Re: Aaron's classic audiogame reviews

2020-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aaron's classic audiogame reviews

Troop two was fun.  Never beat it though.  Plus for me, I tried it after judgement day, which took it down a bit.It always disappointed me though that so often we'd have these games where ships would be static and wouldn't shoot back at you like in actual space invaders.  I could be wrong about this though.Then of course came along audio strike, which ramped things up to insane. 


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Re: Aaron's classic audiogame reviews

2020-03-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aaron's classic audiogame reviews

I'll be starting these again next week. First up will be Troop 2, then Blast Chamber. I don't have a schedule though.I'll even be happy for people to request a game for me to give my thoughts on.


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Re: Aaron's classic audiogame reviews

2020-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aaron's classic audiogame reviews

HiI really like the idea of doing retrospectives of classic audio I support this idea.Regarding Tarzan Junior, I think it is also one of the best games to start on the subject of audio games.Greetings and thanks.


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Re: Aaron's classic audiogame reviews

2020-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aaron's classic audiogame reviews

I tried classic troop when it was first released in 2008 or so, but even then wasn't really bothered, since all of the gameplay elements were replicated in troop 2, with slightly different sounds, so for me, you can move straight on to troop 2, which does hold a lot of nostalgic memories for me.


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Re: Aaron's classic audiogame reviews

2020-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aaron's classic audiogame reviews

classic troopanum reviewDeveloper: bsc gamesDifficulty reviewed: easyrelease: unknown, as this is based on the sort of sound remaster.platform: windowsNo retrospective for this version, as I only recently discovered it. I find this interesting how this game is essentially a remaster the way that graphics are sometimes updated in mainstream games, only this time, it's given a sound overhaul.It's essentially Troopanum 1.6 with new menu music, menu voices, and some new ship sounds.Due to this, I decided to play the game on easy to get used to the new sounds.I like the new menu. It has a sort of 90's scifi sound to it, and there's also a weird little reference to Troopanum 2 when you arrow through, because the beep sounds a bit like the pause music.You probably know the drill by now if you've heard of this game. Center the falling ship in your speakers, and shoot it. This continues with 4 different types of ship, and there are boss ships. It was great reliving some retro memories in a slightly modified package. This version seems to brand it more with the sort of soundscape you'd hear in Troopanum 2, and sometimes at random even Lord Vector will laugh at you for some weird reason.Also, there seems to be something a little different, only a little.The last boss ship had something I don't remember in the original. Now, don't get all excited, it's just a minor detail that's a bit different in the way you deal with the ship, but to say more would spoil it. Do not get too hyped though, it's only a very small detail, not even a puzzle, very very very easy to deal with you'll figure it out in no time more than likely. I just thought that didn't happen on easy, so I was a bit surprised and glad they did what they did.Overall, a fun experience.I have a question for you forumights. Do you want me to review troopanum 1.6 as well? Also, would you possibly like me to go further back and review troop 1.5 if my computer lets me run it, I know they'll kind of be similar, but I could at least compare the soundscapes at the very least.Alternatively, would you guys just like me to skip straight to Troop 2 instead, as troop 1.5, 1.6 and classic troop have similar gameplay to each other, or would you like me to do a retrospective on troop 1.6 because that's the game I first discovered in this series?


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Re: Aaron's classic audiogame reviews

2020-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aaron's classic audiogame reviews

Interesting Aaron. I came to Tarzan Junior two years later in 2006. Due to having to redo one of my masters assignments, I couldn't start my Phd for about six months. So that left me basically living in college with not much to do other than watch dvds (I bought all of startrek tng and Deep space 9 at that point, not to mention Babylon 5), reading, and of course checking out audiogames. After  trying titles that interested me like Shades of doom and Galaxy ranger, and then being surprised how much fun some of the less interesting sounding titles like Blast chamber and Esp pinball were, I decided to play my way through the then entire audiogame database and see what these sound games had to offer.I actually tried Tarzan Junior comparatively early in this process, and I confess, whilst I enjoyed the sounds and atmosphere of the game, the first few levels didn't really impress me enough with the idea that the game should be worth paying for, since as you said, the challenge was rather boppit like. I did enjoy knocking those monkeys off in stage 3 swinging on the vines, it sort of reminded me of Donkey Kong country on the Snes, and I liked how the old demo cut out just after you run into the alpha monkey (talk about a cliff hanger), however I thought if basically the game was a matter of walk forward and hit things or sterreo target, despite the good sounds I don't think there would be enough to interest me in buying the game. Then however, I found an audio demonstration of the game (perhaps the one you mention with Sean randle), and i really liked the sound of some of those later stages, especially Torgon battle and the hunt in the mountain, which sounded much more fun to me as an audiogame. I also redownloaded and installed the demo and tried on insane, and suddenly Smack! there was challenge hitting me right off! so, at about five in the morning I bought the game. I finished easy mode I think about the second ay, but later modes took me a bit more time. i still think the sounds and music here are absolutely awesome, especially all the voice acting (the torgon who trots along going la la la la la la la la la, always make me laugh,especially when you kill him), the problem I always found is that only the last four stages of the game really  as if they belong together or have enough features. Again, the first few stages have good sound and are fun to play, but there isn't a lot other than walk along and hit arrows at the right time, not like finding your way or reloading the torgon gun, and the queen bee battle, nasty though the sounds are, is essentially a one switch game. I was also always a bit disappointed that I rarely saw the catch the coconuts minigame, and usually just got the number simon with the synth voice, - oh and I didn't even know the sling shot actually existed until I'd already completed the game several times .All in all, Tarzan Junior is great fun, indeed I installed it again and played it through, and it's still hilarious, however in a few aspects it does strike me as a collection of ideas vaguely stuck together to form a game, rather than a coherent game planned from the beginning, and some of those ideas are better than others. Still it's always worth a play, and I hope people that haven't tried it before will give it a try. Oh, and btw, to all of those who talk with doom and gloom about "these kids making games," it's also a point that Philip Bennifall came up with something of this quality at the age of fourteen!Lastly, as a couple of nitpicky points, yee gods the game over sequence on tiger fight is down right grusome,  oh and btw, if Tarzan could just grab the bombs from the insane blaster, why did he not do that earlier? Indeed if there were these apparently easily defeatable torgons wandering around with high explosive, why bothr with the gun of power in the first place? Though I will say, the Torgons as enemies are sort of fantastic, more games should feature evil psychotic killer gorillas carrying high tech armourments as enemies, especially when they sound this freaky >


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Re: Aaron's classic audiogame reviews

2020-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aaron's classic audiogame reviews

Interesting Aaron. I came to Tarzan Junior two years later in 2006. Due to having to redo one of my masters assignments, I couldn't start my Phd for about six months. So that left me basically living in college with not much to do other than watch dvds (I bought all of startrek tng and Deep space 9 at that point, not to mention Babylon 5), reading, and of course checking out audiogames. After  trying titles that interested me like Shades of doom and Galaxy ranger, and then being surprised how much fun some of the less interesting sounding titles like Blast chamber and Esp pinball were, I decided to play my way through the then entire audiogame database and see what these sound games had to offer.I actually tried Tarzan Junior comparatively early in this process, and I confess, whilst I enjoyed the sounds and atmosphere of the game, the first few levels didn't really impress me enough with the idea that the game should be worth paying for, since as you said, the challenge was rather boppit like. I did enjoy knocking those monkeys off in stage 3 swinging on the vines, it sort of reminded me of Donkey Kong country on the Snes, and I liked how the old demo cut out just after you run into the alpha monkey (talk about a cliff hanger), however I thought if basically the game was a matter of walk forward and hit things or sterreo target, despite the good sounds I don't think there would be enough to interest me in buying the game. Then however, I found an audio demonstration of the game (perhaps the one you mention with Sean randle), and i really liked the sound of some of those later stages, especially Torgon battle and the hunt in the mountain, which sounded much more fun to me as an audiogame. I also redownloaded and installed the demo and tried on insane, and suddenly Smack! there was challenge hitting me right off! so, at about five in the morning I bought the game. I finished easy mode I think about the second ay, but later modes took me a bit more time. i still think the sounds and music here are absolutely awesome, especially all the voice acting (the torgon who trots along going la la la la la la la la la, always make me laugh,especially when you kill him), the problem I always found is that only the last four stages of the game really  as if they belong together or have enough features. Again, the first few stages have good sound and are fun to play, but there isn't a lot other than walk along and hit arrows at the right time, not like finding your way or reloading the torgon gun, and the queen bee battle, nasty though the sounds are, is essentially a one switch game. I was also always a bit disappointed that I rarely saw the catch the coconuts minigame, and usually just got the number simon with the synth voice, - oh and I didn't even know the sling shot actually existed until I'd already completed the game several times .All in all, Tarzan Junior is great fun, indeed I installed it again and played it through, and it's still hilarious, however in a few aspects it does strike me as a collection of ideas vaguely stuck together to form a game, rather than a coherent game planned from the beginning, and some of those ideas are better than others. Still it's always worth a play, and I hope people that haven't tried it before will give it a try. Oh, and btw, to all of those who talk with doom and gloom about "these kids making games," it's also a point that Philip Bennifall came up with something of this quality at the age of fourteen!Lastly, as a couple of nitpicky points, yee gods the game over sequence on tiger fight is down right grusome,  oh and btw, if Tarzan could just grab the bombs from the insane blaster, why did he not do that earlier? Indeed if there were these apparently easily defeatable torgons wandering around with high explosive, why bothr with the gun of power in the first place? Though I will say, the Torgons as enemies are sort of fantastic, more games should feature evil psychotic killer gorillas carrying high tech armourments as enemies, especially when they sound this freaky >


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Re: Aaron's classic audiogame reviews

2020-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aaron's classic audiogame reviews

Review and retrospective of Tarzan JuniorDeveloper: pb-gamesRelease 2004 ishplatform: windowsI remember the first ever time playing Tarzan Junior, it was the concept demo of the game. This one had you using the numpad to walk left and right, and the spacebar for your spear. YOu could also press w to change to slingshot.This was also how I was first introduced to Sean Randal, as he created audio tutorials for the game.Quite some time later, there was a review of an updated beta of the game posted publicly on pb-game's website, also by Sean Randal. This one showed off levels 1 to 5.A few months later, the game was released, but back then, I didn't have a credit card or PayPal. So I ended up going on to the ACB Radio's SpeakEasy voice chat server here and there, ebcause people would talk about the game and would stream some of the levels.Eventually, pb-games added PayPal, and by this time, I had my own, so was able to buy the game.My review:Now, it's hard to believe this game is a decade old, at least. It is primarily a side scrolling experience, but is a bit different too.Firstly, here's a criticism. In the manual, there's seemingly no mention of the w key for switching weapons between the spear and the slingshot, although the slingshot itself is mentioned several times.Apart from that, the manual is fairly well written.As I said in my earlier post, I chose medium as the difficulty for my run, and I think that was a wise decision, as it was quite the challenge.I always found it funny how in level 1 for the final version, you could literally only walk forward. Interestingly as well, whenever you encountered an event, you can not move until the event is finished, such as battling an enemy.It's also amusing how every time you walked forward, you'd hear your footstep on your right, and the bonus object grabbing was essentially bop it whereby you pressed the space bar as quick as possible.What I find so interesting is how each level really seems different from the last. Level 2, Tiger Fight, definitely feels like a chase. The first bonus round has you collecting coconuts with the arrow keys, but the thing that always surprised me was if you had more than 4 lives, you wouldn't be taken there. I don't really know if that's fair or not, I'm on the fence about that decision. Level 3 really made me feel like Tarzan, leaping from vine to vine and sometimes having to do the odd swim. Or get killed by a pesky monkey. Although, saying that, it's also very untarzan like because I thought Tarzan always wanted to help the animals?The alpha monkey is essentially a puzzle, very easy to figure out, but still fun when it happens.Level 4 Honey Hunt has a fourth wall break that still made me laugh even now, and is very different to level 2. By this point, you can now walk forwards and backwards, as walking backwards gets unlocked in the boss of this level.I was able to remember around 11 numbers on the second bonus round.I really enjoyed level 5. It felt the most, well, audiogame like, your footsteps were in the center and there was always a lot of action.Level 6 is essentially a Tarzan version of Troopanum, although this time there's the rail shooter element where you shoot the enemies and then reload, which brings back memories of my time in the arcades. Plus there's the insane blaster to contend with. I also really like the callback to the music in this level, as it's the music heard in level 5's cutscene.Level 7, the final fight, that leader fight is just hilarious and whimsicle. I'll come back to that in a sec.Level 8 took me a little while to figure out again. I actually thought I wouldn't make it. You need to time your jumps very well.Now, onto the leader. This game has a fun feature where you can play each level by itself, so I ended up doing essentially a speedrun on easy of this battle. I think I got down to around 12 seconds as I got very lucky with my shots.Overall, I still think this game holds up, even now. The sounds have a charm of their own, the levels are varied, and as a result, the gameplay is a fun way to spend half an hour or so if you were to beat it all at once. However, the insane difficulty is just that: insane, I'm struggling with level 1.So, if you can't tell already, I still enjoyed this game even after all this time. I'm still a bit surprised that the w key no longer seems to be in the manual, anywhere.


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Re: Aaron's classic audiogame reviews

2020-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : arjan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aaron's classic audiogame reviews

Fun times for sure!


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Re: Aaron's classic audiogame reviews

2020-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aaron's classic audiogame reviews

Awesome. I remember those old audiogames so well. I look forward to see your reviews as well.


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Re: Aaron's classic audiogame reviews

2020-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aaron's classic audiogame reviews

Erin. Are you trying to become the Jay Leno of Audiogames? ! Yeah It  would be interestin to see someone play some of the older games. I never got TZ Jr to work. The stupid help file ops up, and if i dismiss the pop up, the whole game closes off. Stupidness.


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Re: Aaron's classic audiogame reviews

2020-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aaron's classic audiogame reviews

cool idea Aaron, I'm excited to see your reviews.


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Re: Aaron's classic audiogame reviews

2020-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aaron's classic audiogame reviews

Lol aaron, Tarzan Junior actually gets pretty tough at higher difficulties. i did complete it on insane way back when, though I don't know if I could manage now. Interestingly enough I just used the bscfix program to install Hunter, classic pipe and troopanum 2 (sadly I couldn't get blast chamber to work, and I never bothered with Troopanum 1 since it was basically the same game as troop 2 just with different sounds).So, I'll be interested to get your thoughts. Also a nice way to introduce newer gamers to some classics.


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Aaron's classic audiogame reviews

2020-03-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Aaron's classic audiogame reviews

Hi all,As a spin-off from the Super Liam: I just experienced Nostalgia topic, I've been going on a crazy retro spree lately, going through the audiogaming classics.So, inspired by Bookrage's Choice of Games reviews topic, I thought I'd do one that goes through the games as I play, doing a mixture of reviews and retrospectives, perhaps even a bit of both at once.However, I'm changing up the rules a bit as well in terms of how I'm playing.With the exception of the BSC rebrandings (i.e: classic troopanum instead of just troopanum 1.6), I am trying to play games on higher difficulties other than easy when available.As such, the game I'm trying to get through is Tarzan Junior. I am using medium as difficulty of choice for this run, and it's actually tough! Instead of a full review at first, I'll let you guys know how I've got on.I've been playing this game throughout the week on several different days.First game, I literally forgot about the slingshot, so I got to level 5and then got a time up on the mountain.Second game, death by bee.Third game, death by jump and monkey choke.Fourth game (on insane!), death by missing a vine... on level 1! That was embarrassing.Funniest moment by far: Vine speed round first try: score of 0 points by genuinely walking into the pit by accident, as there's no wo sound. I wish I'd recorded that, I think you would have laughed.I think my current vine speed round is around 65 or so.


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