Re: [Audiogames-reflector] How I became a rat, an entombed bug tale.

2014-02-27 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: fan

Re: How I became a rat, an entombed bug tale.

Thanks for the list, ill have to try these out sometime. Does anyone know where the entombed data is stored in windows 7?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] How I became a rat, an entombed bug tale.

2014-02-26 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: fan

Re: How I became a rat, an entombed bug tale.

Could I have the list?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] How I became a rat, an entombed bug tale.

2014-02-26 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: How I became a rat, an entombed bug tale.

Here you go. This list is pretty long, as I explain step-by-step procedures for each cheat. This is a file I wrote back in 2011.These cheats require you to be good at manipulating files, and to know where Entombed keeps your game saves. On a Windows XP machine at least, the saves are deep within your documents folder, which on XP is c:\documents and settings\your username goes here\my documents. Within that folder, navigate to SavedGames\EntombedSaves\AllPlayers and youll find several files of interest. The two of interest to cheaters are EntombedSave.sav and EntombedWorld.dat. What makes these cheats possible is that the information about your characters and, more importantly, what theyre holding is stored separately from the information about the dungeon and, again important, the enemies and objects within. In this discussion, when I talk about the save file, I mean EntombedSave.sav and when I talk about the world file, I mean EntombedWorld.dat. You will need 
 a folder or several folders to stash copies of save and world files, and you will need to be extra careful not to accidentally overwrite something youll need later.Another thing to say about these cheats. Some of them involve taking your party out of the world theyre in now and tossing them into a different world. Since the world file contains the map of the dungeon levels, its entirely possible that youll end up inside a wall I.E. in a location inaccessible to the character which was supposed to occupy that world. If this happens, youll hear wall type sounds if you try to move in any direction. The easiest thing to do in this case is probably to throw away that world and create a new character as appropriate in order to hopefully get a different map. And now, the cheats!The original army cheat! This is what, as far as I know, got this whole thing started. I did not come up with this one, but it certainly got me to thinking about the impli
 cations and allowed me to come up with lots more! This cheat gives you a party of as many rescued characters as you want. Heres my rewriting of this cheat.1. Start a game with a character you want to play. Go to the second floor and rescue your first character. Save. Copy the save and world files somewhere safe.2. Exit that game and start a new game. The character youre creating here is a total throwaway. You do not actually want to play this character, but you do want a different rescue. As soon as the game begins and you find yourself on the first level, save.3. Copy your original save file, but not the world file! back into EntombedSave.sav. Reload the game.4. As I stated earlier, if youre inside a wall, just go back to step 2 above. That character was a throwaway anyway, so no great loss. Note that, since youre in a totally different world, the map has changed, so your information about unexplored spaces may be inaccurate, and 
 if youve discovered a stairway, it wont be where you think it is. Anyway, go and find the new character and rescue them.5. Save again, copy the save file elsewhere, and go back to step 2 above if you want another rescue. This can be repeated as many times as you like.6. When you want to get on with it, have the game freshly saved after your final rescue, then put your original world file back in place as EntombedWorld.dat. Reload. Now you can keep playing.Note, the characters you get to rescue depend on the race of the throwaway you started with in order for that world to be generated. I dont know the exact correlation.The Easier Army cheat! Heres my answer to the original army cheat above. Its easier in that no new game is required, but there is one disadvantage. Youll get the same thing each time. Here goes.1. Start a new game. This should be a character you want to play. At any time between when the game first
  starts and just before you do the rescue on the second floor, save your game and copy the world file somewhere safe. You dont need to copy the save out, but if you want to be extra safe it might not hurt. Id suggest doing this either when you first start or when you go down to the second floor. Once the rescue has happened, it is too late.2. Once you have your first rescue, leave that room, then save. Copy the world file you copied in step 1 back into place, then reload. Go back into the room and do the rescue again. Watch out, as youll have to fight the enemies again. Once the rescue is done, leave the room and save. Repeat this step as many times as desired.3. Since you never switched to a totally different world, nothing needs to be copied back into place when you have all the rescued characters you want. Just keep playing as usual. You will probably want to rename your rescued characters so you can tell them apart, since theyll all be the s
 ame, and have the same name!The original item multiplier cheat! Again, I didnt come up with this one, and I assume this is an outright bug in the game itself, not a cheat. This one 

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] How I became a rat, an entombed bug tale.

2014-02-25 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: kyle12

Re: How I became a rat, an entombed bug tale.

Hi,Lol!Methinks that needs to be squished. Rofl.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] How I became a rat, an entombed bug tale.

2014-02-25 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: TheOnlyPKMNmaster

Re: How I became a rat, an entombed bug tale.

Entombed has not been updated since 2010, with almost as devastating, if not more devastating in some cases, bugs being discovered. I doubt this discovery will be fixed, haha.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] How I became a rat, an entombed bug tale.

2014-02-25 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: jaybird

Re: How I became a rat, an entombed bug tale.

And then, on the other side of the coin, are all the wonderful unintentional cheats involving exchanging world and player files in creative ways. I actually created a list of some cheats you could do that way.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] How I became a rat, an entombed bug tale.

2014-02-24 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: TheOnlyPKMNmaster

How I became a rat, an entombed bug tale.

Hello, my name is Aaron Baker.I am an ogar who was thrown into this horific dungion just becaause of something I did under the influence.At any rate, I just approached the second floor of the dungeon, with my faithful pet by my side.Before reaching the stairs, I increased in level and became more than just a fighter, I also became a shaman.This brings us to the tragity. I was attacked on the second floor by a few enemies, I have forgotten their names.I was polimorphed into a rat! No!I thought, hey, lets outsmart this guy and use animal form to practically make his spell moot.Well, I did and shortly there after, I supposedly morphed back into an ogar, while still being my bear form.However, when my bear transformation wore off, I was still a rat!And it never wore off.Thats how I became a rat.Maybe theyll let me back into society with my new identity. Ive always felt there was such prejidous ag
 ainst ogar kind.Now, I just have to be careful my pet doesnt mistake me for an enemy and eat me! Thankfully, he seems smarter than that.Cheers,Rat-Ogar.URL:

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