space o dizzy a cool fleed management mmorpg

hi everyone,

two days ago i was wondering the

website and i found this cool mmorpg.
it is called space o dizzy and can be found on:

what do i do in this game and how do i start?

good question. you'll start out with a mothership, a small amout of credits and a little tutorial. play through the tutorial and you've your first ships.
what you'll do mainly in this game is buying, upgrading and managing your fleeds of starships. you can accept missioncontracts with your fleeds and from that point on you'll arrive in the war room were you select the fleeds you want to send out on the mission.
another cool fact about this game is the blueprint system. or this is how i call it. with this feature you create a hull of your own. a hull from a new starship model. you also have to create blueprints for the components for the ship, you have to do this a certain way so you don't have to pay 1000 or more credits for the component but just 10 or a small amout extra for the component.

a small summary, what can be done:

- fleed management
- missions
- creating and building on land that your secret asteroid base has
- building a starbase
- mining from asteroids with a mining facility
-different ways to make and earn credits
- pvp (optional)
- a very extensive guide wich will elad you to the first steps of the game (recommened to read)

in my oppinion you have to have a certain knowledge of your screenreader before attempting this game.

in my oppinion a very entertaining game. again ... visit the website at:

my username on there is pelantas ... as usual

greetz mike

URL: h ttp://

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