Re: [Audiogames-reflector] trucker game, any suggestions?

2013-10-08 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: jjgeek

Re: trucker game, any suggestions?

These are all awesome suggestions. Here are mine. Why not add in a command that would toggle the radio on/off, and air conditioning/heat? I must admit I haven't played Jim's Trucker game in a good while, but I don't believe it has those features. It's one hell of a good game though! The radio would distract the user/driver, possibly resulting in things like speeding and/or a fender bender? I think anything's possible here. Maybe instead of the radio going full blast, a CD or audio book?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] trucker game, any suggestions?

2013-10-08 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: jjgeek

Re: trucker game, any suggestions?

These are all awesome suggestions. Here's mine. Why not add in a command that would toggle the radio on/off, and air conditioning/heat? I must admit I haven't played Jim's Trucker game in a good while, but I don't believe his game has those features. It's one hell of a good game though! The radio would distract the user/driver, possibly resulting in things like speeding and/or a fender bender perhaps? I think anything's possible here. Perhaps instead of the radio going full blast, a CD or audio book?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] trucker game, any suggestions?

2013-07-29 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: hanif

Re: trucker game, any suggestions?

may be you can add 7 hours of slep, you can go eating, drinking, and a truck repair when it is damaged.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] trucker game, any suggestions?

2013-07-29 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: wp85

Re: trucker game, any suggestions?

I will be vary interested to see how this game turns out.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] trucker game, any suggestions?

2013-07-28 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: harrylst

Re: trucker game, any suggestions?

I won't put in dodging cars, but I will put in the mountain thing.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] trucker game, any suggestions?

2013-07-28 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: bladestorm360

Re: trucker game, any suggestions?

Ok, the mountain suggestion is awesome. I hope that gets implemented.Dodging cars, no, that's not realistic. There's a reason that roads have 2 to 8 lanes, and that is that cars go different directions on different lanes. If you drive on the lane where other cars are going in the opposite direction, that is illegal as hell. And while it might be fun to put in the ability to drive on that lane just to break the law, it'd be kind of pointless.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] trucker game, any suggestions?

2013-07-28 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: simba

Re: trucker game, any suggestions?

Hi, what about inclouding mountains, so, when you drive up a mountain, the truck drives slower, and when you drive down, the truck is faster. For example when you enter a Speed of 55, the truck when it goes downhill drives 60 or 65 KMH or MPH.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] trucker game, any suggestions?

2013-07-28 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: sid512

Re: trucker game, any suggestions?

hi,as far as dodging is concerned, what about some random incidents where you are travelling uninterupted for quite a long time and suddenly you hear a car, coming from the front with a speed above normal, blowing its horns?that would add more fun to the game prompting the player to turn to  a safer side, or just avoiding the car. if he's not able to do so, some minor losses to the cargo or little damage to the truck.the same  could be effective for long highways,  while speeds of other vehicles be slowed down while on busy roads or in cities.just my suggestions.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] trucker game, any suggestions?

2013-07-28 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: trucker game, any suggestions?

I'm not really sure of that one pitermach, since in reality most truck drivers don't dodge cars on a 3 lane motorway, and while crashes are possible, they aren't half as likely as in something like light cars, (who ever would drive up a road with a constant stream of traffic coming in the other direction anyway?). If you were going to do that sort of thing I'd myself suggest more of a racing game with trucks, but where you had to stop behind! other cars in front of you when roads were busy, with factors such as handling and stopping distance affected by tiredness rather like the stats in a racing game though obviously that would be a pretty major task to actually program,  heck I have seen an arcade game called I believe big rig world or something similar which worked like this, though that was more a sort of crazy taxi completely whacky cartoon style affair than anything really serious, since you could do mad stuff like drive your trucks through bui
 ldings and trees and even got bonuses for crushing cars so long as you made your delivery on time .URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] trucker game, any suggestions?

2013-07-28 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: pitermach

Re: trucker game, any suggestions?

Another idea I think would make the game more interesting is a small real time component when you're driving. Nothing big, I was thinking sort of a light cars style where you have a few lanes and have to dodge cars for a few seconds. I could see this working in 2 ways. The first would make it very much like jim's trucker, you enter a speed, and then have to dodge cars for a bit and then you get prompted again, or you're always dodging cars and can change your speed at any time and if there is any change like the clock going forward an hour, your tiredness level dropping or if you can enter a truck stop you'd get an announcement. This would also make things like having to sleep more important - if the more tired you are your truck could randomly swerve to another lane.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] trucker game, any suggestions?

2013-07-28 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: trucker game, any suggestions?

Well while I certainly wouldn't say police bribery never happens in the Uk, I do know from some of the things my brother has mentioned that hear anyone would be at such a risk of getting absolutely crusified, ie, about 10 or 15 years in prison, the chances of bribing a police officer are pretty low. Of course, that's assuming the police are actually competant enough to pull someone over in the first place which depends upon which force they are around the country, but generaly if they do! pull someone over your likely to get knicked, especially since anyone to do with traffic control hear tends to be something of a tin pot dictator,  I once had a hilarious occasion when I was physically yellling out the window to try and avoid them giving my research assistant a tickit, on the basis that I should! be allowed a parking space by my flat (all the other residents have one after all), but they absolutely wouldn't see reason which is why I now have a disabled car badg

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] trucker game, any suggestions?

2013-07-27 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: harrylst

Re: trucker game, any suggestions?

I have different currencies already, but I like the police bribery things. I have dollars, euros, pounds, and rand right now.  And I like the diversions idea.  I'll code that in now.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] trucker game, any suggestions?

2013-07-27 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: bladestorm360

Re: trucker game, any suggestions?

I think you'd be surprised how many police are corrupt, even in other countries. It's nice to think that law enforcement is doing it's job in most places, but it really isn't. Everyone likes money, and everyone needs more of it.I think the bribe idea is a neat one. You could have it be a percentage based on how much money you offered. If you tried to bribe any cop for 1 dollar, you're just going to get laughed at. A couple thousand dollars though and you might get overlooked. But you should also have a random check when you get pulled over that will basically decide whether the cop is able to be bribed or not and maybe even set a somewhat random minimum bribe before the cop would overlook things. There's always going to be the straight laced officer that won't let you get away with it though no matter how much you offer, so it'd be risky almost any way you tried it. If you're going to implement this, you should also implement a n
 ative country thing, where you get to pick what country you're native to, especially if you're going to have world wide routes and not just routes here in the states. If you're a foreigner and you get pulled over in a country that isn't your own, you're far less likely to be able to bribe anyone at all. Of course this would lead into having different currencies and ... yeah, this is getting a bit too complicated, methinks.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] trucker game, any suggestions?

2013-07-27 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: bladestorm360

Re: trucker game, any suggestions?

I think you'd be surprised how many police are corrupt, even in other countries. It's nice to think that law enforcement is doing it's job in most places, but it really isn't. I think the bribe idea is a neat one. You could have it be a percentage based on how much money you offered. If you tried to bribe any cop for 1 dollar, you're just going to get laughed at. A couple thousand dollars though and you might get overlooked. But you should also have a random check when you get pulled over that will basically decide whether the cop is able to be bribed or not and maybe even set a somewhat random minimum bribe before the cop would overlook things. There's always going to be the straight laced officer that won't let you get away with it though no matter how much you offer, so it'd be risky almost any way you tried it. If you're going to implement this, you should also implement a native country thing, where you get to pick what country you
 're native to, especially if you're going to have world wide routes and not just routes here in the states. If you're a foreigner and you get pulled over in a country that isn't your own, you're far less likely to be able to bribe anyone at all. Of course this would lead into having different currencies and ... yeah, this is getting a bit too complicated, methinks.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] trucker game, any suggestions?

2013-07-27 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: trucker game, any suggestions?

I don't think in most countries bribing the police is that realistic and is more likely to get you into worse trouble. That being said, I like your idea of traffic jams and road conditions. In Jim kitchin's game traffic doesn't really play a part, neither does road works and you pretty much just selet your route and go, however it'd be interesting to have possibilities of being delayed through heavy traffic jams or roadworks and then forcing you to either choose a divertionary route round lots of little back streets or to just cope. You might not have to program the divertions but obviously there would be a great chance of losing time, getting lost up little country roads etc. I'm imagining this as some sort of choice system where your told that due to road works and traffic your not likely to make time and given an option, but there is then a much greater chance of bad stuff happening once you leave the main motorway, although you also have a chanc
 e of avoiding the bad traffic or roadworks and continuing at the same pace. I could imagine the rival trucker thing being more like a little mini story adventure that provided game difficulty than anything else. Say, you have a rival who also has a truck and you have a bet on with them that you can deliver cargo faster, make more cash etc, thus your given a targit each level, eg, "Big rig redge was boasting that he could do the run from London to mosco in four days, and that he smuggled five extra pounds of electronic parts on the way" this would give the game a little more direction and some actual challenges to complete.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] trucker game, any suggestions?

2013-07-27 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: sid512

Re: trucker game, any suggestions?

hi,i don't know whether it is acceptable or doable or not, but one feature that i would like to see is,  bribing the police incase you are caught for speed limit, it can add little more fun to the game, isn't it?or perhaps --- what about traffic jams, or storms like tornadoes where the travelling is delayed or that sort of last question, would the game be free or not?i'd be looking forward to such a game if it is developed, since this is one of my favourite games in the kitchensinc series, after baseball.regards.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] trucker game, any suggestions?

2013-07-25 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: simba

Re: trucker game, any suggestions?

Hi, i added you in Skype. My Name is mority4URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] trucker game, any suggestions?

2013-07-25 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: harrylst

Re: trucker game, any suggestions?

I'll be working on the routes around the world, I already have infrastructure in that defined.  I just need to find out what highways go where, but yeah it's doable.  And as for the rival truck company... that's an idea. I'll have to think about it.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] trucker game, any suggestions?

2013-07-25 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: simba

Re: trucker game, any suggestions?

Hello, i would build a System, like a carrier so that you have a given amound of Money, Can select different Destinations around the world. Than you can select which cargo you want and how much of it. When you arive you get the Money and if you have enough, that you can upgrade your truck or buy a new one to deliver even more cargo. A rival is got to, because than you can implement a Mission System, like deliver your cargo, before the others can do. Or different missions. These are just some sugestions, i dont know if it works, but i would be cool, if you would put that in the game.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] trucker game, any suggestions?

2013-07-25 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: trucker game, any suggestions?

Perhaps the ability to have different locations across the world and road conditions, that's actually something the tricking sim got right, after all there are people in this country who regularly drive from London to Berlin or lisban thank to the channel tunnel, not to mention people who go right across russia.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] trucker game, any suggestions?

2013-07-24 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Kyleman123

Re: trucker game, any suggestions?

maybe the ability to have a rival trucking company against you?URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] trucker game, any suggestions?

2013-07-24 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: harrylst

trucker game, any suggestions?

Hi,I'm writing a trucker game, based loosely on the trucker game by jim kitchen.  Currently, I am at the stage of code where Jim was at.  I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what they would have liked to seen in Jim's game?URL:

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