Re: [Audiogames-reflector] audio game programming help!

2014-05-11 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: audio game programming help!

Jak, well if you are certain you want to begin with Python Id first suggest you go tohttp://www.python.organd download the Python runtime for Windows. In fact, do to the fact not everything for Python is Python 3 compatible I suggest possibly downloading both Python 2.7 and Python 3.4 to be able to switch back and forth between them for development purposes.Once you have the Python runtime/runtimes installed for Windows head over tohttp://docs.python.organd read the various free tutorials, users guides, and API documentation for Python. That should give you enough to begin building some console games in Python.Now, if you are looking for full blown audio games you have a choice to make. I mentioned before not everything is Python 3 compatible. Last I checked Pygame, the principle API gamers use for creating games in Python, is not yet Python 3 compatible, mean
 ing if you go with Pygame you are stuck with Python 2.7 for the time being. That said, there is a newer alternative called Py-SDL2 which is based on SDL 2.0 and is Python 3 compatible. Moreover Py-SDL2 has a bunch of new features not available in Pygame such as force feedback support for joysticks, support for XInput on Windows 7/Windows 8, supports XAudio2, and a number of other things you may want to consider supporting in your audio games.As for your issue with BGT I am not certain what you mean by your keyboard stops working when you play a game by BGGT. If you are a Jaws user the problem could be a conflict between DirectInput and Jaws which is a well known problem. The solution in that case is to either unload Jaws or make sure the BGT keyboard hooks is properly initialized when the game starts up.URL:<

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] latin

2014-05-08 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: latin

Kamochek, on the contrary if you study the New Testament more closely Jesus did tell the Jews and everyone else that they must believe he is the messiah else they will parish, be destroyed, etc. Right off the top of my head I can think of a few verses where he explicitly says that, but the one that comes immediately to mind is John 3:16 which Christians often use when talking about the importance of salvation because it gets to the point. In John 3:16 Jesus says, for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so that all who believe in him shall not parish but have everlasting life.I dont think that verse could be any more plain and to the point. In short, Jesus said if someone wants to have everlasting life they must believe in him, meaning Jesus, else the alternative is everlasting death, to parish, to be destroyed, etc. How much more plain and straight forward does he have to be?Paddy, just a comment about Eve eating an apple. Actu
 ally, genesis doesnt really say what kind of fruit it was she ate. All it says is she took from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and ate. It doesnt really say if it was an apple, banana, pair, peach, etc. I think this is a case of literalism at work because people have for centuries been calling it an apple when the type of fruit is never specified. In fact, it is possible the fruit is allegorical and represents forbidden knowledge rather than being a literal fruit. Make sense?Dark, yes, I definitely see where you are coming from. You are right debate with someone who has already made his/her mind up that they know all there is to know is pretty pointless. Unfortunately, alot of fundamentalists and even militant atheists fall into that category because all they can see is black and white and a discussion about something that falls into an area in between is impossible. They insist that their view is the one and only view which makes arguing with them a w
 aste of time and effort.I also agree with you about those people who subscribe to scientism because science, although very useful in many ways, is imperfect and is prone to mistakes. One shouldnt automatically believe something just because a scientist said it or put forth a hypothesis that has not been independently verified. That leads to huge mistakes, and scientists have been known to make them from time to time.In fact, not too long ago I read a book called Bad Science which exposes a number of cases where so-called alternative treatments in the health industry were rushed to market using poor research and in dependant study has found them to be useless. The alternative health products are bad about making false claims about their products that cant be backed up with real scientific study and people are being duped into buying them all because some scientist or medical doctor endorses it, and it turns out the people doing the endorsing are quite frankl
 y quacks. So just because a medical doctor or scientist says something doesnt necessarily make it so.As far as the militant atheists go who refuse to see any fallibility in the scientific method it is true that some of them like Richard Dawkins almost are as extreme as the Christian fundamentalists they are arguing with in their personal views. I think for those people who openly claim science is the be all and end all to truth they have some personal motivations that arent made plain in their books and in their lectures. Lets face it we are all human beings, we all want to be right, but a lot of times we embrace some position based on some emotional motivation as well as some rational reason.I can use myself as a perfect example. Although, I strongly believe there isnt enough evidence to support the existence of God Im also a realist to know that hypothesis hasnt been completely ruled out either. Still, my disbelief isnt
  based entirely on logic and reason alone. I have plenty of personal and deeply emotional reasons for disbelieving in the God of the bible. Some based on personal experiences that lead me to lose any belief in an all loving, all knowing, creator who cares about me or who will intervene on my behalf.To start with when I first found out I was going blind I was at that time a Christian, and I spent a lot of time on my knees in prayer for God to heal me, to not let me go blind, and I went blind anyway. My family took me to see a faith healer, he laid hands on me, and of course nothing happened. That placed the seeds of doubt in my mind that maybe God wasnt real, because the thing I most wanted was so obviously not granted regardless of how much I prayed.When I got a bit older, around 16, I had a girlfriend I cared very deeply for. She got a brain tumor, and although the doctors were able to safely remove the tumor doing so caused her a bunch of health issues in the p
 rocess. In a little over a year after we met she passed away, and I was positively furious at God. No matter how much I prayed God let her die anyway, 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] audio game programming help!

2014-05-08 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: audio game programming help!

Jak, well if you are certain you want to begin with Python Id first suggest you go tohttp://www.python.organd download the Python runtime for Windows. In fact, do to the fact not everything for Python is Python 3 compatible I suggest possibly downloading both Python 2.7 and Python 3.4 to be able to switch back and forth between them for development purposes.Once you have the Python runtime/runtimes installed for Windows head over tohttp://docs.python.organd read the various free tutorials, users guides, and API documentation for Python. That should give you enough to begin building some console games in Python.Now, if you are looking for full blown audio games you have a choice to make. I mentioned before not everything is Python 3 compatible. Last I checked Pygame, the principle API gamers use for creating games in Python, is not yet Python 3 compatible, mean
 ing if you go with Pygame you are stuck with Python 2.7 for the time being. That said, there is a newer alternative called Py-SDL2 which is based on SDL 2.0 and is Python 3 compatible. Moreover Py-SDL2 has a bunch of new features not available in Pygame such as force feedback support for joysticks, support for XInput on Windows 7/Windows 8, supports XAudio2, and a number of other things you may want to consider supporting in your audio games.As for your issue with BGT I am not certain what you mean by your keyboard stops working when you play a game by BGGT. If you are a Jaws user the problem could be a conflict between DirectInput and Jaws which is a well known problem. The solution in that case is to either unload Jaws or make sure the BGT keyboard hooks is properly initialized when the game starts up.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] latin

2014-05-07 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: latin

Dark, well, I do understand where you are coming from, but I dont think you fully understand where I am coming from regarding my views of religion and science. I suppose that for someone such as yourself who has spent their life studying philosophy and are use to debating with like minded individuals my views seem a bit simplistic and perhaps a bit narrow minded. While I can fully appreciate things like Thomas Kuhns discussion of scientific progress and paradigm shifts I dont think that can help me any when arguing with religious fundamentalists who have one view, and only one view, of the world. Ill be the first to admit my opinions are not completely objective and unbiased, and you are right to say that my personal experiences have colored my views to a certain degree.You said above you dont believe that religious fundamentalist views are very common over in the UK, and you wouldnt find them worth your time. You see, thats precise
 ly the problem. They are very common over here in the United States, and while I do not equate all Christians with Christian fundamentalists I do find myself arguing with fundamentalists who are very unreasonable and very irrational. As a result I cant afford to get into philosophical debates over religion and science because those people already have a very simplistic view of the world and I try to give them an alternative view of the world that is hopefully simple enough to grasp where I am coming from.To give you a prime example of something going on in my life right now that is pertinent to this discussion as you may or may not know my ex wife and I are going through a highly contested divorce. Right now I have taken my ex wife to court over our sons education. I want to enroll him in public school my ex wife and her family dont want him going to public school and instead want him enrolled in home school or in Christian bible school. The reason I o
 bject so strongly to either of those ideas is my ex wife, her parents, and most of her relatives are Christian fundamentalist types who take everything in the bible absolutely literally. They believe the entire universe was created in six literal days, they believe the universe is only 6,000 years old, and so on. They dont have a very high opinion of science and have told my son that Evolution is a lie, the Big Bang is a lie, and basically told my son not to listen to me because I dont know what I am talking about. They told him if he believes anything I tell him about science that he will go to hell which has poisoned his mind against me.Its easy for someone like yourself to be nonchalant and easy going about religion because you dont have a reason to fight over it. However, what would you do if you were trying to read your son a book about something like dinosaurs and when you tell him Tyrannosaurs Rex lived 65 million years ago only to have him repl
 y, mommy says that is a lie because the earth is only 6,000 years old?I dont know about you, but that sort of thing makes my blood boil. Thanks to freedom of religion being protected by the U.S. Constitution people like my ex are allowed to get by with teaching American children like my son absolute ignorant concepts such as the world is 6,000 years old without any proof or evidence to back it up. They are allowed to get by with poisoning children against science and making them distrust the scientific method and the analytic process in favor of just believing in the literal word of God. So in an instance like this yes faith and rationality are at odds with each other, because they are completely two different world views.When debating science and religion with someone like yourself I dont have an issue discussing concepts like the problem of induction or paradigm shift because we are both rational educated people. As for me personally I d
 ont think science holds all the answers and have experimented with a variety of religious views over the years because Id like to believe there is something more to life. When I was a college student I took a few comparative study courses on religion and as part of those course studies I spent some time studying Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity. I think those studies were fascinating, and I did get a grudging respect for multiple points of view about God and the universe. However, I am and have always been more of a skeptical person at heart so I dont necessarily think I can subscribe to any religion based on faith alone. I prefer to apply Bayesian probability to any hypothesis I am uncertain about in order to gauge its probability or likelihood to see if it is something worth pursuing. So I am a bit of a doubter when it comes to things of the supernatural even though I would like to think there could be something more.As
  far as the topic of ethics goes I dont think ethics is a function of science either, nor do I believe ethics are exclusively a function of religion. I consider myself a humanist and as such 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Hoping to move out.

2014-05-07 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Hoping to move out.

SLJ, you are definitely confused what Hamburger Helper is. It is not a hamburger as in a sandwich you eat. I think a little definition is in order here.In America the word hamburger is often slang for ground beef, minced beef, or whatever you guys call it in your country. Basically, just beef that is ground and chopped up so a person can brown it in a skillet and add it to a meal. Therefore the word hamburger in Hamburger Helper is just ground beef not a hamburger paddy like you put on a sandwich. Confusing I know, but we Americans are well known for having multiple uses for the same word.Hamburger Helper is basically just a box of macaroni noodles like you would put in macaroni and cheese and a packet of seasoning. What you do is start with browning some ground beef in a pan or skillet and then empty out the grease. Then, you add some water, the macaroni noodles, and the packet of seasoning to the skillet with the ground beef. You let it simmer for about 15 minutes 
 occasionally stirring the seasoning into the meet and wait for the noodles to cook. Sometimes depending on the type of Hamburger Helper there might be some special sauce or powdered cheese you put over the Hamburger Helper, but most of the time thats all there is to it. Just ground beef, noodles, and some seasoning you can put on your plate or in a bowl and eat once prepared.Just for your information we also have a variant of Hamburger Helper called Tuna Helper. Its roughly the same idea accept Tuna Helper is more or less just a box of macaroni noodles and some powdered cheese. You go about preparing the Tuna Helper like you would make macaroni and cheese, and add some tuna to it to make a tuna casserole. Very easy to make.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] audio game programming help!

2014-05-07 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: audio game programming help!

Jack, before you can select a programming language or engine to use for developing games you first need to consider some factors and then select the programming language that best fulfills your needs. You need to decide what target environment or environments you intend to support such as Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, iOS, or Android. Since there is no one-size fits all solution that would be one of the first things to consider. Do to changes in APIs developing a game for Windows XP and developing a game for Windows 7 and later have slightly different requirements that will need to be met by your choice of programming language and tools. Another consideration, particularly if you are a newbie, is amount of documentation. Some languages have hundreds of tutorials, manuals, and sample code to start with and others have very little on a given topic. So that is also another pretty serious consideration. Finally, you will need to come up with an idea of what technologies you will want
  to use and then figure out which APIs and programming languages best supports those technologies. Once done you can begin to select a programming language that meets all of your needs.If you are just thinking about writing some casual games for Windows Id say something like BGT by Blastbay Studios would be a good place to start. BGT is a highly evolved toolkit using Angelscript which wraps a bunch of core Windows technologies like Sapi and DirectX. The advantage here is its fairly simple to use, and it comes with free documentation to get started with. All of the core Windows technologies are supported by BGT so you dont have to read dozens of manuals to figure out how to use Sapi, DirectInput, DirectSound, and a bunch of other stuff because Philip Bennefall has done all that low-level programming for you, and made it available to BGT users through custom functions and classes.If you are thinking of something that can support a wide range of platform
 s and technologies then Id say C++ would be your best bet. It is an all purpose language that is used by most pro software developers. However, it is also a bit more complex than something like BGT and requires a lot more low-level programming to get the basics of a game up and running unless you have a custom built game engine which takes care of all that for you.Python is also a decent choice for casual games. I would not suggest programming the next Shades of Doom or Tank Commander in it, but it is a fairly decent language for casual games for Windows, Mac, or Linux. Its fairly simple/easy to learn, has a lot of documentation, and there are lots of modules out there for various technologies for those platforms. So its worth considering as well.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Hoping to move out.

2014-05-05 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Hoping to move out.

Brad, Im not sure what you mean by twisting your wrist when using a George Forman grill. The one I have is shaped like a clamshell , and all you do is set your hamburger paddy, steak, bacon, etc on the grill and close the lid and it cooks both sides at the same time. I suppose there are different models out there, but definitely look for the clamshell type that cooks both sides. There is no flipping meat involved when cooking with one.Speaking of flipping and turning meats one thing you may want to look for is a double spatula. A double spatula is basically two spatulas connected together at the bottom and you can squeeze it together to pick up a hamburger paddy, steak, chicken breast, etc and turn it over without having to flip your wrist. I dont know if stores where you live carries one, but I know I can usually specially order one from Independent Living Aids or some place like that in the US. While not a necessity they are darn helpful when cooking something
  you need to flip or turn over such as a grilled cheese sandwich.Dark, I am surprised you dont have Hamburger Helper in the UK. Basically, it is ground beef, noodles, and some seasoning. There are several different kinds of Hamburger Helper such as cheese burger, beef stroganoff, lasagna, etc. Obviously, the cheese burger kind sort of taste like a cheese burger, the lasagna type tastes a bit like lasagna, etc.As far as ground hamburger it is also called ground beef. I suspect you have it in the UK, but under a different name. Here in the states one can walk into a supermarket and get a container of ground beef in a one or two pound package, open it up, and break up the meat and put it in a skillet and brown it. Once browned the ground beef can go into several different types of meals. At least assuming you are cooking American food. Not sure what you eat in the UK where ground beef would be useful.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] latin

2014-05-04 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: latin

Kamochek, the word minister is generally a catch all term for anyone who teaches at a Protestant church. Each denomination has its own title for minister be it reverend, pastor, etc but they all basically mean the same thing. The term priest usually specifically refers to a Catholic priest which performs the same purpose as Protestant ministers with one notable difference.Catholic priests are forbidden to marry and have sex. Protestant ministers have no such restriction so can marry, have children, and most do.I suppose there are some minor differences I could mention such as the way they dress. Generally Catholic priests where a black robe and clerical collar which identifies their rank or position within the church. Protestant ministers, at least here in the US, just where a nice suit and tie to church.Dark, thats very interesting that you once considered being a priest. Although, not too surprising. When I was a teen I also considered joining th
 e ministry, and that was at a time when I was much more serious about my religious beliefs than I am now. Also like you I am glad I hadnt joined, because I think a lot of time and money would have been wasted on theological school seeing how Ive gone from very religious to very agnostic towards any and all religious beliefs. Although, apparently that sort of thing happens quite a lot more than one might think.Ive recently ordered a new book called Caught in the Pulpit which is about several ministers who have done that very thing. They went through theological school, got ordained, became a minister at a church, and discovered after several years went by they no longer believe in Christianity. They had doubts, questions, and wanted to get out and found it was very hard to leave the community. Often they had wives and children that resented their change in beliefs, friends in the church shunned them, and they became a pariah simply because they st
 arted having doubts or no longer believed in Christianity.I have experienced some of that myself, but nowhere as bad as the people in the book. Thats why I am glad I never became a minister, because if I openly disclosed what I think and believe now after having been a minister for x amount of time I could have ended up in the same sort of situation as those people. People arent too forgiving about abandoning ones religious beliefs in favor of a more skeptical and scientific view of life.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] firefox 29, or why I'm upgrading

2014-05-04 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: firefox 29, or why I'm upgrading

Well, I upgraded yesterday, and I find Firefox 29 acceptable. Could be better of course, but as you say is no worse than Firefox 24.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Hoping to move out.

2014-05-04 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Hoping to move out.

Brad,Well, as far as cooking raw meats go it helps to have someone sighted help you learn to cook raw meats properly for the first few times because it largely depends on the equipment you are using and the type of meat you are cooking. I can say that a Forman grill comes in handy here because you can cook both sides equally at the same time. So if you are cooking say a steak you can cut the time in half while cooking it on both sides at the same time for a evenly done steak.If you want to know how well done your meat is there is a way to test how well it is cooked by using a toothpick or fork to gage its toughness. If you want to be absolutely sure you can get a talking meat thermometer which is a very good idea when cooking meats that you dont want to eat unless they are completely cooked.As far as paying rent and other bills it depends on the bill. Most bills like my phone bill I pay online through their website with a debit card. Others such as my el
 ectric I have setup to automatically pay through my bank meaning I dont have to pay online or write a check. It just automatically comes out on the due date. For rent I have a neighbor or a family member write out the check, and then it is just a matter of signing it and dropping it off at the main office.As far as learning to cook I took home ed in school which taught me how to cook as well as other basic skills. In addition to that I spent the summer at the Cleveland Sight Center where they had some life skills training and another summer at the Vision Center. So all and all I learned through schooling and summer programs.The thing about cooking is that most of the time its just all about reading and following the cooking directions. It is not rocket science. Its just following the directions, and its something you will get better at with practice.For example, if you want to make Hamburger Helper you start by browning the hamburger in a skillet. Determin
 ing when the meat is done is the most complicated part of the process, but I have learned to just guess based on timing. When its done you empty the grease out of the skillet by running the meat through a strainer, and then put the meat back in the skillet. You then add the noodles and sauce, and turn the stove down to simmer for about 15 minutes occasionally stirring the contents. After you are certain the noodles are soft you can turn the stove off and its ready to serve. Thats one of many quick and easy meals you can make for yourself that is not all that complicated to cook.In fact, once you learn how to brown hamburger there are a ton of things you can make besides Hamburger Helper. You can make tacos, spaghetti, sloppy joes, and quite a few other things so browning ground beef is one of the base skills youll need for cooking a lot of meals.If you have a pair of long oven mitts you can cook many things in the conventional oven just by following the dir
 ections on the package. It might say pre-heat the oven to 425 degrees, lay the contents of the bag out on a cookie sheet, and bake for 20 minutes. Thats just a general direction of making fries, onion rings, tater tots, and other frozen foods that you can bake in the oven. Most of the time if you follow the directions and remember what the cooking directions are for this or that you can do it each and every time.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] latin

2014-05-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: latin

Kamochek, I no longer go to church on a regular basis so I am not in a position to record services for you, but as I have been to a number of different churches I can probably give you a written description of the various denominations and how they usually perform their services. That said, I do not believe any of them are similar to Messianic Judaism, because as I understand it Messianic Judaism tends to be very formal and doesnt have a lot of music etc which many Christian services have.To give you an example you asked about how Catholic services are performed. There is quite a bit to an average Catholic service, and very little time is actually spent on bible teaching. An average Catholic service involves a lot of singing, some praying, reciting things like the Lords Prayer, taking communion, etc. Its a very formal but traditional structure that is pretty much the same from Catholic Parish to Catholic Parish.When you walk into a Catholic parish y
 ou may find a few people on their knees in private prayer or doing the rosary before the service starts. If you were Catholic you would probably join them in that time to meditate, prayer, whatever. When the service starts everyone stands up, the priest comes out, and together they will sing one or two songs. After that he will lead them in reciting the Apostles Creed and the Lords Prayer. They may sing a couple more songs, and everybody sits down. A reader will come up to the front of the church, and read a couple of verses from the old testament. At that point everyone will say something like the word of the Lord. They might sing another song, and then another reader comes up and reads a bible verse from the New Testament. This is probably followed by another song. At that point the priest comes out and explains the lesson associated with the bible readings. If I am not mistaken that is where they have a short intermission to meet and greet people in the ch
 urch, shake hands, say hello, and then they have communion. After communion there is more singing, and the priest does his closing. That is a rough idea of a typical Catholic service. I may have forgotten a few things as its been about 16 years or so since I have been to one, but I think that gives you the general idea.In my experience protestant churches such as Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, etc are far less formal and dont have any specific structure to their services like the Catholics. Alot of the protestant churches I have been to usually have a service like this. You walk in and everyone sings a couple of songs. Then, they might take a few minutes to offer some news or church announcements followed by prayer requests. This might be followed by personal testimonials about prayers that were answered or continued prayer requests. They may sing a few more songs at this point, and then the kids are sent off to Sunday School while the minister comes o
 ut and gives the days sermon. They sing a few more songs, and then the minister gives a closing by leading the church in prayer, gives some last minute announcement, and everyone leaves.I am not sure if this was the answer you were looking for, but I hope I gave you a general idea of how a lot of Christian services are performed. You can take from it what you will.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Is

2014-05-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Is

Well, that is definitely an interesting question. I have certainly observed there are far more women on the Audyssey list than here on, and I have no way of explaining that interesting fact. Be that as it may I think its not so much women arent interested in games, but that they have different interests than us guys.Ive observed that a lot of women I know tend to go for card and puzzle games. They enjoy games like black jack, Uno, Scrabble, and things like that but rarely are interested in sports and combat oriented games. As Dark mentioned in his post it could be that men are more competitive so are drawn to games where competition is a huge factor where women are more casual and are satisfied with a few hands at cards.In any case I think we could do more research on this topic. As both a gamer and a game developer Id like to know the answer to some of the questions you raised because it is quite interesting. Id like to know fo
 r instance if women prefer certain types of games over others and why. Id like to know if men play more games than women and why. All fairly easy to poll and find out by doing an interest survey..URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] latin

2014-05-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: latin

Kamochek, I believe the word you are looking for is tithe. To tithe is to collect money for the church by passing around a plate or having a donation box where the congregation can give money to the church for various things.The other word is communion. To take communion is to drink wine and to eat bread to symbolize the body and blood of Christ.Dark, very interesting. I knew the Church of England was similar to Catholic services in many ways but I had no idea they were that close. A lot of what you described is similar to my own experience in Catholic services I attended when I was Catholic.I did forget to mention the priest would often make announcements at the beginning of the service of upcoming weddings and other church news, but I think my post above was intended to give Kamochek a basic overview of a typical Catholic mass rather than a minute by minute run down of every little detail. Some things like church announcements are so common that I guess that
  slipped my mind when describing a basic service.However, I agree the Christmas Eve masses were definitely the best. They were always held the evening before Christmas at night time so the church was dark except for the candles that were lit which was a completely different atmosphere than the typical Wednesday night or Sunday morning masses. Of course they sung Christmas carols like Joy to the World, Silent Night, Oh Holy Night, and Handles Messiah. Just thinking about it brings back some very happy memories of the smell of candle wax, incense, and the sound of the organ as people sang Christmas carols.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Is

2014-05-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Is

Lol. Dark, that is way too funny. I dont know how many people would visit a site like, but I do agree with your basic point. Certain terms like game are fully loaded and it implies a level of competition that may not even exist in that program.As we mentioned before in another topic there are virtual reality programs where you can adopt a dog, cat, or some other animal and take care of it. While considered a video game there really isnt any competition in it to speak of. You just feed the animal, brush it, take it for walks, etc just like you would in real life. There are a lot of those sorts of virtual reality simulations dealing with anything from adopting a virtual pet to raising children which are classified as games, but would probably appeal to some women.My ex wife had one, dont remember the name of it, but she could adopt a baby and then care for it. Change its diapers, feed it, put it down for naps, rock it when i
 t was fussy, whatever which goes to show games arent all about competition. Some are as you call computerized interactive recreational programs and are as far from what we normally think of as a game as can be.That said, thanks to the technical revolution I think new technologies are being invented or created faster than language can catch up with the changes. Before computer games existed all there were card, board, and puzzle games. Not surprising they were among the first to get ported to computers along with new types like interactive fiction and arcade games. However, now days there are a number of games that might be better classified as recreational programs because they arent games at all in the typical meaning. As we move towards the whole virtual reality type experience there are flight simulation programs that simulates flying an aircraft, there are tourism type programs where you can explore a town or city, virtual pets, virtual babies, and
  other simulation games that emulate some aspect of real life but are not a game as we understand the term. So we need to find some new terms to describe these more recreational type programs.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] virtual world

2014-04-30 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: virtual world

Kamochek, while a lot of people use the word virtual to describe this or that as a type of virtual reality the truth is a lot of things often described as being virtual really are not virtual. Its just one of those catch phrases used to make things sound more high tech and possibly more realistic then they are.Take the issue of virtual pets. I know here in the USA there are robotic dogs that one can purchase that are suppose to be a type of virtual pet. They can walk around, bark, wag their tails, be petted, etc. Although, I am sure the companies who make those robotic pets attempt to make them realistic as possible theyll never compare to the real thing because they arent real. They lack the individual personality of a living animal, can not do many things a living animal can do. So calling them a virtual pet would be a bit of an over statement.Another type of virtual pet is a computer simulation of a pet. Basically, there are video games one can buy for
  their PC where you can take care of a dog or cat by feeding it, walking it, brushing it, putting it to sleep, etc. However, in terms of realism it is even worse than the robots I mentioned above. You have no physical contact with the pet, and such a video game isnt much different then driving a racecar in a NASCAR game or flying an aircraft in Microsoft Flight Simulator. You are not really doing it in real life, and it is just a game. So once again virtual doesnt really apply here.The point I want to make is that weather you have the money or not for a real pet, or you can not get one do to some other reason the so-called virtual pets are nothing like having a real pet. I have had a variety of dogs throughout my life and I can not imagine myself buying a robotic dog or one of those virtual pet games for my computer and being satisfied with that as some kind of replacement for a real dog. Especially, the video game virtual pet simulations because those cant 
 curl up on my lap, lick me, curl up and sleep with me in bed, and probably a hundred other things Id expect a living cat or dog to do.As for the subject of virtual schools Dark pretty much described it. A lot of colleges and even some high school programs are now available on the internet rather than through the mail etc. You can go online and download the books, listen to lectures on their website, and e-mail your homework to someone who will grade your work. While some might call that virtual school I dont think it is virtual at all. It is not much different than the old home schooling programs where people mailed books, homework, and other things back and forth through the postal mail. One is simply working at home rather than at a school or college. So that isnt virtual in any sense of the word.What I would personally consider virtual is something like the holodecks or holosweets on Star Trek. If you dont know what I am talking about on Star
  Trek Next Generation, Deep Space 9, and Voyager there is a special room called the holodeck or holosweet where crewmen can go that is suppose to render a truly virtual reality experience. It basically works by creating 3d holograms that can simulate sensations such as sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. While creating a realistic looking hologram is quite possible I somehow doubt that anyone could ever make one that looks, smells, sounds, tastes, and feels like the real thing. There are some things I am not certain that can be simulated with any degree of accuracy.Take human skin for example. It has a truly unique feeling, and while people have tried to simulate it in adult toys such as virtual love dolls it isnt real enough. Even in the highest priced love dolls they use latex rubber or silicone compounds which sort of have a skin like feeling when warmed up, but do not really feel like human skin. It is just not something that can easily be replicated.In co
 nclusion while many companies market their products as virtual this or virtual that they are not that realistic. For me a virtual experience is one that is as close to real as possible but not real. Very few products or services advertised as being virtual are able to make that claim in actuality. Simulating the real world is easier said than done.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] virtual world

2014-04-30 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: virtual world

Kamochek, I certainly understand what you are saying, but lets not call it a virtual church. I think calling it an online church or something like that would be more appropriate.What you are talking about exists in part in the form of internet podcasts, TV programming, and radio broadcasts where there is a minister who has a large number of listeners who do not go to a physical church but elect to stay home and listen and view the sermon via TV or computer. The only thing they would need to do to make it more interactive is to setup a computer with voice chat software so listeners can ask questions to the minister and he could reply in real time. Of course, the thing is do to the number of viewers/listeners he may not be able to answer everybodys questions. There comes a point where there are too many people to deal with in a reasonable amount of time.Maybe a more practical solution is an e-mail address where you can write to the minister, and he will hav
 e a section of the program where he responds to e-mails on the air. We have a few news programs here in the U.S. that do something similar. They devote the last 10 to 15 minutes of the program to e-mails where they read peoples comments, questions, or responses. I dont see why a major radio or TV minister couldnt do the same. It would be easy enough to do.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] virtual world

2014-04-30 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: virtual world

Dark, thanks for addressing the religious issue with Kamochek. I didnt want to say anything at the risk of offending somebody,, but I was beginning to get sick and tired of an interesting topic such as virtual reality becoming just another one of Kamochecks endless discussions of religion. While a little bit of religious debate is okay it is not fine to discuss it in each and every topic on the list, and it seems of late every one of Kamocheks posts on the forum ends up being a discussion on this or that religion. Therefore Ive been tempted to forego the forum or at least skip anything with his name on it for that reason. So how about a little less religion and more discussion of something else we can all enjoy?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] file recovery

2014-04-28 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: file recovery

Kamochek, as Ambro stated the length of time since these files were formatted is going to be a big problem. Once you delete a file or erase a partition new data will get written in its place making it more difficult to recover the original data that was stored there. The more times the clusters get overwritten the harder it is to recover anything from the drive that isnt scrambled.As far as finding something free. No deal. I looked around but couldnt find anything equal to the pro tools I use that is A, free, and B, fully accessible. So Im afraid you are going to have to pay or just accept your losses.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I have no passion in life

2014-04-28 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: I have no passion in life

Based on what Ive read of the last few posts I really think people are making too much of their personal appearance. Yes, personal appearance does matter when going out in public, but seriously its not that complicated. All that really matters is that you appear presentable such as performing basic personal hygiene combing your hair, brushing your teeth, keeping your nails trimmed, and dressing casually. If you do those things you wont look too out of place in most cases.Regarding wearing sunglasses/shades if a person has a sensitivity to light by all means wear them. That would be a bit foolish not to. People who know you arent going to make a big deal of you wearing shades outside on a sunny day because chances are there are bound to be sighted people outside wearing shades of their own on a sunny day. Inside is a slightly different matter because sighted people dont generally wear sunglasses inside such as at a store, restaurant, school, etc
  and if you want to fit in with the sighted crowd and look the part all you have to do is take them off and slide them in your jacket pocket etc while indoors.As far as making eye contact I dont think it makes much of a difference if you have shades on or off when talking to someone. Having been sighted before I always attempt to make eye contact with the person speaking which is due to years of habit. However, even if someone has been born blind,doesnt have that instinct, the main thing to do is turn and face the person speaking and they will attempt to make eye contact with you which means you dont have to do all the work. As long as you dont look in another direction, lower your head to look at the floor, or stair up towards the ceiling you can make sighted people comfortable talking to you by trying to face the sound of their voice.Finally, as for dressing properly it really isnt a big deal. At least not to me personally. If a person k
 nows what colors are color safe dressing casually really isnt a big deal. I assume or at least hope that even if a person was born blind that the parents of said person explained the basics of matching colors so they can dress themselves properly. If not then here is a few simple rules to follow.The color blue is one of the safest colors to wear because it goes well with just about anything. So if someone starts with a nice denim pair of blue jeans, skirt, or shorts they have a lot of options in terms of what kinds of socks and shirt will go well with that clothing.White is a neutral color and also goes well with just about anything. So a white pair of crew socks will look fine with a denim pair of blue jeans, skirt, or shorts.Once you got that far just about any shirt or top will go well with the pants and socks because blue and white are neutral colors. Its hard to go wrong matching a shirt with the socks and pants since we have two color saf
 e colors in our outfit already.The point being with a little knowledge how to mix and match colors like that it is fairly easy to come up with a casual outfit that will look completely normal at Wal-Mart, K-Mart, school, or wherever. One doesnt have to dress stylish or wear the latest fashions to look normal. So I dont think we need to make a big deal about how we look to sighted people unless we are doing something truly outrageous like wearing clothing that doesnt match or have hair sticking up like you just got zapped by an electrical socket. That will certainly draw negative attention, but I dont seriously think any of us do that.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] has anyone used emacspeak?

2014-04-28 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: has anyone used emacspeak?

Scot, to find out about Speakup read the Speakup Users Guide at I think will give you a decent introduction to the screen reader. Speakup comes bundled with a few Linux distributions like Vinux already so the sections on patching and custom compiling the Linux kernel are not that important at this time.Niklas, so I see from the post above. I was unaware of a Emacspeak for Windows until now, but now I know. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] programming editors and screenreaders

2014-04-28 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: programming editors and screenreaders

Balliol, when I am using Windows I write 99% of my code in Windows Notepad with NVDA as my screen reader. I find that combination generally handles all my basic needs for serious coding. On Linux I write my code in Gedit, the default Gnome text editor, with the Orca screen reader. As far as IDEs it depends on what language I am programming in but on Windows and Linux I use Eclipse if I am developing in Java. On Windows if I am programming in C++, C# .NET, or VB .NET I tend to use Visual Studio 2010. Although, I have use Codeblocks for C++ and that is a decent editor/IDE as well.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Linux and Orca

2014-04-27 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Linux and Orca

Ambro, regarding Firefox make sure Caret Browsing is enabled. You can enable and disable it with f7, and by answering yes to the prompt to enable Caret Browsing. That may be why you arent getting as much information on some web pages as you should.As for improving Orcas performance there isnt much you can do there. Part of the performance issues you are experiencing could be because Orca is written in Python which is known to have some performance issues compared to languages like C or C++. Another issue is that older versions of At-Spi and the rest of the accessibility framework had some lag issues which they have been trying to fix in newer versions of At-Spi and ATK. So there isnt really anything you can do to improve Orcas performance on your own.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Linux and Orca

2014-04-26 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Linux and Orca

Chris, I dont know much about Android so I cant honestly say if the Pico TTS that ships on the Vinux DVD is one and the same, but I found it to be a reasonable compromise. Although, I personally am okay with Espeak so this may just be a matter of preference.Ambro, you cant get a newer version of Orca unless you get a newer accessibility stack and a newer copy of Gnome. Orca is entirely Dependant on the Gnome desktop for accessibility so versions of Orca tend to co-inside with the version of Gnome you have or the accessibility stack you have installed.For example, Vinux is using the 3.4.2 accessibility libraries from Gnome 3.4.2 so the version of Orca you have is 3.4.2. If you want Orca 3.10 you have to get and install Gnome 3.10 which is not available for Vinux. That would require Ubuntu Gnome which has a lot newer accessibility components required by Orca.As for accessing the menus the command in most applications to go to the menubar 
 is f10 not alt. That is a little different from Windows where the alt key takes you to the menubar. The one exception I can think of is Firefox which has the menubar hidden by default so pressing f10 wont take you to the menubar unless you reconfigure Firefox to always show the menus. That said, if you know the hot key to access the menu you want such as alt+f for file, alt+e for edit, alt+b for bookmarks, etc you dont need to access the menubar directly with f10.Regarding the dummy synthesizer its not actually a synthesizer It is a dummy or fake driver used for testing. That is why it is called the dummy driver.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] latin

2014-04-26 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: latin

Kamochek, I certainly have read “The Adventures of Tom Soyer” as it is an American classic. For many years it was standard reading material for elementary school age children. Although, I am not sure it is still standard reading for elementary age children in public schools today. At any rate I certainly have read it.As for the type of church Tom Soyer went to Mark Twain never specifically said what kind of church it was. If you want my personal opinion I believe it was a non-denominational Christian church which were quite common in the south in the early 1800s. You need to understand that Tom Soyer takes place in the 1840s, in Missouri, which was only beginning to be settled. As such there was not a lot of churches and there may only be one church per village or town at that time. They didnt have a church on every street corner so they didnt have Methodist, Baptist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, etc to choose from. There was one church and only one church for miles so they tended to be non-denominational to accommodate everyone in the town or county.URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Linux and Orca

2014-04-26 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Linux and Orca

Zack, yes, that is a known bug. It is pretty easy to fix though.To begin with to keep Orca from sticking one fix which has been known to work is to delete your Orca preferences and rerun Orca setup from terminal which will reset all your settings to default.To have Orca identify uppercase letters go into the Orca preferences and go to the voices tab. Tab to the voice type combo box, and down arrow to uppercase. Then tab over to the pich slider and increase the pitch to whatever you like. I think in my case I changed it from 5.5 to 6.5 so the pitch was noticable for uppercase letters. Then just press enter on the OK button to save your changes.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] latin

2014-04-26 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: latin

Kamochek, it is very easy to edit a prior post. Go to the post you want to edit and below it will be a number of buttons like Report, Delete, Edit, etc. Simply arrow to or tab to the Edit button and press enter. Then you will be able to edit your post.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] latin

2014-04-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: latin

Kamochek, I think you misunderstood the point of my prior post on this thread. I didnt actually mean you had to go to a Catholic church or listen to their sermons. What I was trying to say is if you want to know what Catholics actually believe you need to talk to someone who is Catholic. More than one would be better as you would get a more rounded opinion. As Dark pointed out just going to a Catholic church or listening to a Catholic mass on TV or radio isnt enough to explain why they believe what they believe or do what they do because they assume you already know those things. Therefore you really need to speak to someone who is Catholic face to face and ask them questions rather than just making your own assumptions based on what you hear.To give you an example when I was in my late teens/early 20s I had a few friends who were Catholic. One day I asked one of them why they prayed to Mother Mary, the saints, etc instead of praying to Jesus. Turns out my
  question was based on a number of false assumptions, and that Catholics do pray to Jesus. What I had assumed were prayers is something Catholics call intercession.Catholics believe that a priest, saint, or someone else can intercede on your behalf and pray for you. Therefore you can ask say Mother Mary to bless you, heal you, whatever and she will intercede on your behalf and ask God to grant you your prayer. For someone who isnt Catholic that sounds a bit crazy, but the point is that Catholics do not consider them prayers. Merely requests for that saint etc to intercede on their behalf and help them with whatever the problem is.Once you have it explained to you about the doctrine of intercession many of the things Catholics do such as the rosary makes more sense. Without having it explained to you hearing a priest do the rosary with his church would be quite confusing. All you would hear is something like hale Mary, queen of peace, bless us. If you 
 dont know he is asking for intercession you might assume he is praying to Mary which isnt really what he is doing.As for how to handle your father Im not quite sure how to advise you on that issue. One thing I can say you are still very young, only 15, and at that age you are going to have to face the fact as long as you live under your fathers roof you need to try and obey his rules and not make an issue out of your beliefs right now. When you get older, are an adult, you will have much more freedom to explore other beliefs and will have the right to do what you want within reason.I dont know how much freedom you have to use the computer, but if you can it would be helpful to checkout a number of church websites, and to read their mission statements etc. Almost every church I know of has a basic page that gives you an overview of beliefs and that might be helpful to you in terms of giving you a general overview of what they believe.
 About the Lutherans Im sorry but your English was a bit confusing. Can you try and rephrase your question. What you wrote above was really unclear and was full of grammatical and spelling errors.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Linux and Orca

2014-04-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Linux and Orca

Anbro, for all intents and purposes you are still a newbie to Linux and for that reason I would recommend you stick with Vinux for the time being. The reason is that it is stable, the packages are being updated and maintained through the Ubuntu 12.04 LTS repository, and the accessibility is configured for you out of the box. Plus a lot of work has gone into making Speakup, the console screen reader available to you, which really comes in handy for playing interactive fiction, for playing muds, and anything else that requires a console interface.With Ubuntu Gnome it is a good distribution, but a lot of the software is bleeding edge and hasnt been well tested. Therefore you are likely to get some broken packages as far as accessibility goes and I think at this point testing would be the least of your concerns right now.Wanderer, glad to here about Firefox 29. Perhaps Ill give it a go when I update my Linux systems to the latest version of Ubuntu Gnome. I am
  really hoping for some progress with Firefox because it is a good browser, but still has a few accessibility issues I wish Mozilla would address as soon as possible.Chris, have you ever tried Pico? That is a free alternative to Espeak and sounds better than Espeak or Eloquence. So if you ever try Linux again try Pico. If I am not mistaken Pico comes installed on Vinux 4.0 so should be just a matter of changing speech synthesizers in Orca.As far as running Vinux on a Mac I dont believe you can run it in BootCamp. However, you can use VMware Fusion or VMware Workstation to run it on Mac systems.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Linux and Orca

2014-04-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Linux and Orca

Ambro, let me begin by saying Ubuntu 13 is not a good choice if accessibility is a concern. The developers of Ubuntu chose to switch to a less accessible desktop environment, Unity, which broke accessibility on a number of levels. The problem isnt with Orca, but with the desktop Ubuntu uses which has some serious accessibility issues. Some of those have been fixed in Ubuntu 14, but Id recommend trying one of the following Linux distributions.If you dont mind using a fully customize distribution made exclusively for the blind and low vision I recommend Vinux. It has a huge wiki of documentation, and is based on Ubuntu 12.04 with all the accessibility patches and applications installed by default. Meaning you are likely to get a fairly accessible version of Linux by using Vinux..If you wish to stick with Ubuntu there is a more accessible version called Ubuntu Gnome which ships with the Gnome desktop, and comes with most of the up to date accessi
 bility software. It is pretty much what I use, but is not as well documented as Vinux.Fedora 20 is also accessible. the Installer is a bit of an issue, but once installed you will get a fairly up to date and accessible flavor of Linux if you install it with Gnome as your desktop.As for installing third-party voices that is possible. However, it all depends on if you want free or commercial voices. For commercial voices I recommend the Cepstral voices from which are probably the most human sounding voices available for Linux currently. Another popular set of commercial voices is Voxin, which is the name Eloquence goes by under Linux, which might ease your transition from Jaws to Orca. As far as free voices goes there arent many, and Id say the best free voice is Pico. Although, Pico is still a tad on the robotic side.Finally, as for apps there are many good apps for Linux that are very accessible with Orca. There is LibreOffice, whi
 ch is a free clone of Microsoft Office, complete with a word processor, spreadsheet, and presentations application. For text editing the Gnome default editor Gedit is fairly accessible. For multimedia Totem Movie Player is the closest thing you can find that compares to Windows Media and it can play pretty much everything such as DVD movies, mp3s, wma, wav, etc if you get and install all the third-party plugins for it. Banshee is sort of like iTunes which can stream radio casts, play mp3s, and a bunch of other things. Gpodder is a fully accessible podcast client. If you are into listening to podcasts Gpodder is one of the best I have found. Firefox of course is what you would use for browsing the internet, and Thunderbird can be used for e-mail. My point being there is lots of software for Linux that is reasonably accessible. You just need someone to point you in the right direction.URL: http://forum

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] latin

2014-04-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: latin

Kamochek, although Catholics do decorate their churches with statues, pictures, and various other forms of religious art they do not in fact pray to them. Praying to a statue would be blasphemy to a Catholic. This is another case where you have been mislead what Catholics actually believe based on misinformation. It is a case of an outsider putting his/her own interpretation on what Catholics do or do not do.This comes back to what Dark and I said earlier in this thread. You really need to research more about people and their faiths rather than just assuming you know based on gossip and roomer. There is a lot of false information and false biases out there about Catholics which have little basis in fact, or were true a long time ago but is no longer the case now. So please do some research before stating something false as fact.To give you an example when I was in my early 20s I didnt know much about Catholics either. I believed a lot of things based on r
 oomer. I ended up meeting a friend in college who was a devote Catholic and he invited me to church. I decided to go with him and I attended Catholic Mass for about two years. Although, I decided not to get baptized into the Catholic church I was there long enough to make friends and understand a lot of the things I had been told about them was flat out wrong or was a misinterpretation of the facts. So it really helps to get to know people and to find out what they actually believe on a personal basis rather than go by roomer and speculation.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Linux and Orca

2014-04-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Linux and Orca

Ambro, yes, with LibreOffice you should be able to make notes and a summary in Writer. Not sure why it is not working on your live CD, but it sounds like your accessibility flags arent set correctly as LibreOffice 4.x is very accessible with Orca, and I know Vinux comes with a fairly up to date version of Orca.Wanderer, which version of Firefox are you running? I have found from personal experimentation that Firefox 24 is currently the best version for accessibility. The later versions such as version 25 and up all have accessibility issues which is why I refuse to upgrade until Mozilla gets their head out of their backsides and fix the stuff they broke. Web accessibility with Firefox right now seems to be a matter of getting the right version of Orca and the right version of Firefox to get a decent experience.Ambro, the reason you are getting links in a single line in Firefox is because that is the way it is actually displayed when a sighted person reads the screen. With screen readers like Jaws they load the screen into a buffer and reformats the links and stuff which means the presentation is altogether different from the way it looks visually. When the Orca developers etc were working on how to display links and text the Linux community chose to represent the information as close as possible to what a sighted person sees rather than reformatting everything the way Jaws does.Regarding the Launcher understand Unity and Gnome are two different desktops and not only do they look different they have different components. Gnome 3.x does not have a Launcher so when you press alt+f1 you are taken to the activities overview where you have to then alt+control+tab to the area of the screen you want. You arent just dropped in a menu like the Launcher on Unity. There is a list of hot keys on the Gnome Live wiki which I think will help you because Gnome 3.10 is a fairly complex desktop if you dont know all the hot keys to get around to the various panels and menus. I cant seem to find the page I am looking for on Gnome Live, but here is a basic overview of the hot keys for Gnome shell on the Gnome Help site. … ts.html.enURL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] latin

2014-04-22 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: latin

Kamochek, as for paganism it is still around. Its nowhere as near as popular as the monotheistic religions like Christianity, Judaism, and Islam , but it still exists. In fact I know a couple of people who worship earth gods and are pagans. The official term is neopagan which just means new pagan.There are many different forms of paganism today like Wicca. When I was in college the girl who lived across from me in my dorm was a Wiccan, and she gave me a first-hand look at her religion,her beliefs, and what modern witches etc believe. It is interesting stuff for anyone curious what other people believe.As far as being baptized by the Holy Spirit perhaps I shouldnt advise on this topic, but as I recall the apostles like Paul considered speaking in tongues to be the least of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Moreover speaking in tongues should not be used as a measuring stick to identify if someone has been baptized or not. According to scripture there are many other 
 gifts that are also proofs of the spirit so I dont think it is a case of not being baptized if someone lacks one specific gift.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] latin

2014-04-22 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: latin

Kamochek, a note about speaking in tongues. You seem to be under some misconceptions about what the bible refers to as speaking in tongues. According to the scriptures speaking tongues is understood by everyone who hears it and can be understood by everyone in their own language at the same time. It is not confusing or anything that can be faked.To give you an example look at Acts chapter 2. In that chapter Peter is speaking in tongues before an audience of several thousand and it says that the people marveled because everyone there heard Peters message in his or her own language. A person who spoke Greek heard it in Greek, a person who spoke Aramaic heard it in Aramaic, a person who spoke Latin heard it in Latin, and so on all at the same time. That is obviously something a person cant possibly fake, and is not a bunch of confusing gibberish. It is understood by all, and is what the bible means by speaking in tongues.Unfortunately, when I was young
 er, was still attending church, I use to be around some Christians who claimed to speak in tongues and all that came out of their mouths was a bunch of meaningless words. Thats not biblical speaking in tongues, and I personally feel is just made up by people who are trying to show off. When a person thinks about it rationally why would God give someone a gift of tongues and then make it confusing so no one can or would understand the message? Thats not only dumb, but what would be the point of speaking in a language nobody can understand?Dark, that is very interesting. Although, I cant say I am too surprised. From a religious point of view the UK doesnt seem to be as heavily influenced by religious monotheists as here in the US. Consequently there is a little more room for Wiccans to thrive and be left alone where in the US there are a few Christian sects that are down right hostile to anyone and everyone who doesnt follow their religious d
 ictates to the letter. Odd really considering the Constitution grants religious freedom, but certain Christian groups try to use their influence to deprive others of that right.Regarding pigeonholing people I agree with you 100%. Far too many people here that people are this or that denomination and right away begin making all kinds of assumptions about that persons beliefs rather than asking him/her what they personally believe. I have learned that it is never that simple, and despite affiliating with one religion or another most people dont agree with everything their church says on a given topic. So making assumptions about someones beliefs can be and often is a mistake. That is one reason I often refer to myself as a non-theist rather than say an atheist because these days the term atheist is a loaded label with far too many false assumptions attached to it.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] latin

2014-04-22 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: latin

Kamochek, I see your point, but pretending to be one religion when you dont really believe the tenants of that religion would be dishonest. Not just to all the people you associate with but would be dishonest to yourself, and I think if You ever did something like that you would be very unhappy in that sort of situation. Not to mention I think someone would notice you arent really Catholic long before you became Pope.To give you an example when my ex wife and I got married I went to church with her by and large to avoid an argument over religious beliefs. I was already becoming something of a skeptic, had my doubts about Christianity, so felt extremely uncomfortable sitting in a church with several people who totally believed in what the bible and their minister told them. Meanwhile I would sit there through the sermons thinking I dont agree with this or that, I constantly questioned doctrinal points of view, and was unable to really voice my thoughts and 
 feelings with fellow church members because they basically agreed with everyone else to a greater or lesser degree. What made it even more difficult is I knew I didnt have any right to come into their church and begin arguing with them over their beliefs. I knew if I did that they would just tell me to leave which I eventually did on my own before it got to that point.The point I am getting at is that I was in exactly that sort of situation you describe where I was doing things like everyone else in the church, but secretly I didnt believe most of it. In the end I decided I had to be true to myself, vocalize how I really felt about it, and told everyone I was leaving over a disagreement with various doctrinal issues. Some people understood, some didnt, but I feel leaving was the right choice.I am pretty sure if you got baptized in the Catholic church, became a monk, and rose through the ranks of the priesthood somewhere along the way you would end up 
 having to be true to yourself and would vocalize to someone how you really felt. You would have to make a choice to go ahead and pretend to be something you were not, or get out. So I am glad to hear you wouldnt really do anything like that, because I can say first-hand it is no fun. It is a very unpleasant experience..URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] new form of english, so funny.

2014-04-21 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: new form of english, so funny.

Well, my take on this entire topic is simply this. I know everyone can and does very when it comes to humor, but for me joking about the language and intentionally writing posts that are hard to read is immature. I feel if anyone wants to be treated as a mature respected member of the forum then he or she should attempt to act like it when writing to the forum, and that requires choosing your words carefully and spelling to the best of your ability. Making spelling and grammatical mistakes and then laughing about it just shows me that the person is not very mature, and Ill ignore his/her posts in the future on that basis because I dont have the time to waste on childish behavior. The only reason I am reading and responding to this thread at all is I dont have much to do right now else I probably wouldnt be writing this post.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] latin

2014-04-21 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: latin

Kamochek, Im not a Buddhist myself, but I have studied Buddhism in college and one thing I can say is that your perception of them is not correct. As Dark outlined in a post above Buddhists follow the teaching of Buddha and try to come to a sense of peace with themselves and the universe around them through meditation and by avoiding personal attachment to people, places, and things. Its an altogether different belief system than Christianity and should not be judged without knowing more about it.Likewise regarding your ideas of being the Pope I think you need to realize there are boundaries of what you should or should not do when dealing with others beliefs. Regardless of if your religious beliefs are right or wrong what right would you have to take over the Catholic church and get rid of their belief in intercessory prayer or to discard statues, paintings, and other religious art which decorate many Catholic churches and cathedrals?The point I want to make h
 ere is its not an issue of being right or wrong, but an issue of respect. It is the greatest form of disrespect to walk into someone elses church and order someone to change their beliefs based on some self-righteous claim that your beliefs are better than theirs. Even if your beliefs end up being more valid or can be proven to be true that does not grant you a right to force those beliefs onto another human being. If anything history has proven that forced conversion does not work, and only causes more problems than it solves.I dont know how much history you have studied, particularly European history, but during the Protestant Reformation the Catholic church tried to stomp out Protestantism by torturing Protestants, burning bibles, and in extreme cases burning Protestants alive for heresy. As we can now see all of those efforts failed, and a lot of people suffered unnecessarily. I dont think you are advocating anything that extreme, but you cant just
  tell people what to believe or how to live and expect them to not resist your attempt to change their beliefs.I also think burning the Talmud or any other religious text is a great sign of disrespect. Not only to its religious followers but it is also a loss of knowledge. A wise person studies things, tries to understand others points of view, and weather they agree with them or not they will use that knowledge to improve themselves or to argue more effectively as to why that other person is wrong about something. Burning someones religious books does nothing to understand the points of views expressed in it, and arrogantly assumes that your beliefs are absolutely right. It is a very immature and uneducated way of looking at others beliefs, and what good would it really do to destroy someone elses religious texts anyway?For example, I assume you have a bible. It might be braille, on audio tape, on CD, an electronic format like txt. Now,assume I come to you
 r house and destroy it. Would that really do me any good, and would it actually change your beliefs?Of course, it wouldnt. All it would do is destroy your copy of the book and prevent you easy access to it. Further more my intentional destruction of your religious books would make you angry at me and cause you a legitimate reason to dislike me. So any objective I may have had of converting you to my point of view would have been a failure. So dont burn the Talmud or any other religious book because that just is the wrong way to go about dealing with others of a different religious upbringing than you.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] can a blind person drive a car?

2014-04-20 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: can a blind person drive a car?

Bryan,, I certainly understand the source of your doubt and skepticism here about self-driving cars, but consider this. To begin with they arent necessarily being developed for the blind in mind accept in specific research cases. It looks as the automotive industry as a whole are going to design these self-driving cars in stages. As in they will only be able to do it while in cruise control with a licensed driver behind the wheel for the first few years. Things like that will help ease the publics acceptance of the technology, build trust in it, as in the beginning the human operator will be an insurance for the technology both legally and from a public safety point of view. It will be able to help manufacturers and developers test and correct the technology on a large scale. Meaning by the time a blind driver will be allowed to drive or ride in such a car the technology will have already passed all kinds of legal and technological hurdles which they could do within twenty y
 ears or so, because it is being done in stages not just developing a new self-driving car and handing it to a blind operator on its first day out.Plus as we are blind we tend to think of how such technologies effect us personally. The thing is it is the sort of revolutionary technology that can help everyone so will be very marketable to a wide range of customers both disabled and not. There are people with mobility handicaps such as being crippled who are unable to drive normal cars who would benefit from this technology. There are people who are fully sighted but are unable to operate a motor vehicle because they suffer from epilepsy or some other mental disorder. There are people who have absolutely nothing wrong with them who would just like to sit the seat back and relax while the car drives him/her home after work. So considering the advantages of the technology I see it not only being developed, but taking off with the general public. However, it is only when it is wel
 l tested will we, the blind, be anywhere near it.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] has anyone used emacspeak?

2014-04-18 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: has anyone used emacspeak?

Wanderer, unfortunately, tracking the highlighted item is one of Speakups problems. In a program like Lynx the best way to resolve that problem is to configure Lynx to number the links on a web page. That way instead of arrowing to the link you want you can just type in the number of the link such as 23 and press enter to activate it. Other than that you have to sort of get use to Speakups habit of speaking the item before or after the one you want in a menu or list which is frustrating as heck.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] new form of english, so funny.

2014-04-18 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: new form of english, so funny.

Kamochek, I saw the post you mentioned and I did not see anything funny about it. On the contrary I chose not to respond to it because it was unclear, and I tend to ignore anyone who cant compose a decently written post. I feel if someone cant take the time to proofread his/her posts so that I can read them they must not want me to take the time to respond to them.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] has anyone used emacspeak?

2014-04-17 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: has anyone used emacspeak?

Wanderer, yes, I have used Emacspeak, but not for quite a long time. The main reason I no longer use it is that I think there are plenty of better alternatives out there for Linux. Emacspeak was a good technology for its time, but is no longer the bee-all or end-all of Linux access that it once was.To begin with Emacspeak is not a screen reader so to speak. It is an add-on for the GNU Emacs program which is a jack of all trades. Emacs has a text editor, e-mail client, text based web browser, and various other utilities all rolled into one. I guess if you are satisfied with exclusively using Emacs to do everything Emacspeak is fine, but its not really as flexible or as useful as a real screen reader.The Vinux distribution comes with a console screen reader called Speakup which is more or lesson par with Jaws for Dos, Vocal-eyes, ASAP, or something like that. Speakup is far more useful than Emacspeak because not only can you have direct access to the shell, but you can
  use just about any console based program you like such as Alpine for e-mail, Links for browsing the web, Nano for editing text files, and many other console and command line programs. With Emacspeak you are pretty much limited to whatever Emacs supports or can run remotely via terminal mode.For the blind Linux user wanting something more like Windows the Gnome desktop with Orca is obviously the way to go. There he or she can use Firefox for browsing the web, Thunderbird for e-mail, Banshee for listening to podcasts and managing their music library, File-Roller for zipping and unzipping archives, LibreOffice for office documents, etc. Emacspeak obviously cant do any of this so is just not that useful for anyone wanting a Linux system truly equal to Windows in terms of a graphical user interface and applications.All of that isnt to say Emacspeak isnt occasionally useful. As a matter of fact there are times where Emacspeak does have a use in specialized
  situations. One thing Emacspeak does I wish other Linux screen readers did is when doing some programming it will tell you if the braces are matched, number the blocks of code, speaks indention, and provides a lot of detailed information that normally can only be obtained by physically looking at the screen. Emacspeak can also be configured with a number of command line OCR programs to do OCR scanning and reading which is cool. It also seems to be better at reading large documents than Speakup or Orca. So it has its uses at times.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] bible mini series described?

2014-04-16 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: bible mini series described?

I dont think so. If you are talking about the Bible mini series made by the History Channel all of the documentaries and mini series I have purchased from them on DVD did not have description. Plus when it was originally aired a year or two ago it did not have description then. So I doubt you will be able to obtain this mini series with description.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] can a blind person drive a car?

2014-04-15 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: can a blind person drive a car?

Kamochek, its possible for a blind person to drive a car, but as has been said it is a very risky business and is not strictly legal. I do know of one instance where a blind man drove a car across Europe with someone sitting in the passenger seat giving him directions, but even there it would be extremely risky. There are too many things could go wrong with that situation such as someone pulling in out in front of the blind driver and the blind driver not being able to react fast enough to prevent a collision.There have also been a number of experimental cars in development in which a blind person could theoretically drive a car. One used haptic and vibration feedback to provide sensory information while driving, but I dont seriously feel that would be safe. Another experimental car used a computerized artificial intelligence to drive the car. Thus the blind person wouldnt really be driving the car. Only a passenger while the car drives itself. In either case no
  government has approved those cars for use yet and there would be serious legal issues should a blind person get into an accident with such a vehicle.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] what do you think about when you listening to trance?

2014-04-15 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: what do you think about when you listening to trance?

Kamochek, what is dark psy Trans? I am from America and I dont know what you are talking about. I am assuming here you are talking about something that is available in your country but not mine as I have never heard of it. Maybe a little explanation would help here.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] playing DVDs from multiple countries

2014-04-15 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: playing DVDs from multiple countries

Harrylst, actually all drives can play any DVD with any region code if you no how to modify the firmware for the drive. In the USA, for example, the drives are set to region 1 by the manufacturer. In order for someone like me to play a DVD from the UK or Australia I have to download a utility for my drive and set the region code to 0 which will disable the region code checking. So what I would do in your case is google how to change the region code to 0 for your drive. Im sure someone out there has a crack or utility to do that. You just need to find out how to do it for your make and model of drive.URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] Pausing the Screen in Console Programs

2014-04-15 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Pausing the Screen in Console Programs

Hi all,This question is mostly for developers but any thoughts from non-developers are welcome as well.At the moment I am working on a quick and dirty text adventure system written in C++ suitable for developing classic interactive fiction games similar to games like the Infocom text adventures like Zork, Arthur, Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, and so forth. Since I am not really a fan of the text adventure languages like Inform and AGT I have decided to create my own system in C++, but have run into a slight problem with the text adventure system.In Dos/Windows if one wants to pause a screen of text all he or she has to do is call the _getch() function which will pause the out put until the enter or space key is pressed. Mac OSX and Linux have no such function and similar functionality has to be accessed through ncurses or another library like that. I am trying to come up with a pause function that will be completely cross-platform and will compile on
  any platform without having to involve ncurses or some other third-party solution. So what I have done in the meantime is use the standard cin input stream with a prompt that says, press c to continue or q to quit. I am wondering if people are okay with this method of pausing the screen, or if some of you developers knows of a better way to go about pausing the text on screen let me know.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] what do you think about when you listening to trance?

2014-04-15 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: what do you think about when you listening to trance?

Okay...Interesting. All I can say is that music sort of reminds me of games like Troopanum. I can easily imagine a game playing that music while spaceships or asteroids are falling, or perhaps a classic racing game like Poll Position. Something fast paced and high energy.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Shameless self promotion aka Dark's singing demos

2014-04-13 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Shameless self promotion aka Dark's singing demos

Dark, excellent job. Even though that sort of music isnt my cup of tea, so to speak, I did think you did a good job on the music.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Goodbye Windows XP, i still get nistalgic over you.

2014-04-09 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Goodbye Windows XP, i still get nistalgic over you.

[[wow]]. Just reading a few of these posts makes me realize how old I am compared to a lot of you, and how many members of this forum are pretty young. I think one reason I am not as emotional over the demise of XP is that for me it was not my first operating system. It was only one of several in a long line of operating systems I have used since the early 80s.I think the first time I used a computer it was when I was about age 7 or so. It was an Apple II-E running Apple Works. Naturally, Apple Works was as primitive as can be compared to what we have to day. In the early days it was basically a monochrome command prompt where you typed commands like run football to start a game of football which was text only. Most games for the Apple were text only back then so they were not anything fancy to write home about.From there, this being the mid 80s or so, I got an Apple II-J which had a newer versions of Apple Works on it. Unlike prior vers
 ions of Apple Works this version came with a menu. You would insert the floppy, type in the days date, eject the disc, turn it over and were presented in a sort of Start Menu. All in text of course. You could arrow up and down to various commands instead of type them directly into the command prompt.From there around 1990 or so I graduated to an IBM 286 running MS Dos 5.0. This is still pre-graphical user interface so like with Apple Works I basically had to type commands like cd to change directories, dir to get a list of directories, copy to copy a file, del to delete a file, and so on. About the only thing coming close to graphical back then was The Dos Shell which came with PC Dos which allowed you to bring up a graphical list of the files and directories on the hard drive. However, as the Dos Shell didnt come with all versions of Dos it was only on IBM computers and not HP, AST, Compaq, Del, etc.Naturally I stuck with that system for a couple of years, upgra
 ded it to MS Dos 6.2, and performed other upgrades on it until the IBM 486 came out. When the 486 came out I upgraded to it, because wonder of wonders besides Microsoft Dos it came with Microsoft Windows 3.1 which was the first version of Windows I have ever used. It wasnt as graphical or detailed as what we have today, but it was leaps and bounds more advanced than Dos. There were better graphics, better games, and one thing I loved was being able to assign sounds to various events which hadnt been possible in Dos.In 1996 I started collecting SSI, and I purchased an IBM Aptiva with a Pentium 166 processor, Windows 95, and by that time I was losing my vision so got Jaws for Windows 2.0. I wasnt very happy with the first release of Windows 95 because it constantly crashed and I often had to go back to the 486 to get anything done because Windows 3.1 was more stable than 95. I liked the look and feel of 95 which was really awesome, but its stability was terrib
 le. It wasnt until Microsoft released 95B that the OS was remotely worth having.In 1998 I was in college, and while I had my Aptiva it wasnt portable. I purchased a laptop with Windows 98 on it, and I have to say by and large Windows 98 was probably my favorite OS. Especially, 98 Second Edition which was more stable than Windows 95 or Windows 98, but was simple and easy to use. I of course liked it so much I went out and got Windows 98 for the Aptiva which meant I quickly moved to 98 once I found how much I liked it.Around 2000 I did buy the Windows Millennium upgrade for my laptop, but it ran so slowly that I eventually had to take it off. Millennium frankly sucked and I considered it a waste of money.Im trying to think of when I got my first XP machine and I believe that was around 2002. I got a new desktop, actually built a new desktop, and along with I got an OEM version of XP. At the time it was the first version of XP without 
 the service packs so it crashed alot and like a lot of people I did a fair amount of bitching and griping about it. It wasnt until SP1 came out that XP was worth having. By the time SP2 came out it was a fairly decent OS.Over the course of the next few years I actually purchased and owned more than one PC so I will skip all the details and just say I was happy with XP up until around 2007 when I got a new laptop with Vista on it, and slowly updated some of my other machines to Vista slowly phasing XP out.When Windows 7 came out, I want to say 2009, I got a copy, found out how much better it was than Vista, and immediately purchased licenses for all of my ,machines that could run it and upgraded them. Those that couldnt run Windows 7 got Linux, and I still mainly use windows 7 on my Windows computers and have a couple of systems running Linux.To end this long rant I did get a Toshiba laptop in 20011 which came with Windows 7, but last year I upgraded 
 it to Windows 8. Although, I am unwilling to convert all of my systems to Windows 8 I do use the OS on one system and 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Goodbye Windows XP, i still get nistalgic over you.

2014-04-07 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Goodbye Windows XP, i still get nistalgic over you.

Im more than ready. In fact, I am getting ready to celebrate when Windows XP dies. I havent been running that pile of trash in more than five years anyway, and as a developer I have been wanting to let go of some of its deprecated libraries for years. So when Microsoft trashes the OS Ill be making plans to scrap it in terms of supporting it too. Ding dong. XP is dead. Ding dong. the old garbage is dead. Ding dong XP is really really dead.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Goodbye Windows XP, i still get nistalgic over you.

2014-04-07 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Goodbye Windows XP, i still get nistalgic over you.

Chris, I am pretty sure Microsoft wont relent on the Metro look and feel no matter how much you and others whish they might reject it in favor of a classic Windows look and feel. While I would certainly prefer the classic user interface myself I know that is not going to happen, and have chosen to just accept the new user interface and learn to deal with it on its own terms. I dont see how dragging my feet and refusing to change will help me when I have to deal with the new user interface at some point either on a job site, a new computer, or just need to know it as a developer. So for me at least refusing to change just doesnt seem practical given that the new look and feel is probably here to stay.As for XP being the best operating system Microsoft ever developed that is in the eyes of the beholder and subject to personal opinion. As Sebby pointed out many people forget XP was absolutely crap when it first came out in 2001. I remember people around colle
 ge and on tech lists swearing up and down and sideways they would never upgrade to it, XP wont last, and now those are the same people who can not or will not let go of it now. In their opinion Microsoft killed the golden goose when they killed XP. My point being is that there are always people who hate change, who will go kicking and screaming to the next operating system, and when they finally accept it they cant let go of it because they found out they liked it after all.From my personal perspective Windows 7 is really the best Microsoft has created. It is more stable and more secure than XP, it has a lot of nice components like .NET 4.0, XAudio2, SAPI 5.4, I like the new Start Menu, I like features like pinning programs to the taskbar, etc which XP does not have. There are a lot of nice things under the hood in Win 7 that you and others could grow to like if you would just get over your breakup with XP.Sebby, I began phasing Windows XP out in favor of V
 ista in 2007. I agree that Vista was a pretty bad choice initially, and the first releases were absolute crap. It wasnt until service pack 2 came out that Vista began to become a reasonable alternative to XP. These days with all the Windows updates Vista is much more stable and reliable than it was back in 2007 or 2008, but to answer your question the main reason I upgraded was basically because I purchased a new computer that had Vista already pre-installed on it.Understand, for me at least, I like technology, and am a computer geek. I have no problems messing around with new tech, trying it out, and when I have the funds always put some aside for upgrades and to buy updates if and when I can afford them. Therefore I am likely to be the first to jump in and buy a new Windows upgrade or a new computer before the majority of the blind community does. In Some cases as in XP to Vista the transition wasnt worth the time or the money invested in it. In other cases goin
 g from Vista to Windows 7 was well worth the money because Windows 7 is a decent OS, and has many improvements over Vista. I only have one machine running Windows 8 right now, and the jury is still out if the money was well spent or not. From a development and testing perspective that would be a yes, but from a practical day to day OS not really. I still use Linux and windows 7 for most of my stuff currently.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] lets talk about...

2014-04-06 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: lets talk about...

SLJ, glad I was not the only one who thought the topic was going to be about sex. That ellipsis really left me wondering what Kamochek thought was so bad he could not come out and say it up front. Turned out to be yet another religious discussion.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] 40 minute mode for nvda!

2014-04-06 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: 40 minute mode for nvda!

Trenton, Lol. I missed this on the first as I was incomucato that day, but am getting a kick out of it now. Thanks for posting this April Fools Day joke.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I have no passion in life

2014-04-06 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: I have no passion in life

Wanderer, as you can tell by the number of people who have responded to your comments what you are going through is quite common among the blind population. Even I can admit to having been through what you are experiencing a few times in my life as well. However, I can say if you are willing to motivate yourself, something easier said than done, there is a way to climb out of this situation. Although, it isnt a trivial or easy process. A lot will come down to how badly you want things to change.First, though, lets start with the motivation and boredom issue. Im no psychologist myself, but I think what you are experiencing here is some general depression. Ive been treated for depression enough times myself over the years to realize the signs of moderate depression recognize it when people start mentioning symptoms. Some of the most common ones are a lack of motivation, easily bored by life, and feelings of uselessness, etc. Sound familiar?In or
 der to get out of this funk or depression you are currently in you may have to do some self-analysis of the situation and see what is causing your depression or seek counseling. In any case there can be and are many causes for depression. Some are caused by poor diet, lack of adequate exorcize, lack of sleep, too much sleep, etc. All of those things will cause bio-chemical imbalances which can and do lead to depression in people. If that is the case trying to eat healthier, do a little more physical exorcise each day, and making sure you get on a good sleep schedule might go a long ways to helping you get motivated. However, that isnt the only causes of depression, nor will eating healthy food and getting exorcise solve all of your problems. Thus we address the other causes of depression.As said before there can be many causes of depression, but for a lot of people, both blind and sighted, they get depressed out of a lack of fulfillment in their life. This is where I th
 ink you are now. Maybe they didnt make good grades in school, they dont have a lot of friends, maybe they got turned down for the school football team, whatever. The point here is that they are looking for something to make them feel happy, to make them feel right with the world, and whatever it is they think will make them happier be it lots of friends, good grades, or becoming a star player for the school team just isnt happening for them so they tend to become unmotivated, discouraged, and get into the why bother trying state of mind.As this situation is different for everyone you need to be able to quantify what is making you feel unmotivated and depressed. As in write down some questions in Windows Notepad, and then try and answer them honestly such as are you feeling lonely, if you are lonely why, name some things you would change if you could, etc. Basically, take what you are thinking and feeling and commit it to some form you can read an
 d perhaps use as a springboard to clarifying why you feel the way you will do. Some things may not be fixable such as a surgery to give you sight or make your hearing better, assuming that was something you wanted, but you will find there are plenty of other things you might be able to take direct action upon and make them better for you personally. So my advice to you is write down your thoughts and feelings, keep a journal, and from that you will be able to find out the root causes of this lack of motivation.Second, I know all too well your difficulties with making friends, and I can honestly say a lot of blind people do. Not all, but a lot find themselves in the same or similar situation making friends. What you and others may fail to realize is that you shouldnt take it personally. Speaking as someone who was once fully sighted and is now totally blind the mindset of a sighted person and a blind person regarding meeting and greeting is completely different.Wh
 at I mean by that is that for sighted people there is a completely different level of communication that is unavailable to a blind person. Its basically non-verbal communication and it can be transmitted through the look in someones eyes, a smile, a simple wave, or the good old thumbs up to a buddy in passing. Not only that but if your school is anything like my high school was most of the students were practically walking billboards with shirts proudly advertising the persons favorite band, favorite TV character, favorite sports team, etc. They may have a backpack or bookbag advertising something else, and there are pens, pencils, and other items they may be carrying or using that advertises their interest in something else. All of this non-verbal communication, of course, passes a blind person by because we simply do not see it and dont even know it is there. Even if we are aware it is there we generally fail to communicate on that level which is where the proble
 m begins with socializing with our sighted peers.For any normal fully sighted person in the world 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] lets talk about...

2014-03-27 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: lets talk about...

Well, since we are talking about the three dots in English we call that an elipsis. As you say it is used to pause between two thoughts or to basically state you know the rest which in this case we dont until reading the first post in the thread.Funnily enough when I first saw the topic on the forum the first thought that came to me was the song by Sault and Peppa called Lets Talk About Sex. The words just seemed to echo in my mind. Lets talk about sex. Lets talk about you and me. Lets talk about all the things that could be.Not sure why I started thinking about that song other than the topic, the way it was written, just reminded me of that song even though I havent heard it in like 20 years. Lol.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] a lil amateur writing: how bad is it?

2014-03-27 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: a lil amateur writing: how bad is it?

Chandu, actually that is a pretty decent start to a story so far. I dont think your inner critic is correct, and you are being too hard on yourself. Keep up the good work on it and youll have something decent there I think.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-26 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: girls and adolt women

Bashue, I definitely get what you are saying, and think the principle problem is often adults such as your parents know what they mean but arent able to put into words what they are thinking when they tell a child he or she is too young to understand what love is. What they usually mean is that some things need personal experience, experience that only comes with age, and its often times difficult to explain certain concepts to an 8 or 9 year old in a language they can understand. Trying to explain why a crush at 8 or 9 is not true love is difficult to do since infatuation produces strong emotions, passion, but lacks the deeper truer kind of love, compassion. As far as making bad choices, poor decisions, everyone does it and it is unfair to blame your parents for that. Often times adults themselves dont know the difference between real love and infatuation and that is why divorce rates in the U.S. and other places are high. Far too many adults rush into relation
 ships, are filled with wild passion, get married, and only after living together a while realize too late that it was not what they really wanted. I did that myself, and I could practically write a book on things I know now that I didnt know then about love and relationships. Sometimes people just have to learn the lessons the hard way, because when people tell someone something they are too immature, too inexperienced, or too stubborn to listen to what they are being told. So dont be too harsh towards your parents and other adults in your life as I am sure they did the best they could at the time.As to the issue of not talking to strangers generally speaking that is good and sound advice. Obviously, you have to take into consideration the situation. If you are at a school or some other public place like that its okay to talk to strangers such as teachers and other students because it is a safe place to meet and greet strangers. If you belong to a religious commun
 ity like a church or mosque its usually safe to meet others within your religious community. However, there are times where talking to strangers wouldnt be safe such as talking to someone on the street corner or standing out in a parking lot of a store. They might be okay and they might not. You just dont know. Particularly if you are a child.The problem here is that most crimes, interesting enough, arent committed by complete strangers. A lot of times crimes are committed by friends or family members. That is to say most perpetrators are trusted by their victims.To give you an example a few years ago there was a big scandal here in the United States because Catholic Priests were molesting children. The whole problem here is that these priests were trusted members of their communities, that they were looked up to for spiritual and moral guidance, and it turns out they were molesting the kids in their congregations. So the old phrase we learned in scho
 ol, stranger danger, isnt really true in a lot of cases.However, to get back to the point dont talk to strangers does not mean dont talk to anyone you dont know. You have to use a bit of common sense here. If you are in school and a fellow student passes buy and says hows it going talk to them. Dont be an ass and ignore him/her. That is rude to ignore them particularly because that is a safe and completely appropriate place to meet and greet people. I think in your case your parents or someone told you not to talk to strangers and you took it completely the wrong way by ignoring anyone and everyone you dont know which Im sure was not intended.As for the issue of age making you wiser there is the saying in philosophy that says, the beginning of wisdom is knowing that you dont know everything. I cant remember the exact phrasing at the moment, but thats the gist of it. Wh
 en we are children, particularly teenagers, we kind of have this idea we know everything, dont want people to tell us how to run our lives, what to do, or how to act and then we get in our 20s and discover we dont know half the things we believed we did. We have to go back to the drawing board and relearn or rediscover things for ourselves, and it can often times be a painful experience. However, for many of us once we reach that point where we know and can admit to ourselves we dont know it all, that we know what we dont know, allows us to grow and learn in ways we could not before.Finally, as to your issue with love and romance it sounds to me like you are trying too hard. You mentioned time after time of attempting or trying to have a relationship. One thing I have learned is thats the wrong way of going about it. If it is going to happen, if it is meant to be, you should just let it happen naturally. That is you should simpl
 y become good friends with the person before building on that friendship and becoming lovers. If there is no friendship there is no long lasting relationship there either. I think that is what is wrong with a lot of 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Apple alex

2014-03-26 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Apple alex

Steve, Im afraid you are out of luck. Apples Alex voice is only available on Apple devices. If you want the Alex voice or to record it you will have to buy a Mac. There is no other way to get the voice.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] vegetarianism- your views?

2014-03-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: vegetarianism- your views?

Chandu, as far as my views goes I consider vegetarianism is principally of consuming foods that come from plants such as roots, leaves, stocks, fruits, grains, etc. Basically, any part of a plant that can be safely consumed by a human being. I dont really consider dairy products as being vegetarian in nature because that comes from cows, goats, etc and I dont consider eggs vegetarian either because those come from ducks, chickens, and geese.As to the issue of avoiding the destruction of any life form then you are going to find that is pretty much unavoidable no matter what you eat regardless if it comes from a plant or an animal. Fruits carry the seeds required for that plant to reproduce so if you happily munch down on an orange, apple, grape, etc you are in a sense killing the plants young. You can minimize this by saving and planting the seeds, but most people dont do that. If you cut down a celery plant to eat its stocks you are once again killin
 g that plant to eat its stocks. If you dig up a carrot or onion to eat it you are once again killing the plant because carrots and onions are a vital part of that plants root system. Eating its roots is going to kill the plant. Grains like wheat, oats, etc are a part of a plants reproductive system so once again we are back to eating the plants young.Point being, if you are adopting vegetarianism out of some altruistic sense not to kill life be it fish, cows, sheep, fowl, etc then you havent considered the fact that we kill plants all the time in order to eat their seeds, roots, stocks, and so forth. Unless a person is willing to starve to death taking life in order to survive is all a part of the natural order of things. Every animal in the world does it so I think adopting a vegetarian diet should be done out of health benefits not because someone is squeamish about killing a cow for hamburger or turning a chicken in to chicken filets.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Where is the java development kit (JDK)?

2014-03-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Where is the java development kit (JDK)?

Sawcheat, please specify which version you need plus platform and processor type. For example do you need the windows 32-bit version, the Windows 64-bit version, the Linux 32-bit version, Linux AMD64 version, etc.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-23 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: girls and adolt women

Ive seen a lot of posts here with people saying they dont know what love is or what the difference between love and infatuation is. I think the easiest way to explain it is to begin by dispelling a few myths.The first is that love is often described as an emotion. Although, love can and often times does produce strong emotions I like to think of love as being much more than the sum total of ones emotions happiness, attraction, etc. True love is compassion for another person not passion. Its putting someone elses wants, needs, desires before your own. Its doing things for another person because you truly want to not because you have to. In short, love is selfless not selfish.To give you an example compassion, true love, is doing a selfless act out of the goodness of your heart for another person. Lets say a neighbors house burns down and they lose everything. You go out buy a bunch of clothes and other basic supplies you think
  they will need, and then give that to them. That is an act of compassion, an act of kindness, that is true love for your fellow humans that has nothing to do with being attracted to them physically or especially produces strong emotions. Yet, I would describe that as true love.In a romantic relationship a similar principle applies. Lets assume your girlfriends car breaks down, she cant afford to fix it, and you offer to give her the money to fix it not expecting anything in return. If you are willing to give away the money to fix the car without expecting her to repay the money or do something in return than that is true love. Its a selfless gesture that puts her interests and needs ahead of your own.Infatuation is most definitely an emotional response. You see a pretty girl/woman, hear her voice, touch her and are emotionally and sexually attracted to her. You sit around for hours day dreaming about her, imagine yourself kissing and touching her, and when
  you hear a song on the radio it makes you think of that girl. Thats infatuation, not true love, and is what I call pure passion. Its often very selfish because you will say anything and do anything to have her want to be with you all to satisfy your emotional and physical needs. Its putting your emotional needs, wants, desires before those of the person you are infatuated with.To give you an example an infatuated person might offer to give his girlfriend money to fix her car, but in the back of his mind he is doing so in the hopes she will like him more or will be willing to go to bed with him. Its doing a kind gesture for purely selfish reasons weather they are clearly stated or not. All he really cares about is having his emotional and physical desires satisfied not weather or not his girlfriend really needs the help and support.I guess what I am saying true love is a selfless desire to perform kindness and generosity out of a genuine concern for t
 he well being of someone else. Were infatuation is always first and foremost a self serving emotional attraction to someone else that attempts to satisfy emotional and physical needs without a genuine concern for the other person.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] question about christianity

2014-03-20 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: question about christianity

Kamochek, once again, I think you are over simplifying things. There is no way to just point to any one Christian sect and say this one or that one uses the King James translation, because it is often not that simple. A lot of times it comes down to the individual church congregation and its minister which bible to use, which songs to sing, and so on. It is for that reason you might walk into a Methodist church and Pastor Ted is using the New King Games translation, and you walk into another Methodist church and Pastor John is using the NIV. There is no standardization or consistency between churches, and it is one reason Christianity is so vast and so diverse. You are assuming a standardization and consistency that simply does not exist in mainline Christianity. The only church that has such standardization I know of is the Roman Catholic church which uses the RSV, Revised Standard Version, which is a bit different from the King James. Instead of the usual 66 books the RSV has so
 mething like 72 books. However, most other churches choose their bibles on an individual basis.Themadviolinist, exactly my point. Many Christians claim that the bible is one consistent story about God and the children of Israel, but when someone examines the Bible more closely its obvious that the views of God varies differently from author to author and from book to book. It lacks consistency, and it cant possibly be the inspired word of God. If it were the inspired word of God one would expect a greater consistency in Gods character as well as various other messages one can take away from the Bible. However, as you pointed out the Bible was canonized and put together for political as well as religious reasons and the books and scriptures chosen were intended to serve ideological needs at the time rather than attempting to convey a religious truth. The more people who realize that the more we can get passed some of these beliefs that the Bible is the final word o
 n anything and everything which it clearly is not.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] question about christianity

2014-03-19 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: question about christianity

Hi all,Okay, there are a lot of posts Id like to respond to so Ill respond to them one by one in order below.Bryan, yes, I have noticed that too. Any time the FFRF posts a comment on their wall, make a statement, there are a lot of religious people who cant keep their thoughts and opinions to themselves. They get on their and post everything from the I feel sorry for you type comments to the you are all going to hell type comments. Ive learned to just ignore them, because there is nothing anyone can say or do to change their minds, and unfortunately most of them dont get why we non-believers are non-believers. Many of them go as far as to call atheism a type of religion even though that is a bit like saying baldness is a kind of hair color. The absents of belief in any supernatural deity or deities doesnt automatically mean that we atheists worship science. We merely see the universe as being a product
  of natural and rational forces rather than supernatural ones. An opinion backed up by evidence and research apposed to belief.Kamochek, just because I am an atheist that does not mean I want to be a communist, nor do I agree with people like Stalin or Lenin. On the contrary I am politically and morally apposed to them for a number of reasons. However, I do get this question a lot so let me explain.A lot of people when they here someone is an atheist, a non-religious person, they somehow assume that person is immoral or that they are incapable of being decent people all because they dont look to the Bible or some holy book for their personal values. Even though I am not a Christian and dont look to the Bible for my morals I do consider myself to have a well define sense of right and wrong. The difference is that instead of looking to the bible or some holy book I base my morality on humanist principles that people have the right to be treated as equals rega
 rdless of race, sex, disability, and so on. That we should treat others the way we would like to be treated ourselves. People like Lenin and Stalin were not good humanists, and I consider evil from a moral point of view. Therefore I would not support them, because they offend me from a moral standpoint.Assault_freak, you are exactly right. Most Christians are not as extreme or as pushy as those I mentioned above. The problem is that those who hold extreme views and are very vocal are bound and determined to force their beliefs on everyone else regardless of religious views. We often have to fight against those people, because if we dont fight back they will force their views on everyone else through education, by passing laws, or electing officials that agree with them.I personally dont have an answer to the problem myself. No, I dont think that doing away with religion will work as people like Dawkins seems to think, but we cant just let 
 extreme groups go unchecked either. Its a difficult balance allowing people to have freedom of religion but not allow them to go too far with it that they can control what everyone else thinks and believes. At what point are Christians being too pushy, infringing the rights of others, and need to be put in their place?To give you an example there was a case last year where a mother of a teenage high school student decided to go to her daughters school, stand on the front steps, and prayed every morning while the students were lined up outside the front door waiting to go inside. Eventually, a student complained about this and the woman was asked to leave the school property. Next thing we know the story is front page news all over America and Christians were holding this woman up as some kind of hero, and the attempts to have her banned or removed from the school ground was seen as an attack against Christianity. The people taking this womans side seemed to overlo
 ok the fact that not every student there was Christian, not all of them wanted to be a part of her little prayer group, and it was on government property which made it unconstitutional. She was there praying and proselytizing her religious beliefs at a government facility that is suppose to be neutral on the topic of religion.Ill agree with you not all Christians are like that, but those that are like that can become problematic because they are bound and determined to spread their beliefs to anyone and everyone in hearing range. They cant seem to get the fact that some of us reserve the right not to be preached to, that some areas should be free of religious proselytizing, and as a result someone has to put them in their place.Bryan, unfortunately that is true. After reading the Bible cover to cover that was one of the reasons I left organized Christianity, drifted as an independent for many years, before converting to atheism. There were too many things i
 n the Bible I just simply did not agree with that conflicted with my own sense of right and wrong. The Old Testament in particular seemed extremely harsh and the 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] question about christianity

2014-03-17 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: question about christianity

Dark, its a complicated situation of course. Usually thanks to separation between church and state religious groups such as the Christian right can only lobby for laws or candidates they want, but every now and then they are able to enact laws or elect candidates in areas where the Christian power base is very strong. States like Texas, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, and so forth are largely made up of Christian voters, and if their is an issue they can unite on they hold sway over the politics in that region. Sometimes as in the case in Arizona the Christian right goes way too far, and attempt to support laws that are heavily biased towards non-Christian groups like gays and lesbians or support laws that would make America into a Christian theocracy.To give you an example in a lot of places in America it is illegal to buy or sell alcoholic beverages on Sunday. There isnt any other reason for the law than Sunday happens to be the Christian Sabbath, and Christian
 s dont want stores, restaurants, and other places of business selling booze to customers on the Sabbath. Somewhere along the way our government seems to have forgotten that not everyone is a Christian and we dont all consider Sunday as somehow being holy. Never-the-less its illegal to buy beer, wine, and so forth on Sunday because it is the Sabbath.Obviously, I appose such laws because its not in the spirit of equal rights. The Sunday laws, which no longer get enforced everywhere equally, were passed to favor Christian voters, and are heavily biased against non-Christians who do not worship on Sunday. The American Humanist Association and Freedom From Religion Foundation have been trying to get the U.S. government more on a secular footing and to do away with bad laws that favor one religious group or another on the grounds of religion. Its a serious problem here in the States because there are some very powerful religious groups working just as hard to forc
 e their religious views on everyone else.As for radical atheism I do understand your concerns, and while I dont necessarily agree with the points you raised I can see why you would find them disturbing. Ill be the first to admit there is good science and there is bad science. However, at this point in time the scientific method is the best methodology we have for determining fact from fiction, and so far it has been pretty successful in progressing society beyond superstition and ignorance we had for centuries.The reason science works, the reason it has been largely successful, is science begins with an assumption of doubt and gathers evidence which proves or disproves something. Faith based religions on the other hand begin with an absolute assumption of truth based on personal belief, and that belief need not be based on evidence. It is obvious why science and religion are often times incompatible, because one group starts from a position of doubt and the
  other starts from a position of belief.An agnostic such as yourself is somewhere in the middle of the two extremes. You are at least willing to concede god may or may not exist giving equal weight to either side of the argument, and at the moment you are in favor of some de vine or supernatural being we will call God. Vocal atheists like Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Michael Shermer, and others are coming from a position of absolute doubt, and that is why people like Dawkins believe that a religious mind is anti-progress and that religion should be abolished from society completely. For a variety of personal reasons I have to agree with them, because I have witnessed first-hand the effects religious beliefs have on people.For example, my ex wife and her family are died in the wool Christian fundamentalists. They do not believe in science in any way, shape, or form. Therefore they have a lot of beliefs like the world is only 6,000 years old, the earth was made in 
 six literal days, Adam and Eve walked with the dinosaurs, and a lot of other things which science can patently prove to be false. The problem is that my ex and I are getting a divorce, and one of the major conflicts is over the education of our son Sean. I want my son to be enrolled in public school where he can get a decent education. My ex wife and her family want him to be home schooled so they can teach him at home there religious beliefs, and to basically indoctrinate him in their ignorance and superstition. If allowed to have their own way they will be depriving my son of the right to study science and he will grow up believing the universe is 6,000 years old instead of 13.5 billion years, he will think that Adam and Eve lived with the dinosaurs instead of the fact the dinosaurs lived 65 million years before humans existed, and so on. In my opinion that kind of thinking is extremely anti-progressive, is in fact the worst kind of absolute ignorance, and I agree with Dawkins tha
 t kind of religious belief should be abolished from 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Book Recommendations?

2014-03-17 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Book Recommendations?

Guitarman, well for science fiction you might want to try some of Elizabeth Moons books if you havent already. She often writes science fiction action adventures with a sort of Star Trek feel to them. In particular the Serrano Legacy and Vaddas War series would appeal to you.As for historical fiction have you tried Bernard Cornwall? Some of his books are very good, and I particularly liked his Arthurian trilogy as it tries to set King Arthur in a very realistic historical context.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Making A Tts Voice?

2014-03-16 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Making A Tts Voice?

Guitarman, to be honest the requirements to do this are far more complicated and more technical than you realize. It is definitely far more complicated than just writing a scriptSupposedly there are programs like Model Talker which Scot mentioned above where you could record sample clips of yourself and construct a Sapi 5 voice, but as Scot mentioned the end results were pretty low quality. There is also an open source TTS Engine, Festival, which has a number of sample voices, but to be honest no one has come up with a decent enough voice for it which sounds even as good as the Vocalizer voices, and even if you did start with something like that it would require months of research into the APIs as well as the science behind voice synthesis. Do you really want to do that?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] question about christianity

2014-03-16 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: question about christianity

Kamochek, interesting topic of discussion, and as I happen to be something of an amateur historian I do think I can answer your questions here. However, keep in min d that what we are discussing is better than a couple thousand years of history, and its a long and complex story involving many different people and events. Christianity didnt evolve over night, change over night, and there are many reasons to why Christianity is the way it is today. The one thing I can say is that it didnt happen suddenly, but evolved or changed based on differing times and circumstances.However, before we can actually get into how Christianity became what it is today we need to look back at the circumstances of what was happening in your homeland, in Israel, during the time Jesus and the apostles were supposed to live. Much of what was to follow has its roots in the first century and were partly political as well as religious. So once you understand what was happening then it make
 s it easier to understand the reasons how and why Christianity changed as it spread out, became less Jewish, and became something other than the Messianic sect it started out as.During the first century Israel was under the control of the Roman Empire. It was just one of several countries the Romans had crushed under their boot heals, but the Jews, unlike so many other people the Romans had conquered, were not willing to integrate into normal Roman society. They believed themselves to be Gods chosen people and were religiously, politically, and biologically separate from all other Romans. They considered everyone else not a Jew to be a gentile. So its not too surprising that after being defeated by the Romans the Jews were looking for a messiah, a savior, similar to Moses, Joshua, King David, etc. They definitely were not looking for or especially wanting anyone like Jesus, because they wanted a strong military leader to overthrow the Romans. Not some guy claiming to be
  the Son of god, and who would be crucified for the sins of the world. That just did not fit their expectations of who or what the messiah would be.Fast forward to the late first century and it is not surprising that there were many military leaders who rose up, claimed to be the messiah, and lead a number of unsuccessful revolts against the Romans. The Romans of course retaliated by sending troops to Israel, sacking Jerusalem, and ripping down the Jewish temple among other things. It was of course an attempt by the Romans to bring the Jews into line, but believing the Messiah had come or was coming Jews began revolting all over the place. Even in Rome. In the end all the Jews ended up doing is making themselves pariahs, outcasts, and outsiders and a lot of gentiles viewed Jews with suspicion and distrust. This is where the Christians come into the picture.Not all Christians were or had been Jews and by the second century many were converted gentiles. So it isnt 
 too surprisingly they didnt like being painted with the same brush as those troublesome Jews, and from what we can read from the Early Church Fathers many consciously made an attempt to get away from Messianic Judaism/. They wanted to create something new, Christianity, which was similar in beliefs to Messianic Judaism but was not. To this end they began doing a lot of things that may or may not be considered apostate such as changing the Sabbath from the seventh day of the week to the first day of the week, Saturday to Sunday, didnt celebrate any Jewish holidays, and so forth. Basically, by the second century there was a movement to sever ties with Messianic Judaism and it was much to do with the politics of the time as anything else.If we move forward a couple more centuries we have a slightly different situation, but we see politics has a lot to do with what happened next. Constantine I becomes emperor and according to history converted to Christianity. A
 t least the Roman flavor of Christianity, and he convenes the first Counsel of Nicea where a lot of church doctrine is hammered out and canonized . Since Christianity, the Roman version is now the official religion of the Roman Empire, its not too surprising politics drove the changes to come.The Roman Catholic church, now the official church, took on a very Roman typed organized structure. There had apparently been priests, bishops, and so on in the organization of the Catholic church prior to Constantine, probably dating back to the second century or so, but they had no real political power. After Constantine though the Catholic church begins to take on political power. Constantine had moved his capital east to Constantinople , present day Istanbul, and he left Pope Sylvester I in charge of Rome and the Western half of the empire. This is where politics and the Catholic church begin to play an important roll for the next thousand years. I could write for pages on
  that topic, but for brevities sake I wont.Needless to say what 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Making A Tts Voice?

2014-03-16 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Making A Tts Voice?

CAE, there are a lot of problems with that method. For one if you cut up recordings and piece words and sentences back together there is always going to be certain words or phrases that your TTS will never be able to speak. If it isnt in your database it wont be able to read it. I often see things like this happen with the ATT Natural voices, and it flat out does not work for strange words from a science fiction novel or fantasy novel where the words are often made up and need to be sounded out. Certainly they dont appear in any dictionary and a TTS voice as you are proposing just would not be able to do it.Another problem is performance. TTS engines like Espeak may not sound human but are very responsive when used with a screen reader etc. Thats because they dont have to do a lot of complex work when generating the speech. What you are proposing requires much more complex work from the CPU and memory stringing sounds together to reconstru
 ct a human voice. I am not at all certain you could get the same amount of performance from such a system because you are in a sense loading and playing sound clips back rather than synthesizing the speech.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rock Music Suggestions

2014-03-16 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Rock Music Suggestions

Ghost Rider, what exactly are you looking for in terms of music? Rock is a very huge and varied collection of music. We have classic rock, hard rock, soft rock, grunge, and so on. If I had a better idea of what you were looking for I might be able to give you suggestions.I myself am a fan of classic rock from the 70s and 80s, and tend to listen to more hard rock than soft rock, but also listen to my share of pop rock. So if you have any interest in that genre of music I can give you plenty of ideas to try.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] question about christianity

2014-03-16 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: question about christianity

Dark, yes, that is certainly true. The Romans were for their time pretty tolerant of other religions, and were not ones to push their beliefs off onto others. When they went in and conquered an area they let the people continue to believe whatever they wanted provided the people also accepted a few things such as accepting the Roman emperor as a deity and spent some time worshipping at Roman temples and worshipping Roman gods and goddesses too. Since the Romans were polytheists, believed in many gods, the idea that anyone could or would believe in one and only one god was an anathema to them. It was utterly unconceivable for them. So the Christians and Jews essentially became enemies of the state, because they would not be good polytheists and worship many gods like everyone else did.Interesting enough there are some surviving written accounts of trials in which the Romans captured Christians, dragged them into court, and the judge would try and reason with them. They would
  tell them to say this or that prayer to the emperor, burn this candle, do this or that and theyd be sent on their way. Christians outright refused, and in some cases the person demanded to be crucified exactly like Jesus. So apparently during the second and third century despite many Romans not wanting to kill them Christians were hunted down and martyred simply because they refused to worship any other gods or goddesses accept the Christian god. No doubt the Romans saw the Christians attitudes as pigheaded and unreasonable, because a lot of the times the Romans sent to kill them did try to reason with the Christians and let them go. Most chose suicide by martyrdom than pretend to worship another god.However, you are right. It is interesting to see how much political and religious power were tied together, and the combination has ultimately been destructive for everyone involved. That is why I am a member of the Freedom From Religion Foundation here in America, b
 ecause I am a firm believer in the separation between church and state. Anytime the religious authority and the political authority have merged it has been a complete and unequivocal disaster, and human rights usually get trampled under foot.The war between Catholics and Anglicans during the 16th century is a case in point. Henry VIII gets pissed off because the Pope wont grant him a divorce from Catherine so he creates his own church, grants himself a divorce, and ends up plunging England into civil war for the next century. Henry and his son Edward die without heirs, Mary I comes to the thrown, and automatically goes on a bloody religious crusade to bring England under Catholic rule. She too dies without heirs and Elizabeth comes to the thrown and reconstitutes the Anglican church. Both Spain and Mary of Scotland, both Catholics, try to dethrone Elizabeth causing more needless war and spilled blood. We havent even started on how England first under Elizabe
 th I and then under James I dealt with Ireland creating many of the issues and problems we have today between Irish Catholics and the English.The point being politics and religion have never been good bedfellows, and the two together causes more problems then they solve. We are still sorting out messes created by our ancestors such as the issue over Ireland or the possession of Palestine, and the only way we can ever and will ever get passed it is if political decisions are made without religion being tied into the mix. A lot of things have been done historically that were morally wrong and have been excused away by someones religious beliefs. We need to take religion out of the picture and make political choices based on what is best for everyone involved not to satisfy someones religious beliefs.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] question about christianity

2014-03-16 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: question about christianity

Kamochek, the Puritans had nothing to do with Messianic Judaism, and I am not sure where you got that idea. As Dark said the Puritans were a Christian sect of protestant reformers who rejected both the Catholics and the Anglicans and started their own religious movement during the 16th and 17th centuries. They were considered religious radicals by the time, and still are by most Christians, because they were ultra orthodox Christians who were extremely harsh, intolerant, and unforgiving of anything they viewed didnt fit their religious lifestyle. They were very ascetic and taught Christians should live extremely simple lives, and absolutely discouraged pleasure in any and all forms.Im not sure where these questions are coming from. Weather they are asked out of general curiosity or a hope to align yourself with some more mainstream Christian groups, but let me say Puritanism and Messianic Judaism are two completely different religions practically speaking. Any s
 imilarities between them are superficial at best.Dark, while I understand your concerns about radical atheism the Freedom From Religion Foundation, FFRF, is not a radical atheist organization. No, I dont exactly agree with everything they do, sometimes I do think some of their court cases are too radical for my personal comfort, but you have to understand why the FFRF and organizations like it exist here in America. I dont really think you understand the grip or the power of the Christian right in American politics, and how they continually attempt to force their religious beliefs on everyone else no matter what. Sometimes the FFRF and AHA are the only political activists willing to stand up and strike down a piece of legislation which is religiously motivated and that goes against everything we non-Christians stand for. Some times the laws that these Christian groups dream up are down right immoral from a humanist perspective.For example, earlier this year
  the Arizona state legislature was attempting to pass a law that would allow Arizona business owners to discriminate against hiring certain employees based on religious grounds. If a person applying for a job happened to be gay and the business owner a Christian this bill would allow him to legally discriminate against the gay man because the owner was a Christian. Now, I think even you must admit such a law would be highly immoral, totally discriminatory, and should not even be considered in this day and age. Well, the FFRF and AHA both went after the Arizona legislature and managed to get the bill thrown out as it should have been. Its one thing to be religious, believe a certain way, but quite another when Christian groups begin trying to pass laws like that which will discriminate against non-Christians or anyone else just because they arent the same religion as them.In a case last year the Texas Board of Education decided to drop Evolution from their sc
 ience text books and were attempting to have Creationism taught in schools beginning in the 2013/2014 school year. Well, for one thing Evolution isnt something a school board can just drop out of their textbooks on a whim. As you know most scientists, particularly biologists, believe Evolution to be a scientific fact, and if you examine the evidence the evidence is pretty strong that Evolution is true. Besides that more and more churches such as the Catholic church and the Anglican church accept Evolution as true as well. So popular opinion if nothing else is against the Christian Creationists, and the FFRF and AHA went after the Texas State School Board of Education like a bunch of bloodhounds. In the end the FFRF and AHA won, and Texas has to teach Evolution just like everyone else does.The point I am getting at here is that in the United States, particularly in southern states, Christian fundamentalism is very strong. There is a handful of southern states known as th
 e Bible Belt because just about everyone who lives there belongs to a church and its very much a good old boy society. If you are a Baptist, Pentecostal, or Presbyterian you will get along with most southerners in the Bible Belt. If you are an atheist or happen to belong to a different religion than them they will make your life miserable. They will make you feel like an outsider, and will do anything they can to remove you from their community. That includes passing laws that discriminates against groups like gays because thats just the kind of people they are. They are intolerant of anyone and anything that doesnt go along with their religious beliefs. Groups like the FFRF and AHA are needed to keep those kinds of religious fanatics in line.While I do agree with you to a certain point about Richard Dawkins and the New Atheists movement I also understand where they are coming from. It has to do with what is rational and reasonable discussion and most 
 Christian fundamentalists , here in America anyway, are not open to discussing 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Things you really miss?

2014-03-11 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Things you really miss?

Oh, I definitely do miss my Braille N Speaks. They seem rather clunky to the tech we have now, but back in the early to mid 90s they were a must have item for a blind student. I got my first BNS Classic in 7th grade, used it a couple of years, upgraded to a BNS 640K in 9th grade, and finished with a BNS 2000 in college. Sadly, all of them are dead now, and I am not even sure where they are or if I even have any of them around.However, while I preferred using computers for serious work I liked my Braille N Speaks because they were very portable, I could literally take them anywhere, and they usually stayed charge for 24-hours or so. I could spend hours writing stories on the Braille N Speak or playing various games for the BNS such as Hangman, Simon, Mine Sweeper, Solitaire, etc. Plus the one thing that made the BNS so essential back then is that laptops were not really that portable or versatile if you were a blind user. Back in the 90s if some
 one purchased a laptop with say Win 95 on it they still had to get Jaws for Windows, they had to get an external synthesizer like a Dectalk Express, and between the hardware and software one could expect to pay well over $3,000 for an accessible laptop which as I said wasnt very portable compared to a Braille N Speak. I actually had a Fujitsu Lifebook with a Dectalk Express and it was a pain lugging the computer around, having to plug an external synthesizer in to the com port, and usually having to use a full sized keyboard just to use the Jaws cursor keys because the laptop Jaws keys back then were extremely confusing. So in comparison laptops were not very accessible at all. They took up too much room and required to many extra pieces of hardware to be portable. Where the BNS weighed one pound, was small, compact, and could easily slip into a backpack or could be carried with its special carrying case.Ironically, while laptops are obviously much more port
 able and more speech friendly today than they were back in the mid 90s I see instances where a BNS would be useful. For example, I might be at the grocery store and I want to check my shopping list. With a BNS all I had to do was flip the unit on and when it booted up it would automatically open the file last accessed making it easy for taking and reviewing notes. Where with a laptop one has to boot the computer, bring up the documents folder, find the shopping list, and open it in Notepad etc. A laptop still isnt as efficient at quick and dirty note taking such as writing down shopping lists and reviewing them in the middle of a store. I guess that is where smartphones etc come in.However, their practical use isnt the only reason I miss the Braille N Speaks. The voices were very robotic, but could be made to say and do some very funny things. One of the most funny instances I can think of is one of the students at my school dropped her Braille N
  Speak picked it up and it wouldnt come on. So she tried a warm reset and when the BNS came on it gave the usual Braille N Speak ready message, but it sounded demon possessed or something. As it was saying the words the voice went from high to low and low to high in pitch while speaking it in an extremely slow monotone voice. It was hilarious, and it was one of those things you had to hear to really see the humor in it.After that I began experimenting with my Braille N Speaks voice settings and began coming up with some wacky voices and sounds. Sometimes I just spent hours stringing characters together like a bunch of ampersand signs to get it to sound like a machine gun or have it sound like it was yelling and stuff. Funny times.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] converting ebooks(pdf) into mnp3 using sapi?

2014-03-09 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: converting ebooks(pdf) into mnp3 using sapi?

Daniel, the solution I use isnt free, but it works. You can convert the pdf file to text using Adobe Reader, and then open that text file in TextAloud, and use TextAloud to convert it to wav or mp3 using the Sapi voice of your choosing.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] transformers

2014-03-08 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: transformers

Dark, when it comes to the Transformers movies I thought they were mostly okay. As Aaron mentioned Revenge of the Fallen was pretty good and I did like Dark Side of the Moon. All be it they decided to change the Transformers history and plot somewhat to do it.However, I do take your point about cinema and remakes. It does seem there is a quite a lot of stereo typical rolls, canned storylines, etc which takes away from many modern movies. I think the problem is for most producers movies are just money not entertainment so many arent working as hard to create a movie with a lot of depth to it.As I think I might have mentioned before these days the majority of films are written and produced by the producers themselves. They may hire an author to come in and write the screen play and the dialog but the main guy doing all the work is the producer. The problem is that the producer may or may not be the most creative guy in the world, and since he is in charge of the 
 money and business end of movie making he treats creating movies like a business than entertainment.First, we have brand name recognition. Something like Transformers is tailor made for a movie producer, because it already has a fully formed storyline, established characters, and brand recognition. Even if he totally screws up the plot and the movie doesnt turn out the way it should he can probably be expected to make millions on the movie just on the Transformers name alone. He also doesnt have to work as hard at producing a movie because all he has to do is stereotype the characters, fight scenes, and instant money for him.Second, is wide appeal. Besides brand recognition a producer wants a movie with a plot that will appeal to the largest number of people possible. Again, Transformers fits those requirements nicely. American kids like robots, Japanese kids like robots, European kids like robots, and the movie is likely to do well in domestic and foreign 
 markets just because of the subject matter.Finally, and perhaps the worst problem, is that the producer of the movie doesnt have to be familiar with the subject matter at hand. Maybe he or she has some passing knowledge about the Transformers and maybe not, but if they dont know the whole history and character backgrounds they will just read some notes, a basic bio, and go from there. It is for this reason I think a lot of movies lack depth, seem rather shallow, because the producer doesnt have to have any prior knowledge of or experience with that particular storyline. As a result he or she is free to invision it as they wish, and sometimes the changes are okay and sometimes they are not.For example, in the classic Transformers cartoons Bumble Bee was a bright yellow VW. In the newer movies he is a yellow Corvette. Some might not find a change like that very important, but since I am and always will be a fan of the originals I find such changes
  irritating. Of course, to my son, who is 9, it doesnt bother him as he didnt grow up with the originals like I did so for him having Bumble bee as a Corvette is normal.What I am getting at is producers are always making changes of that sort, and weather they know it or not, care about it or not, they are turning older fans like myself away by not sticking to the original storyline and characters. What makes it worse perhaps they themselves are not fans so feel free to do as they wish with the story, the characters, and they know the majority of their younger viewers probably wont care.When we get down to it the shallowness of movies all really comes back to that root of all evil, money. Producers are businessmen first and entertainers second. So it is obvious to me, if not everyone else, a lot of movies are produced to make millions of dollars and like most business men they cut corners to save money while making lots of money in the process. I can n
 ame several movies that seemed to me to be something I wanted to go see based on the media hype, the advertisements, etc but when I went to the cinema to watch it I thought it stunk. All seemed to be composed of those things I mentioned above such as brand name, wide appeal, and it was obvious the producers didnt know squat about the characters and storyline. They just slapped together a story based on notes and maybe some passing knowledge of the subject and made a movie about it.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] transformers

2014-03-07 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: transformers

Ghost Rider, I bet he will if he is a big collector. I understand it is difficult to get some of the originals that I had in anything approaching good condition, and admittedly a lot of the ones I had were pretty beat up by the time I sold them off. I had lost the detachable wings and hands for Thunder Cracker, one of the plastic windows in Iron Hide was missing, Bumble Bees legs kept wanting to fall off, and things like that. I literally played with my Transformers until they wore out or broke from heavy use. Of course, one of the major problems were most of the parts were plastic and after bending, twisting, and moving it so many times they just broke from over use. In other cases there were little parts like guns, hands, and so on that were easily misplaced or lost meaning that quite a number of Transformers ended up having missing pieces after I owned them a long time. So I wouldnt be surprised what is available on Ebay are in equally poor condition. Those that are
  in mint condition are worth a small fortune now.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] transformers

2014-03-06 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: transformers

Well, when it comes to the Transformers I am a traditionalist. I grew up withe the original cartoon series and the original movie so nothing else is quite the same these days. Im not saying the newer shows like Beast Wars, Beast Machines, etc were bad, but they were nowhere as good in my opinion to the original series. Same goes with the later movies. I liked them for what they were, but since I grew up with the 80s Transformers it is hard for me to say weather the new stuff is better seeing as I am rather partial to the originals.As far as Transformers toys goes I use to have quite a big collection back in the 80s, but I dont believe I have anything left of that collection. At one time I use to have most of the primary Autobots like Prime, Iron Hide, Wheel Jack, Ratchet, Sideswipe, Bumble Bee, Cliff Jumper, Hound, Jazz, Skyfire, and probably several others I dont recall at the moment. My favorites were the Dinobots like Grimlock, Swoop, 
 Slag, and I think I had all of them. When it comes to the Decepticons I am trying to remember what all I had. I know I had Megatron, Astro Train, Blitz Wing, Devastator, Thunder Cracker, Soundwave, and a few others I cant remember the names for at this moment. In any case I sold all of those toys when I became a teenager, and while I liked Transformers by that time Star Trek and Star wars were my primary interests in terms of toy collecting.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-05 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: girls and adolt women

Kamochek, I dont wish to offend you, but what I am about to say is sincerely meant. One issue I take with religion is the belief that you can just simply pray and God will step in and make everything alright such as open your eyes or make your father change his mind about religion. For many reasons I cant help but think your faith or hopes in this regard are unrealistic.To begin with most people believe in the concept of free will. As in the idea that God has given people the right to believe or disbelieve as he or she so chooses, and if you pray for God to change your fathers mind on religious views isnt that going against his right to free will?Another one is the concept of Gods master plan. Many people I have talked to believe God has some ultimate plan for them and that all the hardships and problems we have such as having a physical disability like being blind is all apart of that master plan. If true isnt asking God to open y
 our eyes, to heal you, and give you sight equivalent to telling God you want him to change his master plan in that regard?What I am getting at is even assuming God is real, which I am not claiming he is, it seems like there are reasons for him not to grant your requests. You can pray if you want to, but it strikes me that prayer generally does not work for people who believe in it, and they have various reasons to explain why this or that did not happen. Making the very act of prayer a bit unrealistic from the outset. Of course, I openly state I have a bit of a grievance with God over that very issue.Back when I was a young teen, not much younger than you, I lost my sight. At the time I was a Christian, I whole-heartedly believed in the power of prayer, and I spent hours praying and praying for God to heal me. Of course, nothing happened. I am just as blind today as I was back then. I started inquiring with other Christian friends, with ministers, and they 
 all pretty much gave me the reasoning that it was not in Gods master plan and what I wanted must not be in his will for some reason. In other words no matter how much I prayed, pleaded, asked I was just wasting my time and effort praying for something that would never happen. that is when I began to loose faith, and it set me on the path to being the atheist I am today.A few years ago I began reading books like the God Delusion, God is Not Great, The End of Faith, and other books written by atheists and I accepted the fact there was no God. Once I did I actually felt much better for it. I no longer felt angry over God not healing me because I understood all that time spent on my knees praying for a miracle was in vain. That I had been wasting my time and energy talking to a being who only existed in my imagination, and since he never existed it was no wonder that none of my prayers were coming true. I managed to take back a measure of self-respect, self-confidence, and 
 realized that if I wanted anything in life I had to do it myself. I could not sit back and expect God or some other imaginary being to just answer my prayers.The point of this long winded ramble is simply this. You can pray if you want to. You can believe as you want to. However, dont expect for things to change, because in my experience they wont. Try to set your heart and mind on actually achievable goals like making good grades, finding a few good friends, etc rather than hoping for you to wake up with sight or that your dad will suddenly change his mind. If he does that will be great, but if not realize that it is his choice to make and you can not force him into it.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Training Centers

2014-03-04 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Training Centers

Dark, the issue over firearms is just one of many areas where you guys over in England and we Americans differ. As you may know the second amendment to the United States Constitution grants the right to own and bare arms to any American irrespective of age, race, or disability. There are of course some exceptions to that right such as if someone has been convicted of a crime or that the person is believed to be a danger to themselves or others their rights are revoked by a court of law. However, by and large it is legal for me to strap on a SW .38 or a colt .45 and walk down Main Street of any U.S. city with a firearm strapped on my hip for self-protection. While every American reserves that basic right or freedom most dont do it these days and dont see a need to go around armed to the teeth.Ironically, the main reason that particular amendment came about has to do with issues that arose prior to the American Revolution. Situations such as the Boston Massac
 re really made Americans distrustful of governments, and before they ratified the U.S. Constitution they demanded the right to protect themselves from the government and others by having the right to own and bare firearms. So its been that way ever since with a few minor changes such as banning certain firearms such as machine guns, submachine guns, etc which was necessary given that during the 20s and 30s the gangsters were raising hell with those kinds of firearms and the government had to take them away. However, by and large basic firearm ownership and use is permitted here in the States.Turtlepower17, on the issue of sleep shades I do agree with you that it all should be about choice. While I see where the NFB etc are coming from I dont think they should just force their use on anyone and everyone who walks in the door. It should be optional and up to the individual client to decide if they think it would help them or not.As for your feelin
 gs about the NFB and their points of views I agree with you. Ive never really agreed with their beliefs or official position on a lot of blindness related subjects, but I think I know where they are coming from. Like a lot of institutions they have adopted one and only one official position on various subjects and it is difficult to change their minds on anything regardless if that position is good or bad.The problem with the people you mentioned is they were probably mentally and emotionally weak. As such as soon as the NFB started in with their spiel they ate it up, accepted it , and did what any person does when they dont really have a firm opinion of their own. I myself am pretty hard headed about things, and if I hear something I dont agree with I probably say whatever and blow it off. Not everyone can just do that though.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: girls and adolt women

Kamochek, let me begin with the point that I realize your situation is tough. It must be difficult being a Messianic Jew in a country with so many religious or orthodox Jews. However, you cant really enter into a relationship with religious Jew expecting to try and convert her to your religious views. I can say from personal experience that does not usually work, and for many reasons she will likely find it disrespectful and perhaps a bit rude.The reason that for most people, at least many people, their religious beliefs are very personal, gives then a sense of identity, and for someone of a differing faith or belief to come along and change their mind can and sometimes will be seen as rude or disrespectful. At the very least they will not think you care or respect them, because you are trying to undermine what they consider to be the truth as they see it.It is one thing if you are out with a girl on a date and she asks you about your beliefs, wants to know mor
 e about it, but if you just start preaching or proselytizing in the hopes that you will convert her that will likely be offensive to her. So dont go there.To give you an example I consider myself to be a freethinker interested in science and humanism. I myself am not religious. I am not a Messianic Jew or a Christian. As such I have read a good number of books written by historians, scientists, etc who do not believe in the existence of God and of course I have read some books etc that argue the point that Jesus is a myth. However, weather God and Jesus existed or not is not my point.How would you feel if every time you wrote something about your beliefs on this forum and I came back with saying you are wrong, that I dont agree with you, and then began listing websites, books, and other documentation attempting to undermine your beliefs?I am fairly certain you would likely feel very upset, become frustrated, and may even begin to dislike me for my at
 tempt to force my religious opinions on you. It isnt like you chose to ask me about atheism, why I dont believe the way I do, but if I just started proselytizing atheism to you I think you would resent it regardless of how well intentioned I may or may not be. Further more you might think I was being arrogant and rude for trying to express my opinions to you.It is not all that different if you are dating a religious Jew. I know that Jews dont accept Jesus as the Messiah, and she probably has a life time of growing up in that belief. If you come along and try and convince her otherwise it isnt that much different than for someone like myself to try and convince you there is no God or Jesus in the first place. Does that make sense?The one thing I can say here is just relax. You are only 15 and eventually the right person will come along. It may not happen tomorrow and it might not even happen next year. As others have told you relationships 
 often happen when you least expect it and right now you are trying too hard and wanting a relationship too much. Just relax, dont worry about it, and eventually things will just fall into place. If you try too hard to make things happen you will just put yourself through a lot of unnecessary stress and heartache trying to make something happen that isnt meant to be.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Training Centers

2014-03-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Training Centers

CAE, while I personally have not gone to the WSB or NFB training centers I did go to a training center here in Ohio, the Cleveland Sight Center, and I would assume some of those other training centers may have something analogous to my own experience at the Cleveland Sight Center. I have answered the questions below with that in mind.1. Efficiency. 6 months is a long time. I expect Ive got a chunk of the starting skills. Can I expect my time will be used efficiently?Answer: You may do a fair amount of review at first because not all of their students are likely to have the same skills as you have and some may be further ahead or further behind. Usually these training centers arent tailored for any specific persons needs and so it all depends on what you know and dont know when starting out if all of your time will be productive or not.2. On the other hand, free time. Will I have to put aside software / networking / creative aspirations,
  or will there be time for those?Answer: Absolutely. When I was at the Cleveland Sight Center free time was free time. I could do anything I wanted within reason. I could hang out with the other students in the lounge, hang out in my room listening to music, listen to audio books, bring a laptop along and work on it, etc. At the time I was there I didnt have a laptop but I did bring my BNS along and spent hours of free time writing stories.3. Over-the-top scenario: someone dumps me in the middle of Ontario, and I have to find my way back to campus. Can I gain this power?Answer: They probably wont expect you to do that, definitely not in the beginning, but you will likely learn many OM skills that will help you be able to handle a situation like that. A lot of mobility for a blind person comes down to motivation and determination, and weather or not you have the tools to get the job done.4. My only support network is immediate relatives, w
 hich is unpleasant. Will I be able to break away from this?Answer: That all depends on a lot of factors not yet in evidence. Although, I live alone and have mostly broken free of my parents they still are a major part of my support system in terms of shopping, filling out paperwork, and other things when I need them. However, complete independence comes down mostly on where you live and what services are available in your area in terms of public transportation, if you can possibly apply for a home health aid, if you are comfortable with cooking and cleaning on your own, and many other factors. Training centers will try and help you get to that point, but nothing will help you more than gaining useful experience by doing it.6. Rules and restrictions. Just in general. One can learn a lot about the people theyll deal with from their rules.Answer: Not having spent any time in the NFB or WSB ran centers I cant really speak to this one. When I was in the C
 leveland Sight Center I was in a program for blind teenagers and the rules were what you would expect for that age group like girls were not aloud in the boys apartments, and boys were not aloud in the girls apartments. No sex, drugs, or alcohol was permitted.7. WSB hasnt even touched cleaning and repairs. My property is a spider/ant/mold haven. Will I learn how to correct this?Answer: Well, I suppose that depends on the training center, but I am sure if you ask them they should be able to help you with that. When I was at CSB we had a life skills class in which we were taught to do our own laundry, to bake cookies, cook on a stove, fold laundry, and so on. You may need to request someone to come to your home and teach you more life skills if you dont already know how to vacuum, do dishes, clean your toilet, etc. those are generally skills one should learn from their parents, but I guess some parents are either lazy or reluctant to teach their blind child h
 ow to perform those basic tasks.8. On average, how many people are enrolled at a given time, and what are the demographics like? Age, gender, education, home state, etc.Answer: I suppose that depends on the training center in question, and how many people enroll at that time etc. All I can say is when I was in CSB in the late 90s we had around 15 teens between 17 and 19. One teen was from Lebanon and he roomed with me for the entire four week period. All the others were from the same basic area as myself such as Ohio and Pennsylvania. All were in high school or just graduated so that is about all I can tell you. My group was a summer program for teens getting prepared to go to college and were there to learn basic life skills such as cooking, cleaning, get extra mobility training, etc. A national NFB training center would probably have a bigger and more diverse group.9. (Addendum to 2) Whats internet access like? I dont object to not much
 , if theres, like, a Starbux I can use ~once or twice a day.Answer: I have no idea.10. Culture. I am highly resistant to assimilation (which has its ups and downs, IME). Whats 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Training Centers

2014-03-02 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Training Centers

Dark, regarding the sleep shades issue I am sure this is simply an issue you will have to agree to disagree with as I dont think there is any way to convince you of the necessity of this in training. While I am totally blind now when I was loosing my sight I had to wear them for some of my mobility training, and while I disagreed with it then I am glad for it now.As has been stressed before the sleep shades are not being used to make the total blind students feel better or to limit the low vision students abilities by making them totally blind. the primary purpose is to train them to do things a different way, in their opinion, a better way without using their limited vision. Think of it as showing them a way to do things more efficiently with or without sight.For example, a low vision student might be able to tell if meet is done by leaning over and looking at if the meet is brown or still has a little red in it. Thats great. Nobody is going to deprive h
 im/her of that ability. The idea behind the sleep shades is to teach him/her how to tell if the meet is done by sticking a fork in it and seeing if it is fully cooked or not. That sort of training can only enhance his/her abilities not take away the one they already have.I think, and this is only my opinion, your primary objection is that you have some sight so you should be able to use it in training. On the surface that makes sense, is a reasonable request, accept not everyone who walks into those training centers has stable vision. In fact, I know a woman in her mid 50s whos vision changes on a day to day basis. One day she can read a print book, watch TV, etc and the next everything is blurry and she cant do anything without assistance. In a case like that using sleep shades makes sense, because the training center has to deprive her of any remaining sight to keep her from the temptation of relying on her vision when doing training so she is able to do t
 hings on days when her sight is unreliable.The issue here is NFB, WSB, and whoever generally create a one-size fits all solution to the problem, and it is that more than anything you are objecting too. While I understand your arguments it does not mean many people can not and do not find their methods useful on some level. Many people do, and more power to them. If people absolutely can not stand or will not use the sleep shades they have two feet and they can walk away from the program. Ultimately weather they believe it or not, like it or not, I think the sleep shades are usually a benefit to most people who go through those training centers.The other reason why sleep shades are often helpful for low vision users is it can build self-confidence in his/her own abilities. If some one can cook, clean, fold clothing, etc with sleep shades on they will be able to do it better when the sleep shades comes off. They will grow confident because if they can do this or that tas
 k blindfolded then they can probably do it when they are not blindfolded.Again, it seems you are impressing your own experience on people who dont have the same experiences. what I mean by that it sounds like you had a lot of life skills training from your mom growing up, and are a fairly confident person in your own abilities and skills. However, sad to say I cant say that for many blind people I have met in my life.The fact is I have met many at training centers, summer camps, etc that had little to know life skills training and no self-confidence in themselves at all. The low vision users were often times more less self-assured than the totally blind students/campers because they could see to get around and do somethings, but often pretended there was nothing wrong with them even though they clearly could not do whatever they were suppose to do because they were not use to being totally blind and their vision wasnt good enough so they were ca
 ught in the middle. In cases like that using sleep shades would be helpful because it forces them not to rely on their sight and trains them how to do it blind, builds confidence in their own abilities, and makes them feel like the are able to do stuff despite their poor eye sight.To give you a practical example take crossing the street at a busy intersection. Here in America the stop lights flash green when cars can go and flash red when they have to stop. Unfortunately, those two colors are the most difficult for people with color blindness and low vision users to see. The crosswalk signs may not be easy to read when they say walk or stop. One thing that could or would help a low vision user in that situation is to teach them how to cross the intersection using the flow of traffic the way a blind person does meaning they follow the parallel traffic. Using sleep shades would forfeit any attempt to read the crosswalk signs or use the stoplights when cr
 ossing the streets, and they would stop and go using their parallel traffic as their guide not the stoplights. So 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girls and adolt women

2014-03-01 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: girls and adolt women

Kamochek, I do understand where you are coming from, but in all honesty as you get older you will find that those things mean little in the scheme of things. Yes, I agree the sound of a girls voice, the way her body feels, etc can be initial points of attraction, but you cant build a real relationship on physical attraction alone. What you are describing is lust not love, and you will find when you get older that there are much much more important things to like about women than the way they sound or what kind of body they have. Here is my list of things to look for, and as you will discover most of it has to do with treating her like a person with a personality not a sex object.1. Common interests. As you will be spending a lot of time with this girlfriend it only follows that the two of you have to be best friends. Perhaps better than friends. To be good friends that also means you have to share the same interests in music, television, books, similar hobbies, 
 whatever. No two people will have exactly the same interests but the more you have the better. If the two of you dont have much in common you will quickly grow bored with each others company and the relationship will not last.2. Common values. This goes along with common interests, but requires its own category as it is an important foundation for a long term relationship. If you find a girl or woman that you really like it is extremely important that you find someone who shares your religious beliefs, values, and opinions about things. Otherwise it can become a problem if the two of you arent able to come to an acceptable compromise you two can agree upon.3. Special Talents. Everyone is good at something weather it is singing, playing an instrument, drawing, or something else. the point is if you find out what her special talent or talents are and like them that can be a much stronger reason for attraction more than the sound of her voice or the shap
 e of her body.4. General attitude. One of the most important things to me is how she acts, her over all attitude or de meaner, towards everyone else and life in general. Is she generally a happy person or always sad or depressed? Is she kind to others or bitchy and mean to everyone? Does she say encouraging things or put people down?What I am getting at is you need to see this girl or woman, whichever the case, as a real person with a personality. You can forget about what kind of voice she has or the shape of her body and focus on the more important things like her thoughts, feelings, and opinions, because the good looking body and nice voice wont last forever. You will never find perfection if you look at only the physical aspects of a relationship,and if you are only invested in a persons voice or her body when that changes you will have nothing else to base your relationship on.To give you an example. When I was in high school I briefly dated a g
 irl who was short, skinny, and while I wont call her beautiful a lot of guys thought she looked cute. Fast forward to today she doesnt look anything like she did in high school. Instead of long hair she has cut it boy short, and instead of the skinny body she once had she is now considerably over weight. Since she is short to begin with the extra weight, the fat, makes her look heavier than she actually is.Despite that I still like that former girlfriend. No, we arent dating, and no I dont have any romantic feelings for her. However, we have managed to stay friends over the years because our relationship has never ben based on her looks or how much she weighs. The relationship is based on a general respect for each other, shared interests, and shared experiences.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girlfriend

2014-02-26 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: girlfriend

Yeah, I agree the full cyber experience is fucked up and weird, but never-the-less I have heard of some experimental projects in the works. One was a full body suit you plugged into your computer that attempts to simulate sex with another person over an internet connection. Im sure that would be quite popular, but is just a bit too weird for me.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] girlfriend

2014-02-26 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: girlfriend

Kamochek, what you are talking about is called phone sex. It is not actually sex so to speak. It is basically just two people on the phone describing what they are doing in a pretend sexual encounter. As this is a public forum I dont intend to go into specifics, but they basically just describe to each other what they are doing as they pretend that the other person is having sex with them.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Things you really miss?

2014-02-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Things you really miss?

Fastfinge, I agree with you. It is not so much the old technology itself I miss but the functionality I had with it. The way things are changing in the technology industry there are very useful things I could do back in the day I cant do now or its not the same as it was. I have used almost everything from an Apple II-E right up to the newest Windows 8.1 machines, and there are things I do miss about older operating systems that I could easily do then but not as easily now.For instance, back in the Dos days if I wanted to copy a bunch of text files from one directory to another it was usually as simple as doing something likecopy *.txt c:\notesand all of my notes in text format would be copied into the notes directory. Now days if I wanted to do the same thing on Windows Id have to go to the Start Menu, click on Documents, select all the files I wanted to copy with shift+down arrow, do control+c, alt+left arrow back up to the top level director
 y, find the directory I want, and paste them in with control+v. Thats a lot more complicated and requires more steps to accomplish the same thing I could do with a single command.Word processing has had similar changes over the years. Back in the early to mid 90s I use to do all of my homework on a computer running Jaws for Dos and WordPerfect 5.1. The thing I miss about WordPerfect 5.1 is the way in which I could select text to copy, move, delete, etc. Unlike modern word processors where you use the shift arrow keys to select text in WordPerfect I could go to the beginning of the text I wanted to delete, set a start marker, and then go to the end of the text I wanted to delete and drop an end marker. When I hit delete that entire region of text was gone. It didnt matter if it was one line or one hundred lines.It seems in modern word processors like Microsoft Word 2010 if I want to remove two or three paragraphs from a document I am working on I have 
 to shift+down arrow, shift+down arrow, shift+down arrow, etc until the entire region is selected and then hit delete. It isnt as efficient in my opinion as the old Dos word processors were.However, the thing I miss most about older operating systems like Dos is developing programs. When I was learning to program they started me out on simple Dos or command line apps that just output text directly to the screen using functions like printf(). That was extremely easy to do, and wasnt complicated at all. However, if someone wants to really develop apps for Windows they have to have a firm understanding of the Windows API which is like a 1,200 page manual, and cant do a blessed thing until they create all the dialog boxes, buttons, check boxes, etc that goes along with a Windows GUI. While I like programming Im not excited to spend the first day or two of programming just creating the user interface before I can get on with the business of writing tha
 t program I want to write. In my opinion a lot of time is wasted spent on creating a point and click interface I myself just dont want or need.Raygrote, dont let other adults put you down for having a youthful childhood spirit. Even though I am an adult, 36 to be exact, there are some aspects of my own childhood I am not willing to give up, and I dont see any rational reason I should. Sometimes that does cause other adults to look at me funny or make comments to the effect I should grow up and act my age but I think they are just being stuck up and have lost the ability to enjoy the simple things in life.To give you an example I have always had an interested in animated cartoons. Transformers, Masters of the Universe, Ninja Turtles, Thunder Cats, etc. You name it I probably have several of them on DVD, and I enjoy spending time with my son, who is 9, watching them and discussing those cartoons both new and old.However, my former wif
 e and her family constantly use to make comments to the effect I should grow up, stop watching kids stuff, I should act my age, etc. I dont really know what their problem is, but I never let it bother me. It is something I personally enjoy, something I have in common with my son, and Id much rather see a couple of fictional robots shooting it out than see a movie where human beings are killing each other.Another aspect of my childhood I have not quite given up is I am something of a toy collector. Sometime back in the 80s I began collecting Star Trek and Star wars Action figures. At this point I have a fairly extensive collection of both. However, there are some in my family and others who I know who sort of frown on that hobby of mine and think it is a waste of money, that I am being childish, etc. Again, as with the cartoons I just ignore them.My advice is just be yourself. If people dont like you for who you are that is there problem. T
 here is no reason you have to give up your personal interests because others in your immediate circle of friends and family have a problem with your interests.URL: 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Things you really miss?

2014-02-24 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Things you really miss?

Dark, you are absolutely right. The arcades as we knew them in the 80s and 90s went the way of the dinosaurs. While I miss them I also realize the reasons why we no longer see video arcades these days, and why most game companies no longer make video game cabinets.One of the major reasons comes down to economics. It is no longer profitable to make arcade machines, and to startup a video game arcade. The economics of the video game industry was a lot different back in the golden years of video game arcades.Back in the early 80s I recall it was a quarter, 25 cents, per game. I could just walk into any arcade and play Pac-Man, Space Invaders, Asteroids, etc and it was only 25 cents per game. However, between the early 80s and mid 90s the price of arcade games steadily rose from 25 cents to a dollar per turn. So if my parents gave me a dollar to play games instead of four games for a dollar I got one game and one turn with nothing left over 
 to play anything else. I am certain I was not alone in that situation, and the price of arcade games undoubtedly contributed to their down fall.At the same time the cost of arcade games were rising there was a huge explosion in the home console market. It started out with the Atari 2600, followed by the Atari 5200, and eventually the 78000. In addition to Atari there was the IntelliVision, the ColecoVision, and of course the original Nintendo Entertainment System. By the mid 80s most people my age had at least one or two consoles and that really sealed the doom of arcades. Why walk or ride your bike to an arcade with a pocket full of quarters when you could stay home and play game x all day for less?Of course, arcades hung on for a while and that was mainly due to the fact that the home consoles werent as good as the arcade machines. The arcade machines generally had better graphics, possibly extra levels, etc which made purests go there and play. Plu
 s as you yourself pointed out there was a time when game companies use to release their games in the arcade first several months before selling a home version for their game consoles. That kept the arcades open and alive even when home consoles were flourishing.However, as with all things that didnt last forever. By the mid 90s and the release of Sonys Play Station the home consoles were as good as if not better than what could be found in the arcades. That was the beginning of the end for arcades because now days you can pick any console XBox, Play Station, Wii and they are superior to anything we had in the arcade 20 years ago, and they just keep getting better.The final nail in the arcades coffin is online game play. By the mid 90s most PC games had some sort of online game play,and eventually the major consoles had online play as well. A lot of mainstream gamers now consider online play to be more enjoyable than stand alone play, and as a re
 sult the days where a game company could create a stand alone game without online play and think it will do well are gone sealing the end of the arcade as we knew it.Now days, at least as far as America is concerned, arcades are pretty much relegated to the past. There are some places that still offer arcade cabinets such as Chuck E. Cheese, but arcade games is not their main income. Chuck E. Cheese is a pizza parlor and their main income is selling pizza and soda. Although, I am sure they make money off of selling tokens to kids who want to play video games, but it isnt the craze it once was 20 or 30 years ago. Probably because they can get better and have better games at home on their XBox 360, Play Station 3, etc.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] problem with installing framework

2014-02-23 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: problem with installing framework

Connor, Mono is a free and open source substitute to Microsofts .NET Framework. Because it is open source it has been ported to a number of platforms including Mac OSX and Linux. All I can say is give it a try. If it works it works. If not then we will have to figure out why Microsofts .NET Framework is not properly installing on your machine.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] problem with installing framework

2014-02-23 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: problem with installing framework

Connor, all of those games require other dependencies that probably are not being met on your machine. In the case of Entombed I know you need the latest XNA Framework, and the later versions also needed an up to date Microsoft SQL dependency. Rail Racer requires the Managed DirectX components for .NET. If those dependencies are not installed and properly setup to work with Mono that is most likely why things are not working. That, and the fact you are running XP which is really beginning to show its age by being incompatible with a lot of newer software due to being out of date.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Things you really miss?

2014-02-23 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Things you really miss?

Well, there are a lot of places and things I miss, but since you opened this topic up about simulators and games Ill continue along that thread for the moment.When I was a kid back in the 1980s there was this store in Wooster called Big Wheel. What I enjoyed most about that particular store is between Big Wheel and the I.G.A. next door is they had a really nice arcade. I think every game produced between 1982 and 1992 I played it there first before getting it for my Atari and Nintendo Entertainment System. They had such classics as Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Centipede, Poll Position, and later games like Double Dragon and Ninja Turtles. You name it I probably played it in that arcade.One of my all time favorite games in that arcade was the original Poll Position. The game machine looked like a racecar which you climbed into with a steering wheel, gear shift, and break peddle. I dont know how many hours and quarters I spent in that game as a kid racing th
 e tracks and occasionally crashing into a sign or hitting an oil slick and blowing up after I slid into a wall.One thing I do know is that Big Wheel went out of business around 1992 and the arcade closed along with the store. I really miss that arcade, because now that I am a father myself Id like to take my son to play the games and of course they arent there for either of us to enjoy.The other place I liked to hang out was in the lobby of a store named Hex. My family and I often shopped in that store and one thing I liked is right inside the stores lobby they had a couple of rows of arcade machines. It was not exactly an arcade per say, but they usually had anywhere from 10 to 20 arcade machines out there in the lobby to play on any given day. So occasionally when my parents went inside the store to go do some shopping, buying clothes, or something else Id stand out there in the lobby blowing up asteroids, killing aliens, and so on.Unfo
 rtunately, Hex had an even shorter life span than Big Wheel. I believe Hex went bankrupt in 1987, and ours was one of the first to close. So not only did we lose a good department store but that was one of two major sources of games gone just like that.However, in the 80s and for the early part of the 90s arcade games were to a certain extent fairly popular here in the US. Most department stores and even restaurants had a few some near the entrance or the exits for customers to play.I can remember for a while Pizza Hut use to have a version of Pac-Man built into one of their booths where people could come over, sit down, and play Pac-Man while they waited on their order to come. I must have sat down and played Pac-Man on that game machine a zillion times over the years before Pizza Hut got rid of it.Some time in the 90s all the arcade machines began to disappear. I dont know why but these days you will be lucky if you find one in a depart
 ment store lobby or a pizza parlor. In fact, the only place I can think of that still has lots of arcade games is a Pizza Parlor called Chucky Cheese which got popular for their animatronics, arcade games, and pizza for young kids and teenagers. However, beyond that it is rare to find arcade machines anywhere in the US as far as small towns goes. Some major cities still have some arcades that have them, but for the most part it seems to me like arcade machines are for the most part a thing of the past. Today it seems like everyone is into consoles like Xbox, Play Station, Wii, etc and the coin op arcade machines that use to be everywhere are ancient history.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] problem with installing framework

2014-02-21 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: problem with installing framework

Connor, well if you can not get Microsofts .NET Framework to install perhaps you should try the open source .NET Framework, Mono, instead. You can get the open source .NET Framework which is .NET 4.0 compatible fromhttp://www.mono-project.organd last time I checked it is Windows XP compatible.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Favorite Foods.

2014-02-18 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Favorite Foods.

Dark,Well, fried chicken is a staple in America, particularly in the south, and having grown up on it I guess I am a pretty big fan of fried chicken. In particular our local I.G.A. has a little diner attached that serves up some of the best fried chicken and mashed potatoes I have eaten. At least, the best in my area.Now, my favorite place to eat fried chicken is a privately owned restaurant called White House Chicken in Barberton Ohio. It is a family owned establishment, has been around for close to a hundred years, and the special recipes etc have been passed on down from generation to generation of family members. Besides having the best fried chicken I have ever eaten they have some very good sides such as their hot and spicy rice, baked beans, mashed potatoes with home made gravy, fresh baked dinner rolls, etc. It is one of those places that blows the commercial restaurants like Kentucky Fried Chicken out of the water in terms of taste and quality.The poi
 nt I am getting at is I suspect one reason you might not be a fan of fried chicken is you have never had a chance or opportunity to eat any truly good fried chicken. If your only exposure is the garbage served up by major franchises like Burger King or Kentucky Fried Chicken its no wonder you dont like it. Those are often inferior in taste to a local mom and pop place like White House Chicken who do it up right.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] window-eyes is now free for ms-office users

2014-02-15 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: window-eyes is now free for ms-office users

Josh, yes, I know all about the Window-eyes for Office option. As it happens I have just switched to that as my primary screen reader, and am quite happy with it. I think given time Window-Eyes users will out number Jaws users because the Window-eyes for Office offer is a really great deal for people on a fixed budget.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Favorite Foods.

2014-02-14 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Favorite Foods.

Dark, you are right that the terms hot and spicy are relative to where you come from and what someone is use to as being normal. As this changes from person to person, country to country, it is difficult to describe it unless the person whom you are speaking to has the same definitions as you do. Plus I think everyone has a different level of tolerance.For example, I can go to a chain restaurant like Taco Bell, eat a taco with their hot sauce, and find it rather mild myself. My ex wife on the other hand would be complaining about how it was too hot, too spicy, and that she needed a gallon of water to wash down the food. I couldnt help but laugh at that, but it is all what a person is use to.As I regularly eat hot peppers such as jalapenos and so forth I suppose I have grown accustom to what many people would find hot. However, if I go to say Texas to a real Mexican restaurant most of the food is too hot for me. However, everyone else in the restaurant is 
 chowing it down like no tomorrow without any sign of it being too hot or spicy for them. I suspect they are use to the spices and hot sauces so what I consider hot and spicy is normal to them the same way what my ex considers hot and spicy is normal to me.As for your issue with texture of various fruits etc it does sound like a psychological reaction from your childhood. I have heard of cases where people have a bad reaction to a food when they are an infant and for some reason that early bad reaction carries on through adulthood.For example, my grandmother once got into some green bananas when she was a toddler, ate one, and got puking her guts out sick from eating it. Ever since then she could never eat a banana or anything with bananas in it. Didnt matter if it was cake, pudding, ice cream, etc she would get puking her guts out sick after eating it. I remember my cousin once was horsing around waved a banana around in her face, and she got ill just from the sm
 ell. So apparently bad experiences as a child can and do have long term consequences on what a person can and can not eat.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Meanings of your usernames?

2014-02-14 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Meanings of your usernames?

Great topic we have going. Very interesting to say the least. I have enjoyed reading the posts here.As for my user name no big mystery about it. My name is Thomas Ward, and to simplify my login I shortened it to tward. I use that as my login for Windows, Linux, various forums, etc and in cases where I cant use tward by itself I add my birth date to the end.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm considering Android, what do you guys think?

2014-02-08 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: I'm considering Android, what do you guys think?

Chris, as of the last couple releases of Android accessibility is pretty decent. Id say there arent as many accessible apps currently for Android as for iOS, but it is worth having an Android device to use for day to day stuff and to help test the technology so Google etc can make improvements. I guess what it really all comes down to what you want to run and use, and if a certain app you want to run is accessible or not. Ive been playing with Android for a couple of months and Im happy with it so far.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A little screen reader comflict. what to choose?

2014-02-06 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: A little screen reader comflict. what to choose?

Andy, I am with Kyleman on this issue. If you find Jaws works in some situations and NVDA in others there is nothing stopping you from using both. There hasnt been a screen reader developed yet which will do everything perfectly, and they all have pros and cons.Now, as for me personally I am running NVDA almost exclusively and the primary reason is cost. I dont have $300 per year to spend on Jaws upgrades so dont even try to pay for Jaws. NVDA serves all of my personal needs, is free, and if I could get Jaws for free then I might consider using it myself for some things that NVDA doesnt handle as well.As it happens GW Micro just released a free version of Window-Eyes for MS Office users, and I am now using that as my secondary screen reader. As I have been a long time Window-Eyes fan and user I am more than willing to use Window-Eyes side by side with NVDA to get things done.Bryant, I think the issue you are missing here is that NVDA is
  open source and as such there are copyright restrictions on what can and can not be redistributed with the product. As you know there are add-ons for Eloquence floating around for NVDA, but as Eloquence is under a commercial license NVDA can not redistribute it due to copyright law. Same goes for Vocalizer and other add-ons. Freedom Scientific can include all of those things because they either paid to redistribute them as part of Jaws or developed it themselves. In short, you get what you pay for, and as someone who doesnt have $300 a year to put out for Jaws installing a few add-ons for NVDA is preferable to the cost of Jaws.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The C and C++ Programming Languages

2014-01-25 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: The C and C++ Programming Languages

Sebby, while I concede your points above in post 4 about C and C+++ I dont think it is so much of a case of need so much as preference. What I mean by that is you can do a lot of good stuff in C, but as an OOP programmer I prefer the way C++ programs are structured over C. I find classes are very powerful, and are a good way to organize my code, and are better suited than structs and unions are at certain kinds of programming.The other thing I like about C++ is it prepares a developer for other object oriented languages like Java and C# .NET which are closer to C++ than C. In many cases the code can be interchanged between OOP languages with only miner adjustments.As I said though I think the big difference for me as a developer between C and C++ comes down to personal preference. I can program in either one and frequently use both depending on the project at hand.URL: htt

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-21 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Themadviolinist, living on campus is way different than living off of campus. The main difference is there are a lot more ways to socially interact with other college students living in the dorms. There are the public lounges where you can sit and hang out, watch T.V. together, or start up a card game or something with other students in the public lounge. There are usually social groups to join such as clubs where you and others can go and hang out and play games or do things together that you like. I also remember there were occasionally dances and other activities going on too that helped break the ice. Basically, like I said lots of opportunities to meet other people that doesnt generally happen if you live off campus in an apartment.For example, one of my male friends I met in a public mens room in my dorm. I happened to be in their the same time he was. I was washing my hands at the sink and struck up a casual conversation with him. Before I knew it w
 e spent 15 minutes talking, and he invited me over to his room that afternoon. Thats just an example of how easy it is to meet people in college, and how living on campus does offer opportunities to meet friends without trying too hard.When it came to girls again that was pretty simple. Since most dorms now days are coed all I had to do was walk next door to one of the girls rooms, knock on the door and introduce myself. Sometimes the conversations went somewhere, and sometimes the girl was purely uninterested in me. Either way, finding female friends and girlfriends were usually easier than in high school because they often were right across the hall in my dorm or standing around sitting on benches outside my dorm where I could strike up a friendly conversation and see if it went somewhere.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] who want to read my book?

2014-01-19 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: who want to read my book?

What is the book about. Could you write up a brief summary of what the book is about, what genre it is, so we would have an idea if it is something we would like to read?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

2014-01-18 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: Girls at school harder 2 get than ones Outside of School?

Ultradude306, I think a lot of your problem has to do with age. What I mean by that is the girls at the high school age, even a few college age, are quite young and immature. At that age all they can think about is clothes, the latest fashions, and dating the most popular boys in school. Therefore it can be hard to get a girl interested in you if you arent popular and doubly so when you have a disability.I wasnt a Romeo by any means in school, but I did have female friends and even a few girlfriends at that age. One way I managed to meet girls in school is Id ask some of my male friends to help introduce me to girls at lunch or during a free period when everyone was just hanging. Sometimes I would open a conversation with the girl across from me in study hall or in the seat next to me before a class started.In short, my advice to you is if you want girls to notice you then you will have to take the initiative. The reason they dont speak to you
  is often times they expect the guys to open the dialog and if you sit their expecting them to talk to you then you will be waiting forever. The other reason is no how matter well educated the girls in your school may be most sighted people are completely absolutely ignorant about blindness issues and are afraid to talk to you, afraid of hurting your feelings, or assume you arent altogether there mentally.The way to resolve those issues is to insert yourself into their life, to demonstrate to them you are a real person, and just be yourself. Maybe they will respond, and maybe not. However, nothing ventured nothing gained.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] what has happend to audyssey?

2014-01-18 Thread ForumOff-topic room: tward

Re: what has happend to audyssey?

Hi:Sorry, about the site being down. I took it down intending to work on it over the Thanksgiving weekend here in the U.S. and I ended up not getting back to it. I have been extremely busy in my personal life, and I will end ever to get things back up and running as soon as I can.FYI, the Audyssey list is up and running. Im not quite sure what is causing Aprones problem, but I will also try and resolve what is wrong there as soon as I am able.URL:

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