Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

2013-10-21 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

Hi.The only criticism I have about the game is how the licens works. I put up a topic on the beta testing forum, where I explained the issue, but I never got any reply back, like if this was totally ignored.The issue is when running a virtual machine. If someone brakes on the machine, you need to update Fusion or if you change any hardware settings, your licens is gone, and you have to get a new one. I find this damn frustrating, but the only thing I can do about it, is keep asking for new licenses when that happens. If I remember correctly, you can have the game registered on two or three computers, so that helps a bit. I just got pretty frustrated then my topic kind of got ignored, and no one really saw an issue in how the licens system works.Having said that, I really look forward to the new game. As I've said, this is the best flying simulator I have seen which is accessible for blind people. Why criticise the game when there aren't that many other 
 alternatives? URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

2013-10-20 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: BryanP

Re: Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

Guess I ought to try and save up for a decent flight stick.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

2013-10-20 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Munawar

Re: Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

Hi Everyone,Sorry for not getting back to some of these questions sooner; I rarely check the forum nowadays, especially since there is so much activity going on with TDV and my personal work / university life. I'll try to answer as many questions as I possibly can, and I'd like to thank all of you for being candid with your criticisms of the game. It gives all of us an idea of what needs to be improved and how we can serve you better.There were a couple questions about preordering and how this relates to TDV 1. The license you get with TDV 2 will work with TDV 1 with no additional cost. Also, if you have TDV 1 already, your license will NOT work with TDV 2. These are separate licenses.Next, there is a lot of concern about multiplayer being pay-to-play. I would like to take this opportunity and assure you that we realize how tight budgets are, especially among the blind community on account of high unemployment figures and government dependence. As thu
 s, there are currently three plans available: a monthly plan, quarterly plan, and yearly plan. Each consecutive plan is about 15% cheaper than its immediately preceeding plan. The monthly plan will be much less than $20 USD a month. Twenty dollars a month was the estimated price on this forum but that price is based on mainstream titles; not TDV 2, and games for blind people.As several people pointed out, it is correct that there are monthly upkeep costs paid by the company to provide multiplayer support, and an undependable revenue of copies of TDV 2 sold will not guarantee enough funds available to pay for the server. We incur additional costs as well such as contractual obligations and standard fees paid to the state to maintain the company's active status that are part of any company that does not accept "voluntary" or "do-it-for-free" agreements. All this is factored into our monthly budget and there must be realistic, yet consumer-friendly ways 
 to allow us to continue to function.This brings me to another point. There were a few suggestions made here to poll for donations. While this is a great idea, BPC is not registered as a nonprofit organization, so we cannot accept donations as part of the revenue. Also, donations once again do not provide the financial backing we will need to continue to provide the multiplayer server.BryanP wrote:Sounds like basically the same game, though Inote Chase and Orion are now voiced by different guys. I really ought to get back into TDV but I've never been able to consistently land the plane with the keyboard. LOL.There has been a lot of work done to improve joystick handling in TDV 2. Also, because of many changes in the way the aircraft handles (for one thing, you can no longer perform instantaneous turns,) a flight stick is highly recommended for the game. Eventually it becomes difficult to accur
 ately control the aircraft using the keyboard.orin wrote:What would you rather have? Free multiplayer which is Peer to Peer and people will have problems connecting because of their firewalls and other stuff, or would you rather have a dedicated server with no lag and where more connections can work in sync with each other without any problems? Well, if you want a dedicated server, which I suspect that's what Munawar is doing, those cost about $60 a month, and sales of TDV won't cover the price for even a years worth of the serveri'm not sure if TDV will have multiple MP modes, but I could see, oh, 16-20 people going at it at a time with a server whereas that just won't be possible the free way.I'm looking forward to see whether the engine sound has changed in this version. I think that's one thing the other so-called flight sim got right.You raised som
 e valid points in your post. By having a central server which is commercially hosted we no longer have to worry about data consumption. While the data cap certainly is not unlimited, it is high enough to not be an immediate concern.Also, there will be multiple modes to choose during multiplayer. These details will be released when appropriate.Yes, I agree. The engine sound in TDV 1 wasn't good. It has been improved in version 2.Finally, I'd like to confirm that there will be a demo released soon that will give you access to the simulation part of the game and maybe limited online time (but this hasn't been decided yet.) So you will be able to see a lot of the improvements with the aircraft and sounds that we've implemented so far.I'd like to thank all those personally who have preordered TDV 2. Your support goes a long way and I'm humbled to see that you've given us the chance to provide you with great entertainment.

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

2013-10-19 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: jack

Re: Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

Now that's a good idea. Donations might be a better thing to try. As for the games, the license you get after preording tdv 2 will work with both versions of tdvURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

2013-10-19 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: BryanP

Re: Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

Sounds like basically the same game, though Inote Chase and Orion are now voiced by different guys. I really ought to get back into TDV but I've never been able to consistently land the plane with the keyboard. LOL.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

2013-10-17 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: assault_freak

Re: Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

Well... Swamp does have a server, and it's free to play. Donations help go a long way... and I would ask for those before charging multiplayer. Just my opinion though, of course.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

2013-10-17 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: harrylst

Re: Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

Hi,I have a question.I do not own 3d velocity 1 (I did not buy it because it didn't have multiplayer).  Now that 3dV 2 will have multiplayer, can I buy it without owning 3dV1?  And are 3dV1 and 3dV2 separate games, or is 3dV2 an update to 3dV1? AKA do I have to buy both?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

2013-10-17 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: pelantas

Re: Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

hii want to preorder the game. but wich information should i collect and were can i preorder the game. i have no experience with bpcprograms ordering system.please explain it to me.greetz mikeURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

2013-10-14 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Sebby

Re: Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

Yes, having someone else run the server is nice, but it's still better for people to have a choice IMO. It's too late to worry about all this now, as what's done is done, but I think limiting the server to the minimal amount of work in just setting up game sessions would have been the more price-conscious and reasonable choice. You can do that without asking people to port forward anything. Making the server component part of the game package, and letting people specify a server to connect to, would also limit the damage caused by BPC going out of business.Not complaining, just saying ...URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

2013-10-14 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: jack

Re: Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

I kind of agree about what people are saying about online play being pay to play. Not only do you have to keep paying and non preorders don't get a free trial as of now, the server might go down and that means a lot to subscribers. I've had that happen in the middle of an xbox live subscription and kind of lost my live time. However, I do agree about a dedicated server being easier. He could've done what Ghorthalon did with dragonpong, requiring people to make their own networks with hamachi and all that. It's much easier to be able to just, get connected without having to open ports or anything like that. And I can understand why this thing is paid anyway. The whole reason why the rail racer online is free, is because he has the card room to get enough funds. Munawar has nothing else other than the server to get money off of, so yeah. Running a good hq server isn't free. And yes,a concept demo is planned to be released in a few weeks.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

2013-10-14 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: jack

Re: Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

I kind of agree about what people are saying about online play being pay to play. Not only do you have to keep paying and non preorders don't get a free trial as of now, the server might go down and that means a lot of subscribers. I've had that happen in the minddle of an xbox live subscription and kind of lost my live time. However, I do agree about a dedicated server being easier. He could've done what Ghorthalon did with dragonpong, requiring people to make their own networks with hamachi and all that. It's much easier to be able to just, get connected without having to open ports or anything like that. And I can understand why this thing is paid anyway. The whole reason why the rail racer online is free, is because he has the card room to get enough funds. Munawar has nothing else other than the server to get money off of, so yeah. Running a good hq server isn't free. And yes,a concept demo is planned to be released in a few weeks.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

2013-10-14 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: lukas

Re: Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

Hi Defender,I have to agree with something of what you've said. In that case though, you should be pleased when you find out that a lot of this has been improved in TDV 2, bugs, audio quality, inconsistencies and inaccuracies... I know some people were trying to convince Munawar to make parts of the game more challenging, complex and/or realistic but he refused to do so, arguing that he wants the game to still be enjoyable and playable even to the less experienced VI gamers who are not up to such complexity yet, or who just aren't as interested in flight sims and thus even aware of some of the associated concepts in the first place. I do personally hope that this does still get improved in TDV 2 as well.LukasURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

2013-10-13 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: defender

Re: Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

HiI'm pretty sure that what seal means by that is that first, TDV didn't have the awesome ground combat parts that the beta did, any time I tell anyone about the ground combat they ask why the hell it didn't make it into the final release of the game and I can't tell them why for the life of me.Also, based on my and other peoples experiences with the game, we'd rather just have the flight sim back, since for most people, dog fighting and possibly racing are the only fun parts of TDV anyway.The voice acting could have had more time put into it, but at least the game has it, the coding seems solid accept when you get to mission mode, where your radar often gets confused and you end up flying away from the airbase when your actually getting told that your flying towards it.To anyone who says this is a realistic flight sim, your rong, this may be a very fun game, and for the most part it is, not worth the price in my opinion, but still
  fun, and there's no need to tell me about how much sound libraries caust you, I'm a sound designer my self and I know the prices for good audio, but while this sim has some realism and some of the dialog is rather accurate, you can still fly at mock 2, 3 feet above the ground, with no adverse side effects, not to mention that you can shoot missiles at the same place you just launched from with out being blasted from the sky, and did I mention that you can also fight guard towers that must be 5 feet tall, since you can still here there jet engines at that hight, because, we all know guard towers need jet pripultion, right?On the other hand, dog fighting is amazingly fun, even if the AI is really quite an idiot, and so multiplayer is a good step in my opinion, I agree about server causts, as long as propper steps are taken to ensure that said server is very hard to put down with out a fight, back up power, another drive maybe even a rade system, propper upkeep, et
 c.I look forward to multiplayer but the game should not cost as much as it does and rather than making TDV2 I'd prefer it if TDV1 was expanded to it's full potential first, with all it's bugs ironed out, as a computer program of that price and calibur should be.Over all though, I respect you all greatly for programming a game, let alone a fun game in the first place, and I promise you that TDV's short comings are outwayed in my mind by it's fighting system, sounds, in flight voice acting, and music.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

2013-10-13 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: defender

Re: Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

HiI'm pretty sure that what seal means by that is that first, TDV didn't have the awesome ground combat parts that the beta did, any time I tell anyone about the ground combat they ask why the hell it didn't make it into the final release of the game and I can't tell them why for the life of me.Also, based on my and other peoples experiences with the game, we'd rather just have the flight sim back, since for most people, dog fighting and possibly racing are the only fun parts of TDV anyway.The voice acting could have had more time put into it, but at least the game has it, the coding seems solid accept when you get to mission mode, where your radar often gets confused and you end up flying away from the airbase when your actually getting told that your flying towards it.To anyone who says this is a realistic flight sim, your rong, this may be a very fun game, and for the most part it is, not worth the price in my opinion, but still
  fun, and there's no need to tell me about how much sound libraries caust you, I'm a sound designer my self and I know the prices for good audio, but while this sim has some realism and some of the dialog is rather accurate, you can still fly at mock 2, 3 feet above the ground, with no adverse side effects, not to mention that you can shoot missiles at the same place you just launched from with out being blasted from the sky, and did I mention that you can also fight guard towers that must be 5 feet tall, since you can still here there jet engines at that hight, because, we all know guard towers need jet pripultion, right?On the other hand, dog fighting is amazingly fun, even if the AI is really quite an idiot, and so multiplayer is a good step in my opinion, I agree about server causts, as long as propper steps are taken to ensure that said server is very hard to put down with out a fight, back up power, another drive maybe even a rade system, propper upkeep, et
 c.I look forward to multiplayer but the game should not cost as much as it does and rather than making TDV2 I'd prefer it if TDV1 was expanded to it's full potential first, with all it's bugs ironed out, as a computer program of that price and calibur should.Over all though, I expect you all for programing a game, let alone a fun game in the first place, and I promise you that TDV's short comings are outwayed in my mind by it's fighting system, sounds, in flight voice acting, and music.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

2013-10-13 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: dddd

Re: Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

yes slj you made a very good point about and I don't think that bpc should not charge for malty player and don't forget we have a new mission to so if you don't want to play malty player then you could just go on that mission for free and not havto wory about paying a mounth you could just pay 40 dollars and get the mission free so I think that it is as good as it is so think about that when you order the game I my self am afan of tdv and i'm ordering it right now I relly think that you should atleast try the demo of this game if you don't like it thhen don't order it.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

2013-10-13 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Sebby

Re: Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

Charging for online play though. That's going to kill it for many people, I suspect.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

2013-10-13 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

seal wrote:If multi player will be paid i can only say No thanks, definitely not interested.After really no success from TDV 1 from my point of view price and quality shows me all.I thought, yeah, preorders for 5 bucks? thats makes sense, but after reading full sentence it was like everytime, yeah, standard.I believe there will be many more people who put that much cash in it, I will go for mainstream games and that's Okay. No success? Where do I find a better flying simulation game which is fully accessible? I'll say TDV is a big success since this is the only game of its kind. I'm curretnly listening to the preview of TDV 2 which sounds great, I think. So I'm looking forward to this.URL: http://f

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

2013-10-12 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: dddd

Re: Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

you got it and i'm ordering it right now and I thank the bpc programs teem for releaseing the opshion to ordure this game right now and get it lader and I think orin is right about all the server talk so I think what bpc is doing is grate and I think that we should have online play be free so that bpc can keep doing what there doing.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

2013-10-12 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Orin

Re: Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

What would you rather have? Free multiplayer which is Peer to Peer and people will have problems connecting because of their firewalls and other stuff, or would you rather have a dedicated server with no lag and where more connections can work in sync with each other without any problems? Well, if you want a dedicated server, which I suspect that's what Munawar is doing, those cost about $60 a month, and sales of TDV won't cover the price for even a years worth of the server.So what, $20 a month maybe, possibly a higher price for yearly access hopefully, and there ya go. I'd assume no problems doing it this way. Look at all the problems Top Speed has VS. Rail Racer. Top Speed is also limited in the amount of people you can race with at one time. i'm not sure if TDV will have multiple MP modes, but I could see, oh, 16-20 people going at it at a time with a server whereas that just won't be possible the free way.I'm looking forward to see wh
 ether the engine sound has changed in this version. I think that's one thing the other so-called flight sim got right.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

2013-10-12 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: burak

Re: Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

I think online play shouldn't be payed. demos should get some restrictions but I don't think it should be payed.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

2013-10-11 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: seal

Re: Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

If multi player will be paid i can only say No thanks, definitely not interested.After really no success from TDV 1 from my point of view price and quality shows me all.I thought, yeah, preorders for 5 bucks? thats makes sense, but after reading full sentence it was like everytime, yeah, standard.I believe there will be many more people who put that much cash in it, I will go for mainstream games and that's Okay. URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

2013-10-11 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: aaron

Re: Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

Hi,How much will multiplayer cost after the first month?URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

2013-10-11 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Munawar

Preorders for Three-D Velocity 2 Now Available

Preorders for TDV2 are now being accepted. Here are some links to get you up to speed on what's been happening. is the main TDV page and also lets you download the Mission Briefing for version 2. benefits are there to preordering and how things will play out from here.URL:

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