Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

I feel you  dude. I gotta admit, I'll miss moonwalker and cross. Even though moonwalker villanised the mods, she still very, very valid points. Same as cross. I'm happy that he put my stupid cousin in place.


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

Audio Rumble is absolutely ridiculous in it's over the topness, but Leap of Faith was incredible. I remember someone started a rumour in my local circle, that there was a giant, end of game boss to face that stomps towards you and you have to get out. Well I got all the way to the last crystal stage, and died. Then, several years later, I was determined to play this thing through. So I got all the way to the crystal, and, I managed to beat the stage. Took the last leap of faith, and... no boss. Still hilarious to put the whole thing to rest though, and that game, I think had some great sound design.


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : arjan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

How could I forget. Though to be perfectly frank, nowadays I mostly remember them because of the pg13 highlights. That particular stream was so much fun.


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

Who remembers the experimental audiogames?


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sovs via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

Moonwalker getting banned. That always makes me smile. Yes i know i know. I am terrible and all that.


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

Currently Posts: 26 to 42 of 42 Heading level 2


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rowangarel98 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

Don't have any great memories to add because I'm too tired to think of some, but let's get to ten thousand. Might come back on here and post something of actual substance later.


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

Yeah. I should put in some dashes.


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

I'd have loved to hear some recordings of the never released STarbase Defender. For a while, there were some audio recordings available, but I discovered the entry way too late. I believe it was in development at the HKU, it would have been a joystick/controller only game, and it would have been a more modern take on Space Invaders, including a metric ton of powerups, some of which would have had auto aim. I think it also mentioned there would have been missions as well.


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : arjan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

I believe you did get Richard's name correct. And yes, Sneller was featured on the Dutch news. That's how I learned about it, and audiogames in general. I think the school you meant is the HKU.


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

Jaden, I was reading your post and thought your signature was part of your post LOL


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Blindgamer28 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

that sounds intresting


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

We really need some historians.


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

Hi,I am going to be absolutely rubbish at spelling these names, but Richard Van Tol and Sanda Huberts were the website's original creators. Back then, there was a site called SoundSupport which is how Snella, and then Drive, were created. Snella is the dutch version of Drive. From what I understand, Snella was even featured on the dutch news!I don't really know what happened next, as I joined the agnet website in 2004 proper, but it did exist before then. However, here's something. In 2004, there was no forum, and then a year later they added the forum with no registration. Bare with me a sec though, because if that was considered the old forum, when I checked some older news articles, there was reference to a forum being around before, well, even that forum that I ended up being a part of. So, there was once a forum, then no forum, then a non-registration forum, and then the forum that we have now.Also, Richard and Sanda helped at a university. I believe back then it was something like "HCU", or as my screen reader would randomly pronounce it, q, of course we now probably know it was an abbreviation for something. Well, at that university, audiogames like Demor were born. In fact, when Demor was first released, there was no pc version, but there was a db entry for it. That's the thing, the database was, and is, very much about information concerning audiogames, even if, sometimes, there is no link. Demor sounded interesting, but of course there was no way to play it for a while, but it was so interesting to read about how the initial version used tech such as a head tracker and GPS.


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

It will get to 10,000 goddamnit


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Blindgamer28 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

uhm. when was this site created ?and who was the main authorof it?who was the creater i mean?the history sounds great of this website!


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlexN94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

I created my profile over ten years ago and it's been quite a fun decade I guess. I remember posting a lot back then, but I've been pretty quiet for a few years now as I don't really play many audio games anymore.I have to say though, my best memory was definitely Rastley. I enjoyed that topic a lot, which should also be obvious from my posts in it The nearly daily posting in the old Swamp topic was quite something too. I remember first trying out Swamp right in the beginning when all there was were two sheds, Aprone, a chair and a bunch of zombies. I found it pretty cool, but not worth much of my time, so I didn't try it again until version 1.8, when the sewers were still part of the factory. I played that game all the time with one of my friends and it was always a blast. Then missions came and things got even more interesting. After hardcore mode was introduced and clans started being a thing I began to lose interest though, and I haven't really touched the game in probably five years if not more. Sadly. I loved it so much when it was just about killing zombies and gathering supplies. I was never a big fan of trying to go hardcore, but from what I understand, you don't really have to do that now anyway with items giving you points to spend on titles. I should probably try to get into it again someday if it's still around.I greatly enjoyed the option to script campaigns though, and Cae_Jones' map creator just made that so much more fun. I remember thinking that a creator like that would work really well for creating drawings, and then BrushTone showed up years later and was basically such a tool. Pixl art is difficult, but BrushTone is amazing, especially since it's very easy to convert Braille drawings to pixel art and still have them look decent.Ah, and of course there was TopSpeed! I played that a lot too and made several tracks and vehicles. Pretty sure most of them weren't properly balanced, but I had fun with it which is more important.This site wasn't my first experience with audio games though. For that we need to go back to like 2004 when I got introduced to Shades of Doom at a computer camp thing for blind kids from all over Denmark. It was the demo version of course, but playing through that first level and hearing that pitched up robot voice giving details about the surroundings... Great time!A while after that I also tried out Grizzly Gulch but never figured out how to really play it until years later as my English was practically non-existent. I loved shooting the bank robbers though.Oddly enough I did manage to get through The Last Crusade, without understanding a word of what was said. I remember playing that the first time on my dad's computer one of the times I visited him. I'm pretty sure I also installed it on my own when I came home.That was also around the time I found this site, though for the longest time I just used it to scroll through the database to find games that sounded interesting to me, purely based on the titles and my limited understanding of English. Mud Splat, Descent Into Madness, Private Detective School, Time Adventure, The Great Toy Robbery, Egg Hunt and Super Egg Hunt. The two Code Factory games weren't ones I ever got far in, again because I didn't really understand a word of what was going on, but I enjoyed playing them just the same.Most of my gaming has taken place on Alter Aeon for the last seven years or so. Talon introduced me to it back in 2012, and I guess I've stayed evr since. That and several games from helped me improve my English a lot, so I owe a lot to text based games I guess.Also this post became longer than I'd expected, and probably much more all over the place than if I'd actually planned it out from the beginning, but I'm not about to go back and edit it to flow better. Just a little bit of stream of consciousness from my end about my experiences with accessible games and this forum.


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : arjan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

If people really want to reach 1 posts, I would hope they also have some content. So lets try to help with that!I was sort of going to write up memories, but Aaron sort of beat me to it. Yes, I remember the keyeyeyeyeyboard thing, among many other fits of utter stupidity, with a tiny degree of fondness, and more than a tiny degree of shame for being such a colossal moron. I was 8 or 9 years old when I came on the forum, which at that time didn't require any registration. Then the account system happened. If you guys look hard enough, you'll probably find some posts of mine where my English basically consisted of using translator programs, which means completely messed up grammar, among other things. Those sites/programs have improved quite a bit, so perhaps it wouldn't be as bad now as it was back then.Ultimately, this site has indirectly brought me quite a bit more than I imagined. I'm not sure if I would've went to other English chat platforms, and stayed in touch with people, if I hadn't met them here first. It also prompted me to choose bilingual education, meaning I had some of my subjects in English, when I went to high school. Except here we call it middle school, but the age range is from about 12 to 18, so its probably more like middle and high school combined into one. But I digress.Sometimes, I wonder whether posting on the forum at such a young age was a good idea, because usually at such an age you're really naive and more than a little immature. People said I was mature for my age, but that doesn't mean I didn't do countless stupid things. Most aren't very important in the grand scheme of things though. Sometimes, you just need to fall on your face to realize you're a bit of an idiot and should try to do better in the future, and especially when you're that young. The only thing I can hope is that the ones who are in the position that I used to be in, will do likewise. For quite a while, I had the largest number of posts on the forum, but admittedly, a lot of them weren't that interesting. If I've learned anything over the years, it's that quality is far better than quantity, and while freedom of speech is a wonderful thing, opinions really don't matter too much if they're posted by people who aren't very well informed.I will turn 25 this year. I also am on my second guide dog, got my masters degree in criminal law, and have a full time job. Kind of scary to think so much has happened, but that's what usually occurs when time passes.But, so far this has mostly been about me and not the forum, so lets rectify that.The forum had some arguments in the beginning too, though admittedly, they were mostly quite tame compared to what we have now. Some of the highlights I can remember, are the discussions with the two Kyles from Orio games about a game called Tournament of the Nine Kings, which I believe never actually was released. Then, one of that company's biggest critics made their own company called quag, which stood for quality audio games, and released the very first version of the game called Acefire. Then there was a lot of discussion because people thought the game sucked, others questioned whether he actually did work on that game himself or whether some other guys mostly did the work, and then, the game was replaced by a program called LifeFriends or something like that, which was essentially a harmful program that killed most other applications, and which you could only close by hitting a somewhat obscure combination of keys.Also around that time, people became really aggravated with James North for continuously delaying the release of Montezuma's Revenge, because you could preorder it and people felt like they were being ripped off. And... well, I guess a lot of people do know what happened afterwards with the game going to USA games, and Thomas Ward turning it into MOTA. That is most of the stuff I remember, anyway, though some of it might be inaccurate. James North was never on this forum to my knowledge.In fact, a lot of developers weren't on the foroum in the beginning. Liam was fairly active, and the guy from Bavisoft as well as Phil Vlasak were around too. Some, like Philip Bennefall, showed up every once in a blue moon, mostly to announce a new release, and... That's about it, I think.And... Well, things like gender identity definitely weren't discussed back then just yet, though admittedly that wasn't really anywhere in 2005.I actually do wonder if the original creators of this site still visit sometimes. I believe they were about 27 when they started on this project, so they must be well into their forties by now.There are pretty long periods where I'm not on this site at all. I think part of the reason is because I tend to stick to a select few games I play for fun, rather than trying out everything. That's what life tends to do. I've missed out on most of the administrator switching drama, though I watched some of it happen from a distance

Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Patrick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

I joined the forum in 2018 after sometimes browsing for a while, but made my account in 2018. I do not have 5000 posts, but I am trying to post more when I think I need tooAlso, Corona Virus.


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

I have plenty.  This is the day I signed up.  I had just finished Terraformers and tried out some of the kitchensync titles and spoonbill stuff, uno, chess, etc etc and was looking for more audiogames.  Back then, I didn't even know what they were called and so I typed in accessible games into google and came across this website.And on this website, I found this.  This guy here was always ranting about games.  And on and on he raved about games!  Almost every post I saw by him spoke about games in some respect or another.  I saw a website with like minded individuals who all wanted to game!  And I wanted to game!  I picked up monopoly on that topic and watched as it progressed, eventually becoming the RS-Games client.That on its own was enough to keep me occupied, but I also noticed that same dark guy was going on and on about some big game that was being preordered.  In his mind it was the RPG audiogaming experience we were all kind of sort of waiting for and you should buy it and go go go!  Well, I went went went and ended up spending 12 hours that first time around; thankfully it was a Saturday evening when I started playing, so no consequences other than me being super tired afterwards and not having gotten any closer to victory.And then Dark started getting a little more personal!  I mean, he was being all nosy and asking people how we started playing games and the like!  What business was that of his anyway!  Needless to say I bought into the topic regardless and loved watching all the different responses and realized I had walked into a place that was full of people from all walks of life, some younger, some older. Individuals began to take shape and I started looking out for particular posters.  bryant, cx2, aaron, keyIsFull, dan_c, robla and so on.At some point, user wp85's posted a topic we could all sink our teeth into.  Around that same time, Dark was experiencing computer issues.  It was absolutely awesome to try and help resolve them with a simple post.  I'm actually a little hurt because he never posted whether in fact it worked or not, but I have always assumed my advice worked at least a little given he never posted about that particular probelm again. That topic helped me realize that not only did I want to play games and obtain as much information as was available to blind people as was possible, but that I also wanted to give back in return.  It was this topic,  however, that firmly cemented that desire.  I recorded the playthrough I never finished entirely, and things took off.Thanks to Aprone and others,  I was broadcasting almost every week about gaming and accessibility.  lauren.downie96 was almost never heard, not because she wasn't there but because  her voice is so tiny!  Talon wasn't even sure if he wanted to be there in the beginning because he was shye, but he ended up being a regular contributer along with pitermach, CAE_Jones, aaron, Robjoy and others.  Sadly all wonderful things have an end, and this one somewhat ended before it really got started.  We managed 23 episodes and ran out of ground, but I enjoyed all of them immensely all the same.  More or less around the same time I was made mod of this site for awhile.Many of us had a huuuge laugh when someone decided to try and snag Aprone's private phone number,  when GWMicro tried to make more money by acting like youtube and other streaming sites, had a field day when RTR was released,  spawning 55 posts in the span of 5 hours, the day we discovered Samsun tried to bicker with apple about tripple clicking the home button to turn VO on in iOS, the day we paid tribute to the people killed in the boston blast, and on and on I could go for quite some time, but I don't want to deprive anyone else of trying.  I just want everyone to see for starters that this site has stood the test of time for quite some time, and a bit of history was necessary.


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : manamon_player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

wow 1 posts: lets make it true


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : soren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

1 topics just posting here apple is cool why not eat one no don't eat your apple Products


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Patrick via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

I am posting in this topic. Oh no!


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

Aaron, I absolutely loved your post. That’s a thumbs up from me


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

Yep, I think we can call that subgoal a sort of writeoff.Anyone got any more memories or thoughts on the forum?


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Thatguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

As of 6:21 AM, GMT, on Saturday, February 8th, 2020, the forum reports a total of 182828 users being registered. According to my calculations, approximately 18.3212746768 percent of said users would need to post once in this topic in order for it to reach its goal of 10,000 posts. This would mean that, with all default settings of the forum intact, this topic would span exactly 400 pages, populate 10,000 headings at level three and 1,200 headings at level 2.


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

You know what's funny?  I just finished writing about this very subject.  I had no idea this topic even existed before I wrote in the other one.  I figured there were enough ppeople on here who would have a fair amount of good recollections of this site.  I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that Aaron was the first to actually post a host of memories, though.


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

I still like the idea of memories on the forum. I do not think there's nearly enough users with enough memories to make it 1 posts though, but I think this topic could serve, eventually, as a sort of time capsule if you will. 1 topics, off topic room or otherwise, is nothing to scough at. You know we've been around for a long time. We're not as active as other forums perhaps getting 30 topics with new posts each day, with quite a lot not necessarily being new topics, so I don't know the average of topics a day.For my part, I'm proud of this forum. So prepare for a long post about the past, present and something about the future.The early days:I remember being around here in the days before registration was even required. You could just enter a name, and post. It worked for a while, although eventually we had someone trying to impersonate devs so the forum had to become one where registration was required.During those very early days, even I was a bit immature. Me and Arjan got into a match where we would type keyboard with a bunch of e's and y's inbetween key and board, if you get what I mean. Getting to the point where Richard or Sendermen, can't remember which, had to step in and effectively give us one of the first ever cautions, when it wasn't called a caution.So I learned a lot that day. In fact I feel like this forum taught me how to write, even when being a native English speaker.Growth:Once registration hit the forum, people came flooding in. Dark, Pitermach, Jayde, I've watched these guys and many others from the beginning. I've watched people like Arjan and Pitermach essentially master their English skills and having a lot to show for it in the forum.The off topic room was eventually added, and so discussions grew. Everything from tech to blind schools. It showed the potential for deep discussion, and that is still there today.Trust:One thing that seems to be a running theme in this community, and one that I think about a lot, is the idea of trust. People come here and share what some might say, would be some quite sensitive issues, and I think that's very brave. When someone can be brave enough to do that, you know that the community has made it's stamp on a person, i.e, it means a lot to them.Lessons of learning:I can't remember exactly when this was, we're going back to the early days here, but I still remember being really surprised when Jayde said that he beat killer Instinct. I remember asking about combos, but now that I think about it, I think I was so excited that my post was worded in such a hyperactive and ridiculous way, that, as far as I remember, I didn't end up getting a response back. It was that, which prompted me to change up my act and, as I said earlier, actually learn how to write. Not to write necessarily like Jayde, but to actually try to be a bit more grounded and not go hyperactive with posts. Do I get excited? Heck yes. I am not going to lie if something happens that I like, I seriously get excited. But I feel like this forum taught me not to go nuts with the style of my posts, and keep it cool.Continuing traditions:I feel like Dark is responsible for many traditions, some of which we hold up today. The agnet cyber elves became the classic, go to, gag. While I don't remember too many of these, agnet cyber elves is something I will always remember, period. I've still not found a way to bring them back though, not like Dark can. Monthly chats still continue to this day.Part of the team:I feel quite proud that I was asked to join the team, first as news poster, then as moderator, then eventually database editor and then by appointment of Dark  himself, an admin helper to help with the unrestricting of users. Of course, we all know the bsg incident happened and has brought changes.I'm still feeling some ramifications, so to speak. Struggling with the forum software, stuff didn't get done on my part while we had a few admins and more mods on the team. This resulted in people saying we were slacking. I think some of that is right, especially January last year. The most annoying one/ Spending half an hour looking for how to edit the rules and coming up short. No word of a lie. The worst part of that? I don't even think I told the rest of the staff that I looked, so there's really bad communication on my part.As it stands, we've all now become admins because it can help with the unrestricted section. Moderators still can not unrestrict, so this is why that happened. This took several months of discussion as we didn't really know how the community would react to it, me especially. Interestingly, this has allowed our team to grow. At the moment, I seem to be more of the info barer, rather than the actor, not the guy who's doing the bans. In fact a lot of the stuff that's been happening lately, has happened while I was asleep, but has been acted on surprisingly swiftly. This is showing the growth of the team.Developers:One thing that's

Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

Here's my take on that discussion. I hate Jaws, and I will always hate Jaws. Enough said on my part, for now.


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

Come ON! Lets go! To make the topic grow, lets add some form of discussion in here. JAWWS Vs. NVDA. That aw to bring some discussion in here.


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

What have I done


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics



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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

Lets go. 9985


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

Only 9986 posts to go. We are doing great!


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

Maybe the 1th topic in the Off Topic Room?


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Blindgamer28 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

but why its says on the forum Total number of topics: 28,566?


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Blindgamer28 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

yeah 1 posts in 1th topic!


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

It’ll be a celebration of sorts


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Blindgamer28 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

yeah! lets get to 1 post!


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rory-games via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

yep, something absolutely crazy like that.


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : omer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

to be exact 12117 posts


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rory-games via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

actually I believe the old swamp topic got to 12k.


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

I think this'd be the first topic with 1 posts if we even can reach that.


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

For the hell of it. Let’s get this to 10,000 posts


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

Is there such a topic...? hmm...? let's make one...? shall we...?


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Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

ModerationI will delete 5 topics*not a mod* But lets get this topic to 1 posts


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: 10 Thousand topics

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 10  Thousand topics

ModerationI will delete 5 topics*not a mod*


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

10 Thousand topics

2020-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jimmy69 via Audiogames-reflector


10  Thousand topics

This  Is the 10,000th topic. That’s absolutely incredible. On here, I was thinking we could share some of our favorite memories from the forum. What is one thing that makes you smile when you think of it?


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