Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

@38 I have a doctrine ready, the doctrine of lasyness, since I seem to be quite lasy those days, I wouldnțt even consider it, but  since according to the qwote providing by me the lasy are the once who wouldnțt go whild.. Well there you go.On one hand I once said as a joak that this pandemic would be a good think if humanity at large would realise that production is not everything and that we donțt need to produse, produse, produse, and go on produsing as we do todsy just for the sake of it.  It seems the pandemic didnțt teach such a thing to people..   O well!  What can you do, they never get the right leston lol.


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : khomus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

So you know how one of the first things in this thought experiment in post 1 is how, if not having to work was for months and months, or possibly eternal, crime and stuff would happen? … nce-466034Specifically, this quote."The pandemic. QAnon was this fringe thing, it was concerning. Then, in 2020, it went on steroids.In March, even before the shutdowns, I had my staff look at the research we use for developing behavioral indicators of individuals who might mobilize to violence. If we go down this path of having to all stay home, does that increase stress factors? Does it increase risk factors known to be common in people who carry out attacks? The answer was yes.You started hearing the anti-government conspiracies — which was totally predictable. Anybody who has spent any time in Republican or libertarian politics knows you’re going to have people unhappy about the government. That’s fine; you can predict that. The question then is that if you know that’s going to be a challenge, what can the government do to help individuals understand why it is issuing stay-at-home orders, why it’s necessary, why it’s legal and constitutional? If the government had done a better job at that, we would have seen slightly less anger, slightly less of that victim-persecution complex. With the pandemic, you had what was perceived to be government overreach; you had social isolation, which is a known risk factor [for extremism]; you had some people with a lot more time on their hands because they were not commuting, not taking kids to ballgames and not going to happy hour after work; you had economic stress — another known risk factor — as people lost jobs or moved to part-time status; you had people who lost loved ones. There was this great sense that people had lost control; our lives as we knew them had been upended.People who had a strong, healthy sense of self or community were able to mitigate their isolation. But for individuals already on the cusp, this made them vulnerable. We use that word, “vulnerable,” to describe people who are not necessarily radicalized yet, but have factors in their lives that make it easier for them to move on a pathway towards extreme radicalized thought — and then, for a smaller subset, mobilizes them to violence."I mean, it's not quite the same thing, because we're not talking about boredom but about a loss or perceived loss of control, mostly. But it's sort of interesting to me that part of what this woman's saying is that without stuff to do like work and taking your kids to events and stuff, some people are going to have too much time on their hands and get into crazy stuff that could lead at least some of them to potential violence. Which is why I say Wing should take up some sort of practical discipline, a way, in Japanese terms. Not that Wing's going to commit violence or develop extreme beliefs or anything, but I think it *can* be one of the things that can give that stronger sense of self. Of course, that might not work for everybody, so.


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SirBadger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

if life was a constant sunday afternoon, you would have already taken as many baths as any reasonalbe person would find useful and you would be stuck in the long dark teatime of the soul. out of interest: has anybody ever checked the instructions on a packet of toothpicks?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SirBadger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

if life was a constant sunday afternoon, you would have already taken as many baths as as any reasonalbe person would find useful and you would be stuck in the long dark teatime of the soul. out of interest: has anybody ever checked the instructions on a packet of toothpicks?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SirBadger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

if life was a constant sunday afternoon, you would have already taken as many baths as any reasonable person can and you would be stuck in the long dark teatime of the soul. out of interest: has anybody ever checked the instructions on a packet of toothpicks?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SirBadger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

if life was a constant sunday afternoon, you would have already taken as many baths as any reasonable person can and you would be stuck in the long dark teatime of the soul.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SirBadger via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

if life was a constant sunday afternoon, you would have already taken as many baths as any reasonable person can and you don't even reach the long dark teatime of the soul.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

@36, sounds like the mirror universe from Star Trek.


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

The things that make us who we are all stem from the first curse. Without that element in our history, we would be a different species unless and until someone else committed the original sin. For a second, let's assume no one did. We have insufficient data about what we'd be like. We can't extrapolate with no data points.So, what would it be like? Utopian, I would imagine. It would be paradise but because we've never tasted of sin and temptation, we wouldn't know any better. It would be an existence of pure bliss. We would not have the capacity to know what bad is. Our emotions wouldn't vary, but because we've never experienced sin, temptation, and evil, we wouldn't know that we are missing something.If you take the bit about the first curse out of this though, now we're into some interesting territory. We take what we know about the human race and we multiply it. So, what are we? We're fallible, imperfect, greedy, selfish, dishonest, and hedonistic. All of these traits would be amplified. The more this went on, the more these traits would start showing themselves in everyone else. The kind, loving, and gentle folk would form their own tight-knit communities away from everyone else.Crime would go up, and corruption would run rampant in the governments of the world. Basically, all of the bad aspects of human beings would get worse, and the good aspects of human beings would wither and die.I think this was written back when it was commonplace for no work to get done on Sundays. If we hold true to that notion, then what would get done. What is work? Work surely can't only be fulfilling tasks to receive monetary compensation. Work is different things to different people. Sex workers would have nothing to do because to them, that's work. You could make the argument that they could just sleep around for the fun of it, and perhaps they would, in time.If you weighed 300 pounds, you wouldn't get out of bed, because that would be work. Government would collapse, no food would be made, and we'd all starve. Until that happened though, yeah, it would be a shit show to say the least.


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : khomus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

Some great posts. I'll also add that Wing is interested in language. So sometimes, I think he just posts things because he thinks they're interesting quotes, you know?Oh and to Mayana specifically, good stuff. I don't think, for me anyway, and I'd guess Wing since he says there's a lot to answer, that it has to be you know super academic philosophy. I think your post was fine and really did engage it. And now you know it's Cioran in case you're interested in checking it out, or not as the case may be. I figure any kind of learning or real engagement is worth it you know? I mean, even if you disagree with Cioran, the quote in post 1, now you maybe have a better idea of why, and your own philosophy, your own outlook, can be a little stronger. That's why I figure reading even disagreement, if it's intelligent, is good for us.


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

27-28, Apologies, I haven't really approached this with a philosophic mindset. Philosophy isn't really one of my strong points.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

well, there will be much to answer here, but I think it's true in a sence think of Chrnus the time which eats it's own children, and of the way in which the past allways comes in the present in such a way that there is no eternal present.  In the last part it says that the lasy the idle see more then those who act and do things, because by the lasy not in the sence that they refuse to do it, but in the sence that they observe and see what people are doing while they are doing it.You know the saying "the doer doesn't know that doing, the doer knows only what the doer does do".  Such the lasy bored man watches and watches what happens.May be we can try to read this book, or may be some of you would be interested in reading it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

well, there will be much to answer here, but I think it's true in a sence think of Chrnus the time which eats it's own children, and of the way in which the past allways comes in the present in such a way that there is no eternal present.  In the last part it says that the lasy the idle see more then those who act and do things, because by the lasy not in the sence that they refuse to do it, but in the sence that they observe and see what people are doing while they are doing it.You know the saying "the doer doesn't know that doing, the doer knows only what the doer does do".  Such the lasy bored man watches and watches what happens.


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bgt lover via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

@30: I don't know what he's smoking, but @1, give me some, too! Anyways, seriously now, I think this thought process was, though a bit lame and kinda bs, interesting indeed. So, I arrived to a kind of a conclusion I can't go past, so it must, naturaly, either be the end of the thought simulation run in my head due to the exhostion of organic processor cores and neural networks I can allocate to this task, or the end of the natural conclusion of the event/scenario @1 proposed.Well, basically, if I now gather all the parameters, insure that all the neural networks are properly balanced and weighted, and find out that the confidence score is high enough, I can post here that, though it will cause a great change to civilisation in the long run, we humans, both weird and wanderful creatures that we are, will manage to adapt to this one as well.Of course many of them will die, either because they are, at hart, workoholic, or maybe they don't have anything else but their work to distract and make them not think about  whatever petifull life they are living or something like that. So, with the only barier between them and the unforgiving life they were or are having at the time of the simulation being shattered to bits, many of them will plunge down the throat of darkness, depression and the night of the soul will ingolf their being, untill the poor bit of energy trapped in that now deplorable slap of meat will scream for release with its last crys. Hmmm, what am I saying? OK, in simpler words, I'm talking about the act of suicide such people will commit.However, as @mayana said, we will find a way to adapt, as we always did. For example, even in the greattest place of radiations and such in the world, of course I am talking about Cernobîl, even there, lifeforms begin to manifest themselfs. So, if that is possible, don't you, @1, think we can adapt to some bordum?


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

@30, did you not read the topic?


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : thetechguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

@1. What are you smoking?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

Edit: 1650 words @sightlessHorseman Nah. This level of (non-philosophy, as Khomus would rightfully point out) what-if overthinking brings me joy. @Khomus You are right. I indeed didn't make enough of an effort to understand what Wing was trying to say. My arguments were made less towards him than towards a strawman I made up in my head. I replied not out of any real desire to talk philosophy, but because I wanted to have some fun, and out of that dirty base human desire to hoist oneself up in society by mocking those one perceives as weaker.Basically, I was bullying Wing. It wasn't cool, didn't accomplish anything, and I am sorry.Post 9 was at least a lazy attempt at engaging. Judging by the thumbs-ups, it brought enjoyment to at least a few people, and perhaps, if I'd taken the biology challenge seriously like @sightlessHorseman did the economics one, could've been decently entertaining, if still off topic. Post 13 however was just a straight-up "Lol we aren't listening!", and while it's best I don't delete it now, I will add an edit to it. There's nicer ways to get that across, if it needs to be said at all. Again, I really am sorry.But in my defense, however weak you may think it is, I am getting kind of tired of all this. Tired of these topics being such a regular thing, to the point where I'm honestly not sure if Wing is writing them exactly because he knows and likes the largely-negative response they generate, or because he doesn't care about the response at all. In a way, it seems you both agree and disagree with the second, as seen in this citation:"I'll also add, while I'm at castigating people, that this wasn't a question. Wing didn't come in asking you for something that he'll then ignore. It's pretty much a big giant statement."So he didn't come here to ask and then ignore the responses. He just ... made a statement. Look, I'm sorry to have to play the "Yes, I know I shouldn't have clicked, but if he didn't want that, he shouldn't have posted!" game, but ...This is a forum. Its aim is in enabling easier conversation between people; for questions and answers, requests for help and advice, exchange of opinions, and, the main goal of this one, a thing (such as an audio game!) and feedback and reactions to it. So when a topic is posted, it is with an implicit expectation that it will be replied to; that its poster expects and wants this.This does not mean that it ought to be replied to, true. Trolls should not be fed, for example, and news posts don't need much of a response beyond a thank you, or a suggestion. And I myself mocked people for not being able to not click on topics created to inform about a private message that was not for them. So I really should take your and my own advice, and just not engage if I am unable to do so properly.But @Wing of Eternity? I think it may be wise to consider what your aim is here. Is it, as Khomus said, just to make a statement? If so, perhaps a diary would work just as well, or a blog ( is pretty cool) if you want to make it public. Or do you want to start a conversation? If so, consider what kind of community this is on average; whether a community created to play and talk about audio games, generally very simple and amateur things, is the best place to seek a serious challenge to your thinking. Because perhaps we are not, in fact, intelligent. Perhaps you might want to dumb this down, or find one of the many philosophy-focused communities that could give you a run for your money.Now, to attempt to actually engage with this thought experiment as seriously as this (not actually intelligent) brain will allow, because it is the least I can do. After this, I shall distance myself from your topics; and I speak honestly this time, even though you likely already think I'm being a Brad.An eternity of not needing to work to survive, then? For example in that simulation idea @Lemm suggested, or if we had robots that could serve our every whim. Would we grow bored? Hmm.We are already slowly moving towards that kind of existence. Due to machine advancements, much of our work is far easier than it used to be. Women especially have gotten more free time, what with there now being so many appliances that make preparing and cooking food easier, as well as washing dishes, clothes, the floor, etc. on their own. But of course, to not make this about gender, factories aren't always the most enjoyable to work in, but they've definitely vastly increased the production rate. There used to be a job called "computer"; you can guess what largely fills that role now. And so on.Some people would, for sure. For worcaholics, work is everything; that losing most of its meaning would be crushing. For some people, having more time to think would indeed lead to them realizing the absurd nature of life. Now that they wouldn't even have a rock to push up the h

Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

Edit: 1638 words @sightlessHorseman Nah. This level of (non-philosophy, as Khomus would rightfully point out) what-if overthinking brings me joy. @Khomus You are right. I indeed didn't make enough of an effort to understand what Wing was trying to say. My arguments were made less towards him than towards a strawman I made up in my head. I replied not out of any real desire to talk philosophy, but because I wanted to have some fun, and out of that dirty base human desire to hoist oneself up in society by mocking those one perceives as weaker.Basically, I was bullying Wing. It wasn't cool, didn't accomplish anything, and I am sorry.Post 9 was at least a lazy attempt at engaging. Judging by the thumbs-ups, it brought enjoyment to at least a few people, and perhaps, if I'd taken the biology challenge seriously like @sightlessHorseman did the economics one, could've been decently entertaining, if still off topic. Post 13 however was just a straight-up "Lol we aren't listening!", and while it's best I don't delete it now, I will add an edit to it. There's nicer ways to get that across, if it needs to be said at all. Again, I really am sorry.But in my defense, however weak you may think it is, I am getting kind of tired of all this. Tired of these topics being such a regular thing, to the point where I'm honestly not sure if Wing is writing them exactly because he knows and likes the largely-negative response they generate, or because he doesn't care about the response at all. In a way, it seems you both agree and disagree with the second, as seen in this citation:"I'll also add, while I'm at castigating people, that this wasn't a question. Wing didn't come in asking you for something that he'll then ignore. It's pretty much a big giant statement."So he didn't come here to ask and then ignore the responses. He just ... made a statement. Look, I'm sorry to have to play the "Yes, I know I shouldn't have clicked, but if he didn't want that, he shouldn't have posted!" game, but ...This is a forum. Its aim is in enabling easier conversation between people; for questions and answers, requests for help and advice, exchange of opinions, and, the main goal of this one, a thing (such as an audio game!) and feedback and reactions to it. So when a topic is posted, it is with an implicit expectation that it will be replied to; that its poster expects and wants this.This does not mean that it ought to be replied to, true. Trolls should not be fed, for example, and news posts don't need much of a response beyond a thank you, or a suggestion. And I myself mocked people for not being able to not click on topics created to inform about a private message that was not for them. So I really should take your and my own advice, and just not engage if I am unable to do so properly.But @Wing of Eternity? I think it may be wise to consider what your aim is here. Is it, as Khomus said, just to make a statement? If so, perhaps a diary would work just as well, or a blog ( is pretty cool) if you want to make it public. Or do you want to start a conversation? If so, consider what kind of community this is on average; whether a community created to play and talk about audio games, generally very simple and amateur things, is the best place to seek a serious challenge to your thinking. Because perhaps we are not, in fact, intelligent. Perhaps you might want to dumb this down, or find one of the many philosophy-focused communities that could give you a run for your money.Now, to attempt to actually engage with this thought experiment as seriously as this (not actually intelligent) brain will allow, because it is the least I can do. After this, I shall distance myself from your topics; and I speak honestly this time, even though you likely already think I'm being a Brad.An eternity of not needing to work to survive, then? For example in that simulation idea @Lemm suggested, or if we had robots that could serve our every whim. Would we grow bored? Hmm.We are already slowly moving towards that kind of existence. Due to machine advancements, much of our work is far easier than it used to be. Women especially have gotten more free time, what with there now being so many appliances that make preparing and cooking food easier, as well as washing dishes, clothes, the floor, etc. on their own. But of course, to not make this about gender, factories aren't always the most enjoyable to work in, but they've definitely vastly increased the production rate. There used to be a job called "computer"; you can guess what largely fills that role now. And so on.Some people would, for sure. For worcaholics, work is everything; that losing most of its meaning would be crushing. For some people, having more time to think would indeed lead to them realizing the absurd nature of life. Now that they wouldn't even have a rock to push up the h

Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

@sightlessHorseman Nah. This level of (non-philosophy, as Khomus would rightfully point out) what-if overthinking brings me joy. @Khomus You are right. I indeed didn't make enough of an effort to understand what Wing was trying to say. My arguments were made less towards him than towards a strawman I made up in my head. I replied not out of any real desire to talk philosophy, but because I wanted to have some fun, and out of that dirty base human desire to hoist oneself up in society by mocking those one perceives as weaker.Basically, I was bullying Wing. It wasn't cool, didn't accomplish anything, and I am sorry.Post 9 was at least a lazy attempt at engaging. Judging by the thumbs-ups, it brought enjoyment to at least a few people, and perhaps, if I'd taken the biology challenge seriously like @sightlessHorseman did the economics one, could've been decently entertaining, if still off topic. Post 13 however was just a straight-up "Lol we aren't listening!", and while it's best I don't delete it now, I will add an apology edit to it. There's nicer ways to get that across.But in my defense, however weak you may think it is, I am getting kind of tired of all this. Tired of these topics being such a regular thing, to the point where I'm honestly not sure if Wing is writing them exactly because he knows and likes the largely-negative response they generate, or because he doesn't care about the response at all. In a way, it seems you both agree and disagree with the second, as seen in this citation:"I'll also add, while I'm at castigating people, that this wasn't a question. Wing didn't come in asking you for something that he'll then ignore. It's pretty much a big giant statement."So he didn't come here to ask and then ignore the responses. He just ... made a statement. Look, I'm sorry to have to play the "Yes, I know I shouldn't have clicked, but if he didn't want that, he shouldn't have posted!" game, but ...This is a forum. Its aim is in enabling easier conversation between people; for questions and answers, requests for help and advice, exchange of opinions, and, the main goal of this one, a thing (such as an audio game!) and feedback and reactions to it. So when a topic is posted, it is with an implicit expectation that it will be replied to; that its poster expects and wants this.This does not mean that it ought to be replied to, true. Trolls should not be fed, for example, and news posts don't need much of a response beyond a thank you, or a suggestion. And I myself mocked people for not being able to not click on topics created to inform about a private message that was not for them. So I really should take your and my own advice, and just not engage if I am unable to do so properly.But @Wing of Eternity? I think it may be wise to consider what your aim is here. Is it, as Khomus said, just to make a statement? If so, perhaps a diary would work just as well, or a blog ( is pretty cool) if you want to make it public. Or do you want to start a conversation? If so, consider what kind of community this is on average; whether a community created to play and talk about audio games, generally very simple and amateur things, is the best place to seek a serious challenge to your thinking. Because perhaps we are not, in fact, intelligent. Perhaps you might want to dumb this down, or find one of the many philosophy-focused communities that could give you a run for your money.Now, to attempt to actually engage with this thought experiment as seriously as this (not actually intelligent) brain will allow, because it is the least I can do. After this, I shall distance myself from your topics; and I speak honestly this time, even though you likely already think I'm being a Brad.An eternity of not needing to work to survive, then? For example in that simulation idea @Lemm suggested, or if we had robots that could serve our every whim. Would we grow bored? Hmm.We are already slowly moving towards that kind of existence. Due to machine advancements, much of our work is far easier than it used to be. Women especially have gotten more free time, what with there now being so many appliances that make preparing and cooking food easier, as well as washing dishes, clothes, the floor, etc. on their own. But of course, to not make this about gender, factories aren't always the most enjoyable to work in, but they've definitely vastly increased the production rate. There used to be a job called "computer"; you can guess what largely fills that role now. And so on.Some people would, for sure. For worcaholics, work is everything; that losing most of its meaning would be crushing. For some people, having more time to think would indeed lead to them realizing the absurd nature of life. Now that they wouldn't even have a rock to push up the hill again and again, nothing to distract them, they would 

Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : sightlessHorseman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

At Ethin I am not exalarating time in any shape or form, the reality I thought of still has 52 weeks in one year, I only said 26 because I put up a week long sunday every second week,.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : targor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

@25 It's really, really not about time acceleration or dilation or anything. You're taking this much too literarly. I really don't agree with post 1, but you seem to purposefully miss the fact that this is a thought experiment and not all scientific facts must work as usual. For example, what makes you think the system in 24 changes something in time? It could just be a government declaring that one week out of two is Sunday. No time magic needed.


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

Even though I'm not surprised at people hating someone for just thinking, what is the point of replying with comments like this is bullshit you are on drugs etc Of course my comment is pointless too but whatever.


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

@24, those aren't the only problems. Assuming that time is accelerated and dilated like that, everything in this theoretical universe would live a shorter duration, I believe. If your dividing the number of weeks in an earth year in half, that means that the earth spins twice as fast. That would indicate that either (1) the earth is rotating around a different star with a stronger gravitational field, or (2) the earth is closer to the sun. Which would make one wonder, then, just how life exists in this fictional universe at all.But assuming that you've accelerated time universally in this theoretical universe, that would mean that everything in the universe would have a lifespan that's half as long as it is in reality. Which would cause all sorts of weird problems.


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : sightlessHorseman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

Ok, I will have Ethin and Mayana ripping me to shreds for this, but let's roll with the idea of a longer Sunday for a second and see what I can come up with.This reality that I am working with is exactly working like our world we are living in right now. All other rules and nature bound laws apply here.Firstly, let's establish a longer Sunday.The year has only 26 weeks in the callender. It will still have 52 weeks when looking at our own callender, but stay with me here.We will also pretend that our fictional year starts on a Monday. not always the case, but it's easier for me to handle in this situation.So, here is how it works.Every uneaven week is handled as a normal week of work and daily life, that's why I will work with 26 weeks instead of 52.Every even week is handeled as one single day, so, a Sunday instead.So, the first month would lookk like this.Start of year, jan 1st.End of first week and start of Sunday, jan 7th.End of Sunday, Jan 14th.Start of second regular workk week, jan 15th.End of second workweek and beginning of next Sunday phase, jan 21st.You still with me yet? Good, then we have a week long Sunday established, let's look at the hole thing in abit more detail.Firstly regarding the money and finantial situation.Workkers would be getting less money from their place of work do to the lower amounds of weeks they are actually working. This results in a lower purchasing power of the world and a reduce of the finantial market as a hole.People could also get into stores less regularly because of the fact that stores are also closed on Sundays, including the Sunday weeks as well.This in turn results in, when the stores open again, a huge onrush of people in the bigger citys that need to get their grocerys for the next week or, in our reality, 2 weeks.This will get difficult for stores to handle because they A, need to order larger quantitys of food and food products and secondly, they need to store the food somewhere.So, bigger wearhouses are built to store the food, the increase of storage costs will be applyed to the food items, making them more expensive in the longrun. With the lower amound of money that people receive each month, some items might be unavailable for them because of their price, or, do to the onrush, they might not even be available anymore.The storage problem doesn't stop there. Perishable food like meat, fruit, vetchtables and so on need to be cooled for a longer time and in bigger quanitys than usual do to the higher amounds that need to be purchased. This will require larger or multiple fridges that in turn, consume more power, increasing the cost of energy on the monthly bill, wich will, yes, result in some people possibly not having any money for their power supply, these people will possibly lose access to the power grid eventually, making food storing and other daily activitys a possible chore and even stop making things possible in the first place.Some people might start their own gardens or farms to counter possible food shortages and produce their own food items, so I guess some can handle the situation.There are more things that can result in money beeing an issue. A bigger onrush in the citys on a monday will and might result in bigger numbers of cars in the citys, resulting in a bigger number of accidents, increasing the costs of car insurances do to the risc factor as an example.Let's be generous and adjust the amounds of money again, the world bank is printing more bills and people receive the same money as we do over here. They now have the purchasing power to aquire more items, resulting in lower stress on the stores.But, companys that can now sell less products do to the people having more money still want to raise their proffets, so, food items might get more expensive again, till we have the state before more money was given to the people and they have the same purchasing power as before.Then again, there is another increase of money for everyone, food items are easier to buy again, days later, the prices increase again and so on and so forth, till we have a full blown inflation on our hands, making the finantial systems collapse under the pressure, high prices and basically worthless money.And boy, I just started now.I know, my theory has more potholes than the backstreet highway from horseplop Alabama to Sisterfist Arcansaw, but hey, it's 4:30 AM in Germany, I have three beers in my system and like thinking up crude theorys.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : khomus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

I don't think it has much to do with translation. Cioran does seem to write in a somewhat obscure manner. He probably did it intentionally, as a kind of poetry. I say that because he's obviously using literary allusions, e.g. "liberated from sweat" and then referencing "the first curse". But I could equally do that in another kind of setting, like so.Jenkins was really angrier, angrier than I'd even seen her. It didn't matter. I thought he should know what was going on, and if Jenkins turned me into the eagle-ravaged bringer of fire for that? So be it. He had to know how the Americans were playing him.That's just stuff I made up, think of it as an excerpt from a spy novel, which you should be able to get even if you have no idea about the reference to fire. Just FYI, it's a reference to Prometheus, who in Greek myth gave man fire, among other things, and because of the stuff he did, he was punished by being chained to a rock and having his liver eaten from his body by a giant eagle every day, it grew back at night. The fact that I chose to make that reference does make it harder to understand if you don't know Greek mythology, but it shouldn't be impossible to get the basic sense of it, even if you don't know the reference. Of course I wrote in plainer language around it, but still, you get the idea. Knowing what "the first curse" refers to might be helpful, but it's hardly necessary to get the gist of it, namely, what would happen if we had months and months of not having to work?


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

@khomus, good that you at least tryed to decode it and understand it.  I am not sure why, but the language of this particualar philosopher is quite hard to get in to english.  May be because of the way he writes.It may have been a great mistake posting things like that without saying,  what it was.  Since it's hard to start such a thing, may be this atempt should be stoped...In all honesty  I wasn't waiting for such replyes.  Of course, those things are hard to translate in to english, and it's so hard to do for the simple reason that  French or Romanian has a greater vocabulary structure and expresivity then english in certain ways.Of course we can actually try tp think how much did those truth pointed out by philosophers change?  How much did they change us or rather slowed us down?  May be we should do that.@Lem very interesting thing with the black mirror, may be in time technology will be harder to tame, may be I will have to clerify more latter.


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : lemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

@jayJay, what's the Tv show? i'm always on the look out for something good to watch Paul lemm


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JayJay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

@Lem, there's a TV show with that very plot


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

I can only come at it from my perspective, which is not an educated one in either religion or philosophy. What I will say though is that I don't see the reason for the way this is presented. Like, every few weeks, this person just drops random shit in here. Where they get it from, I'm not honestly sure.But there's never any explanation as to why.Is this meant to start a discussion? Is it done out of boredom? Is it done while high and then later means nothing when they're down off whatever they were tripping on?


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : khomus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

16:No no no no no, you are clearly wrong. It's a bunch of mystical gibberish that's impossible to understand in any way whatsoever. So there's no way some sort of TV series could have had philosophical parallels. Nope, simply couldn't happen.


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : khomus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

Ethin:  That's what it means. And yeah, I did jab at you guys, because you're acting like Wing's just this dumbass posting a bunch of idiocy. Shred his philosophy to bits all you like. But then actually do that. Hint, "see how other people in the world think about Sunday because they work on Sunday" isn't shredding his philosophy, it's completely failing to even understand it.It's like if I posted this long thing about a beautiful unicorn and then said "See the beauty of the unicorn in your own life" and you guys responded with "unicorns don't exist asshole". Yeah duh. It's called a metaphor. Responding like that wouldn't be doing a single thing against my philosophy, it would just be missing the point entirely. So let's look at what he actually quoted a bit."If Sunday afternoons were extended for months, where would humanity get to, liberated from sweat, from the weight of the first curse? The experiment would be worth the trouble."So, Sunday afternoon gets extended for months. What does that mean? We're "liberated from sweat and the first curse". OMG, it's mystical bullshit! Except no, no it isn't."To Adam he said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat from it,’“Cursed is the ground because of you;through painful toil you will eat food from itall the days of your life.It will produce thorns and thistles for you,and you will eat the plants of the field.By the sweat of your browyou will eat your fooduntil you return to the ground,since from it you were taken;for dust you areand to dust you will return.”"  Genesis, 3:17-19So, the "liberated from sweat" gives us the hint that "the first curse" is the curse of work. Man that sure was hard wasn't it? Next we get to every second being an intolerable torment. Why? Because we're bored because we lack the distraction of work. I'm not going to bother going through the whole thing. But I just gave you two really straightforward examples of how yes, what I posted in 14 is pretty much exactly what it's saying. And again, let me stress, I don't agree with it like, at all.I don't think life is a big giant set of things we do to distract ourselves from boredom and hence from the whole problem that we even exist. I agree, that's a ridiculous philosophy. But it *is* a philosophy. Actually it's a set of related philosophies, because I'd put Sartre in here too, except for Sartre, we're paralyzed by intolerable freedom/choice, I think, it's been a while since I've read any Sartre. But I mean, these are real philosophies, studied by real philosophy departments and stuff. A quick search tells me that's a quote from "A Short History of Decay", by E. M. Cioran., saying "that's a bunch of mystical bullshit I don't want to decode" is fine. But that's not a philosophical response. It's just you pissing and moaning about something you can't, or are unwilling to, comprehend. If that's too much work that you don't want to bother with, awesome. But then why respond at all? You're just making a choice that's dumb for everybody. It's dumb for you because you are, by your own admission, wasting your own time. It's dumb for the rest of us because you claim you're responding philosophically or "talking philosophy" when you're doing no such thing, and you're insulting people while failing to do so.I think it's a perfectly fine stance to refuse to slog one's way through Sartre, for example. But then you can't simultaneously say that Sartre's talking a bunch of bullshit, because you have no idea *what* Sartre's talking, because you haven't put in the work to find out one way or the other. And I mean, I get that. I haven't slogged my way through City of God by Augustine either, because good holy gods have you seen that thing? Here's a sample sentence. "Many of them, indeed, being reclaimed from their ungodly error, have become sufficiently creditable citizens of this city; but many are so inflamed with hatred against it, and are so ungrateful to its Redeemer for His signal benefits, as to forget that they would now be unable to utter a single word to its prejudice, had they not found in its sacred places, as they fled from the enemy's steel, that life in which they now boast themselves." I think some sentences take up a whole page, depending on the translation. But I don't go around saying that City of God is a bunch of mystical claptrap either. Because I haven't read it, only skimmed it briefly.


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : lemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

Hi,Not saying I agree with post 1, but  I don’t think the opp is saying this is possible or practical or that Sunday is the day of rest for everyone, I think he is just theorising that if you remove work and hardship and that all that there was to live for was fun,  society would dissolve into disarray. Again, i'm not saying i agree but just pointing out what I think he is trying to get at, I guess a better example would be if we could live in virtual reality  forever, where you didn’t have to work and could do almost anything, where would your limits suddenly extend to? how would you get your kicks if you could do anything without consequence . I think as a lot better example of this in a more modern approach is many of the black mirror episodes which deal with living in a virtual reality, , or uploading/transferring our consciousness  into a digital world, cookie anyone hahaha. don’t want to give up an accidental black mirror spoiler for anyone who hasn’t watched the series,  so stop reading now if you don’t want a black mirror spoiler , but I think there is a brilliant episode  which demonstrates  the point I think the opp is trying to make , but in a very cool and dark black mirror style.Spoiler belowThere is an episode called San Junipero, where just before people die they can upload  their consciousness   into a digital world and go on and live forever in a virtual town called San Junipero.  It’s a good episode, its actually one of the less darker episodes in the series,  but even so you still see a small glimpse into the darker side of the San Junipero town.  With life in San Junipero being just one big party, where you can do almost anything and with no consequences people that have lived their for a long time can no longer get their kicks the same way, they keep  looking for deeper darker ways of trying to fulfil their desires, and as one of the characters says in the show they can no longer really feel anything. This is really only a sub plot of the whole episode , but I think makes that point, of what if you truly truly lived forever, with no need to work, you can have anything you desire and there are no consiquences to your actions.Paul Lemm


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

@14, there's a difference between stating something like that and stating pure nonsense. and I don't think that's what he was trying to say -- and I honestly don't really want to know what he's trying to say because it'd probably be something even more mystical that I'd need to try to decode and make sense of and end up failing to comprehend. If he posts things like this, don't be surprised if people like Mayana or I post things in response because I'm guessing that Mayana is like me in the department of philosophy: we're willing to philosophize with you but we'll happily shred your philosophy to bits if necessary.I, personally, respond because I'd rather someone see this BS for what it is instead of actually trying to make sense of it. And maybe there's something to be learned in his nonsense too... Though if there is I haven't seen it yet. At least he's not proposing a virtual state or anything. I imagine Mayana is similar -- though I don't know. If Mayana and I don't respond, or if GCW doesn't, or Afrim and so on... Someone will. And don't think I didn't notice that little jibe near the end of your post either.


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : khomus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

Look, I agree, whatever he's quoting from is some first class bullshit. But you've got to understand, he's quoting some pessimistic or existential philosopher. All of which is to say, you guys are taking him way too fucking literally with the time dilation and what would happen to plants and shit.In essence what his post is saying runs something like this. Human beings distract themselves with a bunch of stuff, as somebody put it, they have shit to get done. Work, kids, hobbies, whatever. But if a day where you didn't have to do anything was eternal, eventually you'd get bored with all of the distractions. Now here's where I'm guessing a bit. Once you get bored, like really truly bored such that nothing satisfies, you'll realize this problem of existence, you are, you have being, but what's the point? And you'll realize this because you're bored, because if this stuff that you have to or want to get done isn't a distraction from existence, you'd be doing it, you wouldn't be bored.I'm sorry. I disagree with it philosophically, and I wish Wing would cite his sources because I'm pretty sure that's mostly a really long quote from somebody, and I realize the language isn't the most straightforward thing in the world. But I feel like a lot of you aren't even trying. And that's fine. There's no requirement that you pay attention to it. But then just don't pay attention to it. There's no reason to insult Wing over it all. Nobody's forcing you to read it, or to try and understand it, or to respond to it, and so on. If you think it's gibberish that doesn't make sense to you, cool. I think we all kind of get that by now. I'll also add, while I'm at castigating people, that this wasn't a question. Wing didn't come in asking you for something that he'll then ignore. It's pretty much a big giant statement. You'd think people who have an issue with that and think they're intelligent would have better reading comprehension, but I guess not.


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

Wing, hate to break it to you but ... nobody understands what you're trying to say.This, to be clear, is *not* an encouragement for you to keep explaining it.


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

@Post 1, just calm down and clear your mind, thinking too deep will probably lead to nothing because it's only your brain working, no one's.Then, I don't know who came up with the concept of stopping the time. If time stops, we stop existing, because time is existence. You can do anything with the time but stop it.


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

just think of the essence of bordem a state of bordem that is between acts before doing anything , a state of lucidity in which you are no longer your own subject, time flows differently because then the man which is bored is lucidly contemplating it'snature feeling it's wait, allways outside of it.  He is not an object nnot a subject, he is something more then the world since bordom itself suspends him.   People usually don't have the lucidity of the passing of time, but just think about it it all seems a frozen becoming.   Bordem as universal.


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GrannyCheeseWheel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

Maybe he's from Germany, I hear they detest working on Sundays over there. Either way, ayyp, another acid trip, and look, not even any pretty colors to show for it.


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

I could spend time countering all this utter bullshit, but damn would that be a waste. You'd just ignore it and come back with a whole new "deep" and badly written idea a week or so later. So instead, I shall indulge my -- likely immoral at this point -- hunger for engaging in this nonsense by pointing out something much more simple:So you are trying to tell us that if Sunday afternoons, *when people don't work, were extended for ever, the world would descend into debauchery?*Perhaps it might be wise to do some research on whether the rest of the world holds the Sunday in the same high regard as you, first. Because even here, in a (sadly still) largely Christian-dominated country, we do not. Work would still get done, trust me.But even for those who set aside Sunday as some absolutely special day, it would lose that special status if it was always present, would it not? And new methods of tracking time would be developed, and new holidays would be put in place. Humans are not badly coded machines; you cannot crash some calendar.exe program in our brain and make us stop noticing the passage of time.Your thought experiment sucks.Now granted if there was no more night and no more seasons every living thing on the planet would have to adapt, and I suppose there are some fun things to be said about how plants would adapt to a constant light supply, and how animals used to hunting in the darkness would adjust, and how our natural sleep cycle would suffer until we hopefully managed to evolve ... but of course you do not wish for a discussion about that. Oh dear me no, you just want to preach about how we would all descend into hedonism. Which ... OK, I get it, it's your kink, but dragging the whole human race into it is a bit much, don't you think?So yeah, again, your thought experiment sucks.Damn it, this got longer than I planned, yet again! Hmm, I wonder how far I'd be able to descend into a long-winded forum post-filled debauchery in an eternal Sunday? The horror! 


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

If time stopped, everything would halt. Nothing would happen. Time is critical to the fundamental operation of the universe.


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

To me, Op sounds like he's trying to say what would happen if time could somehow be stopped and days wouldn't pass anymore, meaning there's nothing to keep track of time anymore. And from what I could gather, I disagree entirely with what they said. Humanity is still humanity. People have to get shit done. Even if day and night stopped being, well.. day and night. never mind that debauchery is only doable for those that can afford it, which is only a small percentage of humanity. And even those can't fall forever because eventually, the resources they make their fun with will be used up.


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Meatbag via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

@1you good?


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

I don't even know what to make of this nonsense. What is "the curse of history"? And are we talking about temporal mechanics/temporal theory? Because part of what you posted, OP, makes it sound like an exponential form of time dilation.


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

I stopped reading after the first sentence because it makes absolutely no sensee. There is so much in the original post that is unspecified it makes me wonder how he even cobbled it together in the first place. And that's not even starting in on the rest of it either.


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : stasp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

I feel like this guy has accidentally traveled forward in time like a thousand years.Seriously, stuff like that would be so popular back in the day lmfao.


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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : abdullah_mohammad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday



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Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : targor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

I feel like I would disagree if I understood the post 


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A humanity unbound by all it's reality turned in to an eternal sunday

2021-02-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : wing of eternity via Audiogames-reflector


A humanity unbound by all it's reality  turned in to an eternal sunday

If Sunday afternoons were extended for months, where would humanity get to, liberated from sweat, from the weight of the first curse? The experiment would be worth the trouble. It is more than likely that crime would become the sole diversion, that debauchery would seem candor, shouting melody and jeers tenderness. The sensation of time’s immensity would make each second into an intolerable torment, a sublime firing squad. In hearts imbued with poetry would appear a blasé cannibalism and a hyena’s melancholy; butchers and executioners would die out—of lethargy; churches and brothels would split with sighs. The universe transformed into a Sunday afternoon . . . it is the very definition of ennui, and the end of the universe. . . . Take away the curse hanging over History and it immediately vanishes, like existence itself, in absolute vacancy, exposing its fiction. Labor builds on nothingness, creates and consolidates myths; elementary intoxication, it excites and maintains the belief in “reality"; but contemplation of pure existence, contemplation independent of actions and objects, assimilates only what is not. . . .The idle apprehend more things, are deeper than the industrious: no task limits their horizon; born into an eternal Sunday, they watch-—and watch themselves watching. Sloth is a somatic skepticism, the way the flesh doubts. In a world of inaction, the idle would be the only ones not to be murderers. But they do not belong to humanity, and, sweat not being their strong point, they live without suffering the consequences of Life and of Sin. Doing neither good nor evil, they disdain—spectators of the human convulsion—the weeks of time, the efforts which asphyxiate consciousness. What would they have to fear from a limitless extension of certain afternoons except the regret of having supported a crudely elementary obviousness? Then, exasperation in the truth might induce them to imitate the others and to indulge in the degrading temptation of tasks. This is the danger which threatens sloth, that miraculous residue of paradise.(Love’s one function is to help us endure those cruel and incommensurable Sunday afternoons which torment us for the rest of the week—and for eternity.Without the allurement of the ancestral spasm, we should require a thousand eyes for hidden tears, or else nails to bite, mile-long nails. . . . How else kill this time which no longer passes? On those interminable Sundays the disease of being is utterly plain. Sometimes we manage to forget ourselves in something; but how forget ourselves in the world itself? This impossibility is the definition of the disease. The man who is afflicted by it will never be cured, even if the universe changed altogether. Only his heart should change, but it is unchangeable; hence for him, to exist has only one meaning: to dive into suffering—until the exercise of a day-by-day nirvanization raises him to the perception of unreality. . . .)A world which shall be remmoved of all it's platitudes and false pretentions of the spirit of that spirit which incloses the world absently, from all it's original curse which locked away civilization within it's onw object.


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