Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Think this will get sighted people's interest?

2013-11-14 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: jjgeek

Re: Think this will get sighted people's interest?

Thought I had replied to this topic earlier but oh well. This is an excellent idea, and I have in fact done it before. I used to do it pretty often for a nonprofit disability-related organization where I worked. We had chapters in several states mostly on college campuses, but some were more community-based. I worked in the main office, which happened to be only a few minutes by car from me. In addition, I was asked to speak along with a friend who has cerebral palsy. We spoke to a class of sixth-graders who were doing some sort of service-learning project. My friend's mom drove us there and back, and she helped out where needed during the presentation. I also spoke at a Webelos den meeting, and demonstrated Braille as well as some other things. I currently do something similar for a volunteer-run nonprofit organization where I help out with social media. We run trainings about disability awareness from time to time, and they're always great fun. I've never had a ne
 gative experience doing any of these presentations. I am and have always been very comfortable with my blindness itself, and I firmly believe that the only stupid question is the one not asked. BTW, feel free to check us out online at . This site is a work in progress. Due to funding issues we have thus far been unable to make a lot of the changes we want or have them made for us. For instance, the backend of our site is currently not accessible with screen readers.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Think this will get sighted people's interest?

2013-11-14 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: crashmaster

Re: Think this will get sighted people's interest?

It depends from what angle.How the blind relate to sighted has got closer in some ways and further in others.We essentually use the same technology.take away our screen readers and magnification apps and some priparitry speech synths and we use basically the same thing computer wise.we use windows for example.we can use linux.we use android devices and apple devices.Bar some newer win mobile stuff there is little that we don't use.While its true we don't use graphics and are heavily audio orientated in that respect its quite simple.Navigation with a cane and guide dog is also accepted.Braille is a hard thing.I don't know but I know that at least for some of those I have spoken to its harder for a sighted person to learn braille than it is for us for some reason.Maybe it is because they need to see rather than feel the dots or do both.In the cases where we use spaciffic blindness devices, 
 there is a hitch because of no relation to sighted.In the early days 1980s-90s and earlier the only thing we did use was unix or dos on either a system with a box that did speech or an internal speech card.However commands for using our systems were different from what the sighted used and also because we didn't need screens even now some readers turn them off.Then there is this sound only vs graphics.A few friends I have like to use their ears but quite a few wander where the fun is without graphics.Then  the disabled = poor helpless and other such things still exists, maybe not as much but there are still some things.For a while media were either at super blind people that could climb mountains to well the blind doing blindy things.They have since tried at least  locally to become more inclusive.There was a story a couple years ago on local news where it was put that the media was  putting all brain dammaged or th
 ose with a mental dissability as being retarded, violent and other such things  that may still exist to.Another misconception is that blind people see black because sighted people are trying to put a colour to darkness when in fact darkness really has no colour at all.So the sighted will assume a lot of things.It will also depend where you are.I have been in various camps unis, etc where dissability is known.Any disabled person is treated as normals would you would get assistance, etc but even so.I have been in places where not only were the stereotypes were put that the blind were poor, helpless and unable to do anything to the point where you physically couldn't do anything without someone helping you.Another issue I had at school was that braille devices at least the manual ones were vary noisy.I never had this but the teacher made one student that used a brailler go to another room I think it was the toilets to braille on
  account of the noise.I never had that happen but still.I am not sure what has changed now especially with new tech, but I'd bet some of the negitiveness towards disabled in general still exists.Maybe not as much as was in my time, I was getting towards the moderate era.previously disabled people were put in instatutions and ended up fact in some of the islands in the pacifffic like tonga I have been told the blind are helpless, they can't get educated, unless they come here and are poor in the literal sence.When they finnish here, they have no futures because the blind are still viewed as helpless and not able to do anything.So I think there is still a bumpy road for us.And don't get me started on the copywrites of various materials.I don't mean to depress you but be ready for some attacks.The easiest way if you ever get asked sertain questions is to not answer at all.There are still no
 rmal people out there that should themselves be in the nuthouse.I have met a great deal but also a good deal that are in fact the newer type.There is still a lot of ignorance around what I  call from now on normals, what else is there to call them.With all that cautionary advice out the way, here are some possitives.You have entered into the age of mainstreaming and acceptance.The blind and others are being mainstreamed to normal society.Though that sometimes hits a few snags we are almost on a level with the sighted.A lot more is accepted and a lot more is being done to educate both sides.Vary few are against us and those that are probably have other interests or simply against for other  reasons.Stereotypes still exist but are not as open as were over the last 10-20 years.Our tech and some of what we do at least has huge relationships with sighted and others.We are almost equal though there will ofcause be
  a small gap, as we can never  be as fast as normals because of methods we use.We can use gps to so whatever.The only time I ever had to represent myself was because I was leaving school for a blind sport event, I forget how I did it I think I did a speech on myself and my sport and that was it.URL:

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Think this will get sighted people's interest?

2013-11-14 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: jjgeek

Re: Think this will get sighted people's interest?

Thought I had replied to this topic earlier but oh well. This is an excellent idea, and I have in fact done it before. I used to do it pretty often for a nonprofit disability-related organization for where I worked. We had chapters in several states mostly on college campuses, but some were more community-based. I worked in the main office, which happened to be only a few minutes by car from me. In addition, I was asked to speak along with a friend who has cerebral palsy. We spoke to a class of sixth-graders who were doing some sort of service-learning project. My friend's mom drove us there and back, and she helped out where needed during the presentation. I also spoke at a Webelos den meeting, and demonstrated Braille as well as some other things. I currently do something similar for a volunteer-run nonprofit organization where I help out with social media. We run trainings about disability awareness from time to time, and they're always great fun. I've never had 
 a negative experience doing any of these presentations. I am and have always been very comfortable with my blindness itself, and I firmly believe that the only stupid question is the one not asked. BTW, feel free to check us out online at . This site is a work in progress. Due to funding issues we have thus far been unable to make a lot of the changes we want or have them made for us. For instance, the backend of our site is currently not accessible with screen readers.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Think this will get sighted people's interest?

2013-11-14 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: casta947

Re: Think this will get sighted people's interest?

Blindness is such a complicated thing to teach. Look at some of my blog posts you may find them interesting.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Think this will get sighted people's interest?

2013-11-14 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: leibylucwgamer

Re: Think this will get sighted people's interest?

Very fascinating, thank you for the insight.I will push for this at my school and for other local facilities.  This sounds like it could be fun and very useful to many individuals.Best Regards,LukeURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Think this will get sighted people's interest?

2013-11-14 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: jjgeek

Re: Think this will get sighted people's interest?

I think this is an excellent idea, and I have indeed done this sort of thing before. I think the first time I did this kind of thing was back in about late 1999. I was working at a nonprofit organization focused on creating awareness of people with disabilities. This was done by matching a person with a disability with a non-disabled person to form one-on-one friendships. We had organization chapters in several states, and some of those chapters might still be in existence but I'm not sure. The main office, which was in my city, ceased operation in about mid-2001. Anyway, I didn't go on most of these visits due to health concerns, but the ones which I did go on were a blast. These chapters were mainly on college campuses, but some were more based out in the rest of the community. Besides helping to present the organization as a whole, I would often talk about what it's like being blind. One of our activities which I always looked forward to was a game called "Q
 uarter Mile Quarter Plop." I think the name pretty much sums it up. Quarters were placed at every mile mark on a track, and the person who collected the most quarters won. I also did this once for a Webelos Scout troop, and I've done similar things as part of another nonprofit for which I volunteer. It is an organization called JJ's List. Our website is and has been a work in progress, and will hopefully! be updated again soon. I'm honestly rather skeptical about that though. But anyone please feel free to check us out online at . I don't think I've ever had a negative experience when doing this. Everyone has always been very open and welcoming, and in turn I try to be as open and welcoming as possible. After all, the only stupid question is one that is not asked. I am very comfortable with my blindness and I want others to feel comfortable around me.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Think this will get sighted people's interest?

2013-11-14 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: jjgeek

Re: Think this will get sighted people's interest?

I think this is an excellent idea, and I have indeed done this sort of thing before. I think the first time I did this kind of thing was back in about late 1999. I was working at a nonprofit organization focused on creating awareness of people with disabilities. This was done by matching a person with a disability with a non-disabled person to form one-on-one friendships. We had organization chapters in several states, and some of those chapters might still be in existence but I'm not sure. The main office, which was in my city, ceased operation in about mid-2001. Anyway, I didn't go on most of these visits due to health concerns, but the ones which I did go on were a blast. These chapters were mainly on college campuses, but some were more based out in the rest of the community. Besides helping to present the organization as a whole, I would often talk about what it's like being blind. One of our activities which I always looked forward to was a game called "Q
 uarter Mile Quarter Plop." I think the name pretty much sums it up. Quarters were placed at every mile mark on a track, and the person who collected the most quarters won. I also did this once for a Webelos Scout troop, and I've done similar things as part of another nonprofit for which I volunteer. It is an organization called JJ's List. Our website is and has been a work in progress, and will hopefully! be updated again soon. I'm honestly rather skeptical about that though. I don't think I've ever had a negative experience when doing this. Everyone has always been very open and welcoming, and in turn I try to be as open and welcoming as possible. After all, the only stupid question is one that is not asked. I am very comfortable with my blindness and I want others to feel comfortable around me.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Think this will get sighted people's interest?

2013-11-14 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: leibylucwgamer

Think this will get sighted people's interest?

I posted a question on a Facebook status last night around 11 indicating that I have contemplated for awhile now that I would like to demonstrate blindness and its whole world to the students at my high school, and the question being if they would be interested in having an assembly demonstrating everything there is to know about blindness.Ever since, I got well over 20 likes and several comments in favor of it.My inquiry for all of you on this forum is if you have ever done this before, or at least something like it.  If so, how did you go about doing it?  I plan on having some guest speakers and showing on a projected screen the technology that I use and the things that I do in my spare time.Is this a good idea?  I've often thought anybody with a disability should have the chance to tell everyone how they do things.  Many people are fascinated by how I do things, but are too afraid I will get offended if they ask questions.  Thi
 s would relieve that stress.Comments, thoughts, inquiries?I'm also planning on presenting this proposal to the administrators in a way that says, "Hey, this will benefit everybody.  It's important to me and everyone else.  So many kids are adults are interested to hear about it."Best Regards,LukeURL:

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