Re: An idea: How to bring audio gaming to the blind community world wide

2016-12-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : razvitasca via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An idea: How to bring audio gaming to the blind community world wide

Hi all. I really like the idea @slj toughtat in this topic. If this will be implemented, i will be really glad to support my country. There are soo much blind users here who don't speak english at all.@slj, is ok if i can take the same idea as you, recording playtroughs of games? Sorry if it's something bad or things like that.Anyway, really good idea and i can't whait to see it implemented! Nice idea, i'm saying this again! 


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Re: An idea: How to bring audio gaming to the blind community world wide

2016-12-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An idea: How to bring audio gaming to the blind community world wide

HiWhat happens is that the translation method depends on each game. Some games are easy to translate, like aprone games, which use a language file. Others like the paladin of the sky had to create a dictionary for NVDA with the translation of the game. greetings and thanks.


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Re: An idea: How to bring audio gaming to the blind community world wide

2016-12-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An idea: How to bring audio gaming to the blind community world wide

@FabiG94: I'm glad all those games has been translated into spanish. This is fantastic. I wander how people manage to get the time to translate all those games. My point is: All those games will never be translated into more than 40 languages world wide. Maybe the spanish community will be interested to share how you translate the games?@Thakur ishan: Thanks for your comments.


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Re: An idea: How to bring audio gaming to the blind community world wide

2016-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An idea: How to bring audio gaming to the blind community world wide

Hi slj! I am glad that you have an idea. it can be implemented if we can do it in a right manner. well I have some points to raise I represent India a southern Asian country. Where most of the blind just want to find their jobs. When I talk to their dreams they just nuetralised or just don't want to reveal. Most of the people don't use twitter Skype or team talk. even we have to teach them that how to swipe the phone like android. Yes there are a lot of organisations who are working for us but they never thought about a game for VI people. a person Bhargav who is a python programmer appriciated my Idea of learning BGT and to produce audio games. and lastly India's blind want everything free. yeah these are some problems and we have to overcome them one by one. lastly I appeal you that are you interested to make India better? please suggest some Ideas. ThanksIshan


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Re: An idea: How to bring audio gaming to the blind community world wide

2016-12-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An idea: How to bring audio gaming to the blind community world wide

Let me ask: How many games have you translated into your own language? Do you know how much time it takes? Some developers are saying that their games can't be translated for some reason I don't know. I would like to see you translate 30 games into your own language.


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Re: An idea: How to bring audio gaming to the blind community world wide

2016-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An idea: How to bring audio gaming to the blind community world wide

Hi.I agree that it would be awesome to translate the games into all languages. But Crashmaster got my point. There are more than 35 languages world wide. Who should translate the games into all those languages? What about those games which simply can't be translated because of the way the code is written?Here is what I'm going to do here in my country, for free:I'll make something like PG13. Not to copy what those great guys are doing, but to have something simular in my country. I will make gameplays where I explain how to play the different games and explain what everything means, so people will be able to play the game afterwards. If I do this correctly, I don't need to translate the games.For many years, I have asked questions about games for people in my country who don't speak english. I have also contacted developers a few time.The closest we have come to a massive translation of a game is Undead Assault. I would like t
 o see people translate a game into even more languages.


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Re: An idea: How to bring audio gaming to the blind community world wide

2016-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An idea: How to bring audio gaming to the blind community world wide

Hi.Hmmm your idea sounds interesting.I could probably do this but I only do english.At sonaar interactive we would like everyone to play in other languages to but who may I ask will fund it.Its all well and good to say make this and that go but to be honest it costs cash, lots of cash.Maybe several hundred to several thousand dollars per language.I mean look at the audiohub kickstart game 6000 bucks mimimal for everything and thats only for english maybe I don't know exactly the breakdown.Who will pay for a language translation, who will give the devs the translation.Who will pay to host the translation, who will pay for people to put the translations in.Most blind devs are 1 man bands and others well are small companies.I think we at sonnar do english and maybe polish since jarek is from poland but to be honest, most devs only speak one language.Its not as easy as plugging it in.Slj For that and only tha
 t I'd just have to dismiss your idea completely as a wishy washy waste of time and probably impossible unless a centralised place could be put up, somehow funded in addition to what I allready posted.I mean it could be done, but its a heck of an undertaking.I don''t mean to discourage you or anyone else but its a real thing to do.On the other hand if dark doesn't mind we could expand this forum since it is a centralised place, its secured, and we could add extra rooms but thats only half of it.You could ask the admins on audiogamehub I guess to and we could see it as one of the many projects.You do realise that you need a domain, an actual domain, for the site either that or one for each country, you need the site hosted, maybe a cloud service or something, as well as the people.Then you would have to have some sort of help 24 hours a day, since not everyone is up every hour of the day you would need a lot of people.<br /
 >ANd if that was a job they would have to be payed.Maybe making devs aware and getting them to translate will work where possible but I don't know.I mean if you can manage it, c concidder me employed, but you can't just go and say lets do this and that without thinking about it.Sorry to burst your bubble but have you seriously thought how you would fund or manage such an undertaking.I have at least 3 cases where this was not mannaged.Case 1, earlier on a developer wanted to make a blind/ sighted hybred of treasure island.He started off strong, but ordered sound techs and testers before he even started a game.He is gone now and his game with him.2.  someone on skype was making a game, he wanted cash to buy sounds and stuff, he wanted voices, he got voices from me but no cash.His idea was the same as yours slj, he is gone to.3.  recently at the end of last year, someone else over skype had a idea for a ga
 ming company, it was good, the website looked good.He needed cash for some simple resources, hosting ftp client etc.I gave him that cash, the site looked good, the game was a bit crappy but it would get better his trailers looked good.He got busy suddenly he is offline, he hardly updated and 6 months ago after I asked him he updated and said he was busy.He is gone now I can only assume burned out or to busy to do things.There are 3 people and at least 2 of those meant well, one which I funded expecting a return of some sort.I don't expect I will ever get the cash back from that one.This indicates to me a few things.1.  either all 3 of them were stupit fat lazy good for nothing wankers or.2.  they have lives and didn't realise what they were getting into or.3.  and most likely that being a dev is a hard life for anyone.Look at reality software, juggling life and online activities is a really ha
 rd thing to do.And if you aren't watching you burn and I mean burn big time.Sonnar is the only company which hasn't burnt yet, its slow but steady.The games we have out while small are good enough to get us on the ladder.I tried to program, I didn't like it.I pulled back from the computer to have a life, that doesn't mean I don't spend most of my time or as much as I can on the system its just I don't commit to to many things at once especially if its an ongoing online task because I know I will never keep up with it.Look at blindsoftware, justin was doing well, he could spend his life on it till he got a real life.He has one now now he's done.So being a total tech takes time.I think you really need to think really hard, look how much cloud hosting costs, look how much making voices for different languages with acters cost, look how much it will be to translate things etc is, look at what you ne
 ed to do.To be honest you may get a short time success but its unlikely it will be more than that.If you think after you finnish really crunching the numbers if you want to try for it be my guest.For a cloud solution dropbox pro at 9 bucks a month will give you 1tb of storage. there is also things like clou

Re: An idea: How to bring audio gaming to the blind community world wide

2016-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An idea: How to bring audio gaming to the blind community world wide

Hi.My goal is not to make a site in other languages than english. It wouldn't be possible to translate all games into all languages. My goal is to make a list of helpers who wanna help people who don't speak english to understand how the various games are played. I'm just not sure on how to do this...


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Re: An idea: How to bring audio gaming to the blind community world wide

2016-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sean-Terry01 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An idea: How to bring audio gaming to the blind community world wide

I can't even remember what the title was, or even if there was one.


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Re: An idea: How to bring audio gaming to the blind community world wide

2016-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sean-Terry01 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An idea: How to bring audio gaming to the blind community world wide

What about other games that are in other languages but we want them to be possibly done in English as well? I have a Proto type of a zombie game that is completely Spanish. But is got a lot of sounds and things. It is a side Scroller. I wish it would could be in English!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: An idea: How to bring audio gaming to the blind community world wide

2016-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: An idea: How to bring audio gaming to the blind community world wide

I really like this idea, I would gladly represent my country. for this to really work we need a central forum, like this one, with the addition of a room for each language where each country representant can keep it's community up to dte. Now each country has it's small forums but they aren't updated regularly or they have very few members.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

An idea: How to bring audio gaming to the blind community world wide

2016-12-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


An idea: How to bring audio gaming to the blind community world wide

Hi all, gamers and developers.Did you know there are many blind people world wide who don't speak english? Yes, I think all of you know that, but might not have thought much about it.Most audiogames requires the gamer to understand a lot of english, meaning many blind people world wide who don't speak english is left behind. I could imagine many developers having difficulties when communicating with people who aren't good at english, and many people are finding it difficult to explain themself.Thankfully, this issue has grown very much the last few years, because more and more people world wide are getting access to computers, smartphones and other devices where they can play games. That means so many people want to play games, which is just awesome! Think about all those gamers out there who are not registered on this forum. Think about all those people out there who try their best to play audiogames, but don't speak english at all. Think abo
 ut all those who give up playing, because they don't speak english. I tell you, there are a ton of people out there...I have thought about all this for quite some time, and I have an idea, which might bring us a ton of more gamers world wide, if we do it the right way.We could make a list of people, who represent each country. Those people are responsible for two things:1. Try their best to keep people up to date regarding to new releases, and do the best to explain how to play the various games in their own language.2. Contact the developers behave on the people who don't speak english regarding to questions, issues and bugs etc.Those people who represent the countries should speak and write english as fluently as possible.If we do this right, this will make everyone happy. Both the developers and the gamers. The developers will get so many more people playing their games. The downside with this idea is: If we do this the wrong way, it 
 will start flamewars and destroy most of the community.I mean, some requirements for the people who represent each country are needed. Those people should be neutral when it comes to communicating with the developers because of issues, getting banned, not understanding the rules etc. I think some people who controls all this and maybe choose people who request to represent their country is needed. Like someone who are sitting at the top, doing their best to make sure everything is going well. People who are trying to sort it all out if flamewars is happening because of misunderstanding etc.I'm just not sure on how to do this right. What do you all think about all this? Thoughts, ideas and comments both good and bad are very much welcome. I would like to see as many peoples opinions on this as possible, because if we do this right, it might change everything in the audio gaming community in the future.


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