Re: [Audiogames-reflector] programming editors and screenreaders

2014-05-01 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: programming editors and screenreaders

I use Visual Studio 2010 Pro or Academic for C# and C++.I use Notepad++ for normal text editing and editing of any other languages like _javascript_, ruby, python, etc.And NVDA with all of them.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alternative To Dropbox

2014-04-19 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: Alternative To Dropbox

Ive only ever used dropbox and BitTorrent Sync.Ill say that I seem to be able to use BitTorrent Sync on windows fine with NVDA screen review.When adding a new folder to share it seems to label the 2 textboxes wrong, the first is for the key and the second is for the folder path.But once you know this it works all right.I use screen review to switch tabs.Ive never tried to add someone elses shared folder, just shared my own and sent people the key so my usage is limited.Nor do I know what apps support it on iOS.Its nice that the service does not have any storage limit though.HTHURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Alternative To Dropbox

2014-04-19 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: Alternative To Dropbox

I didnt realize there was a web UI.The service is peer to peer file sharing so the files are never stored on a centralized server as is the case with dropbox.This also means you cant sync with your computer if its gone to sleep or powered down, etc.This isnt really a problem for me though.Do you have a link to the web UI?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Shameless self promotion aka Dark's singing demos

2014-04-13 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: Shameless self promotion aka Dark's singing demos

[[wow]]! Great job Dark!Im glad you shared these.I thought they sounded really good.O Delmio seemed to have some random bits of static now and then.Despite that, it was my favorite, followed by Music Of The Night.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Update Your iOS Devices ASAP

2014-02-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: Update Your iOS Devices ASAP

Sebby, are you saying theres no way for me to update my iPhone 4 to the latest IOS 6 version?Its IOS 7 or nothing?I know nothing about jailbreaking and am not really interested in the effort / understanding that requires.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Update Your iOS Devices ASAP

2014-02-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: Update Your iOS Devices ASAP

Thanks Sebby, sad news, but it is what it is.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] vaporizers

2014-02-03 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: vaporizers

Lol, Im obviously not vamiliar with this type of product.My first thought was that I cant wait till Dark responds to tell us about his blind friendly vaporizor and how he uses it to fight the forces of evil, zombies, and aliens.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] vaporizers

2014-02-03 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: vaporizers

Alien  zombi mutant  robot  dinosaur pirate cowboys from the 12th dimention eh?Nothing about ninjas?Still sounds pretty useful. Ill have to get me one.@falcon, sorry for hijacking your topic. I hope someone who actually knows about vaporizers comes along soon.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The C and C++ Programming Languages

2014-01-28 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: The C and C++ Programming Languages

@Ethin, just a correction, Visual C++ is an integrated development environment, not a language.It supports compiling the C, C++, and C++ CLI languages.C++ CLI is the one with .NET Framework support.Wikipedia says: Microsoft Visual C++ (often abbreviated as MSVC or VC++) is a commercial (free version available), integrated development environment (IDE) product from Microsoft for the C, C++, and C++/CLI programming languages.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The C and C++ Programming Languages

2014-01-28 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: The C and C++ Programming Languages

Sigh, not that it matters much, but I was just trying to make a friendly correction so that people have correct information.But here we go.Ethin said: Oh, and C++CLI is also known as Visual C++.I say: I think hes mistaken.Heres the wikipedia article I referenced for anyone who wants to read it: a stack overflow question where someone asks the difference between C++ and VC++: … n-vc-and-cThe accepted answer is:C++ is the actual language, VC++ is Microsofts Visual C++, an IDE for C++ development.I say: For anyone that doesnt know IDE is the acronym for integrated development environment.This page asked the question: What is the difference between C++ and Visual C++. … d=53251928The best answer was:C++ is a programming language with a rich history.  It is even today one of the most popular programming languages, and it has been one of the most popular languages for many years.  C++ is more or less completely backwards compatible with another language called C, that is to say that almost any C program will work fine with a C++ compiler.  Thats why its named C++, its C plus some extras.Microsoft Visual C++ is a Microsoft-specific, Windows-specific programming environment.  It is Microsofts IDE for writing Windows programs in C++, and because Microsoft owns Windows, it is generally considered the de-facto Windows C++ development environment.  If you want to write C++ programs in general, its not necessarily for you.  If you want to write Windows C++ programs, its probably the best IDE for the job.I say: Those are 3 online resources that agree that Visual C++ is an integrated development environment, not a language.So either all 3 are wrong, or Ethin is.People can choose what they want to believe and I cant change that.I can only share links to online resources that people can read and then decide for themselves.URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The C and C++ Programming Languages

2014-01-27 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: The C and C++ Programming Languages

@severestormsteve1, Visual Studio has support for C and C++ and comes with its own compilers for them.But linux and Mac also have their own C and C++ compilers and there are Windows C++ compilers not created by Microsoft.According to wikipedia C was created around 1972 by Dennis Ritchie  Bell Labs.And C++ was developed by Bjarne Stroustrup starting in 1979 at Bell Labs.No, not all languages developed by Microsoft use the .NET Framework. For instance Visual Basic 6 does not.But VB6 was created in 1991 and .NET appeared around 2002 or so.Neither does Typescript if you consider that its own language, though it is mostly a superset of _javascript_, and that was created in only the past few years.That said, Microsoft does have a few .NET languages such as: C#, VB.NET, F#, to name a few.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The C and C++ Programming Languages

2014-01-27 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: The C and C++ Programming Languages

Hmm, confusing to have someone in the conversation whos alias is a product we are discussing.To clarify what Visual Studio said:There is a version of C++ called C++ CLI that allows you to use native C++ classes alongside managed .NET classes.This was created by Microsoft and is supported only on Windows using Microsofts Visual Studio.So as he said C++ with the .NET Framework is not supported on non windows platforms or with MinGW on Windows.The clarification is that other .NET languages are supported on non windows platforms via the Mono project, MonoTouch, and MonoDroid provided through Xamarin Studio.For example my brother wrote a game in C# that runs on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android.It could have also been made to run on linux if hed chosen to do that.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The C and C++ Programming Languages

2014-01-27 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: The C and C++ Programming Languages

Hmm, confusing to have someone in the conversation whos alias is a product we are discussing, smile.To clarify what Visual Studio said:There is a version of C++ called C++ CLI that allows you to use native C++ classes alongside managed .NET classes.This was created by Microsoft and is supported only on Windows using Microsofts Visual Studio.So as he said C++ with the .NET Framework is not supported on non windows platforms or with MinGW on Windows.The clarification is that other .NET languages are supported on non windows platforms via the Mono project, MonoTouch, and MonoDroid provided through Xamarin Studio.For example my brother wrote a game in C# that runs on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android.It could have also been made to run on linux if hed chosen to do that.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The C and C++ Programming Languages

2014-01-26 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: The C and C++ Programming Languages

@Victorious, its not possible, both C# and Java have this problem.But you can obfuscate the code.The simplest level of obfuscation involves making every class, field, and method have unhelpful names like A, B, C, AA, AB, AC, etc.This old msdn article does a great job of explaining it: youll still find that many programs are not obfuscated.@severestormsteve1, just a clarification, C and C++ are not Microsoft creations, just C#.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Winamp is acting screwy

2014-01-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: Winamp is acting screwy

No idea why its crashing on you.Im using version 5.63 with NVDA and no problems.If youd like to try that version instead you can get it here: … _en-us.exeLooks like I got it from the winamp site back in November 2012.URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Describing pictures for blind people

2014-01-04 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: Describing pictures for blind people

I dont think you need to remove references to colors.Many blind people have had or still have some vision and a concept of color.Though colors might not be useful for those who have never seen them it seems like a waste to exclude the large number of blind people who have.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Screen Reader API for .NET

2013-12-04 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: Screen Reader API for .NET

@Aminiel, that is very interesting.I would use Craig Bretts C# wrapper around your first screen reader API if you released it such that I could use it in commercial projects without a cost.Would you release that one as open source as well?Is there really a big difference between how well the first API and the second one you made work?Does your first one include the ability to disable the JAWS keyboard hooks as Munawars shared code does?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] NVDA Source Code

2013-12-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: NVDA Source Code

See the NVDA development page here: includes documentation that will help you.It also links to this page: … SourceCodeThat tells you how to download the source using git.URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Screen Reader API for .NET

2013-12-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: Screen Reader API for .NET

And heres the link to Craig Bretts blog where he describes his wrapper around Quentin C.s screen reader API: … ows-8.htmlApparently hes added it to Nuget now.URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Nvda and reading webpages.

2013-12-01 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: Nvda and reading webpages.

Try going to Preferences, Browse mode.Then uncheck Use screen layout (when supported).URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Screen Reader API for .NET

2013-12-01 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: Screen Reader API for .NET

Hi Munawar,Thanks for sharing!I am also developing audio games in .NET.FYI, System.Speech.Synthesis.Synthesizer has a known memory leak.Microsoft has decided not to fix it according to the bug filed here: … emory-leakThat said, this .NET wrapper is the only thing with the leak.You can use the interop.SpeechLib COM object directly to avoid the memory leak.Or I think there is a way to compile against the SAPI 5 stuff directly in C++.I switched to the COM object and it seems to work fine on my machine with no leaks, but someone did report that its responsiveness is a bit slower than the .NET version was.I have not noticed the lag personally though.If youd like I can grab my code for working with the SAPI com object and get it in a form suitable for sharing.The COM object is not quite as friendly as System.Speech is.Long ago I believe Quentin C said that he had noticed the slowness in the COM object and so had compiled against SAPI directly in C++ for his screen reader API.I didnt take much notice at the time since I was using System.Speech.Synthesis and didnt know of the memory leak.But someday it would be nice to try the C++ SAPI stuff directly without COM to see if it fixes the lag.It is a fairly slow leak. Tactical Battle got away with it for over a year before I realized it was a problem.Also, Craig Brett made a C# wrapper around one of Quentin Cs screen reader APIs, there are 2 of them, but I forget which is which.You might check out his wrapper if youre comfortable with Quentin C.s license.Thanks again for sharing!Ive already got code I use for this sort of thing but there are pieces of what youve shared that will be very helpful in improving it.If youd like to discuss any other C# audio games development topics feel free to email me at ReedURL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Complete Manual of Suicide?

2013-11-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: The Complete Manual of Suicide?

@gellman, In post 14 Tomato said: If you would like to die, as I would.This clearly states that he/she would like to die. To me that indicates suicidal.One might argue that the statement alone is not enough to be taken seriously, but coupled with the search for these materials I think it is reasonable ground to consider Tomato as suicidal.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Life status and an apology

2013-11-17 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: Life status and an apology

Just ask her name. Shell tell you.Its not as big of a deal as you think and she will be understanding because you cant use your vision to recognize her face.She may even start telling you who she is when she talks to you in the future so you dont even have to ask.This is far better than the alternative of having her walk away and realizing you dont know who you talked to.Ive had the same experience many times due to being shy. Its just better to ask if you dont recognize her voice after the first sentence or 2.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] An insulting Message from facebook to All Blind Members

2013-11-01 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: An insulting Message from facebook to All Blind Members

@Spiraling Wyvern, +1 for post 25.Dont feed the trolls. I love it, a simple statement that sums it all up.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

2013-10-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

Camlorn said: Since the debugger is the most important part, I dropped it.I say: Personally I appreciate the go to definition, intellisense, and a few of the refactorings more than the debugger.Ill admit I dont use the debugger much anymore, but it is still useable if you know how it works.I think though that I have an advantage there because I used Visual Studio extensively before I lost my ability to read with my eyes, so I can do a few things without my screen reader being able to tell me everything.In fact as I think about it I use a few little work arounds to get at information I want that would not be obvious if coming to the tool with no previous experience and no vision to help figure out the workarounds.For instance the watch window does not read in NVDA, but you can still press F2, type the name of the value you want to watch, press enter, then press control + C to copy it to your clipboard and press NVDA + C to have it read to y
 ou, or paste it into a another editor.I realize that sounds extensive, but since Im already so familiar with the tool a few of these little workarounds are worth it for the continued use of the tool.I have considered moving to something like Eclipse, but that would require a significant learning curve, and Im not really sure it would result in a better experience, perhaps that is only for me personally, not for people new to both IDEs.In addition, Visual Studio gets to be the first class citizen when it comes to new Microsoft technologies.For instance I recently installed Visual Studio 2012 so that I could install the plugin for TypeScript.I found the install experience to be painful, but now that its installed I do enjoy the go to definition, intellisense, and refactorings it provides.So Visual Studio definitely has a lot of room for improvement, but it is useable and still the most productive tool for me personally.As 
 an aside, I dont understand what problem youve had alt tabbing out of Visual studio. That seems to work fine for me.Id be interested to hear what other IDEs people have used, and specifically if intellisense works well in them for C#.Thanks!Ian ReedURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

2013-10-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

@Camlorn, I sensed some frustration or anger in your message.Let me apologize. My last post was actually pointing out that I am in a different situation than others and so it seems more accessible to me than it would for others.You said: I am aware of the benefits of visual studio.I say: I was not presuming to educate you, just to point out that those features mean a lot more to me than the debugger does.You said: If you are a good enough coder that you can live without a debugger for all your projects, congrats.  Is refactoring/completion nice? yes.  But not necessary.I say: Neither a debugger or refactoring / code completion are necessary. We could all program in notepad, but obviously debuggers and code completion / refactorings give us better productivity most of the time.You said: If i had used it for a very long time before we started having these issues, I suppose Id have my little tricks built up to a point where I could use words like room for improvement.  The fact that you, with your hotkeys and workarounds, are saying room for improvement means unusable for the rest of us.I say: Me, with my hot keys and workarounds? Again, I did not mean to offend you.I dont think the editor is unusable, I suppose the debugger is, and I definitely see most of the frustrations you have pointed out.To clarify Im using Visual Studio 2010 for most of my work, and I do agree things get worse in 2012.And as already stated, I realize Im in a different position than most other blind programmers.I cant speak to the pains you get in C++ as I dont usually code in it.Do you know if Eclipse has accessible code completion?I ask because it is one of the more important features to me, and I would like an IDE with better accessibility if I can switch without giving up too much.Id also appreciate any additional information you can give about the accessibility benefits of Eclipse, even a compare and contrast of Eclipse to Visual Studio.Thanks for your patience with me.Ian ReedURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

2013-10-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

Well Im glad to hear your frustration is not with me, smile.You said: and yet no one does anything.I say: Agreed. If you come up with a good way for blind programmers who want to use Visual Studio to get their voice heard at Microsoft please let me know. Id also love to see it improved, and I agree that it probably wouldnt take them all that long.Thanks for the information about Eclipse. I just tried code completion in Java using Eclipse and it didnt seem to work in NVDA, but perhaps someone who does use it knows how to get at the information, or perhaps it is better in JAWS.You said: I do have to disagree about debuggers.I say: Well just have to agree to disagree then, smile.You said: I cannot look up what my variables are at line 6 on iteration 500 through a for loop when x y and z are all happening at the same time without a debugger, or inserting a bunch of print statements and deleting them 
 at some later point.I say: So you can do it, but you have to use print statements and delete them later.I agree this is less efficient than a debugger, which is why I feel a debugger is a productivity tool but not necessary.I know youve had a lot of experience with different languages, have you really had a debugger available in every single one?PHP? Perl? Ruby?People code without debuggers all the time, it is often less efficient, but not necessary.I guess it just comes down to different view points, but I do understand youre frustration.Thanks for clarifying that your frustration is with Visual Studio. It really does need a lot of improvements to accessibility.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

2013-10-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

Im definitely not sure Perl and Ruby dont have one.In fact, I expect that all 3 of PHP, Perl, and Ruby have debuggers.It is just more common that people programming in those languages are not using one.Whereas using a debugger is the norm with C++, C#, and Java.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

2013-10-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

Well, compilers can usually be used from the command line, so they all end up accessible.A lot of this discussion has been about IDEs. An IDE is an integrated development environment.Or in other words a fancy text editor that can build your code with a hot key, give you better ways to manage files, give you hot keys for changing method names throughout a program or for navigating your code better, present code completion to help you when you cant remember the exact name of a property, and give you a debugger to help you track down bugs without muddling your code with print statements.An IDE just calls the command line compiler though, so you can skip the IDE altogether and use your favorite plain text editor plus the command line compiler to get a completely accessible experience.Personally I use Visual Studio 2010 and C#, but as discussed Visual Studio does have some accessibility issues.For compiling C# you can use the compiler that com
 es with Visual Studio, or the mono compiler.Visual Studios compiler has access to the latest C# features, but Mono is all about making C# cross platform, so they both have their benefits.Ive never used mono myself.I cant comment on C++ since Im not that knowledgable about it.Hope that helps.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

2013-10-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

If youd like some help working with Visual Studio 2010 and C# you can contact me at and I can help you get started with the most useful hot keys and such.I do not read with my eyes and use Visual Studio 2010 every day.Its got its fair share of accessibility problems, but for me the benefits are worth the problems.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

2013-10-18 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

@Sebby, thanks for the information.I agree the higher tiers of Visual Studio seem quite expensive and I wish they cost a bit less, oh well, frown.@king gamer222, I just checked this page to find out the operating system requirements for Visual Studio 2013 express editions: … s-productsThese 2 versions require Windows 7 or later:Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 for WebMicrosoft Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows DesktopThese 2 versions require Windows 8.1:Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2013 for WindowsVisual Studio Express 2012 for Windows PhoneThose last 2 are for making the new metro style apps as opposed to the old style desktop applications and so it makes sense that they require Windows 8.1.Personally I prefer to make web and the old style desktop applications for Windows, and if I were going to target a mobile platform it would be IOS and Android due to their accessibility so for me Windows 7 is recent enough.I always use the Visual Studio IDE and never the command line compiler, so off hand Im not much help there.But if you send me the code you are trying to compile Ill have a look at it.You can send it to done C# for over 9 years and its what I write all my games in so I should be able to help with errors in the code.URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

2013-10-18 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

The IDE is the Visual Studio Express application.So you just launch Visual Studio Express from the start menu.What screen reader are you using? Or feel free to tell me through email.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

2013-10-18 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

Here is the link for Visual C# 2010 Express: … cs_web.exeFound on this page: … 10-expressI just downloaded and installed VS 2012 express today, so I know for certain that one can still be obtained, and the above links indicate that VS 2010 express is also still available.URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

2013-10-17 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

It looks like the final version of Visual Studio 2013 was just released today, so it is no longer in beta.I have been using Visual Studio for over 9 years.Currently Im using Visual Studio 2010 and its fine for almost everything I do.Id say that you wont get much of a difference between 2010 and 2013 unless you are wanting to use cutting edge features.And if youre a beginner then you probably arent concerned with cutting edge features.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

2013-10-17 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: Microsoft Visual Studeo 2013

Hi Sebby,Interesting, the experience might be quite different in JAWS. I dont own a copy so cant compare.You said: apparently NVDA isnt receiving correct information). Since WPF apps need special handling to be accessible.I say: Im not sure what you mean here. WPF uses UIAutomation which was intended to be Microsofts replacement for MSAA and is also supposed to be backwards compatible with MSAA.Meaning that screen readers that only use MSAA information should continue to work in WPF apps.Ive heard comments long ago from the NVDA developers that said that UIAutomation had some bad bugs, but I cant say whether they affected the backwards compatibility or not.I think some of the biggest bugs had to do with performance and WPF sending a ridiculous amount of accessibility events per second.Its been a while since Ive made any WPF apps, but when I made them I did not need to do an
 y special handling to get my screen reader to interact with them.To be sure, I did not like some of the changes that were made to how you interacted with WPF controls using the keyboard, but they still seemed accessible by default, if not efficiently so.Since I havent used VS 2012 or VS 2013 I have no personal experience with how accessible or slow they are.You may enjoy 2010, again I cant compare with 2012 so I cant say if its better or not.I wont try to defend Microsoft. Everyone has their own opinion on such matters and are welcome to it, smile.What is VDK? Im not familiar with that term.Does the Visual Studio Express compiler not do resource compiling or MFC?Visual Studio Express is free.Im afraid some of that is over my head since Ive only done a limited amount in C/C++ and not done much in Visual Studio Express either.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] teaching myself piano?

2013-10-15 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: teaching myself piano?

Hi wanderer,If you have a BARD account you can get access to tons of audio instructional material for learning piano at no cost.Login to BARD, then click the Music Collection   link.Then you can use the nomal BARD methods to search.Personally I set the browse by subject combo box to piano and pressed Go.Then I can use my screen readers search feature to search the page for instructional;.Thats instructional with a semi-colon after it.This takes me to all of the general purpose instructional materials such as learning to play for beginners, or for specific types of music like rag time, blues, and jazz.If you just look at each audio book you will find that 90% of them are Bill Browns piano by ear courses in which each book is him teaching you how to play a specific song.Dont be scared off by the by ear phrase because he actually teaches you every single note and usually all of the fingering as well so even if you have a hard time learning songs by ear youll find this easy.Id recommend starting with some of the beginner courses, and later moving on to specific songs.If you dont have a BARD account, but you live in the US and have a reading impairment then you can get one for free.First you have to become a patron of the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped.This generally involves having your eye doctor send them proof of your vision impairment.Once approved you can fill out the application for BARD located here: … tions.htmlIf you do not live in the US you can still purchase Bill Browns audio lessons at this page: will need your own instrument to practice on.When I first started I owned a cheap 60 key keyboard that cost me less than $100.It did not let me practice dynamics and was really only good for me to learn to play simple melodies.But it was an inexpensive investment while I was trying to decide how much I really wanted to learn to play piano.Once I decided I spent between $600 and $800 to get a very nice 88 key keyboard.I currently also see a piano teacher once a week.Ive read a beginners manual on reading braille music.I think if youre going to major in music you will need to learn braille music, but if youre just doing it as a hobby then playing by ear is a faster route to get you playing and enjoying the piano.Hope that helps,Ian ReedURL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Refresha brail 18 for NVDA?

2013-09-20 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: Refresha brail 18 for NVDA?

From the NVDA user guide:11.5. Baum/Humanware/APH Braille DisplaysSeveral Baum, HumanWare and APH displays are supported when connected via USB or bluetooth. These include: ‧APH: Refreshabraille If you go to Preferences  Braille settings, in the NVDA menu you will find a drop down for Braille display.Then you can choose:Baum/HumanWare/APH braille displaysIt may take a little more work than this, such as installing the USB drivers for your Refreshabraille display.Though they are likely already installed if using it with JAWS.Give it a shot and lets hear how it goes. Someone recently asked me to help setup a Refreshabraille in NVDA so Ill be interested to hear what steps you take to get it working.Ian ReedURL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] NVDA Control Question

2013-09-18 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: NVDA Control Question

You might try EdSharp as it edits simple text files like notepad does.I just checked the documentation and it says you can read by paragraph using the control + up arrow or control + down arrow keys.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Questions about learning Nemeth.

2013-09-14 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: Questions about learning Nemeth.

Guitarman, thanks for the offer, but I think I understand the numbers pretty well.They are just the normal numbers but dropped 1 row, right?They also happen to be the same as computer braille numbers.Im looking for material just like what CAE_Jones provided in post 8.Things that demonstrate what a solved problem might look like in Nemeth and describe the dots used for special characters like multiply, divide, PI, and Theta.CAE_Jones already covered those but that is just an example of the kind of things that would be helpful to me.For example he wrote an unsolved long division problem and it would be interesting to see what the solved version would look like in Nemeth, including the character used for remainder.And actually if someone owns a good braille book on Nemeth and can recommend it I could probably just purchase that to do self study out of it.Thanks for the help,Ian ReedURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Questions about learning Nemeth.

2013-09-13 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: Questions about learning Nemeth.

raygrote, thanks for your willingness to help.I do believe .brf files are basically 8 dot computer braille.There is a slight difference in that they use some characters that also use dot 7 in computer braille where they should be using the character that does not.For example I know they use a backslash to do dots 1, 2, 5, and 6 when they should use a pipe / vertical bar because it doesnt include dot 7.I think theres one or 2 other characters they do that with.In the past Ive actually opened .brf files in notepad or notepad++ and done a find and replace for all those characters so I could read it correctly with my braille display set to computer braille.What programs are you supposed to read .brf in? I actually dont know since I always just use notepad++ and do the simple find and replaces.Anyway, if youre interested in writing a tutorial in that format I think it would be quite helpful, and hopefully fo
 r others beyond me, but I know Id get something out of it for sure.Ian ReedURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Questions about learning Nemeth.

2013-09-05 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Questions about learning Nemeth.

Hi, Im interested in learning Nemeth.I currently read U.S. English braille grade 2 and U.S. 8 dot computer braille.I have taken math courses up through college algebra / pre-calculus and Trigonometry when I could still read with my eyes.My math is a bit rusty though, hence the reason for learning Nemeth.I have a refreshable braille display attached to my Windows 7 computer. It does not have a braille keyboard.I use the NVDA screen reader.I do not own a brailler and have never used one.So Id like to know my options for learning Nemeth.Ive had no experience with Nemeth so dont know if I can learn it without a brailler, but my hope is to learn it on my computer using my refreshable braille display.If there is a good way to do this it will also serve me well for writing out long hand math problems on my computer.Id also prefer to learn free or low cost and am not afraid of self study.
 I know Hadley provides a course for free called The Essentials of the Nemeth Code but I expect it requires a brailler.Anyway, just wanted to check with others first to see if there is a good way to learn and use Nemeth on my computer.Also interested to hear any other information youd like to share about Nemeth or your experience learning it.Thanks much!Ian ReedURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Questions about learning Nemeth.

2013-09-05 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: Questions about learning Nemeth.

Thanks for the responses.Braillers look to be near $800 new and at least $300 used.I could maybe do the $300, but my preference is for low cost or free.Im actually surprised at how difficult it is to find material online that outlines how Nemeth works, even just a table that says this set of dots means this symbol would be helpful.Guitarman, Thanks, the numbers you wrote are exactly the same as they would be in 8 dot computer braille.In fact I think 8 dot computer braille shares a lot of similarities with Nemeth, but since I dont have a book on Nemeth I cant verify how much.I found a program online for teaching braille but is said I needed to put it on floppy disks and that it wouldnt work on Windows 7 64 bit.I figured there must be something more up to date than that, perhaps a program written in this decade.I did a search on the BARD website for Nemeth hoping that there would be a teach yourself Nemeth boo
 k that I could download and read but there was not.BARD has braille books for download now which is why that would have worked with my computer and braille display.CAE_Jones, Im actually quite open to writing 8 dot computer braille in such a way that it shows up in Nemeth on my braille display. Id even be happy writing a lib lewis braille table for NVDA to interpret it the way I want.I suppose my initial problem is that I need a good reference that I can read to know how each symbol is represented in Nemeth. Is there an online reference somewhere?You said: One of the main issues is that Nemeth is designed to handle visual formatting well, but NVDA and Jaws at least dont seem to handle the same sorts of formatting very well (vertically-aligned expressions, superscripts and subscripts, radicals, etc). I say: Can you elaborate on this? I can understand that reading vertically on paper is something a braille display can
 t do because it can only display one line at a time.But assuming I could live with this, the same way I live with a screen reader only speaking and outputing to braille one line at a time since I lost my central vision, couldnt I set certain characters to output in Nemeth on my braille display?Are you saying that Nemeth does not put symbols in lines but can put symbols half way between lines?I could see that not working on a braille display.But as long as Nemeth fits all its symbols into lines with a max of 8 braille dots per cell then it seems reasonably possible to get it working.I also find the math in graphics annoying as you say. Sometimes I find pages that leave it as text but use unicode characters to represent theta or the dot operator, etc.Ive started updating the speech dictionary in NVDA to read these correctly, and Ive been changing the lib lewis braille table I use to make them show up differently, but i
 t seems to make the most sense to make them show up as Nemeth would display them rather than making something up myself.Again, thanks for the help, perhaps there is a good Nemeth book I can purchase. Or maybe I should email NLS and see if they have one.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Questions about learning Nemeth.

2013-09-05 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: Questions about learning Nemeth.

[[wow]], that was a terrific beginners guide! Thanks so much. Its a ton easier to understand than the wikipedia symbol tables though Im getting a bit better handle on them now too.I was able to understand everything in there and the long hand division makes sense as I remember long hand division in print and it has a similar look. Though of course to solve the problem includes writing numbers above and below the 20.You said: `*  or sometimes .*   multiplicationI say: Why the 2 forms for multiplication?You said: `( and `) are sometimes used for brackets. I think .( and .) might be used, too.I say: The first form is for square brackets and the second form is for curly braces according to wikipedia.Im going to save your tutorial for later reference.Im really surprised a program doesnt exist to work like the brailler in a sort of notepad window.It would just let you use sdf and jkl for doing braille keyboard input.It would let you move around the rows and columns without needing to add spaces or newlines before hand which I expect would feel more like a brailler.Then we could even parse simple lines so that it could self speak in a reasonable way by recognizing the nemeth symbols and turning them into appropriate phrases.And you get the benefit of being able to write over lines that you do incorrectly or insert something you forgot into the middle of an equation.Though you lose the benefit of reading vertically since its on a braille display.Anyway, just brainstorming as I have my plate full with game projects at the moment, but this could be a fun side project some day.Or maybe I just havent had a good enough look and something already exists for this.Thanks again.Ian ReedURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] An issue with Skype on Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit

2013-08-28 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: An issue with Skype on Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit

Instead of closing it is remaining open in the system tray.You can go to the system tray, use the right click context menu and choose quit to really close it.I find it popping up when alt tabbing annoying as well, especially since I have a global hot key for bringing it up when I actually want it.There may be a setting in Skype to get it to really close when you close the window, but I havent spent much time looking.Good luck!Ian ReedURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] DropBox and CCleaner

2013-08-13 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: DropBox and CCleaner

Hi Lukas, I hadnt yet installed the systray add on so thanks for mentioning that.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] DropBox and CCleaner

2013-08-12 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: DropBox and CCleaner

Sorry to bring this up after so long but I noticed a solution was never posted.I am currently using Dropbox 2.0.22 and able to bring up the context menu for dropbox in the system tray.If I navigate to the icon and press the application key on it, it does not work, which I think is what you are experiencing.Instead of pressing the application key you can route the mouse cursor to that position and then right click the mouse.I do this by pressing NVDA + numpad divide to route it, followed by numpad multiply.Then you are presented with a single item that says Open dropbox menu and you can press enter to gain access to the context menu.Alternatively there is a dropbox plugin for NVDA that lets you press NVDA + shift + D 3 times quickly to take you to the same Open dropbox menu item.Its annoying that the application key doesnt work anymore. I remember being frustrated when I first got the update.B
 ut its good that there are workarounds.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Raspberry Pi and accessibility

2013-08-10 Thread ForumOff-topic room: ianr

Re: The Raspberry Pi and accessibility

Arqmeister, if you connect to it via SSH then your SSH client is running on your computer so your computers screen reader will provide speech.Much the same that a MUD client is accessible even though the MUD servers dont have screen readers or text to speech running on them.Putty is the program Ive used for SSH in the past.URL:

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