Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2014-03-03 Thread Forum — New releases room: sswwaaiikkee

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

himaybe is news about this game?thanksURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2014-01-15 Thread Forum — New releases room: threeblacknoises

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Hay Steve, I just saw something in a main-streem game you might be able to use in the combat system.In the X-box and PS3 game eternal senota, the game makers eas the player into the combat system by first teaching the player how to attack and defend without having to wory about doing it quickly by allowing the player to take as much time as they need to find their target and cast attacks or spells.About an hour into the game the player is told how to do combos and are given less time to react, but the system builds on astablished skills the player already has before teaching them something new.As three monkeys is an audio game, letting the player learn how to find and interact with still objects first would allow blind and sighted players a chance to learn how sound worrks within the game and how to respond to it, before asking them to respond quickly.Just thought I'd put that idea out their. I like the idea of letting the player feel inpowered to find
  things on their own and not spoon-feed them what to do and when.When I was younger, I played the snes game "super metroid", and was impressed how the developers mannaged to use the level design of the game to teach the player how to do something or use a new skill or ability without using a single word of diolog.Maybe you could build some of the invirnments in your game to do something like that.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-12-17 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Hi.Here is some new videos which I don't think has been shared before:An interview with the developers: other cooler video:'m really, really, looking forward to this at the end of 2014.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-12-15 Thread Forum — New releases room: tymeworkbeats

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Sounds coolURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-12-15 Thread Forum — New releases room: lukas

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Besides, they certainly aren't going to sell this just to the blind community. That market isn't significantly big even for an indie developer with mainstream origins. So Three Monkeys is most likely going to have to surpass most mainstream/indie graphical games with immersion, audio quality, gameplay mechanics, plot etc to compensate for the lack of graphics which would tend to discourage most today's mainstream gamers. You just don't get that quality for free.LukasURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-12-14 Thread Forum — New releases room: AstralAudio

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Seriously, there are music licenses to consider (if their own music isn't made in house), sound effects, hours of audio production, game coding, testing, voice-over work, marketing; it all adds up. Free for a game the quality they are shooting for (which is very high) isn't worth it.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-12-14 Thread Forum — New releases room: lukas

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

@incusgamesAn audio RPG comparable to the qualitative mainstream ones for free would be almost outrageous to ask for. :-)LukasURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-12-13 Thread Forum — New releases room: mike-tan

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

na! I mean their side twitter.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-12-13 Thread Forum — New releases room: AstralAudio

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

With what has to be done for this game, free wouldn't be a wise move or cost effective.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-12-13 Thread Forum — New releases room: brad

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Hi.There twitter name is @EnterByzantiaI can't wait to play a demo of this game!URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-12-13 Thread Forum — New releases room: mike-tan

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

um. hi sir and all. what is the twitter name? I click on your side and it makes IE not responding. and, one more question. is this game free? I can't wait for its release.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-11-20 Thread Forum — New releases room: jjgeek

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

I think this would be good for posting on the Twitter timeline for my volunteer job, and perhaps our Facebook timeline as well? Personally I find Twitter a lot easier to work with though in this respect, given the third-party development. I just watched the video about this game and it sounds awesome. I'll check out your website too in a bit.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-11-20 Thread Forum — New releases room: jjgeek

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

I think this would be good for posting on the Twitter timeline for my volunteer job, and perhaps our Facebook timeline as well? Personally I find Twitter a lot easier to work with though in this respect, given the third-party development. I just watched the video about this game and it sounds awesome. I'll check out their website too in a bit.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-10-12 Thread Forum — New releases room: AstralAudio

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Because my curiosity is up, who do you have on tap to do voice work for the game itself? Second, who/how are the audio books being produced? Are you wanting/needing voice talent? Networking is a beautiful thing and I want to pitch in where I can on this project.More questions are to come but I may have to write out a hypothetical post on the subject. This makes me wonder if the Chinese "hopping corpse" will make an appearance into the game ... which wouldn't be good for the protagonist in the least. Or if there will be any bleed over from the Japanese side of the three statues bit since it is also found there. Bring on the cultural depth i say.Allen SaleExecutive ProducerAstral Audio EntertainmentURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-10-11 Thread Forum — New releases room: Incus Games

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Hi Sswwaaiikkee!I'm afraid we don't yet have a date for a demo release. It's not that we're against releasing one, it's more that we need to ensure we release it at the right time within the overall schedule. We might have a few other ideas so it might not be a conventional this space!URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-10-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: sswwaaiikkee

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

himaybe you can say when demo to be release?sorry my inglish is badURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-10-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: Incus Games

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Hi Guys,Thanks for the positive response, glad you're liking the sound of where it's going - I'll keep answering questions as best as I can.SLJ - without giving too much away, currently you don't need object scanners. Yoska obviously gives a good helping hand but the emphasis is very much on learning the environment and becoming familiar with the sounds around you - we're hoping to ensure it's as organic an experience as possible. Some form of object scanners might well find their way into the game but we haven't needed them just yet.Also yes it is currently all built in x,y & z. The only thing I would mention is that the perception of y is extremely difficult so while we are investigating working with it, it is very much the hardest placement to replicate through binaural audio. Dark - very happy for you to spread the news on the game, it's great that so many people are interested in it.  Let us know if 
 there's anything we can do to help. We're really pleased it feels like a big step forward and I'm very much looking forward to chatting to you further about it! Sevrior - When thinking about the game, we're tending to think very much about the task in hand and the most appropriate mechanics to face it. It also is heavily reliant on the player learning certain mechanics within the game and then going on to organically combine them with other actions to find new ways of dealing with the situation in hand. In the context of our game, with it not being a purely combat game or purely an explorative RPG, we have to carefully weave the mechanics together so they cross-translate to different scenarios. We are also anticipating having different levels of understanding for the mechanics in order to give the player more than just one option when fighting enemies or indeed approaching the direction they might take with the game. So in short, yes I think we will be hav
 ing a number of different systems in place however we will be ensuring it's appropriate to the overall progression and setting first and foremost. We will then use the setting and game progression to open up more options. I hope that makes sense?I hope that helps, feel free to fire away more questions and I'll answer them as best as I can.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-10-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: Sevrior

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

I likewise have a question, though it trends more toward the mechanics than the audio specifics.That is, almost exclusively, audio games, especially those that have been rpg oriented, have implemented a very rudimentary fighting system. For instance, a single key might represent the firing key for a gun, or even a sword or knife. This means all the character can feasibly do is a single technique.There is also a fairly large portion of the audio gaming community however that is a fan of fighting games, such as Mortal Kombat, Soul Calibur and so on.My question then is whether you intend to expand the rpg setting to include a more complex combat system, as a means of bridging the gap between these two sectors of the audio gaming community?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-10-10 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Hi.Is this game going to be a fully 3d game with x, y, and z coordinats?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-10-09 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

This sounds great indeed, and thanks for the announcement. Hope you don't mind but I coppied it into the news, since I believe what you said above about the game and your plans will be things that the community would like to know, as this game sounds like a really major step foreward.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-10-09 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Hi.Ww. Sounds like you're going to open up the doors into a totally new and different world when it comes to gaming in the blind community. I'm looking so much forward to that.Have you made any kind of object scanners in the game so you know what objects are near you, or will Yoska tell you that? I'm looking forward to hear how you'll make it easy or doable for gamers to navigate around in a big world. Many developers have done that by using object scanners, but their might be other ways to do that.Thanks so much for your very informative post. Keep up the good work guys.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-10-09 Thread Forum — New releases room: Incus Games

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Hello again!Firstly apologies for the delayed reply, it seems half the team went down with flu straight after Eurogamer so we're gradually resurfacing! We hope however all is well with everyone here. Thanks for all the kind messages of support from those who got in touch, it was a real encouragement and help while we were down at Eurogamer.In general, it's important to mention that the game is still in the very early build days. We've actually been discussing, planning and testing core mechanics for the last 18 months but it's only been in the last two months that we've begun building the game. As promised, I just want to chat a bit further about Three Monkeys and the kind of things we're aiming to do surrounding the game. We had a fantastic response to the prototype at Eurogamer, it was really good to hear that it was a satisfying and rewarding game experience even with just the initial mechanics included. Whilst there isn't a prot
 otype or demo available just yet (we're just discussing it as a team), we're really open to feedback and ideas for the game so please do get in touch. We have a few key aims with the game and our activities surrounding the game, so I'll just fire away.First and foremost, if we're building a game, it must be an awesome game. It doesn't matter if it's an audio game, visual game, board game - if it's not a great game before anything else, it will achieve nothing. So for us, we will be focussing on building the game first and then using it as a platform to open up discussion. We believe that there is a vibrant and incredibly exciting audio games community and it is our aim to help highlight it further. The steps that have been taken to bring audio games forward as a genre have been awesome and we also want to add to that and do our bit.In terms of what we're doing that is different, it's not solely in the technique
 s that we're using. Our focus isn't on individual techniques that haven't been done before as to be honest, as with most things - they probably have. Binaural techniques have been around for a long time and whilst we believe we are making great progress in how best to use them, they're not ours. What we're trying to do differently comes down to a number of things that when combined create a different experience and type of gameplay. We also want it to feed into how we run as a company. You might have noticed our website is extremely basic - that's because we're currently working to make everything we do as accessible as possible. Getting the prototype ready for Eurogamer really took over but be assured we are addressing that right now. It is our belief that there is a barrier between the visually impaired gaming community and the visual gaming community due to a number of accessibility issues, a heavy reliance on visual information in commer
 cial games and a lack of awareness for current great audio games (feel free to discuss - I had a fantastic chat with Ian Hamilton at Eurogamer who is massively passionate about game accessibility). We can't fix the whole situation but by raising the profile of what we and other people are doing, we can attract more attention and openness towards exploring alternative avenues. With the rapid swelling of the indie game developer community, there's no better time for it to happen.With the above point in mind, the biggest hurdle we've found with producing a game like this is that for one set of mechanics, the people who are are used to utilising their hearing often find them incredibly easy whilst those still learning to use their ears in that way find it incredibly hard. It's a tough balance to meet but an important bridge to build as it will ensure we can attempt to close the gap mentioned above and make it more organic for visually impaired gamers and sight
 ed gamers to play games together.So that fills you in with a bit of our ethos at Incus Games, now onto the nitty gritty of the game itself.Three Monkeys is an Audio-only adventure that includes a heavy leaning on both narrative and empowerment of the player. The name doesn't refer to the the Three Monkeys statues but more the meanings behind them 'Hear no evil, See no evil, Speak no evil'. Without giving too much away, these meaning form a core part of the storyline.The story is of huge importance within the game. For visual players, it's important that we make it possible to use their imagination to picture the world without being exhausted. For non-visual players, we want to set the scene for an awesome world you have never been in before. The story allows us to open up characters, places and purpose behind your role within the game. The visuals give you no additional information, they are purely in assistance to the audio. Alongside the ga
 me we shall be releasing audio books and additional material that provide greater immersion into the world of Byzantia. The whole story is versed and constructed around gypsy folklore to

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-09-27 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Hello and welcome.I very much look forward to hearing more about the game, particularly since exploration, adventure games and rpgs are somewhat at a premium in audio game terms, and it'd be fascinating to see someone take up the gauntlet and design something in this genre, explicitely with exploration in mind, especially  if it has complexity in story and setting as seems to be your intention. Btw, I'd heard the proverb before, but not in the context of monkey statues, I'll be interested to see what influence that has on the story.I'm also pleased to know you've been having a look at the site and what has been available previously, and I hope that discussions here and elsewhere will help with your developement,  as well as obviously  putting out the word when you have news to  share.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-09-27 Thread Forum — New releases room: aaron

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Hi,Welcome to the forums! This is jukesy1992 on twitter. One thing I forgot to say is I also love mainstream games. So, in the audiogames world I play whatever new games come out, so I look forward to this.In the mainstream games world though, things are a little different. A lot of us play fighting games, and a lot of us love the new Mortal Kombat and Injustice games from Netherrealm Studios because they are very cinematic in nature.If there are games I just can't play though, I look to YouTube for lets plays. I'm loving the cinematic nature of games recently though. Stuff like Batman Arkham City, and a game released this year known as the Last Of Us.On a slightly off topic note, can you recommend to me any good YouTube channels that either: have OK commentry that doesn't intrude too much in cut scenes, or don't have any commontry at all, during let's plays?Once again, welcome and thanks for joining us!URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-09-27 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Hi.I'll also welcome you to this forum, and I'm sure you'll get a lot of positive feedbac from many gamers with different experiences from the whole world. I also play mainstream console games so I both have experiences with audiogames and mainstream games.I look very much forward to hear more about your upcoming game, which I have wrote earlier in this topic, sounds to me is going to be something unique!URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-09-27 Thread Forum — New releases room: seal

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Hello and welcome on the forums!It's really great to see you are here and active. I'm really interested to see what you are doing with the upcoming game. As completely blind, i have a lot of experiences playing video games for many years and hope  to see a game which let me feel at home like playing great mainstream game.Again, welcome, and I believe you'll find a positive and creative feetback here!URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-09-27 Thread Forum — New releases room: Incus Games

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Hello Everyone.Firstly a big thank you to the guys who got in touch with us to chat about the game and bounce around ideas. As you might have seen we're just showcasing a very early prototype of some of the techniques down at Eurogamer this week to get some feedback about what we're doing. It has been an extremely hectic over the last two months with our heads down to ensure this prototype was ready for Eurogamer. We are still at Eurogamer and with that in mind, we want to be able to take the time to do a decent post that will explain a number of things to chat through with you the bigger picture of what we're doing. I'll be able to do this when we've returned from London (so most likely Monday).In the mean time, it's important that you know that we highly value what the Audio Games community and Visually Impaired Community can bring to this game. You are right, the website is extremely basic at the moment but we have a number of 
 aims that are bigger than the game itself and this will need to manifest itself in everything we do - website, game, social media etc... - but it all takes careful planning and time to do it really well. That's why the timing and process by which we build this game is massively important. With this in mind, be assured that the activity of what has been going on at has actually been very important in many of our discussions and it has always been our intention to open up discussion about the game here very soon.We really appreciate all the great comments and support for the game. A lot of the exciting features you're hoping for are tipped to be included in the game. In my next post I look forward to talking more about the game itself. In the mean time, just for a bit of fun - if you want to get some ideas about why it's called Three Monkeys, check out the following link: http://en.wikipedia
 .org/wiki/Three_wise_monkeysIf anyone wants to email me at any time, you are more than welcome to via: hello [at] incusgames [dot] com (replace the 'at' and 'dot' accordingly). Dark, I would love to chat to you about the game - where are you based? We are actually based up in Birmingham so if you are further north we can still sort something out. Really looking to chatting further very soon.All the best,Steve WilleyURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-09-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Well "knowing about this site" and coming here to share information are two different things, perhaps they aren't aware how major the forum is and have just seen the main page and db? This is why perhaps if someone could politely invite them over to the forum that might be good,  though certainly being on this forum and making good games are not automatically the same thing. With the name Three Monkeys, I wonder if there is some sort of vudoo theme, since I know monkeys can be a major thing in vudoo or in similar mythos? Maybe the Three Monkeys are what you need to find to break the spell.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-09-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: brad

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Hi.I just thought of another way people could get in contact with 3 monkeys.Or there actual company name which I've forgotten.YouTube, people could contact them via you tube, although I guess that's not really kneaded since they already said that they know of this site.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-09-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: balliol

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Hi,The thing that struck me as odd was the title of this thing. Three monkeys? Seriously?I mean, I was about to write this off as audio arcade game number 5000 before I looked at it and saw it could actually be a good idea. But am I missing something here? Is there some sort of significance between the number three and unevolved primates? Please enlighten me to what monkeys have to do with a cursed darkness covering the land invoked by a witch? Will somehow bananas be the tool that saves us all?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-09-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: seal

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Well, mostly I said  everything but this is what i am looking forwart to, the sighted people are making game for sighted audience with blind n mind also, The same results are from somethin else behind papa sangre. It shows how someone can shoot the product correct.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-09-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

@Slj, comparing mainstream games to audio games, any! audio games is just not correct. I'm pretty sure that if someone like David greenwood had several hundred million dollars for development, a hole massive staff working under him he could come up with something just as good in audio. Rather, compare audio games to indi graphical games and the results are at least somewhat more equal, albeit not %10 because there are far more indipendent  developers of graphical games than audio ones, and far more tools, programming libraries and the like available.The one difference really is the developers own gaming experience, since manifestly if a person has only ever played audio games and comes to write them for themselves, they will have different expectations. Regarding audience, I also disagree there. Whether your audience are blind or not shouldn't make a difference to the quality of game you create, heckk we all know what the community thinks of tho
 se developers who work on simplified, condescending games. The one advantage to the rise of Ipods and other tablets is that it has bought at least some of the general gaming public away from the idea of big graphics, and also brought personal music and sound much more into prominance, look at games like Codename signus or The Nightjar. Indeed, Nightjar might be a great example, since there you even had a company who were marketing to both blind and sighted users but who felt secure enough to higher a big name british actor.Myself, I see this more as a progression of a very welcome trend we've been seeing over the past few years, ableit a very good one if indeed it does happen. heck, you know as an exploration nut and someone who loves rpgs I'll be first up to give this a try.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-09-25 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Hi.Listening to the trailer, it sounds like this game is going to be an open world rpg game, where the story is not forcing you to go to spicific locations, but only when you wants to, when you feel like progressing on the storyline. The only audiogame I remember at the moment which have this feature, is Shadow Rime. Mainly for that reason, I think the game is going to be really awesome. the other great thing is that this game is not ment to be spicific for blind, but an audiogame made for everyone, which is an other reason for I think the game is at a higher quallity. Not to say anything about game developers in the blind community at all. But if you're making a game for the sighted community, they'll expect a great quallity, long gameplay, maybe replay value and unlocables. That's standard features in nearly every mainstream games these days.In the trailer, they're mentioning high quallity sounds and great audio which I'm personnly looking fo
 rward to. If I understood this correctly, they are also mentioning that you don't have a narrator kind of voice who always tells you what to do and what you shouldn't do, but rather a natural world only in audio where you have to react on what you're hearing.So, for all those reasons, I'm really looking forward to this game, and it seems like those guys know what they are doing. URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-09-24 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

@Aaron, good to know they've been on the site and forum, since at least that should give them some ideas of the possibilities in audio and what has already been tried, indeed if they want to come on here more officially and say hi they'd be more than welcome.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-09-24 Thread Forum — New releases room: seal

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Well, it's going to be fu. If their know the binaural technology good, and it seems like their do, the game should be really good. Sometimes people aren't that dull and their can do really great things. As a developer i'll never get the swamp as something what can be my source to base on. For me it isn't really a advanced audio game whatever everone will say about it. Ofcourse, no offence here to Aprone, nothing personal. Only swamp isn't greatest example of greatly made AUDIO game. Thats it. I'm thinking as many blind people, there are many points of view on the topic. While i am hardcore video game player, audo games scene should step 10 steps forward to be a little closer to the mainstream games. Only hope to see three monkeys will be as avesome as my imagination suggests, with great AUDIO engine, game system and great mechanics.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-09-24 Thread Forum — New releases room: CAE_Jones

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

My games were tested on the blind before I released them here, and look how that turned out? But it's good to hear that they've been paying attention to some of what's been going on around here. (Also, ever-so-slightly jealous they got to that title before me, even though I didn't really expect I'd ever do anything with it.  )URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-09-24 Thread Forum — New releases room: aaron

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Hi,I contacted them on twitter, and they said they have been browsing this forum during their research. I told them about Swamp, Entombed, |Shades of Doom and they said they've tried some but not all of those.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-09-24 Thread Forum — New releases room: brad

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Hi.I think the best thing to do in this case, is get as many people as we can to contact them on twitter. I've done it, but I'm only one person and I'm not sure if they got my message or understood it.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-09-24 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

@Brad, on their site they said something about being at a games expo in London where they were showing off some sort of demo which was what I meant. @Slj, given some of the blind organizations in this country I worry slightly when they say "talking to blind people" if they've missed the main internet hub for blind gamers, what blind people have they talked to? how many? have the people they talked to any experience of advanced audio games like swamp?  Have they just tried the game on their blind cousin?At least the pappasangre crew got in touch with richard and sander back in the day and got the information.Of course, I could be worrying needlessly, after all we don't have the monopoly on good audio game ideas, i do just feel a little concerned,  after all I remember bavisoft proclaiming that they'd "tested their games in conjuction with the blind" and we all know how those turned out, and sadly British organizations
  and attitudes towards the blind generally are not exactly great, though I have no experience of this london society they mention so can't be exactly certain.Again, this is why I'd love to have a conversation with them by phone,  heck getting to london wouldn't be impossible if they wanted to test their game on me (I've just booked to head down there in november for a day's workshop on vocal performance).URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-09-24 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Hi.@Dark: In the trailer of the game which I link to in the first post, they mention that they are in a dialog with blind people to test the game to make sure the game also works for blind people.Yeah, their website is very limited indeed, so contacting them via Twitter might be the way to go.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-09-23 Thread Forum — New releases room: brad

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Hi.@darkIf you meant the dialog, yeah it's cool!I hate twitters limit with writing.I wrote to the people who make this game, but hated doing it because of the short hand i had to use.If someone else could write to them that would be great!Because I'm not sure they would understand my tweet, *smiles* I know I had trouble understanding it, and I was the one that wrote, the freedom of writing as much as I want, i can go on and on and... I'll stop now.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-09-23 Thread Forum — New releases room: fatih

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

oh [[wow]], this is so cool!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-09-23 Thread Forum — New releases room: brad

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

hi.Dark, what demo?I didn't hear a demo of a game?I have twitter and will be telling them about this site.But unforchenetly no twitter apps are working for me.i don't know why, maybe it's cause I'm using windows eight, but I doubt it.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-09-23 Thread Forum — New releases room: Dark

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Sounds interesting, though my concern is that given that the company haven't contacted us or indeed seem to have anything to do with the audio games community, are they actually going to produce something original? after all I've seen cases of isolated developers believing they have the monopoly on an idea such as binoral sound (aph anyone?). with the highly positive attitude and their references to "adventure" and of course the fact we're actually in the same country, I'd be really interested to have a word in person, however I can't find any contact details such as a phone number, and unfortunately I'm right up at the other end of the country from London so won't get to go to the expo and try their game out. Perhaps if someone has twitter or facebook they could inform the company of this site and maybe get them to visit this forum, then we can have a discussion, since while I applaud their motives and intentions, and whi
 le their demo sounds interesting, it'd be great to be able to build on some of the knolidge and techniques that have been found through audio game development over the last few years.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-09-23 Thread Forum — New releases room: sswwaaiikkee

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

godcant wait this gameURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-09-23 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Hi.I've found more great stuff:Pretty creeby storey:'m really looking forward to this. It sounds so amazing, especialy because it sounds like an open world game from the description from the blog.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-09-23 Thread Forum — New releases room: brad

Re: Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Hi.I think it's a great idea.Can't wait to here more!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

2013-09-23 Thread Forum — New releases room: SLJ

Three monkeys: An upcomming audiogame for pc

Hi all.I just found this announcement, and it sounds wanderfull. This sounds like a interesting very big and unique audiogame which have never been seen before.Read more at: … -impaired/Where you can watch a great video about the game.the companys website can be found here: I'm looking very much forward to this. What do you think?Please note that as I'm writing this, a release date hasn't been announced yet.URL:
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