behind.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The New Youtube Comment System: Help and Discussion.

2013-11-10 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: The New Youtube Comment System: Help and Discussion.

Where as I don't ever bother reading the comments section of any youtube vid; ever... except for that one time... Yes, that one time!  Once, I tell you!  And shame on me for ever doing so!  It was the most horrifying thing I ever did in my life!  Just after Rebecca Black's Friday music video came out I dared to brave the comments section of youtube, and what I found was absolute, sickening, smut!  People were more inclined to comment on the wart she appeared to have on her face rather than the lack of anything of value in the song itself, or anything about the song that was of any importance to the song!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The New Youtube Comment System: Help and Discussion.

2013-11-10 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: The New Youtube Comment System: Help and Discussion.

Perhaps google has finally tired of anonymity to some extent where the comments section of youtube is concerned.  Previously anyone could write anything and get away with it; this was the pit where trolls had a field day.  Having a google account which might have personal info tied to it will quiet them down a bit.  I'm not sure if that's the approach I would have taken, but I'm not google.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tap tap C going paid

2013-11-09 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: tap tap C going paid

Do not misunderstand me; I am not looking for handouts, nor should anyone who is blind.  I just don't see a lot of people being able to justify those prices on low income.By no means is the above post a direct hit on the development team for TapTapSee who seem to be a good set of people and want what's best for the community; they are even perfectly fine with knowing that some blind users are opting to use CamFind, which is another product they made that performs similarly but has a different purpose and is not made with complete accessibility in mind.  They are perfectly fine with this, knowing that the product they specifically made for blind people might lose funding as a result of that sort of choice.  I completely understand why they are doing what they have to; they themselves don't really even want to, and commend them on making such a hard decision in an attempt to do what was best for the blind community.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tap tap C going paid

2013-11-09 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: tap tap C going paid

I'm going to stick to what I said on applevis.if I pay $0.07 to submit an image and the result is not exactly what I was looking for, is the submission of that image still worth $0.07?if I pay for an image's submission and I get a lot more information than I bargained for, is that submission still worth $0.07?If I pay $7.00 a month for 100 images, and need to use 18 of those in one day on a total of 6 different items that are all part of the same product group with different bits of varrying information to obtain all said information, is it my fault?  And am I still getting the full experience of the $7 I paid for?If I pay $10.00 a month and I happen to get lucky and don't need to submit any images on a particular month, is it my fault?  And am I still getting the full experience of the $10 I paid for?And more over, how do you test a 2 year old on a subject that knows nothing about that subject?  many people who are blin
 d are only getting started with the concept of touchscreen devices equipped with cameras they will more than likely not use for their intended purposes on a regular basis.  Is it then that blind person's fault for not acquiring the skill to take a perfect picture every time?  Does it become necessary for a blind person to practice frequently just to get the best results out of this service?I am aware of the need to pay the developer and any staff required for the service to run successfully and continually, but I am also a user who, refuses to be blamed if the information I gather from a service is not complete or completely accurate as the result of an honest mistake owing to a disability I could not help.  I cannot know what kind of information the person on the other end of the service is going to be presented with, or what kind of information I can expect to receive from that person.  if the information is not enough, I attempt to resubmit and hope
  for a better result.  Perhaps I get it; perhaps I don't, but the likelyhood increases if conditions I have no awareness of or real control over are closer to perfect?My lighting needs to be right, my camera angle if that's even a thing needs to be right, my distance needs to be right, and there are probably other things I don't know about which go into a picture that all need to be as close to right as can be.  If I had no lighting because I generally don't turn on the lights and forgot to when I submited an image, well that's just too bad?  if it's night time and I don't want to risk turning on the lights for fear of waking someone else up but I need to use the service, well, that's just too bad?I understand that there will probably be no easy solution in the end, but this certainly feels like punishment more than anything else, and while I generally don't tend to take this approach and believe that every blin
 d person has a duty to be integrated into the majorly sighted world we live in, it is also my belief that in order to do that we all, every single one of us, need the ability and the tools to pull it off, and I don't see those who live on a fixed income as being able to justify either option easily.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tips for writing a good essay

2013-11-04 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: tips for writing a good   essay

No, it is not necessary to have someone comb through your writing; I myself have never had it done, but I did see a writing lab at the University of Texas Pan American and at the south Texas Community College, where this practice was encouraged.  In truth, it seems like a good practice to me, because there are people who simply write with this sort of stream of consciousness approach, where editing takes a backseat to everything else until the matter at hand is done and your thoughts are completely out on paper.  I can't write like this; it drives me absolutely insane.  If I'm not going to get it right the first time around, it's not worth coming back to it later, at least when it comes to writing.The rest of what I said still holds though as far as I'm concerned; flouring your essays with words for the sake of fancy, as it were, is not a good approach.  As far as arguments go and being able to convince people, there should always be 
 your own perspective; I'm not saying be a sheep.  Quite the opposite, have an opinion that is unique, based on your feelings, on all evidence you've gathered, on other people's thoughts, on how the subject affects you personally if in any way, and be able to argue it with passion.  You added some support for what I've been trying to say though Dark, when you said "Be able to engage with alternate perspectives just to keep up."Couldn't it be argued that those of us who are willing to tackle either side of the matter acquire just a bit more than those who simply refuse to see the other side because what they see is the only sort of right?  Couldn't it be said that when you argue for something you don't quite believe in you force yourself to extend and broaden your horizons to get a feel for the other side?  And when you have seen the enemy face to face, can you not attack it with less hesitation and more just reas
 on?  Does your cause and resolution not strengthon when you see what the other side has to offer and what they will use to back it up?it is these practices that allow me to remain neutral when writing about most things unless I am asked for my specific opinion on a matter.  when asked about Christianity I can provide answers.  when asked about Atheism I can provide answers.  My opinion on the matter, however, is a matter you only discover once you ask.  since post 1 only stated that the subject was climate change, I figured he was going to take a neutral stance on the matter; I've no idea what his opinion is, nor do I believe does anyone else who has contributed to this topic, unless he has mentioned it elsewhere and someone was able to get to that information.  Judging by post 5 Yes, I would say that perhaps what I said in post 2 would not completely remain legit across the board, but as post 2 was written before post 5, well, I think you c
 an guess where I'm going with this.  URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tips for writing a good essay

2013-11-04 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: tips for writing a good   essay

Already pointed out in post 2.  Entrust to someone else the task of patiently combing through your writing to point out discrepancies or other matters of importance that simply won't hold within your writing.  This person is not going to rewrite your essay; this person is going to assist you in rewriting it if necessary and tell you constructively what it is that needs to be changed.Yes, this includes, and is not limited to, grammar, which is why the matter is of great importance.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tips for writing a good essay

2013-11-04 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: tips for writing a good   essay

Dark,AT no point in post 2 did I ever say the essay should say that both sides are right. What I did say was that the writer should be able to convince anyone that both sides are right, a good practice in writing in general, as being able to sway both sides from their respective perspectives puts you in control of their oppinions while they read what you're writing.  this also has the added benefit of more solidly founding your argument, since while you have to make a solid argument for the side you believe is wrong, you'll be exploring your own beliefs and reaffirming that which you have previously stated as true with more knowledge, which is power.  Be able to place yourself in someone else's shoes to keep people as empathetic as possible to your points and your beliefs.  Understand both sides of the argument to maximize your chance of succ
 ess at convincing others, even if you disagree.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tips for writing a good essay

2013-11-03 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: tips for writing a good   essay

While you might look in a thesaurus to flower your writing with words that seem like they might fit with your concepts, do make sure that you are using them correctly.  There is a bit of rhythm involved with wording properly.  Thoroughly research your subject and be able to convince someone that both sides of the issue are right, even if you don't believe one over the other yourself; this is a good practice in general.  Site your sources for others to look at and to validate your points.  Never depend on any single source; no wickipedia for you unless you can follow the links to legit sources.  Reword everything as much as possible; do not simply rewrite what others have already written.  Good educators will google what you have written to make sure you're not copying someone else's work to take credit for it.  Reassess and reevaluate every bit of your writing; feel free to make as many drafts as possible until you have something s
 olid.  And finally, entrust to someone else the task of patiently combing through your writing to point out discrepancies or other matters of importance that simply won't hold within your writing.  This person is not going to rewrite your essay; this person is going to assist you in rewriting it if necessary and tell you constructively what it is that needs to be changed.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] JAWS 15 in beta. let's debate how bad it is???

2013-10-31 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: JAWS 15 in beta. let's debate how bad it is???

Interesting to see someone mention hating things specifically made for the blind, when looking at history shows us that a lot of things that are mainstream now started off as blind user products.  URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] An insulting Message from facebook to All Blind Members

2013-10-31 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: An insulting Message from facebook to All Blind Members

Agreed with post 14.  I've seen enough of this idiocy to realize that it's not going to change.  Angry blindy comes to mind on twitter along with a couple of others; they want attention and they get it.  That's the sad thing; they get it!URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] windows 8.1. your thoughts

2013-10-30 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: windows 8.1. your thoughts

I've seen the light at long last!  I have a slow computer!  Goodness!  I've been running this thing for nearly 2 and a half years, and the only thing i can honestly say sucks about it is IE10, which for some odd reasons doesn't seem to deal well with certain pages and just freezes my system altogether at times.So, lets see; NVDA, station playlist studio, Winamp, Foobar, IE10, Clamwin antivirus, Skype, TeamTalk, dropbox, autorun eater, thunderbird, and a couple of things going on with virtual audio cable at the moment as well, just for the sake of computer taxation as it were.  Ah yes, and windows 7.  Good ol, slow, crappy, windows 7, which seems to be doing the job quite nicely, unless I have some stupid in my head that I can't get rid of.  Hmm, just launched JAWS for the sake of something to do and not even it is doing anything to seriously annoy me at the moment, though I know if I leave it up long enough I'll get that remote procedure call failure nonsensical bla.I honestly didn't know I was running a slow OS!  Goodness knows I'm glad I didn't pay for it.Oh, and, of course, I had to mention the two audio interfaces I have connected to this little baby, along with the two external harddrrives, because, well, just because.  :dDon't get me wrong, windows 8 is certainly faster than 7, and you'll notice it most when you boot up.  I can get completely up and running on my 8 machine in roughly 40 seconds, but by no means would I ever say that 7 is horrible.  Even vista runs properly, as flyby chow commented, when you use proper hardware.  I still have 2 fully functional laptops running vista, and the o
 nly reason I'm not using them at the moment is broken keys.  Kind of sad that they were retired that way, since even with vista up on them they boot up in roughly a minute.  Unfortunately, I don't think I have the money to get a full keyboard fix, and I don't quite feel confident enough in trying to do something about it myself.  Oh well, just gives me one slow computer to deal with, I suppose.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] windows 8.1. your thoughts

2013-10-30 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: windows 8.1. your thoughts

Hey, whatever post you guys are talking about seems to do a really great job at hiding from me; just saying.  So, just maybe windows 7 isn't all that bad after all? ::)URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] Locked Out of My House

2013-10-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Locked Out of My House

Ok, so maybe that was a bit, overdramatic, but goodness knows it sure as hell feels like that to me, and since I'm the one this is happening to, I've the right to feel that way, right?  Of course ei'm right!  When have you, reader, reading this post, ever heard me say something that was wrong?  Can you remember such a time right off the top of your head?  Of course you can't, because i'm right as right can be, which is the way I usually am, right?  Right.With all of that rightness and truth out of the way, what am I ranting about, you ask?  I purchased a machine running windows 8 some four months ago and still have the same issue which feels like unnecessary security that taunts me every single time I want to do anything specifically important, like transferring a DLL file to system32, or making a change to the program files directory.  Access denied, continue with administrative rights, bla bla bla.  Ta
 king ownership of any of these places seems impossible, since trying do to so ends up with the PC firing errors at me on that very subject.  Killing user account control does absolutely nothing to soften the blows other than minimizing the amount of dialogue windows I'm going to encounter along the way, sort of like opening another box to find another box to find another box to find that the final box which might or might not contain another box is a box I cannot open because the main box doesn't want me to open it!  WHAAAT? Who built this crazy thing anyway, and what sort of design is it that requires you bang your shin against 1000 items and smash your fingers into another 1200 just to get your sticky hands on a particular item?  I mean, sure, I get it, keep hackers out, avoid malicious software, don't mess with personal stuff, but when the guards at y
 our place don't know who in the blue hell you are and won't let you in to grab a bite, do your business, plunge your toilet, wash your hands, maybe take a shower and get dressed in piece, maybe it's time for a reality check?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Mac verses Windows

2013-10-22 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: Mac verses Windows

Mavericks is free, and that's what everyone's going to write home about today.  Hell, I find that kind of cool myself, and I don't even have a mac.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rate the Song Above You

2013-10-16 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: Rate the Song Above You

7/10: inspirational and overall good vibe.

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Understanding The Government Shutdown

2013-10-11 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: Understanding The Government Shutdown

Amen to all you've said in post 11 Dark; and it wouldn't surprise me to find that that kind of stereotyping goes on just about everywhere to some degree or another.  My simple and honest question has always been and always will be, "Can't we all just, get along?"  I know the answer is no, but it would sure be nice if we could simply leave are differences aside and understand and respect them for what they are rather than what we believe they should be or could be  or what have you.  While I have no permanent cure, I do believe that I have done my best with music.  when I perform, I witness hundreds of people collectively come together and relax and enjoy themselves as the music flows.  I feel the power, the energy that circulates through all of us as we are mutually united for an hour or two, and I can't help but wonder at this beauty, this magic that is overlooked and underestimated.  it's used for theropy, for
  psychological treatment, for meditation, for relaxation, for getting away from the world when you need a small vacation, and everything else inbetween and beyond!  I'll use a simple and small quote from someone famous who's music I don't quite care for under most circumstances, but who I do feel has the right approach.  "Music succeeds, where religion and politics fail."  URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Jon Briggs is the Voice of Daniel

2013-10-09 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: Jon Briggs is the Voice of Daniel

It use to annoy me, but now that I know it's supposed to sound like this in all reality, I can't help but admire it to some degree.URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] Samantha's voice?

2013-10-04 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Samantha's voice?

I just read that a woman named Susan Bennett claims to be the voice of Samantha, which you have no doubt heard on realspeak, vocalizer, and of course, voiceover and Siri.  I find this an odd little claim, since I was under the assumption that many voices were recorded with their proper names or at least, proper first names intact, which brings up the question, does anyone know the history behind any of these voices and who is behind them?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] From Library Of Congress: Advisory: Possible Federal Shutdown

2013-10-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: From Library Of Congress: Advisory: Possible Federal Shutdown

Well, just think about it for a minute, to a lot of blind people, books are like TV for the sighted.  If Netflicks were shut down tomorrow, you'd better believe there'd be people on the streets.  it is pretty sad though, that the only aspects of a government shutdown that bother a person are those that affect them directly rather than all Americans collectively.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] From Library Of Congress: Advisory: Possible Federal Shutdown

2013-10-01 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: From Library Of Congress: Advisory: Possible Federal Shutdown

they're all to fault, republicans and democrats equally.  One side is working for companies that don't want to pay their employees more than they feel they should, the other works for the healthcare industry.  One side works for the oil industry, the other for the RIAA and MPAA.  One side claims it wants to negotiate and offers nothing up for the other side to work with, the other side is not willing to negotiate because the side suggesting negotiations is not offering anything to work with.  That's how negotiation is supposed to work, after all.  I offer you a house for sale with my price on it; you offer me something that suits you better.  I have the right to sell or not sell to you as I see fit, but in the end its going to come down to the best deal, and republicans aren't giving up anything in exchange for Obamacare, and Obamacare isn't going anywhere for the sake of republicans.When did you hear
  republicans say, "Kill Obamacare in exchange for the stupid oil pipeline we want to drill through pretty much all of the US you claim is going to destroy the world you live in because of toxic chemicals.  Kill Obamacare in exchange for the sake of contraception, or true immigration reforms, or greater taxes on big billionaires."  And the other side?  the democrats have been just as cocky, proclaiming along with the president that Obamacare will flourish even if the government stays shut down, giving the American population something most of its members don't want anyway, just for the sake of saying the president was succesfull with his signature law.  people in California are already starting to see their healthcare spending costs go up as the result of this law, and many of the promises made by the president early on seem less likely to be fulfilled by this craziness as time goes on.The left let it happen, the right caused it.  
 This is a pointless war paid for by big business, and republicans and democrats alike are just puppets in the middle of it all, doing us absolutely no good.  Yes, there are some who fight for their cause, and surely you will find them by looking in either party, people who truly mean well for the American people they were elected to represent, but their efforts are being blocked by the money corporations are putting into their special interests, so no matter how you look at it, they both lose.  You can keep this useless argument going about who's responsible for the shutdown and the turmoil surrounding DC and the American economy, but until both sides get their act together and actually start behaving as government officials who are supposed to be working for the good of the country and its people, both sides are to blame.  Weather it's going to take a government shutdown to get americans on their feet to protest and inform themselves on who's heading t
 hese nonsensical opperations and why, or something even more disastrous, it's about time something happened.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Understanding The Government Shutdown

2013-10-01 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: Understanding The Government Shutdown

@SLJ:You are most certainly welcome.  It's nice to know I did something good with my writing, since that's more or less what I intend to do a lot of the time.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] From Library Of Congress: Advisory: Possible Federal Shutdown

2013-10-01 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: From Library Of Congress: Advisory: Possible Federal Shutdown

I shall shamelessly promote my unimportant writings by stating that if you want all the goodies on the government shutdown without having to dig too deep you can head on over to this here post.Kind of funny to find that I sort of silently echoed everything that was written in post 31 in that bit of writing, since I didn't see it until now, but that's just about as right as it can get.  both parties are part of the same evil; both parties are blaming each other, and of course, people just take sides because that's the easy thing to do.URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] Understanding The Government Shutdown

2013-09-30 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Understanding The Government Shutdown

A fairly lengthy topic has sprung up on our forum on this very subject, and as is usually the case with sprawling topics, information tends to get lost and immensely hard to find.  this post exists to clarify any misgivings one might have on the government shutdown and what one might expect if he or she is in the united states.  If you have family or friends living in the states do feel free to refer them to this page where information will be readily available.  This post may change if any new information is received that is of importance to the topic.Our forum has a spam filter.  Any further mention of the word spam in this post refers to the word m o r t g a g e.What is a government shutdown?In the United States, a government shutdown is a situation that haults all but the most necessary services provided on a federal level.  Many if not all services which will cease opperation may remain discontinued for the entire duration of a 
 government shutdown.What services are affected by a government shutdown?such decisions are generally determined by the Office of Management and Budget.  IN the past, services which were terminated included Those that provide funding for national parks and passport offices.  IN addition to this, important agencies such as the Pentagon may be dealt a devastating blow.Has their previously been a government shutdown?Yes.  There have been 17 government shutdowns since 1976.Who is affected by a government shutdown?Almost everyone on American soil will feel its impacts to some degree, as many civilian federal workers will be forced to take unpaid vacations, and tourist atractions such as national parks and wildlife refuges will be closed to the public.  Approximately  1.4 million active duty military personnel will continue to work without pay alogn with active national guard workers.  There may also be delays in
  issuing gun permits, continuing U.S. bankruptcy court cases and the approval of spam applications.I currently receive SSI; will this be haulted during the shutdown?No.  entitlement programs such as social security, medicaid and medicare will continue to function and provide their services unaffected.Will I still get my mail?Yes.  the United States Postal Service is an independently financed service, thus remaining unaffected.How did this begin?the differences between republicans and democrats continue to grow on just about everything, and federal spending is possibly the greatest of battlegrounds and the one responsible for this particular shutdown.  In short, if the government cannot agree on how it will spend its funds by the end of the day, there will be no plan in place to continue its opperation.  with the republicans exceptionally devoted to destroying the  Afordable Care Act more commonly known as "
 ;Obamacare," and the democrats doing their best to uphold what many see as the president's signature law, it is highly unlikely there will be any agreement.  Another massive matter that remains to be tackled by both parties is the debt ceiling, the limit on the amount of money the government can borrow for public spending.  Currently this limit is set near 16.4 trillion dollars and has technically already been reached.  The president has stated that if this limit is not raised the nation would suffer still more greatly than it would during a government shutdown, losing credit worthiness and raising the interest rates on student and spam loans along with those on credit cards.  Republicans do not want this limit raised unless sizable spending cuts are pushed through by congress, ultimately setting the stage for yet another battle, as democrats will definitely be seeking that ability.If you have any further questions or comments regarding this writ
 ing, feel free to post them below.  You can also follow this link to check out other views submited by the audiogames community, many of which also hold still more information on the matter.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A request for donations.

2013-09-30 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: A request for donations.

Good luck with this undertaking, but I don't expect much from the community with the little you've provided.  I could say that I need money to further enhance any agenda, but what's in it for the consumer?  this is the case with just about any project that is to be funded by the community, any community.  Saying that someone is in need of money because he wants to launch a career in music or software development or tech support, or anything else that involves a market of some sort, without having anything to back it up is equal to getting a phonecall that tells you you've won a chance to go on a cruise and in order to get it you need to make some purchases.As a developer you owe the consumer a little more, unless you feel you have established a starring reputation in the community, at which point I imagine you've already had a massive amount of good luck and have received tons of donations, in which case I offer my sincerest con
 gratulations.  If that is not the case, then by all means do feel free to give everyone here just a bit more certainty to what they are going to be a part of; transparency is key here.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] From Library Of Congress: Advisory: Possible Federal Shutdown

2013-09-28 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: From Library Of Congress: Advisory: Possible Federal Shutdown

To add to post 13, I present this to you with the following quote: "We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed by great men, men who were revered."Today, students will go through most of early life not knowing, trusting that what they are being told is true, and who can they blame?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] From Library Of Congress: Advisory: Possible Federal Shutdown

2013-09-28 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: From Library Of Congress: Advisory: Possible Federal Shutdown

To add to post 13, I present this to you with the following quote: "We were able to be all these things and do all these things because we were informed by great men, men who were revered."URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] From Library Of Congress: Advisory: Possible Federal Shutdown

2013-09-27 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: From Library Of Congress: Advisory: Possible Federal Shutdown

Right on, Arq.What would happen today, even today, if the US population found out that the attack on Pearl Harbor was an event instigated by members of our government back then?  All those grandfathers and husbands and sons and innocent men who were lost for the sake of entering another world war the American people clearly didn't want on their hands, but then felt obligated to enter because their country was attacked?  What would happen if Americans discovered all of that was for nothing but the sake of a few megalomaniacal, egotistical twits who had their own personal agenda to deal with, and said agenda was more important than the country they were supposed to be running, and the people they were supposed to care about?Yes; we have the power to change the way the government works, but in order for that to happen we have to act collectively, and your media, your society, your world in general, is doing away with the ability for people to think for th
 emselves and follow in that direction.  Corporations continue to line the pockets of politicians with their special interests in mind, funding campaignes to silence the opposition and beat the public sensless with lies on either side, and the general populace wants a simple solution.  While they work they see yet more lies, and they believe along with their friends and families in these lies for fear of being different and being noticed instead of working it out for themselves, because following is the simple solution.Still more frightfull is how close we, as people are moving towards being socially disfunctional.  No one really wants to talk anymore.  No one wants to feel rejection, embarrassment, sadness, or any other kind of emotional distress, and yet for the sake of not feeling alone, everyone will bother to use texting, which will allow you to get away with never having to see someone's facial expressions, hear their tone of voice, communicate v
 ia body language, and in general be a part of other necessary social traits.  We are so willing to feel like we're in touch with someone that we will put other people's lives at risk to do it, provided that it doesn't have to come with emotional bagage, and this mutilates many efforts to draw closer as a people to fight together and collectively bring about change!We were part of the partial destruction of internet regulation bills that allowed for governments to spy and snoop and collect information they didn't have any business in having, and sensoring sites from the net overall, but we were able to be a part of it because we collectively raised our voice to do it.  the problem comes when everyone feels like they've done their job and they go and congratulate themselves and forget about it, and history repeats itself, and the vicious cycle continues.  Since when?  Look for the first instance that america allowed its legisla
 tures to forget who put them into office and you will find that it has nothing to do with this generation of we are ruled by timewarner and direct TV, by the RIAA and the MPAA, by the Koch brothers, by Monsanto, by Verizon and AT&T, by the American Legislative Exchange Council, which currently bosts more than 2000 legislative members from all 50 states in its ranks plus the support of google and facebook, and all for the sake of special interests.  I might be able to convince 100 people, and you and I together along with those 100 could probably convince 1000, and then 10, but remember that there are nearly 4 americans to convince, and if they hardly want to hear from Jehovah's Witnesses, what do we, who sound like a crazy  mob of conspiring rioters stand to gain when the media backed by billionaires has the simple solution?  The first step to resolving a problem is admiting that there is one, and America isn't ready to ad
 mit that just yet.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] what do you think about the new iphones?

2013-09-22 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: what do you think about the new iphones?

And it's already been hacked; not even a day in, and it's been done, easily, using everyday means. … le-touchidURL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] what do you think about the new iphones?

2013-09-20 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: what do you think about the new iphones?

The more I think about this fingerprint reader, the less I like it.When you think of the purpose of a password, you appreciate the need to keep it secret.  How do you keep a fingerprint secret?  if your password is hacked or compromised in any way, you change it.  What do you do when your fingerprint is compromised?You only need one password to protect an account, and probably a security question to boot.  You don't have to tell anyone what your password is if you don't want to.  ON the other hand, or two, you have ten fingerprints, and all of them are as public as public can be, available to anyone who has the ability to lift them, since you're always touching surfaces at your job, in your house, or hell, for that matter, even on your phone!  And even more interesting, all of the data on your fingerprint is stored on the device's processor, not in the cloud, calling for the resourceful mind to come and co
 llect it.So the questions we should be asking: is it possible to convert the data obtained by the iPhone's fingerprint reader into textual or graphical data that can be used by third parties?  Can this data be obtain from the device, either physically or remotely?  Will this info be backed up to your PC when you sync your device, similar to how tracking data is?  And finally, what is apple doing to protect any data collected by the fingerprint reader and sent to them?  if their servers are hacked, who's to say that data can't be obtained?AS soon as someone obtains that print, they never have to let it go, and anything that requires a fingerprint reader that you own or will own in future is ultimately theirs to control, along with any accounts you have registered a fingerprint with which contain sensitive information, like bank accounts or credit card numbers, and so on.  Still likely to go buy one?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] jumping from xp to 8!

2013-09-17 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: jumping from xp to 8!

@ryokTo access the control panel in a much more simplified fashion do the following:1.  open the run dialogue with windows r and type control panel, then hit enter to launch.2.  Once in the control panel, you should land in a search box.  Tab once and you should see a category button.3. Hit space on this button.  This will bring up a context menu.  Once in the menu, down arrow to small icons and hit enter to save the change for future use.The menu will close and all of your control panel items will be displayed.  While they will not be in a list as they were in XP, you can navigate to them with first letter navigation.  if you need to know everything that's on your control panel use the arrow keys similar to how you would use them on the desktop.if you plan on using the windows default folders for documents, downloads, music, pictures and so on, accessing them is as simple as bringi
 ng up the run dialogue and typing in the name of the folder in question.WinR, documentsWinR, musicAS usual, you can still place items on your desktop like the recycle bin, your user folder, network places, and so on.1.  Go to your desktop and make sure that nothing is selected.2.  Bring up the context menu by performing a right click or hitting the applications key.3.  Tab over to the "change desktop icons" button and hit enter.In here, you'll see a list of checkboxes.  Check the ones you wish to appear on your desktop, then tab to the ok button and activate it to save your changes.I've yet to find a way to list programs in an organized fashion, but bringing up the metro start screen and typing out a program's name has become so much a part of my life that I hardly care.  I'm sorry I couldn't be of help in that particular problem.  I just find this practice 
 a convenient one, since all I need do is type team for TeamTalk, game for QuentinC's gameroom, computer to display all of my hard drives and such, and then I hit enter after typing whatever it is I want to bring up.  Obviously this isn't for everyone, and some people don't care for it, so I hope someone else will fill in the gaps I've missed.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] jumping from xp to 8!

2013-09-17 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: jumping from xp to 8!

@ryokTo access the control panel in a much more simplified fashion do the following:1.  open the run dialogue with windows r and type control panel, then hit enter to launch.2.  Once in the control panel, you should land in a search box.  Tab once and you should see a category button.3. Hit space on this button.  This will bring up a context menu.  Once in the menu, down arrow to small icons and hit enter to save the change for future use.The menu will close and all of your control panel items will be displayed.  While they will not be in a list as they were in XP, you can navigate to them with first letter navigation.  if you need to know everything that's on your control panel use the arrow keys similar to how you would use them on the desktop.if you plan on using the windows default folders for documents, downloads, music, pictures and so on, accessing them is as simple as bringi
 ng up the run dialogue and typing in the name of the folder in question.WinR, documentsWinR, musicAS usual, you can still place items on your desktop like the recycle bin, your user folder, network places, and so on.1.  Go to your desktop and make sure that nothing is selected.2.  Bring up the context menu by performing a right click or hitting the applications key.3.  Tab over to the "change desktop icons" button and hit enter.In here, you'll see a list of checkboxes.  Check the ones you wish to appear on your desktop, then tab to the ok button and activate it to save your changes.I've yet to find a way to list programs in an organized fashion, but bringing up the metro start screen and typing out a program's name has become so much a part of my life that I hardly care.  I'm sorry I couldn't be of help in that particular problem.  I just find this practice 
 a convenient one, since all I need do is type team for TeamTalk, game for QuentinC's gameroom, computer to display all of my hard drives and such, and then I hit anter after typing whatever it is I want to bring up.  Obviously this isn't for everyone, and some people don't care for it, so I hope someone else will fill in the gaps I've missed.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] jumping from xp to 8!

2013-09-17 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: jumping from xp to 8!

@ryokTo access the control panel in a much more simplified fashion do the following:1.  open the run dialogue with windows r and type control panel, then hit enter to launch.2.  Once in the control panel, you should land in a search box.  Tab once and you should see a category button.3. Hit space on this button.  This will bring up a context menu.  Once in the menu, down arrow to small icons and hit enter.The menu will close and all of your control panel items will be displayed.  While they will not be in a list as they were in XP, you can navigate to them with first letter navigation.  if you need to know everything that's on your control panel use the arrow keys similar to how you would use them on the desktop.if you plan on using the windows default folders for documents, downloads, music, pictures and so on, accessing them is as simple as bringing up the run dialogue and typing 
 in the name of the folder in question.WinR, documentsWinR, musicAS usual, you can still place items on your desktop like the recycle bin, your user folder, network places, and so on.1.  Go to your desktop and make sure that nothing is selected.2.  Bring up the context menu by performing a right click or hitting the applications key.3.  Tab over to the "change desktop icons" button and hit enter.In here, you'll see a list of checkboxes.  Check the ones you wish to appear on your desktop, then tab to the ok button and activate it to save your changes.I've yet to find a way to list programs in an organized fashion, but bringing up the metro start screen and typing out a program's name has become so much a part of my life that I hardly care.  I'm sorry I couldn't be of help in that particular problem.  I just find this practice a convenient one, since all I need
  do is type team for TeamTalk, game for QuentinC's gameroom, computer to display all of my hard drives and such, and then I hit anter after typing whatever it is I want to bring up.  Obviously this isn't for everyone, and some people don't care for it, so I hope someone else will fill in the gaps I've missed.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A very interesting point my dad and I came upon

2013-09-16 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: A very interesting point my dad and I came upon

My store is called Conns, and while I wouldn't necessarily recommend this approach for everyone, it seems to work for me just fine.  If you want to know if you have a store near you, check out the following: course, you could also try your nearest Tiger Direct; I believe they have payment deals too.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A very interesting point my dad and I came upon

2013-09-16 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: A very interesting point my dad and I came upon

@SebbyI slightly resent that.  to suggest that I am not being honest with myself is to say that I don't sit here and do my homework.  And why would you say such a thing!  Why!  Why, just last night I was reading that link you sent on the VO tutorial for the sake of knowing what to expect should I ever happen to get lucky in some respect and get my hands on a Mac, and I found that for me, at least, using the touch gestures seems the most logical approach, since I've sort of gotten used to voiceover on IOS, and as long as everything works with touch gestures as it does with the keyboard, I honestly wouldn't mind it at all.  At any rate, I did find something which was pretty cool that I've yet to see on windows screen readers, and that is the ability to activate links on webpages that have access keys by simply pushing the 
 key along with control, or at least that was my understanding of it.  One can move to them in windows by hitting alt and the key, but not activate them unless they push enter.  Thumbs up on VO for that one, and I'm sure if I read a bit more I'll find some other nifty tips and tricks like it to improve speed and efficiency.Contrary to your belief, I'm not approaching the system with biases or longtime prejudice.  Surely everyone has expectations, especially if you've had past experience with something similar, but most of what I feel toward the system right now is curiocity.  Yes, money is my most valid excuse even if you or anyone else won't accept it, because its true.  I don't have a thousand dollars to go out and get such a device; I don't have 500 dollars to get one that's been refurbished.  If I couldn't have gotten my PC's on payments I wouldn't really be here typing to you right now; k
 ind of a screwy situation but life goes onif and when apple introduces a service that allows me to make monthly payments for a Mac that aren't outrageous then I will gladly go have a look and ultimately pick one up.  I switched from JAWS to NVDA with ease because I had to; I don't see why I couldn't transition from windows to mac with the desire to do so.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A very interesting point my dad and I came upon

2013-09-16 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: A very interesting point my dad and I came upon

I don't understand where this idea that Microsoft should automatically take full responsibility for accessibility comes from.  The idea that narrator should challenge voiceover and ultimately defeat it or be better than it is right now is not the way of windows, and I like it that way.  Microsoft has a number of products and services ranging from media consumption to productivity and business, from gaming to simple audio recording and editing, and the greatness lies in having the ability to pick your flavor or pick your poison if you want to look at it that way.I don't use windows media player; I use foobar.  I don't use windows live mail or MS outlook; I use thunderbird.  I don't care for notepad or wordpad for simple editing, so since I happen to have JAWS installed on this PC, I'll use HJPad.  And now, I hardly use Skype for talking, preferring TeamTalk.  if in future I should decide I don't care for IE an
 ymore, there's always firefox, and chrome is working to some degree with NVDA.  if my security is not fulfilled by MSE, I grab AVG for free, or ESET Smart Security if I'm really picky, or Go with Darks' suggestion and try whatever it is he's got running which he swears by, but I can't remember the name of at the moment.And accessibility?  Has worked quite in the same way.  Narrator fulfills our basic needs, jaws is practically for everyone new or old to computers, NVDA is picking up the slack and is free, WindowEyes is somewhere in between, Hal works for everyone in the UK, SAToGo works for everyone who wants a subscription based service, Thunder is... something?  We do need improvements in accessibility in general, and it would be nice for large corporations to lend a hand in that direction, but I don't think they sh
 ould bring it upon themselves to provide anything near the equivalent of voiceover.  Yes, it should run straight out of the box.  Yes, it should work well with basics.  yes, it should work with services that are on a machine by default.  No, it should not be the best, or only option.  Narrator's getting there, but it was the tenacity of the users who worked with windows that provided the bells and whistles one learns to appreciate from accessibility on the windows platform, and as has been the case with much of the software on the windows platform, I believe that is the way it should stay for the most part.  URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A very interesting point my dad and I came upon

2013-09-16 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: A very interesting point my dad and I came upon

I wouldn't mind a mac, but I'm not going to go out and buy one because I'm seriously, not made of money.  I just managed to get my hands on a couple of audio interfaces after saving up for them; saving up for a mac would have taken me at least a year, where as these will work with just about anything, including windows.  I can record things as I see fit now and tweek them to my liking.All that to say this: if I should ever chance upon having a mac, I'm pretty sure I'll draw the same conclusions as my previous posts, because yet again I am doing the same thing I did with the iPhone, researching ahead of time, getting to know the system through other people with much more experience than I, and understanding every bit I research before claiming something about it.When I first began researching IOS and iPhones and touch screen devices in general, I was skeptical; how could a blind user ever be as quick and efficient with it
  as one could be with a device with buttons?  Over time I saw the convenience and usability demonstrated, and yet I still remained on the outside, claiming that the thing seriously had to be an acquired taste and it certainly wasn't for me.  Could I use it?  Yes.  Was it useful?  Yes.  Would I like it?  Doubtful.And yet I continued my research just in case I was missing something, something that was critical to my understanding of the device and its system.  Verizon released some fairly nice contract deals and the iPhone 4s was available to me without having to stress my pocket too badly.  I bought it.  Two hours in, I was doing everything I needed to do, but it wasn't done the way I thought it should be.  The app store seemed so clunky and getting through immense lists was a chore.  Over time the history of my apps began to add up as I downloaded games, media players, weather data software, various i
 dentifiers and scanners and such, and going through that history just to share an app with friends was a pain.  The item chooser still strikes me as a weird way of doing things, considering that there's no way to tweek what kind of data it shows you, which could particularly be useful in safari or other places that present tons of info at once, because while the rotor jesture works, I still find it hard to do, even after practicing it countless times with bop-it style apps and so on.My views still remain the same a year later.  I don't know what this device can do that I wouldn't have liked to see with buttons, and obviously we're never going to get that sort of thing back because touch screen is the way of now and the way of the future.  It still strikes me as an acquired taste, still doesn't strike me as all its cracked up to be, and while I find it highly convenient, I would never claim to like it, which is why I'm probably goin
 g to try Android next, though admittedly my hopes aren't high on that concept either.I have friends who use macs, friends who have experience with them and can tell me because of their experience what I should expect.  If they say that browsing on windows is easier, I believe them.  If they show me the differences in realtime, why shouldn't I believe them?  If I go and find userguides on apple products that tell me the same thing they've been telling me, then I find no reason to believe what they are saying isn't valid.  Yes, I'll gladly try macs when I get the chance because I want the experience, but I don't believe my stance is going to change on this issue one bit, and once I do get that mac up and running and have dealt with it for at least a month or two, I'll come back and reiterate my points with more validity.AT any rate, I think what arqmeister said in one of his previous posts is quite right; none 
 of the great corporations that really matter right now are going to be of much importance in the next 5 years.  Bill Gates is a visionary, and MS is not getting him back.  Steve Jobs was a visionary, and apple is definitely not going to get him back.  Only these two men, i'm afraid, truly have what it takes to rework these companies to their potential glory, since it was their visions that brought us the best of the worlds we know.  Everyone loves the hell out of XP still, and when XP was maturing everyone loved the hell out of windows 98.  the concept of the iPhone may not have been completely original, but it certainly did its job at creating the kind of flare needed to seriously get the smartphone market going.  Hell, even the iPod was a favorite among those who consumed media on a regular basis upon its introduction.Those times are behind us.  The surface was a bust, the new iPhone hasn't done much save to catch up with l
 ast year's droids and give you a faster chip and better camera bla bla bla, oh yes, and that oh so wonderful fingerprint reader, which isn't really a new concept, but rather a return to the focus of that concept and the commercial introduction of that concept to the every day  co

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A very interesting point my dad and I came upon

2013-09-14 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: A very interesting point my dad and I came upon

I think post 12 did a better job of taking apart and putting back together everything I posted previously.  Saving up to by a mac seems nowhere near as convenient as going to your local computer store or Walmart super center and grabbing a PC running windows on it, or trying to build your credit buy paying it off on a monthly basis from a local dealer that closely deals with the credit bureaus.  If you happen to have the money to swing around to purchase a mac, good for you!  I sincerely hope, however, that you stop to consider that not everyone does, and since we know we can get buy on windows, convincing us without sounding like an elitist in the process really isn't much of a possibility.For the past six years the mantra has been,"You wouldn't have this problem if you had a mac."  I ask an honest question involving corrupt DLL's and I get, "get a mac."  And that, is about as much a solution as telling a JA
 WS user to get NVDA, because it works better for you, which isn't much a a solution at all, just your opinion.  If a person asks you a question involving a particular screen reader, they might just need to use it as part of their work environment and don't have the time, authority, or personal computer to make the switch.  I myself am a solid NVDA user and keep JFw and windoweyes for the sole purpose of helping others when questions arise.  Yes, I find FS is doing a sloppy half job with their newest product, ripping off every screen reader just to act like they're designing something new and revolutionary, but that's not every user's fault, and this need to tout one's ability to make things more efficient by being able to switch to a non-paid item that just works better isn't the answer to solving problems that arise for those users.This is why I don't push for people to get windows 7, let alone 8 for their personal
  uses.  It may just be that they're right; for them, there is no better system, and I can't help but feel a little saddened by that, but it's not my place to go on and on about why people should get either.  If I'm asked, certainly I'll respond to the questions.  Why people still find it amazing that other blind and vision impaired individuals won't buy touchscreen devices is beyond me, since I myself have an iPhone and have drawn no new conclusions.  Is it useful?  Yes.  Convenient?  Yes.  But would I rather have something with physical buttons that I can actually feel and deal with rather than what seems like poking around on a window full of invisible data?  Yes.  Obviosly being sighted does come up from time to time for discussion, but I don't think that's possible right now in my case, so I remember how things used to be in the past and my wishful thinking takes me over from time to time, 
 but no, I don't dwell in that past, and yes, I have an iPhone, and yes, I can use it.  AT the same time, it would be rude of me to expect everyone to have the time, patience, and when it comes down to it, money to do what I've done.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A very interesting point my dad and I came upon

2013-09-14 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: A very interesting point my dad and I came upon

I think post 12 did a better job of taking apart and putting back together everything I posted previously.  Saving up to by a mac seems nowhere near as convenient as going to your local computer store or Walmart super center and grabbing a PC running windows on it, or trying to build your credit buy paying it off on a monthly basis from a local dealer that closely deals with the credit bureaus.  If you happen to have the money to swing around to purchase a mac, good for you!  I sincerely hope, however, that you stop to consider that not everyone does, and since we know we can get buy on windows, convincing us without sounding like an elitist in the process really isn't much of a possibility.For the past six years the mantra has been,"You wouldn't have this problem if you had a mac."  I ask an honest question involving corrupt DLL's and I get, "get a mac."  And that, is about as much a solution as telling a JAWS use
 r to get NVDA, because it works better for you, which isn't much a a solution at all, just your opinion.  If a person asks you a question involving a particular screen reader, they might just need to use it as part of their work environment and don't have the time, authority, or personal computer to make the switch.  I myself am a solid NVDA user and keep JFw and windoweyes for the sole purpose of helping others when questions arise.  Yes, I find FS is doing a sloppy half job with their newest product, ripping off every screen reader just to act like they're designing something new and revolutionary, but that's not every user's fault, and this need to tout one's ability to make things more efficient by being able to switch to a non-paid item that just works better isn't the answer to sloving problems that arise for those users.This is why I no longer push for people to get winodws 7, let alone 8 for their personal uses.  
 It may just be that they're right; for them, there is no better system, and I can't help but feel a little saddened by that, but it's not my place to go on and on about why people should get either.  If I'm asked, certainly I'll respond to the questions.  Why people still find it amazing that other blind and vision impaired individuals won't buy touchscreen devices is beyond me, since I myself have an iPHone and have drawn no new conclusions.  Is it useful?  Yes.  Convenient?  Yes.  But would I rather have something with physical buttons that I can actually feel and deal with rather than what seems like poking around on a window full of invisible data?  Yes.  Obviosly being sighted does come up from time to time for discussion, but I don't think that's possible right now in my case, so I remember how things used to be in the past and my wishful thinking takes me over from time to time, but no, I don
 't dwell in that past, and yes, I have an iPHone, and yes, I can use it.  AT the same time, it would be rude of me to expect everyone to have the time, patience, and when it comes down to it, money to do what I've done.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A very interesting point my dad and I came upon

2013-09-13 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: A very interesting point my dad and I came upon

My hope lies in Cortana, windows new virtual assistant.  to the average user, cortana will be a siri for windows available on all future windows carrying devices.  This assistant will work much like Siri in that the user will be able to work with voice commands to present results and give users what they are looking for, but even more interesting is the fact that Cortana, unlike Siri, will have the ability to learn from the user's interactions and adapt on a global basis, global meaning that whatever Cortana has learned will carry over to any other device the user happens to own that also contains windows.And yet Cortana is much more from what I'm reading.  cortana is a makeover, a redesign of the windows core services that will be included in future versions of windows including xbox, more than just the metro interface that we've already seen pop up in windows 8.  Cortana will not only access information on your phone to both respon
 d and try to anticipate what your queries might be, but also use MS's services such as bing to further assess information and bring it all together to respond as quickly and efficiently as possible.What does this mean for us, you ask?  Siri already enables us to do quite a few things with our phones, everything from texting to calling, sending emails, ask for directions and useful information, but this is all on mobile devices.  Cortana is more than the virtual assistant on a mobile device.  If what MS says is true and they want to integrate its capabilities directly into the windows shell, making it just as much a PC thing as an app available to people with tablets and smartphones, they will most likely want it to do something greater than Siri.  I honestly wouldn't know or could even begin to guess to what degree, but with so many users on windows PCs, and much done on PCs from facebook to personal record keeping and finance tracking, fro
 m skyping to gaming, from media consumption to extensive calculation and programming, i'd have to say it would be big.  Then again my expectations might be higher than they should be, and perhaps this won't affect screen reader users in any way at all and I've dived off the deep end and taken in more water than I know what to do with, but since seeing what MS can do to narrator I can't quite put anything past them anymore.  today we can set up our own OS from scratch without sighted assistance, thus it wouldn't surprise me to discover that installing it completely without sighted assistance on a reformatted hard drive in the near future, can practically navigate the net without the use of an external screen reader, though admittedly external software still does the job better, and why not, given that it's coded by users to deal with user specifics?Still, my gut feeling is there, and I've not been as disappointed with MS as I 
 probably should be.  One of Apple's greatest weaknesses is that it hinders innovation; voiceover has gone almost nowhere in quite awhile, and technology has marched on.  While handwriting with VO on IOS 7 might present something fun to play with, I don't believe it's truly useful.  On Macs, this voice over down arrow/uparrow for interaction with items seems like a rather clunky way of doing that very thing, and the method by which you select and deselect items certainly could use less key pressing?  The item chooser could show you different categories of items, rather than presenting this massive list of things that won't help you unless you know what you're looking for.Yes, I'm a spoiled windows user, who likes the simplicity of the system I grew up on.  Yes, I relish in the fact that I can get things done faster and with more ease.  Yes, I am seeing that more and more of what can be done on macs can be done on wind
 ows, and I am seeing less reasons to buy into the apple community, and while you might have reasons for keeping it that are slightly personal, you can't argue with me on its benefits outnumbering the environment I  know so well.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Most hilarious E-mail spam ever!

2013-09-13 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: Most hilarious E-mail spam ever!

Perhaps the funniest spam I get involves saving on auto spam? by up to 50 percent, which totally makes sense, since I'd surely be saving a lot more than my current 100 percent!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A very interesting point my dad and I came upon

2013-09-13 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: A very interesting point my dad and I came upon

My hope lies in Cortana, windows new virtual assistant.  to the average user, cortana will be a siri for windows available on all future windows carrying devices.  This assistant will work much like Siri in that the user will be able to work with voice commands to present results and give users what they are looking for, but even more interesting is the fact that Cortana, unlike Siri, will have the ability to learn from the user's interactions and adapt on a global basis, global meaning that whatever Cortana has learned will carry over to any other device the user happens to own that also contains windows.And yet Cortana is much more from what I'm reading.  cortana is a makeover, a redesign of the windows core services that will be included in future versions of windows including xbox, more than just the metro interface that we've already seen pop up in windows 8.  Cortana will not only access information on your phone to both respon
 d and try to anticipate what your queries might be, but also use MS's services such as bing to further assess information and bring it all together to respond as quickly and efficiently as possible.What does this mean for us, you ask?  Siri already enables us to do quite a few things with our phones, everything from texting to calling, sending emails, ask for directions and useful information, but this is all on mobile devices.  Cortana is more than the virtual assistant on a mobile device.  If what MS says is true and they want to integrate its capabilities directly into the windows shell, making it just as much a PC thing as an app available to people with tablets and smartphones, they will most likely want it to do something greater than Siri.  I honestly wouldn't know or could even begin to guess to what degree, but with so many users on windows PCs, and much done on PCs from facebook to personal record keeping and finance tracking, fro
 m skyping to gaming, from media consumption to extensive calculation and programming, i'd have to say it would be big.  Then again my expectations might be higher than they should be, and perhaps this won't affect screen reader users in any way at all and I've dived off the deep end and taken in more water than I know what to do with, but since seeing what MS can do to narrator I can't quite put anything past them anymore.  today we can install our own OS without sighted assistance, can practically navigate the net without the use of an external screen reader, though admittedly external software still does the job better, and why not, given that it's coded by users to deal with user specifics?Still, my gut feeling is there, and I've not been as disappointed with MS as I probably should be.  One of Apple's greatest weaknesses is that it hinders innovation; voiceover has gone almost nowhere in quite awhile, and technology 
 has marched on.  While handwriting with VO on IOS 7 might present something fun to play with, I don't believe it's truly useful.  On Macs, this voice over down arrow/uparrow for interaction with items seems like a rather clunky way of doing that very thing, and the method by which you select and deselect items certainly could use less key pressing?  The item chooser could show you different categories of items, rather than presenting this massive list of things that won't help you unless you know what you're looking for.Yes, I'm a spoiled windows user, who likes the simplicity of the system I grew up on.  Yes, I relish in the fact that I can get things done faster and with more ease.  Yes, I am seeing that more and more of what can be done on macs can be done on windows, and I am seeing less reasons to buy into the apple community, and while you might have reasons for keeping it that are slightly personal, you can't argue
  with me on its benefits outnumbering the environment I  know so well.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] what do you think about the new iphones?

2013-09-13 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: what do you think about the new iphones?

Well I certainly don't believe they've done anything for their device's success and  can offer nothing else on that front, however, they have declared war on the password by introducing a fingerprint reader to such a commonplace device, making it only a matter of time before competitors and even companies that provide other devices, home security systems, safes, maybe even cars start doing the same thing.  The death of the password is near, and apple certainly believes in the security of its users; this much is clear.  the iPhone, well, just managed to catch up to last year's droids as far as I can tell, and has a faster chip, and they got rid of my black one, big meanies.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] What the fuck? Is wrong with me.

2013-09-12 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: What the fuck? Is wrong with me.

I think I might be able to answer that one; in a situation or place where, say, transportation services are not all that workable or nonexistent for blind people, it is generally easier to have someone who is sighted drive you to a place like the local pool or mall or movie theater and what have you, even if they don't stick around.  We have services like that here in the states called provider services, usually handed out to anyone who can show they need it by companies that provide medical/healthcare services.  they can generally assign someone to help you with simple things like helping you organize and sort canned goods and other items you can't tell apart from each other, or in more extreme cases, help you get out of bed or bathe.  to keep it short, the service is fairly customizable and flexible, allowing you to even pick someone you know provided that they are not a parent to provide said services, at which point they are employed by the company giv
 ing out those services and paid based on a set of assigned hours which you can schedule for their and your convenience.  Obviously the agency in charge of said services can and will limit the amount of hours you can assign so that no one takes complete advantage of the system for their own gains, but the way you set up those hours is completely up to you and the person providing, as it were.Certainly it is better to have friends to go to different places with and be around in general, but to make those friends you have to get to places first, and if your cab services are expensive either because you live way out of the way of anything major, or your nearest busstop happens to be a 45 minute walk away plastered with tricky intersections and wreckless drivers, it creates somewhat of an inconvenience.  Moving to a more adequate place that allows for all of these things to fall into order is an option, sure, again, if you have the money.  Sort of a catch22 there.Obviously I don't know what his case might be, but these are possibilities.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] What the fuck? Is wrong with me.

2013-09-12 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: What the fuck? Is wrong with me.

Well as I said, I don't really know what your actual scenario is, so I couldn't have answered to the T, though from general understanding and knowing that such services exist I figured I'd take a shot at it.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] an audio recording program for windows, that is free.

2013-08-28 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: an audio recording program for windows, that is free.

AT Joseph:Negative; I am 100 percent blind and use audition version 1.5, which sort of isn't cool I suppose since it doesn't allow for the opening of many more modern audio formats like flac or ogg, though my experience has taught me that it isn't a bad idea to have different bits of recording/editing software for different purposes.  I might use goldwave to produce an effect of some sort, then turn around and use audition to fine tune what I started. if I want to multitrack I use audacity.  People say reaper can do the job much more nicely, though I've never tried using it that way to be honest.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] an audio recording program for windows, that is free.

2013-08-27 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: an audio recording program for windows, that is free.

I'm going to jump on the bandwagon for audacity, since it is a nice bit of software I tend to use when not using audition.  It has started shipping with some audio interfaces, and I know of professionals that use it just as much as any other good audio editing and recording software.  It is certainly a program worth looking at more than twice, since your first poke around might leave you feeling somewhat intimidated, , and if you don't know anything about recording and editing to begin with you might get lost, but eventually you'll find yourself doing quite a few things with it that might surprise you.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Another Pathetic Marketing Fail

2013-08-26 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: Another Pathetic Marketing Fail

There's more to it as well they don't take into their considerations, like you can't get a job without experience, and you can't get experience without a job, totally catch22 nonsense that keeps a bunch of people who are on unemployment benefits, wellfare and other such programs in the same place.  Unemployment and poverty are probably two of the most vicious cycles I've ever witnessed, but I suppose we're really getting off topic here.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Another Pathetic Marketing Fail

2013-08-26 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: Another Pathetic Marketing Fail

Amen to post 7, which is why I gave up on division for blind services a long time ago.  Yes, I gave up on them.  Their focus and their job were two different.  They chose to focus on pushing the why I shouldn't do what I was interested in doing doctrine, which at the time fully involved everything from musical production and performance to broadcasting; maybe they really believed I couldn't owing to my hearing impairment and so on, but they never bothered to explain that to me, Instead opting to simply insist on my doing something else they could help me with.  When I turned my attention to online corses they stamped their foot on that too, telling me they flat out would not help in any direction on that ground and that I had to go to a college/university.Their job, which as I previously mentioned was different from their focus, was to assist me in obtaining both work experience and ultimately employment in some respect or another.  
 After attending college for the better part of two years and realizing I was learning nothing, I simply knew it could not go on.  Yes, one could say take advantage of every bit of money being thrown into the matter and use it to go back again and again until I did learn, but that's time wasted, time not doing anything either productive or useful to myself and or anyone else, which I felt I could do if I didn't have an immense amount of boring research and useless notetaking to deal with.Today, I help people on everything from computers and mobile devices to audio production, stage musical performances at events ranging from local parties to large well planned festivals that see thousands of people from all walks of life showing up to enjoy music, food, games, and other aspects of culture.  I get told that I should keep doing what I do and I'm thankful for it, and this is the kind of thing that keeps me going when life seems to get just a little 
 too hard, and it certainly helped more than an organization that claimed to exist to do that exact thing.  I don't see what I am doing as simply a chore, especially when I know it's going to benefit someone else.  Will I ever have a job?  That's an argument I won't get into simply because I have not the slightest idea what the future holds, but no one can say I don't do something for a living and be truthful about it.  No, I don't always get paid the way you would expect to get paid, but when you have no boss and simply work with what you have on hand rather than something a corporation gave you and you manage to make someone's day, you gain the ability to appreciate yourself as a person and truly see what you're capable of on purely raw talent and resourcefulness.  The end result is the same; you get people who hate what you do regardless of weather they think you're well educated or not.  You end up 
 with people trying to discourage your every move if it seems to take you closer to success in any way, telling you what they think you should do and how you should do it, even if they don't understand your situation whatsoever.So who am I?  An audiogamer?  A musician?  A writer?  A computer enthusiast?  An observant student and teacher combo with light sarcasm built in on the side?  A risktaker with a die hard, devil-may-care attitude?  If I'm to believe what people say which is that I do good at what I do, I'm all of the above, and if you give me your time and your thoughts, I'll be your friend too.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Another dilema

2013-08-21 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: Another dilema

Agreed with post 9; I can think of many reasons why you shouldn't hate your blindness, , though I suppose I should probably stop there, since this is completely another topic.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Another dilema

2013-08-19 Thread ForumOff-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: Another dilema

All I post within these lines is personal, entirely drawn from experience, and hopefully, full of good things.  As such, I sincerely hope You read this in its entirety, and I hope some of what I say helps out.Every good thing in life takes time, and that includes relationships.  Especially relationships.  You're dealing with another human with emotions as complex as your own, not a computer program or game who's logic will remain unchanged for the most part.  Hormones, chemical structure, physical and mental external influence, people coming and going, circumstances, situations, just like you've got it, she's got it, and still more interesting is that she might not be as good at expressing just what she's feeling as you are.  That bit is going to take time, time you have to be willing to donate if you want to know the outcome.But you're afraid of being annoying?  A burden, you say?  Maybe you're ri
 ght; she's too nice for her own good and doesn't know how to tell people to go away, but that's her problem, not yours.  Your problem at this point seems to be one you've outlined above, your self esteem.  The way you view yourself is important, because it goes a long way towards respecting others if you can appreciate yourself for who and what you are.  Confidence is important in going forward with any situation; sometimes that extra bit of confidence has to come from somewhere deep down inside, be it from a sudden stroke of inspiration or what have you, and sometimes it comes from elsewhere, like a friend or relative who knows you inside out that you can connect the dots with.When everything I've mentioned above seems to fail remember this; not everything in life makes sense, and sometimes understanding doesn't come to us, at which point we need to simply force acceptance for those things which are fact and cannot be changed, bec
 ause when we think about it, if they're fact, then no amount of understanding would change them anyway.  Yes, it might help us deal with them a bit better, but that's about where it ends.  Be true to who you are; try to find out who and what that really is instead of letting it eat at your insides, because that is the person you want to show her; that is the person she needs to see.URL:

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