Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Accessibility of Outlook and HotMail

2014-02-28 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Sebby

Re: The Accessibility of Outlook and HotMail

I gave up on Google only because of their sl IMAP service. I now use iCloud for mail and contacts, which contrary to popular opinion (and my own initial impression) is actually very stable and reliable when it isnt down. I am given to understand, however, that the web interface is a no-go for Windblows users. Itd be good if someone could confirm this. This is the only approved way to get push on iOS and OS X without using Exchange; the cynic in me wonders if perhaps Apple broke IMAP IDLE on OS X simply to make iCloud attractive …URL:
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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Accessibility of Outlook and HotMail

2014-02-28 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: casta947

Re: The Accessibility of Outlook and HotMail

I think we have gone a bit off-topic. My original question is, how can I get rid of all the contacts I have in my Hotmail account? I have well over four-hundred and Id really like to clean them out.URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] The Accessibility of Outlook and HotMail

2014-02-27 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: casta947

The Accessibility of Outlook and HotMail

Hi all,[br /]Ive been wanting to sort out my contacts that I have collected ofver the last four years from Facebook, Twitter, Skype and e-mail, which all go to my account. I have well over four hundred contacts, many of which are out of date. I tried once to delete my contacts, but web interface doesnt seem to be NVDA-friendly.Are there any work-arounds to these problems/ Id really like to do some spring-cleaning on outlook.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Accessibility of Outlook and HotMail

2014-02-27 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: crashmaster

Re: The Accessibility of Outlook and HotMail

Hi caster.To be brutally honest is a fecking piece of shit!Its not accessable and I wouldnt recomend the use of it at all.I had a hotmail address back in the day over pop and over pop or imap is probably the most accessable.If you really are wanting gmail you can get some access with the gmail web interface which also does pop and imap.THe advanced interface is totally crap but there is a basic html interface which seems ok.The only other interface is yahoo.its main interface is also a piece of shit but its mobile interface which you really cant do much with is good.its also got pop and imap though you do get a lot of spam.Finally there is isp mail.if you are not going to ever need to keep over 10 or so mb worth of email that includes attachments, ever, isp mail may be the easier way for you as long as you dont need to change isps for long periods of time.You will get more viruses, hack
 s and spam but if you dont have much it may be the easiest, mostly its all pop and imap oldstyles.My entire family is on the gmail cloud and apart from full security and ssl antivirus and spam protection its free and has world wide access.You also gets a google account which is usable on everything from youtube to android.Though Id recomend making a sepperate gmail for your android in case your phone is stolen.If like me you made an hotmail/outlook account back in 1997-2000 then in theory you should still have full access to that account without paying the premium price for the pop access.The reason I quit was all the spam and hacker attempts on my system to much to wait through, and the 1mb attachment size limit.Gmail can manage your spam quite well.Its spam filter is in the cloud so its always learning.Now every so often it will put a message in spam which is not but to be honest if you tell it not to enough times it wil
 l make that happen less and less.Mostly I dont see the spam folders full of anything much they are barely used.One thing though, if you are forwarding from an account your spam filter will fill with spam from that account.My dad and I migrated from isp mail 3 years ago.My dad payed for his account so he could keep getting email through it and for those that had it to switch over slowly but he has a business and I dont.It was easier to shift the 3 or so contacts, and 10 or so email lists over to the system.I have a lot more on there now but as it is an indipendant system I doubt any of us will change at all.The only gipe I have is that you will not necessarily get the username you want.My username I finally chose I was lucky to get otherwise you get a lot of numbers and such in your name.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Accessibility of Outlook and HotMail

2014-02-27 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bryant

Re: The Accessibility of Outlook and HotMail

Hi.The interface is not really that bad. You have to do a little navigating, but once you get to the place where your inbox is, its really not that bad. Of course, I use jaws, so it might be different. The links list feature helps also.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Accessibility of Outlook and HotMail

2014-02-27 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bryant

Re: The Accessibility of Outlook and HotMail

Hi.The interface is really not that bad. You have to do a little navigating, but once you get to the place where your inbox is, its really not that bad. Of course, I use jaws, so it might be different. The links list feature helps also. I believe if you press h for headings and hit down arrow a few times, you should be in your inbox. It usualy only takes me about 5 or 10 seconds to find it, which is not really that bad. As for deleting contacts, I really dont know how to do that, but I havent messed around with that feature, because all my contacts are pretty much up to date.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Accessibility of Outlook and HotMail

2014-02-27 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: casta947

Re: The Accessibility of Outlook and HotMail

Im not looking to open up an e-mail account. As it is I have plenty of g-mail accounts, a yahoo account and an AOL account. But I got my hot mail account back in 2010 and have been using it ever since. But now I want to delete the contacts I have in there because I have well over founr hundred and I want to merge them into one place. Im still getting e-mail notices from them about a calendar event. So All Im wanting to do is delete the contacts I no longer need on HOt mail and I dont to bother with anything else that you went on about in your post.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Accessibility of Outlook and HotMail

2014-02-27 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: SLJ

Re: The Accessibility of Outlook and HotMail

The web interface in GMail isnt bad when youve got used to it. Its usable, and when youve get used to it, Ill say its accessible. It could have been better for sure, I agree on that, but saying the advanced interface is crab can only be said by people, who havent got used to it yet.Im running Google groups in the advanced interface which is much more complex. If blind screenreader users like me can use it, then its usable. URL:

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