Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tap tap C going paid

2013-11-14 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: BryanP

Re: tap tap C going paid

I had a few credits remaining when I tried it the other night. I'd heard it could tell you the required ingrediets and cooking directions on, say a box of brownie or cake mix but I couldn't get the angle right to read the darn thing. Oh it wouldread part of it but not the whole thing. Needless to say my few credits went rather quickly trying to do that. I'll grant that the ap may have its uses if you can get the lighting ad angle just right for te obect you're tryying to photograph but I still don't know if that justifies paying for it. To be fair once I switch from AT&T to StraightTalk I may have the money to do so but I'm not sure I will.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tap tap C going paid

2013-11-14 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Chris

Re: tap tap C going paid

Hi.So I updated the app today and went to settings and it said picture credits remaining: 16. Does this mean I can take 16 pictures and then I would have to pay? Was this present in the other version before I updated?Hmmm, I would have thought it would have prompted me to pay right away.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tap tap C going paid

2013-11-13 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: BryanP

Re: tap tap C going paid

Maybe they had help getting the IPhone itself or went with a cheaper option like the 4S instead of getting the latest and greatest. Or maybe over a period of some months they managed to save up enoug to buy the phone. Not an easy propositio whe one's on a fixed income admittedly but possible. But as long as I have a say in the matter I won't now use anything other than an IPhone since it's completely accessible right out of the box.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tap tap C going paid

2013-11-13 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Kyleman123

Re: tap tap C going paid

i tend to agree with lucus here. i would find it rather hard to understand how people can pay for an iPhone bill and pay for apps and stuff and yet turn back and sayoh. i'm on a limited income, i can't pay for this.  and maybe they are on a limited income where all there funds are getting sucked up with other things. who knows.  i also think that there probably is some of the fact that it went from free to beeing paid.but if you think about it even if you are taking 3 pictures a day you are still using only 90 pics in a month and it is less than the 10 buck option.  i probably would take a few pics every few weeks. so seven bucks over several months. very afordable.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tap tap C going paid

2013-11-13 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: CAE_Jones

Re: tap tap C going paid

I wouldn't be able to pay for it, but I can't afford an iphone, either, so it's kinda moot for me.I did get to use it on someone else's iPhone a while ago, though, and it's definitely a service I'd want if I had one.(Again, I'm wondering if they can/have tried some sort of fund raising other than charging the user? Even if they couldn't eliminate charging the user completely, a successful fund raising campaign might help reduce the price, or so I'd imagine.)URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tap tap C going paid

2013-11-13 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: lukas

Re: tap tap C going paid

Well, as far as I understand it (I may be wrong though as I haven't actually checked this anywhere), the developers had to start paying for constant maintenance of their subscription to the service, and probably for the right to distribute request keys to the individual users (the individual apps installed on the individual devices) in order to access the service. The TapTapSee app itself merely serves as a bridge between the end user and the image recognition service through some kind of API.So, if this basic assumption is correct, then the developers themselves have to pay for the service constantly and regularly from now on. This change to a paid subscription was not their decision or something they could influence. So it seems obvious that an one-time purchase fee from the end customers wouldn't help them very much under these circumstances.I'm not happy with it either, I would also prefer an one-time payment, and I agree that the information you get
  out of the pictures is not always accurate, which sucks if it's going to start meaning that you've wasted one of your prepaid pictures in that case. I don't use the app often enough for it to become an issue - I can just get by without it for the time being. However, should I ever start need to use it on a regular basis, I think the price is still justifiable under these conditions, and if the price is too much for most people to pay, then the majority of the blind in most developed countries and states are probably in a much worse financial situation than I thought...Just my thoughts.LukasURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tap tap C going paid

2013-11-12 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: BryanP

Re: tap tap C going paid

I agree with Nocternus. I'd have no objection at all for paying for the App A. if I could get enough information out of it to make the cost worthwhile and B. it was a one-time fee.This is not to say that I wouldn't mind then donating from time to time, but I don't agree with having to constantly pay form something when more often than not I wouldn't be able to get the fullest amount of info from each image until I got the angle and lighting exactly right.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tap tap C going paid

2013-11-11 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: morecoffee50

Re: tap tap C going paid

I don't mind paying for an app, but, i think it should be a one time only fee!  I use this app almost everyday, but the ten dollars *u.s.*  per month is just a bit more than I can squeak from my budget.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tap tap C going paid

2013-11-11 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: SLJ

Re: tap tap C going paid

Hi.well, personally, I don't think those prices are much for such a service. Here in denmark, people have complained the whole weekend that they think it's crab that the company first made it for free, and then charging people for the service. Many people here in my country simply don't understand the situration the company is in, and claime that it should all be free, and they don't have to pay anything at all.We can't get it all for free. We have to pay for a lot of things, just like sighted people do. People are saying that they don't wanna pay for things which sighted people can get for free. Well, that's your choice, and there you have free alternatives. The thing is, those alternatives are only in english, and don't always give as much detailed descriptions as Tap tap see does. But, you you get what you pay for. 7 dollars
  or 10 dollars each munth for a service which you really like and which you're using each day, is that expensive? I mean, if you're not using it more than 2 or 3 times each week, would it then be worth paying for? That's up to you, but then you have 100 pictures for 7 dollars. Are you getting what you're paying for? Well, let's say you're using the service once each day, and you would take two pictures to make sure you've got every information out of that picture. In this way you have pictures enough for more than one munth. So that's up to you if the product is so great so you feel it's worth paying for.7 or 10 dollars is much on a low incom? Well,  if that's too much, then you really don't have many mony to deal with. You could then choose the 100 pictures solution, and then use the app when it's needed and not just for fun.This is not ment for the people here on the forum but just in generel. People who 
 constantly think they can get it all for free makes me sick.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tap tap C going paid

2013-11-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: CAE_Jones

Re: tap tap C going paid

Did they consider crowdfunding? That might be difficult in this case, since this project doesn't lend itself to sending out perks, but it seems like a potential option for raising funds that doesn't charge the user directly.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tap tap C going paid

2013-11-10 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: casta947

Re: tap tap C going paid

Personally what we ned is a 501C3 and they can raise all the funding they need there. Say, after taking an X-amount of photos it will remind you to donate or something like that. But, no one should be turned away fro lack of funds.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tap tap C going paid

2013-11-09 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: tap tap C going paid

Do not misunderstand me; I am not looking for handouts, nor should anyone who is blind.  I just don't see a lot of people being able to justify those prices on low income.By no means is the above post a direct hit on the development team for TapTapSee who seem to be a good set of people and want what's best for the community; they are even perfectly fine with knowing that some blind users are opting to use CamFind, which is another product they made that performs similarly but has a different purpose and is not made with complete accessibility in mind.  They are perfectly fine with this, knowing that the product they specifically made for blind people might lose funding as a result of that sort of choice.  I completely understand why they are doing what they have to; they themselves don't really even want to, and commend them on making such a hard decision in an attempt to do what was best for the blind community.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tap tap C going paid

2013-11-09 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Chris

Re: tap tap C going paid

Hi.I agree c ompletely with you Noctornous.I will not be supporting this for the reasons you mentioned above, as well as well after the way I was treated with window-eyes I do not believe we should have to pay to access stuff others get for free.This is why I don't buy looktell money reader, why pay money to identify money when 99 percent of the world can just do it for free. Oh well.Just my thoughts on the matter.What they should do is just list the app on the app store for a fixed price and those who buy it get unlimited access.Oh well.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tap tap C going paid

2013-11-09 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Nocturnus

Re: tap tap C going paid

I'm going to stick to what I said on applevis.if I pay $0.07 to submit an image and the result is not exactly what I was looking for, is the submission of that image still worth $0.07?if I pay for an image's submission and I get a lot more information than I bargained for, is that submission still worth $0.07?If I pay $7.00 a month for 100 images, and need to use 18 of those in one day on a total of 6 different items that are all part of the same product group with different bits of varrying information to obtain all said information, is it my fault?  And am I still getting the full experience of the $7 I paid for?If I pay $10.00 a month and I happen to get lucky and don't need to submit any images on a particular month, is it my fault?  And am I still getting the full experience of the $10 I paid for?And more over, how do you test a 2 year old on a subject that knows nothing about that subject?  many people who are blin
 d are only getting started with the concept of touchscreen devices equipped with cameras they will more than likely not use for their intended purposes on a regular basis.  Is it then that blind person's fault for not acquiring the skill to take a perfect picture every time?  Does it become necessary for a blind person to practice frequently just to get the best results out of this service?I am aware of the need to pay the developer and any staff required for the service to run successfully and continually, but I am also a user who, refuses to be blamed if the information I gather from a service is not complete or completely accurate as the result of an honest mistake owing to a disability I could not help.  I cannot know what kind of information the person on the other end of the service is going to be presented with, or what kind of information I can expect to receive from that person.  if the information is not enough, I attempt to resubmit and hope
  for a better result.  Perhaps I get it; perhaps I don't, but the likelyhood increases if conditions I have no awareness of or real control over are closer to perfect?My lighting needs to be right, my camera angle if that's even a thing needs to be right, my distance needs to be right, and there are probably other things I don't know about which go into a picture that all need to be as close to right as can be.  If I had no lighting because I generally don't turn on the lights and forgot to when I submited an image, well that's just too bad?  if it's night time and I don't want to risk turning on the lights for fear of waking someone else up but I need to use the service, well, that's just too bad?I understand that there will probably be no easy solution in the end, but this certainly feels like punishment more than anything else, and while I generally don't tend to take this approach and believe that every blin
 d person has a duty to be integrated into the majorly sighted world we live in, it is also my belief that in order to do that we all, every single one of us, need the ability and the tools to pull it off, and I don't see those who live on a fixed income as being able to justify either option easily.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tap tap C going paid

2013-11-09 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: BryanP

Re: tap tap C going paid

I personally never got much out of that app.Moreoften than not it didn't reconize what I was taking pictures of. I'd be more interested in an app that would let me actually read my mail so that I could keep trackof it more regularly.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tap tap C going paid

2013-11-09 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Kyleman123

Re: tap tap C going paid

ah sorry it was bryant that did it.  i understand the post thing now.  thank you for the explaination castaURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tap tap C going paid

2013-11-09 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: CAE_Jones

Re: tap tap C going paid

If you can switch between the two as needed, I'd suggest starting out with the $7.99 for 100, and if you find yourself needing to do that more than once each month, switch to the $9.99/month.I'd also suggest waiting at least two months before switching, on the grounds that the first month is going to demand more attention, and by the second month one would likely be using it more as would be typical.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tap tap C going paid

2013-11-09 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: casta947

Re: tap tap C going paid

brad did not post on here. And here is how the ople options work. You can only choose one of the two options. You cannot use both at the same time, that is why it did not work.You can either choose how many votes are going to be recorded, or set a time limit for infinite voting. So if you choose the set vote limit, the pole will be open for as long as people have not reached the voting limit. And if you choose the number of days, people can vote unlimited until the pole reaches its expiration date.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tap tap C going paid

2013-11-08 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Kyleman123

Re: tap tap C going paid

yeah. brad they said in the next few days a thing will pop up prompting you to pay.on a side note, i tried to make this into a pole, but it failed. not really sure why. but the options are confusing.  it seemed to be the pole number of votes and amount of days that was the problem. but when it said error this needs to be corrected, all it said number of posts and pole time can't be ellipsisyeah. very unhelpfull. lolURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tap tap C going paid

2013-11-08 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: casta947

Re: tap tap C going paid

I think they need to provide more pre-paid services and not post-paid. If everything was prepaid more people would be willing to pay, and we would never have to worry about owing them anything.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tap tap C going paid

2013-11-08 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bryant

Re: tap tap C going paid

I think this is stupid. Why can't they just have a 1 time fee? Also, if I already have this ap, will I be affected?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] tap tap C going paid

2013-11-08 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: bryant

Re: tap tap C going paid

I think this is stupid. Why can't they just have a 1 time fee?URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] tap tap C going paid

2013-11-07 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Kyleman123

tap tap C going paid

if you haven't tried the app by now you should asap. tap tap c is an IOS image recognizer and identifier.  it is one of the best out there.  before now it was free. now according to the official tap tap c twitter, they need to start funding the app. they have adopted two payment plans.1. 100 pictures for $7.99.  includes 100 pictures for however long it takes to take them.  once your 100 pictures run out it will prompt you to purchase another 100.  apparently i read something somewhere about it disregarding failed image recognitions, which is a good thing.2. $9.99 per month.  this allows for as many pictures as you can take in a month. once the month runs out it will prompt you to renew the service.what do you guys think. please vote.i'm probably going to get the $7.99 because while i do use it and it is very useful, i think i will get much more bang for my buck if i do this. i don't know how long it will take me
  to take 100 pictures, but it will be more economical for me in the long run i believe.URL:

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