Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

I personally disagree on technological progress or on needing to stay uptodate just to stay uptodate irrispective of bennifits Nocturnus. FAr too often so called new devices and technologies are not so much inovations as whims of fashion, or of some company trying to dress something old up in new clothing or making the previous obsolete just extra sales , with little practical bennifit. That however is a point Ive mentioned elsewhere so I wont go on about it here. In the case of touch screens however I think there are some very good arguements that if the access side of the technnology, ie, the screen reading is adequate at providing the access, there are some distinct bennifits touch screens have for Vi users. One for example is being able to learn the placing of controls and displays and having instant access. If I want to read the time or battery life on an xp machine, I need to alt tab out of the window Im currently on, activa
 te the virtual curser in supernova and hit ctrl end to go to the bottom of the task bar on the desktop and look. Im fairly sure if I were bothered enough I could probably work out a couple of key strokes to shorten this process, maybe even a single one to have the time read out loud. In ios however I simply poke the top right corner of the screen. That information is there, and can be accessed easily and quickly by simply knowing the area. another example is analogue movement. A game like sixth sense would be very uninteresting on windows, just another boppit style hit key when hear sound. On ios however sinse you need to add directions to your key slidings via the touch screen it adds an element of coordination to the arcade game that would not be present. Then there is the idea of games like robo e or stem stumper, that use the movements of your finger and speaking what is under it to show a specific layout in audio (another thing which would be much aid
 ed by aa bigger screen).


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

One comment about the time keystroke though... isnt there a dedicated keystroke for supernova that reads it out loud? With JAWS or any of the other screen readers that argument isnt altogether valid since all one need do is just hit the one keystroke either modifier+f12 or modifier+t depending on whether one is using Jaws, Window-eyes or nvda.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

Supernova doesnt tend to go in for specific keystrokes that read set information sinse it usually goes by default tools rather than specifically built map files. For example, there is no key to tell when a page is loaded,but you can do that by using read status bar.I could set one up relatively easily, however my point was more that the information is there, available on a touch screen with just the one poke. Ditto with notifications, battery life, signal etc.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chandu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

I do agree with Nocturnus here. may be its just me, but staying up to date with tech as a blind seem to give me a better chance of surviving in a fast pased and constendly changing technology based sighted society. and the assumption that newer technology is often less beneficial than the older one is more an idea generated from the perseaved inability to shift. EG, before 3/4 years, the average blind would have adviced his fello highly against changing to a touch device. and tell you what, the IPhone was almost as accessible then as now. and anyway, how and why is 1 supposed to improve the accessibility of a new technology if theres no user? so, esencially, the accessibility gets improved when we, as a community demand it.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

I didnt much like the limitations of Windows 8, even on tablets, despite the enormous productivity potential. But I do agree that we need to acquaint ourselves with the latest norms. Every so often some stupid person will say something like, Lets be honest, a touch-screen just isnt a good choice for a blind person, and I just have to laugh at such astounding ignorance because the evidence of their advantages is right there for everybody to see, irrespective of the platform.I dont agree that multiple form factors are a bad idea; yes, theres always money to be made, but its about comfort first and foremost, and we shouldnt be anxious to turn one thing into another purely for the sake of some imaginary technical proficiency. That is how Windows 8 ended up as it is, a dysfunctional pig that nobody wants except the technocrats and fashionistas; these same people will probably jump all over Windows 9 when it hits the shelves.<


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

Well the touch typing in flexy does sound like a good idea, though at the moment I cant quite get all my fingers in typing position on an the Iphone 5 screen so Ill probably waith for the bigger screen on the Iphone 6. @Chris, regarding screen size, I disagree its no bennifit to a blind user. I tried an Iphone 4 and 5, and I know which I preferd. larger size means larger icons, which means more to hit with vos touch screen and less small fidly motions when doing vo operations. Contrast the sliders in Kodp which are very small and literally impossible to get a precise number on, and , to those in Star traders elite which are very large and can be operated extremely precisely with a tap, hold and slide. As to Ipad, well I can see the logic in having one if you havent got an Iphone already, but I dont entirely see the point of having both. A bigger screen would be helpful and if the next Iphone comes with one, well its an 
 advantage as I said, but persoally I dont think its worth having an extra device which seems to mostly duplicate what my Iphone already does. Particularly sinse from what Ive gathered while they share the same Ap store there are things that run on Iphone but not Ipad but not the other way around, though I could be wrong on this, Im just going on the asis of what Ive seen in ap descriptions.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

For example, frend caster, the facebook app that works on Android phones and tablets? On iOS, its iPad only.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

I think the iPad comes very close to actually blurring the distinction between a computer and a smartphone. Look out for the Maxipad. 


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

@Trenton, Im not surprised there is an Ipad only ap, as I said most of the things Ive heard of that will work on one but not the other have been Iphone but not Ipad but Ive certainly not seen everything. An Ipad is indeed essentially a tablet computer I just dont see too great a need for both just on screen size. @Chris, technology and definitions change. Back in the 90s I had uge rick of a mobile phone wit massive buttons and noscreen,  really I couldve fitted two Iphone fives into it comfortably, and all that did was phone people, though if I ever got mugged it wouldve made a pretty effective club .As I said I personally dont mind the screen size. thing, particularly sinse I carry a shoulder bag around with me anyway, actually I approve of things getting bigger again. There was a point when everything in desig
 n was getting so tiny it was ridiculous I remember once seeing an mp3 player half the size of a modern memory stick with buttons about half the size of grains of rice which you literally needed to operate with finger nales and which were so clumped together pressing just one was a nightmare! especially sinse the thing had so many modes and random features, so personally Im glad weve stepped back from the miniturization monstrosity and as I said I see bigger screens as being very helpful to blind users even if not for the same reasons as for a sighted user.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

@Trenton, Im not surprised there is an Ipad only ap, as I said most of the things Ive heard of that will work on one but not the other have been Iphone but not Ipad but Ive certainly not seen everything. An Ipad is indeed essentially a tablet computer I just dont see too great a need for both just on screen size. @Chris, well this is likely a preference thing. but remember technology and fashons change. Back in the 90s I had uge rick of a mobile phone wit massive buttons and noscreen,  really I couldve fitted two Iphone fives into it comfortably, and all that did was phone people, though if I ever got mugged it wouldve made a pretty effective club .As I said I personally dont mind the screen size. thing, particularly sinse I carry a shoulder bag around with me anyway, actually I approve of things getting b
 igger again. There was a point when everything in design was getting so tiny it was ridiculous I remember once seeing an mp3 player half the size of a modern memory stick with buttons about half the size of grains of rice which you literally needed to operate with finger nales and which were so clumped together pressing just one was a nightmare! especially sinse the thing had so many modes and random features, so personally Im glad weve stepped back from the miniturization monstrosity and as I said I see bigger screens as being very helpful to blind users even if not for the same reasons as for a sighted user.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

@Trenton, Im not surprised there is an Ipad only ap, as I said most of the things Ive heard of that will work on one but not the other have been Iphone but not Ipad but Ive certainly not seen everything. An Ipad is indeed essentially a tablet computer I just dont see too great a need for both just on screen size. @Chris, well this is likely a preference thing. but remember technology and fashons change. Back in the 90s I had uge rick of a mobile phone wit massive buttons and noscreen,  really I couldve fitted two Iphone fives into it comfortably, and all that did was phone people, though if I ever got mugged it wouldve made a pretty effective club .As I said I personally dont mind the screen size. thing, particularly sinse I carry a shoulder bag around with me anyway, actually I approve of things getting b
 igger again. There was a point when everything in design was getting so tiny it was ridiculous I remember once seeing an mp3 player half the size of a modern memory stick with buttons about half the size of grains of rice which you literally needed to operate with finger nales and which were so clumped together pressing just one was a nightmare! especially sinse the thing had so many modes and random features each of the five or so buttons had god knows how many functions which was particularly irritating if you couldnt see the half inch square screen , so personally Im glad weve stepped back from the miniturization monstrosity and as I said I see bigger screens as being very helpful to blind users even if not for the same reasons as for a sighted user.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chandu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

agreed with dark on screen size. at the same time, I personally prefer something not too large, not too small. may be 5, 6 inchs. and no, no replacing my phone with a Tab of 9 inchs. thats too... what do you call it? 


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

Its iPad apps that are distinct from iPhone ones, yes, however there will typically be an iPhone version with a simpler interface. Skype, for example--nothing stops you using Skype for iPhone on an iPad, but there is something stopping you from going the other way. And the iPad version of Skype is better suited to the iPads screen (including the Mini) with its popovers and larger tab bars. The iPad also goes to 128GB in capacity. Other than that, the functionality is more or less on par, and if I had to pick just one, it would be the iPhone since thats the only supported device for sending text messages and making phone calls (but shouldnt be).


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

H, interesting Sebby tht the fixes for Ipad are primarily screen based, sinse if indeed the Iphone 6 does come with a larger screen it might make some changes with this. I did think though there were some games and other things that wouldnt work on Ipad such as star traders elite but I could be wrong. As to which device, well for me I got the Iphone for a very similar reason, sinse I thought if I was going to get an I device I might as well go the hole hog, and sinse my Parrot Voicemate died literally the week I got the Iphone, having the contacts list, memo and voice note functions was a nice bonus. Reading text messages has occasionally been useful, though I dont tend to bother sending them much myself sinse usually Id prefer actual phone calls by voice or e-mail rather than the halfway house of text, plus of course as I said previously typing is a pest. Im not great with measurements, but I know i preferd the size of the Iphone 5
  to 4, which was why I chose the 5 (that and Siri), and if 6 has a bigger screen that will be good, heck if the screen is big enough I might be able to use more visual elements along with vo.Actually isnt 6 going to come with a choice of screen sizes? Or have I got that wrong.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

If you run an app that is not so-called Universal, then an iPhone-shaped hole appears in the middle of the iPad screen, with a full-screen control at the bottom which when pressed zooms out to iPad scale. This is normally what you want and works quite well to instantly improve the available screen space, which is great for my fingers. I dont know if Apple is going to introduce a so-called Phablet, but if it did it seems like that it would continue to use a custom iPhone interface drawn for the larger screen, rather than a tablet UI.I have both and I think both form factors have their place. After some time with a Mini I resolved to have just one iPhone and one iPad, the latter for sit-down sessions and the former for, well, everything else. To be honest, I find the phone function of an iPhone to be a distraction more than a help and would sooner do without it, but the iPod is now way too underpowered, so the iPad has taken its place as my kind 
 of casual iOS entertainment device. I dont say this will be the right choice for everybody, but I do love both.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

Hi.Hmm, the iPad is strange.The only differnece I have found with the iPad is that the settings screen is split.So, when you press on something like general, VoiceOver says selected general button. YOu then have to move by headings to find the settings which from what Iveh eard are on the right side of the screen.As for iPad specific apps, is the only difference the screen layout?I mean would the iPhone and iPad versions of Skype look and perform the exact same way from my perspective of using VoiceOver for all my output?I dont have any vision, so Im just curious if it would be any different between the twoversions.As for the iPad, do you have iPad versions ofr the mini and full sized iPad or is it just one iPad version?The only other advantage to the iPad I could see besides the larger screen are those cool multitasking 4 or 5 finger gestures that let you switch between open apps, open the app switcher, and 
 go to the home screen.As for screen size, I guess it is more of a personal preference thing and Ive already said what I wanted to say.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

Well if Apple does produce a phone with tablet screen Ill probably do that sinse it sounds like a good option. other than the obvious screen size and associated interface fixes, are there any real advantages to the Ipad? I dont exactly know what you mean by phone as destraction particularly either, unless your concerned about getting phoned while in the middle of something else, and there I actually like the fact that my Iphone will pause if Im reading an audio book while my phone rings rather than me having to pause what Im reading manually.Oh and btw, Phablet? Worst! name! ever! If it werent already made up of very obviously made up words, it sounds like some sort of small annoying rodent cutesy cartoon character whos so sweet theyre obesity waiting to happen.I can see it now, the adventures of Fablet the fluffy fuzzy squirrel in snuggle huggle land! and to anyone who has heard the big finish
  special the ratings war, the thought of that is more than enough to make me become one of Beeps friends after all! .


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

Well, this is all very subjective. Of course, nothing stops you connecting up a Bluetooth keyboard to your iPhone and then having Skynet in your pocket. That is entirely feasible, works surprisingly well, and only requires one device. However, what Id love to see is a keyboard case that allowed you to slot in an iPad, thus turning it into a notebook; now youve got Skynet in a small case, with the benefits of what limited keyboard input iOS has, but especially typing, while at the same time having full exploration that is only possible with a big screen. Its no Mac, but Im fairly sure my productivity who go up several orders of magnitude. Even when the iPad is out of the case and on my lap, I love being able to touch-type fairly reliably in touch-type mode, which just isnt as easy on iPhone.As to the differences from VoiceOver itself, it announces split panes and popovers. The Skype app puts more on the iPad screen than on the iPhone, and arguab
 ly makes the menu much more useful by having it pop over the contacts/recent and chat multipane view. However, the actual functionality is identical in both versions, obviously, and I have often yearned for the simple iPhone UI on my iPad (everything is always full-screen, Back is used to move up, etc). You can see how this is simpler for us, but less useful to a sighted person who needs to learn the convention in order to use the apps. However, it really is here nor there where Im concerned, because both are perfectly accessible. There are gestures to move between the panes and dismiss popovers, and it all makes perfect sense to me.There is only one iPad version, not multiple ones. The iPad version works for both Air and Mini. Not Micro; the iPod Touch uses iPhone apps. 


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

All this is fairly subjective indeed, and I will agree I definitely see the advantage to having a big enough screen to touch type, though I dont think Id personally bother with multiple devices just for that reason.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

Well, this is all very subjective. Of course, nothing stops you connecting up a Bluetooth keyboard to your iPhone and then having Skynet in your pocket. That is entirely feasible, works surprisingly well, and only requires one device. However, what Id love to see is a keyboard case that allowed you to slot in an iPad, thus turning it into a notebook; now youve got Skynet in a small case, with the benefits of what limited keyboard input iOS has, but especially typing, while at the same time having full exploration that is only possible with a big screen. Its no Mac, but Im fairly sure my productivity who go up several orders of magnitude. Even when the iPad is out of the case and on my lap, I love being able to touch-type fairly reliably in touch-type mode, which just isnt as easy on iPhone.As to the differences from VoiceOver itself, it announces split panes and popovers. The Skype app puts more on the iPad screen than on the iPhone, and arguab
 ly makes the menu much more useful by having it pop over the contacts/recent and chat multipane view. However, the actual functionality is identical in both versions, obviously, and I have often yearned for the simple iPhone UI on my iPad (everything is always full-screen, Back is used to move up, etc). You can see how this is simpler for us, but less useful to a sighted person who needs to learn the convention in order to use the apps. However, it really is here nor there where Im concerned, because both are perfectly accessible. There are gestures to move between the panes and dismiss popovers, and it all makes perfect sense to me.There is only one iPad version, not multiple ones. The iPad version works for both Air and Mini. Not Micro; the iPod Touch uses iPhone apps. @Dark: LOL! Sorry, I didnt come up with that, the great unwashed did. Yes, my phone brings bad news. I put it on its dock, and then wander off with my iPad. The only people who can call/text me are those who have FaceTime/iMessage, which narrows the field considerably. 


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

I guess your other iOS devices will get phone calling with iOS 8 since it has that handoff thing.I heard that you could take calls on your iPad and mac, but how about iPod touch? I wouldnt doubt it unless Apple decided to not let people use handoff on the touch 5; which wouldnt surprise me since theyre ready to do that with anything for the sake of money.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

Im with Dark; consolidation is key here. What is the point of having more than one device to accomplish the same thing for the most part. The reality is that tablets have not been as widely accepted as companies primarily hoped they would be, but the idea of larger screens is an easy one to gauge by the overall response generated by the countless models of smartphones that have grown over the past couple of years. many tablets are sitting around forgotten for the most part, only coming out when there is an application not properly supported on the preferred smart phone as has been the case with the iPhone iPad discussion. Beyond that they simply collect dust and add yet another price tag to look at and consider for amusements sake. If we can consolidate devices and wrap them into one, perhaps two as opposed to 3 or 4 by simply increasing the size of the screen and maybe even space capacity, the need to produce massive numbers of multiple k
 inds of devices is eliminated.Perhaps this was Microsofts original idea with windows 8 and its desire to win back the smartphone and tablet users they felt they had lost; I wouldnt truly know. What I do know is that it makes sense from many standpoints and that I give them credit for trying even though they seriously failed, since as far as I can tell they never really lost anyone who had misgivings about the differences between every day PC verses smartphone usage, resulting in a redesign that didnt truly suit the windows power users. I didnt buy into the smartphone hype because I truly felt I needed a smartphone, as most of my every day needs are still taken care of by a desktop computer. Laptops are a risky business with me, since ultimately charging and recharging batteries reduces how effectively they work, though I do keep one around for special occasions, mainly live musical performances and the like. I bought a sma
 rtphone because I knew that in all reality it would probably be the fastest and easiest thing to use on top of providing me with a box of tools and concepts that might later become essentials in a world where technology grows every hour of every day. It made no sense not to get at the very least acquainted with the touchscreen world since most devices seem to be heading in that direction, which is why even on my laptop I will experiment from time to time with the touch functionality provided by NVDA. I cant say I find it very useful, though I can see where a sighted person might.Ive said it once and Ill probably say it again many more times as long as I deal with the blind community; the longer you hold back and dont jump into the waters as it were, the less time you really have to familiarize yourself with the concepts before they evolve into something else thatll leave you far behind the rest of the crowd. The reason win
 dows 7 wasnt a probem for me as it was for many XP users is that Vista, as dreaded an operating system as it might have been, provided the practice I required to get up to speed on 7 early on. Windows 8 was certainly a bit of a surprise, though no less difficult than learning new concepts as was the case with the transition from XP to Vista. The same holds true with smartphones and the like; perhaps theyll grow, and perhaps theyll change shape. Our job as peple who are blind and visually impaired is to adapt to those changes and learn how to use them to our advantage, as Dark has pointed out in post 22 by showing that larger screens mean we can probably reach more icons with voice over rather than continuously performing tedious flicking gestures. Tech will continue to evolve with or without our permission because that is the nature of tech, and we must continue to keep up with it.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

A little off topic, but has anyone tried the new ios jailbreak mentioned on applevis using a tool called pangu? Does it work?


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

I refuse to read any of this on the simple basis that this is nothing but flame bait. I do not take sides on Apple vs whoever even though I use an iPhone, I expect people to decide for themselves what they feel fits their needs best.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cx2 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

I refuse to read any of this on the simple basis that this is nothing but flame bait. I do not take sides on Apple vs whoever even though I use an iPhone, I expect people to decide for themselves what they feel fits their needs best.Dark:Third party keyboards refers to alternative types of on screen keyboard, several have been produced as apps which claim to make typing on the screen easier and offer the ability to copy the text so that it may be pasted into the desired app.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

Ah, I didnt realize the keyboard thing. out of interest, what bennifits would such a software based keybaord bring over the existing ios on screen keyboard? Youd still be tapping letters on the screen not pressing keys. the only bennifit I could see is either using dvorjk layouts or whatever that qwerty alternative is called, or possibly having punctuation marks and numbers on the same screen without the need for shifting that there currently is on ios, though even then I cant particularly imagine seriously touch typing on a screen the size of the Iphone 5 (let alone one of the smaller models),  though Ive heard the Iphone 6 is to be bigger so this might change.Btw, Haiden, If google had a speechover screen reader this would not be unusual in levels of plagerism. A famous controversy happened in the early 90s with a game produced for the amiga computer called the great gyana sisters,  and if I told you you played two sisters who 
 had to save a magical kingdom in a side scrolling platformer, could jump on enemys heads, grab a power to increase their size and gain an extra hit, break blocks from undernieth by jumping and hitting them and also be able to throw lightning bolts with an additional power up,  well you see the problem. And anyone around in the early 90s will remember not just the Ninja Turtles, but also all the knockoffs under other licenses, biker mice from mars, Street Sharks, Swat cats, Battle toads, I even once heard of a planned series entitled Power pigs! if something is a good idea people copy it, even down to thee name. of course in the world of fat coorporations and lawyers things can get quite heated, but that still doesnt stop it from happening, neither are the legal decisions always based on the best criteria at least where copywrite is concerned, indeed usually such cases end with out of court settlements and no resolution.this is all the more 
 reason people shouldnt start getting partisan over one company rather than another.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chandu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

dark, some android keyboards, like the fluxy actually have what could be called onscreen navigation keys. these could be a boost to accessibility(that is, for those firsttimers). cris: agreed with the last part of your post.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chandu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

and bt, no one has yet broat up the OK google/Hae Siri thing. one couldnt possibly call it a coincidence?


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

@Dark: Try Fleksy or NBraille, see how you like them. Thos are third-party keyboards, now limited by the iOS 7 sandbox, and soon to be liberated by the iOS 8 one.Im not commenting on the merits of the security postures of either platform, since the relevant stakeholders have already made up their minds. However, as a libertarian, Ill say that I do want choice, but not at the expense of security. Sandboxing is not the enemy.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

@Dark: Try Fleksy or NBraille, see how you like them. Those are third-party keyboards, now limited by the iOS 7 sandbox, and soon to be liberated by the iOS 8 one.Im not commenting on the merits of the security postures of either platform, since the relevant stakeholders have already made up their minds. However, as a libertarian, Ill say that I do want choice, but not at the expense of security. Sandboxing is not the enemy.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

Id be interested to know more about these on screen keyboards people mention. The braille thing I am less bothered about sinse while I can still write braille Ive not had the need to do so in around 20 years beyond banging out a quick label now and then (and lets not open that debate up again), so am definitely happier touch typing. what do these navigation keys do exactly and what advantages do they have over the existing ios keyboard? While I dont regard typing on ios as the spawn of satan the way some people do and find it easy enough to bash in some letters for a password or search string when I dont have my bluetooth keyboard handy, its still not ideal for writing anything particularly long winded (one reason why if I give an ap store rating I keep the comments short), Id certainly not want to play interactive fiction or muds on Ios for example, nor would I want to be writing long e-mails.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : scotf2012 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

Dark, thats exactly the kind of thing that a third-party keyboard aims to fix. Typing in Braille on your iOS device would be much faster than tapping out letters, hence it would be possible to write long e-mails, play interactive fiction, etc. Right now, you can try MBraille and Fleksy, both available from the App Store, to get an idea of how much more pleasant of an experience you can get. Fleksy is working on an iOS 8 keyboard, and theres a Braille keyboard already built-in to iOS 8. Myself, Ill be looking forward to using the Braille keyboard, since as you say, Dark, typing anything serious on a touchscreen is currently not pleasant, at all.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

I wouldnt say its that bad Scotf, it is okay for short things, I just wouldnt want to write a novel,  or even one of my novel length posts on this forum . I actually use dictation fairly often to speed things up too, especially things like taking text notes.To be honest I wouldnt want a braille typing ap anyway, as I said Ive not written seriously in braille for years and while I could probably practice that would sort of defeat the object. If the Iphone screen were bigger I could just use the on screen keyboard as it was intended as a touch typing keyboard, which is one reason Id be interested in the Iphone 6 if indeed it comes with a bigger screen as Ive heard.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

Hi.Well, I think the iPhone 5s screen is the perfect size.If the iPhone 6 has a larger screen, I may never get another iPhone since I dont like the idea of having a huge touch screen on my phone.As Ive said before, if you are so concerned about touch screen size, why dont you get the 9 inch iPad air?Its really starting to irritate me when people want huge screens on cell phones.Im sure if the screen gets too big that it wouldnt be comfortable to hold up to your ear.Oh well, the sighted will get what they want, even though its ridiculous for a telephone.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

@Dark: try Fleksy. Fleksy uses predictive input based on finger location and a dictionary, which effectively means that you dont have to know the location of virtual keys at all; you simply type as you would on a real keyboard, and just like that, the words appear. As I occasionally need to type in multiple languages or need flexibility and precision in my writing, Fleksy is not proving to be my number one choice, and I get better mileage with touch-typing mode, but it may very well do what you need. I, too, look very much forward to the iOS 8 braille keyboard; liberation, at last!


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

Hi.Hmm, I may not be able to use the iOS 8 braille keyboard if its anything like mBraille. Im trying the free version and cant figure out how to type.Im holding the 5s in landscape mode and am trying to type. VoiceOver keeps saying the numbers for dots, but I notice htat I cant access dot 4, only 1 to 3 and 5 and 6.So, any tips on using this?I have the home button to the right.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

Its not the easiest thing to get into; keep trying and check the instructions. I found that I intuitively used opposing sides with the phone flipped face-out (explained by some evolutionary process of brain development by someone or other, no doubt), so turned on swapping 1/3 and 4/6, which may help you.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

hmmm, I dont know about this braille stuff. Its weird.As for fleksy, I heard that you can get a tweak called fleksy enabler if you are jailbroken. This will let you use fleksy as a keyboard in the rest of iOS.Also, what is the difference between Fleksy and Fleksy VO for VoiceOver users?I heard that fleksy used to be inaccessible but now its accessible?So, whats the difference between the two versions?


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

Fleksy used to be for the blind. Then it got some recognition as a mainstream app, and suddenly (and tragically!) became inaccessible, requiring a spinoff. The effect that this had on the Blind community was pretty profound, as you can imagine, but the end result is that Fleksy VO is now the version with guaranteed access, whereas the mainstream Fleksy isnt. This still makes me very sad.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

MBraille has a weird V-shaped configuration by default, which takes getting use to. That said, its way less frustrating than typing with the on-screen qwerty keyboard.I imagine if I had a bluetooth keyboard, Id probably use it for everything. In the absence thereof, though, Im pretty much exclusively typing with M Braille (I havent tried Flexy. I remember a previous discussion that compared the two in terms of ease of use, but I dont remember how it went and I actually had an extremely frustrating time figuring out how to paste things and by the time that was under control, I didnt feel like going back to the app store.  )


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7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chandu via Audiogames-reflector


7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

This legend of criticizing one another for copying the core functions and the noteworthy points, has actually been running considering that long and whenever there is a significant statement done by a brand name, the other claims that the majority of it is motivated or copied. The concern to ask right here, is whether it is actually required to criticize the other social event for copying the functions? is the condemning side so special and it never ever did anything comparable?Take Apple for example, a minimum of for this years WWDC Keynote where the iOS 8 was revealed. Apple constantly draws the leg of rivals throughout the keynote, and this time it was over the line. Not that Im an Android fan, I such as Apple and its iOS environment. However the blame video game needs to be restricted and you can gladly do it just if you are special and have something completely various.apple_vs_googleApple has actually been special with rather a great deal 
 of things however there was rather a great deal of inspired things this time, in the iOS 8. However that does not truly matter when the user requires the functions whichs incorporated into the OS. Exactly what one does not such as is the method Apple attempted to display itself as a brand name which does everything right and much better than the other brand names.Apple iCloud Picture Library - Google+ PhotosUnlike earlier, now the Apple users would have the ability to keep even more than 1000 pictures and videos in their library, and everything would be now saved in the cloud, i.e. in the iCloud Picture Library. However had not been Google doing that currently? the Google+ pictures has the endless storage for pictures and videos. Performance is rather the very same, where you can sync the media on various gadgets.QuickType keyboard and Predictive TypingApple called this as a smart keyboard for the iOS gadgets, however Android has actually been having th
 is based upon the service company offering it. These functions, if not readily available with the Android keyboard, would be readily available with the 3rd party services/apps which have actually been readily available from years.Hey Siri - Ok Google NowThe hot word Ok Google Now was readily available in numerous Android gadgets with the most recent Android OS, and you can make use of that with the Google Now showcase. Apple presented Siri a number of variations earlier to the iOS 8 however the Hello Siri hotword to trigger it and pay attention to your commands is something brand new from Apple for the iOS users. Everything began with the Voice Actions which were presented in Android, to which Apple reacted with Siri, however Google remained ahead with the hot word detection.Hot word detection keeps the mic constantly active and hence, there is a battery drain. Hence, the Google Now Launcher keeps the detection on just when the screen is switched on. Ho
 wever with Moto X, the word is discovered even when the screen is switched off, since the gadget has a devoted processor for the voice, however Apple does not have such a thing yet, hence you would have the ability to make use of the Hello Siri function just when the iOS gadget is plugged in and charging.Interactive Notifications - Are these brand-new?The interactive alerts in the iOS 8 is something brand-new for the Apple gadget users, and Apple provided rather a lot for buzz for it. It is something where the users would have the ability to reply to the alerts right from the alert panel, without needing to leave the existing app page. Android does not have this? they have it given that long for some apps, where you might straight strike the reply or archive button on Gmail app, Call back or message a contact whose call was missed out on and received the notice panel. Furthermore, you might set up the CyanogenMod to make things even much better.TestFlig
 ht for DevelopersApple has actually now enabled the designers to run and beta test the apps prior to formally launching them in the App Establishment This sought the service contractor got TestFlight, an innovation which considers that function to the designers. However Android users have actually been getting the function of beta screening the apps currently, given that rather a long time now.Videos in the App Pages in ShopApples designer crowd were impressed and cheered gladly when it was revealed that they would now be able to include videos and reveal them in the App Establishment. In Android, this was something the designers had the ability to do since 2010, 4 years earlier.Widgets for 3rd party AppsiOS still does not permit the widgets on the house screens however there is at least some possibility in the notice center, where the widgets are offered as an alert, and you can experiment with it. In Android, widgets is something quite advanced 
 and you can have those widgets on the house screens, alert panel. In Apple, there is a now a 3rd party app

Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : scotf2012 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

I really dont understand most of your post, Chandu. I dont think anyone is copying anyone else. It comes down to the users, really. Lets take the example of third-party keyboards. Android has had this since day one, and iOS is adding it now. Are they copying Google? I dont think so. Yes, there is the same functionality; however, an iOS user is typically not an Android user. From the perspective of an iOS user, Android has third-party keyboards. I, on my awesome iPhone, do not. Why? And so, Apple added the functionality.Also, its important to consider iOS security. Android is extremely open, and so third-party keyboards, malware, and everything else, is much more easily implemented. iOS employs sandboxing and many other insane security measures to protect its users. Probably, Apple wanted to add these features long ago, but could not figur
 e out an acceptable way to do it without compromising security.So, in conclusion, I dont think anybody copies anybody else. Its all about the platforms and what users want, and what they will pay for.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

to be honest I agree with Scotfs initial statement but not his final conclusion about security. everybody copies everybody else when something is a good idea, especially in the business world where if your worried that people might want something from your rival product, well you add it to yours. For example, back in the Nintendo/sega wars of the early 90s, Sega initially had a three button pad for their mega drive console, while Nintendos snes had a six button pad. Surprise surprise, when street fighter 2 came out for the Mega drive in 1992, it was released with a new! six button controller,  wooo hoo! which was then used in subsequent games. This is just capitalism for you, why inovate when you can immitate?Unless you hold an over powering loyalty to Google or Apple which goes beyond simply owning one or more of their devices, theres really no reason to care,  though i will say Ive found myself quite worried
  by the fanatical support that coorporations seem to be trying to drumb up and often succeeding, even when they make less good decisions,  heck, i grew out of that when I was 10 and, after playing my friends Mega drive realized that no, this wasnt the evil Nintendo rival pile of rubbish Id imagined and had some pretty awsome games . Myself, I own an Iphone, and some of these functions I will like especially the business with the alerts, --- -though Im a little confused what you mean about third party keyboards sinse I already use a logitech bluetooth keyboard for my Iphone not an apple one.Do I care whether Apple stole them from google? hell no! would I care if google stole ideas from Apple? again no. I bought an Iphone primarily sinse it had the most amount of games and interesting things to do on it, and a very good and us
 able screen reader. If Google ever does the same or there are things on android I cant do on apple that I wish to have access to, then Id considder an android device. There are! things about the Iphone and about Apple I do not like, the clunky drag and drop for organization, the lack of a filing system, and that beast Itunes, but the good outways the bad, albeit a big chunk of the good are games like Kodp, lost cities, Papasangre,inquisitor etc.So, in conclusion, Apple has coppied google? meh, not the first time, wont be the last, and Google will do the same too, however will Ios 8 do nything good for me?


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

to be honest I agree with Scotfs initial statement but not his final conclusion about security. everybody copies everybody else when something is a good idea, especially in the business world where if your worried that people might want something from your rival product, well you add it to yours. For example, back in the Nintendo/sega wars of the early 90s, Sega initially had a three button pad for their mega drive console, while Nintendos snes had a six button pad. Surprise surprise, when street fighter 2 came out for the Mega drive in 1992, it was released with a new! six button controller,  wooo hoo! which was then used in subsequent games. This is just capitalism for you, why inovate when you can immitate?Unless you hold an over powering loyalty to Google or Apple which goes beyond simply owning one or more of their devices, theres really no reason to care,  though i will say Ive found myself quite worried
  by the fanatical support that coorporations seem to be trying to drumb up and often succeeding, even when they make less good decisions,  heck, i grew out of that when I was 10 and, after playing my friends Mega drive realized that no, this wasnt the evil Nintendo rival pile of rubbish Id imagined and had some pretty awsome games . Myself, I own an Iphone, and some of these functions I will like especially the business with the alerts, --- -though Im a little confused what you mean about third party keyboards sinse I already use a logitech bluetooth keyboard for my Iphone not an apple one.Do I care whether Apple stole them from google? hell no! would I care if google stole ideas from Apple? again no. I bought an Iphone primarily sinse it had the most amount of games and interesting things to do on it, and a very good and us
 able screen reader. If Google ever does the same or there are things on android I cant do on apple that I wish to have access to, then Id considder an android device. There are! things about the Iphone and about Apple I do not like, the clunky drag and drop for organization, the lack of a filing system, and that beast Itunes, but the good outways the bad, albeit a big chunk of the good are games like Kodp, lost cities, Papasangre,inquisitor etc.So, in conclusion, Apple has coppied google? meh, not the first time, wont be the last, and Google will do the same too, however will Ios 8 do anything good for me? From your list the answer seems yes, indeed I look forward to test flight next time Im having the access conversation with a developer, and who wouldnt want a video,  or rather audio trailer for games like Inquisitors heartbeat in the ap store?


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Hayden via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

Dark,The third party keyboard refers to a software keyboard which can be directly accessed in apps, not a hardware keyboard. So, Fleksy, for example, might be accessible directly from the rodor, something which, in my ever-so humble opinion, would make said app extraordinarily useful. Though, with braille keyboard support coming in IOS8, such an app will be rendered slightly less advantageous. I tend to agree with the sentiments in posts 2 and 3 with regards to copying. Apple was the first company to employ a full GUI in its operating systems, so one might make the point that Microsoft copied the idea and as such should not have implemented it. However, it really would not be reasonable for Windows to be a fully console-based OS, as Macs would be incredibly more marketable and windows would almost certainly not exist anymore. Where I would draw the line on copying is where a very specific idea is replicated almost exactly onto another platform; say, if I were to write an and
 roid screenreader called speechover. Such a name is so clearly a total Apple knock-off that it would certainly raise some complaints of plagerism.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sebby via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

Yep. Android gets copied by Apple. iOS gets copied by Google. Its all benefitting everyone, in the end. I think its probably true that Android will tend to Get their first, but Apple will refine a good deal of it, and Google will then copy that. And Apple has some distinctive strategies of its own, for example the accessories market, AirPlay, HomeKit/HealthKit, etc which are likely to see parallels in the Android world which will compete on cost and openness.


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Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

2014-07-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 7 Major Android Features Copied by Apple in iOS 8

Hi.I agree that Apple imposes ridiculously high security risks.I mean, come on. THey wont even let you access your var data partition of your device?Come on!I can see them hiding the /system partition, but the /var partition where music and such goes?Theyre so concerned about security that they wont even let people make tts engines for iOS?Come on, if you use your silly app review process to review the tts engine, we might not have any difficulties making sure everyone is safe.I also get the idea that Apple believes that the consumers are retarded and dont know whats best for the devices that they buy and use.I think Apple is making the operating system more open because they know that Android is more popular. They are trying to keep the marketshare.


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