Re: [Audiogames-reflector] request of advice about where to post a message

2014-05-11 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: request of advice about where to post a message

Hello and welcome. Slj  is exactly right. if your announcing a new which is immediately available to download or play online you can do that in New releases, otherwise anything game related, proposed new projects, questions etc goes in general game discussion. this is done as a simple point of organization so that people in the community will always know where to find announcements about new games, and so that there is no confusion between a developer announcing a newly released title, and someone who merely has an idea or project in the works but hasnt got anything to play yet. No need to submit text in advance, things are not that formal, and If there is anything else your unsure about please ask or check in the site faq a copy of which is in this part of the forum and in general game discussion. All new game announcements are very welcome, and I can certainly say there are fans of the i
 nquisitor on this forum, indeed the only reason Ive not tried the game yet myself is one of time.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] request of advice about where to post a message

2014-05-11 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: request of advice about where to post a message

That is weerd. I know there is a counter on posters posting too many links until you have a few messages on the board to discourage spambots, however it should let you post one indeed many devs who announce games do. Are you sure the bbcode is correct? often the forum wont accept messages if there is a problem with it.If you cant get the bbcode to work try posting the basic html address of the link and seeing what happens.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] request of advice about where to post a message

2014-05-07 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: request of advice about where to post a message

Hello and welcome. Slj  is exactly right. if your announcing a new which is immediately available to download or play online you can do that in New releases, otherwise anything game related, proposed new projects, questions etc goes in general game discussion. this is done as a simple point of organization so that people in the community will always know where to find announcements about new games, and so that there is no confusion between a developer announcing a newly released title, and someone who merely has an idea or project in the works but hasnt got anything to play yet. No need to submit text in advance, things are not that formal, and If there is anything else your unsure about please ask or check in the site faq a copy of which is in this part of the forum and in general game discussion. All new game announcements are very welcome, and I can certainly say there are fans of the i
 nquisitor on this forum, indeed the only reason Ive not tried the game yet myself is one of time.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Change Password

2014-04-07 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Change Password

There should be a forgotten password link at login as I believe I said, if not I can always do it with the admin panel but Id rather there was something in placee. Btw, sorry I didnt respond sooner Ive been away anual music school auditions sinse thursday, and though II took my laptop I forgot the cable which was not clever.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] How to send PM's and forum emails in audiogames forum?

2014-04-01 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: How to send PM's and forum emails in audiogames forum?

Moderation! Im moving this topic to sight and forum feedback sinse it relates to how things work. As to your question, nothing is easier. Under every members post are links to send a private message and an E-mail, as well as a link to report the post to the moderators. When you hit those youll be taken to a page with a form to enter the subject and text of your message. If you recieve an E-mail you will be mailed a notification from the forum saying as much and giving the persons message (you wot see their E-mail address but you can reply directly and theyll be sent your reply). If you want to check your private messages, use the Private messages link at the top of the page, though sinse unfortunately we dont have a way for members to get notifications when they have new private messages at the moment, its better to send E-mails from the forum sinse you can guarantee peop
 le will know they have them.Hth.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] News posts missing big milestones

2014-02-23 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: News posts missing big milestones

Well steam and access is a problem, since there is no use making accessible games on a system which is at base not very easy to run, and remember we dont want to start promoting inaccessible but vaguely playable mainstream games such as mortal combat as Ive said in the past. However the Japanese games might be a possibility since they are audio games, they are just written in another language.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] News posts missing big milestones

2014-02-21 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: News posts missing big milestones

Well that is why we have a number of news posters, personally Ive not had any luck with steams accounts system, indeed while the game itself might be accessible Id venture to suggest that the steam system needs some work. I need to sit down for a while with the japanese games to get the translation angle sorted, plus Ive been rather taken up with other fairly major things in life. However it is not just myself who is responsable for the news, though perhaps certain of our other news posters need to remember that fact.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] River raidors download link needs to be updated

2014-02-13 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: River raidors download link needs to be updated

Could you please post the link to the games new location since I dont have it at the moment as I suffered a male crash, and Ill update the entry.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] River raidors download link needs to be updated

2014-02-13 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: River raidors download link needs to be updated

Thanks trenten, Ill see about updating the entries.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] World of Legends

2014-02-10 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: World of Legends

Well Mordsith, I dont know why the downloade link doesnt work, but did it occur to you to try the games homepage link? there is a link there to bladestorms site where the game is still hosted at and where indeed I got the link,  the db doesnt like it for some reason. In future if a link doesnt work, try the homepage link first, since thats why its on the pages of the db. As to windows 7 though, unless you have 32 bit windows you might be out of luck, since though it was written in about 2007, the game is a 16 bit one and microsoft buggered up the compatibility for those applications in post xp windows,  the scum!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rules Discussion: Inclusive Language

2014-02-07 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Rules Discussion: Inclusive Language

Well whether person x finds a given term offensive or not is really not the matter under discussion, neither can it be a credible way to formulate forum rules. For example, the term fanny in England is quite a crude and offensive term for female genitalia, while the terms fag and faggot are perfectly fine and acceptable, therefore if we simply worked on what I myself find offensive, fany would be banned while faggot would be fine. this is why in formulating forum rules we need to be a little more  thoughtful, particularly when dealing with terms of prejudice against given groups. Regarding blindy however Fastfinge, Im still not exactly certain that it is being used in the way you believe it to be, as an insult for a group of people, rather to me it seems to be used as a form of social critique. It is the difference between E
 veryone who goes to that colidge is a blindy and that colidge just tries to turn people into blindies The first is a direct statement about a group of people, ie, those who went to the colidge, the second is a critique of the colidge itself which does not say anything about graduates from the colidge. This is the same distinction as everyone from that school fails their exams and the school has a very poor pass reccord One is an insult of a group which tells nothing, the other a form of critique which can actually be quite important. Ive only myself thus far seen blindy used in the second sense, which is not only legitimate but absolutely what this sort of forum is for, since while personal attacks are out turning us into a politically correct police state where in an effort to not offend anyone nobody can say anything would be dire! As I sai
 d, if you or anyone believe that someone is intending personal insult, well that is what the report link is for, but since that is a matter of intention I dont myself see banning certain words as helping with that.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rules Discussion: Inclusive Language

2014-02-06 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Rules Discussion: Inclusive Language

Well fastfinge, it is true that if a person on this forum used blindy as a direct personal insult, ie, Why are you doing that you stupid blindy, it would be a bad thing, and much like any insult based on social grouping, the same way if someone called myself or Aaron Limies reflecting our residency in the Uk.. Were the term used in the boards on this way it would, as I previously said be covered by the insult clause of the rules, however this is not how Ive seen the term blindy used. Mostly it is used in say that company produces blindy phones or A given organization are only interested in blindies ie, to highlight people or organizations who might interact with visually impared people and discuss their! attitudes. Myself, I see nothing wrong with this use, since it is not directed at any person, merely used as a short hand to explain a certain state of a
  given provider of services or the set of expectations that some people have of visually impared people, both of which are quite legitimate topics for discussion. interestingly enough, the uncle tom example was from a paper I read on the affects and uses of shame and was used to indicate how the attitudes of certain individuals and groups in society towards! people of african descent interacted with those people and created personal shame and a sense of a deminished identity, the paper also used the term little woman in exactly the same light to illustrate the dangers of social expectations of gender being internalised. All this is basically to say that while I do agree using the term blindy as a direct insult against another person would be as bad as any other insult, I dont myself see a problem with using the term as a general measure of social atti
 tude and expectation, since then it is being used as a term of social critique and analysis, not as a given insult.I personally myself wouldnt use the term, but that is because having studdied ethics in detail for years I like to clarrify my ethical language, but theres no need to expect everyone on a casual forum to write like philosophers, particularly as with the exception of personal attacks or insults, freedom of speech is what were going for.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rules Discussion: Inclusive Language

2014-02-05 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Rules Discussion: Inclusive Language

Fastfinge while I do see your point, at the same time I think you might be confusing an issue. blindy as I believe it is meant is not indicative of understanding or not understanding tech issues, indeed its not overly related to technology at all. Rather it is a term for the sterriotypical blind = helpless = wont try anything other than what the sighted world presents to them type of attitude that regretably some blind people do fall under. This is rather the way people in race relations used to use the term uncle tom for someone of African descent who behaved in the way that the over whelming caucasian majority perceived them to be, ie, ignorant, eager to please, subserviant and content with a social role created by slavery, and if you replace the term blindy with the term uncle tom youll get an idea. For example that company just wants uncle toms to work for 
 them and only listens to you if your an Uncle Tom Im not saying its correct, while I dislike the sterriotypical blind attitude I prefer myself to clarify the statement by identifying the attitude Im speaking of, however equally I dont believe the intention of Slj and Aaron and others who use the term blindy is quite as simple as say a person who habitually uses words like Nigger, mong, Honky, retard bitch, cannoc, prod, vegitable, midget, scrounger, man bitch, or other  pejorative descriptions of certain social groups to which they themselves do not belong. Oh and btw, no I dont mind people using such language in a frank discussion of linguistics and ethics (Ive read ethics papers that do as much), as long as the intention is clear, one reason why I chose to use an above set of examples which ran the gammet of social, racial, r
 eligious, disability and gender sterriotypes.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rules Discussion: Inclusive Language

2014-02-03 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Rules Discussion: Inclusive Language

Moderation! While Aarons post entered a lot of different areas and covered a lot of material, I think this discussion more properly belongs in the site rules area of the forum since Fastfinge is proposing a change to the rules, hence its being moved. Regarding the issue, well as I said Aaron makes a rather separate point, but Ill dal with Fastfinges comments. On the one hand I fully and completely agree that racist, sexist and other remarks against various minorities are an entirely bad thing when used in an insulting manner. On the other hand, there are various terms that change in meaning across the world quite markedly. For example, fag in British english means cigarette, has nothing to do with homosexuality and indeed I believe Ive used it in this vane myself. I therefore completely agree with FAstfinge that some sort of auto banning with filters would be a dee
 ply inadequate solution. That being said, %90 of the time when people use language such as gay ritard (not a term we have in Britain either), that the people involved are actually referring or professing their real beliefs about people with profound learning disabilities or homosexuality, so much as simply using the term as a matter of insult, albeit an intentionally unpleasant one, and thus just as guilty of suffering a mod warning or similar punishment as someone who called someone else an idiotic bastard for example.If a person is! indeed being that insulting, well report theirpost and myself or the other mods will take it very seriously anyway. The only direct application I can see for a specific rule on racist, ablist language would be if topics of specifically racist or anti homosexual opininos were raised on the forum, and thus far at least I dont think anyone has ever raised such a t
 opic. Furthermore, I would be concerned that if we stated in the rules that we were anti racism etc people might believe that such occurrences were commonplace on the forum, where as by simply leaving the matter as covered by the insult clause of the rules the moderators are still able to act.  Of course, if there have! ever been any topics directly discussing in a general, rather than a specifically insulting way racist, sexist or other unpleasant matters, please report them and let myself and the other mods know, and as Arq says well certainly deal with such at the time. About the only example I can actually think of of serious, general discussions revolving around a specifically anti minority term is when discussion of words like blink or blindy are used, and as Aaron stated these are cases more when the word is used as an illustration of a group sterriotype held by others, rather than a c
 ondemnation of anyone in particular on the forum, rather in the same way that many feminists when discussing male sterriotyped views of women will use terms like the poor little woman is expected to stay at home as a discussion of the views of others, not an teration of their own views. I am however open to different peoples opinions on this, so feel free to considder the discussion, I will say that when composing the site faq I did considder at least some of these issues, which is why the point about insulting behaviour and about insulting language is included in the faq.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rules Discussion: Inclusive Language

2014-02-03 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Rules Discussion: Inclusive Language

@Ethin, that exactly shows my point, Faggot is only an offensive word in some countries, for example in lord of the rings Boromir advises people to each cut and carry a faggot with them when travelling in the cold mountains, which of course meant the first meaning on the list, ie, a bundle of sticks for firewood. Ill also add that in the North of england the meetball dish mentioned in the final definition on that list is still very much eaten, indeed my local butcher makes the most wonderful faggots,  though the recipe is closer to something like a properly made Haslet or black pudding rather than the more usually beef or pork meetball, so that is another occasion where simply disallowing the word wouldnt work. Regarding banning members, well there are other steps that can be taken if the basic ban doesnt work, I wont detail them here but suffice it to say there are adm
 in tools I havent felt the need to use and further extentions we could install, however since thankfully weve very rarely had to ban members perminantly looking into those sorts of security arrangements hasnt become necessary as yet, and I personally hope it wont be since ending up in a hacker war with a disgruntled member would be a bad thing, which is also why we dont hand out bans every day.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] THis needs moved

2014-02-01 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: THis needs moved

funnily enough, I just dealt with that now before seeing this topic (perhaps you shouldve posted this in the site feedback area). anyway, Im also moving this topic just for tidiness.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Some cool rank names I came up with

2014-01-31 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Some cool rank names I came up with

I dont think so. I wasnt an admin when I first got the option,, just a moderator with 3000 or so posts.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Question about some database entries

2014-01-20 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Question about some database entries

appologies for getting to this one a little late, Ive just had some extremely bad news and audiogames are not exactly top of my priorities list at the moment.First, Ill check the supermariobrothers audio link, since as its a game by cae jones it should be relatively easy to find how to update it. Second, as to Bsc games, well Im not sure what should be done about that one. On the one hand no, the games are no longer available from their developer, and it would be relatively easy to host them somewhere else along with the key generator that Justin offered at the end of the bsc run. On the other, justin sold the final package of games off before taking them down. This was a little scummy to say the least since it means only people who bought that one package now have the games, and yes there should be something done about it however Im not really sure I want the site to get in a fight with one of our ex developers over this, its a ba
 d situation and really justin didnt handle it well. Lastly, you can sort all the db entries on the search archive link on the main page, I dont really see this as a problem or something that needs changing since the dropdown is just supposed to be a quick fix after all and if you want to search the db for given genres or games,  well thats why its called search archive .URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Questions on making advanced posts in the articles room

2014-01-07 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Questions on making advanced posts in the articles room

Unfortunately, what formatting you add to stuff isnt set by the admins or enabled, its just standard bb code markup, which is what is, so there isnt a way of changing it. Unfortunately theres only one type of heading, however there are several nested list commands other abilities to do bold etc. Have a look at The bbcode help page for information and examples.I must admit though Slj, I personally dont see the need to go too complex with this, after all you can always tag your guide with find tags the way guides on gamefaqs do so people can use ctrl f to find whatever they want. Eg, ++ Section 1, introduction. +section 1.1, introducing the introduction. Thats quite acceptable nettiquette and wouldnt be out of place in a guide, and is just as useful to a screen reader user as anyone else. I do confess
  I personally dont particularly care about nested headings, lists etc. I bang them on the db because those pages are public and such things are rather expected, but I myself wouldnt care that much if they werent there. Still, feel free to use the bbcode as you wish.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Is it possible to make links on the forum?

2013-12-29 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Is it possible to make links on the forum?

Yes Fm, bcs is right, Bbcode is similar to standard html, but it has different tags. if for example you were directing someone to youd right leftbracket u r l equals right bracket click here to go to the main site left bracket slash u r l right bracket. You use the brackets which are to the right of the p on most keyboards as Bcs examples shows. For more on bbcode, look at the Bbcode link towards the bottom of the main index page. Hth.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Spam

2013-12-20 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Spam

H, Brad, what do you mean no way to contact the site moderators? what do you think the report link is for? Actually, another member did! report the offending topic in question which is good since I obviously missed it in my usual forum patrol, and its gone now. Please remember in future, if spam is there for more than 24 hours, report it since its possible we missed it.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Heuston? We Have A Problem...

2013-12-08 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Heuston? We Have A Problem...

well Im getting nothing from Avg. Also in October, ago Bladestorm360 detected a supposed virus and Sander did some major checks, i also phoned Avg customer support and got them to do a deep scan. So, unless there is anything else I suspect this is either chrome being paranoid, or something else specific to your system.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Please add Tapatalk support on this forum.

2013-11-19 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Please add Tapatalk support on this forum.

Thats annoying since Punbb is still the best forum for access, and believe me Ive seen some dire ones. These numbsculls who write these programs should really think about it, especially since theyre quite free to write addons, indeed one of the best antispam addons we have is entirely due to such a custom module.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Please add Tapatalk support on this forum.

2013-11-19 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Please add Tapatalk support on this forum.

Thats annoying since Punbb is still the best forum for access, and believe me Ive seen some dire ones. These numbsculls who write these programs should really think about it, especially since its certainly not a closed system and anyone is quite free to write addons, indeed one of the best antispam addons we have is entirely due to such a custom module.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] questions about the forum

2013-11-18 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: questions about the forum

Hi Socheatthe +1 means someone has given you a thumbs up on that post and youve got some user karmer from it, likewise if you like someones post and want to give them some user karmer use the thumbs up link below their post. User Karma is like public reputation and is a way of showing your appreciation when youve found someone particularly helpful, or funny or whatever, though shouldnt be taken too seriously (theres no real advantage in having more Karma other than people seeing youve got it).For more information on user Carma, see The site and forum faq found here Hth.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] What's wrong with frontsite?

2013-11-11 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: What's wrong with frontsite?

Ive not experienced the error again, thanks for the fix, and I hope tyland was fun!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] kurt wolf db entry

2013-11-08 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: kurt wolf db entry

If I remember rightly the textual walkthru to the game was actually provided by breakerbox as an aide if any players were stuck, so I will go and check their site to see if it got moved elsewhere.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] What's wrong with frontsite?

2013-11-07 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: What's wrong with frontsite?

Hi. Ive sent a message to Richard and Sander about these errors people experience with a link to this topic, so hopefully they can let us know what is happening. I believe I encountered the cant connect problem once myself, but it was fixed as soon as I refreshed the page.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] What's wrong with frontsite?

2013-11-06 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: What's wrong with frontsite?

Well Slj Ive have actually noticed one or two errors of that sort recently as well, I dont know if Sander and Richard have been doing anything with the hosting though i do remember we had a conversation about this a while ago. Still, having a direct link to the forum is no problem. just go to Bang that in your favourites or bookmarks or whatever. Myself I do usually go through the front site but thats partly out of habbit and partly so I can check the update link to see if anyone else has been doing anything to the db besides me.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] What's wrong with frontsite?

2013-11-06 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: What's wrong with frontsite?

Moderation! This shouldve been in site and forum feedback since it is obviously about the site, so Ive moved it. Well Slj Ive have actually noticed one or two errors of that sort recently as well, I dont know if Sander and Richard have been doing anything with the hosting though i do remember we had a conversation about this a while ago. It seems fine at the moment however.Still, having a direct link to the forum is no problem. just go to Bang that in your favourites or bookmarks or whatever. Myself I do usually go through the front site but thats partly out of habbit and partly so I can check the update link to see if anyone else has been doing anything to the db besides me.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I think should take the place of klango in case it dies

2013-11-06 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: I think should take the place of klango in case it dies

Mmmm jjgeek no, neither rs games client nor quentin c playroom are anything like Klango really. Klango as originally conceived was a development environment for audio programs. Two games were written with it, pirate memory game and haunted factory. After this in 2008 however the developers promised a major change, and that turned out to be the Klango network, a massive program with many different features. As originally conceived it was going to have loads of functions and even allow other people to contribute their own programs, games etc, and Sunny window was intended to be a major application change with lots of functions. Unfortunately though it seemed so many ideas they had for Klango just taled off. The media catalogue got abandoned, there were no updates to their software database and since mole no more no new games or other programs and such, indeed over the last few updates (what updates there were), it seemed the developers just added more and 
 more community type features, voice forums, mini blogs, those audio avatar things etc, and then of course the developers sort of vanished entirely in around 2011 or so, and while someone is maintaining the costs for the server to keep Klango running I dont know if any work is being done on developing it any further. Rs games client however is just purely and simply for playing games, it does nothing else, has no forums, no podcatching, and all the updates have been new games. It began with rs monopoly, back in I believe 2010, and then more and more games have been added over the years, plus now we have a similar community in Quentin c playroom with different games. As to the downloadable program, well since that has sounds and such and doesnt require you to muck about online with a brouser but just works like any other audio game with standard menues and what not, its certainly recommended.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Japanese games

2013-11-05 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Japanese games

Well I would appreciate some easier options not being an nvda user and not wanting to monkey around with my language settings and keyboard settings and what not, indeed the same is likely true of many people so this is something people could probably look into. Regarding more professional translation, well it has! been done, see for details, indeed that would likely be a good place to start looking for either translators or better translation options.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] to dark, about the iMobster's db entry

2013-11-05 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: to dark, about  the iMobster's db entry

Well Kyle regarding low vision access it wouldnt surprise me if android has similar colour and magnification options to most systems that users of large print usually make use of,  heck I have the contrast set down on my Iphone as it is sincee even if i cant read the text it can help being able to see where it is to click it, much as I have handled menue selections in most graphical games Ive played, , (this is usefull in choiceof games).Good luck with contacting Storm8 though, since they utterly ignored the two males I sent them about making the settings and storm8 id creation on Ios accessible. Not a nice company.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] to dark, about the iMobster's db entry

2013-11-02 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: to dark, about  the iMobster's db entry

Well Ive noted the name change just for the sake of completeness of the entry, but as I said if the game is inaccessible on android I dont see it being a major difference what the Hell you call it. I imagine people who just have access to Android and no I device call the game and its developers lots of interesting things .URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] to dark, about the iMobster's db entry

2013-10-31 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: to dark, about  the iMobster's db entry

Moderation! As this is about the db it belongs the site and forum feedback room, please remember next time. Regarding the entry Kyle, well itd easy to make an addition noting the name, however since you said the storm8 games were inaccessible on android does it particularly matter?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Japanese games

2013-10-23 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Japanese games

When was the last time the Uk made an audio game? Well when is papasangre ii coming out? not to mention three monkeys, though that is more concept than anything else at the moment. Still the dislike Ive seen for developers doesnt seem directed at any specific country so much as anyone who isnt Japanese, which as I said is really rather unfair given the resources available.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Japanese games

2013-10-23 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Japanese games

When was the last time the Uk made an audio game? Well when is papasangre ii coming out? not to mention three monkeys, though that is more concept than anything else at the moment. Still the dislike Ive seen for developers doesnt seem directed at any specific country so much as anyone who isnt Japanese, which as I said is really rather unfair given the resources available.As to nvda, and language packs and such, to someone who has never used nvda, and has never changed windows language it just seems a lot of hassle for something that may or may not work. Frankly I wish someone would just dam well translate these rather than telling me to install six different peaces of software and then make a wild guess.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Japanese games

2013-10-23 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Japanese games

When was the last time the Uk made an audio game? Well when is papasangre ii coming out? not to mention three monkeys, though that is more concept than anything else at the moment. Still the dislike Ive seen for developers doesnt seem directed at any specific country so much as anyone who isnt Japanese, which as I said is really rather unfair given the resources available.As to nvda, and language packs and such, to someone who has never used nvda, and has never changed windows language it just seems a lot of hassle for something that may or may not work. Frankly I wish someone would just dam well translate these rather than telling me to install six different peaces of software and then make a wild guess.If the games are so good as people say, I would assume someone would want! to help with translation, not just say do all these complicated procedures thats after all how its worked in the graphical indi w
 orld, games like Cavestory which were originally in japanese having fan translations written and added to game mods, and after all this has happened for swamp and other English games into different languages.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Japanese games

2013-10-23 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Japanese games

Well seal, if people are using google translate to translate the text of these games there is no need for someone to actually write! a translation, just use the google one and then mod the games output with what you get, I suspect this is how Francis did night of parasite from the original Chinese. As regards too hard well its similar to mainstream games. I really admire people who play games with just using sound and memorisation, but for me I am used to at least some basic information, my characters position, number of menue items etc from playing graphical games, hence the effort criterion in the site guidelines and why we dont list pokemon, original super marrio brothers or beatemups in the db though people do play them.Of course in the case of running Japanese games its not to do with levels of site or inaccessibility in the actual game at all, its just difficulty of running the bloody thing! If it was
  one or two bits of software or just an extra program run before hand it wouldnt be too bad, its just the shear amount of stuff that needs fidling with, none of which Ive done before or have any experience of at all, and some of which frankly sounds as if it could potentially mess up my computer if done wrongly, (messing with keyboard drivers for example) . I might try it at some point, indeed Im glad of bladestorms guide for the option, it just seems to be quite a major task, and I know im not the only person with this opinion. Again, maybe someone could design something to make this easier, say an instant sapi translator that output text from the game to sapi and ran it through google translate for you.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] link for world of war is broken

2013-10-19 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: link for world of war is broken

Thanks trenton, fixed now.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Weird thing about login

2013-10-19 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Weird thing about login

Nope, everything is fine, its just that the login on the main page uses your forum account by default, so login to the forum first, and then youll be okay for the main site and can add games to your favourites.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] link for world of war is broken

2013-10-18 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: link for world of war is broken

Well Burank I unfortunately dont know where the link is for the game. ive tried the nyanchan site but,  well it is in japanaese and supernova wont read it so I cant find the new download link.Either someone will need to host the game or maybe Yukio could please post the link for it if its still on his site.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Spam

2013-10-11 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Spam

Im not sure on how instalation of something like that on punbb works, but Ill mention it to sander, though I will also add bare in mind the recent spam about original fake passports (isnt that something of a contradicton?), was all from one spambot, so its not that recurrent a problem. Still I do approve of those sorts of projects, since the more inconvenience for those scumbags the better.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Spellling mistakes.

2013-10-07 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Spellling mistakes.

Glad things on the site arent too bad jjgeek, its particularly however about the entries in the game database. While it is true Richard and Sander who administrate the site and wrote the text for the front page etc are Dudtch, I am from England, as was Cx2, who also used to work on the Db. Nocturnus, Staindadict and Arqmeister are all from the Usa, so at least as far as the game db goes the majority of people working on it are indeed native speakers. Of course as I said, while I dont mind the odd correction, its not something I see much point being a total fanatic over.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Spellling mistakes.

2013-09-27 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Spellling mistakes.

Well obviously I do! use ms words spellcheck system when writing things for publication such as my thesisor indeed when I write book reviews or articles. The principle problem with the db is that since I have to hand code all the html, running a spellcheck constantly flags the code (heck html in ms word is a bit loopy anyway which is why I use wordpad for writing the entries). I will occasionally copy words into ms word to check their spelling, which is indeed what I did with voluntiere, but I cant do that with the complete entry. Regarding Braille displays, well I dont unfortunately own one due to high cost and general ability to manage without, but equally its actually been reading braille that buggered my spelling due to reading in grade 2. Heck, I still! occasionally slip up and write say little with one l. I will also add that spelling is a regional thing, and I use British varients, for example thorough, colour or armour wit
 h O U R, not O R as the American spelling, so it is possible that some peoples spellchecks if set to American English flag up mistakes that are not mistakes (ive seen this happen on several occasions). It is true about English being a stupid language, indeed id I often have discussions with my Italian teacher about the fact that English is irregular in its applications of gramatical rules,  in fairness Italian also has some random irregularities, for example there are some verbs that have random irregular forms and some that dont, (though in some ways Structurally different to Spanish, this is one major difference I notice, since Spanish was far more regular). Interestingly enough though, Italian, like spanish is entirely phonetic. Myself, Im still of the opinion that English should be phoneticised, that all words should just be spelt as they sound, not by some random rules setup by a nutty Scotsman 5 hundred years ago. Btw, this is ap
 parently why the g h is used in so many English words like Thorough, because Samual Jonson had a distinct scotish bur. Ive also heard that many of our modern english spellings aare borrowed from Middle English, but middle English iis! phonetic. For example the middle english word for knight is spealt exactly the same way, but apparently pronounced ka-nighit, rather like the German for King.So yes, English is Silly! As Ive said I dont mind correcting stuff, however equally Im not going to loose too much sleep over a few buggered letters, heck even when i was writing my thesis and my research assistant (who has a masters in English Language), was looking over it and querying every single possible vague gramatical foyble, there were various spellings that she admitted were just personal choice, eg, i s e or I Z E at the end of words like initialize. Even Im not completely sure on that one since while using the s is the trad
 itional British spelling, z is closer to the way the words are actually pronounced. I think the thing that irritates me most about English spellings is that we so often reduce vowels to a flat uh sound, even when this is a completely different vowel to what is written. for example, most people do not actually say the word evil as ee vill but as something closer to ee vul likewise, a word like taken is not said as tay ken but as tay kun This actually comes up a lot in singing since its far easier to have your audience able to hear your words if you sing the vowels as written, rather than as pronounced,  I recently had a peace of very angry orotorio recitative where I actually had to tell people to repent! of the! EEE vill! not Repent of the evil And this gets even when worse when you add in need to alter mouth position in order to sing higher, for instance when singing the part from the M
 essiah every valley shal be exaulted! I actually have to change three quarters of the way through a long run to exlted! just to be certain that my A flat will not take too much muscular pressure. indeed I suspect it is my singing which is the reason why most people say I have a very propper and somewhat overly posh accent and way of speaking .URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Spellling mistakes.

2013-09-27 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Spellling mistakes.

Well obviously I do! use ms words spellcheck system when writing things for publication such as my thesisor indeed when I write book reviews or articles. The principle problem with the db is that since I have to hand code all the html, running a spellcheck constantly flags the code (heck html in ms word is a bit loopy anyway which is why I use wordpad for writing the entries). I will occasionally copy words into ms word to check their spelling, which is indeed what I did with voluntiere, but I cant do that with the complete entry. Regarding Braille displays, well I dont unfortunately own one due to high cost and general ability to manage without, but equally its actually been reading braille that buggered my spelling due to reading in grade 2. Heck, I still! occasionally slip up and write say little with one t. I will also add that spelling is a regional thing, and I use British varients, for example thorough, colour or armour wit
 h O U R, not O R as the American spelling, so it is possible that some peoples spellchecks if set to American English flag up mistakes that are not mistakes (ive seen this happen on several occasions). It is true about English being a stupid language, indeed id I often have discussions with my Italian teacher about the fact that English is irregular in its applications of gramatical rules,  in fairness Italian also has some random irregularities, for example there are some verbs that have random irregular forms and some that dont, (though in some ways Structurally different to Spanish, this is one major difference I notice, since Spanish was far more regular). Interestingly enough though, Italian, like spanish is entirely phonetic. Myself, Im still of the opinion that English should be phoneticised, that all words should just be spelt as they sound, not by some random rules setup by a nutty Scotsman 5 hundred years ago. Btw, this is ap
 parently why the g h is used in so many English words like Thorough, because Samual Jonson had a distinct scotish bur. Ive also heard that many of our modern english spellings aare borrowed from Middle English, but middle English iis! phonetic. For example the middle english word for knight is spealt exactly the same way, but apparently pronounced ka-nighit, rather like the German for King.So yes, English is Silly! As Ive said I dont mind correcting stuff, however equally Im not going to loose too much sleep over a few buggered letters, heck even when i was writing my thesis and my research assistant (who has a masters in English Language), was looking over it and querying every single possible vague gramatical foyble, there were various spellings that she admitted were just personal choice, eg, i s e or I Z E at the end of words like initialize. Even Im not completely sure on that one since while using the s is the trad
 itional British spelling, z is closer to the way the words are actually pronounced. I think the thing that irritates me most about English spellings is that we so often reduce vowels to a flat uh sound, even when this is a completely different vowel to what is written. for example, most people do not actually say the word evil as ee vill but as something closer to ee vul likewise, a word like taken is not said as tay ken but as tay kun This actually comes up a lot in singing since its far easier to have your audience able to hear your words if you sing the vowels as written, rather than as pronounced,  I recently had a peace of very angry orotorio recitative where I actually had to tell people to repent! of the! EEE vill! not Repent of the evil And this gets even when worse when you add in need to alter mouth position in order to sing higher, for instance when singing the part from the M
 essiah every valley shal be exaulted! I actually have to change three quarters of the way through a long run to exlted! just to be certain that my A flat will not take too much muscular pressure. indeed I suspect it is my singing which is the reason why most people say I have a very propper and somewhat overly posh accent and way of speaking .URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Spellling mistakes.

2013-09-27 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Spellling mistakes.

Well obviously I do! use ms words spellcheck system when writing things for publication such as my thesisor indeed when I write book reviews or articles. The principle problem with the db is that since I have to hand code all the html, running a spellcheck constantly flags the code (heck html in ms word is a bit loopy anyway which is why I use wordpad for writing the entries). I will occasionally copy words into ms word to check their spelling, which is indeed what I did with voluntiere, but I cant do that with the complete entry. Regarding Braille displays, well I dont unfortunately own one due to high cost and general ability to manage without, but equally its actually been reading braille that buggered my spelling due to reading in grade 2. Heck, I still! occasionally slip up and write say little with one t. I will also add that spelling is a regional thing, and I use British varients, for example thorough, colour or armour wit
 h O U R, not O R as the American spelling, so it is possible that some peoples spellchecks if set to American English flag up mistakes that are not mistakes (ive seen this happen on several occasions). It is true about English being a stupid language, indeed id I often have discussions with my Italian teacher about the fact that English is irregular in its applications of gramatical rules,  in fairness Italian also has some random irregularities, for example there are some verbs that have random irregular forms and some that dont, (though in some ways Structurally different to Spanish, this is one major difference I notice, since Spanish was far more regular). Interestingly enough though, Italian, like spanish is entirely phonetic. Myself, Im still of the opinion that English should be phoneticised, that all words should just be spelt as they sound, not by some random rules setup by a nutty Scotsman 5 hundred years ago. Btw, this is ap
 parently why the g h is used in so many English words like Thorough, because Samual Jonson had a distinct scotish bur. Ive also heard that many of our modern english spellings aare borrowed from Middle English, but middle English iis! phonetic. For example the middle english word for knight is spealt exactly the same way, but apparently pronounced ka-nighit, rather like the German for King.So yes, English is Silly! As Ive said I dont mind correcting stuff, however equally Im not going to loose too much sleep over a few buggered letters, heck even when i was writing my thesis and my research assistant (who has a masters in English Language), was looking over it and querying every single possible vague gramatical foyble, there were various spellings that she admitted were just personal choice, eg, i s e or I Z E at the end of words like initialize. Even Im not completely sure on that one since while using the s is the trad
 itional British spelling, z is closer to the way the words are actually pronounced. I think the thing that irritates me most about English spellings is that we so often reduce vowels to a flat uh sound, even when this is a completely different vowel to what is written. for example, most people do not actually say the word evil as ee vill but as something closer to ee vul likewise, a word like taken is not said as tay ken but as tay kun This actually comes up a lot in singing since its far easier to have your audience able to hear your words if you sing the vowels as written, rather than as pronounced, but if you overdo this you end up sounding completely artificial and lacking in emotion,  I recently had a peace of very angry orotorio recitative where I actually had to tell people to repent! of the! EEE vill! not Repent of the evil And this gets even when worse when you add in need to al
 ter mouth position in order to sing higher, for instance when singing the part from the Messiah every valley shal be exaulted! I actually have to change three quarters of the way through a long run to exlted! just to be certain that my A flat will not take too much muscular pressure. indeed I suspect it is my singing which is the reason why most people say I have a very propper and somewhat overly posh accent and way of speaking .URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Spellling mistakes.

2013-09-26 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Spellling mistakes.

Well Im actually not using Orphius anymore, and am using realspeak. I have noticed the capitalisation thing Casta, though usually I have Hal set to read capitals as I type, though generally realspeak is slightly worse on spelling and pronounciation overall, but Im stuck at the moment since orphius has crashed on me. What particularly irritates me with realspeak is the way it cant apply the same rules to unusual words and fantasy conventions as it can to English. For example postman or policeman it does fine with, but cyberman it says as cyber an with a completely missing m for no readily apparent reason, and never mind what it does to more unusual words or fantasy names. I also ddislike the way it has preset acronyms and will speak them irrispective of situation. Being told in a game my character has 46 horse power and 84 street instead of Hp and St is quite annoying, as is reading about that well known self voicing system f
 or windows, manuscript sapi.Then again, for rythm, for pleasant phonemes and for intonnation Daniel is a far better option than eloquence, which is pretty much my only other choice at this point (I particularly dislike eloquences attempt at British English).Regarding spelling, really, English is a stupid language, voluntiere should end t e a r!I fixed voluntiere the other day so if its still showing as wrong thats a problem at your end (and btw Brad, my screen reader is Hal, H A L), or at least it was before the official name changed to supernova screen reader as it did a few versions ago.As I said I dont mind correcting these, but there really are more important things to do on the Db, and certainly all the entries do get a read through and obvious corrections by me before posting.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Spellling mistakes.

2013-09-23 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Spellling mistakes.

Moderation! yes, this topic has been moved and should not have been in the offtopic room. Ive been through the page and fixed the errors, though really other than the word full which Id missed an L off, (obviously Id written that page in something of a hurry), it didnt seem too bad, stilll its fixed now.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Spellling mistakes.

2013-09-23 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Spellling mistakes.

Well voluntier I fixed, so i dont know what your complaint is with that. Regarding spelling, remember I cant use a spellcheck for the entries, since they are written with html code and Id have the spellcheck flagging every line. Point out if you like, but to be honest there are more important things really, like writing new entries or getting information into the db. English is a stupid language to spell anyway, (my Italian teacher has very strong views on the subject given how Italian, like Spanish is entirely phonetic).URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Changed new post behavior

2013-09-18 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Changed new post behavior

Im afraid Im not exactly certain, though I know the process hasnt changed since the script debug wasnt actually involved with forum functionality. Personally, I just open each room and look for the topics that have the new posts link next to them, then look at those topics. Increasingly however I also go by date and time, especially where there is a topic I might be interested in reading but may not necessarily need to write a reply to every comment.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Changed new post behavior

2013-09-13 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Changed new post behavior

Well some script debugging was done last week, but that wasnt anything that affected the actual layout, display or anything to do with how navigation works. Ive certainly not noticed any similar issues with Supernova, yet I use similar navigation methods myself to go to the first new post etc.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A forum feature request

2013-09-12 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: A forum feature request

Well its not two lines, it is several more, but it doesnt seem to be a problem.there doesnt unfortunately seem to be anything in the settings thus far, but Id rather not monkey with the code myself, I suggest you contact richard and sander about this since theyre the ones who have access to the forum code and would likely be able to affect this change.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] An interesting thing that is happening randomly

2013-09-12 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: An interesting thing that is happening randomly

Ive never seen this myself so it doesnt appear on xp, but it is possible it was to do with some cleanups of the scripting code which were taken care of recently. Theyre now finished so well see if it comes up again.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] A forum feature request

2013-09-11 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: A forum feature request

well as much as possible has been removed, there isnt for instance all the avatar or avatar text stuff or other information you get on some forums, (there are some forum systems Ive seen that literally cover! the place with information). Ill have a look at the admin settings to see if there is a way to let people toggle showing of location and rank, but really I dont see the issue myself, its not as if its more than two lines anyway, really Id see this more as a matter of just learning efficient page navigation skills with your screen reader than an any incorrect layouts on the forum.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Spam

2013-09-07 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Spam

Ah, I deleted that topic. The reason for the sensorship is basically that spambots work by word searching, thus the more spam you have talking about world of warcraft gold or whatever, the more you get.If you want to see a very scary example of this, go and look at the guestbook over on ffproject. there was one spammbot who posted a dodgy link to some fake spell caster, (one of these send me lots of money and Ill do a spell to supposedly fix your life type of things), then within a very short time a hole bunch of messages on the same theme got posted, since they werent removed. Thus, its a way to less obviously come up on spamam bot word searches, and make certain one spam bot doesnt multiplyly, as it sadly has done over on ffproject.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] login issues

2013-09-03 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: login issues

Hmmm, that doesnt sound like a site problem, and the fact that Ive never seen this myself makes it a little hard to replicate. Either he is! indeed taking too long to log in, or perhaps there is a problem with his net connection, (that would obviously affect multiple brousers).URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Links for Interview and Videos of Dark Room Sex Broken

2013-09-03 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Links for Interview and Videos of Dark Room Sex Broken

I suspect its just that the developer took those links down, obviously the site doesnt host such things oursellves. Whether you play or not is up to you, but can you download the game itselff? and have you tried going to the developers webpage?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Unsub Multiple Topics

2013-09-03 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Unsub Multiple Topics

Indeed Sebby. having seen lots of bbs I have to say punbb is my favourite and I can see why Sander and Richard decided to use it back in 2005, albeit I dont know too many other boards who do (though there are still some, project.aon does for a start).I suspect if there isnt a specific extention for touch screen phones soon, there will be in the future, and the layout is logical enough to make touch screen navigation not too much of a problem even if notifications and other fancy stuff dont work as expected.Indeed, i have broused this forum on my iPhone to get the knack of safari and vo, precisely because! its layout is so straight forward.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Suggestion, game articles room

2013-09-02 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Suggestion,  game articles room

That is a good question, however as with a lot of things on the forum Id be inclined to think that there isnt a hard and fast rule as far as subject goes.For example, You might have a paper (of the sort that have been posted on the forum before), discussing the relationship of sound to mainstream games, that would be an article. A properly written review or a high quality faq would be an article, as would be a technical guide, indeed Id rather not restrict peoples choices of what to write on since I imagine people could speak on some very diverse and interesting areas.Im inclined to say that as long as its over about 400 words, and as long as the quality is of a publication standard, ie, propper grammar, reasonably argued, then its an article.The only thing I havent yet decided is what to do about audio reviews or walkthrus, since it seems fair enough that if were allowing people to write text reviews there
  should be audio reviews, however keeping a handle on quality could be a little harder in those circumstances, though again, its likely something well just have to try.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Unsub Multiple Topics

2013-09-02 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Unsub Multiple Topics

Well nocturnus, what is this plugin? remember this forum runs on punbb, so if its not a punbb extention we probably cant run it. Certainly Ive not seen it listed on the extentions page in admin, though I know that doesnt lit everything.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Unsub Multiple Topics

2013-09-01 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Unsub Multiple Topics

Have you tried looking in the subscriptions part of your profile? if there is an option to easily unsub en mass, itd likely be there.Personally I never use subscriptions myself for precisely the reason of too much mail, I always find the new posts links more than adequate.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] login issues

2013-09-01 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: login issues

Hmmm, what sort of server time out error? and is he indeed taking ages to log in? I never encountered such an error myself, and since I cleared my temporary internet files today I had to log in from scratch with not even the password, and obviousls it worked fine.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Suggestion, game articles room

2013-09-01 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Suggestion,  game articles room

@Sebby, it is not so much a matter of moderators saying what is useful as of quality. I see the articles room as like a publication, sort of a bit of an extention of the audeasy magazine. So a review would need to be a fully written review tih argued opinions, not just I like this game because it is good and a technical guide would need to be a fully written and explained guide, not just how do I run x on x, you do it by installing Y and then your done! It is precisely that fact that is the reason id like to have articles separate from usual topic comments, so that they exist more in the mnatter of publications than just a forum post that has lots of chatter afterwards,  of course, theres no reason not to discuss articles in general game discussion, but those should be separate entities, rather the way that your free to discuss any academic subject you like in the off topic room, but you wouldnt just chatter u
 nder a majorly published article. It is for reason of being clear on quality and what counts that I would like to take time over formulating the guidelines, and why i havent set this up until I am absolutely certain to have time I can spend on the guidelines. Having topics moved across may be an idea, though even if that is done itll likely just be the relevant bits, I am after all hoping that having a place to formally publish articles about audio games will inspire people to take time and trouble to write high quality contributions, whether reviews, guides or whatever.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] New releases and games for another language, tham English

2013-09-01 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: New releases and games for another language, tham English

That sounds like a good idea, and if you or someone else could help translate the games or give instructions for playing them in English then more people could enjoy them across the world.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Short Answer Forum Link Broken

2013-08-27 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Short Answer Forum Link Broken

Yep, the guest room was getting full of spam so it had to go, I didnt think there were any links to it still around though.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Suggestion, game articles room

2013-08-27 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Suggestion,  game articles room

Well Ive now finished music school and apart from being exhausted due to having to take unexpectedly more tenor parts than I planned, I should be able to get this up and running in the next few days. That is a good suggestion Trenton about twitter and facebook. I know the news room links are tied to that, but maybe Sander could do the same with articles room too. Regarding audio Jjgeek, just to be clear, while itd be okay for people to post dropbox or other links to audio reviews, walkthrus, podcasts etc, wouldnt be actually hosting anything, much as we dont host any of the games besides the playcenter ones, indeed I was firstly and primarily thinking of the articles room as a place for people to write more formally in text, spend time on their work, think what they are saying, post useful links etc.URL: http://forum

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Suggestion, game articles room

2013-08-16 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Suggestion,  game articles room

Glad people like the idea. Such in fact ian was my thought, heck, Ive had a post in my favourites for years that explains how to setup sapi with the mshclient alter pack, which Ive had to refer to a couple of times. I also hope it will encourage people to start writing things like formal reviews and walkthrus of games with some degree of formality that I can link to on db pages. It would also provide a place for people who write articles such as the on sander recently posted about access to mainstream games to post links as well. Btw, Arq, Im glad you like the idea particularly, since obviously youll be one of the people expected to regulate for quality control along with the other mods, though I am hoping if the guidelines are clear enough there shouldnt be too much of this.Hopefully the thing should be done at the end of next week.URL: http

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Suggestion, game articles room

2013-08-16 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Suggestion,  game articles room

@Aaron, such was my thought regarding discussion, its just that separating the discussion and the articles themselves would be something that I thought would help overall organization as Arq said, plus I see it as a major plus for visitors, considdering that people might want to see more formal stuff on audio games. I also admit, partly the fact that the status of the audeasy magazine is unknown is a factor, since while I believe plans for a new issue are in the works Ive not heard anything for years, and people have mentioned wanting to write reviews walkthrus etc, indeed I hope having a room where people can write formal opinions about games or give detailed answers or tech questions will encourage more of that sort of thing,  certainly I admit myself Ive often wanted to write actually more formal style game reviews for audiogames as I did at one point for gamefaqs. And no, the game entries in the db are not reviews,they are overviews, indeed i
 t is in the db editing guidelines to not write negative comments or judgements of games other than positive ones (the word simple is about as close as it gets, and that on the db isnt intended as any more than a descripter).URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Suggestion, game articles room

2013-08-15 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Suggestion,  game articles room

Well judging by the lack of replies and the votes thus far, I gather people like the idea, (though if not feel free to say). Unfortunately, its likely that it might take a few days to actually happen since when i made this suggestion I utterly lost track of time and forgot I was at music summer school next week. While I will hopefully be able to access the forum, I will be pretty shattered through singing six hours a day! The process to setup the room and the member permissions is relatively straight forward, however when I create the room, I also want to add some very clear guidelines on what counts as an article, why articles might be removed from the room etc, and those I will be taking time over to prevent missunderstandings,  so obviously Il need all my faculties (such as they are). this is a rather convoluted way of saying of course that the articles room wont be happening for a while,  assuming the voting situation doesn&
 #039;t change, but it will be coming soon.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Suggestion, game articles room

2013-08-14 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Suggestion,  game articles room

Reading Bladestorms very excelent guide on how to play japanese audio games, this reminded me of an idea Ive had for a while, a room especially for posting articles, such as walkthrus , reviews, or anything more serious than you would want people to apply to, indeed the sort of thing youd post in the audeasy magazine, optionally, the room would also let people post a topic with a link to an audio review of walkthru,  though note review and walkthru not gameplay recording, ie, we get the persons voice and opinions. the key thing is content there would be expected to be of a moral more formal quality, rather than being slapdash or random. Also, I would use the forum creation software to make it so that people could only post topics in the articles room, and not reply to them. This would mean all the random discussion and comments about
  stuff stayed in general game discussion, and in order to edit or update an article a person would need to use the edit link (remember, articles are more formal). Itd also be far easier to post links to articale articles in the db, since then visitors to the site wouldnt have to look through a lot of random drivle to find information people had posted. so, what do people think? feel free to have a vote, and if you vote Maybe with provisos feel free to explain those provisos here.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Suggestion, game articles room

2013-08-14 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Suggestion,  game articles room

Oh, and obviously myself and other mods would be the quality controllers of this, moving anything we thought good enough into articles, and taking out anything we thought wasnt quite there. So, obviously youd have to trust our judgement on this :d.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Clean, Beautiful Forum Posts in Email

2013-08-12 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Clean, Beautiful Forum Posts in Email

To be honest I never bother with clients anyway, I just answer mail from outlook express as it comes in, and while some messages do append to later ones there is a limit on this, and read according to subject line, which is why say using was in the title of the message helps most.Then again, if you want a big long interface with the entire thread, thats where forums and mailing lists differ, indeed one advantage of mailing lists is that you can reply far more individually to messages on a single thread without having to, as is usual in forums right one reply and address everyone you wish to reply to, (hence the practice of @Sebby, in messages).Again, different advantages and disadvantages of different formats.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] nightjar license and info is outdated

2013-08-11 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: nightjar license and info is outdated

Okay, the license is fixed and Ive changed the page text.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Clean, Beautiful Forum Posts in Email

2013-08-11 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Clean, Beautiful Forum Posts in Email

Well the offtopic question is true, since its far easier to separate matters on a forum, however equally bare in mind as much comes down to moderation as it does to format. Ive seen forums where topics are utterly ignored and subjects are chaos, and Ive seen forums where moderators are so dam exacting on preferd format in subjects etc that you could have your posts deleted for a missplaced comma. Just to give one recent example, I was trying out one of those pokemon brouser ports, and I posted on their forum a message in the introduction section saying hello, and asking where the in game help was. The first response I got wasnt hello and welcome but this topic is in the wrong place you should know better and post in the gameplay questions room you will get your answers there Never mind hello or even just answering my question which was about how to play the bloody game, needless to say I didnt s
 tick around on that forum for very long . I know audeasy has really only two full time mods (and Im not sure how much damien is available), so maybe that is part of what you mention,, though equally just as you prefer demarkated discussion other people prefer the more freeeform methods of mailing lists precisely because! its easier to have a more natural and flowing conversation than one restricted by topic etc.Ill also say that one difference between forums and mailing lists is that on a forum, changes in conversation are always followable, which is why the guidelines recognize that the over all theme of a topic can change over time,  eg, the disney films thread at one point was recently discussing wizard of oz, where as obviously in a mail client its necessary to manually change the subject headings, or have something of the form 
 ;subject x, was: subject y when you want to talk about something else.One thing I will say for mailing lists though is that theyre a far better way of sending general instructions and links since its much easier to save a mail than to randomly select bits of text. For instance if I asked for hints on an in game situation on a forum,  the topic had 5 replies before someone gave a full step by step walkthru, Id have far more trouble following that, where as with e-mail I can just keep the mail from the person who gave me the good walkthru, and delete the rest.In general as I said, its really all swings and roundabouts, as the saying goes, ie, both have their good and bad points and probably work out about the same,  or at least they do when properly moderated.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Clean, Beautiful Forum Posts in Email

2013-08-10 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Clean, Beautiful Forum Posts in Email

Fair enough if it works, but to be honest a forum isnt a mailing list and theres not a lot of point making it one,  heck if this forum were! just a mailing list wed be indistinguishable from audeasy and many people who prefer the convenience of forums wouldnt appreciate that.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Clean, Beautiful Forum Posts in Email

2013-08-10 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Clean, Beautiful Forum Posts in Email

Well Sabahattin, I cant speak for other vi mailing lists since Ive never bothered with any, but I wouldnt be so quick to dismiss audeasy on content, indeed methinks tom ward who moderates that list might have something to say about that . Certainly over the past few years Ive been on audeasy ive read some quite astounding posts and articals by several people, though you are correct that its not too easy to find those articals afterwards.Also it only takes a cursery glance at this forum to see lots of inconsequencial topics, or at least topics that serve no public purposes beyond those of the poster, eg, I need help with X, which is just as much a purpose of this forum as long and informed opinions or scholarly discussions regarding games. To be honest it actually sounds like your confusing a forum and a blog. A blog
  would! be someones articals or opinions on a given topic, like a column in a newspaper or magazine, and thus would naturally be of a more formal nature, however again, that is not the purpose of this forum at all, heck, even if we had! an blog, wed likely restrict those who could post entries to it precisely because! not all members of this forum are really of a bent to write serious articals,  though equally neither should they be. Also bare in mind there are plenty of highly compitant and informed people who simply prefer one format over another, indeed I remember a debate a few months ago where someone discussed turning audeasy into a forum and the concensus was why do we need one when those who prefer forums can go to and there were plenty of people who wanted to stick as a mailing list. I know myself if this forum were! a mailing list Id not be subscribed, simply because there is only so much E-mail 
 I can check through each day. This is why I myself am in favor of having both as separate entities and trying to turn a mailing list into a forum or visa versa is a bad idea precisely because it removes elements of choice from people who prefer one or the other.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Spam

2013-08-10 Thread ForumSite and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Spam

Well Sebby it is very much a question of quantity. Each individual spam post is as easy to delete as clicking one link, then clicking a button, (try deleting one of your own posts and youll see), which can be done in seconds, however the more there is to deal with, the longer it takes.As it stands I dont think were too badly off, ie, myself and the other mods arent under constant hassle having to spend hours removing spam, indeed Ive seen the boards far worse off in the past for this since while at the moment we get perhaps four spambots in three days, I do remember a time when it was more like three or four every few hours! Btwalso bare in mind we did try the confirmation thing, we had a question pannel pop up asking what the name of the planet we live on was, however for some reason it kept appearing to members and harassing them even once it was answered, and the concensus was we were better without it. Btw, also the fact
  that this, as a properly moderated board can! stay ontop of the spam puts the lye to all those bloody stupid captures that we all hate.URL:

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