Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-02-08 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Bogdan

Re: Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

Hi all. I also had a bad experience with devices. I had a English Wristwatch and in a morning, I decided to take a shower. After some minutes, I realised that the watch was on my heand so it crashed. Lol!URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-02-08 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Lettsee

Re: Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

O [[wow]] where do I start here. I have had countless friends who have either decided to take their phones for a swim, or smash them. One of the most recent ones would be my friend who had his phone in his pocket. We were at a place that had a rope swing, going into like a little pond creak type thing. He goes up and swings off, then when he is back on the bank he realises that his pocket is somehow oddly heavy. And that was the end of that iPhone. And to make things worse for him it was on his birthday.I personally have only taken my phone for a swim only once a few years back. I was going fishing off a bank and was walking out so then I could cast into deeper water. I casted, then came back to the bank then realised that my phone was in my pocket. And to make things worse, it was in salt water so it corroded everything.I have like others put a few flash drives and headphones through the wash, but they all worked after. But apart from that nothing else really.U

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-02-08 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: paddy

Re: Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

I actually nearly went into a shower with my tactile watch, however, I noticed it when the water was running already. But I wasnt wet yet because the water was running for a few seconds only, so nothing actually happened to my watch. Would have been a pitty though. URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-02-07 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: burak

Re: Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

[[wow]] lucky laurenURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-02-07 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: paddy

Re: Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

Well an experia actually can survive longer than an iPhone in the water. All the Apple devices dont seem to be good in surviving when it comes to water contact.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-02-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: paddy

Re: Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

Well lucky you I guess! On my summer vacation in Kemer, Turkey, after we arrived in the hotel my laptops hard drive has been screwed, maybe because of one of the custom officers at the airport slammed it onto the table. Anyway, our tourist guide has had a neighbor in Antalya who replaced the hard drives for about 114Lira, around 57€. At home, we repaired my hard drive with the windows reparation center.And, it comes even worse! I have a swimming trunk with a pocket. since I only was wearing the swimmming trunk and didnt know where to put my iPhone, I put it into the pocket because I wanted to do something else, I think I was just lying in the sun. Long story short, I jumped into the pool. After 20 minutes I realized my phone was in the pocket. It did not actually survived. It kept restarting, once we run it.URL:
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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-02-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: paddy

Re: Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

Well lucky you I guess! On my summer vacation in Kemer, Turkey, after we arrived in the hotel my laptops hard drive has been screwed, maybe because of one of the custom officers at the airport slammed it onto the table. Anyway, our tourist guide has had a neighbor in Antalya who replaced the hard drives for about 114Lira, around 57€. At home, we repaired my hard drive with the windows reparation center.And, it comes even worse! I have a swimming trunk with a pocket. since I only was wearing the swimmming trunk and didnt know where to put my iPhone, I put it into the pocket because I wanted to do something else, I think I was just lying in the sun. Long story short, I jumped into the pool. After 20 minutes I realized my phone was in the pocket. It did not actually survived. It kept restarting, once we run it. And voiceover didnt work either, dont know what happened to the speaker after all.URL:
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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-02-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: lauren.downie96

Re: Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

[[wow]]. And the worst, so far, Ive ever done to my phone is drop it onto carpet. URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-02-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: paddy

Re: Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

Well lucky you I guess! On my summer vacation in Kemer, Turkey, after we arrived in the hotel my laptops hard drive has been screwed, maybe because of one of the custom officers at the airport slammed it onto the table. Anyway, our tourist guide has had a neighbor in Antalya who replaced the hard drives for about 114Lira, around 57€. At home, we repaired my hard drive with the windows reparation center.And, it comes even worse! I have a swimming trunk with a pocket. since I only was wearing the swimmming trunk and didnt know where to put my iPhone, I put it into the pocket because I wanted to do something else, I think I was just lying in the sun. Long story short, I jumped into the pool. After 20 minutes I realized my phone was in the pocket. It did not actually survive. It kept restarting, once we run it. And voiceover didnt work either, dont know what happened to the speaker after all.Nice, isnt it? I have had minimum technical resources on my vacation since then! Just a few programs on my second hard drive which I installed when the WiFi plus the actual internet connection decided to behave.URL:
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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-02-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: devinprater

Re: Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

Well, I havent dropped anything into the toilet or wash, oh wait, yes I have. Countless flashdrives have gone in the wash, and survived, data intact.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-02-06 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: crashmaster

Re: Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

Hi.Oh man some of this really cracks me up man.My aunt has dropped her android soni experia in a pool while answering it, it survived.I have run a flash drive or 2 through the wash and a few other things nothing critical.I wet my phone, cards and wallet while walking in a huge thunder and rain storm last winter.all survived.A friend got a wave hit her pocket at the beach while on a walk.her sim and memmory cards survived, the phone didnt but the phone was one of those budjet ones now.The worst I have had was when at home dropped my new laptop on the carpet about a couple years back.Lets see, it was toast, board smashed, keyboard missing the alt and space keys.drives smashed, power pack smashed, a lot of things dead.It was old so got another.On another ocation a cousin knocked his mybook drive off the desk, its actually easy to do, those units are not that stable to stand up and I almost knocked it 
 off a few times.anyway this guy kicked it by mistake while it was on the floor and it was wrecked.I have had a drive die and on another case when a power board blew it fried the drive, loads of smoke and melted plastic.The only other thing I have had is that the main server box we use for internal network stuff had a bad supply last year.while running the primary supply shorted and it burned happily.Taking it back to the builder, he said the supply had a bad capaciter and just replaced it and it worked.So now we always keep a spare supply or 2 round.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-02-04 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: casta947

Re: Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

Once I had my watch run through a full cycle. The watch was an atomic radio server one from Speak to Me. It kept saying, the alarm time is five fifteen AM over and over at random intervals before it died.How is rice supposed to dry out moisture?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-02-04 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

The rice and moisture makes sort of sense since dried rice will naturally absorb more moisture through starch molicules and swell to fill a larger area I once did have one of those talking watches die after being in a tent on a camping trip and getting stuck in a lot of water. as you describe Casta it repeatedly spoke the same time oven and over again without stopping, I suspect the water had completed a circuit.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-02-04 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: raygrote

Re: Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

Hi all,Well after two days, I gave in, and tried the phone. As it turns out, the phone barely got wet. It fired right up and hasnt had a problem since.Now, the reason yall havent heard from me in so long is because im lazy on this forum, and busy with college. At least I have a phone to take with me.As for getting talking watches wet, Ive done that before. I remember a particular watch I got wet was pretty old, and when we took it out, the time got reset. I was able to set it back, but the character was very nasal, like it was getting a cold. It worked for a while, keeping and speaking time correctly, but within 24 hours it shorted and was dead. Most talking watches are pretty much dead once you have to change the battery... not sure why, but most of my watches havent lasted more than a year.URL:<

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-01-28 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: burak

Re: Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

[[wow]], I never left my phone in my computer chair URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-01-28 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: the_ruler_of_dark_forces

Re: Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

I havent washed my phone, nore have I dropped it to the toilet, but it survived another so called classic case.I was in a place where the lake was nearby, so I thought I would test the water with my feet before changing clothes and going for a swim. I remembered that the water didnt go deep at first and so I went. Took a couple of steps ... dry ground, a couple more... dry ground, some more ... splash! And there I was, water reaching up to my chest.Turned out that my memory didnt serve me so well.  In addition to the phone, which was btw Sony xperia mini pro, my pocket contained also my recorder. The last one survived, thanks to the protective bag like thing around it. I also had the binaural microphones in my ears, so I even have the recording of the falling. The phone woke up after 3 or 4 days after being apart.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-01-28 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: the_ruler_of_dark_forces

Re: Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

I havent washed my phone, nore have I dropped it to the toilet, but it survived another so called classic case.I was in a place where the lake was nearby, so I thought I would test the water with my feet before changing clothes and going for a swim. I remembered that the water didnt go deep at first and so I went. Took a couple of steps ... dry ground, a couple more... dry ground, some more ... splash! And there I was, water reaching up to my chest.Turned out that my memory didnt serve me so well.  In addition to the phone, which was btw Sony xperia mini pro, my pocket contained also my recorder. The last one survived, thanks to the protective bag like thing around it. I also got the binaural microphones in my ears, so I even have the recording of the falling. The phone woke up after 3 or 4 days after being apart.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-01-28 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Ethin

Re: Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

I havent sent anything through the wash, but I did spill some milk, a full glass, on one of my Toshiba laptops. It surprisingly still worked, even with the milk inside it. It got cleaned out a few days later. My mom has dropped her phone in the toylet many times, usually when Im on the phone with her.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-01-27 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: SLJ

Re: Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

Hi.well, Im just using my phone so much so that hasnt happened to me yet. No, seriously, Im generelly very careful when it comes to handle all kinds of things. Not that Im slow like some blind people who are very careful, but Im just kind of careful most of the time. So I always check my pockets before I handle any kind of laundry. I have broken a lot of devices, thrown them on the floor and more worse than that, but I think the reason for I havent put any devices into the washer yet is because of the way Im handling laundries.As a child, I had only dropped something into the toilet once. I dont even remember what it was, but not something cridical. I never have anything in my shirt pocket because it can easily fall out, but I rather have things in my pockets in my pans because I feel its more safe there.How
 ever, I have had a lot of axidents when making food where Im also careful most of the time, but either just unlucky or just dont think about where I place things on the table. Lol. Well, let me just say I have damaged a few things so badly so I should get a replacement, but thats pretty much off-topic. URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-01-27 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

And I worry when my Iphone falls off the desk about one foot onto the carpet, even though I ahve bought the surviver case for it, . Actually I can recommend the Surviver as a good case, since apart from anything else it bulks out the size of the Iphone meaning its far easier to hold (great for games like smackme where you have to wave the phone around), and definitely noticeable if it is in your pocket. i admit Ive not personally put anything through the wash, but then again Ive been living on my own and doing my own laundry for a good while soits less likely to happen as Id pretty much notice anything as hefty as my phone in pockets.The worst thing Ive ever done to an electronic device was spilling a nearly full plastic cup of coffee over my toshiba laptop. That was 
 bad since it didnt work when I started it, and I really did panic. However luckiley the coffee wasnt with sugar so once I took it to a computer repare shop they were able to open the case and dry the inside quite successfully. Apparently 9 k of data got deleted, but I never found out what it was, so it wasnt anything crucial to windows.About the most regular abuse of technology that happens is me sitting on my wireless keyboard when I forget and leave it on the chair,  but then again wireless keyboards are fairly hardy things .URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-01-26 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: raygrote

Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

Hi all,So something just happened an hour ago, and since I like to read stories here, I thought Id post one of mine.In December 2012, I got my first real phone, the I Phone 5. It was the cool thing out on the market, and almost everyone I knew had one, or had the 4s. And the reason I say it was my first real phone is because it wasnt a simple track phone that I shared with someone else... which is all I had before I got the i Phone. So for a year, I used that phone a lot. Not every day, but when I did use it, it was quite a lot each time.So this morning, my mom was doing laundry, and started the wash. Then she asks me, Where is your phone? Ive had a bad history of forgetting to take my phone out of my pocket, so weve almost run it through the wash a number of times, but always caught it. I hadnt used my phone in several days, so didnt know exactly where it was, so the first thing I did was call it from o
 ur land line. But it went strait to voice mail. I wasnt too surprised, since I had remembered the battery was low last time I had used it, so it was probably dead.Now, lets back up to a few days ago. Normally it would be in my jeans pocket, but I had taken it out to take a phone call. After I hung up, I put it on an end table... So I look everywhere, on the floor, on all the tables, desks, all that, and it was not there. So, where would it be, in my pocket. And where would my pocket be? In the wash of course!So, we go into our cluttered, dark basement and opened the washer while it was running. And sure enough, we found the phone sitting right in my pocket where I had left it. At the time, the washer had filled up and had started tossing the clothes around, but hadnt really gone very far... it had only been running for at most 4 or 5 minutes. But the phone was still soaked. We removed the soft case that I had on it, and took the screen protector off, wh
 ich BTW was as solid as new before the washing machine got to it. Ideally wed take out the battery, but removing the battery is no simple matter like it would be on a track phone or something.Of course, if I wasnt so stupid, this wouldnt have happened... I just wish that my mom had asked me where my phone was before starting the washer, I still think that would be a more sensible thing to do. So yeah I put the blame on both of us.So now we have a dead phone AKA wet brick, and none of us really knew what to do with it other than leave it sit and dry. I know from experience not to turn an electrical device on, or try to plug it in, after it has been soaked. I plan on letting it sit for a full week before plugging it in and using it.Now, for the drying part, Ive heard that putting it in rice works, but then Ive heard that sticking the phone in an oven at a low temperature for about an hour dries it faster. And the faster it dries, the mor
 e likely the device survives. To my knowledge, its just air drying for now, and well Im not brave enough to try any other way, because a little bit of research tells me that theres no set way to do it. Ive heard that using rice only works if the rice doesnt get into the ports and cause problems. Some say it doesnt even work at all. And a little common sense will tell you that a phone in a hot oven is only a good idea if you are careful and know what youre doing. Given the fact that water damage isnt covered by a warranty (and theyll know in an instant whether the phone has been put in water by looking at a sensor in the headphone jack), Ive already lost my way to a quick and easy fix. So I want to do everything I can to keep the phone alive. I believe we got insurance on it, but not positive. If worst comes to worst, I wont purchase the Ivory American Concert D software piano Ive been wanting since I heard it, a
 nd instead spend that money on a new phone. Both of those things would cost about the same amount (about $200), at least they would have a few months ago. Now with the I Phone 5c and 5s, things might be different but well have to see.whats ironic is, in the 13 months Ive had this phone, and with all the stupid stuff I have done with it by accident, theres hardly a scratch on it! leave it to a washing machine to ruin a perfectly good phone in less time than it takes you to get that phone set up. LOL! Ill be coming back on this topic with an update once I try the phone again.So, has anyone ever had similar experiences with their phone or electronic device? Im not really asking for sympathies or advice, but if you want to give it, well theres an awful lot of that on this forum already, so a little more wouldnt hurt.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-01-26 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: burak

Re: Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

Hi, umm, please dont laugh at me but... heres mine. I had an olimpus audio recorder like 5 years ago. I was at school and decided to go to the toilet. I did, and the recorder was on my neck. The rope holding the recorder was a bit long, so it touched the dirty waters. And guess what? When I tried to launch it, it didnt work. why? I didnt try to dry it like you did, since I was young, and I was really sad after I saw it didnt work, because that was one of my best recorders.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-01-26 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Omar Alvarado

Re: Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

M.Lets see here. ve neraly thrown my iPod in the washer a few hundred times. Earphones have been the victim of the washing machine at least more times than I care to think, my new rockboxed sansa clip zip nearly got thrown in the wash not even a week after I bought it, yeah, Im a fairly forgetful man in terms of his pockets.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-01-26 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: fan

Re: Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

Well I dont know about the wash, but my sister accidently dropped her phone in the toilet once.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-01-26 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: raygrote

Re: Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

Nah I wont laugh at dropping anything in the toilet. It is a disgusting but easy mistake to make LOL. My dad has done it.I just looked at the phone (I didnt try to use it),and it is completely dry now, even though its only been air drying for about 2 hours. Its not damp or anything, just cold. My mom said that when she took it out of the washer, it was wet, but was partially protected by the soft case and my jeans. Plus it had only been in the washer for the first 3 or 4 minutes of the cycle while it was still filling up... so it was nowhere near going through the spin cycle, and that wouldve been the worst. Most people that leave stuff in the wash dont catch it in the middle and it goes through the whole cycle, and many times that includes the drier.As for other electronic devices, Ive thrown cheap microphone in water on purpose, and theyu always come back after several days of air drying (and Ive done it to the same mic
 rophones more than once)! And they stilll work as badly as they did before, and not a bit better or worse. Ive also gotten an sD card reader ran through the wash, I have one sitting here which went through the wash twice, and as far as I know, it still works. But I dont use it anymore since both of my computers have a dedicated card slot. And in another topic I talked about my recorder falling into the sink, well at least I think I wrote about that here, but I made the mistake of turning it on while it was soaked... so it shorted it out within a minute.Yes I am very careless... but it happens. Im not proud of it but the damage is done. Im just glad I havent done any worse!URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

2014-01-26 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: turtlepower17

Re: Who has accidentally thrown their phone in the wash?

Yeah, unfortunately, dropping phones in the toilet is a pretty common occurrence. My sister managed to do that twice. What I cant fathom is why people actually try to salvage their phones after that happens...I mean, youve just done your business most likely, and your phone fell in that...I dont care how much you scrub it, that is never gonna get clean enough to my standards.Heres a weird story for you guys. I live in a rural area, with lots of woods around my house. So, when it comes to garbage, like leftover food and that kind of thing, we actually put it in a bucket, and take it back to a dedicated section of woods, where we dump it. That way, the rest of the trash doesnt get torn into by animals. If you throw food into the actual trash cans that are at the end of our driveway, one way or another, raccoons, possums, or even stray cats will find their way in.Anyway, one day my dad was hauling the garbage bucket back and, I really don
 9;t know how it happened, but he managed to drop his phone in that. Talk about disgusting.URL:

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