Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Spam

2013-12-20 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: Spam

H, Brad, what do you mean no way to contact the site moderators? what do you think the report link is for? Actually, another member did! report the offending topic in question which is good since I obviously missed it in my usual forum patrol, and its gone now. Please remember in future, if spam is there for more than 24 hours, report it since its possible we missed it.URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] Spam

2013-12-20 Thread Forum — Site and forum feedback: brad


Hello.There is spam in the articals forum and i have no other way of contacting the audiogames developers to tell them about it.I cant write in the articles room, so thought Id write hear to tell people of it.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Spam

2013-12-20 Thread Forum — Site and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Spam

H, Brad, what do you mean no way to contact the site moderators? what do you think the report link is for? Actually, another member did! report the offending topic in question which is good since I obviously missed it in my usual forum patrol, and its gone now. Please remember in future, if spam is there for more than 24 hours, report it since its possible we missed it.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Spam

2013-12-20 Thread Forum — Site and forum feedback: brad

Re: Spam

Hi.Hmm, I couldnt find it. I must have missed it though.Well at least its there so we can contact you guys.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Spam

2013-12-19 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: brad


Hello.There is spam in the articals forum and i have no other way of contacting the audiogames developers to tell them about it.I cant write in the articles room, so thought Id write hear to tell people of it.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Spam

2013-10-11 Thread Forum — Site and forum feedback: Sebby

Re: Spam

Why dont we install something like Project Honey Pot to catch more of these bloody parasites? Its obvious that spammers are now capitalising on our discussion topics so the least we can do is trick the bastards into blacklisting themselves.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Spam

2013-10-11 Thread Forum — Site and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Spam

Im not sure on how instalation of something like that on punbb works, but Ill mention it to sander, though I will also add bare in mind the recent spam about original fake passports (isnt that something of a contradicton?), was all from one spambot, so its not that recurrent a problem. Still I do approve of those sorts of projects, since the more inconvenience for those scumbags the better.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Spam

2013-09-08 Thread Forum — Site and forum feedback: Sebby

Re: Spam

Ah, I see. Thanks for that. Yeah, very depressing.I think in future all comment systems should employ a CSS-hidden form field (or a field with a specific or no answer) and a requirement for a valid email address which would be tested. I know its a pain, but these spammers seem to have concentrated all their firepower on spamming forums because thats where the search engines are. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Spam

2013-09-07 Thread Forum — Site and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Spam

Ah, I deleted that topic. The reason for the sensorship is basically that spambots work by word searching, thus the more spam you have talking about world of warcraft gold or whatever, the more you get.If you want to see a very scary example of this, go and look at the guestbook over on ffproject. there was one spammbot who posted a dodgy link to some fake spell caster, (one of these send me lots of money and Ill do a spell to supposedly fix your life type of things), then within a very short time a hole bunch of messages on the same theme got posted, since they werent removed. Thus, its a way to less obviously come up on spamam bot word searches, and make certain one spam bot doesnt multiplyly, as it sadly has done over on ffproject.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Spam

2013-09-06 Thread Forum — Site and forum feedback: jjgeek

Re: Spam

Im cool then with the way things are. Never before seen a double authentication but it works for me.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Spam

2013-09-06 Thread Forum — Site and forum feedback: Sebby

Re: Spam

Speaking of which ...The recent censorship appears to have been justified, but Im not clear on what the censorship actually does. The words are still exposed, although the topic appears to have been deleted. It was about gold on a particular game. It was the usual: a spambot signs up, sends one message containing a link (which shouldnt be there, should it?), and then buggers off, having done what it set out to do.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Spam

2013-08-19 Thread Forum — Site and forum feedback: jjgeek

Re: Spam

I, too, am so glad there are no CAPTCHAs on this site! Although, if you guys really felt the need to implement a CAPTCHA, Id go for a text-based one such as a math question or a list where wed have to pick out the item that is unlike the othersURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Spam

2013-08-11 Thread Forum — Site and forum feedback: Sebby

Re: Spam

Yeah, Im very glad we dont go with CAPTCHAs. That wouldve been the ultimate insult. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Spam

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Site and forum feedback: Sebby


Can we improve the signup process to include a simple QA test, or an email confirmation loop? It seems pretty clear that our spammy friends are only spamming because they can automate most of it. We should chuck in a speed bump. And yes, were doing all right now, and no, no solution is perfect, but these fly-by-night spammers are really, really annoying because they cant be dealt with directly until one of the mods notices, by which time theyve already dropped a load of turds.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Spam

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Site and forum feedback: Sebby

Re: Spam

Fair enough. I suppose, as long as most of us visit all threads combined, eventually they will be found, and bans are retroactive. On the other hand it can often totally mess up the thread ordering even if theyre cleaned up, especially if you dont refresh until youve finished checking out the new posts. Then you go to a thread only to find that the tail is just spam, for a few consecutive threads.But, if its not too difficult to deal with manually, thats cool. URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Spam

2013-08-10 Thread Forum — Site and forum feedback: Dark

Re: Spam

Well Sebby it is very much a question of quantity. Each individual spam post is as easy to delete as clicking one link, then clicking a button, (try deleting one of your own posts and youll see), which can be done in seconds, however the more there is to deal with, the longer it takes.As it stands I dont think were too badly off, ie, myself and the other mods arent under constant hassle having to spend hours removing spam, indeed Ive seen the boards far worse off in the past for this since while at the moment we get perhaps four spambots in three days, I do remember a time when it was more like three or four every few hours! Btwalso bare in mind we did try the confirmation thing, we had a question pannel pop up asking what the name of the planet we live on was, however for some reason it kept appearing to members and harassing them even once it was answered, and the concensus was we were better without it. Btw, also the fact
  that this, as a properly moderated board can! stay ontop of the spam puts the lye to all those bloody stupid captures that we all hate.URL:

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